Monday, December 12, 2011

Bashir: Kenya Unwittingly Spoiling for Costly War

By KK Blogger

At the risk of being painted an apologist to murderers and genociduers, I beg to ask some fundamental questions with regards to the present political and diplomatic heat threatening to consume Kenya-Sudan relations. Excuse my belting out a confession as if I were a faithful adherent of Sunday observance, namely, for this I believe;

First international justice should not be limited to selective current and former presidents, but all presidents and prime ministers who have committed, sponsored, supported, abetted, and engaged in crimes against humanity, and are known to have been signatories to crimes against humanity in their own countries and abrioad.

Again excuse my belated Sunday evening service that's panctuated with dry prologues, monoloques and epilogues asking;

What Are The "Hidden Variables" of Kenya Trying To Arrest The Sitting President of Sudan?

As well as highlighting the ICC's tenacious designs of wanting to prosecute the powerful King of the lost Kingdoms of Nubia. There have always been real dissatisfactions with the kind of interpretation of all things to do with the current lopsided ICC's prosecutorial justifications with regard to the pressing issue of crimes against humanity and war crimes.

So, the real question is why al Bashir and not George Bush or Putin?

Or even the leaders of Bahrain, Colombia, Syria, Yemen, Zimbabwe, DRC, Uganda, et al, and former presidents like Daniel arap Moi?

Why not? Crimes against humanity are still crimes against humanity regardless of who committed them, where they were committed, and when they were committed.

It's not an issue of cowardice or our favourite theater of the absurd, that of engaging in false brado when we are faced with to critical issues, such as whether to try and pick fights with people like al Bashir and so forth.

As meantioned earlier on, al Bashir, the sitting President of the Republic of Sudan is not our problem, he has never been and never will unless we try to start barking at his shadow with the encouragement of certain European and North American entities.

All that's been started from the get go is a cautionary wake up to those concerned and especially the so called very ambitious high court judge who is still dreaming of landing a job at the ICC.

Kenya has two options, one is to let the ICC deal with al Bashir, in the same way it's going to deal with the leaders of the PEV in due time, all things considered.

The other deadly option, would be to mess with al Bashir and his supporters, the people of Sudan, at Kenya's own peril.

Case in point, protracted instability along the north-eastern corridors of the Kenya's porous borders.

al Bashir is who he is, we known what he has done in South Sudan and continues to do in Western Sudan, unfortunately al Bashir is not our pilipili as far Kenya's internal security is concerned.


  1. As Macharia Gaitho asked why should Kenya bend backwards to please this buffoon al-Bashir? Simple he is preying on the solidarity of his friends of impunity. All else is heat no light. Two wrong make no right and you don't apply the law selectively. We must start from somewhere and here is Bashir for a beginning.

    Kibaki finds himself in tight corner and no amount of ransom waving the peace card will wash. Apologists must know the neocolonialism facade will not either. Kenya is bigger than each and all of us.

  2. With all due respectto the likes of Macharia Gaitho, some of su would to also ask, why should Kenyans go after the likes of al-Bashir when we have enough high profile political and ethnic buffoons of our own to begin with?

    The lords of systemic impunity are still running the whole country as if it was their own backyard.

    And yes, the likes of Macharia Gaitho are very correct in stating that "we must start from somewhere" and here (in Kenya) where we still have the lords of impunity, political criminals, economic criminals, and perpetrators of PEV galore.

    Lest we forget all those who are responsible for the deadly ethnic clashes dating back to the early 80s, mid 80s, late 80s and early-mid 90s?

    The other day, I couldn't help but ________ at one individual who uttered the words, "Oh my God! How I hate this country. I really hate this country."

    Remarks were unttered in a hearing about how the longterm investments of some individuals were demolished in Syokimau, some several weeks ago due to the previous collective actions of the lords of impunity and others such as wayward sons of Mlolongo, aka corrrupt brothers incarnate.

    We have yet to hear resounding choruses of similar crushing utterances and condemning words, and rightly so, come from the restless souls of all those Kenyans who perished during the post-election violence, the survivors of post-election violence, and countless of IDPs that still dot Kenya's blemished political, economic and ethnic landscapes.

    As it were, we must start from somewhere and the likes of Gaitho would agree that our very own certified criminal backyards, valleys of impunity, enclaves negative ethnicity, and the current headquarters of the masterminds post-election violence are the rightful places to begin with.

  3. Some misinformed individuals within the government of Kenya should be very careful with what they're wishing for, otherwise they might just as well get their desires served out of more than two boiling pots from Bashir's ancient kitchen of regional destabilization.

    While we're at it, Bashir has not yet forgiven Kenya for the constant material support and safe havens that were offered to the rebel leaders, millions of fighters and refugees - from what formely ended becoming the Republic of South Sudan - during one of the longest and deadliest civil wars on the continent of Africa.

    A civil war that led to Sudan losing a huge chunk of its political face to the point where surrendering a geographic portion of it's sovereignity that's larger than the whole of Kenya was the only workable solution to ending the civil war that was bleeding both armies to a slow death.

    So why would some misguided barons and self-deluded individuals within the government of Kenya spoil for a costly war that will have untold deverstating consequences on Kenya's economy, civilian populations in the north-eastern region, eastern region, the upper (north) Rift Valley region and of course central region, an area that's in close proximity to the nerve center of Kenya's executive branch, legislative branch, MoD and DoD?

    If we, some of us, may ask, 'what does Kenya stand to gain if and when some group of individuals manage to facilitate the overdue glorious arrest of Bashir?'

    We would hate to see Kenya's current geographic map downsized all the way from its present day international demarcation line to one that's hundred or fifty miles after towns like Isiolo, Moyale, Liboi, Garissa, Kismayo, etc.

    In the same way some one time misguided rulers, generals and politicians from certain countries that spoiled for a deadly war and lost the whole of the famous ancient Golan Heights forver.

    Well, permission granted for osme to go ahead and term the above stated as the rants and raves of an alarmist for the time being, but let's not forget to beware of what we wish for in terms of issuing threats for the arrest of al-Bashir.

    We might end up getting double portions of cross border wars dished out to us for a very long time, make it 2012-2022, or worse 2012-2030.

    Most of the top political engineers of the Seven Days War are all gone, dead and even forgotten, but it's the generation of those left who are still paying for the price as well as for the sins of the previous blinded regimes.

  4. Kenya bado ina wenyewe, fisi wengi wala watu kisiasa na kufionza nguzo za uchumi.

    "Statements and some actions by some public officials shows that vestiges of the old, oppressive order are still in order.

    Some are still steeped in a mindset that considers breaking the law act of nobility." - CJ Willy Mutunga.

  5. This is exactly how a civil war starts. Just watch...

    Thanks Kumekucha for discussing things at a level that nobody else seems to.

  6. Moi seems to have done very well in instilling mortal fear among Kenyans. No wonder those who grew up during his ERROR who form the majority of Diaspora commenting here are FEAR/ SCAREMONGERING. Reminds me of those KBC clips showing Rwanda's dead on the street during fight for multipartism.

    We have been weaned on toxic selfishness packaged as economic growth (read investments/capitalism) we will sell our mothers to protect the same. SHAME ON KENYANS. Stand up for your country and shame the bully/devil.

  7. "Statements and some actions by some public officials shows that vestiges of the old, oppressive order are still in order.

    Some are still steeped in a mindset that considers breaking the law act of nobility." - CJ Willy Mutunga.


    Grand Match of Folly goes on led by NOT LEARNED FRIENDS.

    Let us complete our Grand Match of Folly with Verdi Grand Match:

  8. Everybody is FOOLISH but me. What a warped and shameless mindset. Well the blodsphere is such a good venue to advertise ignorance packaged as web-dubbed-scholarly work.

    Which reminds me of the village rasta who sings and yaps to lyrics he never comprehends. When you think reggae makes you authentic it only succeeds in exposing DELUSION.

    You refuse to realise you are a great fool when you delude yourself that YOU KNOW ALL and everybody else is foolish. You never build a career nor become a scholar by being a serial irritant trashing everything to hide your insecurity.

  9. You refuse to realise you are a great fool when you delude yourself that YOU KNOW ALL and everybody else is foolish. You never build a career nor become a scholar by being a serial irritant trashing everything to hide your insecurity.

    12/6/11 3:49 AM


    Bwa ha ha ha he hi hi wi wi we we we uuuuuiii!

    A serious study of a nations/society's issues summarized must involve:

    (a) the moral question,
    (b) the intellectual question, and
    (c) the productive question.

    Or, in other words, a LEARNED MAN/WOMAN must comprehend:

    (a) virtue,
    (b) knowledge, and
    (c) industry.

    So, if you listen to this not so learned CJ, he only speaks of virtue/moral question.

    However, he ought to know, if he was really learned, though these appear to be distinct, they are not separate, but, very closely connected with each other.

    In this sense then, to argue for moral reforms in Africa without understand the other elements is an art of DELUSION, ILLUSIONS and CHILDISH FANTASIES. It SHALL NOT HAPPEN.

    You may rant all you want. However, we shall continue to teach the WISE and the FOOLISH for like Philip remarked, to educate was a greater feat than to sack Troy.

    With that "unscholarly" rant, we leave to enjoy: Ride of the Valkyries:

  10. And the FREE FALL to intellectual stupidity gains momentum. Please everybody fasten your seat belts.

  11. Is the disagreement over the intended arrest of Bashir resolvable?

    Is it substantive or merely a quibble about words uttered by a single ambitious high court judge who failed to do the necessary homework on such sensitive international matters, let alone seek the input, support of his peers and qualified opinions from legal experts as well as seasoned diplomats within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs?
    Anyways, stand up for our country, stand up for our future, stand up for the next generations of Kenyans and vehemently oppose all those political thugs and legislative bullies who are unwittingly spoiling for costly war.

    A war that is very unnecessary and unjustified, and an uncalled for provocation against the people of the Republic of Sudan, under the so-called lame foreign policy excuse of drumming up a voracious canine appetite in order to arrest a sitting president of another country.

    Lest we forget, it's always the foot soldiers and their immediate families who end up paying dearly whenever the fog of an unnecessary war has been lifted, and only after the bloody dust has settled.

  12. @Professor emeritus,

    Do courageous people, call them reformers in our midst if you will, who argue for moral reforms in Africa - Kenya in this particular case - and at the same are in better qualified positions to understand all the other combined elements therein, have a better track record of making successful personal and public decisions for the greater good than the average individual?

  13. On the flipside why are we so scared of war if I may ask? Trivially we don't recruit, train and pay armies to preach in our churches. Sometimes you need war to shake you off your comfort zone. Let us stop scaremongering as if war is an alien concept. Let us do the right thing and be ready to pay for the consequences. BRING IT ON.

  14. Guess, you must have been one of the lucky ones who never had the ugly luck of watching some of your family members clobbered to death, and survivors being driven out of their homesteads in the middle of the night during the post-election violence.
    Easy shout out loud; "BRING IT ON" unless you're have been fitted with a pair of prosthetic legs, hands or a left eye while recuperating from devasting effects of wars.
    Well, hope to see you in person at the frontlines beyond Kismayo and don't dare crawl in a fox hole and cry out for a quick death while curled up in the fetal position during the heat of battle.
    Any war is indeed an alien concept even to those who have completed their fourth or fifth tour of duty in the worst of the battle zones.

  15. On a serious note. What's doing the right thing entail? What kind of consequences are you as an individual ready to face or to be saddled with for the remainder of your adult life?

  16. Why are we so scared of war (a painful death) if I may ask?

    Try spending your time in another context, similar to that of the betrayed, hated, persecuted, chased out of town, and frog matched away from their homelands, only then will you understand why war is a very scary episode in the lives of those who have been affected by it in one way or another.

    There are no 'do-overs' in times of war and after.

  17. SCAREMONGERING - a soldier is trained and paid to KILL and conquer, period.

    No need to get hot under collar with non issues. The good Judge acted within the law and issued a warrant. So far the govt has appealed and that is the rule of law which is supreme. We have been warned to flaunt the laws at the peril of being turned into a jungle.

    Simple you cannot have your cake and eat it. No cherry picking. THE LAW IS AN ASS.

    There is no need to shout yourself hoarse about a none-existent foreign policy. Just be honest with yourself and accept the truth that Bashir is simply enjoying the company of lords of impunity.

    You don't a virtual PhD to see why al-Bashir did not threaten fire and brimestone to Tanzania, Uganda, South Africa. Reason? There exists leadership there from the top who would have called his bluff. Kenya's underbelly is very soft and he is curling himself safe there while poking fun at the prefect.

    We are simply falling for Moi's hitherto scares. Bashir knows what to expect if he were to try, leave alone executing, downing a BA flight from Heathrow enroute to NBO.

  18. While some of us concur with you wholeheartedly when it comes to that is the rule of law which is supreme.

    And further agree with you with regard to we have been warned to flaunt the laws at the peril of being turned into a jungle.

    We could help but grapple with the following; while our legal system with all of its supreme laws and might are getting ready to declare an over extended nationwide hunt for its high profile fugitive, Bashir,

    Some of us would still like to find out why the same legal system has not yet issued any orders to the Internaal Security Minister _________ who is in charge of the police and the Attorney General _________ to ensure or make sure all corrupt and compromised judges, magistrates, prosecutors, lawyers, court clerks and police officers are tracked down, arrested and handed over to the respective authorities, should they set foot in any Kenyan courts and police stations.

    And that includes all lords of impunity, their henchmen, business associates, protectors, bankers and accountants.

    After all most of us are aware of the fact that we have been warned so many times about flaunting the laws and condoning a national criminal mindset which will lead the whole country being swept into a perilious future.

    Don't you think what's good for the Sudanese goose is good the Kenyan gander?

    And who is it that once said, what goes around comes around in all matters pertaining to local, national and international justice?

  19. You are right mate but ever heard of the phrase 'AND OTHERS NOT BEFORE THE COURT'? That is meant to serve notice since justice is meant be served and delayed waiting for others to be caught. You spin of going local first is understandable but as I said before we have to start from somewhere.

    True as say WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND. All we need is to reboot the captive mindset and free ourselves. The courts are just starting to wheel it and who knows what is next? We don't have to wait forever to prosecute PEV lords since we know their modus operandi.

    As an art of war sometimes you start far and circle your prey from without before zeroing on the ultimate prize. We have come along way with impunity and needs tact to conquer which is not your guangho prescription.

    Make no mistake, agreeing with the courts on al-Bashir's warrant is by no means turning a blind eye to the rot within - TO WRONGS MAKE NO RIGHT.

  20. I suspect that the reason why the powers that be are so intent on protecting dictator Al Bashir is that they may be suspecting that their turn will soon come, and they will need somewhere to hide, even if it means just delaying the inevitable. They know that there is a real possibility that they may find themselves in Al Bashir's position, albait without the benefit of state power. Time will tell.

    The truth is that Kenya can still deal with Gen Bashir and the Republic of Sudan without the General ever needing to step on Kenya soil. anyway, why would the General need come to Kenya without an invitation from the GOK?

  21. "What Are The "Hidden Variables" of Kenya Trying To Arrest The Sitting President of Sudan?"

    Kenya is NOT TRYING TO ARREST THE SITTING PRESIDENT OF SUDAN. I do not remember hearing or reading anywhere about Kenya trying or wanting to arrest the Sudanese President. Kenya is simply saying that the guy is considered a criminal fugitive by the majority in the international community of nations with an internatinal warrant of arrest on his head. Therefore he shows up here, Kenya is obliged to arrest him and hand him over.

  22. Al-Bashir has placed us where he wants and we are eating from his palms. Speak of a country suffocating from impunity and suffering from an acute bout of lack of leadership.

  23. Al-Bashir has placed us where he wants and we are eating from his palms. Speak of a country ... suffering from an acute bout of lack of leadership

    4:32 AM



    There is leadership. However, Kenyans in their ignorance and slavish mentality cannot realize or see it.

    Away from the current topic, we demonstrate it.

    Sample this:

    On 26th July, 2010, on THIS BLOG, the KNOW IT ALL, the VIRTUAL ECONOMIST and all those names, RANTED some "unscholarly" rants of this way:

    M. Pesa said...
    watch all the lies being told by ruto and others in the no camp in these highly affective ads.


    Firstly, we do not worry about arbotion so much and our rejection of this draft has nothing whatsoever to do with this issue.

    Having said that, we do not support arbotion, but, we would prefer women and their boyfriends/husbands make that choice and live with it.

    Having noted this, let us now look at Article 26 which is entitled: Right to life.

    It provides this:

    (4) Arbotion is not permitted unless, in the opinion of a trained health professional, there is need for emergency treatment, or the life or health of the mother is in danger, or if permitted by any other written law.

    Now, the way to read and understand this clause is this way:

    Abortion is not permitted unless IF PERMITTED by ANY other WRITTEN LAW.

    Also, the MEANING OF HEALTH IS BOTH PHYSICAL AND MENTAL HEALTH. Thus, can a woman who is depressed cos she did want a child be said to suffer from mental health which may necessitate the need for arbotion?

    So many issues Kenyans in their usual CASUALNESS have not thought about.

    Leaving the meaning of health aside, if you argue that, life starts at conception (s. 26 (2) and is therefore, protected by s. 26 (1), one will argue that, one may be deprived life "to the extent authorised by ... OTHER WRITTEN LAW." This is in accordance with s.26 (3).

    That being the case, this new constitution does allow arbotion if any written law shall be passed in the future allowing the same. In other words, any future written law allowing arbotion shall be within the 4 walls of this constitution.

    Having said so, check Article 2 (6) of this new constitution which provides this:

    Any treaty or convention ratified by Kenya shall form part of the law of Kenya under this Constitution.

    Now, a treaty must be in writing. Since we have not provided how a treaty shall become domestic law, all that is required as it seems to us, to allow arbotion is just for a minister to ratify a treaty.

    Thus, to allow arbotion under this constitution requires only a 1st year law student to read it.

    However, since we live in the age of literate illiterate, we argue that the church and Ruto are mad. They are not. They are very sober to the issues.

    Anyway, let us shout at the Church and Ruto as move like wildbeasts at Mara River. Let us not focus on the constitution and what it says and focus on Ruto and Moi. After all, they are the devil.



    Forward to 7th December, 2011, what are we reading?

    "Rights group roots for abortion law."

    "The national human rights agency has urged Parliament to pass a law on safe abortion saying it was a fundamental right under the Constitution."

    And, the KICKER:

    “Making access to safe abortion an actionable right enables the realisation of other human rights provided for in the Constitution and other INTERNATIONAL instruments that Kenyan has ratified,” argues the commission.

    "Speaking during the launch of the report, Senior Counsel Pheroze Nowrojee advised the commission to ensure the findings are deposited in COURT."

    NB: Courts of our not learned Mutunga! Watch this pace!


    So, how do you claim there is no leadership?

    Or, you think leadership must be at the State House and the ICC Kangaroo?

    If you think so, you will die waiting.

    Anyway, as usual, we leave to enjoy music of the naughty Catholic Priest:

  24. The truth is that Kenya can still deal with Gen Bashir and the Republic of Sudan without the General ever needing to step on Kenyan soil.

    Oh yeah! Truth be told for once. Right on the mark, 100%, as always. Need we say more? No!

    Why would the general need to come to Kenya without an invitation from the GOK?

    Can we reply, Yes! There merely have to be-or-have been an official invitation from the very higher-ups in order for the general to take a casual walk - like he did the last time - in broad daylight amidst cheers, ululations, jubilations from the crowds andd traditional dancers, once the general has inspected the guard of honour - mounted by Kenya's finest, Recce Unit - organized by the welcoming party, none other than the state.

    And when all is said and done, the only action applicable by those concerned is the continuous reiteration of the fact that the general is considered a criminal fugitive by the majority of the international community of nations with an international warrant of arrest on his head.

    Kenya can only keep up with regional appearances while gingerly maintaining a wait and see attitude until such a time when one of those nations with powerful political and wide military muscle can instigate a direct manhunt for the general as were the previous cases with Gen Saddam Hussein, Col Muammar Gaddafi, Gen Hosni Mubarak, Royal Highness Ben Ali, and H.H. Laurent Gbagbo aka Gen TFA - 'Things Fall Apart'.

    Who is next in line for being kicked out of power in 2012?

    Did someone mention Mugabe, Royal King of Zimba, or was it H.H. Prince Kabange with his rigged elections in the Dem Rep of Congo?

    Time will tell in a matters of moons.

  25. Which naughty Catholic priest's music is being recomended?

    The earthquaking music of Maxi Priest?

    Or the very invigorating soul scratching music of Judas Priest?

    My personal choice would be Desert Rose by you know Who, rather than Desert Altar by the iconoclastic Padre Chebomuren.

  26. @Gaitho mwenyewe (and not 4:57 PM),

    I take it, you somehow meant that someone who can think profoundly about moral issues need not be very good at putting theory into practice when it comes to enforcing the international arrest warrant issued against leaders of rogue nations?

    By the way, why did you decide to pull a disappearing act in the manner done by Waweru?

  27. Let Kenyans hope that the international community of nations will not use them to ensnare Bashri only to around and abandon them on the winter beaches of Saint Tropez.

  28. The more things change the more they remain the same.

    Well, what became of the famous Rwandan fugitive wanted by the ICC, Interpol, Rwandan government, and suvivors of the Rwandan genocide?

    Talking of the one time Rwandan billionaire who was rumoured to have been well sheltered by people in high places and business associates of influence in Kenya during the early 90s through December of 2002.

  29. And the FREE FALL to intellectual stupidity gains momentum. Tell them KNOW IT ALL and lest they forget YOU TOLD THEM fools so long time ago. Nani kama wewe, sniff and sing!!!

  30. Do you always mean to type stupendous but then your intelligent keyboard ends up betraying the well known reserves of courteouness in you?

    Anonymous, what's going on _ NOW? Especially when you're not hooked on Kumekucha's FREE FALL catharsis moments.

    Have you ever wondered what happens to a moment of time after an unintended cyber buse occurs?

    PBWY! - Peace Be With You!

  31. Bashir is not Putin, and Sudan is no where near the Russian geopolitical territory.

    A past moment, however, still reminds us that men like Putin "the Russian" never cease to amaze the rest of the world that has been paying more closer attention to political, economic and social developments in Russia for the last decade and half.

    The one time senior chief at the KGB has chosen to go public by accusing 'outsiders' like Hillary Clinton for instigation protests that followed Sunday's legislative elections in Russian.

    Men like Putin and his people from the old order, are so oblivious to the fact that the Russian electorate gave the leaders and their henchmen a chance to lead the rest of the population to the promised land.

    And then quit once their ten year political stint was over, so that other better leaders may take over and lead Russia into a more prosperous future as was intended when the journey into the promised land began after the fall of former era under the old Soviet guard.

    How unpleasant it must be for all those Russians who had hoped for a better and stable Russian nation under a new democratic leadership.

    Anyway, RT a Russian TV was caught unwares by the unpredicatable political events that are unfolding in Russia at a time when the very same TV station, known as RT, has been so busy and preoccupied with reporting 24/7 about the doctors' strike in Kenya, urban violent crimes in South Africa, the one sided elections in Mynamar, demonstrations in India against Walmart's intrusion, political riots in Pakistani, the wide spread 'OCCUPY' protests in the United States, demonstartions and street battles against austerity measures in Greece, protests in Spain and Italy, and the ongoing protests in the Democratic Republic of Congos due to rigged elections in favour of Kabange's inherited ten year rule, other violent demonstrations in Yemen, and the euro zone crisis which had become a staple, punching bag, for RT daily news.

    So far, there has been very little reporting about Russia's opposition protests following recent flawed parliamentary elections, now that the shoe in on the other (Russian) foot.

    Well, the protests by the oppostion and larger segment of the Russian youth may not be similar to The Arab Spring, but it will definitely contribute more icy moments to The Winter of Discontent in Russia for a long time to come.

  32. It is really funny that Kenyan ruling elites should be sending the young Kenyan men to go and pursue al Bashir or al Shabbab after a colossal failure to offer a bare minim security to Kenyan citizens in Kenya!
    Thugs, cattle rustlers and thieves are roaming the countryside raping women and stealing their cattle, sheep and goats for the organized criminal syndicate's slaughter houses in Nairobi.
    The sending of Kenyan young men to Somalia was done as the result of some attacks on foreign tourists! Meaning, Kenya was ordered to go to war by some entity to protect these foreign nationals despite the fact that it will not lift a finger to protect its own citizens. Are these ruling elites merely armed security guards defending their foreign bosses' interest? If so, did Kenya really achieve "independence" in 1963?

  33. Blame it on the Bwana Kubwa Complex which stipulates that wanzundu aka wazungu and all of their interests both domestic and foreign must be protected at all costs and at all times, while poor wanzande aka wenyeji are left to fend for themselves as they have done for decades before the ostentantatious arrival of the wanzundu.
    Do the math, a single mnzundu life equals that of 2000 wanzande lives as the case has always been since the early 1800s.

  34. @Kumekucha,
    So much as what Hassan Omar Hassan's has expressed in his latest article is not disputed; but it falls very short of defining the province of the suffocating political smoke that has continued to choke the whole country since the overwhelming political breakthrough by the majority of Kenyans in December, 2002.

    There are those of us who may agree with some contents of his article, while there others who may seem offended by what may be perceived as outrageous and offensive views articulated by person like Hassan Omar Hassan, given his high public profile.

    Yet the very comments or views would not have upset the apple cart or mkokoteni full of mangoes in any way, shape or form had they been expressed or written by the likes of Mutahi Ngunyi.

    But we have still to ask the question: what is it that is thus common and pecular to the views expressed by Hassan Omar Hassan?

    And that is a question to which very different answers have been given and will be given by many depending on their personal as well as regional political affiliations, and none of them, perhaps, are going to be completely satisfactory in terms of any concrete contribution toward the realization of better governance, basic security, nationwide economic development and infrastructure (that's been non existent for decades), national cohesiveness, and some semblance of unity among various regions of Kenya.

    Just to mention few of the issues that Kenyans from all walks of life have died for and while others have continued to fight and strive for in the last four and half decades.
    How things quickly change in a split second, now that the rusty but deadly machete are being sharpened in preparation to chop Hassan Omar Hassan down to size and bury him where he belongs, out-of-sight and out-of-the limelight, for daring to utter what many have known for decades - namely, the president's men have no loincloth although they pretend to be capable of wearing lion clothings as required by the rulers of the foruty-one nations of Kenya.

  35. Wetangula Dracula is a total failure. A shame to the beloved Western Prov.
    How can such a person be a foreign minister?

  36. Africans are being killed in Libya. Nobody says a word. Kenyan studens die daily in East Germany, Russia, China, Ukrain, etc. Watalunga says nothing. Kenya ambassadors are sleeping on their jobs. When Bassir sneezes then they start to *t in their pants. What a people are we, what type of readers do we have? Shame shame.

  37. Anon 12:08PM
    Our strength as Kenyans is not in orchestrating uprisings similar to the Arab world,Wetangula knows this and therefore the dying Kenyans like flies in Libya, East Germany etc will never cause a tear to trickle down Moses eye

    The key to steering Kenyans to action is to mask our protests as seemingly ordinary STRIKES. Hence why the Doctors/Teachers/PublicSector workers are all lining up to strike between now and next December 2012

    We have the ticking time bomb but no one to light the fuse this is the REAL SHAME

  38. Blaming wazungu is the cheap option. The hard part is to do the right thing from the start (1963). Take away the colonialist and we have no single inch of rail. Take away their $/£ from tourism and you village starves to death. BTW who feeds the famine-stricken Kenyans? You can only fool yourself with cheap patriotism.

  39. Blaming wazungu is the cheap option. The hard part is to do the right thing from the start (1963). Take away the colonialist and we have no single inch of rail. Take away their $/£ from tourism and you village starves to death. BTW who feeds the famine-stricken Kenyans? You can only fool yourself with cheap patriotism.

    12/8/11 1:03 PM


    Bwa ha ha ha ha hi hi hi

    In European Union ( European ZOMBIE), we are hearing this:

    (a) Germans (in the NORTH) are hard working, more intelligent, not corrupt, savers, productive, work long and such nice words.

    (b) Greeks, Italians, Portuguese etc in the SOUTH, are lazy, retire early, corrupt, do not pay taxes and such bad words.

    Do you believe these words?

    If you do, then, this is what it is:

    As you move from the NORTH to SOUTH, people become stupid, silly, corrupt and all that.

    In a sense then, since the Greeks are very near the silly and corrupt Africans, they are very corrupt, silly, lazy and such words.

    As a result, the words we hear are these:

    The stupid and corrupt Greeks, Italians etc in the SOUTH must give up their sovereignty to the wise Germans.

    If they do not, then, there will be no railways, buses, tanks, lights in Athens.

    In other words, to employ your own words:

    "[Greeks, Italians and others in the SOUTH,]can only fool [themselves] with cheap patriotism."

    Good luck with such CHICKEN BRAIN "thinking."

    For us, we leave to enjoy:

    Poor Jah People:

  40. Yeah no rail built of GOLD

  41. Maximus Erectus12/9/11, 5:35 AM

    Civilization started in Greece and then the Romans romanticized it and spread it to the world. The word "romance" actually is a Romanian word which translates to "Courtly love" or a conception of nobly and chivalrously.
    I bet Mwarange'the did not know that! That should explain to you why Italian men are considered the most romantic men on the face of the earth. They just know how to love a woman! Mwah!

    Back to civilization – everything you see today including what you are wearing finds it origin from Greek civilization. Had it not been Greeks who inspired the Romans and then the Romans civilized the British YOU will be living in a mud hut, walking bare-footed, with no education, no mode of transport, witchdoctors treating kadhalika.

    Mwarange'the where will you be if it's was not for the Greeks, the Romans and the British?

  42. @Maximum Erectus,

    Woe unto you for provoking kingsize ego. Brace yourself for RAW diatribe while being branded a product of IVY LEAGUE of FOOLS. Lest you forget everybody is foolish except ...

    You will laugh your a#@ off with the tangent (read diversion) the response from you know who will take.

    It is one thing to know history and quote it but quite another being in the lead of intellectual free fall to uncritically and serial mouth history without any trace of intelligent context. BRING THEM ON.

  43. Civilization started in Greece and then the Romans romanticized it and spread it to the world.


    Bwa ha ha ha ha he hi hi, wi wi wi, we we we wa wa wa wa

    "When the Greeks scarcely knew Italy and Sicily by name, the Ethiopians were celebrated in the poems of THEIR (i.e. Greeks) bards.

    They were the REMOTEST nation, the MOST JUST OF MEN, the FAVORITES OF THE GODS.

    ... Their sacrifices are the most agreeable that mortals can offer and when the faint beams of tradition give way to the clear light of history, the lusture of the Ethiopians is not diminished.

    They still continue to be objects of curiosity and admiration; and the pens of cautious and clear sighted historians often place them in the HIGHEST RANK OF KNOWLEDGE and CIVILIZATION."

    Says Heeren, the great historian of the antiquity.


    Herodotus (a Greek) called the Ethiopians:

    "WISE MEN occupying the UPPER Nile, men of long life, whose MANNERS and CUSTOMS pertain to the GOLDEN AGE,
    those VIRTUOUS MORTALS, whose feasts and banquets are honored by Jupiter himself."


    And he heard say concerning Tirhakah king of ETHIOPIA/NUBIA, (SUDAN). He is come forth to make war with thee. And when he heard it, he sent messengers to HEZEKIAH, saying."

    So, says the Bible in Isaiah 37: 9.


    "Now the Ethiopians, as historians relate, were the FIRST of ALL MEN and the proofs of this statement, they say, are manifest.

    For they did not come into their land as immigrants from abroad but were natives of it and so justly ... is they maintain, conceded by practically ALL MEN;

    furthermore, that those who dwell beneath the NOON - DAY SUN [EQUATOR] were, in all likelihood, the FIRST to be generated by the earth, is clear to all; since, inasmuch as it was the warmth of the sun which, at the generation of the universe, dried up the earth when it was still wet and impregnated it with life, it is reasonable to suppose that the region which was nearest to the sun was the first to bring forth living creatures."

    NB@ Leakey can confirm this for you.

    ... it was among them that people were FIRST TAUGHT to honor the gods and offer sacrifices and arrange processions and festivals and perform other things by which people honor the DIVINE."

    So, says a GREEK historian Diodorus.

    When Solon, the wise man of Athens traveled to Africa to be TAUGHT MORE, he was was told,

    "you Greeks, are amateurs in antiquity and antiquity of KNOWLEDGE."

    So, informs us Plato.


    Anyway, Ethiopian TEACHER is Calling, so we leave to enjoy:

  44. Very true Prof Mwara tell them. After that ego therapy/expansion with history bila context except to attempt to show whoever exposed you why is ETHIOPIA far ahead Greece/Italy. Please don't trash that and bring in your version of civilization. Ama the streets of Addis are paved in GOLD?

  45. Maximus Erectus12/9/11, 8:50 AM


    The only mode of transport ancient Ethiopia invented was donkeys (without wheel-carts). Today go to Addis Ababa and tell me what is left of "Ethiopia civilization". From transportation, to education, medicine, buildings both commercial and residential, businesses ... etc ALL has roots deep down in Greece.

    Or go to rural Ethiopia and tell me why Ethiopians are still living in mud huts with no power and still walking 5 miles to fetch water with the highest level of illiteracy anywhere in the world. Why is the life expectancy in Ethiopia among the lowest in the world? Why do Ethiopian women have the highest rate of death during child-birth anywhere in the world? Why is child mortality among the highest in the world? Why is Ethiopia ridden in poverty, diseases and famine?

    Now Mwarange'the, tell me what happened to the Ethiopian civilization and we are in 2011 AD?

  46. Or go to rural Ethiopia and tell me why Ethiopians are still living in mud huts with no power and still walking 5 miles to fetch water with the highest level of illiteracy anywhere in the world. Why is the life expectancy in Ethiopia among the lowest in the world? Why do Ethiopian women have the highest rate of death during child-birth anywhere in the world? Why is child mortality among the highest in the world? Why is Ethiopia ridden in poverty, diseases and famine?

    Now Mwarange'the, tell me what happened to the Ethiopian civilization and we are in 2011 AD?


    All you is TRUE.

    Around 400 B.C. Athens was full of slaves from all parts of the world.

    In the modern era, they were just the other day selling their kids to the Turks.


    In this "documentary," towards the end, she says something that may enlighten thee from your ignorance:

  47. What people are we, what type of _______ do we have?

    Waziri Wetangulia Tuta bin Kutana should not be blamed for some of the predictable as well as unpredicatble deadly misfortunes that contuinue to befall Kenyans who go abroad.

    First of all, it's goes with the territory, more deaths abound to occur as more Kenyans travel abroad than they have done in the last twenty years.

    As is the case where such unfortunate situations have become all too common among the Indian community living abroad.

    Anyways, what about all those raia who die every month on our sub-standard Kenya's highways to a quick death?

    And what about hundreds of many unfortunate Kenyans who're going to perish at the hands of drunk, sleepy, speeding, rude, careless, unlicensed, and distracted drivers, over the end-year (2011) holiday celebrations and travels nationwide?

    Who will advocate for them after the deadly fact?

    Will Waziri Wetangulia Tuta bin Kutana be blamed for all the road carnage and binge drinking related deaths?

    Or will you or some of us do something beyond the usual "saying something" about it without taking concrete actions to curb the road vehicular carnage that has become so common during weekends, month-ends and holiday seasons?

    Guess what? All the distinguished members of parliament, senior civil servants and the so-called wealthy segment population of society, will fly to their nearest homes rather than risk their lives and that of their families by traveling on some of the worst roads in Eastern Africa.

    Shame Shame on us all for failing to respect, obey, or even understand the basics involved in road safety.

  48. Mmmmmmmm! Are we bashing Ethiopia again for all its worth, so we can feel good about ousrselves.

    Have some of us ever been to most (not all) rural regions of Ethiopia?

    Anyway let's not bother ourselves with whether we have been there or not.

    But if we have, then how about we compare and constrast the same with our homes, villages, whatever that remains of our former sub-locations, locations, divisions, districts, and what is now politically christened as our so called counties.

    Let's not forget to also compare and contrast the lives of our Ethiopian neighbours in South Africa, Asia, Europe, Australia and North America with that of Kenyans in the same regions.

    Then let's find out who among the two groups are still busy trying to reinvent the proverbial ancient wheel?

    And which group - including the first, second and third generations - has done well for itself by managing to have its cultural and economic presence felt wherever they have settled since the 1970s.

    Lastly, Ethiopia is not a paradise, but how would we rate our ethnic cuisines, alphabet, traditional dress code, beer, music, names, history, religions, and cultural pride when comapred to the Ethiopian ethnic types?

    A person's name is his or her personal signboard to the world, his or her most intimate. distinctive possession. - Dale Carnegie.

  49. @Mwara,

    An advice from IVY LEAGUE of GENIUS: a man's true worth is measured by his actual deeds and not cyber celebrity. Tell us what you have done to the Mbeere apart from you still born cosmetic biz.

    Please stop yapping and tell us what practical deeds you have taken to better your lot's lives. No theories please now that your ego has reached saturation/destination.

  50. African ruling elites have voluntarily turned into killing instruments in exchange for cash. The cash these elites get is used, not to develop the country, but to hire foreign/local security agents for (a) self protection (b) protection of the wealth they have accumulated by sacrificing and condemning their fellow citizens to abject poverty! The land has become the sole property of the government.
    The organization called African Union has been put together with a sole purpose of venturing into other African territories in order to silence, kill, rape, maim or displace any unarmed African with an opposing view in order to give room for the exploitation of African natural resources. The African elites have become the familiar faces of the destruction of the African families. The African elites are the proxies through whom the depopulation of Africa by displacement, starvation and disease is now being carried out. Yes, the African ruling elites are the unrepentant and willing participants in the destruction of Africa. The African elites have offered “plausible deniability” to their foreign comrades who supply them with the efficient and deadly weapons; the comrades train the economically disadvantaged African young men to be the most feared faces towards the unarmed African men women and children. The foreign comrades operate behind the scenes offering the needed logistics! After all, why would a comrade show his/her face if there is a flunky motivated by greed and is willing to kill his own people to prove his/her loyalty?

    I used to think that African Union was an organization to promote peace and trade within the Sub-Saharan African states and beyond. Well, this region, blessed with fertile land and natural resources, is now a war zone where African elites are on the rampage, slaughtering their own population at commands in exchange for personal gains!

  51. Maximus Erectus12/9/11, 3:28 PM


    I thought by now you would have guessed the meaning of my names "Maximus Erectus" which are actually REAL names from ancient Rome.

    That's said.Do you know there are lot of similarities between the British invasion of Kenya and Roman invasion of Britain?

    Let me give u an overview of Roman invasion of Britain.

    Before the Romans, Britain was very primitive with primitive tribes scattered all over what we know today as UK.

    The Romans founded and established Londinium (London) first as a town and later as the imperial capital and commercial centre. London before the Romans was waste marsh-land with only few villages within the perimeters today's city of London. The first thing the Romans did was to build Tower Bridge (still stand today) for the same reason the colonialists built Kenya-Uganda railway. The Romans did many other things including building many British roads which are still in use today. Most of today's London monuments and buildings still have Roman architectures 2000 years after the invasion. They also did terrible things especially to those tribes that resisted the Roman rule.

    My point is Mwarang'the, what can you learn from these invasions? Why were the British able to move away from shackles of colonialism so quickly and became pioneers of modern era inventions? Why can't you?

    Are you aware Jesus lived and died under the Roman invasion? Did the invasion stop Jesus from His mission?

    Btw, are u aware the Bible original text was written in Greek before it was translated into Latin after the Roman Empire converted to Christianity and much later King James 1 of England commissioned the first English Bible known as King James Bible.

    My point is very clear like I said before: Where will you be if it was not for the Greeks, the Romans and the British? STOP complaining and go change your world NOW!!!

  52. @A Gentleman and a Scholar of ancient and medieval history.

    Elaborate more on the true story of Medieval England, from King Arthur to the Tudor Conquest.

    The world is alway reminded of the fact that the evidence of Great Britain's legacy (not Greek or Roman) to the English-speaking world - indeed, to most of the Western world itself - is all around us, woven intimately into the fabric of almost every aspect of daily life.

    The Anglo-Saxons have left an indelible mark on all social levels of our present day lives unlike the Greeks and Romans.

    By the way, are you sure that all of the Bible's original text were in Greek?

    Including all the primary religious texts?

    Which of the two influenced Jesus. Was it the Jewish world of Jesus, or the Roman world of Jesus?

    Nagging question, how comes there is irrefutable evidence of the presence of the Anglo-Saxons, the Greeks, Germanic immigrants and none of the mighty Romans, except the remains of their ancient ruins and dead language?

    Why did the Romans disappear from the face of the earth?

  53. My point is very clear like I said before: Where will you be if it was not for the Greeks, the Romans and the British? STOP complaining and go change your world NOW!!!

    12/9/11 3:28 PM


    Where would have been Greeks, Romans and the British without the TEACHINGS of the Ethiopians/Africans who:

    "A race of men, now REJECTED
    from society for their sable skin and frizzled hair, FOUNDED on the
    STUDY of the LAWS OF NATURE, those CIVIL and RELIGIOUS systems
    which STILL GOVERN govern the UNIVERSE."?

    Volney, the French Historian.

    With that, we leave to enjoy:

    I and I are the ROOTS:

  54. Mwarange'the,

    We are moving forward are we?

  55. Mwarange'the,

    We are moving forward are we?

    12/10/11 4:11 AM


    Yes, we are moving forward, without ILLUSIONS, DELUSIONS because:

    "History is the witness that testifies to the passing of time; it ILLUMINES REALITY, vitalizes memory, PROVIDES GUIDANCE IN DAILY LIFE and brings us tidings of antiquity."


    Yes, we are moving forward as MATURE men/women and not as grown up men/women full of CHILDISH FANTASIES for:

    "To remain ignorant of things that happened before you were born is to remain a child."


    With that MATURE moving forward as opposed to ILLUSIONS, DELUSIONS and CHILDISH FANTASIES that you carry in your SMALL head, we head to listen to Praise The Almighty:

  56. Londinium in latin means "the settlement on the wide river" just as Nyirobi in masaai means "a place of cool waters".

    These 2 cities were both marshy waste-lands that grew from small settlements to small towns, to imperial capitals to mordern day business and financial hubs.

  57. And you wonder why those who CRAM to pass exams populate the world with superlative idiocy. Citing raw history without the ability to weave it into context only succeeds in exposing your limitations.

    True there are isolated cases when one right can stand a plethora of wrongs. But a brilliant mind will not bask in glory of idiocy packaged in one-dimensional medieval quotes as the pillar of his intellect. Smart people often speak loudly in silence but not the KNOW-IT-ALL in all subject:land/tax/money/wealth/war/law etc.

    In KK we find an epitome of an infinite ego (expansion). More Sumarian folklore please!!!!!!

  58. LMAO!
    The Greeks, Romans, among others, were the ones who first perfected the art - that has been so much elevated in modern times - of plagiarism, cannibalization (violation) of intellectual property, cut and paste, etcetera. Why don't we just learn from the best and keep the ancient traditions alive, for there is nothing new under sun.

  59. Anon 8:01 AM
    Mwarang'ethe must managed to get under your intellectual skin for whatever reasons with his wide reserve of knowledge about the ancient world.

    Here is to you and yours: In 1750 B.C., the great Babylonian king Hammurabi issued his famous code of law, which exemplified the idea that every individual in an empire - regardless of his or her status - has rights that are written down and therefore cannot be changed.

    Just to cite some beneficial "raw history" that has enbaled many like you and us to have our rightful place around the table of the world nations.

    Otherwise many of us would still be singing "chakuducha, chakuducha, chakuducha, ducha, ducha ducha" in east of Eden.

  60. And that is what is called CONTEXT. If only others would quote history with that benefit of relevance input. But I guess when you are neck-deep in human worship you give leave to any trace of independent thought. Amen.

  61. Smart people often speak loudly in silence but not the KNOW-IT-ALL in all subject:land/tax/money/wealth/war/law etc.


    To study/understand UNIVERSAL HISTORY/HUMAN EXPERIENCE is to understand roles played by land, tax, money, wealth, war, law, religion etc in human affairs.

    Your stupidity is self evident. For instance, how the hell do you think you can understand tax without understanding wealth, money and law?

    Oh, we forget you come from IVY LEAGUE of FOOLS circles where they teach LIES and BULLSHIT.

  62. Maximus Erectus12/10/11, 4:19 PM

    Anon 6:42

    "….The world is alway reminded of the fact that the evidence of Great Britain's legacy (not Greek or Roman) to the English-speaking world - indeed, to most of the Western world itself - is all around us, woven intimately into the fabric of almost every aspect of daily life.

    The Anglo-Saxons have left an indelible mark on all social levels of our present day lives unlike the Greeks and Romans."


    I think you got my point wrong, my friend.

    You can check this on your history books: Greek civilization IS the birthplace of Western civilisation aka modern civilization. Everything you see today, from Olympic games, to toilets whether pit latrine, flushable, public toilets, clothings, machineries, brothels, theatres, Museums, medicine ALL were invented in ancient Greece. It doesn't matter whether they are made in China, Japan, America, Britain, Germany, Italy, Kenya…, etc etc - ALL have roots deep in Greece.

    Greek civilization had a powerful influence on the Roman Empire who fell in love with it, and carried a version of it to the world (mainly Europe and Mediterranean region ).
    When they brought it to Britain, the Brits advanced it to another level of invention after invention, discovery after discovery, technology after techology. And from then on it began to spread like a wild fire - where Romans couldn't go like sub-Sahara Africa, North America, Caribbean, Pacific, South and SE Asia, the Brits succeeded.

    So you can't deny Greece has hand on Great Britain's legacy to the English speaking world. It's a FACT.

    Even today, when Greece began to suffer from current financial crisis/bankcruptcy, the whole Europe is NOW suffering.

    Yes, you are right, not the whole original text of the bible was written in Greek - only the New Testament.

  63. Everything you see today, from Olympic games, to toilets whether pit latrine, flushable, public toilets, clothings, machineries, brothels, theatres, Museums, medicine ALL were invented in ancient Greece.


    Just to mention one thing, MEDICINE.

    If you knew what you are yapping about, you would know about this man:Imhotep.

    He practiced medicine when Greece people did not even "exist." That is to say, THOUSANDS of years before so called Greek medicine. We are talking of around 2630 - c.2611 BC!

    NB: Greece golden age came around after the age of Solon. In other words, TWO THOUSAND YEARS after the great medicine man of Africa.

    To quote BBC:

    "When the Greeks conquered Egypt they recognised in him attributes of their medicine god Asclepius, and continued to build TEMPLES to him.

    His reputation lasted until the Arab invasion of North Africa in the seventh century AD."

    NB: In other words, with the conquest of Egypt by the Arabs, history started to be re-written to suit new INVADERS. This is the history they BRAINWASH you with now in your IVY LEAGUE of FOOLS.

    Go back and do your homework you KID for you KNOW NOTHING!

    Anyway, we leave to enjoy history of the man who gave Kenyan FLAG its colors of RED, GREEN and RED:

  64. I think you got my point wrong, my friend.

    You can check this on your history books: Greek civilization IS the birthplace of Western civilisation aka modern civilization. Everything you see today, from Olympic games, to toilets whether pit latrine, flushable, public toilets, clothings, machineries, brothels, theatres, Museums, medicine ALL were invented in ancient Greece. It doesn't matter whether they are made in China, Japan, America, Britain, Germany, Italy, Kenya…, etc etc - ALL have roots deep in Greece.


    Just to add something you seem totally ignorant of.

    Minoan civilization was the FORE RUNNER of the Greek civilization.

    You would do yourself some justice if you could dig DEEPER into this civilization for what you will find will shock thee.

    We leave it at that, assuming you know how to do research.

  65. Mwarang'the,

    I don't know what you are arguing about. I said Greek civilization is the mother/birth place of Modern or Western civilizations. I did not say there were no other civilization before that. In fact they were many like Helladic and Cycladic civilizations to name but few. But Greek Civilization remains the foundation of modern civilization.

    Now you mentioned medicine, have you heard of Hippokrates, the father of modern medicine? He was Greek. I had the privilige this summer to visit his museum in Kos Greece. The medicine you see today is the idea of this one man, considered the greatest pyscian.

    Mwarange'the, I suggest you read your history properly and understand it before you ever start commenting. The truth is YOU don't know much although you want to believe you know everything.

    Not only have I read the history of civilizations but I have also been to many these places to see first hand.

  66. I don't know what you are arguing about. I said Greek civilization is the mother/birth place of Modern or Western civilizations. I did not say there were no other civilization before that. In fact they were many like Helladic and Cycladic civilizations to name but few. But Greek Civilization remains the foundation of modern civilization.


    It is not. Simple as that.

    The foundations of the present stupid civilization goes deeper than Greece civilization. However, since you are not aware of this, you are like a CHILD who thinks everything is new.


    Now you mentioned medicine, have you heard of Hippokrates, the father of modern medicine? He was Greek. I had the privilige this summer to visit his museum in Kos Greece. The medicine you see today is the idea of this one man, considered the greatest pyscian.


    We gave thee the name of the greatest and most ancient known physician. He is not Hippocrates.

    He was building on the works of others. The fact that, your school told you he was the greatest does not make it so because, historical facts say otherwise.

    Either, you go by the historical facts we have, or, you live in your fantasy world.

    Your visit to Greece proves nothing.

  67. Mwarang'the,

    I don't know what you are arguing about. I said Greek civilization is the mother/birth place of Modern or Western civilizations.


    Let us give some examples to show your utter ignorance.

    (a) Around 1715 B.C., we find Joseph being a Prime Minister to a Pharaoh King.

    What do we have in the UK today? Is it not the same arrangements?

    (b) Around 1707 B.C. we find travelers Inn in Egypt and NORTHERN parts of Arabia.

    Are we not having the same bed and breakfast today?

    (c) In the age of Herodotus, in Egypt, we find them making BARLEY liquor.

    What is KBS using today? What are the Scottish whiskey makers using in 2011?

    (d) Around 1556 B.C. Cecrops a native of Egypt, led a COLONY into GREECE and married daughter of Acteus King of ATTICA and became successful in the Kingdom.

    Didn't the Europeans engage in a lot of colonization in the 18th Century?

    Cecrops founded 12 villages which later became city of ATHENS.

    He also, taught them the art of INDUSTRY and principles of AGRICULTURE.

    Such is the ORIGINS of the most ancient and illustrious city of Athens.

    (e) We are also, told that, Cadmus arrived from Phoenicia and taught the Greeks the art of LETTERS and art of metal working which were unknown in that part of the world.

    (f) We are also, taught that, another Egyptian adventurer Danaus went into Greece and removed the King of Argos and reigned in his place.

    Is this is not the modern imperialism?

    And, doesn't this show you the power of NAVIES was known in those most ancient time just as we see with Athenians at the height of their power, Americans or the British the other day?

    So, what is that was knew when Greeks came into power?

    Learn real history and you will realize what looks like new is much older.

  68. Mwarang'the,

    I don't know what you are arguing about. I said Greek civilization is the mother/birth place of Modern or Western civilizations.


    "Finally," just to MOCK you further:

    Around 1300 B.C., Egypt was being ruled by Myris or Moeris who was honored with the title PHILOSOPHER.

    NB: That is almost 1000 years before the WISE Socrates and his friends in Athens which we have taught you how was founded.

    Let us continue. This Prince, we are told, invented the principles of GEOMETRY which is essential to world commerce even today.

    NB: However, there is also, some who teach us that, this knowledge was also well known in Babylon, China and India.

    This guy also, formed an ARTIFICIAL LAKE of a great very great magnitude to control River Nile waters. In other words, like Aswan dam of today.

    NB: You should tell Namwamba about this because, he is unable to control a small stream.

    From this new lake, being a "just" ruler, he wanted all his people to share the fish caught in it. As such, he started SALTING fish to distribute to the people.

    Just to inform thee, this ancient knowledge, greatly enriched the MODERN Holland.

    Oh, we can tell you so many things that will shock you, but, we resist that urge.

    Let us therefore, proceed to enjoy:

    I admit we go to school
    Not until we reach upon

    where in I and I can be teached by AFRICAN TEACHERS,

    O yes I and I can be teached by African Teachers

  69. Mwarang'the,

    I am sorry I ain't going to urgue with you any longer. I just come back from church and i need to digest the sermon I heard this morning. YOU won!!

    Have a good week ahead till we meet again in near future(here in KK of course).


  70. Have a good week ahead till we meet again in near future(here in KK of course).


    12/11/11 6:52 AM



    However, before we engage again, get an African name assuming you are an African.

    We do not want to engage with people bearing names of murderers of mankind.

  71. So after all the therapy in ego expansion where is the beef in the meat besides RAW historical quotes? And after all the civilization verbiage show us what what change you have effected apart from e-celeb status. You epitomize INFINITE EGO EXPANSION syndrome. Only fools ad mad men engage in such shameless monologues - look at how you hog the whole space and answer yourself, SHAME!

  72. So after all the therapy in ego expansion where is the beef in the meat besides RAW historical quotes? And after all the civilization verbiage show us what what change you have effected apart from e-celeb status. You epitomize INFINITE EGO EXPANSION syndrome. Only fools ad mad men engage in such shameless monologues - look at how you hog the whole space and answer yourself, SHAME!

    12/12/11 2:03 AM


    If you do not specialize in SMALL EGO problems, you would have learnt a lot from what we have been saying here at KK.

    For instance, check our contributions during the constitutional debate. Those contributions are informed by historical knowledge of mankind.

    That is why we could declare with 101% confidence that, the whole constitutional reforms was as an exercise in DELUSION, ILLUSIONS and CHILDISH FANTASY.

    Doubt it? Check with the NOT LEARNED CELEBRITY CJ who is now telling us that:

    "Kenya judiciary staff get Sh20m mortgage plan."

    "Kenyan judges, magistrates and other employees of the Judiciary are to benefit from a Sh20 million mortgage scheme each.

    The scheme is part of efforts by the Judicial Service Commission to improve terms and conditions of service in the Judiciary."

    This NOT LEARNED CJ thinks buying houses for the judges is reforms. What a farce?


    In other words, should Kenyans really seek real reforms, they must be guided/listen to someone/people with REAL UNDERSTANDING of human affairs.

    And, that UNDERSTANDING, can only come from UNIVERSAL HISTORY.

    With that you FOOL, we leave to enjoy:

    I tried to make them understand, but, they could not understand, [like this FOOL]

  73. @Chris,
    What's going on [NOW]?

    Shall we agree or disagree that maybe the time for Kumekucha to exist [shine] or cease to exist [be shut down] is now [starting from December 16, 2011]?

    Idleness [extended periods of inactivity] is the gate to oblivion, or a consequent slow death.

    What say you?
    Businessman: Mr. Ngurahi Igaratia, is a business person, who never left a River Road flat located above the row of shops owned by his grandfather, a place he where grew up.

    He only knew the outside world from radio, newspapers, televison, and what he heard from his customers, his twelve matatu drivers, six bus drivers, his ten long distance truck drivers (all Rwandans) and seven children who lived and worked in different parts of the country, Africa, Europe and the Middle East.

    When his elderly, billionaire grandfather died, chance left Ngurahi Igaratia to end up advising the President of the Republic on the nation's troubled economic dealings with its business partners, namely Uganda, Sudan, South Sudan, Tanzania, Rwanda, Ethiopia, Burundi, South Africa, Comoros Islands, Oman, Baharain, Djibouti, Yemen, Saudia, Egypt, Madagascar, Seychelles, Mauritius, and India.

    There were so many economic experts, political insiders, henchmen and top-dogs from Kenya's business community who were really opposed to having Ngurahi Ingaratia come aboard as repalcement for his great-grandfather's.

    But to their amazement, he has helped stimulate economic growth by quadrupling trade with all of the international business partners with one exception, Somalia due to ongoing politicsl crisis.

    Ngurahi Igaratia, a man who does not hold an economic, nor business degree from one of the renowned institutions, let hold a passport, has go on to do better than all of his partners, doubters, vicious opponents from LSE, UoN, etc, and insiders had expected when he replaced his late great-grandfather.

    And he has done it all without ever stepping foot out of the country or traveling fifty miles away outside of Nairobi Metropolitan area.

    How did he manage to do it? And why has he come to be so respected in the Middle East, while keeping a very low profile at home?

    Well, that's to be found out later on.

    a) Who owns a two hundred acre farm that has been producing and exporting some of the best pear apples to markets in the Middle east, Europe and Asia?

    b) What's the common name for pear apples in Swahili and the local language where they are grown?

  74. So where has that REAL UNDERSTANDING taken you outside your little skull? It appears you don't even understand what EGO EXPANSION means for you swim in it. You are a paper tiger envious of reality and in your twisted and small mind frame trying to trash everything. Offering paper prescription that only grow on trees populating your head will not fly. While urging others to understand you please do the same, step aside of your self obsession and enjoy what your lack: BASIC COURTESY devoid of bravado, brinkmanship and condescending attitude.

    You remind me of first year philosophy students who after their first PHI100 class think they are the best philosophers under the sun.

    You see Mister, it is not that what you communicate is all wrong but mode and tone of communication is an art many don't have. Why do you imagine that all that is presently existing is wrong and only YOU have the right prescription?

    For starters stop calling people FOOLS before your get schooled in humility, will you? Not that I expect you to take heed. Well bring all the vitriol and trash all you don't understand with your trademark chest thumping.

  75. Why do you imagine that all that is presently existing is wrong and only YOU have the right prescription?



    The fact that you think we are imagining the wrongs of the present civilization says it all about your stupidity and small mindedness.

    Why do we think we have the prescriptions?

    Simple FOOL.

    We have studied and we CONTINUE to study UNIVERSAL HISTORY. From that study, you understand what other men have tried and which worked and what failed and why.

    Therefore, when we see men trying stuff that failed thousands of years ago, we are bound to say so for laws of history like those of nature are eternal.

    Is that so difficult to understand FOOL?

    And, can you please counter the arguments we make and stop this CHILDISH behavior of wining?

    Anyway, since you are a foolish man, we leave to enjoy: Stiff Necked Fool:

  76. Wow! If studying and being an expert in UNIVERSAL HISTORY only succeeds in starting a COSMETIC biz well that is marvellous. Now what else have you gained or done to better your lots lives with you universal knowledge?

    And BTW how is the biz doing? Still trading in GOLD? And ordinary man craving for e-fame in medieval history. LOL!

  77. Wow! If studying and being an expert in UNIVERSAL HISTORY only succeeds in starting a COSMETIC biz well that is marvellous. Now what else have you gained or done to better your lots lives with you universal knowledge?


    Listen little FOOL:

    Education/knowledge ought not to be pursued as a means of earning bread. Remember, it is written that, man shall not live on bread alone. After all, ONLY the TRUTH IS BEAUTIFUL.

    However, we are aware that, earning bread is the sole objective of the IVY LEAGUE of FOOLS education that you have received.

    That is why we hold your education as ABSURD and BASE type of education. This education of yours so called, can only produce IDIOTS whose business of AVARICE and MURDER can never be disturbed by moments of reflection.

    As such, if FOOLS like you would recognize the value of knowledge as the LAMP for our feet, you would not be paying KES 200, 000 per seat for the next USELESS MP's/parasites and mortgages for judges so called, under your new NOT LEARNED CJ.

    With that we leave to enjoy: Brainwash education:

  78. Common stop being jealous. Just like Kibaki and his lot who are perfecting Moi's ills you are only complaining about KES 200,000 seats because you can only piss from outside. You have no chance of having your snout in the honey jar.

    You hollier-than-thou attitude provides stitches for laughter. A hypocrite:

    1) Left Africa to come and piss on his hosts (seek better life), DENY?

    2) You are so philanthropic you started a COSMETIC biz for charity.

    3) You deride what you rev in: trash the £/$ which you gleefully seek

    And you know what? I am too smart for your cat fights, won't fall for the bait. WHO IS THE FOOL NOW?


    Lastly before you tag others fools please attend and graduate from the school of humility. You are toxically jealous of what is around you and existing hence your penchant for utopian prescriptions.

  79. Common stop being jealous. Just like Kibaki and his lot who are perfecting Moi's ills you are only complaining about KES 200,000 seats because you can only piss from outside. You have no chance of having your snout in the honey jar.


    To this we answer. Since in your AVARICE and MURDER you cannot be disturbed by any reflection, we can only wish you well with your snout in the honey jar.

    Just continue enjoying the blood of the weak and poor.


    You hollier-than-thou attitude provides stitches for laughter. A hypocrite:

    1) Left Africa to come and piss on his hosts (seek better life), DENY?


    Once again, if you had ANY capacity for reflection, you would know the answer to this question.

    However, since you are an IDIOT, we have no choice, but, to educate thee.

    If you ever, ever, pick a book on Roman history, you will find something like this:

    " ... in Rome, you would see throngs of people, strangers to each other, born in far - distant lands, rowing to meet each other in the ANSWER to the NEEDS of Rome..."

    In other words, it was not just the mass of goods from distant lands you would see in Rome which she had APPROPRIATED, but, a mass of people from the same distant lands whom she HAD CONSECRATED to HER SERVICE.

    If you have brains, which we doubt, from what we have written, you have an answer to thy question.


    2) You are so philanthropic you started a COSMETIC biz for charity.


    If you can write this, perhaps, it is time for those around you to drag you to a psychiatrist for examination. You are just sick not even foolish!

    NB: Please confirm you have seen a psychiatrist and TAKEN all MEDICINE to be prescribed before we respond to any rubbish you write from this moment.


    With that, as usual, we leave to enjoy: Tell me where you get it

  80. Speak of DROWNING IN INFORMATION but THIRSTY of KNOWLEDGE = quotes bila context

    SELECTIVE INTELLECT is when you conveniently cut-and-paste but fail to respond :

    ....before you dismiss others as fools please attend and graduate from the school of humility....

    Bwaha haha haha.....

  81. Whoever is accusing Mwarang'ethe of ego-expansion is unwittingly promoting the very vice. You are providing the idle guy with a fertile opportunity to show his UNIVERSAL HISTORY prowess (whatever that means and by whose measure?). Stop it and give the guy's ego a break, it may burst.

  82. who saved Kenyatta twice from assasination?

  83. What happened to Chris? Does anyone know?

  84. As Kenyan doctors strike, the reigning MP (Masters of imPunity) vomit their largesse and flaunt their opulence in the hunger of our faces

    Mututho's house is so big he hosted 300 guests at one go! And how about a doctor working in Westlands let DN do a piece showing the comparative difference so we can understand!

  85. Rest welll Kumekucha! Rest well! I bid thee farewell until our bloggered souls meet again in midst of our mid-2012 review of the nightmare known as the forth coming general elections.


  87. This Blog has been a waste of e-space in 2011!!!!!!!!

  88. @Mwara,

    An advice from IVY LEAGUE of GENIUS: a man's true worth is measured by his actual deeds and not cyber celebrity. Tell us what you have done to the Mbeere apart from your still born cosmetic biz.

    Please stop yapping and tell us what practical deeds you have taken to better your lot's lives. No theories please now that your ego has reached saturation/destination.


    What would you expect from a well known cyber PLAGIARIST waxing lyrical about I-KNOW-IT-ALL mwanadamu binadamu.

    Mwara simply yaps about here as if he is the Oasis of all knowledge. This are the kind who will yap about to their graves!!!!! with NOTHING to SHOW PERIOD!!!!!!

  89. "The Greeks, Romans, among others, were the ones who first perfected the art - that has been so much elevated in modern times - of PLAGIARISM, cannibalization (violation) of intellectual property, CUT AND PASTE, etcetera"

    Walala laaa! careful man! lest you be labelled CHICKEN BRAIN by you know who...(no prizes here)

    I have severally stated that PLAGIARISM contradicts the most BASIC learning PRINCIPLES.

    The Master ( No prizes here) of VERBATIM copying only shows his limitations via DELIBERATE and INACCURATE use of references.

    The mere COPY of texts has no EDUCATIONAL VALUE!!! we did learn that at the IVY LEAGUE OF FOOLS!!!

    I have Spoken!!!

  90. Sidebar issue. Kilicho na mwanzo kina mwisho in light of the 'Iraq War' that has just come to an end after it started a decade ago.

    So far, over a million Americans and NABS (non American born soldiers recruited in the United States Armed Forces) have served in Iraq.

    As the troops pull out of Iraq, I just wanted to remind Kumekucha that over five-hundred (500) Kenyans have served in Iraq as active duty soldiers in the United States military.

    Many of whom completed their tour of duty without a hitch, getting killed, wounded or discharged due to post combat related complications (PCRC), what many like to refer to as PTSD.

    But there are those among who bared the brunt of combat while in Iraq and have been nursing their injuries, physical, and pyschological, ever since they left Iraq, and unfortunately several of them, ten or twelve, have succumbed to combat related deaths.

    Despite the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan many young Kenyan women and men have not become apprehensive, fearful nor been discouraged from joining the United States army, navy, airforce, marines or coast guard.

    Many continue to join the US military, and majority of the recruits are those who have been born and raised in Kenya, but have or had parents of Kenyan descent who had become United States (naturalized) citizens at one point or another over the last thirty-five years.

    Wars are very costly events and above all they do take a very heavy toll on the men and women inform, including their families that support them during long periods of deployment.

    And it's for that reasons some of us join other foreigners - non Americans - in welcoming back home (Kenya and other respective nations) the young men and women who were among the last of the troops, and wishing them all the very best in their post-Iraq endeavors.

    Without forgetting all those who are still based in Afghanistan as well as those who will go on to be deployed in Afghanistan for as long as their presence is deemed vital to the national security interests of their host nation as well as that of the neighbouring nations.

  91. Maximus Erectus12/15/11, 8:46 AM

    I don't know why so many of you get worked up by Mwarang'the??

    If anyone here believes in any of hallucinations he writes then you MUST be cuckoo. Mwarange'the is full of crepe!

    Yeye hana msingi.

    Having said that, I do believe Mwarang'the just like anyone else here in KK IS entitled to his opinions whether plagiarised or not. This is called net and we thank God for freedom of speech that allow people all over the world the right to opinion which normally you wouldn't get elsewhere.

    Personally I don't pay attention to what Mwarangethe writes here so there is no need for me to launch an attack on him or any another blogger.

    It shows maturity when we allow people to air and share their opinions, beliefs, principles, kadhalika without being hurled with insults and victimization.

    We live to agree and disagree. Ama?


  92. Chris is not MIA but he has been AWOL for a while. Hope he is well and fine wherver he is.

  93. The Greeks are responsible for having created Western Civilzation.

    The Greeks themselves realized that they were very different from their neighbours.

    "For the man of Hellas there is nothing greater than freedom," reads a third-century inscription.

    The discussion of slavery shows how Greeks defined themselves as a people in terms of political freedom, constrasting their free lives with those of the barbarians, who were politically enslaved.

    - In Max Pohlenz, Freedom in Greek Life and Thought: The History of an Ideal, trans. Carl lofmarks (New York, 1966), 106.

    My my my my! So little has changed since the days when the people of Hellas cherished freedom above all else.

    Yet centuries later, very little has changed because many of us are still politically, economically, intellectually, religiously, socially, .... enslaved.

  94. And it's for that reasons some of us join other foreigners - non Americans - in welcoming back home (Kenya and other respective nations) the young men and women who were among the last of the troops, and wishing them all the very best in their post-Iraq endeavors.


    Bwa ha ha ha ha hi hi hi we we wi ha we we

    mamelukes and Janissaries.


    For the man of Hellas there is nothing greater than freedom," reads a third-century inscription.

    The discussion of slavery shows how Greeks defined themselves as a people in terms of political freedom, constrasting their free lives with those of the barbarians, who were politically enslaved.



    Pisistratus (tyrant) was once walking in the country side and passed a laborer digging a stony piece of ground.

    Pisistratus asked the man what sort of living he procured from such a soil:

    "A harvest of ACHES and PAINS," the laborer replied, " and even OUT OF THEM Pisistratus must get his TITHE."

    OK, what was the SOCIAL FOUNDATION of this "democracy"?

    The truth is that, whatever they called a Free State was also, a Slave State.

    The city may have gleamed, but, it was the GREAT SLAVE MARKET of the ancient world.

    This City, passed special laws for the protection of SLAVE - DEALERS upon whose prosperity of her revenue depended.

    A tax was levied on the sale of slaves such that, the more human slaves passed hands, the richer the State was!

    During the war, the slave hunters would follow the army and afforded special facilities for purchasing prisoners.

    Possessing the sea monopoly, Athens slave ships were seen at Chios, Samos, Cyprus and Tyre.

    That is why their GREAT PHILOSOPHER, Aristotle, teaches us that the most necessary and valuable property was a MAN.

    He even teaches us that, there are two kinds of property:

    - animate, and
    - inanimate.

    More so, this philosopher would define a slave as a living property, i.e. a living implement.

    Flowing from the pen of this GREAT PHILOSOPHER of Athens, we are told that, no FREE CITIZEN should be allowed to engage in mechanical labor which is ignoble, i.e. all work was left to the slaves because, their bodies were fitted for that purpose.

    And, to bait them to work even harder, a slave master should promise freedom one day.

    Simply, there were more slaves in ancient Athens than were free men. These slaves were the weavers, tanners, millers, construction workers, flute makers, etc etc.

    As such, this MYTH perpetuated about Athenian freedom by the European historians ought to be discarded as another of those IVY LEAGUE of FOOLS myths for Aristotle himself tells us that:

    -Every Greek State had converted itself into a CAGE for what he called the TAME ANIMALS, i.e. slaves.

    How could a cage for human beings be said to be a free state?

    NB: When you visit Greece next time, PLEASE, do not go to Acropolis.

    Instead, go to the famous Laurion silver mines and see where slaves mined silver the chief source of Athenian revenue. If you do, you will appreciate the HUMAN AGONY and the REAL COST of the so called Athenian freedom.

    Anyway, we leave to:

    survey the wondrous Cross
    For jesus wept and wept

  95. The Kenya political and economic elite are busy eying the finish line, thirteen months in advance.

    While the rest of us are not even any where near the starting line, let alone being ready for the usual behind the scenes political hedge betting and goat (horse) trading that takes place during such major election season.

    As it were, most of my immediate neighbours and majority of our village people are always ready to spent countless days and nights in sycophantic adoration and endless cheering of candidates with more goodies, freebies and extra cash for campaign libations.

    People, young and old, have been known to follow motorcades for distances that are more than fifty miles on a given day.

    But the same people are not willing nor will they ever agree to donate ten or twenty manpower hours of their personal time per month toward the construction of a would be local clinic water projects, eletrification, rural access roads, primary school, secondary school, general health clinic, maternal clinic for our village women, wives, mothers, aunts, and daughters-in-laws.

    Our people refused to donate labour toward the construction of a roofed village market that shelters traders during the heavy rains, fierce winds and on many occasions against the sorching sun.

    All they have ver wanted was the campaign money hidden in brown 15.2x22.8 cm in envelopes, and free distribution of libations, cigarettes, meat, bleached unga, suagr, salt, lesos, shoes, blankets t shirts and what have you.

    Not one single member of our esteemed villager has been heard clamouring for school fees, seeds, better housing, security, regular transportation that connects the village to the rest of the world (country).

    And in the end, who do we blame for our misfortunes that continue to befall our village?

    Nobody but (ourselves) the government of course.

  96. "And it's for that reasons some of us join other foreigners - non Americans - in welcoming back home (Kenya and other respective nations) the young men and women who were among the last of the troops, and wishing them all the very best in their post-Iraq endeavors"

    Lets define the word mercenary:

    1. Motivated solely by a desire for monetary or material gain.
    2. Hired for service in a foreign army.

    1. One who serves or works merely for monetary gain; a hireling.
    2. A professional soldier hired for service in a foreign army.

    Ken T


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