Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Uncovering the Truth: Ruto Reclaims Land Uhuru Took Back for The Government

There seems to be plenty of drama at the moment, involving the William Ruto administration and the very emotive topic in Kenya of land.
The latest high-wire drama, involves land that has been "so hot" since 2020. It is the sizzling tale of how President William Ruto and former Cabinet minister Cyrus Jirongo have recently regained their land in Ruai, which was snatched from them by President Uhuru Kenyatta’s administration. Shortly before a quietly issued Gazette Notice, released very shortly before the holiday season last year, all the heavy police presence on the controversial land was suddenly withdrawn.  
There is a deeper story here that is above everything else, very disturbing.

Now, how do you know somebody's true character? Actually you know somebody's true character based on what they do when nobody is looking. Or based on what they do "
chini ya maji" as we say on the Kumekucha brand. 

Any government is run by humans and therefore this is the very same way you tell the true motivation and character of a government. What they do when nobody's looking what they do and don't release a press statement or call the Press. 

At the tail end of the year 2023, actually on December 10th 2023 the government of William Ruto did something quietly. The CS Interior Kithure Kindiki in a Gazette notice number 16993 excluded the very controversial Ruai land away from the waste treatment plant protected area. 

This land excluded is the only land available to the sewage plant (which is key in the running of Nairobi) for expansion purposes. And even more interesting this was the same parcel of land measuring 2,650 acres that was being guarded by the Kenya Police. 

As a result of this Gazette notice, two Kenyans benefited through their two companies. One company is called Renton Co. Limited and Offshore Trading Co. Limited who lay claim to this 2,650 acres. The very same 2,650 acres that the former administration of President Uhuru Kenyatta said was part of the Ruai Sewage plant. Land yes set aside for its expansion. 

And there is more. Uhuru Kenyatta's government said that actually this 2,650 Acres had initially been grabbed by individuals. That's what Uhuru told Kenyans. 

But the Ruto government in this latest December 2023 Gazette notice excluded this land from being part of the Ruai sewage plant and those two companies benefited. And of course the two individuals behind those two companies who benefited from this quiet Gazette notice number 6993 were Cyrus Jirongo and William Ruto, the current president. 

And when somebody realized what had happened here and approached Cyrus Jirongo of the Youth for Kanu 92 fame, Jirongo's response was priceless. He said that he was delighted that he could now go ahead with his planned development of what he calls the Ruai Park Estate which after it is completed will consist of 177,000 housing units. Which he has now labeled under the Affordable Housing Scheme. The controversial Affordable Housing initiative. 

What we have here are some very disturbing issues and indeed dodgy issues around this Gazette notice and this development. 

Because the story we got from the fourth President of the Republic of Kenya, Uhuru Kenyatta and his regime is that actually this land has always belonged to the Ruai sewage plant but was grabbed. And therefore what Uhuru's government did was (they told us) the responsible thing for a government to do and that is they reclaimed this land and put policemen from the Kenya police to guard that land so that nobody interferes with it as the Ruai Sewage plant gets ready to expand using that land. 

Now when this Gazette notice was passed, those policemen were withdrawn, paving way for the private developers who say they own that land to push ahead with their real estate development plans. 

Now here is another piece of information that is very relevant and very interesting. Bordering this 2,650 acres is the famous, or shall I say infamous, Northlands City project. I believe we all know the people who own this very ambitious project in the Nairobi suburbs is the Kenyatta family. 

So let us take an imaginary (but also very likely) situation where the next regime comes into power after the Ruto presidency what do you think will happen if that new regime is of the same thinking as Uhuru Kenyatta? They will promptly repossess this 2,650, set aside for the RUai Sewage Plant expansion. Clearly the decision to create Gazette notice number 16993 is something that may not be able to stand the test of time. 

Now Cyrus Jirongo is a politician. And in a moment we will look at the Cyrus Jirongo politics and the Mulembe nation politics, because that's where Jirongo hails from, linked to this shocking development. But before we do that, why don't we go back a little in history and answer a very simple question. How did Cyrus Jirongo acquire this valuable huge parcel of land? 

The answer is simple. It is widely known that in the Moi and KANU days those who supported KANU were rewarded very handsomely. And Bwana Jirongo was a very firm supporter of Moi and KANU in those days. That is precisely how he became a very wealthy businessman. Although things changed later and Jirongo got very broke, but that is a story for another day. 

And one of the most common ways Moi rewarded loyalists was to give them an allotment letter on government land.  You would then take that letter to Lands office and the people there, when they saw the signature would panic BIG time. The result is that things would move at lightning speed and within minutes you would be out of the Land's office with a "genuine" title deed saying that you were the owner of that land that was previously government land. 

Now into the politics. In the run up to the 2022 presidential election Cyrus Jirongo was firmly on the Azimio and Raila Odinga side anjd he was singing the very same tune as the COTU boss, Francis Atwoli.

But after August 2022, these two gentlemen from the Mulembe nation changed their tune and now it seems that they are very firm supporters of Ruto and all his policies, including the Affordable housing initiative. And it is very easy to figure out why. It is for the money. Indeed this would be the ideal way for Jirongo to make his comeback in big-time Real estate business.

The way things work in Kenya is that the government helps you make big money and then you use some of that windfall to "pour" into your community so that you turn them into radical supporters of the same government. This may be what is happening here.

Fascinatingly the relationship between Jirongo and President Ruto is more than mind-blowing. Because Ruto started out as a driver to Cyrus Jirongo. And then at some point they fell out very badly. Mainly because Jirongo gave out a contract for the printing of KANU campaign t-shirts, which was handled by Ruto and things went very wrong. 1000 T-shirts were delivered 10 times and the invoice read 10,000 T-shirts although there were only 1,000 T-shirts in the store room. 

That is a story that Jirongo himself gave us. In fact over the years since the 1990s Jirongo has never lost an opportunity to fire barbs at Ruto. But now, almost magically, they are bosom buddies. 

As our Luhya brethren like to say; VINDU VI-Change-anga (things change).

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What the Kroll Report said about President Moi's hidden billions. SHOCKING because some UDA people are talking to the same guys

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NEXT blog post;

What happened to Oscar Sudi's old clothes?

Prices of used cars in Kenya shoot up and through the roof

The Story of the Foreign Spy in Kenya's Government

Spiritual Law Sabotaging Your Finances and Marriage: You will always be broke and short of cash

Decoding Uhuru's Silence on Raila's AU Job: Hidden Messages Revealed

Other blog posts

Magistrates in Kenya: Two different "CCTV" Faces Of The Judiciary In Kenya

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The day Kibaki wives fought over inheriting his parliamentary seat

Blog post UP NEXT:

Top corrupt Kenya police cops told Kavuludi: Stop investigating us or we will kill you (they even delivered a "graphic message")

More info on Kenya land goons in this video;
Read also;

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