Sunday, December 30, 2007

KIBAKI, Please Save Kenya!

Special Appeal

I am taking this chance to appeal you, Mr. Mwai Kibaki, in whose hands state power rests, to kindly seek Hon Raila Odinga's hand, consent and understanding, so as to come to a mutual agreement about the just concluded general elections.

Kenya is at the brink of disaster and you, Hon Kibaki, hold the key towards resolving this stand-off. Fortunately or unfortunately you are not the first nor the last president we shall have in this country. Kenyans are needlessly dying as I write this and I hope you will see the reason why they are dying. You may be aware that your victory, swearing-in, ban of a free press and now supposed "arrest" of Raila and members of the pentagon are all illegal and completely out of step with democracy and civilized world. Please consult Mr. Kivuiti, hopefully he is less tense and can advise you exactly what took place in the last three days. You will be shocked!

I am kindly asking you to talk to your opponent instead of being misled by those "generals" in your neighbourhood, majority of whom were rejected at the polls by the Kenyan people, and majority of whom have never cared for your presidency nor for the welfare of the people of Kenya.


Thank You.
PS. I am an ODM supporter and I voted for Hon Raila in Langata in the 3-piece manner. It does not mean that YOU, Mwai Kibaki, are not my countryman and my former president. Like my party leader always says, USIONE SIMBA AMENYESHEWA UKADHANI NI PAKA, in other words..........


  1. I think this is the first sober thing I've read in awhile.

  2. What do they want vote tallying. Please wait for 2012. This one is complete and Kibaki has been sworn in.

    The tallying will be in 2012 iat exactly the same time. Lakini, we were lucky bwana. It was a hardly fought contest. I was down and out.

    Phil, a good one though. I salute this one.


  3. Proud Kikuyu Woman,

    The time to call for reasoning was when Ruto and other ODM agents pleaded with Kivuitu and his commissioners to pay attention to the verdict of the people. They ignored that. How do you reason with people who won't listen?

    To Phil, can you confirm whether the captain has been arrested or not?

  4. But I doubt whether Kibaki will ever listen. It is because of this arrogance, despising the people and the rejection of MoU among others that led to this deep divide. I hate to say but it will take some time for this to be bridged, if it will ever. That said, I only want one thing: The people's will to be respected. That means, you, Mr. Kibaki, out! Apparently, like Amos Kimunya said of the title deeds, the voting card has being reduced to a 'mere piece of paper'. Sad, very sad indeed :-(

  5. It is sad indeed. I hope I will wake up this morning and find that this is not Kenya. The progress we have had so far is because we fought so hard for it. From the repeal of sec. 2a to introduce multiparty to voting out Moi in 2002. I wish I could believe that the results were not rigged that way I wouldnt mind Kibaki or raila winning. But so long as kenyans were not satisfied with the electoral process and media has been gagged, then it goes without saying that the government has a lot to hide. I want a future for Kenya and therefore am willing to stand and be counted at this time when Kenya need voices of reason and not totalitarianism. I pray that God gives us peace, but I also pray that Kenyans will speak out because our brothers and sisters are dying and our country is in ICU.

  6. Sam Okello,rejoice and be glad for you are in America.For Kenyans in Kenya, time to preach and reason RIGHT NOW. I personally woudn't give my life for anyone, including you, prospective president? Nikishikwa nitashikamana, lakini nikiangushwa jameni, ai, nalalama .

  7. Proud Kikuyu Woman,

    I've been so furious since Kivuiti's coup, but at last I've laughed. I've met a girl who'd have never died to free Kenya from the colonialists. But seriously, I perfectly understand the frustrations and fears of people at home. I have family in Nairobi and all over Kenya. I've asked all of them to be at Uhuru Park tomorrow. The swearing in of the people's president is something I'd like my five year old nephew to witness.

  8. Raila Odinga is an illegitimate leader of official opposition. He is going to sacrifice Kenyans tomorrow and drink the bllod at Uhuru park. People have to obey the law

  9. law? what law?

  10. If only Kibaki followed the law!

  11. I like the intention of the article. Only problem is he may never read it. Good of you to try though. Thats the spirit.

  12. Agreed, the intention is great, does the Kibaki type blog, or how can some of this useful or productive

  13. It is about anti-corruption fight ...stupid! The corrupt guys will rather have Kenya lose the economic growth and international standing than be in jail.Raila has been going about saying people will pay our stolen billions. Seems someone was listening!
    As I write this many innocent lives and hard earned property are being lost in the rural Rift Valley and other parts while the Kibaki and his allies prepare to enjoy the powers of state. This is not right! He should talk to the opposition or else many people will lose their lives and property and this will lead to many dire consequences never seen before due to ripple effect and cause- reaction scenarios. Guns cannot pacify a people who think that votes were topped up to ensure legitimacy of a preferd canditate!
    God bless our country and save us from self-destruction!
    Bwana Kibaki show us the democracy we fought for.You cannot wish this away sir!

  14. It is about anti-corruption fight ...stupid! The corrupt guys will rather have Kenya lose the economic growth and international standing than be in jail.Raila has been going about saying people will pay our stolen billions. Seems someone was listening!
    As I write this many innocent lives and hard earned property are being lost in the rural Rift Valley and other parts while the Kibaki and his allies prepare to enjoy the powers of state. This is not right! He should talk to the opposition or else many people will lose their lives and property and this will lead to many dire consequences never seen before due to ripple effect and cause- reaction scenarios. Guns cannot pacify a people who think that votes were topped up to ensure legitimacy of a preferd canditate!
    God bless our country and save us from self-destruction!
    Bwana Kibaki show us the democracy we fought for.You cannot wish this away sir!

  15. Hon. Kibaki, please give peace a chance. I know you didn't fight for the second liberation like Raila and Matiba, but you have some knowledge of opposition politics from 1997-2002.

    Can you imagine how you would have felt had Moi denied you the chance to rule kenya in 2002? Please and please don't divide kenya on tribal lines. Kikuyus, Luos, Luhyas, Kambas, Kisiis, Kales, Somalis, Masai are all Kenyans. We live in harmony despite our diverse views. Please and please give peace a chance. Dont polarize us, unite us instead.

    I know you may not accept this, but please act as a gentleman. Accept the people's verdict. If you still want to hang on to power, allow us to hold peaceful demonstrations to vent our anger. Tell Michuki et al. to stop harrasing the media. Dont arrest our elected leaders. Don't make us go into civil war. Let peace prevail at whatever cost. May be have a reconciliatory meeting with Hon. Raila, the legitimate President, in many Kenyan's view.

    Give peace a chance. We dont want to go the Sudan way. Kenya is supposed to be a peace deal negotiator. Who will negotiate peace for East African if we take that route? Please give peace a chance.

  16. Please read the whole article before you label me anything other than a Kenyan who wants KENYA to succeed. Not John or Jane, but the both of them and the 36+ million other Kenyans. Why? Because they deserve better.

    I find it really surprising that so many people are clamoring for Raila. Ok, Kibaki rigged himself back in, no doubts there. Ok, ODM was also involved in some sort of rigging during the voting process, no doubt. Both parties spent close to KShs 15 billion if not more during the elections. Yes that is billion with a B. How many of our fellow Kenyans could we have helped with all that capital, alot.

    Let's face it, Kibaki and Raila both come from the top 10 richest families in Kenya. The elitist in Kenya are going to be our leaders for the next 5 years, unfortunately. If anyone clamoring so hard for either Raila or Kibaki had read their manifestos, then it is plain and simple, no one of them offers anything superior. It is the same nonsense of enrich a few while selling a lie.

    Politicians lie, steal and decimate the freedom of us the people. They reduce us to mere slaves and peasants, while enriching themselves. This is the trend in the world right now, and Kenya is a part of the world.

    If either Raila or Kibaki is for us the people, then tell us why during the last 5 years nothing was done to reduce the rampant poverty in Kenya while Anglo-leasing and Mumias Sugar scandals were taking place. PLEASE TELL US WHY YOU DID NOTHING FOR THE LAST 5 YEARS FOR THE REAL KENYANS. THE ONE'S WHO REPORT TO WORK RAIN OR SHINE SO THAT THEY CAN PUT BREAD AND MILK ON THE TABLE, NOT NYAMA CHOMA AND BEER. WHY WAS NOTHING DONE TO ENCOURAGE AND MOTIVATE THE POOR AND PROVIDE THEIR CHILDREN A BETTER LIFE, AND YET YOU FEEL COMPELLED TO LET US GIVE U 5 YEARS IN POWER.

    That is all it is. Kibaki and Raila are just power hungry so that they can expand their business and political empires. The sad thing I find is that these worshippers of power and money want to dupe us into thinking they represent us, the people of Kenya. WANANCHI WALI JENGA KENYA. KIBAKI AND RAILA, please leave the people of Kenya in peace and don't incite us into killing each other. Your fairytale ideologies are leading to the killing of innocent Kenyans. Go back to your forts and come up with a better plan to succeed or stay in power, not by using bullets, machets, rungus and guns on Kenyans (ALL KENYAN'S SHOULD STAND UNITED AND SAY NO TO GREED, HATE AND VIOLENCE). One day Kenya will have a true leader, for the people have woken up.


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