Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Martha Karua and Cyrus Jirongo Dive into Ruto Raila's Deep Secrets

Martha Karua and Cyrus Jirongo Dive into Ruto Raila's Deep Secrets

It was the interview session of the decade. And oh my oh my, this was the most explosive, revelation filled, eye opening interview I have ever witnessed in a very very long time. 

So I'm not calling it the interview of the decade for nothing.

This recent session of political talk, featuring two Kenyans with history Martha Karua and a man called Cyrus Jirongo was undoubtedly mwoto kuliko pasi ya makaa. This session that lasted just under 1 hour revealed what is really going on deep in the backrooms of Kenyan politics. 

It revealed what Ruto and his henchman are really up to. It also confirmed that it is indeed Kenya kwisha maneno (Kenya is finished, done and dusted)

...Unless the people (you and I and others) act as quickly as possible. And of course it also revealed exactly what we have to do to save our country before it is too late. 

But first of all I would really like to thank one of my subscribers, African voice for sharing this video in my inbox. You know many of us out there assume that Kumekucha Chris sees everything. That Kumekucha Chris can never miss anything. Well I have to burst your bubble today. The truth is that I sometimes miss a lot. Despite trying my best always, there is always the likelihood that I'll miss something very important. 

And therefore I take this opportunity to encourage all of you to please share before you assume that I've already seen it. I will really appreciate it and of course it will benefit all of us. 

The interview of the decade

Now on to this interview of the decade. The biggest least known problem the Ruto regime has are people like Martha karua and Cyrus Jirongo. WHY? It is because these are people with a history in Kenyan politics. They were there during the regime of Kenyatta I (Jomo Kenyata), and the Moi days, and the Uhuru regime. And they're still around today with all that history. 

The problem with that, is that these people have a deep understanding of the country and its' past. You will remember very clearly that during the campaign season UDA were always telling crowds; "don't give us history, we don't history, tell us what you're going to do for the people." Martha Karua told us in this recent interview that the reason they were doing this is because the UDA people and our current leadership have no history and have no track record to speak of. 

You know you get somebody's track record by going back to their history. UDA told us; no history, history is boring, don't go there, focus on the future. And sadly Kenyans swallowed it hook line and sinker, especially Kenyans in the Mount Kenya region. 

And Martha Karua with a history and impressive track record of her own, told us the following very explosive statement that will shock most Kenyans. She said that looking back at all past administrations, she has no doubt whatsoever on her mind that the worst regime ever to rule the country called Kenya is the current UDA/Kenya Kwanza clowns. 

But surprise, surprise, this Karua/Jirongo interview was not an interview to bash the UDA government or the Kalenjin community. It was infact a very sober unbiased view of the truth and the reality of the Kenya of today. 

It was made very clear that politicians in Kenya throughout the years have used hate campaigns to get into power. Which is hardly surprising because you win an election by provoking the emotions of the people and that happens anywhere in the world. 

However, it is very sad that the way emotions have been provoked in Kenya is by reminding people of their tribes. In the past we have had 41vs1 tribe and you will also remember that we have had people calling governments, the Kikuyu regime or the Kalenjin regime. But the truth, the naked truth, is those governments have not been tribal governments benefitting their communities. What they have been are governments of an individual surrounded by his cronies who happen to hail from the tribe of that individual leader. That is the story of Kenya. 

Ordinary Kalenjins have NOT benefitted

Because even today, our dear brothers and sisters in the Kalenjin Nation are suffering just like the rest of us under the heavy burden of taxation. Only a few cronies who happen to be the same tribe as the president are enjoying. Therefore it is not factual to call this government a government of the Kalenjin Nation, because it isn't and it can never be. 

Stick with me and very shortly towards the tail end of this article, I will tell you exactly what is happening deep within Azimio currently. Confirmed info from the horse's mouth and not rumors. 

One of the things that came out very clearly in this Karua/Jirongo interview is exactly where Kenya is right now. And exactly what Kenyans must do to save themselves. Because nobody will come from out there to save Kenyans. Only Kenyans can rescue and liberate themselves. 

According to Karua, it all boils down to the Kenyan voter. Because one cannot elect people who do not have any track record of obeying court orders or of being disciplined and respecting the rule of law and then expect them to do those things once they are in power. Especially people who are not disciplined and neither are they known to always do the right thing. You cannot elect people known to do the opposite of what you want, into office and expect them overnight to turn into what you want them to be. How is that possible? 

Because that is not what they are, and people will always be what they already are. And that's exactly what we have in Kenya today. 

Granted, we already know that this government was not elected into office. It is very obvious that the majority of Kenyan votes did not put this regime into power. So why still blame the voters?

Well, according to Karua (and I totally agree with her) without the help of Kenyan voters this regime would not have been able to rig themselves in. Quoting the results hidden in the server that is yet to be opened, she said that at least 5.6 million Kenyans voted for this regime. She then compared the situation to 2002 when KANU was removed from power with 2022. The difference between 2022 and 2002 is that in 2002 Kenyans voted so overwhelmingly for Kibaki and the National Rainbow Coalition, incredibly there were just too many Kenyans who turned up at the ballot and said NO to KANU, so much so that it was impossible for KANU to rig themselves back into power. 

However in 2022 there were enough Kenyans who voted for the Hustler Nation to enable rigging to take place. And so it all comes back to the voter. 

By the way, over 7 million Kenyans who are registered voters opted not to vote in 2022 and you know when you opt not to vote actually you have voted one way or the other. This is because even if a sizable percentage of those 7 million had tuirned out to vote, it would have ended up being impossible for UDA to rig the vote and steal the election. 

Karua also revealed and indeed confirmed what many Kenyans have suspected all along. That what this regime is doing is just making a few people close to power very rich, very quickly. Period. Nothing else is important for Ruto and his cronies.

One super fascinating related point that emerged was about the Affordable Housing agenda of the government. Sample the following; The land these houses are being built on is public land and the funds being used to build these houses are public funds. Then, how come these houses are being sold? They are being sold to benefit who? Where is the money going? 

Jirongo is NOT back with Ruto

Now in an earlier video we spoke on my YouTube channel about how a recent move through a Gazette notice by this government, gave back grabbed land to Cyrus Jirongo and William Ruto. Land that had earlier been reclaimed back for the government by the Uhuru administration. And I quoted press reports allegedly linked to Cyrus Jirongo where he said he was very happy about this development. The fake news report added that Jirongo was now happy that he would proceed with his housing project under the affordable housing scheme. My sincere apologies for being fooled by that propaganda news report.

I have looked everywhere for confirmation that Jirongo actually spoke those words that he was widely quoted as having spoken and I have found zero evidence.

And I kick myself because I should have remembered that we live in propaganda times and that the current government is a propaganda/perception government that manufactures news reports on a very regular basis.

This Karua interview made it very clear that Jirongo has not changed his political inclination. And he has definitely NOT crossed over to the Ruto side.

Martha Karua on the other hand, also made her position very clear on the negotiated Kenya Kwanza/Azimio NADCO report. It was of zero benefit to the Kenyan people. Especially because the cost of living was NOT addressed.

Watch video on the amazing Ambwere story NOW

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NEXT blog post;

The Story of the Foreign Spy in Kenya's Government

Spiritual Law Sabotaging Your Finances and Marriage: You will always be broke and short of cash

Decoding Uhuru's Silence on Raila's AU Job: Hidden Messages Revealed

Governor Barasa Juju drama that ended up in court: Looming political backlash | Kenya news

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Top corrupt Kenya police cops told Kavuludi: Stop investigating us or we will kill you (they even delivered a "graphic message")

More info on Kenya land goons in this video;
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