Tuesday, December 11, 2007

ODM: Government Should Arrest Insecurity Immediately

By Raila A. Odinga

We in the Pentagon have watched with growing alarm the spate of violence, killings and ethnic cleansing that is sweeping the nation in advance of the 27 December election. This pattern that Kenyans are frighteningly aware of from the election conducted under the Moi regime, and which we thought was a relic of the past.

But the same vicious tactics are once again being used to intimidate Kenyans into either not voting or voting for those who are threatening them. It is unconscionable that such violence has returned under a government that repeatedly professes a commitment to human rights and the free and peaceful exercise of the right to vote, but whose record continues to show very opposite.

In the last 24 hours alone, seven Kenyans have lost their lives in suspicious incidents, with other deaths that the media is not aware of. Politically –instigated violence has been ravaging Kuresoi, Molo and Mt. Elgon for some time. The Mt. Elgon clashes have in fact been with us for more than a year now and they represent the most glaring evidence of the state’s refusal to provide the security our people so desperately need. This violence has now escalated even further, and now Naivasha, Nairobi and its environs are being targeted as well.

I have in fact just come from the Mater Misereicordia Hospital, where I went to express solidarity, and provide consolation to Charles Werangai Masinde, who was brutally targeted in an attack Saturday that took the life of ODM aspirant Alice Ondutto. The circumstances of the killing, in which the killers trailed he car right to her gate but did not even attempt any kind of robbery, reveals that this was a political assassination. I would like to take this opportunity to offer my profound condolences to Alice’s family and friends about this dastardly attack, whose perpetrators must be apprehended and punished by our courts.

As you know, two months ago, another parliamentary aspirant, Ms. Flora Tera Igoki, was viciously attacked. At that time, the government refused to condemn this atrocity against a vulnerable woman, and it is no wonder that her attackers are still at large. In the meantime, an Assistant Minister of this government whose official car was apprehended filled with a huge cache of unlawful weaponry, is also a free man. An out-going MP found with a similar cache was also set free. These two cases reveal the capacity and determination of the police to carry out its responsibilities as well as the high level interference that permits the continuation of these crimes.

In addition, the most inflammatory leaflets designed to unleash violence in the Rift Valley against the ODM leadership were printed in Nairobi and then transported by policemen to the province. It is no wonder that in this environment of impunity for those who practice violence that Alice was so easily gunned down.

ODM is also aware of certain ethnic groups being ejected forcibly from Kikuyu Township, Kawangware, Eastlands and Githurai by both official intimidation and by landlords determined to ensure a PNU victory. These evictions and the violence that has accompanied some of them is causing tension among people who for years lived in these communities peacefully.

While all these violent crimes designed to influence the outcome of this election must be condemned in the strongest terms possible, the execution of over 500 young men in what are now being called the killing fields of Ngong has raised the level of murderous criminality to an altogether another level. It would not be an exaggeration to say that this particular crime against humanity verges on genocide. That Kenya has descended to the level of banana republics in which death squads operate at will. This terrible development must unite Kenyans in voting out the PNU government, whose disdain for the poor has now been transformed into something much more vicious.

I have appealed to the Chairman of the Electoral Commission of Kenya to exercise his authority in ensuring that such violence, which will only result in a flawed election, is immediately brought to an end. I also appeal to our international partners to intercede on behalf of Kenyans to bring an end to this violence.

This article was first published in Raila 2007 - the official website of Raila Odinga


    December 11 2007 at 7:23 PM DN


    whatever we say, do, dream about. This guy is getting a lanslide
    look at this for Nairobians. smatching good

    This is quite a brainy strategy-regional manifestos. whether they deliver or not, people will definately give them a chance.Am impressed. It is far above PNU ways of doing things.When did Kifaki lose track? very sad.
    Have you also noted the change in tone of newspapers coverage- this one hit the breaking news of nation before we woke up in UK.
    Mr steadman has also come out to be in business-by talking. not before but now - It is protecting business interests if you ask me.
    even if not considered effective, UK papers seem to be quoting Raila.Today they wrote of Kibaki avoiding live TV debate for fear of corruption, Arturs etc
    Yesterday they (Guardian) carried an article which suggest that Kibaki and Awori are Freemasons.
    Whether true or not, there is no time to neutralise these allegations.
    Nest week, as a strategy is the analysis of Kifakis family- more on Lucy.Thats how duty politics is. and we call it democracy at work!
    Very telling, I think if we look things objectively.

    na bando. Lets watch the free entertainment

    ODM'S grand plan for Nairobi
    Last updated: Tue, Dec 11, 2007 14:42 PM (EAT)

    ODM has rolled out its final 'assault’ for the presidency and stated its development plans for various regions countrywide if it wins the General Election.

    “We are in the homestretch and I have now engaged the overdirive gear and from today we shall attack the enemy from every direction. We shall launch a simultaneous attack from the land, the air and sea; until we secure victory,” presidential candidate Raila Odinga said.

    Mr Odinga gave his plans for a modern and secure Nairobi and dismissed the Kibaki administration as part of the problems facing Kenyans.

    He unveiled Mabadiliko Times (Nairobi Edition), a Sh10 publication detailing his vision for a prosperous, democratic and equitable Kenya and his specific pledges to transform Nairobi.

    “Through these words of commitment we establish our resolve to end the politics of exclusion, betrayal and misuse of national resources. The majority of Kenyans have had to endure the grinding combination of poverty and inequality, regional imbalances in income, infrastructure and social provisions.”

    Mr Odinga said ODM proposals for accountability, dispersal of political power, decentralisation of public services and support for local communities will help to reduce inequality.

    In what he described as his contract with Nairobi people, Mr Odinga promised to divide the city into four boroughs as devolved units for effective delivery of services, accountability and community participation.

    If elected, an ODM government will introduce direct Mayoral elections for greater accountability to residents and “showcase our capital as a 24-hour city by investing in infrastructure, information and communication technologies, security and planning.”

    “We will invest in urban regeneration and renewal and encourage flexible working hours to ease congestion on the road,” Mr Odinga said.

    The ODM candidate further promises a comprehensive traffic management programme to ease congestion in city, a light rail system to serve the city and its environs, non motorised mode of transport by earmarking cycle lanes and building pedestrian under-passes and foot-bridges.

    At the same time, Mr Odinga ruled out a presidential election run off saying he was sure of a landslide victory.

    The outgoing Langata MP said there was no way the opinion polls could indicate he was leading in six out of eight provinces and at the same time be neck and neck with President Kibaki in the race to State House.

    The Kibaki administration, he said, had no solutions to problems facing Kenya as they were part of it.

    “They must not be allowed to work for the few at the expense of the many. On December 27th you all will be given an opportunity to evaluate Kibaki’s performance. I urge you to give him a notice to quit immediately,” Mr Odinga said.


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