Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Buying 2012 Elections in Advance


  1. Baptism of fire for Uhuru. Am sure he was all smiles and high fives a few weeks ago when he got the appointment to finance ministry. Well, his ineptitude is shining through. Somebody kick this guy out of that docket!!
    Meanwhile, Raila continues with his State visit to Iran. Interesting...

  2. The irony is come 2012 central province will vote 80% for this despite being clear he cannot run even a coffee factory. Thereafter same central province will start complaining raila this, raila that.

  3. Suffice to say Uhuru probably does not appreciate Martians and generally those who use UFOs (unsolicited financial observations)

  4. Eiish, math is not an easy subject. How the hell do you come up with 22/7 anyway? Hesabu ni ngumu.

  5. Yes some call it madhafus no wonder they are being battered by their wives. You cannot live to steal everything everywhere and expect respect in return.

  6. One Wife Man5/26/09, 4:10 PM

    Taabu aka Shida,
    Like Anglo-leasing this is the scandal that never was.

    No one worth their mettle would be given such an important docket as Finance ministry to be a closet for hiding their inadequacy.Uhuru is not incompetent and has never been known to coast through anything in entire life or indeed his career as a politician, so no doubt from this challenge he will emerge more honest than before from this

    What people don't understand here is there is plenty of imperfection in the way our Government is run, but at least it is found out on time and corrections are made this is true transparency

  7. Try as hard as you will, it will never happen. Uhuru will decide who is the nxet president of kenya. Taabu and Raila will fizzle out.

  8. Daily Nation auditors gave the royal boy a clean bill of health. Meanwhile the prince, still reeling from the latest revelation of his ineptitude, has gone all quiet. Where are the mbuguas, mututhos and mugos to shield his royal a@@@ from further whacking?

    Why dont they just stay there?

  10. As finance minister, the bulk will always stop with UK. He can blame all the financial clerks in his office, he can blame the PS, but the truth is that a smart person leading what could be the most important docket outside the Presidency and one who dreams of becoming President would, at the very least, proofread any budgetary estimates placed on his desk before tabling them in Parliament. All that talk of political sabotage is beginning to sound hollow to me. Why can't the minister hire his own people to go through the estimates line by line if he seriously suspects there are crooked competitors baying for his blood? When are we ever going to start doing things professionally?
    And why should we have a Finance minister who is being fucked by basic arithmetic?

    This is ridiculous. This may not be intended larcerny, but it is a verdict on the incompetence of minister Uhuru. Simple!

    But I think the larger question is; What are the MPs doing? How can a supplementary budget be passed twice by MPs, NONE of whom notices the discrepancies? What stakex does Mwalimu Mati have that MPs the interests of whose constituents the budget is supposed to address dont? I mean, something is wrong. Something is terribly wrong!

  11. I said it before,these Luos are always too emotional.How else can you explain the sight of elderly men,heads all white with bulging potbellies crying and sniffing just because they have visited the land their ancestors left sometime in the 16 century!

  12. Daulimondi kiwero tero......

  13. Someone please tell me: when was raila's trip to Iran planned? I cant see the pm making a successful trip to US, then immediately moving to Iran. That is why I suspect the Iranian leg was organised at the last minute to annoy ranabaga and the mandarins at the state department. I mean Iran is the opposite of US. If am right raila needs to get lessons from moi on how to deal with wazungus. To them he is just another very black man. The obama administartion has made some token appoinments here and there to blacks and hispanics but it is a mzungu admin.

  14. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Why dont they just stay there?

    5/26/09 8:04 PM


  15. "he irony is come 2012 central province will vote 80% for this despite being clear he cannot run even a coffee factory. Thereafter same central province will start complaining raila this, raila that."

    I think the same applies to the idol worship of Raila in his backyard. It is not exclusive to Kikuyus, its a problem in Kenya where people cannot fault certain politicians because 'he belongs to their tribe'. One need only look at KK's failure to hold Raila to account for several recent scandals. The posts on this blog are overwhelmingly anti Kikuyu, i wonder why?

  16. I have still not forggiven his father for stealing the lad that was supposed to be given to the heroic Mau Mau after indepedence in 1963.

  17. John Maina @ 1:50 AM,

    You said:

    "The irony is come 2012 central province will vote 80% for this Uhuru despite being clear he cannot run even a coffee factory. Thereafter same central province will start complaining raila this, raila that."

    I agree with you 100%. Your really understand these central people very well.

    I also agree 100% with Nyatieng' @ 3:33 AM who said:

    "Yes some (Kikuyus) call it madhafus no wonder they are being battered by their wives.

    One of the wives said it live on TV about Kyuk husbands: LAZIMA WATWANGWE. HAWALETI CHAKULA NYUMBANI. HAO NI KAMA WATOTO WAKUBWA - Translation: Kikuyu men do not provide for the family and they are also very irresponsible.

    Kikuyu men (or is it boys),You cannot live to steal everything everywhere and expect respect in return. Your wives will humiliate you in public as has just happened.

  18. Taabu,

    The frogs are still croaking and the cow is happily drinking the pond dry. Once it is full it will just pee on the muddy remainder. Do you wish to be the cow or the croaking from?

  19. After being rejected by his kachini in the US, the loitering Raila went to socialize with fellow thugs in Tehran.

  20. Raila is behaving like an animal without an abode, and it is trully disgusting!!

  21. Anon 10:57 PM,

    You asked:

    "The posts on this blog are overwhelmingly anti Kikuyu, i wonder why?"

    You have been wondering why? This is why:

    Kikuyu men (or is it boys as your wives have labeled you), You cannot live by STEALING everything everywhere and expect respect in return. Your wives will humiliate you in public as has just happened.

    THIEVES do not deserve respect. Your women have just put in the public domain what we have always known you people to be: THIEVES!

  22. since we are talking MATHS here's a free lesson.
    Don't worry about the cost, it's absolutely FREE!

    111,,111111 x 111,111,111 = 123456789 87654321

    1 x 9 + 2 = 11
    12 x 9 + 3 = 111
    123 x 9 + 4 = 1111
    1234 x 9 + 5 = 11111
    12345 x 9 + 6 = 111111
    123456 x 9 + 7 = 1111111
    1234567 x 9 + 8 = 11111111
    12345678 x 9 + 9 = 111111111
    123456789 x 9 +10= 1111111111

    9 x 9 + 7 = 88
    98 x 9 + 6 = 888
    987 x 9 + 5 = 8888
    9876 x 9 + 4 = 88888
    98765 x 9 + 3 = 888888
    987654 x 9 + 2 = 8888888
    9876543 x 9 + 1 = 88888888
    98765432 x 9 + 0 = 888888888

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
    Is represented as:
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
    22 23 24 25 26.

    H-A-R-D-W-O- R-K

    8+1+18+4+23 + 15+18+11 = 98%



    11+14+15+23+ 12+5+4+7+ 5 = 96%


    1+20+20+9+20+ 21+4+5 = 100%

    THEN, look how far the love of God will take you:

    L-O-V-E- O-F-G-O-D
    12+15+22+5+15+ 6+7+15+4 = 101%

    Pass to Uhuru if you have his email.

  23. UON students you need to stop wasting bandwidth here and use the internet to finish your homework.The nonsense you waste time writing here will not help you get that degree.Don't just make useless comments here the way you throw stones in your town riots

  24. Kikuyu wives take on what should happen to their unmanly, thieving and irresponsible boys (husbands):


  25. Uhuru and PNU Interhamwes need the money to buy machetes in preparation for their planned genocidal schemes in 2012.

    Like the Hutu Interahamwe, Uhuru and his Mungikis have as their weapon of choice the machete. Also like their Hutu counterparts the stocking of machetes in warehouses was a process that began in 1992, culminating in the genocide that began in earnest on April, 7th, 1994. The PNU genocidaires have already laid out a detailed macabre plan and have already rehearsed in Naivasha and Nakuru in 2008, when they "hunted" countless Kalenjin, Luhyas, and Luos.

    So, "Buying 2012 Elections in Advance, actually means, watch out for the machetes.

  26. Where I come from (machaks) we normally say kiuk women are hard working, as in the boma is well organised na iko na mali. I think other tribes say something more or less the same. May be before they leave their paros, kiuk women are told kazi ya kutafuta ni yako. This is probably true in a rural/semiurban setting but in the big towns where kiuk men (after wahindis) dominate businesses it is not true.

  27. So it is the women who are hard working, and the men dont work at all. Does it mean the men with the bisinesses around the country got the startup capital from their wives?

  28. Akello Ochiloh5/27/09, 2:52 AM

    How is it that the only thing the ODMorons on this blog think about are elections and stealing? That is very revealing. Only a thief can know what another alleged "thief" is upto. As they say--SET A THIEF TO CATCH A THIEF.

    As for Uhuru.....I still think its sabotage. The same thing cannot twice in such quick succession, not especially when under the spotlight. It would be helpful if the IMF investigations were made public, and if there were some transfers and reshuffles in the Finance. The same needs to happen in Agriculture.

  29. Anon 2:17 AM,

    You reckon that,

    "Where I come from (machaks) we normally say kiuk women are hard working, as in the boma is well organised na iko na mali."

    Two questions for you

    1) Have you ever asked yourself what this "hardwork" that they do is?

    2) Have you ever asked yourself the source of this "mali" in the boma?

    You will be shocked when you find out the truth.

    You also add,

    "before they leave their paros, kiuk women are told kazi ya kutafuta ni yako."

    One question,

    What work is this that they tafuta and eventually end up doing?

    The truth will shock you out of your pants.

  30. Kikuyu women on Kikuyu men:

    Kikuyu boys (their husband) lazima watwangwe na sisi. Wao ni bure sana. Hawaleti chakula nyumbani. Wana kaa kama watoto (overgrown babies). Even giving us our conjugal rights is a big problem for them, they can not get "it" up and even when they do, it is Wham bam and they are over even before they have even started.

  31. Akello Ochiloh5/27/09, 3:17 AM

    Yes, they's better off with the foreskinned. Ask me.

  32. What is that UGLY faced moron doing here in this site?
    John Maina if you know you are ugly don't upload your photo to public!
    I have never seen anything like that fat face! I bet your dick is small and fat too!

    I feel sick!!! Give me a sickbag now!

    Phil's Mistress

  33. These UON students should realise that groups like Mashada were created for them and the reason they have access to the internet is not so that they can waste time but so that they can study and pass the exams they keep failing because they waste time writing nonsense in KK and other websites

  34. One Wife Man5/27/09, 3:25 AM

    Taabu aka Taabu,
    Moderators of Kumekucha blog msilale please bado mapambano with some comments here

  35. The press in chicago is saying obama snubbed kenyan pm, who had even claimed to be his cousin. I now fully understand the reason for the trip to Iran - considered by Israel (and US) as enemy numero uno. I wonder how Rahm Emmanuel and all those other jews surrounding obama will take this, assuming they have noticed.

  36. Let's not turn this blog in to a gossipers' corner. Let's focus on the posting.

    Is Uhuru buying 2012 Elections in advance.

    It is not about Kikuyus and their wives nor Raila and Tehran.

  37. Uhuru has sensed trouble with Mungiki. They want the stolen land back.

    Uhuru wants to surrender a piece of land and is trying to cheat the parliament in order to encounter for the 'loss'.

    In other words he wants the taxpayers to pay him with the supplementary budget.

    To me, Uhuru is a dangerous cunning thug.

  38. "Is Uhuru buying 2012 Elections in advance?"

    I think so. Hard core evidence, from Mars:


  39. The irony is come 2012 central province will vote 80% for this despite being clear he cannot run even a coffee factory. Thereafter same central province will start complaining raila this, raila that.
    5/26/09 1:50 PM]

    @John Maina
    They could always vote for some other Kyuk. That is the real tragedy.

  40. No matter what we think of our pm (and am not his fan), i wouldnt like it if BHO went out of his way to appear to insult kenya. But you know also the brits complained when gordon brown was only given a collection of mass produced dvds and winston churchill's bust was returned. May be obama likes insulting people especially those who think they should be close to america/him. If you look at obama closely, you will notice a lot of arrogance about him. Not like that of bush but it is there.

  41. Kenya has no Foreign Ministry. Wetangula, the Dracula, disqualified himself after elections. He was involved in stealing votes, stealing money- Anglo-Leasing and stealing Grand Regency.

    The foreign minister can only travel to Uganda.

    The only straight man to positively market Kenya abroad is Prime President Raila. The other president is asleep in the state house.

  42. Vikii @ 8:06 PM,

    You said "something is wrong. Something is terribly wrong"

    Welcome to Kenya where everything is wrong; starting with the sloth at state house who is dozing at the wheel of this bus called Kenya, the bus called Kenya has left the road and is going thru some very rough bushes. And all this time what is Kibaki doing? STILL SLEEPING AT THE WHEEL

  43. Anonymous said...
    No matter what we think of our pm (and am not his fan), i wouldnt like it if BHO went out of his way to appear to insult kenya. But you know also the brits complained when gordon brown was only given a collection of mass produced dvds and winston churchill's bust was returned. May be obama likes insulting people especially those who think they should be close to america/him. If you look at obama closely, you will notice a lot of arrogance about him. Not like that of bush but it is there.

    5/27/09 5:46 AM

    What do you expect, he is POTUS, not a mean achievement, he has every right to be, eeiisshh!

  44. what i don't understand is why the pm is busy in foreign capitals trying to get trade opportunities for our country when our own minister for trade is at home busy defending uhuru!shouldn't he be part of the delegation?or it was an odm government delegation?somebody kindly enlighten

  45. the hobo-bumpkin is on a fundarising mission, begging bowl stretched out, for his next shot at the presidency. evidentaly people (s'pesially kassin) are not convinced about the viability of the candidate (doesnt take rocket science to figure why) hence we're now malayaring in persia.


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