Thursday, July 10, 2008

Commissions-Of-Inquiry-Country And Old Stale Tactics That Don’t Work Any More

It seems that the dinosaurs of Kenyan politics still just don’t get it because they seem to be still insisting on using old tired “tricks of their trade”. Don’t they realize that they are dealing with a totally different breed of Kenyans?

Almost a week after Amos Kimunya’s attempt to drum up tribal sentiments to rush to his defense over the Grand Regency sale scam badly flopped, occupants at the same address where the silly idea was mooted in the first place (State House) are at it again. This time they have come up with yet another old and extremely “tired” trick.

Completely ignoring the seething anger and growing impatience of Kenyans, the duly elected president in consultation with his State house cronies has gone ahead and appointed yet another a commission of inquiry even as the country currently chokes and stumbles under the sheer weight of a quite a number of genuine commissions that emerged out of the Anan peace talks earlier this year.

Kenyans are now fully aware of what a non-genuine commission of enquiry means. In short when you want Kenyans to forget about something, the thing to do is to appoint a commission of inquiry and spend millions in tax payers hard earned cash in long endless proceedings that will make the participants fairly rich for doing nothing but seating in a room and listening to what they already know so as to produce a report that has a dust-gathering-corner in State House or the office of the president waiting for it as it’s final resting place.

And just like Kimunya’s tribal strategy fell flat on it’s face, this latest commission of inqury-to-the-Kenyan people will not work either. But maybe while the president is at it, why doesn’t he appoint another commission of inquiry to investigate yet anther scandal linked to him, namely the decades-old Kenren Ferterlizer saga? Wishful thinking I know.

But maybe I can make another suggestion that will be helpful for the purposes and objectives being pursued here. Why not constitute a commission of inquiry to investigate past and present suspicious dealings that prominent Kenyans have had with the Libyans (PNU diehards will love that one, please don’t ask me why if you don’t know).

The really sad thing is that this preoccupation with old political tactics is what drove the country to near-collapse early this year. The rigging of the presidential vote (now confirmed by a new American exit poll) was done in almost exactly the same way a parliamentary seat in a Nairobi constituency was stolen in the late 60s by the same people. Why wasn’t the rigging of the presidential vote at least done professionally (the way Moi used to do it)? Then, mercifully, many precious Kenyan lives would have been saved.

BUT maybe on second thoughts Kenyans should just throw in the towel and submit themselves to endless commissions of inquiries. Here are a few suggestions for commissions that should be constituted immediately to address “urgent” issues of national concern.

i) A commission of inquiry should be set up right away to investigate the duly existing first lady and find out whether she is just a serial “slapper” or something more. The commission’s terms of reference will include investigating why the first lady made a dramatic come-back purchasing hair-pieces in the streets of Nairobi and why she did so when the duly elected president was out of the country. Suggested commission chairman:- Gitobu Imanyara assisted by elders from a certain clan in Meru (translators to be provided.)

N.B. This commission is especially recommended since translations will take ages and the commission can therefore appropriately drag on for a very long time thus maximizing on allowances paid and also ensuring that Kenyans will be so exhausted about the whole thing by the time the commission ends (earliest estimated year it can end is 2013) that they will be just relieved to see the end of it. And nobody will ever ask such a pumbavu question again.

ii) With all due respect a commission of inquiry should be constituted to investigate and find out who is the president’s true wife and why Mary Wambui (whom we have been told by an official statement from State House is NOT a member of the president’s family) has state security guarding her residence in Lavington around the clock. Suggested commission chair: Lucy Kibaki

iii) Another commission of inquiry should be appointed to investigate what kind of pumbavu ghosts are in the d*** Grand Regency Hotel that have caused a good “my conscience is clean” cabinet minister who previously got away with much to finally meet his Waterloo. Terms of reference will include suggesting appropriate exorcising action to be taken. Suggested commission chairperson: Margaret Wanjiru MP for Starehe.

iv) Commission of inquiry to investigate whether it is true that the wife of a certain president of Kenya pushed a wheelchair right inside the State house swimming pool with a very important VIP seated on it. Suggested chairperson for this very important commission of inquiry: Mary Wambui (political activist).

v) Commission of inquiry to investigate the 10th parliament and where exactly the Amos Kimunya censure motion really came from and what the motives of the pumbavus who launched it really were. Special terms of reference to focus on MPs Dr Bonny Khalwale and Charles Kilonzo and find out why they were so funny in their contributions in the house during the debate to censure Kimunya and to recommend appropriate action against them for their sterling performances that still has many Kenyans rolling over in laughter including this blogger. Suggested commission chairman: Amos Kimunya assisted by U. M. Kenyatta.

vi) Commission of inquiry to investigate Koinange street and what goes on there daily after 7:30 PM and the political personalities involved. Special arrangements to be made so that at least half the commission sessions are held at the said K street. Suggested chair: A certain cabinet Minister (name with-held for legal reasons), assisted by Moneybags Livondo (political activist).

vii) Yet another Commission of inquiry should be set up immediately to investigate where Raila Odinga buys his suits and where Amos Kimunya gets his colognes. Suggested chairperson: Esther “Mama Supuu” Passaris, assisted by Phil of Kumekucha.

viii) Finally a commission of inquiry should be set up to examine all past commissions inquiries and determine whether allowances paid and money spent was enough (a lot more can be spent on this good cause as other less important issues like Pumbavu IDPs take a back burner. The commission should make recommendations on how to increase remunerations to future commissioners now that the KRA is increasing it’s efficiency all the time and collecting more taxes. Suggested Chair retired President Moi, assisted by Kamlesh “Paulo” Pattni.

P.S. Police commissioner Maj Gen Hussein Ali this week told a commission investigating post-election violence that if the situation were to repeat itself today he would do exactly the same thing he did earlier this year “without changing a single thing.”. He emphasized that the police did not use excessive force to quell post-election violence.

Those statements must have sent a chill down the spines of numerous Kenyans who know better. Like medical workers who removed police bullets from innocent Kenyans whose only crime was to be poor and slum dwellers and morgue attendants who received bodies of toddlers and pregnant women even as numbers of the death were downplayed.

So this weekend (from Saturday right through to Sunday) in our brand new weekend special series we will have a Kenya police weekend special. Weekends are sure never again to be boring—especially when there is no breaking news—here in Kumekucha because this weekend and every weekend to follow, I will feature the funniest and also the most bizarre stories about various hot topics of the day, tomorrow I launch the series with my hilarious but also informative Kenya police special.

Read fascinating information from the most unorthodox methods used by CID officers to track down criminals and thugs (trust me you don’t want to hear about these bizarre and out of this world methods used, including “techniques” employed by one famous lady officer) to Kumekucha’s very own account of 48 hours in the hands of the dreaded, blood thirsty merciless police who made innocent Kenyans create and confess political crimes that they had never committed during the dreaded Mwakenya crackdown in the early 80s.

It is all happening right here in Kumekucha.


  1. Chris

    Precisely ....But can i ask for a favor can you second me in one of the probe teams.
    There is one that Knoppix and Taabu wanted me to sit in but it is not paying that well. I will really appreciate and thanks in advance. I owe you


  2. While the Commission is at it..... can they also include this in their terms of reference
    Sh20bn State ‘loan’ queried

    Publication Date: 7/11/2008
    An MP said Thursday that the Government gave some unnamed individuals and companies a staggering Sh20 billion last year through the state-run National Bank of Kenya.
    Rising soon after Question Time in parliament, Mr Chris Okemo (Nambale, ODM) further claimed that the loan was given contrary to a legal opinion by attorney general Amos Wako that it was irregular.

    Mr Okemo, who is the chairman of the parliamentary committee on finance and planning, said: “I am seeking a ministerial statement from the minister for Finance on information we have received that some individuals and private companies were given a loan of Sh20 billion.”

    Wrote a cheque

    Mr Okemo, who is a former Finance minister, further disclosed that the legal opinion of the attorney-general was sought and he was reported to have said that it was illegal for the Government to give individuals and/or private firms a loan.

    Said the ODM MP: “The Finance minister (Amos Kimunya) wrote a cheque for Sh20 billion sent to the Central Bank of Kenya and then back to the Government. National Bank then floated a Sh20 billion bond. I would like the minister to clarify why the funds were borrowed by individuals and private companies who are politically connected.”

    In response, Finance assistant minister Oburu Oginga promised to issue a statement next Wednesday afternoon.

    Mr Kimunya stepped aside a week after a motion of censure and of no-confidence, moved by Dr Bonny Khalwale (Ikolomani, New Ford-K), and passed by members over the questionable sale of Grand Regency Hotel, in Nairobi, the privatisation of Safaricom and the controversy over the new generation currency by De La Rue.

  3. Otieno Kajwang must go now. This man is an uncurable thief. Previously, he was dis-barred for stealing client's money. With a record like that his ministerial appointment could only happen in ODM.

    Now, he has abused the discretion bestowed upon him by the laws of the Republic. He must step aside to facilitate an investigation into the extensive role quid pro quo has played in his actions.

    As we speak he has flooded the country with foreign illiterates job seekers. Fellow Kenyans, for how long can our jobless youth continue to wait for the jobs ODM promised while Kajwang issues work permits to semi-illiterate foreigners to line up his off-shore account. He has even dished out Kenyan citizenship to the highest bidders. There is a possibility that he may have compromised state security by selling our national documents to people of dubious backgrounds.

    Is this the change ODM promised us? Why is Raila conveniently quiet? Is he a beneficiary of Kajwang's wrongdoing? Could we be witnessing the emergency of a Kavirondo mafia?

    God have mercy upon us!

  4. Anon 12:32, what is your point?

  5. In Kenya, we see and tolerate so much lousy deeds and omissions, yet we remain powerless, helpless and frustrated in the face of things. One Zimbabwean when asked why they put up with Mugabe, he responded sheepishly 'because we love peace'. Crisis presents a point of growth or change. Sam talked of a nuclear option. It is something that our MPs should explore. It might just wake up the executive. We are smart and deserve a lot better. Why do we put up with such trash for leaders. Effective Leadership can transform this country to heights that will be envy to the world and improve the sorry lot that is us. Why tolerate persons such as the Police Chief....

    Commissions don't work, or do they?
    Over 16 inquiries have been set up since 2003

    Publication Date: 7/11/2008
    Since 2003, the Government has formed various task forces and commissions of inquiry to investigate several misdeeds — both past and present. Until now, at least 16 such inquiries have been formed.
    The various inquiries — task forces, judicial and parliamentary committees included — delved into a variety of issues ranging from political assassinations, illegal land allocations, and ethnic clashes to grand corruption.

    Right now three commissions of inquiry are operating simultaneously: The Commission of Inquiry into the Post-election Violence chaired by Mr Justice Philip Waki, the Independent Review Commission investigating electoral irregularities (Kriegler Commission) and another to probe the controversial sale of the Grand Regency hotel.

    Though each panel is looking at different issues, there is a remote connection in all of them — the man who receives all the final reports — President Kibaki.

    But that is not all. An inquiry to be dubbed the Truth, Justice and Reconciliation Commission will be set up soon in an effort to heal the country following post-poll violence early this year.

    It is not lost on Kenyans that a task force to gauge the viability of such a commission was formed in May 2003 under the chairmanship of Prof Makau Mutua.

    The Parliamentary Committee to investigate the death of former Foreign Affairs minister Robert Ouko, chaired by former legislator Gor Sunguh, was formed in March 2003.


    After about 141 sittings, with evidence from over 70 witnesses, the findings and recommendations are still lying somewhere in Parliament.

    There was also the task force to inquire into the irregular allocation of Government houses formed almost a month after the Sunguh-led commission.

    Then there was the commission to investigate illegally allocated public land, popularly known as the Ndung’u Commission.

    The Goldenberg commission of inquiry led by Justice Samuel Bosire, in which the Grand Regency hotel was also mentioned could be considered the “mother of all inquiries”. Many of those adversely mentioned wanted their names purged from the report.

    But for now, all eyes are now focused on the Grand Regency commission.

  6. Ivy,

    Thanx for making me laugh this morning.

    I really needed that.


  7. Ivy,

    If there is a woman to be seconded to one of those probes from ODM, it will be Muthoni Passaris and not you. Passaris has the beauty and the thigh connection to the male wing of the Pentagon. That is the arrogant fact about our national life.

  8. Anon 12:54....Relax it was on a lighter note. You know what gives me the gr8est satisfaction in life...It is earning money that i have really worked for....It is boring sitting in a room and hearing people rant and rave...Don't you think so?

    Chris you are welcome...I am serious though


  9. Chris, we all know what methods the police used to track down the criminals. Check it on my raw notes. But I will give you a sneak preview;
    Some CID were employed as Matatu touts in some routes in RV and Nyanza, others were employed in Kericho tea plantations, others as labourers for jua kali, female CIDs posed as prostitutes looking for punters and many more. Just send me an email and I will send you my raw note.

  10. Where is Okello to return the money owed to Marinne Brinner. Otherwise another 'gomishon of inguayari" as the rungu man used to say is needed. The chair? Hon. Otieno Kajwang' the clerk at the Immigration Department.

  11. Charles.Nairobi.
    Ali was being given FAKE REPORTS FROM THE FIELD WHEN JUNIOR OFFICERS were on a RAPING, STEALING AND EXECUTION spree.Shame on HIM and the police for killing over 700 INNOCENT KENYANS in the name of keeping peace.Its pathetic and he should be BEHIND BARS.
    he was watching KTN like you and me.Its the junior officers who should be talking THEY know the dark secrets.
    Its a shame.
    my heart is too full to say more!

  12. You dont like kibs commission but you like raos committee. And raos committeee was composed of orengo, mutula, wako, ringera and raos secretary. save for the secretary, all the other members were kimunyas accusers. surely even if you hate kimunya like how (and i dont like him), you dont want him to be judged by such a committee!

    Then you say the US exit poll confirmed the rigging of last year's elections. So the exit polls that showed kerry beating bush in Ohio by 10% points in the 2004 election confirmed the election was rigged in that state!

  13. Please let us be balanced in our arguments-police commissioner Ali is right to say he would do exactly the same thing to quell post-election violence if it ever erupts again especially if said poor innocent numerous Kenyans are DUMB enough to allow themselves to be used by political elites who use their communities to fight each other-next time let them do their own fighting and be killed so we can honour their memory instead of our dead brothers and sisters

  14. Anon 2.11, don’t worry about them. They will continue to sing the election was rigged forever but that will never change the result. You have heard of stupid people that would be an underestimate for the ODMers. They are beyond stupidity.

  15. Ivy the probe committee was Taabu's idea and i welcomed it as i am ready to serve Kenya in any capacity either as Finance Minister or Chairman of the refunds commission.........heheheheh!

    Chris i want to imagine the hype about the Polizen Special is worth it if it doesn't end to be a story i would have sat down and penned.

    I have a first Uncle in the Judiciary and a Judge in the court of appeal for that matter.He chaired one of the commissions under Kibaki.

    Sometimes the year before last year we had a chat and he told me he regrets doing what he does because mostly it goes against his conscience,never mind he is a regular at Maxwell church.What he told me is that the commissions are just rubberstamping what the state wants.In his report he was merely briefed on what to arrive at almost literally.Thats why it ends up implicating the wrong people and letting loose the real culprits

    What am saying is, we are even luckier because at the end of Majids probe we will get a true reflection of what the tenant at statehouse thinks or wants us to believe.At times i feel we'd rather the commissions that spend our dime as we watch than some obscene expenses the Ministers in the calibre of Kimunya slap on our faces.

    Either way that commission is a waste of time.Who knows where the Kiruki commission report is or what its details are about the Arthur brothers?What assurance have we that this one won't suffer the same fate as those before it.

    But wait,we have the parliamentary one and my bets are on it that we will have it public and that one not even Kibaki can stop that one,atleast not in this 10th house.

    Time is catching up with this geezers.

    PS: About one Gerald Otieno Kajwang,those desperate to show his corruption side should be ashamed.For the bloggers who are worth the accessory in between their ears,we don't condone corruption.If Otieno Gerald is found guilty atleast in the public eye he should go.If profound evidence is thrown our way like was done in Kimunya's watergate,he should quit forthwith.We wont say coz he is ODM he is special.Thats the rot we want out of cabinet.

    Am not impressed by his perfomance either coz i waited for my ID long enough to be able to attend discos and such only for him to give toddlers IDs.There are more serious problems coz Kenyans are not poor because of no having IDs but because of other issues as shown to us by Kimunya and ilk®

    Reactions please!!!!

  16. Kajwang should tell us what his cut is in all these deals. We know him very well including his antiques when a practicing lawyer/liar. Is that what he means by 'bado mapambano'? Well, na bado!

  17. Chris, During early 1990s multi-party struggle, many Kenyans were killed by thugs-to-hire in the RV. Before and after the 1997 elections, strongholds of the opposition plunged into ethnic fighting, leaving hundreds of thousands of opposition supporters displaced.
    Most of these killings were politically and state sanctioned. If the government dealt with it at the time it would have not been repeated again in 2007. And so the killings continued throughout the nineties and even into the new millennium. How have the time changed now, many of those Kalenjins thought they can kill and get away with it because they have done it before. Well, they got a rude awakening, the guard has changed and there is no more Arap Moi for indemnification. That is progress. Next time you think you can go on rampage killing, raping women, looting and burning you should expect no mercy from our security services. Our security men are trained to deal with hooliganism, anarchy and any act of public disorder. Pangas are tools used for farming and not to express your democratic rights.

    Every civilised Kenyan must stand up against killing of innocent people because of politics or Raila. Politics are dirty and politicians are liars but human lives are immortal.
    Raila will not take you to heaven; he will take you to insanity. Insanity of burn young children in a church and raping elderly women, Insanity!

  18. Kwale et al,
    What is your take on the post please:

    "Commissions-Of-Inquiry-Country And Old Stale Tactics That Don’t Work Any More"










    Sh20bn State ‘loan’ queried

    Publication Date: 7/11/2008

    An MP said Thursday that the Government gave some unnamed individuals and companies a staggering Sh20 billion last year through the state-run National Bank of Kenya.
    Rising soon after Question Time in parliament, Mr Chris Okemo (Nambale, ODM) further claimed that the loan was given contrary to a legal opinion by attorney general Amos Wako that it was irregular.

    Mr Okemo, who is the chairman of the parliamentary committee on finance and planning, said: “I am seeking a ministerial statement from the minister for Finance on information we have received that some individuals and private companies were given a loan of Sh20 billion.”

    Wrote a cheque

    Mr Okemo, who is a former Finance minister, further disclosed that the legal opinion of the attorney-general was sought and he was reported to have said that it was illegal for the Government to give individuals and/or private firms a loan.

    Said the ODM MP: “The Finance minister (Amos Kimunya) wrote a cheque for Sh20 billion sent to the Central Bank of Kenya and then back to the Government. National Bank then floated a Sh20 billion bond. I would like the minister to clarify why the funds were borrowed by individuals and private companies who are politically connected.”

    In response, Finance assistant minister Oburu Oginga promised to issue a statement next Wednesday afternoon.

    Mr Kimunya stepped aside a week after a motion of censure and of no-confidence, moved by Dr Bonny Khalwale (Ikolomani, New Ford-K), and passed by members over the questionable sale of Grand Regency Hotel, in Nairobi, the privatisation of Safaricom and the controversy over the new generation currency by De La Rue.

    Lowest tender

    Mr Ababu Namwamba (Budalang’i, ODM), on a point of order, sought a ministerial statement from Energy minister, Kiraitu Murungi, over the controversial upgrading of Kenya Petroleum Refineries in Mombasa.

    The MP claimed that Oil Libya Ltd was given priority having quoted Sh28 billion while Essar Ltd of India gave the lowest tender of Sh26 billion.

    Mr Namwamba asked the minister to say in his statement next week that the entire process would be conducted transparently.

    Said the ODM MP: “I would also want the minister to state whether the Government has paid Stanchart Plc any funds so far, and if so, how much?”

  21. Taabu, My post is in the response to Chris PS message. Or did you not see that.
    The other stuff I don’t understand it and I am not interested.

  22. A new WAR on 'graft' has been started. For a preview: Kajwang, Ruto,...Raila, the list in ODM is endless. You have taught us the method and we will use it on you. Mapambano bado.

  23. i thought the day would never come when Kwale admitted there is alot he doesn't understand-now if only(fingers crossed) he wouldn't comment on the same...
    Cellulite Kid

  24. Anon 4:02 p.m..... Do not blame your thieving methods on partylines. Kimunya wished death and an independent inquiry team outside of Kenya. Our brothers across the border in Tanzania would have granted his death wish. Their CV is impressive. He still owes us the Kipipiri seat.

  25. Chris Okemo was Minister of Finance when Moi passed the Molasses Plant to Raila. He was also together with Raila, Kulei and Biwott in Geneva when Moi wanted to meet Marianne Briner to settle her accounts with the Kenya Government. It was actually Raila who called her personally to arrange for the meeting at the Golf-Hotel in Crans-Montana. They offerered to pay her all outstanding fees (around 7 Million $). She almost accepted when she was told that she would have to sign a document renouncing all her former statements to Scotland Yard and declaring them nil and void. All further details can be read in her London Declaration which was also published here on Kumekucha. Neither Raila, Kulei nor Mutula Kilonzo as Moi's lawyer ever protested or even doubted her evidence. The London Declaration has therefore entered the Sunguh-Report as a priviledged document whose content can never challenged in any court. It is very interesting to see that the same people (Raila, Okemo, Mutula and even Orengo) now join forces to present themselves as the people who can clean Kenya and even dare to form a Committee of Inquiry while all of them are being guilty as one certain Judas.

  26. Never SLEEP your way in business. It makes it VERY difficult to separate the flesh from the bucks.

  27. Enough is Enough!.

    SAM OKELLO MUST return the money he stole from the poor woman.
    This is becoming very tough and we are also going to pull the Nuclear Option, we can do it fellow people.

    Sam Okello, you MUST return the money stollen from me, a poor woman who earns her living writing stories; now I do not have money, because you and your wife stole.
    If you call Kibaki a thief, and Kimunya a thief, then include yourself.

    Stealing money from me to write a book that 'will keep you up all night'. The only people who stay up all night are thieves~. Take a cue from your wife who 'stays up all night' 'while on her knees'!

    -Marianne Briner

    PS: For those who want the books Email me ASAP [] and I will give you books to stay up all night while on your knees!





    Court blocks probe into Anglo Leasing

    NAIROBI, July 11 - The High Court has barred the Ministry of Finance from hiring an audit firm to investigate circumstances surrounding one of the 18 Anglo-leasing type tenders.

    Justice Joseph Nyamu said Thursday that a Sh500 million contract in which English firms - Midland Finance and Securities and Globetel Inc - were allowed to supply the government with telecommunication equipment for the Administration Police in May 2003, was legitimate.

    The transaction is said to have been one of 18 security-related "Anglo Leasing type" contracts, which had been regarded as corrupt, and the first of its type signed by the Kibaki administration in 2003.

    The companies had moved to court to challenge a decision by the Finance Ministry to hire an audit firm, Pricewaterhouse Coopers (PWC), to conduct forensic investigations in January 2007 to determine whether the contract was 'corruptly awarded'.

    Midland Finance and Securities alongside Globetel Inc. firmly contested the decision, saying the Attorney General (AG) gave an opinion sanctioning the contract as lawful.

    According to the suit papers, PWC was contracted to perform forensic investigations to determine whether there had been pricing, financing and other irregularities in the procurement of the contract.

    PWC was also expected to determine the market value of goods, works and services rendered or yet to be delivered, besides establishing whether a criminal activity had taken place in relation to the multi-million shilling contract.

    The companies claimed that the Kenya Anti Corruption Commission had no right to cede its mandate to investigate corruption and economic crimes to the Ministry of Finance.

    In a 78-page judgment, Justice Nyamu said the government ought not to invoke the law in a different light to otherwise justify the contract against the spirit of the Attorney General.

    "I find that the government cannot invoke the force majeure (greater force) clause to justify the PWC contract, because the PWC contract prima facie goes both against the letter and the spirit of the Attorney General’s opinion," Justice Nyamu ruled.

    Midland Finance and Securities and Globetel Inc. were contracted by the government to supply and finance contracts for an Administration Police Telecommunications Network.

    The Judge, however, noted that the fact that he ruled in the favour of the foreign company was not indicative of the court supporting a tainted contract.

    He said: "By upholding party autonomy, the court should not be viewed as supporting a tainted contract, because this is a matter of proof at the proper forum of the resolution of the dispute."

    The companies have maintained that they are entitled to an outstanding payment of over Sh400 million, a remainder of the full contractual amount, following an initial down payment of over Sh150 million.

    The government on the other hand has insisted that the investigations done by PWC were meant to assist the Attorney General on whether or not to lay any indictments against the two companies.

    "It is not proper for the government through the Attorney General to now back out of a written opinion concerning compliance given by that high office," stated Justice Nyamu.

    "This court cannot allow the Attorney General to violate the Principle of public morality, which gives authority and weight to his opinion in the eyes of the other contracting party," he added.

    These developments came even as attempts to solve the mystery of the Anglo Leasing scandal, which has since been described as an economic ogre, remained elusive.

  29. High court judge nyamu must go!where are our MP's on the watch

    How dare this judge rules in favour of crooks

    we want parliment to act on this

    Mp's we are puting you on notice
    if you do not solve Anglo leasing looting in this 10th parliament- you will never stand in the next parliment.

    We the youth of kenya bloggers net work will make sure of that

    Remember Obama got more voters through online compaigns and raised more money-
    we have our system in place now!!

    start working- we pay your salaries

    Anglo leasing scandal must be investigate

    all kibaki appointed judges in courts must be removes- how dare they block Anglo leasing investigation



  30. Anon 5:39 AM - you are such a fool to believe that people could mix you up with me. First of all, I am not a poor woman - I think that's a fact which is known. Second I do not need the small amount of money Sam Okello makes in selling his cheap books. Did you not ask yourself why he has reduced their prices from around 23.-- $ to mere 7,-- $? Because nobody was willing to pay for them. That's why there are also so many used books in the market. Just go to Amazon, A-libris etc. and you will find various versions of his used books, i.e. people bought them but returned them after realizing their low-grades. Do I have to say more?

    And just in case: my new email-address is since as said in an earlier mail, I have moved.

  31. Yes

    Anglo leasing must be investigated to the fullest
    the courts have no right supporting crooks
    here i see Martha Karua's hand in this- how dare she- ati she wants to be president and yet she protects crooks?? how can she even imagine kenyans supporting her when she tells the judges appointed by her and the kibaki goon to through out cases like Anglo leasing??

    Where are our fighter MP's??

    we want a vote on Anglo leasing heard in parliament

    An investigation by members of parliament house commmittee must do it - i totally agree with the blogger here - Nyamu the stupid judge must be sacked with immediate effect

    does he think this is Moi's time or Kibaki in power between 2002-2007??

    Nope this is a coalition government and even though we know the courts are useless to Kenyans because they are filled with kibaki appointed judges
    this should not stop the MP's calling for the Anglo leasing looting in parliament and calling for a vote for the process to be followed.






  32. Anglo leasing MP's must take it back to parliament to discuss!

    Anglo leasing looters
    Anglo leasing looters
    Anglo leasing looters
    Anglo leasing looters

    Kenyans demand an investigation
    Mp's must bring it back to parliament to be voted on

    this is now a caolition government not kibibaki run corrupt government of 2003-2007 and still trying to loot in 2008 look at grand Regency

    I agree MP's should take this Anglo leasing scandal back to parliament

    let each looter carry his or her own cross- listen let us not say kikuyu's looted Anglo leasing

    let those who looted in Anglo leasing Carry their own cross!!!

    no protecting thieves!!

    what court??

    Our peoples court is the floor of parliament from today on since the courts in kenya use jungle law^^^^

    all MP's if you read Kumekucha blog our message is take Anglo leasing back to parliament..

    Nyamu stupid judge has no business being a judge- he must go for supporting crooks this is a new kenya.

  33. I would like to add - as I have done many times in the past - that I had informed Sam Okello that my share of the royalties was going to the Nuyambani Aids Orphans Village in Karen, an organization which also takes care of children and their families in Kibera under their Leo Toto programme. It's therefore important to note - again as I have many times in the past - that it is not me who wants the money, it's these children and their families. I had also repeatedly suggested to the Okellos that instead of transferring the money to me they could send it directly to Sister Mary Owens, Director of Nyumbani who is a good friend of mine as was Father Angelo d'Agostini, the Founder of Nyuambani.
    But in neglecting my plea in favour of these poor children who need all our support, the Okellos have demonstrated what they are: a bunch of selfish crooks.

    And just in case, you doubt my words, I am willing to send you the respective correspondence talking about this subject.

    Just write to

  34. Take Anglo leasing back to parliament
    Take Anglo leasing back to parliament
    Take Anglo leasing back to parliament
    Take Anglo leasing back to parliament
    Take Anglo leasing back to parliament
    Take Anglo leasing back to parliament
    Take Anglo leasing back to parliament
    Take Anglo leasing back to parliament
    Take Anglo leasing back to parliament
    Take Anglo leasing back to parliament
    Take Anglo leasing back to parliament

    Let MP's take a vote to allow the house committee to investigate

    Kenya's would like to watch on life T.V (media) which MP's Block the investigate so us not to vote for this corrupt individuals n the next elections

    MP's owe it to the kenyans who voted for them to take the Anglo leasing scandal back on the floor of parliament period.

  35. marianne briner said...

    Anglo leasing MP's must take it back to parliament to discuss!

    Anglo leasing looters
    Anglo leasing looters
    Anglo leasing looters
    Anglo leasing looters

    Anglo leasing MP's must take it back to parliament to discuss!

    Anglo leasing looters
    Anglo leasing looters
    Anglo leasing looters
    Anglo leasing looters

    Anglo leasing MP's must take it back to parliament to discuss!

    Anglo leasing looters
    Anglo leasing looters
    Anglo leasing looters
    Anglo leasing looters

    Anglo leasing MP's must take it back to parliament to discuss!

    Anglo leasing looters
    Anglo leasing looters
    Anglo leasing looters
    Anglo leasing looters

    Anglo leasing MP's must take it back to parliament to discuss!

    Anglo leasing looters
    Anglo leasing looters
    Anglo leasing looters
    Anglo leasing looters

    Anglo leasing MP's must take it back to parliament to discuss!

    Anglo leasing looters
    Anglo leasing looters
    Anglo leasing looters
    Anglo leasing looters

    Anglo leasing MP's must take it back to parliament to discuss!

    Anglo leasing looters
    Anglo leasing looters
    Anglo leasing looters
    Anglo leasing looters

    Anglo leasing MP's must take it back to parliament to discuss!

    Anglo leasing looters
    Anglo leasing looters
    Anglo leasing looters
    Anglo leasing looters

    Anglo leasing MP's must take it back to parliament to discuss!

    Anglo leasing looters
    Anglo leasing looters
    Anglo leasing looters
    Anglo leasing looters

    Anglo leasing MP's must take it back to parliament to discuss!

    Anglo leasing looters
    Anglo leasing looters
    Anglo leasing looters
    Anglo leasing looters

    Let MP's take a vote to allow the house committee to investigate

  36. WHAT IS THIS BULLSHIT??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

    Court blocks probe into Anglo Leasing

    NAIROBI, July 11 - The High Court has barred the Ministry of Finance from hiring an audit firm to investigate circumstances surrounding one of the 18 Anglo-leasing type tenders.

    Justice Joseph Nyamu said Thursday that a Sh500 million contract in which English firms - Midland Finance and Securities and Globetel Inc - were allowed to supply the government with telecommunication equipment for the Administration Police in May 2003, was legitimate.

    The transaction is said to have been one of 18 security-related "Anglo Leasing type" contracts, which had been regarded as corrupt, and the first of its type signed by the Kibaki administration in 2003.

    The companies had moved to court to challenge a decision by the Finance Ministry to hire an audit firm, Pricewaterhouse Coopers (PWC), to conduct forensic investigations in January 2007 to determine whether the contract was 'corruptly awarded'.

    Midland Finance and Securities alongside Globetel Inc. firmly contested the decision, saying the Attorney General (AG) gave an opinion sanctioning the contract as lawful.

    According to the suit papers, PWC was contracted to perform forensic investigations to determine whether there had been pricing, financing and other irregularities in the procurement of the contract.

    PWC was also expected to determine the market value of goods, works and services rendered or yet to be delivered, besides establishing whether a criminal activity had taken place in relation to the multi-million shilling contract.

    The companies claimed that the Kenya Anti Corruption Commission had no right to cede its mandate to investigate corruption and economic crimes to the Ministry of Finance.

    In a 78-page judgment, Justice Nyamu said the government ought not to invoke the law in a different light to otherwise justify the contract against the spirit of the Attorney General.

    "I find that the government cannot invoke the force majeure (greater force) clause to justify the PWC contract, because the PWC contract prima facie goes both against the letter and the spirit of the Attorney General’s opinion," Justice Nyamu ruled.

    Midland Finance and Securities and Globetel Inc. were contracted by the government to supply and finance contracts for an Administration Police Telecommunications Network.

    The Judge, however, noted that the fact that he ruled in the favour of the foreign company was not indicative of the court supporting a tainted contract.

    He said: "By upholding party autonomy, the court should not be viewed as supporting a tainted contract, because this is a matter of proof at the proper forum of the resolution of the dispute."

    The companies have maintained that they are entitled to an outstanding payment of over Sh400 million, a remainder of the full contractual amount, following an initial down payment of over Sh150 million.

    The government on the other hand has insisted that the investigations done by PWC were meant to assist the Attorney General on whether or not to lay any indictments against the two companies.

    "It is not proper for the government through the Attorney General to now back out of a written opinion concerning compliance given by that high office," stated Justice Nyamu.

    "This court cannot allow the Attorney General to violate the Principle of public morality, which gives authority and weight to his opinion in the eyes of the other contracting party," he added.

    These developments came even as attempts to solve the mystery of the Anglo Leasing scandal, which has since been described as an economic ogre, remained elusive.

  37. ANON6:29 AM

    I like this solution- go take to your MP make sure his vote is a yes in parliament - this time we want the speaker to count hands- we want to see which MP's are for and against the motion,

    Take Anglo leasing back to parliament
    Take Anglo leasing back to parliament
    Take Anglo leasing back to parliament
    Take Anglo leasing back to parliament
    Take Anglo leasing back to parliament
    Take Anglo leasing back to parliament
    Take Anglo leasing back to parliament
    Take Anglo leasing back to parliament
    Take Anglo leasing back to parliament
    Take Anglo leasing back to parliament
    Take Anglo leasing back to parliament
    Take Anglo leasing back to parliament
    Take Anglo leasing back to parliament
    Take Anglo leasing back to parliament
    Take Anglo leasing back to parliament
    Take Anglo leasing back to parliament
    Take Anglo leasing back to parliament
    Take Anglo leasing back to parliament
    Take Anglo leasing back to parliament
    Take Anglo leasing back to parliament
    Take Anglo leasing back to parliament
    Take Anglo leasing back to parliament
    Take Anglo leasing back to parliament
    Take Anglo leasing back to parliament
    Take Anglo leasing back to parliament
    Take Anglo leasing back to parliament
    Take Anglo leasing back to parliament
    Take Anglo leasing back to parliament
    Take Anglo leasing back to parliament
    Take Anglo leasing back to parliament
    Take Anglo leasing back to parliament
    Take Anglo leasing back to parliament
    Take Anglo leasing back to parliament

    Let MP's take a vote to allow the house committee to investigate

    Kenya's would like to watch on life T.V (media) which MP's Block the investigate so us not to vote for this corrupt individuals n the next elections

    MP's owe it to the kenyans who voted for them to take the Anglo leasing scandal back on the floor of parliament period.

  38. can this crooked judge explain to kenyans how this deal was legitimate before we lech him and other crooked judges like him?

    Court blocks probe into Anglo Leasing

    NAIROBI, July 11 - The High Court has barred the Ministry of Finance from hiring an audit firm to investigate circumstances surrounding one of the 18 Anglo-leasing type tenders.

    Justice Joseph Nyamu said Thursday that a Sh500 million contract in which English firms - Midland Finance and Securities and Globetel Inc - were allowed to supply the government with telecommunication equipment for the Administration Police in May 2003, was legitimate.


    Anglo leasing looters
    Anglo leasing looters
    Anglo leasing looters
    Anglo leasing looters

    Kenyans demand an investigation
    Mp's must bring it back to parliament to be voted on

  39. Very important people – This video was a part of series aired in UK prime time television 2 months ago.

    Those wonderful children are all former street children but today they have won many British hearts including her Majesty the Queen.

  40. OOps, iam anon 7.01, this is the video that won many hearts in UK not the above.

  41. On the issue of inquiries- My take here is simple. They work depending on how u look at it.

    *It slows down (calms down) the momentum of whoever is in the hot seat because it takes time to investigate.
    *It gets down to the nitty gritty and believe me, people end up knowing the culprits long after the tensions have quieted down.

    Dont tell me the Ndung'u land report, The Akiwuni (sp) report, the Sunguh Report etc dont mean a thing. The general public will still know the truth. But what will they do with the information. We still vote in the same fools even when they're implicated seriously!

    As for torture and other things that write, hmmmm. I hope u have read a certain book by Wahome Mutahi called "Three days on the cross" and also ask someone who has been incarcerated in Naivasha Maximum, Mayani and Shimo La Tewa what they know about safari ants. U know the huge brown/black siafus that dig their claws on u and when u pull them out, the head is still buried in yr body? Ok now multiply that one siafu to like a thousand of them. Get the pic? Bado? take a naked "mfungwa" (NOT "mahabusu" it's rude to call them that) in a place an area that is heavily infested with the siafu and they "talk". Chris, this report that u write 2moro better include details and please please no referring us to yr "raw notes". Oh by the way, while u are at it, consult OO because am sure he'll tell u what he and other "comrades" went thru.

  42. Why hasn't Kumekucha complained about Kajwang? Is this blog a wholly-owned subsidiary of ODM? You loose your credibility when you're so blatantly one-sided. You make KBC look great.


  44. Anon 7:28, what is there to complain about Kajwang? Do you have information that Kajwang's hand was spruced before signing the work permit?
    Was he compromised....If you have the facts put them on the table and we will chambua it and trust me if Gerald is implicated i will be the first one to castigate him...I just dont do rumours


  45. Vikii thanks for coming back. This blog need you man. Without you this blog is going to waste.

    Vikii for presidency!

  46. 7.37, i am not running for President. The only post I am running for is Class monitor for my grade 7 class. That one, I am campaigning very hard for.

    As for what's RUMOURS a nd what's not i reserve my comments. We are certainly not as foolish as people think.

  47. Just Read Breaking News

    Michuki to also act as Finance Minister

    Chris Obure to also Act as Roads Minister

    Expecting a surprise there


  48. Vikii, But, don’t you agree since you resurfaced 2 months ago, this blog has changed. The comments were all one sided and if anyone dared to disagree with these packs of hyenas they were told to go to Mashada.
    If you can change this blog surely you can change the country. That’s why I want you president. We need change!

  49. That acting capacity is a very clever ploy. Allows debate on budget to continue, also allows for Kimunya to be squeezed back in at a later stage once Majid Cockar releases a stunning or sensational report exonerating the man from all blame.

    If on the other hand Kibaki appointed a minister, there would be serious fall out if he was removed/shuffled later. Very clever/sly old man an djust to make it look fair, do the same with ODM wing of gava (aka acting minister for Roads)

    Parliament should stick to its guns and not debate any budgetary motion until a new finance minister is appointed.


  50. hehehehe Vikii

    now you have a psycophant on your back, welcome to the world of RAO


    I can see you trying to shake him/her off


  51. Folks,

    Kibaki is so predictable in the way he operates - yawa don't we deserve better. MICHUKI AS THE NEW FINANCE MINISTER IS HARDLY SURPRISING.

    I know I am one of those who have whipped his withered behind but justifiably so. I am not just about to stop.

    Now, with all the worms crawling out of the can he is desperately trying to seal all the loopholes through commissions/probes whatever.

    Jana, parliamentarians asked about who these politically connected individuals that were given (lent) 20 BILLION sh last year were. Yaani the central bank lends individuals money. Guys, no wonder these 'hardworking individuals' are in a class of their own. You can not compete with them with your mkate na maziwa kiosk.

    Haya, Oburu promised to research and bring answers to parliament next week. OH WAPI! They (transcentury, equity whatever guys) had to be protected at all costs and this is one lid Kibaki cannot let OBURU open.

    Now, all the names that were being bandied around- uhuru, kalonzo sijui nani cOULD possibly hold the lid shut while mzee snoozes at state house.

    He had to get Michuki,who will not tolerate any nonsensical questions from pests like Ababu and Jirongo.

    As for Oburu, pole. His research will take him nowhere. All the files tht have not been shredded are safely in Michuki's office and am sure there's a sign on his door that says 'MBWA KALI' - get in at your own peril.

  52. Urxlnc

    I am thing workwise Michuki deserves every penny he earns...he is a hardworking fellow. No matter the cocked up commission verdict...I dont see Kimunya coming back to the finance docket not with Khalwale's and Jirongo's...Cabinet yes but finance NO....
    Acting means that Michuki will not be able to sign new contracts on behalf of the govt? so it means that we will not be trading in the next few months....Or what does it imply for us as a country? Ebu you educate me


  53. John Michuki

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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    John Njoroge Michuki (born 1932) is a Kenyan politician, currently serving as Minister for the Environment and Mineral Resources. He is an MP from the Kangema Constituency.

    He was born in 1932 at Iyego location, Kangema division, in Muranga District. He dropped out of primary school in 1943 and left for Nairobi where he did odd jobs at a tailoring shop, fixing buttons and, may be, ironing. It was here that the 12-year-old lad made some money to go back to school in 1944 but it ran out again in 1945 and he had to switch to Kiangunyi Primary School, where he struggled until he passed his Kenya African Primary Education (KAPE). He finally completed his 'A' Levels at the Mang'u High School, where he also met the present-day president, Mwai Kibaki. Later Michuki studied administration and finance at Worcester College, Oxford, UK.

    Michuki joined the civil service at the age of 25 in 1955, and at the height of Mau Mau War Michuki started working for the colonial administration when the word state security was used to intimidate the African press. From 1970 to 1979 he was the chairman of the Kenya Commercial Bank. From 1983 until 1988 he was a KANU MP from Kangema Constituency [1] and held various assistant ministerial positions.

    At the 1992 general election, the first multiparty election in Kenya, he was elected from Kangema Constituency representing the Ford-Asili party. He retained his seat at the next election in 1997, but for a Ford-People ticket.[1]

    For the December 2002 election he joined the successful National Rainbow Coalition and retained the Kangema seat.[1] He was appointed as the Minister of Transport and Communications under President Mwai Kibaki, who had won the concurrent presidential election. His tenure as Minister of Transport and Communications is best remembered for the tough "Michuki Rules" which stated that all matatus and buses in Kenya had to install speed governors and passenger safety belts. When these rules came into effect in February 2004, Kenya was faced with brief traffic chaos due to lack of competent vehicles.

    In the December 2005 cabinet reshuffle, he was appointed as the Minister of Internal Security. He ordered the raid on The Standard newspaper and the KTN television station in March 2006. This action was widely condemned by Kenyan and international press and diplomats. It has been claimed that the Government hired mercenaries to carry out the raid, but the Government has denied it arguing that by definition mercenaries are soldiers who are hired to overthrow a government, not raid media houses. The Kenyan government has confirmed it ordered police to raid the offices of a newspaper and its sister TV station KTN. “The raid was a matter of State Security. When you rattle a snake you must be prepared to be bitten by it.” "Internal Security Minister John Michuki said the raids on the Standard group in Nairobi were designed to protect state security." Signed National Security minister, John Michuki

    Michuki was moved to the position of Minister for Roads and Public Works in the Cabinet named by President Kibaki on January 8, 2008, following the controversial December 2007 presidential election.[2] After Kibaki and his opponent, Raila Odinga, reached a power-sharing agreement,[3][4] Michuki was appointed as Minister for the Environment and Mineral Resources in the Cabinet named on April 13, 2008[4] and sworn in on April 17.[3]

  54. folks,

    20 billion = 20,000,000,000, correct me if I'm wrong. I work with numbers but this is a number that I only see in books.

    With people wielding so much power/influence that comes with 'waking up early and working hard to own' these obscene amounts of money, is it any wonder that these guys have one mission? Have a status quo robot like KALONZO or Uhuru after Kibaki to twist round their filthy hands as they belch all the way to the offshore banks and local ones like NIC.

    Seriously, what is the best way to stop these people and their theiving ways? Can't one be satisfied with 'just owning one hotel like GR', who go for more and spend the rest of your life trying to hide your loot?

    It is a SIN pure and simple. I know most of us think having money and being able to spend, spend ,spend is bliss, but honestly, do these people sleep?

    I am just wondering aloud. When you spend all your time hiding in SH while at the same time stashing some more, when will you get time to enjoy this wealth?

    I know one thing for sure, I wouldn't want to be in Kibaki's shoes - with all the money and 'executive authority' and all.

  55. For Kenyan living in UK and London and SE in particular, here is your local pub (bar) owned by a Kikuyu. They serve Nyama Choma and Tusker baridi or moto at a reduced price.
    Here is the link;

  56. Anon....Thats a Kikuyu Pub. We 'KENYANS' stopped going there long time as they were very pro Mungiki during the skirmishes early this year. I could be wrong about the owners but definitely the people. They tried to eveict my jango friend because ni mujalo. Tragedy is the mujaluo is married to a very nice Kenyan lady in Bedfordshire- name of the town withheld.

  57. anon 8:52 stop advertising here without express permission from Kumekucha-are you a leech?come on, give credit where it is due and pay Kumekucha some money for allowing you to advertise

  58. The mjaluo is married to A nice Kikuyu lady. And they tried to evict the husband during from that pub when there was a dispute on election results in Kenya. Pure Mungiki Den. AVOID!

  59. please let us not stoop so low to such mashada level advertising and BAR TALK tactics-stick to the post "commissions-of-inquiry-country and old stale tactics that don't work anymore"

  60. ivy

    kibaki has somewhat of a dilemna on his hands (story of his life i guess). govt needs to function, this cannot happen without a finance minister. if he appoints a finance minister, that locks out kimunya permanently. if he appointed anyone, there will be a fall out if he reshuffled later so he needs someone strong and forceful enough to handle the docket and the impending crap directed its way yet loyal enough "to the cause" (dont know what cause) to step aside without fuss when asked to drop it. You guessed right, only one name fits that bill to a T. the double benefit is that there are some deals in minerals and out-sourcing mining that are in the works as a blogger has mentioned previously and i did some preliminary searches to confirm and they are substantial but do not have the intricate details (sorry about that i do take time off from throwing literary rocks to hunt for ugali). So Michuki will be able to save the hotseat, conduct house business, push forward the mining agenda and still save Kibaki's ass. In short at this point I would call Michuki our local Superman the hero (or helo if you rike).

    yes he cannot engage in "new business" on behalf of the govt in acting capacity, but whats critical now is that govt must function so acting capacity will suffice for pushing along regular house business i believe there is an article in the nation that defines the limitations of an acting Min of Finance.

    Incidentally parliament cannot really hold tight on derailing the budgetary debate because their salary depends on that debate being passed through and yes i have certainly increased my respect of these chaps, but have yet to see how they handle resolve vs stomach.

    if no one posts links on any of the issues mentioned above, as soon as i get back from hunting ugali, will do so


  61. What became of the proposal to tax MPs?
    As for Kajwang......BADO MAPAMBANO.

  62. anon 1:44

    those are some of the includes in the budget proposals awaiting parliamentary debate



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