Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Smiling Wako: Face and Lips of Retarded Kenya

He is the wearer of that poisonous smile. Wait a minute, his must be a case of mistaking short lips and long teeth for a permanent grin. Amos Wako is one lawyer who epitomizes everything rotten about Kenya. Perfecting typical Kenyan deception, Wako crafted an impressive CV abroad in the UN circles as a champion of human rights. Well back home, the less said about the longest serving Kenya’s AG the better.

Now Wako has granted fraudulent MPs a lifeline to wax sensitive and patriotic by refusing pay hike for so-called constitutional office bearers. The whole charade leaves you wondering whether anybody holding office unconstitutionally should not be arrested. But again this is Kenya where anything goes.

All that facade about generous pay for constitutional office holders to stop them from corruption temptation is one kite that cannot take flight no matter the intensity of the wind. Look no further, just ask one Aaron Ringera to justify his pay check besides the penchant to serially quote Shakespearean.

In seeking obscene pay rise for judicial officials, Wako has unwittingly handed the scoundrels masquerading as leaders the plastic moral torch which they have seized with glee as a convenient cover for their hitherto selfishness.

Wako is the singular face that captures everything wrong with Kenya. He waxes lyrical and legalistic all loaded with no sensitivity nor relevance to the Kenyan people. And the gatekeepers know him better in partnering with him to defraud us more drawing from his vast expertise in LEGAL FLEECING.

No enemy can be ever as devastating as him who operates from within armed with all the experience to cheat any right cause. It must be the curse of a fake smile.


  1. Just know that all these goons out to defraud Kenya coz they are in authority,their days are numbered. it may take years,but one day they or their children will answer when the tides change

  2. The fact that we are able to discuss this shows that the democratic space has opened considerably since the Moi days - probably more to do with the ICT revolution than we realize.

    But this LAST BASTION of the status quo HAS TO GO. Please Mr. Wako, just LEAVE and let the county finally move forward.

    The job of democratization needs to be finished for once and for all. Bravo Taabu for your post!

  3. Taabu, Wako is doing his NO 1 job, defending the Govt. What else do you want him to do? thats his legal job

  4. Wacha matusi Taabu aka Shida aka Trouble. Are you saying Wako is retarded? or Kenya for that matter? Someone should throw you in JAIL where you will find Mungiki to chop you off!

  5. If you cant regulate KK why do you expect Wako to regulate the Justice system? Its the same thing; you have powers, he has powers, both systems are used by 'retarded' persons and both KK and wako enjoy this situation. So Taabu, remove the log from your eye or take your load of shit and shove it. In any case, you are telling us what we know, we want solutions

  6. Taabu, you missed the point. Its not the people, its the system. Fix the system and strengthen the institutions then everyone falls into line

  7. Taabu, you are just a panua mongrel!

  8. Doesnt wako belong to ODM? This guy went out of his way to block the swearing in of Kibs but Gicheru beat and blocked him in his schemes

  9. Wako is a ODM mole and Kibs should fire him now. What was he doing with Marende and Kosgey at Intercon on Tuesday 23.14 hours? the meeting took 2 hours into the dead of the night.....Kibs, some plot is brewing watch out!

  10. Raila and Kosgey are buddies. Are they planning to overthrow the Govt of good old HE Kibaki? Treachery is smelling, treason is renting the air

  11. Can Raila bring his ass back into kenya? He has made more foreign trips than the Minister of Forenign Affairs.

  12. What is this that RAO is doing? Going to foreign countries to meet with mere ministers eg flying ti Iran to meet with an Economic Minister etc and BTW, wasnt the president of Iran here the other day to meet Mzee? Then what was purpose of Raos visit? We could have sent Min of Trade or Finance. But a whole PM? Hapana, this is stooping to a new low

  13. Kibaki should fire Raila, isnt he the one who appointed him?

  14. Bangi ,fangi ni mingi i thing it is the one grown on the slopes of MT kenya and exported using flower trucks as a guise ..naona ina fika majuu ikiwa fresh

  15. Why does ODM want Kenya to go to war over a useless small rock that can be sunk with a grenade? You see this is why Raila Odinga cant become president. Raila loves death and destruction, since 1982 this fellow has been warmongering destroying nations, parties etc

    Imagine if Raila was prezz now, kenya would have gone to war over a stone in the middle of a lake and millions would have died because of it. Do people in Kisumu realize that Museveni will go for them first and maliza them if we got to war. Hell bomb them back to the stoneage, ama they don't care?

    ODM is too emotional, these are people unfit for leadership. It is a fact that without ODM, Kenya would be at over 10%GDP by now.

  16. Has Raila become an american spy and message boy. Why is he being sent to Iran to negotiate for America? Is Raila a CIA agent?

  17. Those who followed the pecking order debate in parliament must have noted that mps were mainly interested in who would take over in case of a vacancy in the presidency. Why this much interest on this issue now? do mps know something we dont? Jakoyo midiwo insists that the pm would take over because NARA is superior to the consititution. Well NARA is actually part of the constitution. Those who are familiar with constitutions are of course aware that a constitution can appoint any one to be asting president. It does not have to be the number 2. It can be the speaker of parliament, cj or even ag. I just hope we will never have to deal with this issue, as wako would useless in such a situation. He only goes with the side he thinks is more powerful than the others.

  18. kwani odm are planning to finish mzee. I know jimmy could actually be used. He wants his dads inheritence badly and looks easy to brainwash. If the intercon meetings are true, something fishy is brewing. Kibaki should suspend all meetings except with lucy

  19. jimmy should first lead himself before even becoming a headman in the remotest village. case of a sausage feeding on family name, property and connections. Btw, him and fidel have been spotted severally enjoying themselve on our account in nairobi

  20. Badge from the sixties read "eating people is wrong" UN is about to serve up Soylent Green. Wako is leading the fight to but best in front of queue

  21. Moi, and a few Kikuyus elites like Kibaki, the Kenyatta family, Michuki, Koinanges, and a few hangers-on riff-raffs like the perpetually smiling dimwit Wako, are the reasons why Kenya is an underdeveloped and backward country.

    What good have these parasites and kleptocrats done for the country other than to perfect the art of plunder and polarization.

  22. Just what's wrong with our imbecile media? I switched on the telly this morning and there was a live transmission, in all channels, of the so called 'national prayers meeting' from the Safari Park.

    What a scandalous mockery of God's name! You can guess what happens after the prayers, more deals and scams by the self-important lords of impunity.

    This yearly hypocrisy never seem to change anything. It's just pure selfishness from the elite of the society who have raped Kenya to it's present sorry state. I saw thieves, scoundrels, crooks, liars, cheats and lords of corruption. Wako was there as well smiling at stupid Kenyans as always. Is there anyone out there who really takes this guy seriously? Come on!

    I felt sick to the stomach and almost threw up but a sick bag saved the day. Our Media should not waste their resources pampering scumbags in this worst acts of betrayal. These kind of vain rituals only bring disaster and chaos to our nation.

  23. Kenya has a vibrant and established banking sector. Can someone explain why local banks are not more involved in microfinance . It appears all the microfinance initiates are from overseas. What gives?

  24. Kenya is a rotten country.

    Wachira, a diaspora capitain, returns back home to find his property has been sold.

    The AG is aware. Wako is a criminal just like his boss. This is a man who uses his position to loot Kenya.

    To him, Kenyans are not humans. Lord Delamere's grand son gets 8 months and Amos is satisfied.

  25. RAO is the only person in Kenya today who minds about Kenyans.

    He represents the country to market Kenya abroad, after Kibaki, Wetangula the Dracula, Mutwa, Karua had insulted our friends abroad.

    The insults are still in the foreign press: The junior US state official (US Ambassador), the junior senator from Illinois (Obama), The colonialists (Britain).

    What RAO is trying to do is to mend the fence these arrogant looters have forcefully damaged.

    Agwambo is the President, the Foreign Minister, the PM and the Diplomat of Kenya in one. Obama, Brown, Merkel know this fact.

  26. "case of a sausage feeding on family name, property and connections"


    more of the emilio-bumpkin conversation. too funny.

  27. Excellent. Isolate some random poer broker and make them the beginning continuation and end of all our problem. Crucify them on some high hill where everybody can see their corpse and magically all our problems will wilt in the glory of such gloriuos justice .


  29. Taabu aka Mwalimu,
    Wako can afford to smile because unlike any other AG anywhere else in the whole world its business as usual for the GK's legal custodian

    Imagine a place where everything is perpetually under investigation and nothing is ever prosecuted except for maybe a slap in the wrists leaving the perpetrators free to continue plying their trade. This is the case for the "big boys" but woe unto you if you're the common village thief

    Now wake up from your imagination and you can see why AW is smiling. monopoly of constitutional office for 10 plus years with ever increasing salary and no contest for your post would be enough to make even the devil smile a little

    life has never been better than when you know who and which side your bread is buttered

  30. Now the idiots called MPs conspired and organised something called National Prayer Breakfast where they spent 40% of the time talking, 59.9% eating and 0.1% praying for the food they ate. Then headed back to parliament where they slept for most part of the afternoon. What a tragedy, what a travesty!

  31. Kenyan news is so boring when RAO is out of the country. Surely this man has weight.

  32. Wako deserves his job because Kenya are weak and do not stand up and fight for their rights - the middle class are too busy girding their loins or filling their bellies with Nyama Choma and beer - stand up you sheep and take back your country.

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