Monday, February 12, 2007

Ex-Convict Leads Parents Association: The Amazing Story of Musau Ndunda

The executive secretary of the Kenya national association of parents, KNAP, Musau Ndunda has come a very long way indeed.

Starting off as a junior civil servant with the ministry of local government and working at the Masaku county council in Machakos town, the fast talking man was not curved out to work for anybody and soon resigned to venture into business.

He decided to take a shot at buying and selling goods prior to securing an auctioneering license and establishing what came to be known as Kambaland auctioneers which became one of the most popular auctioneers in eastern province for the better part of the 1990's

Success got the better of him and he started getting a feeling of invincibility not to mention greed and taking advantage of desperate people who's businesses had collapsed and were being auctioned to offset their debts.

In the early 2000, Musau got involved with a honey merchant who's business had gone under and creditors attached his pick-up track for auction by Kambaland auctioneers who promptly undertook the job but sold it for thousands of shillings more than they had actually recorded with authorities.

Ndunda was used to cases and prior to being prosecuted on this one, he had managed to win several criminal cases brought against him by hiring a good lawyer or better still, hiring a judge or magistrate in the corruption infested Machakos law courts where mere clerks are so rich that they lead flamboyant lifestyles by engaging in corrupt deals.

Alas, the fast talking businessman could not wriggle out this time round as he met an uncompromising magistrate who convicted him for fraud and sent him to Kamiti prison where he served 18 months and had his auctioneering license withdrawn.

After his release from Kamiti, Ndunda tried going back to his initial business of buying and selling goods from his shop in Machakos town but found the business too slow and left it for his wife to manage before going to Nairobi where he linked up with a few old friends and registered KNAP which surprisingly has managed to attract funding from foreign donors as he claims to be the watchdog on public education, looking after parents' interests in public schools.

Today the towering slim figure is a regular face on TV where he issues strong press statements challenging the ministry of education on various issues and criticizing the government for some of its education policies. This has endeared Ndunda with the giant Kenya national union of teachers and the Kenya union for primary school teachers.

However, just like Kambaland auctioneers, KNAP is also a one man show where Ndunda is everything and has chosen not to call for elections since he established the public entity four years ago with his friends who are also people of questionable character.

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  1. IT'S QUITE SHOCKING TO NOTE THAT, ONE OF OUR OFFICIALS WHO STOLE Kshs.5 Million from our organization and sentenced to three years in 2003 has decided to publish false information about our secretary general Mr.Musau Ndunda. the truth of the matter is that, Mr. Musau Ndunda Has never been convicted at Kamiti Prison and for that reason we are inviting all interested people to check the facts with the Officer incharge of Kamiti Prisons.

    Regarding Elections of the organization, the truth of the matter is that we have held two national elections in Dec 2003 and August 2008 and the details can be gotten from our file which is in the custody of the registrar of societies at the Attorney Generals
    Regarding the allegation that,the organization is a "one man show" the truth of the matter is that,the organization has a National Executive Board comprising of 30 members who are drawn from all the provinces of Kenya and a third of the members are women representatives. our organization has a constitution which has dully been approved by the the registrar of societies.
    Our financial records are audited every year by dully registered auditors and they are open for inspection to all our 4.8 million members across the country of Kenya.
    Regarding our donors, we have all along been working with our donors both locally and internationally and we have all along accounted for all the funds given to our organization. our project funds have on many occassions been audited and our donors have both signed a clearance certificate to confirm that, that funds have been used for the intended purposes.

    We request all our members and partners to treat with contempt this anonymous letter,because we know the author is a man who has failed in live and he is a busybody who spends most of is time publishing damaging information on several people who seem to be succeeding in their lines of specialization.


  2. IT'S QUITE SHOCKING TO NOTE THAT, ONE OF OUR OFFICIALS WHO STOLE Kshs.5 Million from our organization and sentenced to three years in 2003 has decided to publish false information about Mr.Musau Ndunda the secretary general of KNAP . The truth of the matter is that, Mr. Musau Ndunda Has never been convicted at Kamiti Prison and for that reason we are inviting all interested people to check the facts with the Officer incharge of Kamiti Prisons- Nairobi.

    Regarding Elections of the organization, the truth of the matter is that we have held two National elections since the inception of the organization, one in Dec 2003 and the other in August 2008 and the details can be gotten from the registrar of Societies at the Attorney Generals
    Chambers- Nairobi.
    Regarding the allegation that,the organization is a "one man show" the truth of the matter is that,the organization has a National Executive Board comprising of 30 members who are drawn from all the provinces of Kenya and a third of the members are women representatives. our organization has a constitution which has dully been approved by the the registrar of societies.
    Our financial records are audited every year by dully registered auditors and our financial records are open for inspection to all our 4.8 million members across the country of Kenya.
    Regarding our donors, we have all along been working with our donors both locally and internationally and we have all along accounted for all the funds given to our organization. our project funds have on many occassions been audited and our donors have both signed a clearance certificate to confirm that, those funds have been used for the intended purposes.

    We request all our members and partners to treat with contempt this anonymous letter,because we know the author of the letter for he is a man who has failed in live and he is a busybody who spends most of is time publishing damaging information on several people who seem to be succeeding in their lines of specialization.
    Thank you


  3. Musau ndunda is great

  4. Musau Ndunda has done great for this country thru KNAP - WE should separate facts from fiction and facts are:-
    1. Musau Ndunda is a genious who has brought on board an organisation that can challenge the Ministry of Education (MOE) on its own policies
    2. KNAP as an organisation is above board because it is the VOICE of the parents - when parents are being oppressd by schools system thru extreneous fees and levies, KNAP beats the parliamentary system and speakks at the loudest sound posiible that parents are being "oppressed"
    3. The MOE has tons of unimplemented policies and its KNAP that has gone to the closet to dig out these burried policies - and challenge Karega Mutahi and the Minister to act.
    4. For many years Headmaster and Principal have been the Kingpins of corruption in our schools and colleges BUT not anymore because Musau Ndunda thru KNAP has caught them with pants down and the cant continue with their activities anymore.
    5. Schools have been charging what they want as school fees and levies BUT not anymore, for instance, my boy was chased from school for not paying unspecied levies - to which i objected and went to KNAP, who handled the issue to its logical conclusion at NO cost! Bravo KNAP Bravo Musau Ndunda
    6. Kenyans are very malicious - and i can tell those who are distisfied with his work are the same detractors who benefited from corruption - Washindwe coz they will never defeat the truth.
    7. Lastly, we should applaud all young innovative Kenyans who are doing what has never been done before and stop destructive crititism which does not benefit the country
    8. Musau Ndunda Dont be derailed from your goals and objectives - continue championing the KNAP agenda becuase there are those who support your mission statement

  5. The Role of KNAP and the work of its secretary general - Musau Ndunda

    1. Although the Ministry of Education has plyed a big role in the education sector since independence, the role of parents has either been ignored or forgotten by the Govt. Tons of policicies have been developed and are roting in the shelves of Jogoo house. The 8-4-4 curiculumn is case in point, where parents were not consulted and it has been a burden to the parents since it was launched by President Moi over 20years ago.
    2. The role of KNUT as the recruitment agent and retainance of teachers has had their own share of problems. Parents have no say in this organisation. When children at schools are going without teachers in some important subjects like maths and Physics for whole term - we dont know who to complaint to! Again when teachers mess with our girls in primary and secondary schools we dont know who complain to! Who checks the integrity of teachers- Ministry or KNUT?
    3. Role of PTA's in schools is a nightmare to many parents. When i think of overblown school fees, development levies and other expenses - i get bad dreams when i know that am assisting to put up a house or mansion for a headmaster or principal and so on. PTA's are just counduits of corruption becuse nobody audits their operations.
    4. The Role of KNAP - Its a timely organisation because it can transcend all the operations of Ministry, KNUT, PTA's and provide the necessary checks and balances because its not attached to the state - it can offer accountability required i the education sector. Again our education is too diverse and general and we need somebody to tell us if my boy or girl will get a job after form 4 or after completing varsity degree! Musau Ndunda has been very vocal on the issues i have adressed above and any sane person should see what he has done to advance quality education and also to adress parents issues and concerns in the 21st Century. Lets not critisise for the sake of it but lets be objective enough
    Bravo - Musau Ndunda

  6. Bravo bwana Musau Ndunda you are a champion of parents in kenya, any person trying to tarnish your name must realize that you have a very strong following from us parents of kenya. May God give you good health


  7. I salute Musau Ndunda for giving parents of Kenya a forum in which they can freely express their issues on education without being victimized
    Bwana Musau you have our support

    Rashid Omar


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