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Friday, February 23, 2007

Controversial Koigi wa Wamwere Set To Launch His Chama Cha Mapinduzi Party Next Month

Koigi wa Wamwere is probably the most controversial MP in the current parliament and taking his equally controversial past in consideration, his friends and foes will agree that his decision to form a political party next month came as no surprise.

The former detainee of the Moi era is well known for his defiance against authority that led to his detention and subsequent flight to Sweden where he was offered asylum only to return shortly before Moi relinquished power.

He easily captured the Subukia parliamentary seat during the 2002 elections and went on to shave his dreadlocks as a sign that the 'struggle for freedom' was over after the defeat of Kanu but little did he know that he would soon end up disagreeing with the Kibaki administration and Narc-K.

Koigi is to launch his new party next month after accusing Narc and Narc-Kenya of failing the people of Kenya by playing the politics of money and instead of that of issues to convince the electorate to vote for them this time round.

What many political observers appreciate about Koigi's bitterness with the Kibaki administration is the fact that this administration now has a rather cozy relationship with former president Moi whom Koigi still hates with passion.

Being from the same tribe as the president, Koigi's move to form a political party will probably not make much a big impact but considering the fact that ethnicity and tribalism is still deeply entrenched in Kenya. The move will however embarrass the head of state.

Koigi's intention of 'moving out' of the government has already attracted hostility from his constituents who burnt his effigy a few days ago before taking him to task yesterday over the expenditure of the constituency development fund.

It is now evident that the government will field a strong and well-funded candidate to contest the Subukia parliamentary seat and ensure that Wamwere is beaten as he has become a 'traitor' in the Kibaki administration by not supporting his re-election bid.

In spite of all that Koigi is going through, he remains among the sober politicians in Kenya today and always seems to be fighting for justice and equality even if it means rubbing the government he serves the wrong way.

The past five years may not necessarily have been Koigi's best as a politician and even if he is among the few voices in government who perpetually condemn corruption, his quest for justice might just sadly cost him his parliamentary seat.

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Assistant Minister Wants Abortion Legalized In Kenya

Assistant minister of Health, Enock Kibunguchy has dared to tread where most fear to tread. Yesterday he suggested that the government should consider legalizing abortion so as to save lives.

According to Dr Kibunguchy who is a gynecologist, over 3,000 Kenyan girls die annually as a result of back street abortions where the victims only go to hospital when complications arise like losing too much blood.

Unfortunately, thousands more girls die in the hands of quacks at home in cases that go unreported and unnoticed by the same society which insists that abortion must remain illegal.

The argument is that if the abortions were legalized, the back street operators would not exist and girls could go to public health institutions to have their pregnancies terminated by qualified medical personnel hence making it safe.

Moralists say it is not only wrong to legalize abortion but add it is ungodly and must never be legalized whatever the case. The church's stand is similar and they add the best way of dealing with the problem is for teenagers and the unmarried to desist from pre-marital sex and wait until they are married.

This is off course the best way to curb the problem but matters dealing with sex are very hard to control since its taboo to discuss and many see the church's stand as not being practical considering the vagaries of modern living.

The church is also against the use of condoms and other contraceptives as this goes against Gods teachings on procreation hence the reason why the church still advocates for people to abstain when it comes to the fight against AIDS.

Scientists on the other hand insist that plenty of lives will be saved by legalizing abortion but moralists say it will only increase immorality and casual sex among teenagers since on getting pregnant, they will simply get an abortion probably for free at a public institution.

Currently the law only accepts a doctor to procure an abortion if the pregnancy endangers the life of the mother or if the foetus develops complications that could lead to a still born.

This being an election year and majority of Kenyans being God fearing citizens, the church's stand will prevail and abortion will remain illegal. The scientists and those proposing for the legalization for abortion might have to wait for a very long time to get a hearing.

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