Friday, June 15, 2007

The Big News In America Is Not About Jeff Koinange


As we go into the weekend, the big story on most TV channels and other media across America is about the famous CNN International.

As most of you readers will know Americans have no interest whatsoever in Africa and that is why despite the fact that Nigerian newspapers and websites have been talking about this story since the beginning of the year, it was only after the sacking of Jeff Koinange that they sat up and started paying attention. Finally the right questions over what really happened in the Niger Delta are being asked. Some are even pointing to other controversial clips exclusively captured by the CNN in the past in places like Iraq.

As pressure mounts, CNN is now expected to release a statement soon on the reason why Jeff Koinange was fired. But you can be sure that the big story is in the question everybody is asking and which some have already answered; In Jeff's alleged admission in an email that he paid to get his big story and "fame" how true is it that CNN were fully involved and aware all the time?

Jeff's email said;
"Of course I had to pay certain people to get the story. But everything was done in agreement with CNN and in accordance with their usual standards. But you do not get such a story without bribing . . . You have to have financial resources. But at the end, it was worth it. CNN has its story and I have my 'fame.'

The American media is also asking questions about Marianne Brinner and who she really is and what is so special about her despite her age that a young desirable man saw. And not just any man, but a famous man who probably had scores of younger women all over the world swooning over him whenever he made an appearance.

The saddest thing about this whole encounter is not the fact that the reputation of Kenyan men is in tatters. It is actually about a woman who is a Kenyan hero by any standards.

Few Kenyans realize that for years Ms Brinner has been the lone voice and has continued to fight single-handedly and at great risk to her life for the truth to come out concerning the death of the best foreign minister Kenya ever had, the late Robert Ouko. This was at a time when everybody else (including Raila Odinga) had lost interest in solving this murder (did he make a deal with Moi or what?) Brinner has not told the world about the threats she has had to endure all these years because of her stand concerning the Ouko murder. Not to mention the inconveniences she has had to go through.

…And for what? She’s not even a Kenyan.

Just because she gave her word to the late Dr. Ouko when he was alive that if anything ever happened to him she would not rest until the whole world had gotten to know the full story of what really happened.

Does that sound like a gold digger and whatever else she has been called by men who have no interest in hearing the whole story first? Marianne herself has admitted that she is no angel, but what does her previous liaisons with a few prominent Kenyans (as revealed in the emails she herself released and none of which involved rape) have to do with the current case?

Oh and I forgot to mention the fact that she is not receiving a penny from the sales of the book on Ouko—her co-author has taken over all the rights to receive the royalties and has not passed on a single penny to Ms Brinner yet.

I’ll tell you what Marianne’s real weakness in all this is. What has exposed her so badly. It is her truthfulness and determination to tell the truth even when it paints her in a negative picture. That in a world where everybody tells lies or at least lies of omission when it suits them is what has done her in.

If you read some of the emails she has published in her blog you will notice that she has not left out her equally explicit comments and writing which would suggest that she was a willing participator. She has not left out anything to make her look good in all this. That is what hurts me so much. The truth is that she was raped by a person she had come to trust. The truth is that the same person reneged on the out of court settlement they had agreed on which included supporting some girls in a Jo’burg home for orphaned children and that's how the emails were published online.

In the other post today (read it here), I reproduce a new statement from Ms Brinner that reveals new facts for the first time about the alleged date rape incident in London.

Many readers have begged for Jeff's side of the story. Let me inform them here and now, that Mr Koinange is not picking up his telephones (both mobiles and landlines) and neither has he used the comments section of this blog (which is still open to him) to defend himself. Nay. So far he has only been defended by strangers who want to cling on to the image of that nice young man on TV at all costs and have shut out their minds to any other possible side of the most famous Kenyan journalist.

P.S. In her interview with an American newspaper yesterday Ms Brinner revealed that she had received an email from a person she has reason to believe is Jeff Koinange. It was brief and to the point and said;

"the vengeance is mine, says the Lord... I will repay you…"

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  1. Lies and truth have one common characteristic, they cut both sides. The difference lies in the fact that while the former is unsustainable, the later like a determined river lives it course. As much as I would wish this JK story to do away, the 'unfortunate' truth will stubbornly refuse to fade and as a ghost will rear its 'unpleasant' head.

    But who knows? Maybe the JK-Brainner story is what will make Americans and the world see the truth in double standards as praciced bt the wet. they bribe to get what they wnat but shout loudest when the boot shifts to the other boot. Maybe this is the silver linning behind this stinking but pregnant cloud.

  2. What an intimate topic to end the week and prepare us for the weekend….if you know what I mean. The exposed sexual exploits of JK are fast becoming distasteful. The chap should call Marianne, talks this thing over, support the kids in South Africa, pack his bags and move to Alaska….and stay there for about five years. This needs closure.
    That being said, there’s no such thing as a one-time rapist or sex offender. Rapists are usually sexually depraved men (and women) whose satisfaction only comes with the violation of weak victims. Rape is to some extend addictive and has nothing to do with sexual gratification. Rather is has everything to do with dominance and power in subduing another. In other words it’s mostly about cockiness and bullying. The question to JKs friends is; have you known him to be a constant bully? Does he get his way no matter what? Is he forceful (even when scrambling for a matatu)? Do his ex-girlfriends remain silent and shiver whenever talk of him arises? The reason I ask these questions is because we may be dealing with a serial sex offender.
    Enough about that cookie. Now about his job, I’m employed in an extremely stressful corporate environment with multiple deadlines. For those unaware, the US corporate world is really and truly a rat race. Not an excuse, but the pressure to deliver is phenomenal. The work ethics is focused on simply results. There’s no such thing like the Kenyan boss showing up at 11AM, taking a two hour lunch at 12PM and leaving the office at 3.30PM (everyday). I somewhat sympathize with JK on the bribery case. He’d probably not have lasted for all those years at CNN if he never had money in his pockets at all times. Can you imagine the chap calling his boss from an obscure Niger Delta mangrove only to report that he has not filed a report? Give the guy a break. The sensationalism that requires any 24 hour news channel to stay above water is enough excuse for bribery.

    As far as the reputation of Kenyan men being in tatters, I disagree. I think many will agree that acrobatics between the waist and knees is extremely ‘not’ a national affair.

    That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

  3. Chris,you are just a brother who is trying to make a living off your brother's sorrows. This is like beating a dead dog. You are waisting your time beating on a dead dog. It is dead leave it a lone. Surely, how much did she pay you or going to pay you for helping her kill your brother. Briner is a pathetic lier who needs attention and she hooked you up. Watch out it might be you next time. what goes around comes around, hence don't laugh too loud at your brother.

    Question... on your today's posting, you mentioned that Briner is not getting royalty from the book she authored. Is she trying to use you to malign Sam's name or what. Let this fatty fight her own battles. We do no know what contract they had. If anything she is better off seeking redress in other institution than bringing her war to cyberspace.

  4. Chris: please do not make it like JK is all bad and MB is all good.They are both at fault. JK did a very very bad thing (apart from walking around with a permanent hard-on for months listening to this woman's tales of sexual exploits) and MB needs to go report it to the proper channels. If she is no longer embarrassed about spilling out all these intimate details to the world, then there is no reason for her not to go to the authorities. Please, she is not a cruserder of truth (your commment "It is her truthfulness and determination to tell the truth even when it paints her in a negative picture" had me rolling on the ground with laughter for a few seconds). She is a predator and an attention seeker. We have seen this pattern over the years. After this story, watch, she will come with another one.

  5. Untill i hear both sides of the story......JK is innocent!

  6. This is a story of someone taking advantage of a situation she put herself into to get publicity from international media houses like CNN. See now she's being interview by an American newspaper may be next it will be CNN then she can get audience at Oprah show about rape victims.

    She got what she wanted in the long run, its unfortunate she played it innocently, Jeff got caught in the trap,Kumekucha also reaps from the proceeds for posting the story and getting recognition from international media.

  7. Chris, I fail to understand why you must drag in Raila into affairs that do not concern him.

    I thought this post was about JK and CNN. Its very mischevious for you to throw in these remarks ".....concerning the death of the best foreign minister Kenya ever had, the late Robert Ouko. This was at a time when everybody else (including Raila Odinga) had lost interest in solving this murder (did he make a deal with Moi or what?).."

    Raila is not the agency in charge of investigating crime in kenya. Neither is he in government. Infact by the time Ouko died Raila was in solitary detention without trial! Now that there's a government in place, it is only fair you direct your demands for justice to the righful authority.

    And as far as am concerned, there is only one person who I know can make realistic efforts to bring to justice the killers of Dr. Ouko, JM Kariuki, Dr. Crispin Mbai, Pio Gama Pinto, Alexanda Kipsang Muge, Ronald Ngala, Gem Argwings Kodhek, etc, etc. and countless other citizens who have disappeared withot trace. That man is Raila A. Odinga.

  8. Chris you are on free fall. One would be tempted to think you are on the payroll of that harlot. You think she spent her time in Kenya helping the poor? Please!!!!

    What happened to protecting our own, why do Africans sell each other so cheaply??? This is now repungnant.

    Koinange has messed up but are you telling us to take the words of that harlot seriously.

    Mcheka kilema hafi bila kumpata.

  9. Anon, don't bring your out of context swahili proverbs here. Why are you annonymous? Whose payroll are you on? Maybe Jeffs'. I have noticed a pattern where you end all your comments quoting a swahili proverb out of context.

    I have always known Chris to be a supporter of the smelly foreskins but on this one I defend him. The guy is in the news business, (just as you are in the damage control business for Jeff) and stop behaving like you are the only readers there are some of us who are very interested in this kastory, you date rapists.


  10. Wats JKs side of the story before we judge????????

  11. When Marianne Brinner was giving Chris more Details on her date rape Incident, i read with keeness and never stopped wondering when she MB, said and i quote.."But all the time I felt quite 'overdressed' and told him so and said, I would rather prefer to go to my room to change into some 'less fancy'..." Halloooo is someone geting my point here??? The dambest fool would figure this out. My take is that MB seemed to have had some 'sex fantacy' up her sleeves, she had to have a way to lead JK on thus when she suggested whats in the above quote. I mean, if she had thought as she wrote that the hotel they were having dinner in and apperently where she was staying at at the time, was the strict-dress-code type and i quote.."So I dressed up for dinner, nice and elegant. But he came just wearing black trousers and a black sweater (a little bit like the MEND people in his Nigeria Report). I made a remark to this asking if he was really seriously thinking to have Dinner with me since as you may know, the London top restaurants have quite a strict dress-code. But he assured me that his outfit was ok 'why, what's wrong with what I am wearing?'....
    Then why did she decide to go change all of a sudden?? Was she dropping some hints hints?
    Just a thought! Anyone with me here?


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