Thursday, February 15, 2007

Bishop Margaret Wanjiru Joins ODM-Kenya

The controversial bishop Margaret Wanjiru of the Jesus Is Alive Ministries yesterday joined ODM-Kenya in a move that could secure her the Starehe parliamentary seat in the forthcoming general elections.

No sooner had Wanjiru declared her interest for the seat early last month and her intention to marry a South African preacher, did her troubles begin. Her supporters are convinced that it is all political. A man claiming to be her husband, one Jimmy Kamangu emerged saying he was married to the evangelist and there was no way she could marry another man prior to ending her marriage with him.

The saga turned into a captiavting soap opera with accusations and counter accusations flying. Inevitably Kamangu ended up in court demanding his conjugal rights back from the Bishop. Kamangu who was suddenly dressed in expensive clothes managed to get an order stopping the much-anticipated Bishop's wedding which was to be held last weekend.

Amid the controversy, Wanjiru turned up yesterday on television looking beautiful and glamorous as always as she sat amongst the "wolves" confidently stating that she was joining ODM-Kenya and managed to get a "welcome kiss" from Raila Odinga as Kalonzo Musyoka watched in bewilderment.

It is no secret that Kenya needs politicians of decorum and flair like Wanjiru who has had a generally incident free public life until the recent Kamangu story. She still enjoys credibility among her flock as the meeting she called for last Saturday at her church had standing room only.

Kenyan politics needs people like Wanjiru to add color and credibility to it and especially Nairobi where most of the current MPs are really just 'thugs' who only know the use of crude and uncouth methods in dealing with their enemies—both real and imagined. David Mwenje and Fred Ngumo not to mention Norman Nyagah are known to have violent gangs under their beck and call.

Wanjiru might not be perfect but she will definitely bring sobriety to Starehe constituency where the current MP was also recently declared the Narc candidate under dubious circumstances even after losing the primary's to businessman Jimnah Mbaru who could definitely have made a better MP than Kamanda.

The Bishop however needs to learn one very important lesson in politics. And that is the fact that you never leap into something just to react to your enemies. This can be fatal in politics. Wanjiru's timing in joining ODM-Kenya, is a direct angry reaction to her wedding being stopped. It is a move designed to send jitters in the enemy camp. The way politics is played is that your enemies should never be able to second-guess you.

There are those who do not believe that there is any hidden hand in the Bishop's troubles, but there is no denying that Kamangu's sharp dressing and court action has got a very wealthy backer, who seems to have some very clear objectives in mind. And mostly they seem to be to finish the inexperienced Bishop politically. The battle for Starehe has started and it promises to be a very bruising one.

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  1. I feel that Bishop Wanjiru has made a very costly mistake in any political career that she may have wanted to have. By joining the ODM, Wanjiru is fighting the government and I am almost certain that she will pay for this. She may not even contest the Starehe seat. She could be distablised so much financially that it becomes difficult for her. Personally, I admire her for what she is.
    I wish her the best.

    United Kingdom

  2. kume.........dhoka hizi ni siku za mwisho watu na waokoke.Wanjiru amelemewa na lazima abatizwe tena.

  3. The Kamangu issue is suspect. It is not genuine at all and it does not gain him respect. In any case Wanjiru has taken care of them for quiet some time without his help. However, what made the whole thing murky is the way Wanjiru handled it; trying to lie that she does not know him, her haughty attitude towards poverty using a comment like 'jigger infested' and saying ungodly things, actually too ungodly for a Bishop. If she admitted and said that is past her now, she could have won public sympathy by giving the saga a humane face. Be assured that people would have dismissed Kamangu other than the support he gained. Wanjiru should not have been angry or ashamed to have been associated with Kamangu. She moved on and made the best out of life. So what was the big deal? People have come from far! Next time she is faced with such scenario I am sure she will let wisdom to prevail.

  4. Cat...London

    This blog has enough jokes. its really made me laugh not to say the issues are funny but at least it cheered my day up. we should not try to be masters of all trades i think stick to one thing either preach and leave the politics to others or do poliltics and leave the preaching. these 2 both require a lot of commitment and i don't think that its possible to do both fully. I think that Wanjiru should pick one hat and stick with it!!

  5. I'm from DRC congo,living in europe,and had fellowship in JIAM(bishop Mageret Wanjiru's church in Nairobi).
    In the bible,God sent prophets to anoint kings appointed to serve the country.Prophets are set by God to teach us the ways of God.
    In the days of David,Samuel the prophet was set by God to anoint David with a Kingship anointing to rule over Israel as a king.

    Though David had the spirit of God,but he remained within the kingship anointing and was obedient to God's word through the prophet.

    I think here is the confusion,specialy in Africa.they say king David was a prophet as well.But they forget that the spirit of God in us has introduced us in the divine priesthood,means we can prophecy,even teach but we are not all call in such ministry.Because,to be God's minister requires commitment(energy,sacrifce,more time).
    If Jesus was unwise he could have gone to the king's palace to cast him out of it,just because he was the king.But Jesus focussed in God's Kingdom,preaching the word.

    Now,can bishop Mageret and pastor pius maintain the same commitment they had before?If yes,Unto God be the glory.


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