Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

What Moi Would Have Probably Done To Deal With Anglo Leasing Scandal That Almost Brought Down Kibaki

What Moi Would Have Probably Done To Deal With Anglo Leasing Scandal That Almost Brought Down Kibaki

Had the self proclaimed professor of Politics still been President…

Mere speculation this, but based on the professor of politics’ track record and ability to make a political about-turn for the sake of survival.

1) Sack 2 ministers mentioned in the Nation report and move with speed to announce that full investigations are being carried out.

Do not be fooled. The idea here is to give the public and the donors, the impression that something is being done. People forget quickly. Give them everything to help them forget quickly. Meanwhile these changes will not affect the kitchen cabinet and his close aides, sit it is business as usual. Of course precautions will be taken to be more careful the next time. This one would work very well with the donors and upcountry voters (the vast majority of voters). So even if Nairobians continued to make their usual noise its’ effects would be diffused.

2) Speak publicly about the scandal, distancing the government from corruption

When the youthful President John F. Kennedy was faced with the Bay of Pigs scandal – a botched up CIA operation to overthrow the Cuban government of Fidel Castro that went badly wrong with heavy loss of life – he chose to take it head on. He addressed the nation, took full responsibility and apologized. It worked like a dream, diffusing the situation and catching critics flat-footed. His ratings soared.

Moi was no Kennedy but he knew the power of communicating to the public in a sincere-looking way. He would have denounced the scandal at one of his many public road-side rallies. The professor of politics would have looked very angry and talked at length about how corruption affects the poor mwananchi for who he stands for.

He would probably have said something like, "Hii Shetani Anglo-leasing tutaimaliza.." (This devil, Anglo-leasing, we will finish him.)

3) Distribute money behind the scenes like crazy

Money answers all things. It is amazing the things you can get people to do after handing over a couple of million shillings to them. The Moi administration had perfected the art of combining money and the sheer muscle of government to get things done and to even reverse public opinion.

The ordinary mwananchi does not know the finer details and why the Moi administration had to be removed but at the time Kibaki was grappling with Anglo Leasing, many ordinary Kenyans were clearly stating their feelings at the time;

"Afadhali Moi," they were saying. (Moi was better.)


The day Kibaki wives fought over inheriting his parliamentary seat

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