Friday, December 16, 2011

Corruption: Now MPs Invent a Measure of Passion

So what is the standard unit of measuring passion? If only being voluble PLO-style is symptomatic of superlative passion then corruption would have been eradicated even before he assumed office. But alas, there is more to passion than just mere words and good (albeit empty) intent.

Just when you thought our MPs have had their full they have now invented a measure of passion as a yardstick to fight corruption. Seeing them falling over themselves and waxing patriotic in demanding the very virtue they lack in plenty is a sight to behold.

Trust the smart Alec's to always clothe their sectarian interests in very glossy garbs. In demanding that Ceaser's wife be beyond reproach, the new proposed anti corruption chief has been hit with allegations of impropriety while at KRA. If proven true, the KES 2.4b that he never collected as tax from Kingsway Motors (read Kamlesh Pattni) will come to haunt him big time.

And if you thought the bull fighter is alone in demanding transparency, lady MPs are seeing the whole charade as a scheme against women given that two of the three nominees are their ilk. We haven't heard the last of these lot yet.

As we near 2012, political battles will take all forms and shapes. No effort will be spared even if it means exporting out village politics to the global arena just like the Kenyan Diaspora discovered this week the hard way in the US with regards to ICC and Ocampo.

Back to the anti corruption saga in parliament. It is all heat with no intention of generating any trace of light. The whole thing is flawed all the way from top to bottom. Otherwise how else do you explain the fact that the new constitutional offices are all being filled using every criterion except merit.

Well, the engine is revving and we are just glancing the steep slope to 2012. Brace yourself ladies and gentlemen.


  1. Kucha M'ngu si kilembe cheupe. (The fear of God is not wearing a white turban, or the so-called religious habits, huge silver crosses, and Roman collars).

    The metastasized corruption cancer among our esteemed parliamentarians is symptomatic of the modus operandi in the general population, around the country and among 85% of people from all walks of life.

    We, the people, breathe corruption, eat corruption, worship corruption, trade corruption, walk corruption, drive corruption, conceive corruption, embrace corruption, dream corruption, and even share well documented traditional recipes of corruption to the point where we have crafted a sovereign nation, that is now better known as The United Republic of Corruption where everything goes.

    Corruption has become our shield and defender in all aspects of our daily lives as well as the ingenious management style of the republic's official/private business.

    There are those among us who are asking, "what shall we do?" While there others who are answering back, "make it happen!"

    In other words, 'what shall we do' about the deep seated corruption in parliament, government and within the general public that sustains the very cancer - corruption - that continues to destroy the 48 year old body, that's better known as the Republic of Kenya?

    'What shall we do' differently in December of 2012?

    How shall we 'make it happen' in terms of not only dealing with the corruption cancer that has spread through out the entire country, but bringing about radical change after December, 2012?

    As 2011 draws to a close, some wonder whether it will be back to business as usual, or will some of the concerned citizens be ready to stand up for what they truly believe in (a birthing of a new republic) and be counted for change, in terms dealing with current crop of deeply corrupt members of parliament, civil servants, police force, civil society, Law Society (Kenya Ltd), business community, clergy, ordinary mwananchi like you and me, and without forgetting the "corrupt higher-ups" in the military?

    The last time I looked in the mirror, I couldn't help but be reminded of all the retrieved data concerning my years of patriotic support for corruption cancer at various stages of my life, dating all way back to my school days.

  2. .... Otherwise how else do you explain the fact that the new constitutional offices are all being filled using every criterion except merit.


    Haiya Ngai!

    We have explained it soooooooo many times.

    We have asserted with 101% confidence all along that, the whole constitutional reform was an exercise in ILLUSIONS, DELUSIONS and above all, CHILDISH FANTASIES.


    "The metastasized corruption cancer among our esteemed parliamentarians is symptomatic of the modus operandi in the general population, around the country and among 85% of people from all walks of life."


    No, no , no, nooooooo.

    This is the standard rant of the IVY LEAGUE of FOOLS, NGOs such TI and such USELESS BODIES.

    It is a SELF SERVING rant which is nothing, but, INTELLECTUAL JUNK FOOD which makes you FAT,but, very unhealthy.

    The question is not whether Kenyans are corrupt. They are, and we assert that with 101% confidence. Even a kid born today knows that.

    The RIGHT question is, what does such corruption of the whole society tell you about the social and economic organisation of the Kenyan society?

    Unless you ask and answer the RIGHT question, you remain lost in useless INTELLECTUAL JUNK debates like ICC KANGAROO, fighting corruption and such CHILDISH stuff.

    Anyway, we leave to enjoy:

    The System is a Fraud:

  3. fake civil society as soon as they are out of the scene ...the better

  4. As we near 2012, political battles will take all forms and shapes. No effort will be spared even if it means exporting out village politics to the global arena just like the Kenyan Diaspora discovered this week the hard way in the US with regards to ICC and Ocampo.


    The monologue goes on.

    Why should Kenyans take a KANGAROO COURT called ICC seriously?

    An African must a have a serious MENTAL problem to take such USELESS courts seriously.

    Sample this from this LOSER called Ocampo:

    "The International Criminal Court chief prosecutor said on Thursday there are serious suspicions that the killing of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi was a war crime."


    Up to now, this LOSER Ocampo/ICC has only suspicions to what was shown on TV to the whole world.


    and Moreno-Ocampo told reporters “we are raising our concerns” with the interim government and asking how it would investigate crimes by all sides in the uprising against the Libyan strongman."


    Yes, Ocampo expects those who have committed crimes in Libya to investigate themselves. However, Kenyans, Sudanese BEING SO STUPID, cannot investigate theirs.


    "A UN commission of inquiry is also to go to Libya and Moreno-Ocampo said he would speak with member nations of the Security Council to see if they had evidence on the Gaddafi killing."


    Whaaaa, this man is so f$%£$.

    In other words, the same nations which are complicit in these crimes will give him evidence implicating themselves.

    In other words, if the UNSC members say, no evidence, Ocampo/ICC will jump up and say, no evidence.

    Where the UNSC members say there is evidence, Ocampo/ICC/THAT AFRICAN LADY DUPE from GAMBIA jumps and says, there is evidence.

    What a farce this is?


    And the real kicker is this:

    “We are working very closely to the government of Libya which has to manage a very complex situation,” he said.


    Yes, Libya is a COMPLEX SITUATION.

    This COMPLEX SITUATION in Libya demands the ICC/Ocampo and that AFRICAN LADY DUPE to work CLOSELY with the so called Libyan Government to MANAGE it.

    However, such COMPLEXITY does not apply in Sudan, Kenya, and such other places.

    Surely, why Africans would invite such a guy/AFRICAN DUPE to speak to them is beyond understanding.

    Anyway, we end the monologue to enjoy:

    We call it MADNESS:

    Oh, the source:

  5. Mwarang'ethe,

    First of all I would like to refer you to an article I read of an academic titled, 'Why academics annoy people'. The link is:

    Second of all I'm going back to my former arguements. The context of my arguements is that its better to take steps that will lead you to another point than taking leaps that will lead you to breaking your legs and not going further or getting tired so fast and fainting along the way.

    I once told you, if I can remember, that if I have to provide best solution to all our problems then I'll provide the biblical solution of love and charity, to be practised by all, which I believe is better solution to all your solutions. But then the problem is, how can it be implemented?

    I've always requested you to provide us with a solution to implementation of your solutions, something that you haven't done at all, and instead chose to throw insults to anyone you don't agree with, and sometimes even to people who have laid nearly the same arguement as you, but unfortunately who are not you. I still believe that if you deeply consider how your solutions need to be implemented then you'll be able to acquire another lens that will enable you to see positive points in people's arguements, which, if adopted, can lead to solutions you propose to be implemented. Your solutions can be good but unfortunately are leaps that cannot lead anywhere, at least from your personal experience where it was ignored by Commissioners during drafting of the Kenyan Constitution. Maybe its also collecting dust with the rest of reports written before by our professors and academics.

    Further, your style of arguement has been of taking one point in someone's arguement and arguing against it and eventually thrashing his whole arguement, even when maybe apart from that one error the rest of that person's arguement were correct.

    If I have to use that style of arguement then I'll say that since you haven't told us at all how your solution can be implemented then your arguement is incomplete and so all of it needs to be thrashed, but then I can't use that style of arguement.

    Mandela had to embrace undesirable policies in order to end social apartheid in South Africa, as lack of embracing these policies could have led to undesirable results worse than the result he eventually got.

    Think about implementation of your solutions then you'll know that maybe if it were not for the democracy you so distaste then Moi could have been in power and we could still be leaving in poverty so that we couldn't have known you or read what you write since we couldn't be having internet.

    In other words you may realize that some steps we have taken that you distaste so much can be a stepping stone to the implementation of your solution.

  6. @Philip,

    That tune to mbuzi is sonorous man. And expect no response but a cut-and-paste of part of your post which will be IRRELEVANTLY trashed with loads of non-contextualized history. You see all of us are foolish (fantacy/illusion/sheeple) except the oasis of all UNIVERAL HISTORY.

    Bwefore you brand people stupid and foolish one needs to graduate from the school of humility but asking that of Mwara is to invite insults and condescending rebuffs.

    It takes a brilliant brain to engage but an ordinary one to get stuck in one dimensional gear of thought of uncontextualized HISTORY.

    Bw Philip you are gifting Mwara with plentry of accolades like suggesting his solutions are leaps. Well, pad your cheeks for asante ya punda.

    Ego expansion manifests itself in many shades. As an example the post is about MPs and passion for fighhting corruption but what does alpha man Mwara see, an opportunity to hog it with his superlative brilliance, albeit irrelevant.

    A smart guy would often stop and listen loudly to other takes but not you man Mwara. Only his take is right all else doesn't stand muster. Humility is a virtue that many will never embrace. Maybe even when katiba drafters ignored his memos he saw them as FOOLISH. You see he is the super genius Kenyans never allowwed to single handedly draft them a SUMARIAN flavoured katiba.

    You see there is a Bagandan say that you better watch when everybody is clapping at your antics. But not the e-prof of history who hates its lessons.

    Speak of drowning in information (read hitory/internet) but thirsting for wholesome knowelge.

  7. Fellow Kenyans
    Firs of all using the words "Corruption" and "MP" in the same sentence will forever and always result in painting the same picture inevitably- meat can never be guarded by the dog NEVER. In other words forget about this legislature in its current composition having anything to do with fighting graft unless they are fighting FOR it

    That being said, "a barking dog never bites" i.e. the MPs are not too far off the mark when loudly questioning the lackluster aspiration of nominees MAtemu, Onsongo and Keino- who can blame these three ethnically diverse qualified individuals for fearing to tread where Giants have fallen before them? remember they are no match to a whole Justice (Ringera) or professor of Law(PLO)

    Finally we Kenyans should stop making fools of ourselves. We are our own worst enemies wailing louder than the bereaved but just stop to ask yourself who elected the very dogs now tearing Kenya to pieces?


  8. Before you brand people stupid and foolish one needs to graduate from the school of humility but asking that of Mwara is to invite insults and condescending rebuffs.

    It takes a brilliant brain to engage but an ordinary one to get stuck in one dimensional gear of thought of uncontextualized HISTORY.


    Prof/alpha man wapi wewe, tear them apart these SHEEPLE, LOL!

  9. @Philip,
    Kudos. I've heard you loud and clear, and consequently I will not only avoid over-reaction, but indulge myself in careful deliberation, a remedy that will help. And I will not waste anymore time on that which is not helpful as you have indicated.

    @8:08 AM,
    Sonorous is an access code that brought a lot of not so good memories from way back when. The infuriating days when few of us were officially branded (categorized) as "failures in arts" by those with sonorous voices, as we underwent years of torture in the classical works of the greatest adventure stories ever told, such as The Iliad of Homer, The Odyssey of Homer, Trojan War (Legend), Shakespeare's Tragedies, The Chaucer, Melville, Normans, Dante's Divine Comedy, et al.

    We were never allowed to have access or own any of the classic works by Ngugi wa Thiong'o, Chinua Achebe, Wole Soyinka and hundreds of other African authors.

    Yet they couldn't figure why some of our tongues and writing styles never evolved into complex grammatical forms as well as the elegant idiom of Victorian language.

  10. Change is inevitable but with it comes new possibility and a fresh crop of tomorrow's leaders, innovators, entrepreneurs, and movers and changers of the world around us, that's better known as Kenya.

    Anways, the last time I checked in the latest issue of the BDLife, Friday, December 16th, 2011, there was no picture, let alone a single article on what the so-called "wise minded one" - WMO -has been up to in the last five years or decade.

    WMO didn't even qualify to be worthy of any mention among the Top 40 Men Under 40 Years of Age. .... Men who have succeeded in scaling the corporate ladder or excelled in the world of innovation and enterprise.

    Talking of the likes of Khafafa, Munyua, Macharia, Acharya, Mudachi, Mbugu, Mwindi, Ben Bella, K'Ombudo, Mbodenyi, Njonjo, Wamalwa, Kabui, Agaruwal, Matere, Munene, Nyaga, Mwema, et al.

    And it's for that reason plus a thousand other known reasons that it's not hard to understand where some of us are coming from and why we are the way we are for whatever reasons given our conditioning at certain stages of our lives.

    Such is life, and unfortunately there are those amongs who will always be fickle and shallow, dominated by their various appetites and whims.

    And there is nothing that can be about it. Such is life, it will always be, and so be it, as long as the freedom of expressing one's opinions continues to be made available at Kumekucha unlike in other distant places that I would rather not dare mention.

    Corruption: Now MPs Invent a Measure of Passion for validating egocentric license and indulgence of appetites to the detriment of the body politic.

    I reiterate - Devolution now! Devolution tomorrow! Devolution in 2013! Devolution in 2017 and 2022. Devolution is the only way forward. Devolution forever!

  11. Philip wrote

    Further, your style of arguement has been of taking one point in someone's arguement and arguing against it and eventually thrashing his whole arguement, even when maybe apart from that one error the rest of that person's arguement were correct.


    Look bwana Philip.

    The whole debate about corruption in Africa, and it includes this article is based on these premises:

    (a) Africans are very corrupt,

    (b) this is so because, there is something wrong with the Africans,

    (c) therefore, having accepted (a) and (b), it requires Africans to CHANGE/fight corruption so as to be like others who are less corrupt.

    The point we try to make is simple.

    These arguments are RUBBISH and CHILDISH and it is what IVY LEAGUES of FOOLS and the associated NGOs perpetuate. Once you have accept these premises, the whole argument is dead.

    The problem is this. Once you oppose ideas which are accepted virtually by anyone in a given society, you are branded arrogant, abusive and such words.

    In other words, the problem is not that, you do not understand how these ideas can be implemented. You do for we have given very good hints here at KK.

    The issue is that, humans generally, do not like questioning their assumptions for it is like questioning their own sanity. In other words, how dare you question the idea of fight against corruption which has the support of the WB/IMF, West etc?

    It is for this reason, instead of listening to the only man who could have saved Athens, as Plato teaches us i.e. Socrates, the Athenians murdered him accusing him of not WORSHIPING State gods and corrupting the youth.

    NB: Fighting corruption, ICC are the gods of the WB/IMF and such bodies which every Africans must worship.

    As such, the idea that we are abusive, you do not know how ideas we have argued about can be implemented is a mere SCAPEGOAT bwana Philip.

    More so, it does not require magic to implement what we have argued for.

    As an example, the JAPANESE did it in 1868. Before this date, the Japanese society was crap. They did not go to the ICC, or fight corruption.

    Why are they, i.e. Japanese, now supporting policies which they know do not work from their own experience?

    Why the hell can't the NGOs, ICC, World Bank, IVY LEAGUE of FOOLS teach Africans these things?


    And, AFRICANS enjoy being FOOLED!

    Anyway, we are off to enjoy:

    Libyan, oh, sorry, Angolan Invasion:

  12. How long does it take to turn around the history of endemic corruption? Five, ten, fifteen years, or a two generations?

  13. With all due respect, certain comments speak louder and there are times when the very comments are laced with arrogance, abusiveness, bulliness as well as an obvious mentality of trying to pass one self as an authority in every subject or issue.

    Socrates' courage is admirable, however, he was not the only person in a better qualified position to save Athens, due to the fact he ended up doing what many heroes of his era did by exercising the most fundamental human freedom: to choose to die in service to his vision.

    In tragedy especially, the aspiration and free choice of heroes like Socrates, lead ultimately to their suffering and death.

    For instance, others like Prometheus, Antigone, Oedipus, Ajax, Hippolytus, Pentheus all found their plans and actions colliding with the vagaries of time and chance, fate, the caprice of the gods, the restrictions of society, and the disorder of their own passions.

    Well, who is Kenya's version of Socrates, the only person in a better position to save the country from corruption, the current parliament and itself?

    Talking of a person (or persons) who has the willingness to defy the powers that be including the current breed of selfish parliamentarians to the point where he or she exercises the fundamental human freedom: choosing to die in service to his or her vision?

  14. With all due respect, certain comments speak louder and there are times when the very comments are laced with arrogance, abusiveness, bulliness as well as an obvious mentality of trying to pass one self as an authority in every subject or issue.


    You are at it again.

    We are not talking about every issue here. It is about economy.

    We have asked you a question, and you dare not attempt to answer it.

    The question is this:

    The Japanese society was worse than the African case before 1868. They reformed it "all of a sudden," not thru the KANGAROO ICC, fighting corruption and such nonsense and stupidity as they teach you today.

    If these are the DOCUMENTED FACTS by the Japanese themselves, why aren't the Japanese telling you this?

    Why are they telling Africans to do what is contrary to ALL HUMAN EXPERIENCE?

    NB: A competent lawyer, historian cites precedents.

    Can you or anyone who thinks he knows, cite ANY precedent where a society has every been reformed the way Africans are doing it?

    Why is it that, when the Japanese lie to Africans, you find that not abusive?

    Or, why is it abusive, arrogant, know it all when an African tells fellow Africans they are being fooled by the Japanese?

    Why do you believe whatever the foreigners tell you? Because, you find comfort in their LIES. To disturb that comfort is to be abusive, arrogant and such.

    What a psychological defense mechanism?

    As we wait you to EVADE the real issue, we leave to enjoy:

    Postpone Christmas:

  15. First of all, Africa is a continent. Africa is a continent, 11,668,599 sq mi.

    The islands of Japan are 145,925 sq mi.

    While at it, why not compare and contrast the Japanese during the Kanakura period 1185-1333, or the Yayoi period 300 BC-250 AD to Africa's generalized period from the same era.

    Opinion is NOT fact. People have a right to their own personal opinions, but they should not always pass or mistake the same as fact.

  16. History bila context is when you hold 1886 Japanese a model to 2011/2. And what is this penchant to see WEST/foreigners lurking in every shadow? What original thing have you done as an individual that may be used as a launch pad for success? Well, I guess YAPPING online prescribing eutopian medicine.

    And in your attempt to answer Philip you started well being real with own thought but you couldn't resist the historical verbiage. Leaves one asking are you enslaved to medieval mindset? No answers please!!

    And you asked ....why do you believe whatever the foreigners tell you? Because, you find comfort in their LIES.

    Hypocrite: From whose comfort are you dishing out eutopian prescriptions? not Mbeere. And please sell the cosmetic biz to me, will you? That would be African and original. LOL.

  17. Ask not "Why do you people believe whatever foreigners tell you?"

    But ask why do I have a stubbornly persistent belief in whatever illusions that I conjure for myself?

    BTW, the so-called "Africans" don't need other opinionated "Africans" aka pseudo intellectuals to remind them of how they have been lied to, used, abused and wasted for last several centuries?

    And coerced into believing that their homelands are still part of a "Dark Continent" that's ripe for further discovery, civilization and consequent exploitation?

    OAO: Over-and-Out!

  18. Anon@9:35 PM said
    How long does it take to turn around the history of endemic corruption? Five, ten, fifteen years, or a two generations?


    As with anything else in life It simply takes a decision of integrity to deal a deathblow to corruption. As you know decisions can be decided in a matter of seconds.

    From then on its simply a matter of Standing firm come what may.Whether this takes an entire Decade or Centuries the beginning point is always a decision made in a matter of seconds.

    Until that decision is made it doesn't matter if we have an anti-corruption agency in every county of Kenya its nothing but smoke and mirrors

  19. First of all, Africa is a continent. Africa is a continent, 11,668,599 sq mi.

    The islands of Japan are 145,925 sq mi.


    So, what is the relevancy of this?

    How does size of a nation matter?


    Opinion is NOT fact. People have a right to their own personal opinions, but they should not always pass or mistake the same as fact.

    12/17/11 8:23 AM


    Yours is just an opinion. We add, not a considered one.

    We provide thee historical facts.


    History bila context is when you hold 1886 Japanese a model to 2011/2.


    We wrote 1868.

    Because, what has changed since then?


    And what is this penchant to see WEST/foreigners lurking in every shadow?


    Because, we live in an European civilization. As such, Kenyan/African place MUST be understood at this time, in the context of the present civilization.

    In other words, if you are ignorant of the "values" of the present European led civilization, you have no clue about anything.


    BTW, the so-called "Africans" don't need other opinionated "Africans" aka pseudo intellectuals to remind them of how they have been lied to, used, abused and wasted for last several centuries?


    If Africans in 2011 did not believe in a SAVIOR called KANGAROO ICC and a god called fighting corruption, which are created in the West, we would be silent.


    As with anything else in life It simply takes a decision of integrity to deal a deathblow to corruption. As you know decisions can be decided in a matter of seconds.


    In your mind, Africans had a huge meeting and decided to be corrupt.

    Flowing from this, we need another meeting where Africans shall decide, no more corruption. What a DELUSION!

    Anyway, we leave to enjoy as usual:

    Columbus the LIAR

  20. Merry Christmas Kumekuchans!

    Where is Chris to give Christmas message?

    It's that time of the year people needs the message of the elders.

    Come-out Chris and warns your readers the perils of Christmas. They are many!


  21. Chris must be somewhere near the seasonal roundabout that's better known Mwishoni Mwa-2011.

    There is still some semblance of hope that Chris will be able to exchange his posts on various subjects before the year's end.

    The last time Chris was heard from by some of his close friends and associates, he busy trying to highlight the ongoing ethnic plight, social injustice and political evils that have continued to be dished out against a section of our very own Kenyan citizens for the last four and half decades.

    The cruel theaters of ethnic plight, social injustice, political evil and orchestrated marginalization have been the sanctioned order of the day directed against Kenyan Nubians, fifth generation Kenyan born Nubians.

    Kenyan born Nubians have been unable to enjoy their basic human rights, civil liberties and dignity of sorts because of the corrupt actions that have been put in place by lords of impunity in the course of the last four decades and half.

    While it's been so easy for corrupt civil servants, lawyers, business people, religious leaders, and certain well connected individuals to auction of vital official documents such as birth certificates, marriage certificates, national identity cards and passports to non Kenyans fleeing from their homelands like Somalia, Ethiopia, Uganda, Sudan, Rwanda, Burundi, Dem. Rep. of Congo, Comoros Islands, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, India, Pakistani et al for whatever reasons.

    All things considered, it's been a herculean task for the second, third, fourth and fifth generation of Kenyan born Nubians to have access to any of the very same official documents for years due to endemic corruption that has been ingrained in both the public and private sectors.

    An issue the civic leaders, including their current Member of Parliament and leaders of their religious affiliation have refused to deal with, let alone bring to the country's attention for years.

    The so-called leaders and representatives are the ones who should have come to the aid of Kenyan Nubians without even being reminded or forced to do so in the last forty-eight years.

    With all due respect to the ongoing plight of Kenya's IDPs, it's a worst case scenario for the Kenyan born Nubians to remain stateless persons in a country where all of their great-grandparents and grandparents were born, raised and died.

    The Indian government recognises the Siddi (Habsshi) as its citizens, so why can't Kenya do the same for the Kenyan born Nubians?

  22. Marooned in uncontextualized history you have KK to exhale and gasp for oxygen. Man, you have one and half ego. All are wrong and foolish except thee. And while you deride and see shadows of West/foreigners lurking everywhere you type the keyboard secure in their borders. WHAT A HYPOCRITE when you try to justify with a modern civilization that you often deny.

    Well cry and shout till you go bananas with your utopian prescriptions. Unfortunately they won't go past your skull. And that leaves you agitated with intellectual migraine.

  23. Already went to the gathering six hours ago and pleaded with my Maker to grant me the wisdom to find or create alternative outlets for my certain semi intellectual urges that have become a real thorn that meanders through my cerebral cortex at the wrong hours of any given day. And all I could hear my Maker say was

    "Amka Kumekucha. Go and be productive for change. The earth and all the opportunities therein have been granted to all of you."

    Well, man, woman if you will, may not dweal on bread alone but he needs some utopian prescriptions ('hope') in order to survive the harsh economic times as well as the uncertain political future.


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