Sunday, December 30, 2007

Kivuitu To Announce Results NOW

The ECK Commissioners are back and Kivuitu is about to announce results now.

There is chaos in the hall when a policeman attempted to eject an Nazleen Umar.

Kivuitu was in process of announcing results from last three constituencies showing Kibaki leading
in all those three constituencies.

Ruto interrupts Kivuitu after he reads Molo results, and the ECK returning officer for Molo is present in the hall. And figures are not tallying.

Keep it here. Time of reckoning is now.


  1. 16h30 an army of GSU officers armed to the tooth have entered the hall.

    the hall is in disarray,. (excuse spelling mistakes, I have to type fast)

    ODM strategy is to prevent ECK reading fradulent constituency results because once declared president, it will not be easy to undo.

    GSU officers are manhandling ODM members.

    KENYA IS DOOMED!!!!!!!!!

  2. 16h36 KIvuitu and ECK commisioners, escorted by armed bodyguards have also walked out.

    Everyone is shouting, Tempers are high and ODM are all out led my Raila Odinga and other pentagon members.

    Press briefing has aborted after Kivuitu refused to here the commission's own ECK Returning Officer for Molo.


    Kivuitu will go and elsewhere after ODM protested.

  3. I just saw this on KTN. Mazee heaven help us all. I am so shocked and cannot believe the sheer brazeness of it all.

    Good Job Phil, Chris, Vikii and everyone on Kumekucha for keeping on top of this.

    Thank goodness for technology. If there was no blogging, SMS, Websites etc. Despite the fact that this has not stopped the stupid rigging...

  4. 16h43, Raila is back to address the nation.

    Raila is talking to the international and local press.

  5. Thank you Kumekucha for the updates. I am out of the country with no access to news and your blog is realtime! love your work.

  6. 16h45

    Raila says these issues raised by ODM are very important. Says ODM are intent on helping ECK. People of Kenya have spoken and spoken very loudly of change

    ECK should not let the people of kenya down.

    Raila says doctoring of results has done in KICC and ODM has evidence it intends to publish to the world.

    hands over to William Ruto.

  7. 16h51
    Nearly 20,00 alterations have been done to presidential polls since the election date.

    Calls for fair tallying of elections.

  8. Hello Countrymen, HAve just been watching the press conference in Nairobi which was broken down. I guess We need serios prayers.There was breakdown in civility in Kenya if Elections can be stolen so openly. God Save Kenya.

  9. Kwenda huko wewe fanatic kwani Raila or kibaki put food on your table? get on with your life. Whoever wins - Kenya is larger than losers egos

  10. Manzee !!!!

    This old people like Kivuitu will cost as a lot.He just doesn't care.....

    Nobel Laureate and former Tetu MP, Prof Wangari Mathai, said the presidential votes should be recounted to dispel any doubts.

  11. (Bloggers there's jamming devices working in Kenya now) Am getting problems with my connection.

    Otherwise, what happened 20 minutes ago is that Raila spoke again and accused ECK commissioners of corruption.

    Raila says, Several world leaders have spoken to Kibaki but Kibaki is referring them to Kivuitu - a mere clerk, to quote Raila.

    ODM will not accept doctored results.

    All votes are in public domain and ECK should read what is known rather than read doctored results after duress.

    There is NOW A POWER BLACKOUT in KICC and the situation is very very tense. Live coverage has been interrupted and cellphone is what journalists are relying.

  12. Sorry guys, but am I stressed.

    Kivuitu is said to be around KICC under heavy guard.

    Cardinal Njue is reading a catholic statement appealing for calm.

    Live TV coveraged is jammed it seems, cellphones are starting to fail as are internet connection.

    Iam now heading to ODM HQS, and will update you guys from there if I get internet access and electricity.


  13. They should just let Kivuitu to read whatever he has and then take legal action. Can't Kivuitu read the results elsewhere?

  14. 17h22

    American Ambassador is addressing the press.

    Calls fro calm and makes appeal to politician to let Kivuitu do his job. Both sides have complained. Its important people to respect that position when Kivuitu declares it.

    British ambassador had earlier said that the will of the people must be respected.

    US Ambasador says it is not a tribal issue because both sides have achieved a fifty percent result of the tally - whoever emerges the winner.

    Reiterates his appeal, Kenya is a great country and we must be sensible.

  15. Officially results is not out yet.

    Kenya does not have a president and it is likely a curfew is going to be declared. Police are unleashing violence on innocent people in the streets as I type this. In effect, there is a curfew!!!!

    I must settle somewhere and organise myself before I am assaulted or my laptop destroyed

    Kenyans there, please send emails directly to Chris on, and he will forward them to me or post them on Kumekucha. It is important our leaders to know what our feeling are.

    All cars driving in town are being searched by overzealous "military-like" police personnel, and I am trying to bank to drive with raila's convoy so as to avoid security roadblocks.

    TV footage is now showing people all over the country chanting NO RAILA - NO PEACE!

  16. Good luck Phil. Please keep us posted. Thanks

  17. journalist's,observers, agents and everybody else, other than ECK officials have been cleared out of KICC.

    The country is in the hands of some "security minded" individual.

  18. I know that some people will tell me to keep out of this - let me assure you I tried, but I can't.

    I feel sorry for the ordinary people who have done their best, voted maybe for the first time in their life believing that their voices will be heard.

    But now I see something becoming true, something I thought was ppart of the past: a totally corrupt system trying to take over - trying to ignore the decision made by the people of Kenya .....

    My heart is bleeding - but I still do not want to give up hope.

    I still think that at the end of this day justice and the 'voice of the former voiceless people of Kenya' will be heard telling the world that they have taken their destiny into their own hands trusting those they have elected to lead them into a better future.

    Marianne Briner

  19. Kibaki has been decalred president. Meanwhile, KIKOSO BALAA are in the streetys of Kisumu. Yaani REd Berets wako, Na kazi inaendelea...

  20. Kibaki just announced President after all press and KTN except KBC kicked out of KICC.


  21. I feel for those Kenyans who voted. Their voice should be respected. Kibaki has declared a holiday so that he can celebrate the rigging. Kenya's should say No to such holidays especially that we know that what a Mr. Kivuiti read was doctored results.

  22. Yet again, the Kibaki has confirmed why he has always been called General Kiguoya from the Kanu days; He not only lacks the guts to admit failure, but he now tries to treat us like kids, blatantly stealing this election, right before our eyes; it seems he's still living in the 80s coz am sure kenyans will not take this lying down; he MUST respect our choice NOW; else we will be ungovernable!


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