Monday, June 16, 2008

Kenya and Nigeria in Diplomatic Standoff after ex-Assistant Minister Grabs Man’s Wife

Many readers have left varied comments regarding the secret sex lives of current and former members of parliament. As has been said here, anybody who digs a little deeper into the personal lives of Kenyan legislators will be shocked at what they will find. This is just a tip of the iceberg.

For the last one month, Hon Raphael Wanjala former MP for Budalangi and former Assistant Minister for Water & Irrigation (pictured) has found himself at the centre of a love triangle that is now threatening to lead to a nasty divorce case involving a 38 year-old Nigerian national and his 24 year-old Kenyan wife together with the couple’s property estimated to be valued over Kshs. 350 million. The flagship of the family business is the popular Deep West Resort off-Langata road where, these days, Wanjala spends most of his evenings together with his new lover.

What is strange about this steamy relationship is that the former assistant minister is already a polygamist with two wives. His rich Kenyan girlfriend, is only just twenty four and claims to have been married to the Nigerian for the last ten years during which time they got two children (Akinyi yawa?). The woman claims the Nigerian abandoned her with her two children and she met and fell in love with the former assistant minister during her husband’s absence.

The case has now turned into an embarrassing diplomatic row between Kenya and Nigeria with the local Nigerian Embassy set to deliver a protest letter to Foreign Affairs Minister Moses Wetangula this morning to complain about the police harassment of their national and to demand assistance for their national to access his children and his vast property.

Wanjala was rejected by Budalangi voters in the last general elections. He was first elected into parliament in 1997 on a FORD-K ticket but his dismal parliamentary record shows he never brought forward any bill nor asked any question during the 10 years he was an MP. Wanjala was recently appointed by V-P Kalonzo Musyoka as part of an eight man committee to investigate the problems that precipitated a prison officers’ strike that crippled the department and caused a security scare for one week.

See Todays Nation: Diplomatic row over love gone sour


  1. Phil

    Can i also repeat that (Akinyi yawa? You mean she got married at 14, that in itself is child abuse!!! Women, women, women...Trust me there are still some remnants (some good men out there) somewhere out there...Dont go so low. Surelly Wanjala at fifty something with two wives already, got his job through gate C.
    Mcheku, Wanjiku help me out here...

    Just wondering why would this govt give jobs to rejected legislators who are supposed to have retired and leave out young men and women of course who i believe given a change can do better job ....


  2. Yes Ivy you can repeat it. Her name is Joyce Akinyi Ochieng and she is 'madly in love' with Hon. Wanjala. Me thinks this was just a gold digging mission, with two kids thrown in to blind the guy with the key to the vault. Infact the Nigerian should insist on a DNA test on those kids (not the DNA Kabuga style though)!

    Akinyi thinks that by extending the period which she claims to have been married to the Nigerian, she is in effect justifying that she was part and parcel of the wealth acquisition. How idiotic and short sightedness!

    I think the love birds thought that by exposing the Nigerian as a drug-dealer, he would give up on his kids and property. Wanjala is using PNU muscle to harass the Nigerian broda.

    About the jobs, Moody Awori already told the VP to implement the strategic plan that he (Awori) had prepared. No need for probe committees to sit and earn allowances. Its a complete waste of time and tax payer money. Kalonzo himself visited the prison officers living quarters and was 'shocked' by what he saw.

  3. Phil, as long it’s involves consenting adult, it should be none of anyone business. Whatever adults in private should always remain private.
    When the former mayor of London was discovered to have fathered 5 children with 3 different women, he said, “Nobody should be shocked by what two consenting adults do, as long as they don’t include children, animals and vegetables.”

    What really puzzles me and I don’t understand it is why would a happily married man want to go and have a rubber insulted sex outside? And that’s if they practice it safe.

  4. Kwale,
    You are right on matters between the sheets. But again what is PRIVATE in using PUBLIC muscle? FYI you lose your privacy when you become a politician-NO TWO WAYS ABOUT IT. That is why Kenyans have to content with their ears INSULTED on clarifying OFFICIAL members of the first family.

    You cannot have you ckae and eat it. Pledge loyalty and stay so if you can but don't expect sympathy when you start following dictates from the projection at the junction nof your lower limbs. No flirting withour responsibility.

  5. I am not surprised. Isn't Wanjala the same person in whose official government vehicle were found crude weapons such as arrows and pangas etc. just before the last elections?

    Ukiona vyaelea, vimeundwa!

  6. Taabu, I meant rubber insulated sex. spelling error!

  7. Precisely Ivy, married at 14?

    The other of course is with all due respect to the sisters, what do women really want from men? I have followed Akinyi's (yawa, of course) side of the story to hear her mention the now too familiar line of "he was cheating on me" without success. It's hard to miss that especially when the man is loaded like that and that is why my yawa goes to Akinyi. I didnt expect any better from the ex-minister.


  8. Check LIBEL

    Two kids and married for the last 10 years? Married at 14 years. DOMO ya ODM. Because wanjala is PNU. Somal label

  9. Where does the diplomatic stand-off arise? And why are they sending a note to the goevrnment.

  10. When this story came out I think last week the first name that jumped to my mind was Sospeter Ojaamong' that wife beater. Kumbe it's Wanjala.

    And this broda is a suspected drug dealer and a child offender? Marrying a 14 year old? Someone is not saying the truth.

    Ivy too bad how much some ladies stoop. Maybe she was promised heaven on earth. Or maybe he promised to leave his two other wives and all his girlfriends for her. Let her wait for that day.

  11. How wrong you are Kwale.

    The law of Kenya recognizes and respects the institution of MARRIAGE. The crime of fornication / adultery is hardly ever enforced in Kenya but it does exists. Part of the problem is because the statutes also recognises customary law which allows randy men to practice polygamy - not fornication and adultery.

    The Nigerian not only has strong grounds for divorce and claim to custody of children, he also has many alternatives of suing his wife under the PENAL CODE. What his wife Akinyi has done can be equated to felony.

    The fact that the police have been unable to charge the Nigerian with any offence tells you that Wanjala is misusing police through government connections.

    The issue has become so serious that the Nigerian embassy feels it is obligated to write a protest note to Kenya government. A PNU representative is playing in extremely murky waters and is now dragging the whole country into the distasteful puddle. These are the so called PNU MPs who are expected to lead by example. Remember we are living in the AIDs era. Does this mean that fornication is quite in order and our youngsters should follow Wanjala's example?

    On the other hand, Wanjala has been a struggling Toyota driver during his parliament / cabinet days - is now spinning a brand new (KBB)H3 hummer straight from the GM showroom - courtesy of his adulterous escapade.

  12. Wanjiku

    How many have we heard? I will leave my wife for you....Do girls still buy that crap?

    On a lighter note, you want to tell me Wanjala is being dressed, fed by a woman...He is worse than an infidel, i didn't say that the bible said it "A man who can't feed his family is worse" So after loosing his seat to Ababu he decides to be a conman? Akinyi i pity you yawa!!!


  13. Phil,
    Leave Wanjala alone to enjoy the fruits of being athletic around the waist. The guy must not be dissppointing till he is promised the heart's title deed. See now his performance has EARNED him hummer, many people's envy.

    How times and circumstances change. If Akinyi was a gold digger then Wanjala has struck DIAMOND and cobalt combined. Poor broda!

  14. Now only if Fave was rich... But Akinyi must have been married at 14! How old is the broda? and how did Okwonkwo accumulate his fortune?

  15. he he he Taabu

    ati nini? athletic around the waist! Hiyo ni kali.

    Manze kwani ni decathlon ya olympics?

  16. Kwale, Akinyi is neither an animal nor a vegetable but she sure was a child ten years ago.

  17. Phil, I am not sure what you mean by I am wrong. I don’t know anything about this story other than what I have just read here. But let me inform you, there is no such thing as crime of adultery or fornication and I don’t think there will ever be in Kenya. Of course the law of Kenya and many other ‘Christian nations’ recognise marriage as an institution in which interpersonal relationships which are usually intimate and sexual are sanctioned with governmental, social, or religious recognition, often created by a contract or through civil processes. But that in itself does not stop men going off the rail seeking for ‘little bit extra’ on the side. The behaviour is seen as morally wrong but it has never been punishable. You may also want to note in Nigeria itself, polygamy is legal and widely practiced. Wealthy and powerful men tend to have more wives as many as six or seven which exceeds the limit of four imposed by Islam. And this includes all men, Muslims, Christians, and those who practice traditional religions.
    In the western societies, for example Britain, having more than one wife at the same time is punishable with 7 years in jail. But that does not mean there are no sex scandals in British society.
    Still, I believe that if a man is happily married then, there is no need to go elsewhere, rubber insulated or not. It's not only morally wrong but it also brings a lot of unimaginable heartache to the spouse.

    I also happen to belong to a different generation that’s still believes it wrong to wash other people dirty linen/laundry in public.
    If Akinyi was 14 years when she married this man, then this man is a paedophile and should be banged up in jail. We should be fighting here to protect children from sex predators.

  18. Hehehehehhe let me add my feather here.

    Firstly i dont admire Wanjala because the last time he was being asked about the pre-election weaponry,he recieved either a guest or a phone call in mother tongue.I wouldn't want my child to see a state minister speak in mother tongue,its very bad for business.

    Secondly something is amiss.Akinyi's are not known to be frauds but to spend lots of time at the university corridors.If it was our wambui's i wouldn't mind.(Tongue in chic)No offence meant to either Akinyi or Wambui.I know saying that might arouse a barrage of tribal vitriol and we dont wanna go back there or do we.

    As for Akinyi i wouldn't be suprised to see her before a law court asking for child support or something to that effect.

    But a lady as made a choice.Din't we read somewhere about LUHYA men and their efficiency in bed being only rivalled by cars from Europe and German in particular.

    Finally,that the guy has been dealing with drugs makes me sleepy!So if he has been featuring in their list,what have they been doing keeping him?What has changed now?Between Kabuga and Oga who has been on the list longer?Kenyan police need to allow in some decency and proffessionalism.They dont even know how deportation is carried out.The best they can do is cart a poor guy between Kileleshwa and town.Shame!!!

    Wanjala orie!!!!!!!!!


  20. I have never seen a blog full of imbeciles like this one. Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones.

    I am saying this because I have a dossier of among others Taabu, Chris and Phil when their wives are not around. This world is a very small place and what goes around comes around. Chris, Taabu & Phil you know where we met the other day and I have evidence to proof this. Dont pretend because I also know you are weak.

  21. Knoppix

    Dont start a battle that you can't finish....(Ati Akinyi & Wambui)

    You are saying tongue in what?????


  22. Matters of depression and projections separating the lower limbs aside this sage exposes incompetence from a governance/policing point of view. Our cops are out for the sale to the highest bidder. Whatever the criminal standing of the BRODA somebody is using the cops to either drfraud or settle scores.

    You sermon on marriage must have been well received and the comparision elesewhere apt. but come to think of it, can you better than the guy from the pulpit who foams at the mouth on the same while sampling the flock? Hypocracy is our forte that has reduced marriage to mean CONTRACT FOR MUTUAL/LEGAL RAPE.

  23. Just like a cookie on a side dish,

    One Priscillah Wanga Nderitu is the lady arrested somewhere in Mauritius in connection with some cocaine!Does this name ring a bell anywhere in the education circles or somewhere in the Govt?

    Why else could it not have been published in public?

  24. don't quite get where/how the private affairs of two/three or whatever number of individuals becomes a national/diplomatic crisis. if a crime has been committed someone should be in jail or deported, if this is about the sex scandals kumekucha should seriously re-open the udaku channel which i understand is currently not operational. none of these guys are ministers or these affairs do not in any way reflect on the cabinets/leadership of the two countries. its just some has-been(s) trying to pull political strings to get their way around irresponsible behaviour.

    I'm even ashamed to give this any more prominence, niaje jamaz.


  25. Let's face it folks, there are some teenage girls whose bodies (the parts that matter) mature at incredible lightning speed. The Nigerian diplomat may have just been duped by Akinyi….or confused by certain hybrid physical characteristics that I refuse to mention right now. The way I see it, a man should marry any female 'of age' who is truly mentally and emotionally mature provided her body can handle a pregnancy and its making. The emphasis should be mental maturity and anatomy as opposed to age. In fact, there are many women in their twenties and thirties who should NEVER be married by anybody simply because of their mental immaturity.

    One must also not ignore cultural norms. This man is from Nigeria, a place where people eat goat skins. It might be that among the other 'weird' traits of his people, marrying girls as soon as they entertain monthly visitors is paramount. So why judge a man because of his adherence to his roots? In fact there are some obscure villages in Kenya where the same is encouraged and fully accepted. Some of our own cultures, including polygamy, are outstandingly absurd to foreigners. I'm not saying that jamaas should start raiding primary schools in search of wives. No. Rather, let's be a little bit open minded to accept that such happenings occur on a daily basis.

    That said, as a nation, we are not really ready or equipped to deal with the millions of issues that lead young girls into early marriage. We have even refused to enforce the law in Malindi where some Italians are behaving very badly.

    Poverty is truly a curse…or is it? Let us presume that Akinyi's family was the poorest of the poor. At 14, she meets this fabulously rich drug dealer from Nigeria. With the weight of absolute poverty on their backs, Akinyi's family cannot resist the opulence exhibited by the Nigerian. The Nigerian goes on to educate all of Akinyis siblings from nursery school to doctorate degrees. The siblings become doctors and save the lives of hundreds of Kenyans. Just how bad is the initial transaction?

  26. urXxyz you're the holiest than thouest guy that ever walked.

    maybe you should talk to the blog owner and establish for sure that he does not wan to discuss anythig other than politics of and developments here. Kumekucha has more than 1 million readers and many are enjoying this post. Live and let live. You're so boring. If you dont like a particular topic si you just shut up! many people do that

    Sex scandals are discussed even in mailstream newspapers just let Kumekucha be. It takes around 3 minutes to start a blog. why dont you open one and talk siasa from dusk to dawn?

    and how did you know there is such a thing as udaku channel? hypocrite!!!

  27. If the allegations against this BRODA are true, then he needs to be taken out of the streets urgently. I don't care whether it is the PNU or ODM side going to get the alleged paedophile and drug pusher into jail or into the next plane out.

    In the meantime, Wanjala should be praised not vilified for reporting what he thinks is an on-going crime, and at the same time comforting a heart-broken sister. What he gets in return for being patriotic and caring is beside the point.

  28. anon 10:56

    fair enough

    you're right


  29. Bwana, give us something moreorless intellectual than this.


  30. Bwana, give us something moreorless intellectual than this.


  31. Anon 7.07, while Chris' and phil's rendezvouz with illicit romance is well documented, I am suprised at the inclusion of Taabu. The last time I spoke to him he was foaming in the mouth explaining the need for society to embrace faithfulness. He was for the idea of forming an NGO to educate people on this!

    Kalamari, did you say those girls in Manlindi have a walking style not so pleasant to watch? Courtesy of some Italians?
    Iko shida

  32. Phil , obviosly the woman lied about her age , she is in to that broda stuff of bleaching and staying young forever , did this girl meet the broda in india??? when she was a student??

  33. Vikii,
    Money has been POURED to .......Anon 7.07 ANANIONEA bure tu. You know the contract of EMOTIONAL ENSLAVEMENT (marriage) is a choice some people fear because of the inherent occupational hazard. The mutual and legal rape aspect is just one of them. So why Anon would force a soul on my SHY face I have no idea. Please help out lest.....

  34. Kumekucha as a blog is kaput, no more intellectually stimulating posts or comments. We are now reduced to rumours and discussions of other peoples sex lives.

  35. FYI, the nigerian broda has been doing legit bizna in the country (legit is a debate for another day). fact of the matter is that wanjala must be in deep debt for him to stoop low as to befriend another man's wife to enjoy the millions that the fellow has accumulated. the former minister shouldnt be allowed to use his influence with PNU to frustrate the broda out of town and leave his wealth behind. hata kama ni nyinyi you'l fight tooth and nail. and think about it this way, if he was a drug pusher as they are saying, si he would have already organised a quick hit on the wife and wanjala? but as most of your commentators are saying, there is more than meets the eye:

    a) either this akinyi woman lied about her age (beauties from western and nyaza have big bodies...)

    b) its a deal gone sour between akinyi and tony (the nigerian)

    c) wanjala has schemed to 'grab' deep west by all means possible

    lets wait and see how it goes. coz today's metro is now saying that there is a plot to murder the nigerian...

    how long will the Nigerian embassy wait to protect its national who by the way, has created employment for more than 20 kenyans?

  36. No no guys!You get it all wrong!very few women will say their real ages!does akinyi look like she got married at 14?just to be frank guys,she is trying to keep herself young like if she's 45 yrs she wont say that!am a lady too bt still in the admirable age bracket so i still dont lie about my age. who knows in the next 15years i will be lying about it?????
    And Akinyi tafuta mwalimu ya englis aaii yawa luos were born speaking english what happened to you? And please try and be sophisticated like a modern woman!!!About wanjala i cant even comment guys, he looks like a THWARK to me [nothing personal] but i believe money talks but hey akinyi has it all!!!???? so may be it could be the 'other' matters that chinedu couldnt fulfill ama???hahahaha

  37. No no guys!You get it all wrong!very few women will say their real ages!does akinyi look like she got married at 14?just to be frank guys,she is trying to keep herself young like if she's 45 yrs she wont say that!am a lady too bt still in the admirable age bracket so i still dont lie about my age. who knows in the next 15years i will be lying about it?????
    And Akinyi tafuta mwalimu ya englis aaii yawa luos were born speaking english what happened to you? And please try and be sophisticated like a modern woman!!!About wanjala i cant even comment guys, he looks like a THWARK to me [nothing personal] but i believe money talks but hey akinyi has it all!!!???? so may be it could be the 'other' matters that chinedu couldnt fulfill ama???hahahaha

  38. hey guys which lady will ever tell her real age???she is hiding her real age she dint get married at 14yrs.does she look like it anyway?why cant you be bright?and akinyi plis go for englis lessons it will take you along way yawa!!about raph,no comments he looks like a THWARK [nothing ersonal] i wonder what magnet brot them together!!!hahaha

  39. Akinyi yawa yawa!!! Number one you have lied about your age dear you cannot be 24 or 26 years old. One thing that i know women dont say their age, you should be either in the group of 35 years in age. Woman there is more to marriage than just signing a piece of paper. I believe you entered into this sacred institution hoping to enrich yourself in one way your are luck that being with chinedu you are the only wife known why choose to be number three or four who knows????

    It is not fair woman for two people pretending to be inlove to waste each others time and energy in in a marriage held together by a piece of paper. Life is too short to be wasted in playing games, there are no rehearsals and you only have one chance. This jamaa trusted you that is why he invested in your name, thats why he choose you dont you think there are beautiful ladies in Nigeria? again very good in business? you have let yourself down woman.

    Joyce Akinyi if it is the other jobo i think if you discuss it with you huzzy you will find a way out to enjoy this marriage bana.

    One more thing to be simple and classy enroll for English classes, with all that you've got dont behave the way you did woman, yes you have all but you lowered yourself woman!!!!


  41. Am still flabbergasted at how a woman can hook up with a loser like Wanjala. Am still on that....whether she is married or single is a comment I'll reserve for another day.


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