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Monday, June 30, 2008

Kibaki Leads by Example and From Infront

While Kenyans are busy shouting themselves horse on the sale of Grand Regency Hotel, HE President Kibaki is operating at a wavelength higher than the rest doing what he knows best for the country. Kibaki is in Cairo attending AU summit of head of states. Always staying above the fray, Kibaki has his eyes singularly trained on SERVING Kenyans via focused economic growth while other populists politicians waste valuable time screaming empty threats and directives to a club they don’t belong to.

True to his character of leading by example and from in front, President Kibaki has moved ahead of noisy Kenyans and directed Orengo to clear the confusion arising from Kimunya’s MISSPEAKING that the GR Hotel was actually bought by indigenous and industrious Kenyans who had the presence of mind to invest heavily their hard-earned capital locally. Kenyans must therefore disregard the press and Camera footage that MISQUOTED Kimunya as stating that the deal was not between the Government of Kenya and the Libyan Government.

There are only 9 unique digits and numbers are known to tell plenty of lies. So Kenyans must stop this madness and obsession with Ksh 2.9. Through prompt actions, Kibaki is urging Kenyans to see the forest and avoid the detraction from thorny trees as propagated by enemies of development. The president of actions and few words is indirectly telling Kenyans through his Minister Orengo that Ksh. 2.9b and Ksh. 1.85b are nothing but clever permutation of numbers between 0-9 nothing more. Moreover, the difference is statistically INSIGNIFICANT when rounded off to the nearest 10. The registrar at Lands office (Mr Mulee) is neither stupid nor can he BETRAY and misuse his office to change figures arbitrarily from Sh2.5 billion to Sh1.85 billion. Orengo must stop splitting hairs.

True leadership as practiced by Kibaki is evident in contracting his own Minister’s law firm to keep government secrets and business safe. You cannot fail to notice the President’s insight in directing Wetangula-Adan-Makokha law firm to act for both Central Bank of Kenya and the Libya Arab African Investment Company Kenya Limited. That is massive cost cutting if you ask me and promoting local talent plus showing trust of business to your lieutenants. Otherwise the red tape of allowing AG Wako to act on behalf of the CBK/Government) would amount to driving private firms out of business.

Populist bridesmaid
While our hard working president is busy meeting brother Leader Muamar Gaddafi on the sidelines of AU summit for further investment, some pea-brained MPs are busy disrupting peace in seeking permit to protest about things they cannot comprehend. Demonstrate on what for what against whom? Well our police have shown their capability to guard grass for weeks on end and the DOMO MPs are well taken care of. And by the way why would they strive to lock the kraal when the horse bolted long time ago? The brainy CBK Governor Prof Ndungu witnessed and finalized the transfer of GR almost two weeks ago on June 20. By the time the loud-mouthed MPs would be demonstrating, the new owners would be almost 24 hours old in their job after the OFFICIAL takeover last midnight.

Kenyans interested in development must all rally behind President Kibaki who is sparing no effort to make a clean sweep of what was left from Moi’s ruinous 24 years. All the hot air about PAC grilling and cabinet sub-committee is an attempt by a bridesmaid to have a piece of action during the real maid’s big occasion. The pecking order is clear and juinior ministers like Orengo will soon be disabused of his activist mindset before he mellows with responsibility. Kazi iendelee.

Grand Regency Hotel Scam: What Kenyans Still Don’t Know

Is The “Blood” Hotel also the Cursed Hotel?

There are many folks who have left comments in this blog trying to suggest that there is no big deal with the sale of the Grand Regency hotel to Libyans.

These sentiments no doubt come from a position of ignorance.

There are many very important facts that these good Kenyans do not realize.

And my list does NOT include the obvious fact that public property must be sold openly to the highest bidder. Not secretly with the transaction finalized in Amos Kimunya’s favourite bar to avoid the attention of other nosy cabinet colleagues.

Firstly it is important to note that the Kshs 2.9 billion paid will NOT go to the public coffers. In fact this is cash that has mostly already been spent in PNU campaigns in the last ill-fated general elections of last December. In other words the hotel was traded for party politics.

As we pointed out in our earlier article (which was rubbished by most commentators as usual, but has now come to pass) this is a deal that was sealed in June 2007 when your duly elected president went to beg for presidential campaign funds in Libya. Since then Kibaki has been under such intense pressure from Col. Muammar Gaddafi to honour the deal and Kimunya “accidentally” alluded to that during the press conference where he confirmed that the secret sale had taken place after all. And after earlier appearing on national TV to tell Kenyans that the Grand Regency sale saga was a rumour from some bar.

To make matters worse the Grand Regency did not even rightfully belong to Paul Pattni (or Kamlesh Pattni, or whatever you want to call him) in the first place. While he did pay some money to gain control of it, the truth is that part of the purchase price was paid in human blood. The legitimate owners of the hotel were the Aslam family (remember the former majority shareholder and owner of Pan African bank, Mohammed Aslam who “conveniently” died under mysterious circumstances the day before he was supposed to give evidence in the Ouko commission investigating the still unsolved murder of the late foreign affairs minister?). Aslam’s wife was hurriedly given a pittance in cash to flee the country with her frightened children and forget about the hotel. Which she did.

Impeccable sources assure me (sorry to use this nasty American expression) that the human waste is about to hit the fan. Other political fires that have been quietly burning for quite a while are now well above boiling point. Top ODM party officials are livid because Francis Muthaura, on instructions from the duly elected president, has been transferring civil servants seen to be sympathetic to ODM all over the place. This Grand Regency saga would seem to be the perfect opportunity for them to go for PNU’s jugular. There is no doubt on my mind, based on the information that I have, that ODM are planning something BIG. I have no idea what it is, but this has to be a tense moment for the nation and our infant coalition government.

The words of South African judge Yohann Kriegler last week are still echoing in my mind.

The judge said (while hitting out at political parties for sending hecklers to his public hearings at the KICC last week in an effort to swing the commissions’ sentiments in their favour); “Politics is not for sissies.”

How true.

Kenyans and others abroad can now operate as if they were in Kenya. Invest, supervise their investments, find a clean budget hotel, buy land, pay their old mother’s electricity bills etc.

P.S. Exactly how much did Presidential candidate Mwai Kibaki spend on his presidential campaign last year? The latest Kumekucha’s raw notes explores that question in great detail but what will shock most Kenyans is the other source of those funds (apart from the Libyans) according to knowledgeable sources.