Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Monday, April 20, 2009

Why The Nation Media Group’s Daily Metro Failed

Last Week, one of the Nation media group’s publication, the Daily Metro carried a big banner headline reading FAREWELL. In the article that followed, the editorial team bid their readers goodbye citing the harsh economic times as the main excuse for the management of East Africa’s largest media house in discontinuing publication.

Actually some analysts feel that the folding up of the Daily Metro was inevitable since it was founded for the sole purpose of countering Radio Africa’s Nairobi Star and forcing them out of publication. It is said that circulation marketers at the Nation felt that despite the fact that the Nairobi Star was targeted at a more specific audience it would eat up on the flag ship Daily Nation’s circulation considerably—if not immediately then definitely in the long term. Whether this is true or not, the fact remains that the Nation has remained at the top because of being highly sensitive to new entrants and possible competition. And the media house has never hesitated to play dirty whenever the need has arisen.

The demise of the Daily Metro has less to do with the current financial downturn and more to do with the way things are run at the Nation. Insiders insist that the giant company is facing a very challenging financial time that has more to do with how quickly the media industry in Kenya has changed. For instance a few years ago Daily newspapers carried the vast majority of advertising spend in the country. Today radio is king. Now this change is significant here because Nation’s flagship and main cash cow is and has always been the Daily Nation newspaper. And although the media group has a radio station or two, there are a number of new kids on the block who have a bigger market share and understand the medium much better. Top on this list is Radio Africa whose Classic FM and Kiss FM lead the roost for English listeners.

My insider information indicates that the decision makers at the media house have now woken up and are smelling the coffee so much so that they are already pursuing the next battle frontier which is the web and to a certain extent Cable TV and TV content. However this has come a little late. For years any new ideas or suggestions for improvements at Nation House would more often than not be met with the arrogant statement “but this is the Nation”—insinuating that the nation was invincible and would continue to do well without any new ideas.

Now with dwindling revenues all round the past has finally caught up with arrogance and it was inevitable that the management would take a look at all titles still costing it cash looking for ways to stem the cash hemorrhage. Next on that list would be the EastAfrican a regional newspaper launched on the assumption that regional integration would have moved much faster than it has to date. This prestigious and excellent publication has never made a dime since inception. One of the reasons being it’s unnecessarily high overheads where huge bureau offices have been established in neighbouring Tanzania and Uganda where smaller leaner set-ups would have still produced the desired results more so in this age of the World Wide Web where communication costs have come down considerably. However shutting down the EastAfrican is not an option because it is the Aga Khan’s pet newspaper. The Aga Khan is the founder and major shareholder of the Nation Media group.

Yet another title that is currently bleeding badly is the recently launched Business Daily. Mercifully the overheads for that one are pretty small and it can probably be sustained for some time to come.

Interestingly even the Nation’s first ever title Taifa Leo is struggling but for reasons beyond anybody’s control. Apparently the new generation of Kenyans have shunned Kiswahili which was the most popular communication language in the country for many years. This is what led to the huge popularity of the KBC National Kiswahili service over the English General Service radio through the 60s, 70s and 80s.

So where does the Nation media group make their money from? Actually there are only two star cash cows at the moment. Namely the flagship Daily Nation newspaper and the Nation courier service. Interestingly the launching of the courier service was a brilliant way to pay for the mounting costs of circulating the newspaper while earning extra revenue. Without these two cash cows the nation would be very much a struggling ship. Still increasing competition looms in the horizon coupled with some very serious strategic decisions made by the management in the run up to the 2007 general elections. Taking all this into consideration the daily metro may be only the first casualty in a list that will unfold in the weeks and months to come.


  1. nah Taifa Leo has always had this wierd 'ushago' look to it that put kids my age picking it up, even though one could hardly find it in shaggz.

  2. The folly of arrogance. Nation will "see" much more disappointments in the coming years.

  3. Just like Kibaki they assumed that the rest of the competition was pumbavu. Not quite so. They are learning this a bit too late.

    They used to be an objective paper before the referendum of 2005. After that they openly became very subjective and biased in "campaigning" for Kibaki and his PNU. They deserve to be feeling the heat.

  4. Can you remember the sex sleaze that was unleashed by Nation journalists in 1997? We were told Nation managers find it hard to shut their zips and it appears that's the only thing most of them have between their ears.

    Instead of changing with the times and embracing change, the Nation managers are stuck with the past and employing and promoting female staff based on bedroom performance. The company is now reaping the fruits of it's sex-starved managers.

  5. The Nation Media Group is now reaping the fruits of it's sex crazy panty raiding managers.

    They were even screwing employees who were married (peoples wives!)

  6. Ati they were even screwing employees who were married (peoples wives!)

    Kweli the IMPUNITY of their dicks had run amok

  7. Hey, can you now tell us of how Standard Journalists were used to fuel Post election violence. Confirm this and we shall know that you aren't a mole planted to uplift the stakes of standard newspaper!

  8. ....Some of the Journalists from the standard were even used by the politicians to ferry cash to militias which had burned the church in Eldoret in pretext of gathering news.Its not appropriate to mention their names..

  9. Nation is usually seen as a PNu propaganda machine, so people not interested in politics or PNU dont but it. Plus its contents can easily be found much easily and faster on the internet.

    Nation should cater to the interest of the youth who have the ability to buy the paper and not the old who share a paper between themselves, or cudnt be bothered to read one.

    Its should also cut out the PNU crap!

  10. Chris has turned his attention to fighting nation media group.....te he he heh eeee....seems his mouth is drooping with saliva at the prospects of NMG failing. continue dreaming chris.

    NMG unlike your pet standard is not a gutter group but a professionally run body making billion of shillings. while your silly blog founded on propaganda is struggling to stand, its reporting billions in profits. meza wembe jinga hii...

    Why have you ignored the Mau forest issue chris? how much is odm corrupt machinery paying you? the other day sereast confessed that you took his money to continue molasses crap. is it a similar scenario?

    Kumekucha Prefect

  11. By the way how many copies do Nairobi star sell/day? Chris

  12. Not forgetting that Chris is a self confessed failed journalist,its safe to assume that during his early days trying to be a reputable journalist,he must have harboured some ambitions to work for the NMG,which aspiring journalist doesnt?Sour grapes huh!

  13. Nation remains the best paper in East and Central Africa. No shoddy reporting and editorial mistakes like Standard which thrives on eyecatching and divisive headlines but says nothing credible inside.

  14. This is embarassing to kenyans.......

  15. The Nation Media Group is still dominant in east and central africa and it will be so for a VERY long time to come. That is a no-brainer and the resaons are obvious. Let's not waste time on this.
    More importantly, let's congratulate Selina Koskei for a phenomenal win in the 2009 Boston Marathon and Cheruiyot for coming in second, far behind the Ethiopian winner. We should take a closer look at why Cheruiyot's performance could have been better. Still, we are most grateful to our compatriots who kept our flag flying so high. Well done!!!

  16. I think with the fibre optics landing in Kenya, by 2010 many media houses will be struggling. kumekucha whats your to take advantage of the fibre optic

  17. The days of traditional print media are numbered - and the faster Nation styles up the better for their randy pussy loving management.

    Besides, going bust could be a good thing. It's an opportunity for a more reputable outfit to get into the market.

  18. The Nation must be forced to shut down and we the people will make that a reality. money ain't an option to same of us.....

    Daily Nation is a mt. Kenya mafia newspaper that is used to initiate tribal tensions every day even they still follow Obama around with silly stories instead if seeing he is trying to bring back diplomacy to the world.

    I'm Kenyan and the Mt. Kenya mafia Kikuyu press must be run out of town..


  19. The Nation must be forced to shut down and we the people will make that a reality. money ain't an option to same of us.....

    Daily Nation is a mt. Kenya mafia newspaper that is used to initiate tribal tensions every day even they still follow Obama around with silly stories instead if seeing he is trying to bring back diplomacy to the world.

    I'm Kenyan and the Mt. Kenya mafia Kikuyu press must be run out of town..


  20. anon8:09 AM


    we all know Uhuru Kenyatta was caught buying panga's at nakumart and we all know that Daily Nation Newspaper cars were used to ferry those panga's!!

    pal be careful when you open your big browned mouth I use to work for the daily nation and yes we ferried panga's all over PNU strong holds and Mungiki's carried some.. who doesn't know that in Kenya?? kweli you PNU shiate think kenyans are fools..

    try this time and you will be bushed!!

  21. Daily nation is known to have ferried Mungiki armed with panga's to Naivasha and Nakuru too.

    That is why in some area's there cars were burned down and their brown teethed workers chased away

    lets not pretend here that most kenyans didn't see this..

    Many kenyans I know feel that the Daily Nation should be pushed to it's grave just like it helped ferry Panga's to kill innocent Kenyans in Naivasha and Nakuru -

  22. anon9:51 AM

    Daily Nation is know as the mavi of Kenya, nobody reads it, most of the time it is used at the Kikomba Kawangware market wrap nyama joma in so stop your naonsense

    Standard Newspaper is the Bomb paper in Kenya all the provinces who voted for change (ODM)buy and read it and that is why it enjoying and is a money maker. even before the thug thieving Kibaki rigged himself in Office

    ViVa Standard Newspaper the only newspaper in kenya that prints facts not mt. kenya lies like Daily Nation mavi shiate.

  23. anon8:31 AM

    mr. Mt. Kenya Daily nation gutter press ebu try peddling your lies elsewhere to your uneducated crowd in Nyeri

    meanwhile let the Kenyan people who don't buy daily nation anymore so that it runs to the ground

    Kenyans ain't fools we all know what the Daily Nation Kikuyu press is all about "wiping kibaki's ass"

    print lies lies lies lies every day and Kenyans are tired of Daily nation bullshiate na nimesema

  24. 'Daily Nation?' The two most boring words in the Kenyan-English language.

    LOL! Monkey see monkey do. When the daily fools heard that several publications were going out of business due to changing economic times, they decided to jump on the bandwagon for all the wrong reasons.

    I no longer bother myself with Daily Nation, thanks to alternative media resources out there.

    Change is the only thing that remains constant. Nation will change or sink in due time.

  25. chris, seems this blog is good at attracting odm fanatics with all the name calling. and while you are busy peddling gossip on why nation media group publications are going under, your own KK continues to attract morons of your kind. nway birds of a feather flock together so its your ilk i suppose.

    on a more serious note. is it true that Taabu was arrested after a failed attempt to DEFRAUD an american couple? kindly inform your readers about this bizarre phenomena.

  26. Raila Media House aka Ramogi FM is the only media station that kenyans should listen to. Tune to ramogi fm and lets worship raila together for a better luo unity. luhya's should also join us since according to the prophesy, luhyas will only get leadership from the lake.

  27. Chris, your swipe at NMG is uncalled for. What are your real motives?

  28. "The Daily Nation and its sister paper Sunday Nation have grown phenomenally since inception. They command a marketshare of 74 per cent and outsell their nearest competitor by a ratio of more than 3:1.

    Apart from Daily Nation, the Nation Media Group owns a television station (NTV), a radio station ( Easy FM) and other newspapers including the weekly The EastAfrican, a daily business paper, The Business Daily,[1] the Swahili language daily Taifa Leo and the Ugandan daily The Monitor.

    Digital versions of the Nation titles and The EastAfrican are sold to subscribers via Newsstand.[2]

    The newspaper also maintains a website,[3] which hosts online editions of the daily and Sunday titles with links to its other titles, across the region. Access is free and the site's daily hit rate is more than three million.

    A documentary film (55 minutes, color), released in 2000, directed by Hillie Molenaar and Joop van Wijk, gives a closeup view of the newspaper."

  29. Anonymous said...

    By the way how many copies do Nairobi star sell/day? Chris
    4/20/09 9:20 AM
    I understand that they are doing an average of 15,000 copies a day. With their low overheads and their own press this is not too bad for now... I think.Blogger John Maina said...

    I think with the fibre optics landing in Kenya, by 2010 many media houses will be struggling. kumekucha whats your to take advantage of the fibre optic
    Hi John, I think the fibre optic cable will dramatically lower web access costs and fees and will revolutionize media in Kenya. I think we will start seeing serious web TV, and even locally produced movies will be distributed on the web.

    Already we have seen evidence that the cell phone has revolutionized Africa more than any other continent. I have a feeling that the web will do more for Africa and Kenya and the key is that fibre optic cable now being completed.

  30. Chris has admitted on this blog so many times that he's a FAILED JOURNALIST in Nyayo era and was also rejected by the Nation Media Group, thus why he weilds and axe to grind. His publication folded and that's why he seems to know so much about abject failure in the media. NTV is also making huge cash as well mind you! The article is just the daily dose of thinly veiled PNU/Kikuyu bashing propaganda by this blog. The fact is that for the 'Nairobi Star' to survive, they have to keep on harping about demagogue Raila daily on their front pages, thus preying on the emotions of Raila fanatics like Phil and Taabu. If you are interested in NMG's financial status, they are widely available on their website, free of charge. And the just released results show they made over Ksh 1 billion in profits!

  31. An Opinion of Kenya By a Kenyan (Mr David Kihuha) in the Diaspora "Whatever my circumstance here in the US of A, it cannot be worse than what I will face at home,"

    How determined is Kihuha?

    Since he was denied asylum, Kihuha has used every means available to avoid deportation.

    Twice last year, when immigration agents tried to deport him, Kihuha managed a last-minute reprieve.

    He bit, spat and, according to government records, managed to "cover himself in his own excrement."He also chewed up a head covering known as a ‘spit mask’.

    "I told them I did not want to go. I told them to take me back to jail," said Kihuha in a telephone interview from his cell.

  32. Anon 8.02 please grow up, there is only one kanoo in kumekucha. Writting trash and signing on ones name is not only impolite but very primitive.

  33. To all those who keep on yapping to Chris that he should post something about The Mau forest, remember this:

    * It is Daniel "Kleptocrat" arap Moi (Mwai "pumbavu" Kibaki's bossom buddy these days) who started the destruction of the Mau forest by illegally allocating Huge tracts of the forest to his political cronies so as to buy continued political support. It is these guys who were illegally allocated tracts of land at the forest who ended up dividing these tracts into smaller units and then selling them to ordinary Kenyans - the small Kenyan.

    These ordinary Kenyans - the small Kenyan were predominantly Kalenjin.

    When Mwai "pumbavu" Kibaki came in in 2003 after genuinely winning the elections of December 2002 Amos "Grand Regency" Kimunya had them evicted and made that infamous declaration that their title deeds were just "mere pieces of paper."

    The circus goes on: Just before the referendum of 2005 - where Mwai "pumbavu" Kibaki and his "bananas" were roundly beaten, Mwai "pumbavu" Kibaki "allowed" the evicted Kalenjin dwellers of the Mau forest to go back. This was a bold faced attempt to buy their political support, unfortunately if flopped massively.

    Right now, as a result of what Daniel "Kleptocrat" arap Moi and Mwai "pumbavu" Kibaki did, Mau forest is on the brink of being completed destroyed.

    Raila has tried to do something about the problem and get a solution despite sabotage by some individuals in government who, out of hate, envy and a myriad of other SILLY reasons, do not want Raila to succeed in solving the problem.

    You will also notice that despite the grave situation facing us regarding the destruction of the Mau forest, Daniel "Kleptocrat" arap Moi and Mwai "pumbavu" Kibaki have kept a very studious silence regarding the Issue. This is not a surprise, THEY WERE/ARE THE CAUSE OF THE PROBLEM!!!

  34. You who keeps on calling Kibaki pumbavu, is there any situation where you can talk about anything else but that? You dont need to point out his faults, we are very aware of those.

    You should offer something more constructive than matusi only. And that goes for everyone who thinks bombarding the discussion with matusi is the only way to get heard. We've heard you! Now say something else.

    As for nation, no offense, but they were spoilt, one of only two major papers in the entire country, with a benefactor with very generous pockets. They need to improve, though they are slightly better than standard.

  35. KIKUYUS-ethnic ‘entitlement’ does not bode well for Kenya and its communities

    By MAINA KIAI and PAUL MUITE Posted Tuesday, April 21 2009 at 15:08

    In Kenya, politics has hinged on the pre-eminence of ethnic identity since 1964. And today, ethnicity has been elevated beyond all other identities and interests. We reject this notion totally and completely. None of us chooses the identity that we are born into, but as we grow older we take on various identities that make us who we are and determine our interests.

    We are of the Kikuyu ethnic community ­­— and take pride in our language, culture and norms — but we are far more than that. We see ourselves as Kenyan first and foremost with a national outlook and perspective. But we have suffered for this view, being called “traitors” and “disloyal”; even receiving credible death threats.

    Since 2004, it has become apparent that what Narc stood for, nationally, has been seriously eroded. Mwai Kibaki declared in his campaigns he was for zero tolerance on corruption, but he seems to be condoning it. He had stated that he would operate a meritocracy with due regard to the diversity of Kenya, but his appointments to the most sensitive and crucial offices are tilted to one ethnic group and its relatives.

    Follow the law

    He had asserted that he would change Kenya from the dark days of the Moi years, raising our hopes and aspirations, but he was soon recruiting Moi’s people to crucial positions in public service. Patronage and fear have been used. Simply put, his 2002 rhetoric was exactly that — rhetoric — and now we are continuing “business as usual”.

    For us, it does not matter what ethnic group the leadership comes from: we expect and demand a government which has the interests of the nation at heart, which is fair, honest, effective, accountable and transparent. And we expect the government to follow the law, especially with regard to human life, and fundamental rights.

    We challenged Daniel arap Moi on these issues. We can challenge anyone, including Raila Odinga, Kalonzo Musyoka, George Saitoti, Musalia Mudavadi, Martha Karua and Uhuru Kenyatta, who are interested in leading Kenya. Why can’t we challenge President Mwai Kibaki?

    We know that we have fallen foul of something larger than “political opposition” or “dissent”. It is a bigger problem that the Kikuyu community and its allies must urgently confront. It is the issue of “speaking with one voice.” This is the question of blind ethnic loyalty to decisions made by some wealthy old men, who determine the leadership of the community and convince us to follow.

    There is nothing democratic or progressive about it. They do it on their own, and without our input, behind closed doors and in clubs where the majority of the Kikuyu can never get access. These are the Kikuyu oligarchy, and they are dangerous because they work on the assumption that the rest of the community, and indeed the country, are fools and can be taken for a ride.

    It is a fatal road we drive along. Their decisions, cloaked in forged assumptions of ethnic nationalism and pride, are never about the good of the nation — or even the good of the community. It is all about themselves, and extending their hold and power over Kenya for their own selfish benefit.

    With the elevation of ethnic politics in Kenya, this behind-closed-doors community trickery is dangerous and unacceptable within any community.

    Critical crossroads

    But we are addressing ourselves to the Kikuyu community at this point, because the power, assumptions and suspicions of the Kikuyu political elite is at a critical crossroads and could destroy this country. “Speaking with one voice” suggests that because of our ethnic heritage we have the same values, interests and ideals, and we should, therefore, accept the things that these old men decide for us.

    But nothing could be further from reality. In fact, critically assessed, this class has nothing but disdain for the majority of Kikuyu, who are poor and struggling, and pay for their arrogance and mistakes. If they did care for poor ordinary Kikuyu, then some of the things that have happened over the last few years would never have been condoned.

    Consider the following. It is during the watch of a Kikuyu president when there are extrajudicial killings of poor young Kikuyu men, claimed to be Mungiki. More than 600 cases of these deaths were documented in 2006. Hundreds more disappeared. For the sake of argument, let’s assume that they were Mungiki — despite the fact human rights defenders are sure that more than two thirds of them were not.

    There are laws that govern these matters. Why were they not used? Killing poor young Kikuyu men, illegally, does not solve the problem of Mungiki. It shows utter contempt for the poor. It shows us that although we are expected to “speak with one voice”, the Kikuyu community is certainly not one. There is the powerful class and the “other” Kikuyu.

    We doubt that there has ever been such a large-scale state-sponsored killing of Kikuyu since the Emergency period or during the clashes in the ‘90s, yet none in the oligarchy has uttered a word in protest or shock. And consider this. When the post-election violence started in January 2008, these same Kikuyu men were in control of the security apparatus.

    They decided it was better to deploy security to Uhuru Park, to prevent Raila Odinga and his supporters from gathering there, than to stop the killings of Kikuyus, mostly peasants, in the Rift Valley. The effect is that peaceful protests at Uhuru Park were prevented, and security forces concentrated on killing opposition demonstrators in western Kenya, at the cost of hundreds of lives in Rift Valley, and the destruction of property worth millions belonging to the poor.

    Last but not least, listen carefully to the old guard, and some of their new recruits. They put the entire community at risk with reckless and derogatory comments that undermine national unity. Their comments are arrogant and demeaning to everyone, and exacerbate perceptions that the Kikuyu leadership feels superior, and needs to be taught a lesson.

    Unfortunately, because this leadership is inaccessible and far removed, these lessons are “taught” to the ordinary Kikuyu who are more accessible.

    Destructive views

    We are all diminished by stereotypes and chauvinism. We would dismiss the attitudes of old men with humour, but for the fact that their destructive views translate directly into the significant State power they wield. Expecting us to speak with one voice does not protect our interests. It protects theirs.

    Statements that assert, as minister John Michuki recently did, that the State has no obligation to explain why it conducted an illegal act in raiding the Standard Group, show a dangerous attitude. His mindset is essentially that if something is done by the State, it cannot be wrong. So if the State kills, say 2,000 people in the name of “State security”, we should not ask questions.

    Now we have that old political class, dangerously entrenched by a sense of ethnic “entitlement”. Kikuyus should realise that this does not bode well for the nation, let alone their community. But this attitude is not just the prerogative of powerful politicians, it has also affected the middle class and ordinary Kikuyu.

    There is a dangerous sense of victimhood and entitlement. The feeling of victimhood is now deeply entrenched in the community, and understandably so, given the colonial emergency, the clashes in the ‘90s, and the post-election violence in the Rift Valley, but it is coupled with a sense of entitlement and superiority over other communities, expressed in attitudes that the Kikuyu are somehow superior; that they work harder than other Kenyans; that they have more financial and entrepreneurial sense than others; and able to govern better than others.

    It is also expressed in derogatory assumptions and stereotypes about other communities. This is foolhardy, a recipe for disaster and chaos. It has made our position precarious, and if we don’t start asking questions of this “leadership,” we will only have ourselves to blame if the current tensions explode.

    This is the time to re-think and reject the old class, whose interest is now focused on ensuring that their sons take over from them as the “leaders” of the community. These “sons” have no skills or vision to lead, just a sense of entitlement. This is not just contemptuous of the ordinary Kikuyu, but also of the entire nation.

    We should learn from the experiences in other countries. Look at the demons and forces unleashed in the Balkans by Serbian leaders who continuously highlighted what they described as the Serbs’ historical grievances, as well as their “specialness”, playing on that for their own political ends.

    But even closer to home is Rwanda. Can any of us forget what happened there? By whipping up anger about historical injustices against the Hutu majority, and emphasizing the “right” of Hutus to rule, Hutu leaders facilitated the genocide. And as always, it is the ordinary Hutus who paid the price for not questioning the received “wisdom”.

    This is a moment of truth for the Kikuyus as a whole. We recognise that much of what we have said may not be palatable to many. It will, in fact, be painful. But these are truths we cannot run away from. If there was ever a time for change and challenge, it is now.

    Mr Kiai is former chairman of the Kenya National Commission on Human Rights while Mr Muite is former MP for Kabete

  36. Chris is a wife beater.

  37. Kibaki's full names are

    Emillio Mwai "Pumbavu" Kibaki.

    Mwai "Pumbavu" Kibaki is just a short version of his name.

    Hio si matusi. That is his deserved name. Niongeze ingine?
    Here goes: Mwai "pumbavu" "election thief" Kibaki.

    He will always be Mwai "pumbavu" Kibaki. Meza wembe, haraka sana!

    That is his name and he deserves it. This is what happens to Old men who are supposed to be role models but instead are the reverse and on top of this they abuse their country men and women ati pumbavu. Pumbavu yeye!

  38. Guka wa Obama4/21/09, 7:51 AM

    Every Community needs to re-examine their stand in regard to the ethnic poisoning that has informed our politics for the last 40 years.

    The Kikuyu sense of entiltlement and the luo myth of victimization should be crushed. The leadership of these two communities is extremely deceptive and like sheep to the slaughter they have followers never questioning them.

    I postulate that if the Gikuyu middle class woke up and smelled the coffee and voted for someone on merit regardless of the tribe, we will begin to bury this monster. I am aware that there are three generations of kikuyus who feel the state has shafted them repeatedly - The mau mau generation, the nyayo generation and now the Kibaki-Mungiki generation.

    For Luos it is even worse, since Jaramogi differed with erstwhile friend Jomo, the name outside and Luo have become synonymous. A mapambano tune sang by a Luo sounds more authentic than other Kenyans. This sense of victimhood has more to do with the leaders of both communities rather the kawaida citizen. If you visit the extremes of both communities you will realize they have much more in common that what sets them apart.

    The debate by Maina Kiai and Muite is a good one and we should take it to more communties and ask ourselves when they eat, do we eat too?

    Until we learn to reject this elites, we will never get the leadership we deserve. Like my headmaster, Mr Stephen Karaba, used to remind us "You cannot eat githeri and vomit rice, what you put in is what you get out"

    Time is now!

  39. Stop hating on Nation. They're enjoying record sales and record profits.

    All successful companies have products, branches, employees, and vendors that didn't work out. For example, Microsoft's internet products have failed while some Wal-Mart stores don't work out. But overall, the 2 companies are very successful. Same thing applies to Nation.

    Business is speculative and not all products, branches, employees, and vendors will work out. You can compare a good business to a good football striker. Not all attempts at scoring will succeed. The big leagues belong to those who try, not those who whine.

  40. "Over the past 5 years Ledama has been involved with the Narok Town Council as a volunteer consultant in development programs. Through his extensive business network, Ledama has been able to promote private/public partnerships between private entities in the USA and the Narok town council as well as enable the town council of Narok to increase its revenue collection by 20% within the first three months of 2009. Ledama did this after having sought and successfully acquired approval from Kenyan Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Local Government to allow the town of Narok to collect parking fees and charge advertisement fees. The town council of Narok had tried to get approval from the ministry for the past 5 years but were not able to. With Ledama's intervention the council request was granted.

    Although Ledama has not had a political career, he is a man who makes things happen [[3]]. Ledama plans to use his drive, education, contacts, resources and management skills to lead Kenya into the 21st century.

    In May 2009 Ledama will be rolling out the first nationwide online and physical library system in Kenya. The library project will be based in every district in Kenya. The Online Library will help improve access to books and information nationwide .

    In July 2009 Ledama will lead a team of experts from Arizona State University to work with Narok town council to realign their existing resources in order to increase their revenue collections as well as create jobs."

  41. hahaha, ati Ole Kina.

    The brother Koitamet was a Commisioner at Bomas and he is the most corrupt Maasai I know.

    Maybe the brother is not as bad but the fruits tend not to fall far from the tree.

    But give credit where it is due, the dude brought the first Library to Narok and internet and gave the town some sense of maendeleo.

  42. Anon 8:59

    I think he is different from the bro, the one you refer to as Koitamet. His bro. has done nothing for Narok. Also, aren't Obama step bros coming up in the news for all the wrong reasons?

  43. now on a side note


  44. Why do Jaruo men like jungu women?

    Every Jaruo's man dream is to marry a white woman. Hi ni aibu aina gani? Kwani Luo women are not good? Or is it black hate?

  45. Ole Kina....interesting. Thanks for pointing him out.

    On the issues raised by Kiai and Muite--> I still think they are stupidly promoting the same tribalism they claim to want to stamp out. Or else, why would they only focus on the Kikuyu? Indeed, they are doing what Raila and others did during the run up to the 07 elections--victimizing and isolating the Kikuyu. One can replace the word Kikuyu with Jaluo or Kalenjin and the sense of entitlement remains the same. I'm quite fed up with these so-called intellectuals who are just political opportunists in disguise. I really dont care whether they live or die as I see no value in the things they do or say.

  46. King Charles4/21/09, 2:11 PM

    Can anybody still claim that the government was wrong in executing Mungiki folk?

    In fact, I read that some were stopped at a roadblock on their way to the site of the massacre. WHY ARE THEY STILL ALIVE???

    All those condemning police death squads must be very ashamed right about now. We should require they act professionally, not their abolition.

  47. Slaughter of the innocents -

    The chicken are coming home to roast ... NA BADO

  48. Not a word from the duly elected about the killing of innocent people by mungiki. Where in kenya do peopel slaughter each other with such abandon? No wonder innocent people were killed to instil fear and to get 'the rest' to accept the electoral theft.
    I feel sad about what's happned because where I come from killing a fellow human being is virtually unheard of.
    The chickens have indeed come home to roost. Wenye PNU, can you wake up your duly elected president?

  49. Ha ha ha --- Kazi iendelee ;-)

  50. Ummm...where are the human rights types?

  51. actually 55% of the shares is held by kenyans


    It is a publicly listed company, quoted on the Nairobi Stock Exchange, and has about 7,500 shareholders

  52. Actually it is tAga Khan Fund for Economic Development (AKFED) that
    holds 44.73% of the shares:

    Daily Nation
    Thursday, June 12, 2003
    By NATION Reporter

    The Aga Khan reorganises shareholding in Nation
    The Nation Media Group’s principal shareholder, the Aga Khan, has notified the Kenya Capital Markets Authority of his desire to change the way he holds his shares in the group to ensure its long-term continuity.
    The Aga Khan, who founded the Group in 1962, now holds 44.73 percent of its shares. Instead of continuing to hold them through his personal account, he will transfer them to a development company of which he is chairman, the Aga Khan Fund for Economic Development (AKFED), which initiated its activities in eastern Africa in 1962 and has since expanded to 19 countries in Africa, Asia, Europe and North America.

    AKFED is organised as a Swiss corporation, headquartered in Geneva, and dedicated to investing in the less developed countries of Asia and Africa, in a way which expands the economy, creates employment, promotes the transfer of technology and enhances corporate social responsibility.

    The Aga Khan is chairman of the company and his brother, Prince Amyn Aga Khan, chairs its executive committee.

    AKFED has shareholdings in different countries and in many fields of economic endeavour. Its activities range from food processing to packaging and printing, from tourism to power supply, from banking, microfinance and insurance to telecommunications.

    As the Nation Media Group enters a new era of corporate expansion, its more direct participation in the Aga Khan’s wide-ranging family of development institutions will be a spur to company growth and a new source of corporate strength.

    The Aga Khan believes that "putting these NMG shares into an institutional framework will ensure the long term continuity of the Nation Media Group."

  53. Vigilantes raid town in search of Mungiki members

    By NATION CorrespondentPosted Tuesday, April 21 2009 at 20:42

    A vigilante group raided Kagio Town in Kirinyaga West District in Kenya's Central proviince on Monday night and destroyed property worth thousands of shillings belonging to suspected members of the outlawed Mungiki sect.

    Tension mounted as the more than 300 villagers, who have been cracking down on criminals, raided rental rooms and business premises of the suspects, damaging assorted items. Thirty suspects fled when word went round that the villagers were about to raid the town.


    AND THEN!!!!

    Mungiki kill villagers in night raid

    They crept out of the night like ghouls, dozens of Mungiki followers, the axes, pangas and rungus in their hands betraying their intentions: to kill.

    In their wake, they left devastated families, mutilated bodies and a despairing sense that the spreading pools of blood could well cover the whole land.

    The sect had regrouped to retaliate the killing of 14 of its members by vigilantes. They selected Gathaithi village in Nyeri East District in Kenya's Central Province and planned mass murder with cold blooded precision.

    Central provincial police boss John M’Mbijjiwe said: “The attackers burnt a house to attract as many villagers as possible and then lay in wait for them and butchered them.”

    At 2.30am, they set the house on fire, burning to death two of the occupants, and lay in wait for villagers to respond to the cries of distress.

    When the villagers and vigilantes came out to help, the Mungiki set on them, one after the other as they arrived at the burning house, hacking 18 to death on the spot with axes and machetes and abducting seven others. Seven were also killed at Kiaruhiu trading centre.

    In the cold light of the mountain morning, the village was a scene from hell: there were bodies strewn all over, with cuts in every part, some with throats slit. And the soil was spotted with blood.

    The Mungiki are believed to have regrouped in Karatina after villagers, fed up with the sect’s tyranny and extortion, had smoked them out. The attack came barely an hour after a police patrol had passed through the village.

    There had been rumours that the sect was regrouping to avenge the killing of its members by villagers and the police had stepped up patrols.

    Extreme violence

    The village had a well-organised group of youths to guard it from the Mungiki. The vigilantes even had a code name – Bantu – which they used to identify each other in the dark. The sect had investigated all that and used the same code to confuse the vigilantes.

    Distraught villagers, numb with fear and horror, watched silently as Central provincial commissioner Japhter Rugut and the entire security team viewed the bodies of the victims where they lay, before they were transferred to Karatina Hospital Mortuary.

    Villagers said they were shocked by the brutality and extreme violence with which the Mungiki massacred locals. Bodies had many deep cuts and some bodies had limbs completely severed. The body parts littered footpaths and the surrounding area.

    In the burnt house was a body that was completely consumed by the flames. Another was partially burnt and deep cuts on the head were clearly discernible. Detectives thought the victim was killed as he tried to escape the fire.

    The owner of the house, 70-year-old Esther Wangui Mathenge, said the two were her farmhands. The two, she said, were from the neighbouring Kirinyaga District, where some Mungiki members have in the recent past been lynched.

    At Kiaruhiu trading centre, the Nation counted seven bodies, all male, while at Gathaithi, scene of the massacre, there were 18 bodies, some of them hidden in tea bushes.

    The killings took place on both sides of River Wamuthambi, which divides Nyeri East and Kirinyaga West. Here the Mungiki has been extorting a toll on households, traders and matatu owners.

    They crept out of the night like ghouls, dozens of Mungiki followers, the axes, pangas and rungus in their hands betraying their intentions: to kill.

    Related Stories

    * Massacre planners must face the law
    * Find the cause of Mathira killings, Kibaki orders
    * Mungiki's impunity landed it in hot water
    * Anguish of woman left to live in terror
    * Vigilantes raid town in search of Mungiki members

    In their wake, they left devastated families, mutilated bodies and a despairing sense that the spreading pools of blood could well cover the whole land.

    The sect had regrouped to retaliate the killing of 14 of its members by vigilantes. They selected Gathaithi village in Nyeri East District in Kenya's Central Province and planned mass murder with cold blooded precision.

    Central provincial police boss John M’Mbijjiwe said: “The attackers burnt a house to attract as many villagers as possible and then lay in wait for them and butchered them.”

    At 2.30am, they set the house on fire, burning to death two of the occupants, and lay in wait for villagers to respond to the cries of distress.

    When the villagers and vigilantes came out to help, the Mungiki set on them, one after the other as they arrived at the burning house, hacking 18 to death on the spot with axes and machetes and abducting seven others. Seven were also killed at Kiaruhiu trading centre.

    In the cold light of the mountain morning, the village was a scene from hell: there were bodies strewn all over, with cuts in every part, some with throats slit. And the soil was spotted with blood.

    The Mungiki are believed to have regrouped in Karatina after villagers, fed up with the sect’s tyranny and extortion, had smoked them out. The attack came barely an hour after a police patrol had passed through the village.

    There had been rumours that the sect was regrouping to avenge the killing of its members by villagers and the police had stepped up patrols.

    Extreme violence

    The village had a well-organised group of youths to guard it from the Mungiki. The vigilantes even had a code name – Bantu – which they used to identify each other in the dark. The sect had investigated all that and used the same code to confuse the vigilantes.

    Distraught villagers, numb with fear and horror, watched silently as Central provincial commissioner Japhter Rugut and the entire security team viewed the bodies of the victims where they lay, before they were transferred to Karatina Hospital Mortuary.

    Villagers said they were shocked by the brutality and extreme violence with which the Mungiki massacred locals. Bodies had many deep cuts and some bodies had limbs completely severed. The body parts littered footpaths and the surrounding area.

    In the burnt house was a body that was completely consumed by the flames. Another was partially burnt and deep cuts on the head were clearly discernible. Detectives thought the victim was killed as he tried to escape the fire.

    The owner of the house, 70-year-old Esther Wangui Mathenge, said the two were her farmhands. The two, she said, were from the neighbouring Kirinyaga District, where some Mungiki members have in the recent past been lynched.

    At Kiaruhiu trading centre, the Nation counted seven bodies, all male, while at Gathaithi, scene of the massacre, there were 18 bodies, some of them hidden in tea bushes.

    The killings took place on both sides of River Wamuthambi, which divides Nyeri East and Kirinyaga West. Here the Mungiki has been extorting a toll on households, traders and matatu owners.

    Central provincial police officer John M’Mbijjiwe said 62 suspects, who had been arrested, would be charged with the killings.





  54. Kwani Chris has a target for number of comments before he gives us a fresh post?

    ama still terrified of talking about Mau Forest????


    Police Headquarters wishes to inform the public that on the night of 21st to 22nd of April 2009, in Shehe Sub-location Karatina Division Nyeri West District, Central Province, Karatina Police Station received a report that there was a violent clash going on between the public and members of the outlawed Mungiki sect.

    Police moved to the scene immediately and commenced investigations. So far investigators have confirmed that 24 people have been killed and 3 have been seriously injured. 37 suspects have been arrested and assorted crude weapons including machetes (pangas), axes and clubs have also been recovered. Investigations are going on to identify, arrest and prosecute all the persons suspected of having taken part in these murders.

    Investigations are going on and Police Headquarters will brief the public as the investigations progress.

    Police Headquarters is once gain appealing to the public in Central Province to report members of the sect committing crimes to police stations instead of using criminal violence to resist crime.

    Kiraithe E.K.

    For: Commission of Police.

    April 21, 2009.

  56. One needs to understand the history of the Mafia, Farc-ep of Colombia to know where "Mungiki is heading"

    In fact I see if they are not controlled then the likes of Kibaki and Michuki will soon become their victims, that is, after they have succeeded in collecting taxes from every Kikuyu in Central province, which to me is not a surprise - as of now they wanted to start collecting 'tax' from every house.

    I don't know how some countries have succeeded in cleaning such cartels/parallel governments, however what I know is that in most cases they are supposed to be dealt with in a similar ruthless manner as they are dealing with innocent "mwananchi wa kawaida". But also in order for the government to stop more youth from joining this entity they should ensure economic prosperity for the youths, which will thus create hope in them and discourage them from joining the illegal group.

    I don't think it's late for the government to stop mungiki, but also the government needs to move fast in order to contain the group and eradicate it, though I doubt it's complete eradication.

    From information I have, Kibaki, Michuki and Saitoti can easily become the target of Mungiki, which they shouldn't ignore, consoling themselves on their soft couch that Mungiki will never be strong, after all once Mungiki is strong, and once these leaders are out of the government, I don't think they will be able to stop them, if the governemnt that will be running during that time will also relax like them.

    During post election violence some Kalenjin/Pokot warriors managed to reach Kirwa/Biwotts house and even threatened to burn their property, luckily the pleadings from them and followed by material assistance succeeded. They tried to burn Moi's house but failed, but went ahead to burn his shamba.

    These were warriors who did not intend to kill their own but only to teach them a lesson for supporting not one of their own, so what about Mungiki? What will stop them from going to Kibaki's house, or Michuki's house or Saitoti's house and butcher them? Sometimes I think that if we will have a president who is not among them or one of their own they will easily leave Kenya.

    This is the time for them to act and look at the welfare of everybody by improving security and empower the youth economically, otherwise they will regret why they didn't act when they were in power.

  57. Mungiki in Central-2012 demands that voters in central are put in a fearful state. Saitoti,Uhuru and Kiraitu will at some stage claim to be "saviours" of GEMA.

    This is all being done by police to justify extra judicial killings.
    Also note Martha Karua's Kirinyaga and Karatina (Nyeri)
    Political messages being sent to Kirinyaga?
    We have a government only in name.What is the army doing?

    Political survival of the ruling class must remain irrespective of how many others lose their lives.
    If you thought 2007 was dangerous, then there is no word for 2012.

  58. anon@11:58 pm.
    I know, I know. We're curious/anxious too. But unlike you, we're not flapping about making wild allegations and silly speculations. Do note, stuttering bumpkin is in on this too.

  59. Anon 6.05
    Its pretty sad and outright shameful that you think by Mungiki killing innocent civilians that Kibaki is suffering.

    So by Karatina/Kirinyaga killings what punishment has Kibaki suffered? Were the mothers at Karatina killing your people at Naivasha?

    Try as you might, trivialisng human life does not make you brave. trying to intellectualise killing by showing cause and effect as you have tried to do is outright foolish. You seem to be celebrating the deaths and it would only be fair if the families allowed you to go feast on the corpses, you aint no better than a vulture. Shame on you.

  60. This Mungiki situation has become too much, that is what poverty, unemployment and disengagement breeds. If people want solutions, they can only wipe out mungiki when their members are incentivised to leave.

    And for kikuyu's this is a time for caution. Some people are not comfortable with different views in the community. They want the old style one tribe one view one vote for one person. So people have to be careful.

  61. People overstate the role of poverty when talking about mungiki. Let us not forget that these pple for a large part recruit by instilling fear and terror in anyone who dare question them. Many of their members did not join willingly, including some MPs and other big wigs.

  62. Kazi iendelee. Kikuyu's are going at each other with so many hammers and tongs. Kweli the chickens of FRAUD, DECEPTION and THEFT are coming home (central) to roost - very violently.

    Kikuyu's, these - bedlams of hideous violence, all hell breaking loose - are the fruits of your FRAUDULENT, DECEPTIVE and STEALING ways.

    Right now it's Kirinyaga/Nyeri areas, soon Kiambu and Muranga areas will follow... Mungu awasaidie - No! I don't think he will help you people. You are just too rotten; let nature take it's course.

    Just wondering, amidst all these happenings, what is Mwai "pumbavu" Kibaki's take? No surprise here, it is: Wacha wale wanataka kupigana na kuuana waendelee kupigana na kuuana. Hao ni WAPUMBAVU!

    Bwa, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha,

    This is what you get for voting for the fraudulent "duly elected pumbavu president - Mwai "pumbavu" Kibaki"

  63. yes kyuks, these mungiki mongrels of extortion, racketeering, Kidnappings, beheadings have come back to haunt you. You regard other tribes in Kenya to be inferior to you. Well, enjoy the party: the panga chops, Axe chops and beheadings from your own people. ENJOY THE PARTY. have a ball!

    I notice the usual Raila haters have gone into hiding. These must be very embarrassing and uncomfortable times for them.

  64. Anon 6:29 AM,

    It's raila who wanted to sleep with mungiki. Raila is a Mungiki sympathasier - he offered to talk to them and since then he has been funding Mungiki!!

  65. "I notice the usual Raila haters have gone into hiding. These must be very embarrassing and uncomfortable times for them."

    No, you're wrong. We're just more intelligent than you (including emotional IQ), and trying to figure out next steps.

  66. Anon 8:10 AM,

    Ati you are figuring out your next steps? Watch out, a fellow Kyuk armed with a panga or axe or both may descend on your neck and chop your head off.

    You never learn. You still continue living in a world of SELF DECEPTION - ati you are more intelligent? Pumbaff!!

    Maybe, just maybe, reality will hit you when your Mungiki mongrels come after your Kikuyu neck and behead you - although it will be a bit late, you will be dead.

    Stop living in a world of denial and self deception. When you wake up, you will realize that your biggest enemy is/are your own fellow Kyuks, especially the wealthy cynical wazee's who have totally brain washed you to follow them blindly as they shaft you in the ass.

  67. I send my sincere condolences to the bereaved, and more to those whose innocent sons, husbands and fathers have been killed.

    I don't think this is the time to insult each other even if we had grudges. If you are in Kenya and you do this I think I'll be surprised, in other words I'm doubting if the ones insulting each other are in Kenya.

    Mungiki is a menace mostly to Kikuyus because they are the nearest to them, otherwise they can grow and start with other tribes once they have completely ensnared everyone in Central Province (they collected 'taxes' from people regardless of tribe in Kayole), and that's why it's our collective responsibility to look for ways of solving this problem, that is, if we haven't found that way.

    It's shocking when someone attacks Raila during this time. If it's Raila then what is Kibaki, Saitoti, Ali, Kianga and Haji doing? Yet they are closer to Kikuyus and are holding powers related to security issues. Can we assume they are accomplices of Raila? I think it's pitiful when someone comes with such statements.

    Similarly it's shocking when someone laughs at Kikuyus during this time. You never know when a vigilante group belonging to your tribe will attack! And that leader you counted on goes ahead to ignore you.

    What can we learn from these mungiki attacks? I live the rest to you all.

  68. We learn that when your modus operandi is kazi iendelee anything goes it comes back to haunt you ... I don´t see anybody here say it as it is .... these are hard working kikuyus earning a living as they know best. Anything goes for mbesha.

  69. 9:23 am
    So they're on a payroll??

  70. Am shocked at how shallow some dudes can sink...turning the mungiki issue into a kikuyu affair is not only unfortunated but those who seem to think its a kikuyu problem should be ashamed of the themselves. The people who lost their lives are normal kenyans going on with their lives..perhaps poor and frustrated just like the rest of the kenyans. In my world this are people who could have been subjected to historic injustice that most kenayns now suffer. I did not read anywhere that a rich politician was killed what i saw in the press are poor folks desparate to make a basic living. The kenyan problem as i see it is a class problem fueled by a politcal elite keen to remain in power at whatever cost and a middle class that is naive and cant see the bigger picture. Bure kabisa nyinyi,.

    Kenyans have just mointed a Tiger and they will pay a big price for it. I am tolk in kisii vigilante groups have taken over ruling through terror..the mungiki problem will soon be a national problem. Kibaki could not even bring himself to send condolensesn to the families who lost loved once...kenay is just a f$$ked up country...we are all screwed in the a$$$..

  71. Everyone knows that the original Kenya/Uganda border is at Naivasha. When Idi Amin raised the issue back in the 70s, Kenyatta silenced him. I think its the high time Kenya gave back the land Kenyatta grabbed from Uganda. The border is at Naivasha.

  72. There are only 2 brave men who have risked their lives to speak against Kikuyu arrogance. Muite has blasted the Kikuyus for thinking that Kenya is belongs to them alone. The craziness has to end.

    Meanwhile Kenyans must be on the watchout as Mungiki is trying to migrate to other provinces. Stop all of them.

  73. "Muite has blasted the Kikuyus for thinking that Kenya is belongs to them alone."

    What took him so long to find this out?
    For those who love hot air, this is one guy to listen and quote.

  74. Raila like a true leader has personally gone to karatina to condole with the peple who must be wondering why the duly elected othayan sloth hasn't seen it fit to do something other than giving statements from his bedroom. How about the'local leaders', those that gang up every weekend on a raila bashing competition. bure kabisa!!how about all those cops that were sent to 'shoot and kill' after the stolen elections. kazi ndiyo hiyo imepatikana, why have they not been sent to at least prevent any kind of retaliatory action by the villagers.

  75. State, private developer seal Sh400m housing deal

    Updated 6 hr(s) 38 min(s) ago
    Standard newspaper
    By Morton Saulo

    The Government will spend Sh400 million to construct the first phase of low cost houses in Nairobi’s Shauri Moyo Estate, Nairobi.

    In the private-public partnership arrangement, Lemna International Ltd, a US-based company, will build the houses then be paid in five years after completion of the project.

    This is the first time the Government under the ambit of Ministry of Housing is engaging a private company in construction.

    During the groundbreaking ceremony, Housing Minister Soita Shitanda said the Government will begin to pay the private company after completion of the project.

    Said he: "Government has no cash ready now, but we have an arrangement with the developer whereby money will be paid in phases."

    In the project that will see Government houses in Shauri Moyo demolished, the contractor will first construct decant units to host families.

    "Occupants of the houses will not lose their houses but will be incorporated in the new housing scheme together with civil servants," he said.

    Completion of units

    Shitanda said his ministry expects the company to complete 315 units in seven months because of the technology being used.

    Present during the ceremony were National Housing Corporation Manager James Ruitha, Kamukunji MP Simon Mbugua, Housing PS Tirop Kosgey and Lemna General Manager David Anderson.

    Anderson said his company intends to use this housing project to make in roads to the Kenya property market.

    "We will be using our own technology that has been successful in various parts of the world that takes a shorter time to complete construction," he said. Shitanda said the new units price will range from Sh2 million and Sh3.5 million.

    Check the site of this company- they are not experts in housing contraction- they do water sewage more,,,,,,




  76. State, private developer seal Sh400m housing deal

    Updated 6 hr(s) 38 min(s) ago
    Standard newspaper
    By Morton Saulo

    The Government will spend Sh400 million to construct the first phase of low cost houses in Nairobi’s Shauri Moyo Estate, Nairobi.

    In the private-public partnership arrangement, Lemna International Ltd, a US-based company, will build the houses then be paid in five years after completion of the project.

    This is the first time the Government under the ambit of Ministry of Housing is engaging a private company in construction.

    During the groundbreaking ceremony, Housing Minister Soita Shitanda said the Government will begin to pay the private company after completion of the project.

    Said he: "Government has no cash ready now, but we have an arrangement with the developer whereby money will be paid in phases."

    In the project that will see Government houses in Shauri Moyo demolished, the contractor will first construct decant units to host families.

    "Occupants of the houses will not lose their houses but will be incorporated in the new housing scheme together with civil servants," he said.

    Completion of units

    Shitanda said his ministry expects the company to complete 315 units in seven months because of the technology being used.

    Present during the ceremony were National Housing Corporation Manager James Ruitha, Kamukunji MP Simon Mbugua, Housing PS Tirop Kosgey and Lemna General Manager David Anderson.

    Anderson said his company intends to use this housing project to make in roads to the Kenya property market.

    "We will be using our own technology that has been successful in various parts of the world that takes a shorter time to complete construction," he said. Shitanda said the new units price will range from Sh2 million and Sh3.5 million.

    Check the site of this company- they are not experts in housing contraction- they do water sewage more,,,,,,




  77. This post is stale now. Don't we have any news going in Kenya?

    Phil's mistress

  78. Raila cares for Kenya. He knows all Kenyans are equal. He has gone to Karatina to witness the Mungiki tragedy and console residents. You remember it is in Karatina where he was denied food in 2007.

    Kibaki on the other hand is busy in SH bedroom kissing Lucy and PNU activist(second wife), Kiraitu is busy stealing oil, Uhuru is busy financing Mungiki, while Kalonzo is busy dreaming of the State House.

    These people have no heart for Kenyans. Muite said it all. How long will it take for us to understand.

    The solution to Mungiki problem is sunderring them the stolen land and property. Uhuru should give back the land his father stole, all Central politicians should donate half of their wealth to Mungiki.

  79. Phils mistress,

    We know what you want. You hate a topic and comments that in anyway reveals the ugly truth about you fellows.

    Anon 2:23 AM,

    I agree with you. A big part of the solution to this Mungiki circus is giving them the land that Jomo Kenyatta and "family and friends" STOLE from 1963 onwards. The home guard cronies of his, Jomo, should also do the same (Njenga Karume, John "the rattle snake" Michuki et al)

  80. Uhuru should give back the land his father stole so that these Mungiki bedlams of hideous and gruesome murders of their own tribesmen and women can at least simmer down and eventually stop.

  81. Mungiki is a Kikuyu problem

    If they lived with us (from Western Kenya)they would have to change or die, or go back to central province cos our way of life does not tolerate so much violence, lies, fraud, money worship above everything else etc that it the connerstone of the Kikuyu way of life.

    Its a kikiyu problem created by kikuyus and so its Kikuyus who have to deal with it. Its not a national problem.

  82. Raila cares for Kenya.

    yes, yes, that's why he buried the maize and oil scandals.

  83. Kikuyu's,

    This (the violence going in in Kikuyuland where you Kikuyu's are attacking one another in a most savage, primitive and gruesome way) is a Kikuyu problem and not a national problem - you brought on yourselves. And if truth be told, you're being a big embarrassment to yourselves by behaving is such a savage and primitive manner.

    Your worship of money has caused you to "reap" and "harvest" all this nonsense that you are doing to yourselves.

  84. Meet Ledama Olekina: Candidate for the President of Kenya 2012

  85. They laughed during the PEV that Jaruo is burning his "Siti", where would you rather do business now with peace of mind, in Kisumu "Siti" or "Centro".

    Go figure, the chicken are coming home to roost.

  86. I have a feeling Ledama might be the person we are looking for.

    Go Ledama!

  87. munginko island4/23/09, 10:50 AM

    the grand unified theory....
    Send mungiki in to sort out the Ugandans (or to be sorted out by them). The island will make a fine home for the violent vermin and Mr. 2 wives can rest again......
    BTW Maina Njenga must read newspapers, but I wonder which one?

  88. What goes around comes around - and duly elected knows it, thats why his mouth is zipped. He cannot condemn one side as UK has been bankrolling it and he cannot praise the other side as his loyal tribal kenyan security and police is exposed, both ways he is F#¤%&ked. Sending errand boy VP to trot out the usual Nyundo propaganda - and btw his real battle for survival is on - cannot be spun into this one.

    Don´t expect any statements from him or the Ugandan , pole.. Kamba Ooops ! pole sana - Kenyan Gava spokesman, man ? No way. Yes Spokesperson. Any which way they try to spin this INPUNITY will jump back to bite thier sorry ass.

    Someone is SH has already given the usual SPs hoping when someone wakes up this mess will be over.

    Lakini bado - the kukus have gone back to Gishagi kuzaana - the other " lazy ones and not hardworking " are ordering popcones in gunias as this one will be a long haul and everybody wants a ring side seat.

    This racket could not be contained in the house of mumbi after the election shenanagins were complete. We should do whatever it takes to contain this mess where it belongs and not entertain it being portraid as a National issue This is a Central issue and thats where it should stay. Since when does Central provice represent the whole of kenya ?

    Wisewoman Beth Mugo insulted us on National Television with her famous sentence " WE ARE IN CONTROL " let them control thier handiwork - dont be fooled to see this issue as a national problem becouse they are helpless.

    They used people to do thier dirty work promised them mana and then refused to pay them , instead continued stealing more land ( embakasi ) on top of the thousands if not millions of acres that thier fathers stole - where is that discussion ??????

    Since when are the problems of house of mumbi national ? Its like asking the head of luo elders to cast the deciding vote in a Gema election. That can only happen when Gema is in a point of no return and due to thier selfishness they will want to blame someone to save thier skin.

    Think hard and twice - Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice .... A fool can only ..;-)

  89. He does not know that Taifa has sacked many people today and the main paper is culling next week. Stale news!!! Shutdown

  90. He does not know that Taifa has sacked many people today and the main paper is culling next week. Stale news!!! Shutdown


  92. However, ODM MPs said President Kibaki unilaterally made the decision without consulting ODM and Mr Odinga, contrary to the National Accord which created the Grand Coalition Government. Mr Marende ruled that the appointment lay with the Executive and since it was a coalition government, President Kibaki and Mr Odinga should consult speedily and resolve the impasse.

  93. Kikuyu's,

    This (the violence going in in Kikuyuland where you Kikuyu's are attacking one another in a most savage, primitive and gruesome way) is a Kikuyu problem and not a national problem - you brought on yourselves. And if truth be told, you're being a big embarrassment to yourselves by behaving is such a savage and primitive manner.

    Your worship of money has caused you to "reap" and "harvest" all this nonsense that you are doing to yourselves.

  94. Why Bother with Education? "Giki Tikio Thuruari"

    Instead of dying with books and ending up a clerk..there is an easier way to "MAKE IT"!!!!!!

    1. a Sh500 monthly protection fee for stone houses,

    2. Sh200 for timber residential houses and

    3. ..a litre of milk daily from dairy farmers.

    4. They are also demanding Sh20 for every trip made by boda boda operators,

    5. Sh50 per day from matatu operators,

    6. Sh700 from restaurants and bars every month,

    7. Sh100 from retail traders, and

    8. a Sh100,000 one-off fee from wholesalers who wish to operate in the area.

    9. Kshs 100 per month fee for those school boys who have girlfriends in gicagi.

    10. 5% levy on all dowries paid for local marriages

    Elimu si Suruali (You cant do without a Suruali, but you can do without Elimu)

    This was the Play that was going to win the Kenya Secondary Drama fesival in 1983....

    Then it was BANNED by the Moi Government.

    It was acted by kids from a school in Murang'a (sijui kama ni Wahundura)

    But in brief these young mean refused school becuase they could NOT see the BENEFITS of schooling...

    Hence the title "Giki Tikio Tikio Thuruari"


    I'd be interested in how much they collect for the following:

    1. Tea bonus

    2. Every gram of kahawa

    3. Nduma

    4. Every boy child- as training levy


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