Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

What happened to Oscar Sudi's old clothes?

We have been discussing corruption for decades. Please note the fact that "we have been discussing" but doing very little against it or making any serious attempts to stop it. 

We even have a government agency designed to fight corruption, but alas, nothing is changing and nothing has changed. Indeed corruption is getting worse and I believe we're all very aware that corruption is not limited to any side of the political divide it cuts right across the political divide.

Today, there are quite a number of people close to the William Samoi Ruto government who before the elections were living in Syokimau. That's in the outskirts of Nairobi close to a place called Athi River (it is technically in neighbouring Machakos county). 
UDA corruption

Houses in this place are cheap and there's been a lot of Chinese construction. In fact in the year 2015, there were actually bed sitters for sale for under a million Kenya shillings in this area. 

And so after Ruto came into power the same people close to Ruto and UDA are now purchasing homes in Karen. Phew... financially speaking it is a very long way from Syokimau to Karen. It is like Nairobi to London. And these people achieved that milestone in months. So the question has to be; where did they get the money? And so suddenly at that?

Did they get the money from winning a lottery, so many of them at the same time? Or where exactly did this money come from? Well, it's pretty obvious it came from corruption. 

Let me give you another quick example. You know there's a saying that the devil is in the details... Well, there is a politician called Oscar Sudi. Simply review all the photos and clips before the elections August 9th 2022 and then look at the photographs of the same man today. The man has changed his dressing. Amazing!! 

So what has changed? The man seems to have completely overturned his wardrobe and gotten a complete new (very classy and expensive) wardrobe. From shoes or shall I say from head to toe, this is a very different man. 

Bottom line, in my opinion it is a waste of time and it is a waste of breath and it is even a waste of going to court purporting to fight corruption in Kenya. You will NEVER win. 

Let me give you a quick brief story to illustrate what I'm saying. In 2013, the National Rainbow Coalition government, the most popularly elected government in the history of Kenya and probably the only legally, genuinely elected government in our history (apart from the Independence Parliament) a government led by Mwai Kibaki as it swept into power the clarion call was zero tolerance to corruption. Strangely enough
zero tolerance to corruption is a phrase that has re-emerged. This time in the statement of Felix Koskei, the head of the public service. That zero-tolerance-to-corruption statement is accompanied by a photograph where Koskei is looking very annoyed and very serious. That has to be hilarious knowing our country and what UDA people are doing even as we speak.

Anyway as Mwai Kibaki swept into power, there is evidence to suggest that he seriously tried to deal with this corruption monster. One of the first things the Kibaki administration did was to commission something called the Kroll report (I covered this extensively in my Kumekucha blog at the time). 

The Kroll report was a real shocker. Those who thought corruption in Kenya was serious, were still shocked when they read this report. You know a Moi crony had even registered a company called The Republic of Kenya. Of course the implications of this is that a cheque written out to the Kenyan government, maybe even by donors, would go straight into this individual account. 

And the same Kroll report had a scene in it fit to appear in any Hollywood Blockbuster movie. It was that of President Daniel Toroitich Moi, then still in power, and sometime in 2002 before the elections later that year. Moi went to Switzerland with his favored son Gideon Moi and they were moving from bank to bank in a small taxi with no security detail. They looked like just any ordinary Africans in Switzerland. What were they doing? They were driving from bank to bank to bank to change the particulars and details of the account holder from father to son. 

And the funds in question were of course corruption funds from Kenyan taxpayers stashed away in Swiss accounts.
It was also in the Kroll report that I first discovered the way sugar was imported into the country to finance elections and make people a lot of money very quickly. The ships would dock offshore and speedboats would be sent to fetch the sacks of sugar. Casual laborers would be hired to receive the sugar on the beach and load them on to lorries. No Customs check. No duty. This cheap duty-free sugar is then quickly sold to Kenyans at the usual price. 

And of course the man who was in charge of this operation was one of the main financiers of Daniel Moi's presidential campaign both in 1992 and 1997. 

I mean the Kroll report was just sad, and that is an understatement.

In the end the Kibaki administration did NOT follow up on the contents of the damning report and did nothing against corruption in Kenya despite starting off with so much determination.

Fast forward to the present. And nothing has changed. In fact corruption today under the William Samoei Ruto government is on steroids. Or shall we say it has gone viral? And that one is very clear for everybody to see. But there's nothing you and I can do about it. 

This corruption problem is more complex and more complicated than most Kenyans realize. 

In 2003 after Mwai Kibaki was completely defeated to fight this monster called corruption, one would have thought that the least that the Kaki government would have done would have been to expose and take at least a few people to court. So that Kibaki would own the legacy of having started a serious fight against corruption. Nothing like that happened and it is for a very simple reason which is still is very applicable today. 

Let's take the perfect example from the president now since the Ruto Administration took over, they have been telling us that former president Uhuru Kenyatta took off with sack-loads of cash. Now the next logical thing they should have done after telling us this, would have been to prosecute those who were involved in corruption under the Uhuru Administration. Starting with something called the SGR scandal and quickly moving on to something called the Eurobond  scam.

More so because these politicians have all the information they know exactly where all that money went. So they should have started if they were serious about fighting corruption. 

So, why didn't they persecute? It's very simple. 

Let's just imagine a situation where a Ruto handler says; let's take the SGR people to court. Okay, who are the chief suspects? Answer; suspect No 1 - UDA suspect number two - UDA. Suspect number three - Uhuru's man. Okay let's focus on that Uhuru man and taken them to court. But an aide would quickly respond in panic; But sir, you cannot delink him in evidence from suspect number one and suspect number two both of them are in the mix. And the idea of prosecution ends right there, before it has even started.

This is a situation where a person who is filthy dirty and covered in mud from head to toe is trying to clean somebody else. How will that work? That is the big tragedy in Kenya. 

But I have some good news for you. Although I know most of will not believe. You see we are in the season of judgment and I'm telling you corruption is very high in the list of the sins of Kenya that must be judged.

Folks, you don't need to believe me but one day in the very, very near future corruption in government in Kenya will be a thing of the past.

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NEXT blog post;

Prices of used cars in Kenya shoot up and through the roof

The Story of the Foreign Spy in Kenya's Government

Spiritual Law Sabotaging Your Finances and Marriage: You will always be broke and short of cash

Decoding Uhuru's Silence on Raila's AU Job: Hidden Messages Revealed

Other blog posts

Magistrates in Kenya: Two different "CCTV" Faces Of The Judiciary In Kenya

Nobody wants Felicien Kabuga in their country

The day Kibaki wives fought over inheriting his parliamentary seat

Blog post UP NEXT:

Top corrupt Kenya police cops told Kavuludi: Stop investigating us or we will kill you (they even delivered a "graphic message")

More info on Kenya land goons in this video;
Read also;

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