Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Sex Scandals And A Purge Hit Nation Media Group Staff

All is not well at the largest and most successful media house in East and Central Africa. And what is even more worrying is that the current crisis should come in an election year and affect a department at the impressive media house which Kenyans are heavily relying on and looking up to "to deliver the goods."

The crux of the problem is tension between the senior management that heads the editorial department and members of the editorial department. This tension seems to have been triggered off by a "clean up" and downsizing effort launched by the new CEO Linus Gitahi. Most in the editorial department strongly feel that the "trimming exercise" is being done unfairly and that the measuring rod is something else other than performance. Nothing new about that except that the staff has anonymously written an open letter to CEO Linus Gitahi (which has been posted on the net-see details at the end of this article) threatening to expose what they see as "the rot within the Nation Media group." In fact what their intentions are, is to expose, embarrass and adversely affect the media house by exposing what they claim is a sex scandal involving the most senior executives in the editorial department, if their demands are not met. This letter has been widely circulated amongst the alternative press in Nairobi.

Their demand is that the current clean up targeting unproductive and incompetent staff be carried out in a transparent and fair manner. They have also demanded that the two senior executives whom they blame for the problems should resign by the end of February or "they will be smoked out." The cheeky editorial staff have even threatened to write to the largest single NMG shareholder and founder of the Nation group, the Aga Khan himself and inform him of the alleged sexual escapades of the two senior editors that has seen them reward incompetent female staff with promotions. They have also said they will present the spouses of the culprits with evidence of the same as well as publicizing everything to the public. The letter adds that "other strategies remain our secret."

The letter names the two senior executives as Editorial director Wangethi Mwangi and group managing editor, Joseph Odindo. Also named is group Human Resources director Mrs Hellen Mbugua.

Sex scandals are really nothing new at the media house and indeed many other large companies in Kenya today. Reports are rampant of the defilement of people's wives and attractive women exchanging sexual favors for promotion. Not to mention married men also seducing their powerful women bosses so as to get ahead. At other times members of staff have been known to jump into bed with each other, even on their employer's time. At one time a major Aids scare hit the Nation media group when a senior member of the editorial department passed on as a result of complications caused by HIV-Aids. There was real fear because the staffer had several lovers who had in turn also had encounters with others in an almost endless chain of links that many felt would have endangered the lives of a large section of the staff. This happened in the late 1990s.

Then there was a sexual harassment suit filed against editorial director Wangethi Mwangi by a female member of staff. This writer has not been able to establish exactly what became of it.

However the latest crisis seems to be the "mother of all sex scandals" at the media house, mainly because there is the real possibility of exposure to the public who will be shocked to learn that the respected media house may after all be better described as a whore house, at least in some sections and departments.

Urgent personal message to you from Kumekucha.

This letter must have been posted on the web by a member of staff at Nation Media house. Read the full unedited version for yourself.

Search engines can give you huge traffic. Here's how a Kenyan company can get thousands of visitors to their site daily.


  1. Woh! You had not seen this latest dossier from Nation Centre.

    Kindly find the attached open letter to Mr Linus Gitahi, CEO Nation Media Group, and to His Highness the Aga Khan

    Dear Mr Linus Gitahi,
    CEO Nation Media Group
    Nairobi, Kenya

    On January 23, 2007, the staff of the Editorial Dept wrote an open letter to you detailing the rot and sex scandals that have rocked the house His Highness the Aga Khan built. We are sure the Nation Media Group leadership has never revealed to the Aga Khan the truth that the house he built from holy funds has been turned into a brothel by the very same senior managers he has entrusted with running his affairs. All is not well at the leading Media House in East and Central African region but you have shown you are least bothered.

    The information we have is that when you, Mr Wangethi Mwangi and the other top brass visited the Aga Khan in Paris between February 5 and 7, you only presented the good side about the NMG leadership and deliberately omitted the rot that has been choking the majority of innocent and clean staff. That is understandable. The NMG leadership has a reputation of covering each others backs, even when a few apples in their midst are stinking. The Aga Khan and the entire world will soon be hearing from us.

    Instead of addressing the problems we raised in the Staff Climate Survey forms that were submitted to the HR Dept in October and the views we gave during a team building retreat in Loitokitok,a couple of years back, you have decided to organize yet another retreat. What we said in Loitokitok, in other forums and in the various letters we have sent you has never been addressed and nothing has ever changed. This shows the contempt you hold the Editorial Dept, which is the pillar of this media giant. We have various options at our disposal to see who surrenders first. No one will be spared, even yourself if we find anything of your dark past. Nothing can bribe us. We will continue rocking the boat even after we come back from the retreat.

    We will go to the retreat you have organized as a ritual to satisfy your own curiosity, not because we have any faith in the retreat or your leadership. You squandered a very good opportunity to clean up the mess when you sanctioned the retrenchment of small fish who had done nothing wrong and left the networks of corruption and immorality intact.

    In our earlier letter to you, we demanded the immediate resignation of the Group Editorial Director, Mr Wangethi Mwangi, and the Group Managing Editor, Mr Joseph Odindo, for bringing to shame the journalism profession by being involved in a string of sex scandals and being solely responsible for the mess in the Editorial Department by trashing the laid down policies on employment and promotions to quench their sexual appetite and reward their friends and cronies.

    It’s a well known fact even outside NMG that Mr Mwangi and Mr Odindo have been using helpless and innocent female staff as sex pawns to achieve personal and narrow objectives. Although a majority of the female staff are upright, but there is ample evidence that some have been given jobs, promotions and salary increments based on their sexual performance. NMG rules on promotions and employment have largely been ignored by the two senior editors and they have been rewarding their friends and women they have taken to bed based on sexual performance. This culture has been going on for years and we expected you would bring it to an abrupt end and clean up the mess. Sadly, you totally disappointed us and killed our spirits.

    However, as you categorically stated during a staff meeting with the entire editorial on February 1, 2007, you are least bothered by rot in Nation Centre and it not your desire to put things right. In your address, you expressed confidence in the rotten managers and we can only conclude that you endorsed their crooked ways. You simply gave them a clean bill of health.

    In our letter, we given both Mr Mwangi and Mr Odindo up to end of February to search their conscience and resign. However, there are strong indications that their conscience doesn’t prick them. We will prick it for them. You have seen nothing yet. The chickens are coming home to roost from March 1. Tighten your nerves and wait. We will systematically slay them one after the other with hard facts and the absolute truth. As we said, the choice is purely theirs. They choose to take an early bus home and save themselves and their families stinging humiliation or cling to their offices and walk around town smelling like raw sewage.

    You must have your own reasons why you want to defend the rotten managers. And we have our own reasons for exposing them. Contrary to the suggestions that were made by yourself and other speakers during the February 1 meeting that those who have been exposing the rot in NMG have the desire to rock the boat, the claims are further from the truth. There is a clear distinction between a company and an individual’s personal conduct and affairs.

    It nonsensical to insinuate or imagine that the NMG boat would sink just because the sex predators have been exposed. It’s purely a personal decision for those managers who have been walking around Nation Centre with their zips open. The managers and their girlfriends must carry their own crosses and not drag the rest of us in their immoral ways. NMG’s great name will never sink because of the people who have turned Nation Centre into a brothel.

    We were shocked that instead of taking the platform on February 1 to congratulate the brave men and women who wants good morals to be restored at Nation Centre, you decided to demonise them. Your hard stance and the new lifeline you gave the sex predators will be your undoing. You have given us new resolve to go the extra mile of bringing to shame the managers who can’t keep their zips shut. In the same way Nation has been taking pride in splashing stories on Mr John Githongo exposing the mega corruption in Kibaki’s backyard and the horrifying sex life of the flamboyant Bishop Wanjiru, NMG managers who have a dark history should start dreading March 1. What moral authority does NMG has to expose the evils in society if it can’t clean up its own mess or remove a log in its own eyes?

    Our research and analysis team has completed its investigation and they have pieced together a detailed, accurate and comprehensive dossier on the sex scandals at NMG. The dossier will be made available in the internet, the streets of Nairobi and other major towns, to the wives and children of the sex pests, the diplomatic community, religious organizations and all NMG staff.

    The dossier contains shocking revelations on the sex lives of senior NMG managers. We have photographic evidence, confession statements and affidavits from some of the women who have been lured to bed by the managers and others from the men who had to break relationships with their spouses or fiancés after uncovering secret love affairs involving NMG managers, court documents on some of the managers who have found themselves in court to defend themselves on damaging sex scandals, emails and mobile telephone computer print-outs. We promise you it will be a must read. Continue watching this space.

    At the moment, our research team has pieced together a detailed report on the sex lives of four senior managers and it will start rolling off our mill from March 1. We will give you the snap shots of what to expect.

    Ms Helen Mbugua
    Group Human Resources Director
    Find out:
    • How a love affair blossomed between Mrs Mbugua and Mr David Waweru before he moved from Nation Centre to KBC.

    • How Mrs Mbugua sneaks her lover to her matrimonial home in Kilimani when her husband is out of the country and the children are away.

    • Why the love affair wont end and why Mr Mbugua needs to worry.

    • Do we have photos of the two love-birds? Find out from us from March 1. It’s a secret romance that will leave you on edge.

    This information will land in your house in Kilimani.

    Mr Cyrille Nabutola
    Group Marketing Director

    Find out:
    • Why Mr Nabutola is referred to as the Bull of Nation Centre
    • How many sales executives he has had affairs with and how many are proud mothers of his children.
    • His romantic adventures in the office
    • Why NMG leadership can’t dare touch him despite being aware of his love escapades.
    This information will land in your house in Runda.

    Mr Wangethi Mwangi
    Group Editorial Director
    Find out:
    • His love affairs with Irene Karanja (his former secretary), Veronica Kinyanjui (former Features Editor), Linda Gacheru (a junior staff who rose through the ranks rapidly and ended up in a plum job the HR Dept), Wahu (formerly of Advertising Dept), Njeri Mwangi (formerly a reporter of Editorial Dept), Adhiambo Odera (Buzz Editor) and Claire Gatheru (a reporter who was axed in the recent retrenchment).
    • Why Irene’s husband who was a lawyer committed suicide in an Eldoret hotel.
    • How the police treated the death and shocking letters that our research team has uncovered that led to Irene’s husband committing suicide.
    • How did he discover the secret love affair between Mr Mwangi and how he desparately tried to stop the affair in vain.
    • What Irene’s husband said before he decided to kill himself. Would he be alive today were it not for Mr Mwangi?
    • How a love affair blossomed between Mr Mwangi and Linda. Why did her fiancĂ© abruptly cancel his wedding with Linda? Why did Mr Mwangi jump out through the window of her Buru Buru House at night? What role did Mr Mwangi play in the break up?
    • How Mr Mwangi continued with the affair with Linda even after she found a new love, who ended up marrying her.
    • Why Linda’s husband had jitters on the wedding day. Why was he jittery? Why did Mr Mwangi tactfully swap his green Merceden Benz with Ken Oluoch’s on the eve of the wedding for transporting the bride?
    • Why Mr Mwangi spirited Linda out of NMG and secured her a job elsewhere. Why did Linda abruptly change jobs?
    • What Njeri Mwangi said in her affidavit on Mr Mwangi’s sexual advancement?
    • What happened to the sexual harassment case Njeri Mwangi filed in the High Court against Mr Mwangi.
    • Why has Njeri Mwangi returned to Kenya from the US. What’s the new weapon she has against Mr Mwangi. Why did Mr Mwangi go into a hysterical panic when he learnt Ms Mwangi was back in the country.
    • The full details of the love triangle involving Mr Mwangi, Mr Odindo Adhiambo Odera. Who are the other lovers of Ms Odera in the newsroom? Do the two top editors share her with junior reporters behind their backs?
    • Why Mr Mwangi and Mr Odindo influenced the employment of Ms Odera knowing too well that she had been to a back-street college and she can’t write or edit a story. Why did she rise from a mere correspondent straight to an editor without being a reporter after a romantic expedition with Mr Mwangi in Malindi? Why were Mr Mwangi and Mr Odindo in a desperate situation when Mr Kiboro put his foot down that Ms Odera was not qualified for the job? What did they do to prevail upon Mr Kiboro to change his mind?

    Read much more about the Wangethi Mwangi you have never known from March 1. This information will land in your house in Kileleshwa.

    Mr Joseph Odindo
    Group Managing Editor
    Find out:
    • His secret love affairs with Adhiambo Odera, Ms Lucy Oriang (whom he has been instrumental in giving her plum jobs when a new list of promotions is out), Ms Rhoda Orengo, and a string of other women.
    • The secret affair between him and Mildred Ngesa and why he influenced her switch from the Standard to NMG.

    This information will land in your house in Lavington.

    The mess and stench in the Editorial Dept is a creation of Mr Mwangi and Mr Odindo. Are these the people His Highness the Aga Khan has entrusted with the affairs of his great company? Are these the role models our own children? Are they fit to be the mirror of our society? What moral authority do they have to point out ills in the society?

    NMG prides itself as the leading media house in East and Central African region but its reputation is now at stake because of a small group of the ruling elite. We promise you that the dossier will shake the NMG right in its core and the world will for the first time know the dark and hallowing secrets that Nation Centre conceals. It’s the responsibility of the majority of the staff who mean well for the future of NMG to preserve the integrity of this great company and the journalism profession.

    Before the Feb 28 deadline approached, we would like to urge you, Mr Gitahi, to convene another meeting of the entire editorial staff, like the one which was held on 3rd floor on February 1, 2007, so that Mr Mwangi, Mr Odindo, Mr Nabutola, Mrs Mbugua and a few other sex pests we are currently digging their dark history can take the Holy Bible and swear they are not guilty of the issues we have raised above. During the February 1 meeting, the entire floor burst into laughter when Mr Mwangi broke down when he was narrating how his wife had confronted him with a Citizen newspaper which carried a story on his sex life. Nobody sympathized with him because everybody on 3rd floor knows the truth.

    Redundant posts
    Mr Mwangi and Mr Odindo are responsible for creating so many posts which duplicate roles to reward their friends and girlfriends. In our previous letters, we have listed the posts that need to be merged or scrapped but this has fallen on deaf ears. We have a whole battalion of people walking around the newsroom carrying titles of editors and they have nothing to show for it. A big chunk of the budget for the Editorial Dept goes to paying heft salaries for the idle editors. It’s immoral to pay one idle editor Sh400,000 each month and pay a reporter who toils like slave Sh60,000. All the top editors and managers earn salaries of between Sh500,000 and Sh1million plus each month.

    For instance, where is the wisdom of having the posts of Editorial Director and Group Managing Editor? And what about the numerous posts of Managing Editors? And yet still, the countless posts of editors? No wonder Mr Mwangi has a lot of time to lift skirts, play golf during morning working hours and entertain his friends in beer sessions in his office in the afternoon. And Mr Odindo is often falling asleep in his office in the afternoon due to boredom. And this happens when majority of hardworking journalists are toiling so hard to generate the hefty salaries and perks for the bored and idle editors. It was also shocking to hear you and the other managers making a mockery about our degrees. Where else doe we have Form Six editors in the newsroom apart from NMG? How can correspondents and reporters who are university graduates, some with first degrees and others with Masters degrees, continue reporting to Form Six drop outs? It’s the policy of NMG that reporters and correspondents should have a minimum qualification of a university degree. Why is the rule an exception to some of the editors? Mr Gitahi, you have no option but to respect our academic qualifications. Form Six and Form Four editors must leave our newsroom if you want peace.

    It was ridiculous to hear managers on February 1 denying they had not played any role in killing the journalists union. There is no doubt that NMG leadership played a big role in the death of the union and this started when new journalists were denied a chance to join KUJ. This weakened the union since members who leave are not replaced. Salaries for our members have not been reviewed for the past three years. Yet, the management staff gets heft pay rise every January. We demand the immediate review of our salaries. Flimsy excuses wont wash.

    About 75 percent of the content published in all NMG publications is the work of correspondents, casual workers who are paid peanuts for the sweat of their labour. Though NMG prides itself as the champion of human rights and publishes stories on how other companies oppress their employees, the opposite happens in NMG. Correspondents are today’s modern slaves. Although they toil so hard, they end up being paid peanuts and most of them live in abject poverty and die in misery. This lot is paid by the length of the stories they write. But the mode of calculation is top secret by the NMG leadership to ensure a huge chunk is taken away from the poor correspondents to take care of the hefty salaries of their bosses. That is one way the Editorial bosses manage to live within the department’s budget. We demand better pay. Most correspondents remain unemployed during their entire careers.It's a miracle for the correspondents, especially those in the rural areas to earn Sh5,000 a month.Isn't it immoral for editors and a group of well connected staff to go smiling all bank and the poor and voiceless correspondents can't have a decent living

    We demand a complete overhaulof the entire Editorial Dept. Idle bosses and all thosetainted with corruption must be sent packing. We need a transparent criteria of employment, promotions and sharing of training opportunities. There will never be any peace in Nation Centre until these demands are met. We are tired of seling our blood for peanuts. Moto umewaka.

    Let’s have a date with each one of you on March 1. The whole truth about the rot and decay in Nation Centre will be on display for the whole world to read and see.

  2. You guys from Nation are real jokers. I read in the internet with a lot of amusement how your top executives - Wangethi, Odindo and Co. have turned the towering and imposing Nation Centre into a brothel. Men who have wives in that company need to worry. Though you pretend to be the best journalists on earth by exposing your own bosses and corruption in the Govt and filth in the corporate world, none of you has been able to dig the past of your CEO, Linus Wang’ombe Gitahi. Though his academic and working credentials speak volumes for him, his past stinks more that the other executives you have been pretending to expose. All of you at Nation, including you journalists, are a bunch of sex maniacs. Don’t try to fool us. Who doesn’t know how you share women and hope from one woman or man to another? How comes you have not told the entire world that Gitahi is a gay and bisexual? Talk to his former colleagues at UoN and GlaxoSmithKline in Kenya and Nigeria and you’ll be shocked to discover who his partners are.
    How comes you have not laid your hands on court documents on a messy divorce case he had and why his first wife ditched him? You can continue writing those sex stuff and posting them on the internet. Would you think he cares to fire them? Maybe he already goes to bed with the same executives you have been exposing. How can a hyena get rid of another hyena. Linus pretends to be a born-again Christian but that is a false identity he uses to cover his evil tracks. Get serious guys if you want us to believe you are made of the stuff top foreign journalists are made of. Expose this man, too.

    Former GlaxoSmithKline colleague of Linus.

  3. WHAT!?!?!?! And we watch sijui 24, Lost religiously and we have our own!!! Bring it on... I'm ready for March 1st. Tired of political drama, I want social heart wrenching stuff... bring it!

  4. This is simply outrageous and embarassing for the reknowned paper. If indeed this filth is true, then the company operates worse than parastatals. It is high time that his highness the Aga khan does a major shakeup in NMG by sweeping the entire top teammembers in NMG and replace them with professional qualified individuals who have no skeletons such as those portrayed on current management. I am a disappointed Nation customer and shareholder. Think about what such news will have on shareholders'wealth. Can anyone forward this to all the media channels and to His Highness

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. My GOD!!!
    Now SHIKO should channel her "BUSTED " programme to Nation Media Group, 2nd Floor Sales Executives!!! and maybe some in the " Executive floor!!! am she just shuts UP!! This has killed my confidence in Nation media group and Im definately selling my shares before things go shagalabangala!!


  8. I am shocked and amazed by what has transpired at nation.I know some of those people on a personal level and interact with them almost daily. I would never allow my wife to work there. SHAME ON YOU GUYS IF ITS REALLY TRUE THATS WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN DOING AND YOU DESERVE TO BE EXPOSED!

  9. No wonder i dont have a job and am very qualified! SHAME ON ALL THESE IDIOTS !

  10. this is really hard to believe but if its really true, its a bad show for all of you in Nation.What took you this long?whoever is circulating this?you are a fool and a looser, a deal has gone sour for you and you are bitter, there is always a better way of dealing with issues.
    think about the kids and the wives to all these pple.if you were the one would you want some one to do that to you?
    kindly learn how to clean your dirty linen in privacy.Vengence is entirely God's work.

  11. Karma is a bitch!

    You would never see this kind of immaturity in western papers. Sounds like a case of sour grapes to me. Whoever you are, KARMA IS A BIG BITCH. you watch and see for yourself.

    MD supporter

  12. This is quite shocking. What is more worrying is that these are well known trends in the large and so called reputable corporate organizations of Kenya. I wish similar stories would run for all these corporates (any volunteers to give us these stories!). May be this would re-institute moral values in these organizations. God save Kenya from rot.

  13. I am not surprised,the boys have lots of guts but no shame.
    Wangethi,Odindo,Nabutola are all people with questionable abilities.I have worked for these individuals and i only ask Linus to uphold the NMG name.What is at stake is way bigger than the three.Nation should and will always be a power house with or without the three.I was ashamed that the company i worked for before i proceeded overseas has entertained such eyesores till now.

    Houston TX 2007 March

  14. This is gross misconduct; the revelations are traumatising,disgusting & a shame to the kenyan society.
    Could someone tell us what is "corporate social Responsibility" & if NMG practice what it does preach.Am speechless!!!God forbid!!!

  15. This is gross misconduct; the revelations are traumatising,disgusting & a shame to the kenyan society.
    Could someone tell us what is "corporate social Responsibility" & if NMG practice what it does preach.Am speechless!!!God forbid!!!

    Yours Concerned,


  16. it sounds to me like a case of sour grapes too. there is so much bitterness in the words of the exposer... in as much as i don't want to trivialize the issue because i can imagine it is true and it happens in many other firms in kenya and the global south. when someone is so bitter, and they are exposing these men and hurting their innocent children and families and loving it, it shows that they are doing this, because they are so hurt and angry that, the alternative for them to exposing them, is they would love to take a gun and shoot these guys and wipe them away totally from the face of the earth.

    Having said that, for all my sisters bringing awareness and fighting sexual harassement at work place and in the society. my advise from experience is, refrain from this methodology. It never works! you watch this space and learn from it. To you my sister who is doing the exposure, you need to go to therapy or go to Jesus and deal with your anger and bitterness first, otherwise it will make you mentally and physically sick and even come in the way of your fighting for justice. I am double sure you have slept with all these guys yourself and it must hurt so bad.....

    I am watching this space.....from diaspora

  17. I am not surprised. This sh*t happens all me it sounds like a case of sour grapes too as someone put it. I don't give 2 sh*ts what someone's sexual orientation is as long as they can perform. so for Linus, he better be given the chance to do some work. for the rest, well they can lay each other as much as they long as someone is over 18, they have the brains to know what's right and what's wrong. Time will catch up with them and hopefully, Aids will clean up NMG 2 cents

    Jo-burg SA

  18. It's a woman who's doing the writing. It's obvious from the passion in description and contempt she holds for these men and in particular this woman Adhiambo Odera. Are you JEALOUS of Adhiambo?
    Sounds to me like at some point you and Adhiambo were pals and fell out. You've also slept with these men and was discarded? Like someone has said, this is not the right way to go about it. It will eat you up alive. Seek Guidance, counselling and GOD!!! It's not worth it.

    ps: i hope you are doing this alone because if not, secrets amongst more than one person don't last long.

    Concerned Reader... London UK


  20. WHAT THA ?????

    is NMG scared of this Punk?
    If this was in Europe, this website would have been shut down like YESTERDAY...

  21. If I were you, I'd write a book using this plot instead of wasting your time exposing these wankers. You've got a better chance to make money that way. Good Luck! You sound hurt!

  22. Please note that peoples personal circumstances are different. Some people are more desperate for their jobs than others.

    So if indeed you have a signed oath of silence or whatever you said, it won't be for long.

    Sounds to me like you have bitten off more than you can chew. And the panic is evident in your retoric........

  23. Kenyans are really challenged when it comes to the web. Which Europe is that which shuts down websites? Have they shut down porn sites first? What about those animal-humans sex sites?

    Secondly this site (kumekucha) is not the one writing the dossier. They have simply linked to the site and comments have been posted here, I guess because it is a blog with high traffic and the guys promoting the sex scandal trash want a huge audience. If anything what I have seen here at Kumekucha is a balanced analysis of how the things started (staff were upset by downsizing they saw was being carried out unfairly and they decided to revenge in this way)

    Over 75% the comments here should go to the nationmedia.wordpad/or something like that blog. NOT Kumekucha.

    Good luck to the guy who wants to sue the annonymous Nation bloggers, but it seems he has started off on the wrong footing by wanting to sue the wrong blog. Get your bearings right first.

    This is really interesting though.


  24. The blog where all these comments should be posted is

    which just linked to Kumekucha here. Just thought I should help my web-challenged fellow Kenyans.

    P.S. I hope you know what "linked" means.

  25. interesting stuff!

    like these people, i tried to leave a comment on the other blog but its been diabled or moderated. So therefore, your blog is the next best thing....

    you can disable yours too if you dont want comments left.... i hope you understand what disabled means.

    don't patronise us !!!!!

  26. I think its a high time people holding public offices upheld the dignity and morals thats expected of them. The "brothel" that is NMG is not a new story to many kenyans. The "Mr Knuckles-like(The Liberian minister who stepped down after photos of him having sex with 2 women appeared in the media)" kind of managers should do what they know they should do!! i am so disgusted with these revelations!!

    We are being told in class that the MEDIA is a key tool in promoting GOOD GOVERNANCE (transparency etc...) but is NMG actually doing so? instead it seems to be more interested in saving the faces of these rotten forkojembes. I really dont care if this is a case of sour grapes blah blah we all owe a duty to future generations of Kenyans.

    I am eargely waiting for season five

  27. This is a serious case.For a reputable organisation like NMG?I am just wondering if one of them is HIV +ve.Oh! GOD save all of us.The rate at which it has spread only GOD knows.I wish they resign to save themselves.This is shocking!

  28. Satanism, Devil worshiping, sorcery, inconsistent brains, Rubbish, zero mindedness, unworth living, messengers of doom, dead walking/fucking, name it. That is all i can describe the above named so called "NATION MEDIA GROUP" staff and "bosses".
    Shame on them.
    Do they really know their HIV status? If one or most if not all of them are +ve, do they ask themselves... where they will be in a few years to come?... At NMG?...dead?... Who their kids will be in a few years to come? ...orphans?... what their wives/husbands? ...widows/widowers?... Do these people really need special prayers...or a curse from above?.... Why do their immorality become a burden to innocent and loyal employees of this great media firm? Do they really take what the media preach? How can the media preach water and it's staff take wine?
    I conclude that these people are a headache and worthless to the society.

  29. I think its better late than never. Those who say that this is a case of sour grapes should try work for an organisation where you cannot get ahead because you are not willing to lower your principals for others.
    I congratulate these people because if this is true, hard working well educated and experienced people who are tarmacing outside should get the jobs of these back street trained prostitutes.

  30. am shocked about what has been writen it happens in nearly all organisations but i think you should seek an in house resolve lets save the faces of the innocent ( wives,children)

  31. This is sick stuff. It is ridiculous that this stuff can happen.

    But I also believe that the author of the letter is getting back at NMG for something. I hope that SHE is ready for the consequences. In my book, THREE IS ALWAYS A CROWD. The oath of silence is bound to break at some point.


  32. F**k Prison Break and kina Lost,this is the real thang.Our own Kenyan drama series...!Ebu keep this info.coming and it should even be on telly cz everyone has just kosad adabu!If you need a director....HOLLA!!!!!!

  33. this is drama, at least it keeps us busy in the ofe when it gets unbearably boring.........

  34. Eh! They are surely "Turning on Kenya"...i see why they rebranded

  35. This is a serious issue and has to be faced if all these is true. Those talking of protecting innocent wives/children, aren't they (wives/children)entitled to know the truth b4 its too late? You will be talking a different story if they are infeted with stds AIDS or left as widows and orphans.
    Shame on all those implicated and His Highness should be made aware so that his stops before it wounds the others. But one thing for sure is that after am through with this ms i am selling my shares.

  36. Thanx guys u r truly kenyan we all want this mess off.hey ebu now toa a movie r u guys enterprisers?this is a multi-billion project......good work.

    Movie industry in kenya is coming up.

  37. Don’t we have real men/women at Nation centre? Start sabotaging the system till the Aga Khan shows them the door. How am I supposed to feel if my wife/daughter works at Nation and gets promoted? Wake up guys – throw the pests out into the street – physically!

    We the people who worked in the media in the nineties should take the full blame for what is happening at Kimathi Street. The same thing happens in other media houses as well as leading corporates/N.G.O.’s today. But the media should be above reproach since it is the society’s watchdog.Wangethi & Co. should just pack and go home.We watched our superiors playing dirty games with our female colleagues, but we turned our heads and smiled.

    Reason: it wasn’t my wife, sister or mother – what the heck!

    Now that our wives and sisters are being molested we have the audacity to raise a finger.

    My neighbour is a senior manager at Nation (conservative) and I pointed out that his daughter (she’s now 12 years) will be applying for a job in the same company ten years from now. If we don’t change things now-who will in ten years time? He now sees it from the correct perspective.


  38. i have been following this nation saga for about 2 weeks. now when is part 2 coming out? its kedu like march 6th!

    secondly, its hard to work in a place where u have to lower panties in order to forge ahead regardless of your qualifications. thats why one is always advised to move on if they cant compromise!

    third, if this is a case of sour grapes, then the truth will definitely come out and we shall see if it is indeed true that a mini Sodom & Gomorah is happening huko!

    lastly, if one cant compromise, jump ship!!!!

  39. I recently got the March 1st dossier...which is the latest email circulating and I thought I would post it here for guys to see. There is another one coming soon but Dunno when.

    Anyway, this thing, although long, is utterly shocking.

    Breaking News
    We made a promise in January. And we hereby fulfill that promise. We, a group of patriotic journalists from Nation Media Group, held a meeting in early November and listed the issues that we felt were impacting negatively in the affairs of the Editorial Department.
    The first meeting was attended by more than 80 journalists – correspondents and reporters and a few editors sympathetic to our course – and it was resolved that by writing to the in-coming CEO, Mr Linus Gitahi, we would give him an alternative picture from the one he had been given by our managers. We have the support of the majority of journalists on 3rd floor (newspapers) and 6th floor (broadcasting) and staff from other departments. We have been getting very positive feedback from the staff of all cadres – including senior managers – through the anonymous yahoo emails we have been using to send the stuff.. And contrary to the thoughts of Linus and the sex-for-promotion managers and editors, these emails are the brainchild of journalists in 3rd floor and we don’t work with outsiders. The stuff is prepared and served to your dinning table from right here.
    All the bureaus were well represented and the secret meeting appointed a committee of experienced journalists to spearhead the process of updating Linus on what had gone wrong in the Editorial. The minutes and the list of all the journalists who attended and their ID Numbers are available. We deposited the documents with our advocate so that what we agreed on is binding to all of us. All those who attended took an oath not to betray their colleagues or the course. We are happy that we have remained together despite various attempts by the Security Manager, Mr Sam Koskei, and the NMG leadership to send moles to spy on us. So far so good. No one has become a traitor.
    We are happy that our mission has been a success despite efforts by Koskei to monitor the phones and computers and plant moles in the newsroom to find out who have been writing these mails. Owino Opondo and Mugo Njeru should just give up. Koskei and Linus should have been a little bit smarter. We wrote two letters to Linus in December since we did not trust the leadership of the Editorial Department – the Group Editorial Director, Mr Wangethi Mwangi, and Mr Joseph Odindo, would give Linus the correct picture since the two were solely to blame for the mess and decay in this crucial department. We thought that Linus was a major departure from the past and he would clean up the mess that his predecessor decided to live with. We thought that since Linus was a young and energetic man, he would be in a better position to understand the issues and clean up the mess. Wilfred Kiboro was so close to his managers, eg Wangethi Mwangi, and Dennis Aluanga, and he did not bother to act even when some of the men whose wives had been taken over by the sex-hungry managers wrote letters to complain and presented him with evidence. He argued that sex affairs were personal decisions and they had nothing to do with NMG.
    The Editorial Dept is the heart and engine of NMG, and this is the plain reality in any media house all over the world. So, if all was not well in this Dept, the stench is bound to resonate and be reflected in all the other departments. The Editorial Dept is the moral conscience of NMG, the largest media house in East and Central African region. What we write reflects the views and aspirations of the entire group, the views of the founder, His Highness the Aga Khan, and the shareholders. However, morals in this department have decayed under the watchful eye of Wangethi and Odindo and we highly doubt that the Aga Khan would be part of it. The department has lost its glory due to chronic corruption, sex scandals and manipulation of NMG’s independent editorial policy by outsiders. The two senior editors belong to a small clique of managers who have turned Nation Centre into a brothel and they have turned other people’s wives into their own mistresses or concubines. We will demonstrate later.
    We understand that when the first letters landed on Linus desk, he promptly called Wangethi and Odindo and demanded an explanation from them. As anyone would expect, they denied. But what was shocking to us, Linus took their word as the gospel truth and the matter was buried there and then. He did not even institute independent investigations to the serious issues we had raised in our letters. We went back to the drawing board in January and the meeting resolved that we should use all the means at our disposal to make Linus see some sense in what we were saying. Before Linus took over at Nation Centre, the HR Dept had issued Climate Survey forms which all journalists were to highlight the problems that faced the Editorial and how to solve them. We said everything in the forms. Soon after he reported to Nation, Linus told us he had gone through the issues we had raised in the forms and he would act on them. Our letters had raised the same issues and more importantly raised serious about moral decadence in the Editorial Dept. And we named the Editors and managers who preyed on other people’s wives or those who were involved in the sex-for-promotion-or-hire scandals.
    After being convinced (or out of fearing the managers he found at NMG and who are much older than him), Linus decided he would not act on either the letters we had sent him or the views in the Climate Survey forms. According to him, the letters were anonymous and the journalists who filled the forms did not append their names. He simply said he does not respond to anonymous letters! When we met again in January, we resolved to take our campaigns much higher. We decided to use the only weapon we had at our disposal – the pen. We decided that since Linus had blocked his ears, we should expose the rot in NMG to the outside world. And that is what we are doing today. We resolved to use the internet to tell the world what goes on in Nation Centre.
    First, we wrote to Linus and we gave all the top editors and managers of Nation Media Group, who have been involved in a string of sex scandals an ultimatum of up to February 28 to resign. But they opted to stay put. The ultimatum lapsed yesterday and none of them has shown any willingness to throw in the towel. We believe the top executives who have embarrassed the journalism profession are well known and they also know themselves. It’s pay back time and we now lift the lid to shame them.
    We, journalists, are viewed by the public as the watchdog of the society. It’s our business to expose and criticize political leaders implicated in all manner of malpractices. Be it corruption, sex scandals, political turn coats; name it. We do so while standing on a moral high ground. However, we can’t be taken seriously by the public unless we first clean the skeletons in our cupboards and demonstrate by actions and deeds that we stand by the values NMG stand for and what we give out to our readers every day. We have taken this initiative on own after the new leadership under Linus closed all avenues of dialogue and reasoning and failing to take action against managers who have brought disrepute to NMG. You have the evidence Linus but you don’t want to act. The time for sacred cows is gone.
    It’s now our turn to use the same weapon we have been using against other people. We will turn the spotlight on the managers of Nation Media Group, which prides itself as the mirror of the society and the second gospel after the Bible and the Koran. We will from today begin to unveil the dark secrets the walls of Nation Centre have concealed for years. We will, without bias and prejudice, expose the editors who oversee the editorial matters of NMG and the public will for the first time know the stinking rot that is within Nation Centre.
    What you are about to read is only a tip of the iceberg. More shocking news will be coming your way later in the month. In an attempt to buy our silence, Linus has been busy organizing retreats for us in Limuru in the false believe that the move will cool off the heat. That is escaping from the reality. Instead of taking a decisive action, Linus has engaged in a merry-go-round sort of administration in the hope that he will buy time and we will give up. We will never give up. The noise will become even more louder, the more he continues to display his contempt to 3rd floor and we are the people who toil like slaves to pay his Sh2.5 million plus salary every month. Isn’t it immoral for him to earn that kind of money while we are languishing in abject poverty?
    In exposing our bosses, we are ready and prepared to bite the bullet and put our jobs on the line for the sake of redeeming the image of the Editorial Department and the entire media house. We believe His Highness the Aga Khan did not built Nation Centre with holy funds so that senior managers can turn it into a brothel. How we wish carpets and walls of Nation Centre can talk! Why have we decided to blow off the lidThis campaign was launched with a strong desire to cleanse the Editorial Dept and ensure we practice the same values we preach in our newspapers and on the radio and the TV daily. The biggest beneficiary of our campaign will be our female colleagues who have for so long suffered in silence while they are being abused and used as sex objects by managers who don’t respect themselves and their families. We have taken this bold step to liberate our female colleagues and alert men who have wives in Nation Centre that all is not well. Your wives might be suffering in silence and you don’t know.
    We hope Fida and other organizations that champion the rights of women are listening. What goes on behind the walls of Nation Centre, the imposing and elegant building in the heart of
    Nairobi, is not just publishing newspapers. There are dark secrets that the walls have concealed for years. Female employees have suffered in silence as bosses use them as sex toys to quench their sexual greed. Nation has for years been so critical of the Government and pretends to be the champion of the truth and the injustices in the society. It’s ironical that the same company can work so hard to suppress the truth internally and internal democracy. Any member of staff who dares raise a finger is shown the door. Linus sent Koskei to the offices of the weekly Citizen newspaper in the second week of February to buy papers that were rolling off the press on the unfolding story of the sex scandal rocking Nation. The paper had carried the first story when we first exposed the scandal in public in January and demanded the resignation of the sex predators. To stop further publication Koskei used millions of funds from Nation – the money for shareholders and the Aga Khan – to buy the paper’s silence. He succeeded since the paper has since given the scandal a blackout. In addition to bribing the gutter press, Linus and
    Co. have instructed the IT Dept to block the internet to ensure we don’t circulate the mails on the sex scandal to the entire world. That is a simplistic way of reasoning. What are cyber cafes for? Are you going to block internet worldwide from today henceforth? The real Tsunami is coming. You would better move to higher grounds.
    Since we started exposing the scandal through letters and emails, the argument by Linus has been that he can’t respond to anonymous writers. We would be so foolish to append our names to the letters for that would earn us instant tickets back to our villages. If the argument by Linus is valid and has any substance, then Nation would never have published anything since most of the stories we publish are from anonymous sources. Two examples stands out – the Goldenberg and Anglo Leasing scandals, which rocked the regimes of retired President Moi and his successor, Mwai Kibaki, respectively. Nation was the first newspaper to serialize the two scandals. In the Goldenberg scandal, Nation relied on an anonymous dossier leaked by Central Bank of
    Kenya employees and in the Anglo Leasing one, Wangethi and Odindo solely relied on the dossier of Githongo. Only when Standard and other media houses started serializing the dossier did Nation reveal that it was from Githongo.
    If Nation could trust and go ahead to publish sensitive dossiers leaked to it by outsiders – which threatened to bring down the regimes of Moi and Kibaki – isn’t it strange then that the same Nation can’t trust the same journalists whom it relies on to write the stories their newspapers publish? Why should readers continue believing in what we write if Linus and his leadership can’t trust an anonymous dossier we have sent to him? Everything we have penned in the letters we have been sending to Linus is the basic and solid truth that everyone in Nation Centre knows too well about. Just the same way we treat secret dossiers sent to us by anonymous sources, Linus should treat our letters in the same way. Names of the authors are not important. What is important is the message. Is what he is being told by the journalists the truth? It would be ridiculous if the police or Ringera’s boys get a tip off about a serious crime that is about to take place or which has already taken place and they refused to respond or act because the caller is anonymous!
    The behaviour by Linus and his leadership tells Kenyans a lot about Nation and its lies about standing for the truth. It is now evident that the truth is only sweet when Nation is exposing the Goldenberg, Anglo Leasing, the rot in the Government, parastatals and in other corporate organizations. But the truth becomes so bitter when told about NMG editors and managers. They would prefer the truth to remain buried. From today, we begin a systematic and a long journey of removing the veil and mask that has for years concealed dark and harrowing secrets in Nation Centre. Anyone messing around with journalists should know that its like messing around with a scorned woman. From today, we will tell you the inside story about the sex scandals that have left many female employees terrified and leading shattered and traumatized lives. In this respect, we call upon the following organizations to take a firm stand against the Nation Media Group and demand the immediate resignation of all the kings who have turned female employees into sex pests:
    1. Kenya
    Union of Journalists (KUJ)
    1. The International Federation of Journalists
    1. The Federation of Women Lawyers –
    Kenya (FIDA)
    1. Hon Newton Kulundu, Minister for Labour
    1. Federation of
    Kenya Employers (FKE)
    1. Central Organisation of Trade Union (COTU)
    1. The Law Society of
    Apart from resigning and retreating to the comforting arms of their wives, some of whom appear to have accepted to live with their men despite having being accused of being involved sex scandals with their junior female for over a decade, the Aga Khan should order a major investigations and he will be shocked that the managers whom he has trusted to run his affairs are monsters who keep the female folks terrified. They have turned the respected Nation Centre into a brothel.
    Most of these managers are good material for Kamiti and it’s surprising that they have evaded jail for so long. Wangethi is a classic example. He has been taken to court twice over allegations of attempted rape and sexual harassment. But since he belongs to the inner circle of the ruling Kikuyu elite in Nation Centre, he is untouchable. His famous court case with court reporter Njeri Mwangi over attempted rape in his vehicle will feature in our next issue. Wangethi Mwangi’s famous love affair with a junior employee Linda Gacheru, whose bridegroom-to-be had to call off a planned church wedding because of the secret affair, is another classic example. We will tell you what the jilted lover told Kiboro in letters that were serialized by the now defunct Finance Magazine. We will also tell you how Wangethi almost ruined Linda’s second planned marriage with a different man on the morning of the wedding when the bridegroom bitterly questioned the presence of a NMG driver and whose Mercedez Benz the driver had been assigned to carry the bridegroom. We will reveal more in the next issue. Wangethi has been fighting one sex scandal after another but his wife seems to have accepted to live with the problem.
    To make you have a better understanding that the issues of sex scandals ran deep in all the media houses, not just NMG, take a look at a story run on February 24 Saturday Nation on page 21. It was a story about how a KTN news anchor who had filed complaints of rape against a well known state counsel and part-time KTN news anchor, Mr. Nathan Browne Birundu, lost a good case on technicality. Birundu had been convicted of rape and sent to jail for four years for luring the girl, who was then working for KBC, into a lodging in
    Nairobi on pretext of getting her a better job in KTN. He then raped her. But the man appealed and the case was thrown out. When the matter of the KTN rape saga became public almost five years ago, NMG editors panicked and instructed court reporters to give the story a blackout. They feared that the case would open a flood gate of similar cases against other editors who engaged in such behaviour. The harrowing experience that the KTN anchor went through is what most interns and job applicants go through in the hands of influential NMG editors. It’s called sex-for-hire in the newsroom circles. For a long time, the joke in the newsroom was that there were two sets of interviews.
    One of them was the office one and the other was most crucial – in hotels and lodgings. The joke was that those who performed well in sex got an instant job and the office interview was a matter of formality. This was so rampant when Tom Mshindi was the Managing Editor of the Daily Nation. Then, Frank Whalley, the Briton who was brought in as the Aga Khan to be the Training Editor, took over the mantle from Tom and he left Nation with an sex-for-hire record all other editors envy. We won’t embarrass the more than 15 innocent girls who had to be subjected to Frank’s sex orgy by naming them. Some of them are still in Nation and they are well known. Two of them we last year sent on a training programme to
    France by Frank and they have never written any readable story since they were put on NMG’s payroll almost three years ago. We have interviewed some of the girls and preserved their testimony. How the dossier was compiledWe have several options at our disposal to force the sex-for-promotion-or-hire editors and managers to leave Nation. This is only of the options.
    The most painful part will be when we present the dossier and evidence in our passion to their spouses and children. The sex predators have inflicted deep pain in the hearts of many and we will in turn inflict their hearts with worse pain. The pain will increase with intensity the more they remain defiant. Continue watching this space. How many have families has Wangethi, Odindo, Nabutola, Aluanga, Wanjala and Co. forced to break up because they converted other people’s wives to be their girlfriends? You’ll now pay the hearts you shattered and the pains you inflicted those families. A majority of the women who have been taken to bed by NMG bosses were not willing accomplices. The women either gave in to secure jobs and promotions and for fear of being sacked. We pity Claire Gatheru that she was axed in the recent retrenchment despite being used by NMG bosses like a pit latrine. Read on for her full story.
    Our team, which comprised experienced journalists, worked closely with private investigators we have hired and this enabled us to piece together the untold story of the sex lives of our managers and editors. This will sound like a horror movie from the
    Hollywood but we assure you that it’s real and accurate. Our team of experienced researchers and private investigators talked to more than 150 people, including both staff, friends and relatives of those implicated, and relied on documents and photographic material to piece together this shocking story. We also relied on data from the courts, police records and Safaricom and Celtel. We do not intend to embarrass anyone or any organization. We will protect and conceal the identity of our colleagues and the institutions which gave us useful information that enabled us to compile in this dossier on the shocking sex lives of our bosses.
    Our story will begin with the shocking story of how Ms Adhiambo Odera, was employed under the influence of the Group Editorial Director, Mr Wangethi Mwangi, and his long-time friend, the Group Managing Editor, Mr Joseph Odindo, after she extended sexual favours to them. It’s a story that will shock you and the entire world. Linus Wang’ombe GitahiNMG’s CEOIn the course of our task of unearthing the sex scandal at NMG, a former colleague of Linus at the GlaxoSmithKline posted a scandalous mail in the following link alleging that the CEO was not an angle and he was currently fighting a nasty and messy divorce case in the High Court and that he is a gay! Oooh No!
    The anonymous writer called us a bunch of jokers asking why we were exposing our own bosses and we had not managed to scrutinize the past life of Linus. The insults hurled at journalists by the writer are part of our work. It’s our work as journalists not to ignore or dismiss any information or rumour. The tip off has give a new dimension to our investigation and we are following the leads given by your former colleague. However, we wish to state categorically that our mission is not to propagate and spread falsehood against any of the top NMG managers. We will only disclose what is factual and has been verified by cross-checking claims from various sources. So, Linus can rest assured that we will only expose him if we find out the truth. And it will be interesting to know your background and history for us to be able to understand why you so passionately protect NMG managers involved implicated in sex scandals. The research team has not dug out much information on Linus but we promise to bring it out in the Part Two of the sex scandal rocking the Aga Khan’s house. However, the team has made inquiries at the High Court’s Family Division and confirmed it was indeed true that Linus was at the centre of a nasty case of divorce involving another couple. But the file has disappeared from the registry and we were informed that Linus might have bribed the clerks to hide it to ensure we did not lay our hands of it.
    According to lawyers privy to the divorce case, Linus found himself on the hot spot when a man who discovered he was having a secret affair with his wife filed a divorce case at the High Court. In his affidavit, the jilted lover recounts the pain he felt when he established that his wife was a girlfriend of Linus. As part of his evidence, the plaintiff has tabled in court a photograph of Linus and his wife making love in his own bed (the man’s). Our investigators are trying to lay their hands on the photograph and they are also investigating claims that Linus had a soft spot for Rose Kimotho, the Kameme FM proprietor, who is also a girlfriend of many media practitioners and politicians. The questions which have so far emerged from our preliminary investigations on Linus are:
    • Is he actually a gay as his former colleagues alleges?
    • Does he have any intimate affair with Rose Kimotho?
    • Did he ever buy the silence of his former secretary at GlaxoSmithKline after she accused him of raping her on the office carpet?
    • Why did he drop his middle name Wang’ombe when he joined the corporate world yet this was the name everyone at theUniversity of
    Nairobi knew?
    • Did he try to influence editors of other media houses not to publish stories on his divorce case soon after taking over from Mr Kiboro for fear it would ruin his career and reputation?
    If it’s true you are a gay, you can take pride in that there are other gay partners you can link up with in the newsroom. Mwangi G (of 3rd floor), Rashid Ronald and Baset Biyuka (both of NTV), have found a suitor.
    Unknown to the public, the media have the unwritten rule that bars any of them from exposing the dirt of their rivals or reporting any negative story that will damage their reputation. That is why no media house reports when another is sued for libel or the subsequent court proceedings. And the same silence falls when a media house is found guilty by the court and ordered to pay a fine. But the opposite is shocking. If a media house wins a libel or defamation case, they shout about it to the point of bursting your ear drums. No media has dared to report the damaging sex scandal at NMG or the Linus divorce case. The role of exposing the rot in the media houses has been taken up by the alternative press, whom the leading media houses show a lot of contempt.
    However, the recent events at the alternative press political weekly, The Weekly Citizen, are indeed shocking. It’s the only paper which dared publish the story on the NMG sex scandal when it broke out but the subsequent follow up stories that were lined up did not see the light of the day after NMG’s Security Manager, Sam Koskei, visited their offices and bought all the papers rolling from the press and offered a hefty bribe to the editors of the paper. We will keep you updated on the Linus sex life as soon as new details emerge.
    Adhiambo OderaBuzz EditorSunday Nation.To enable you to understand why this woman is so much at the centre of the sex scandals rocking Nation Centre, we will take you through her sex mind by reproducing what she had written in the latest issue of the Sunday Nation of February 25 in the Editor’s Mix column: I HAVE BEEN RUNNING AROUND LIKE A HEADLESS CHICKEN NOT BECAUSE I HAVE LOST DERECTION BUT BECAUSE MY
    KENYA. I SENT IRENE INSTEAD BECAUSE I FIGURED AM ALREADY VERY BIASED IN WHAT I DEEM BEAUTIFUL (SEE, I LOVE BEAUTIFUL MEN). IRENE CAME BACK GLOWING AND WITH MANY PHONE NUMBERS, SHE HAS SINCE SHARED SOME AND WE HAVE SERIOUS EASTER PLANS…..”Yes, that is Adhiambo Odera, who prefers to be called by her initials, AO. After reading what our research team gathered about her, turn back to the passage above and make your own conclusions. We start with the untold story revolving around this woman since it best illustrates the shocking sex-for-promotion scam at Nation Media Group.Just like most of the Luos in NMG (we are not being tribal as we will explain later), this woman found her way to Nation Centre through one Joe Odindo.
    She came in as an inter cum correspondent, despite the fact that she had been to a back-street private college and her grades were not impressive at all. NMG’s policy on hiring correspondents or employing permanent staff clearly sets out a clear criteria of the minimum qualifications. Any journalist wishing to join NMG must have a minimum qualification of a first degree from a reputable university and at least a diploma in journalism In the case of Adhiambo, she is a Form Four graduate and holds a certificate from a dubious private college. Other job applicants with her qualifications would find it hard joining NMG like somebody trying to squeeze a needle hole.
    When Odindo set his eyes on Adhiambo, he could not resist the temptation. Her huge and swaging bottoms had their toll on the manhood that is in Odindo and he found himself in bed with her. And Adhiambo is not a fool. She knows her body is magical to any weak man and she exploits it to the maximum for her own survival. Adhiambo may have little brains compared to her swaging and bumpy bottoms. But she is a schemer. She knew Odindo had no powers to employ anyone. The power is a preserve of the Kikuyu mafia in NMG led by Wangethi, Helen Mbugua (Human Resources Director) and at the time, Mr Wilfred Kiboro, who was the CEO. Unless one has good connections with the Kikuyu mafia, chances of getting a job in NMG is very slim.
    Adhiambo had done her homework well. Once she had lured Odindo to bed, she cleverly worked out her maneuvers with the ultimate price being the post of the Buzz Editor. Her friends told the investigations team that she knew her qualifications could not earn her a job, even that of a copy taker, in NMG. To her credit, she utilized her natural asset, which she exploited to get a job and she has continued to exploit it to date for her survival in NMG. She very well knew that Odindo, Wangethi, Mutuma Mathiu (current Managing Editor of the Sunday Nation and her immediate boss), and other influential editors were so weak on the slightest provocation or sight of a skirt. And Adhiambo knew she had an edge over other women. The huge spider-like bottoms that she swaggers in the newsroom, leaving many men breathless, salivating and wetting their pants. Few men resist the temptation to follow Adhiambo with her eyes every time she decides to parade her body in the newsroom.
    Adhiambo knew Odindo and Wangethi were very close buddies and she had to use her own kinsman as a stepping stone to catch Wangethi’s eye. The trick worked. It was Odindo who presented the proposal to Wangethi to bring Adhiambo to Nation and when Wangethi’s eyes had the first contact with the woman, his blood turned hot and he had no hesitation not to agree with the request. He had his eyes on the ultimate prize! Wangethi saw the academic papers presented a major obstacle and he and Odindo agreed that they should first bring her on board through the back door as an “intern”. But Adhiambo’s ambitions could not hold back. She continued to work her sex magic in her and that is how she ended up in Malindi with Wangethi during the 2004 Christmas break. The two lovers were lucky to have survived the deadly killer waves of tsunami when they hit Malindi. The staff of the resort club where Wangethi and Adhiambo where staying told our investigators that they spent two nights there and they left in a hurry after the tsunami struck. Wangethi looked badly shaken.
    According to Adhiambo, her friends told our research team, she made maximum use out of the outing. She worked up Wangethi sexually and he admitted that no other woman had ever drained him like her. It was while the two were in Malindi that Wangethi promised Adhiambo that he would influence her employment. On return to
    Nairobi, Adhiambo had graduated from a poor correspondent (the casual employees that NMG exploits their labour and blood for peanuts) to the Editor of Buzz magazine. She takes home more than Sh150,000 every month excluding the hefty fictitious entertainment allowances she claims every week.
    Back in
    Nairobi, Wangethi and Odindo jointly worked out how to shuttle aside Zipporah Musau, who was then in charge of the Buzz magazine, to pave way for their shares girlfriend. But the two gentlemen had up to this time not known that they were sharing her. They came to know about it when we first revealed it in the first letter we sent to Linus Gitahi in November soon after he arrived in Nation Centre. But they denied they had an affair with her when Linus summoned them. But they were both left badly wounded by the revelation that they shared Adhiambo. Zipporah’s academic credentials are impeccable. At the time she was a university graduate, a diploma in journalism and had a wealth of experience. But she had to pave way for this shared girlfriend ya wadoss!
    Zipporah’s fate was sealed she was demoted and given the job of sub-editor for Buzz and she was to be answerable to none other than the Form Four drop out, Adhiambo. Zipporah could not stomach it and opted to confront Odindo and Wangethi and told them in their face she knew why she was being humiliated. Out of frustration, she applied for a scholarship and left for the
    UK for a Masters degree programme. To ensure she did not return to NMG, Odindo and Wangethi flatly declined to give her unpaid study leave and demanded that she must resign. The two knew she stood few chances of making a comeback once she had resigned. While in Malindi, Adhiambo took pride of being laid by the mean-looking and feared Wangethi Mwangi. She sent several SMS text messages to her friends informing them she was with Wangethi in the coast. One of the text sent to her friend read thus: “Sasa. Howz city? I’m in Malindi having fun with my new boyfriend Wangethi. I’ll be bk after 4 dayz.” Another text Adhiambo sent to Wangethi read: “Howz u my darling? I loved
    ur great love-making skills. Don’t forget the jobo u promised me.” A friend of Adhiambo downloaded the text and saved it in her own phone when she borrowed it to make a call.
    This is another email that was downloaded in her phone from Odindo: “I badly need u tonight. R u available? Reply pliz” Never mind this woman is married and with one child. Back to
    Nairobi, after the two were forced to abruptly cancel their outing by tsunami, Adhiambo took pride in displaying to all and sundry a digital camera she had been given by Wangethi in Malindi. And she did not hide the fact that the camera was Wangethi’s. She also showed her friends the photos the two had taken of the deadly waves as fishermen fled for their dear lives.
    After the Malindi sexual escapade, it was Wangethi who approached Helen Mbugua with the proposal to employ Adhiambo. At first, Helen swallowed the hook but she later smelt trouble when one of her colleagues informed her that Kiboro would axe her if he ever found out that she had employed a person who was no qualified through the back door Normally, the CEO is never consulted when the staff at Adhiambo’s level are being hired. But this was a special case. At the time, Wangethi and Helen were so close and Wangathi had been sending some sexual overtones to Helen. So, in order to help Wangethi, Helen called on Kiboro in his office and requested that he bends the employment rules in favour of this woman.
    Kiboro, being what he is known, flatly refused to bend the rules in Adhiambo’s favour and waved Helen out of his office. He was categorical that the move would create a bad precedent in NMG. He argued the other journalists were bound to complain why the management had employed a young and inexperienced girl with dubious academic qualifications to such a big post. Kiboro had sensed trouble. When Helen informed Wangethi what had happened, he was stung. He and Odindo then put their heads together and they jointly approached Kiboro. They told Kiboro that they wanted Adhiambo to get the job since she had “special and unmatched skills”. Unknown to Kiboro, the so-called special skills were not the brains Adhiambo had, but her sexual performance and prowess was unmatched. Kiboro and Wangethi were very close and this changed the CEO’s mind.
    Wangethi and Odindo had separately promised Adhiambo the job in exchange of sexual favours and they were scared the woman could expose their secret affairs if they did not deliver their part of the bargain. By the time Adhiambo was being employed, a love affair was unfolding between Helen Mbugua and Wangethi. Helen was later to learn why Wangethi was desperately pushing for Adhiambo’s employment. This put a major dent in the relationship between Helen and Wangethi and it has remained cold since then.
    Once she had landed on the job she had yearned for, Adhiambo was faced with another gigantic hurdle. Zipporah, who had been demoted but retained in Buzz so that she could remain the engine of her inexperienced boss, refused to do the job and resigned in huff. This left Adhiambo badly terrified since she feared that her weaknesses was soon going to be exposed. The scheme by Wangethi and Odindo was that Zipporah should do all the donkey work and shield the weaknesses of their lover.Up to this day, Adhiambo’s writing is a classic example of illiteracy. She can’t write a readable story and primary school kids pen better compositions than what this woman writes for publication in the newspaper with the widest circulation in East and Central African region. Thanks God we have sub-editors who clean the stories and readers out there think the polished stories are penned by the writer. Being an editor of the magazine, Adhiambo can’t edit a story of perform the job of doing the layout. The job is done by correspondents who work below her. And mark you, the correspondents are not paid for the editing work. They are paid by the number of stories they write. So, that leaves Adhiambo with a lot of free time to display her body in the newsroom.
    In order to survive, Adhiambo has been seducing any incoming Managing Editor of Sunday Nation. The first in line were Bernard Nderitu, who was then in charge of the SN, and Mbogo Murage (Wangethi’s best friend who was axed in the recent retrenchment). She extends sexual favours to these editors to trap them and ensure they did not expose her weaknesses. The woes facing Adhiambo were far from over when Nderitu was suddenly transferred to the Daily Nation in similar capacity and in came the soft-spoken Macharia Gaitho. Mbogo has also fallen out of favour with Wangethi when he learnt they were both sharing this girl.
    He too was sidelined from the influential post he had and he was appointed one of the four production editors. Adhiambo briefly turned to Eric Obino, who was then the Production Editor for SN. Due to Obino’s unmatched pride in the newsroom, he quickly discarded Adhiambo after sleeping with her several times. Just like his friends, Wangethi and Odindo, Obino has a gift of laying NMG female staff, married women notwithstanding. Obino was the hanger Adhiambo hinged on during Gaitho’s brief tenure in SN. To his credit, Gaitho turns cold when faced with a skirt. Adhiambo’s desperation rose to a fever pitch high when her attempts to lure Gaitho were met by a blink wall. Emails and SMS text messages could not wake up Gaitho’s sex appetite. Tired of being ignored, Adhiambo decided to seize the opportunity when a group of Sunday Nation reporters and editors went out for their monthly nyama choma eating outings in the outskirts of
    She would deliberately turn up in very provocative clothes and sit next to the bearded Gaitho. But Gaitho remained unmoved. She then refused to take lifts on the way home (sometimes in the dead of the night) from other colleagues and insisted on being dropped by Gaitho. To add her woes, Gaitho would pack his car with other journalists and ensure Adhiambo was the first to be dropped. Frustrated at having failed to bag Gaitho, Adhiambo would call Gaitho very early in the morning on the day of the outing and ask him to pick him up at her house. But Gaitho would refuse or turn up with other journalists. At one time, Gaitho turned up at the goat eating sessions in Ngong accompanied by his wife, purposely to frustrate and put off Adhiambo.
    Adhiambo rejoiced openly in the newsroom when Gaitho was suddenly and mysteriously moved from the SN and given a less glamorous post of the Managing Editor for Special Projects and Investigations. And in came Mutuma Mathiu, one of the youngest journalists to rise rapidly to the posts of Group Managing Editor and whose sex liaisons with female journalists could only rival Wangethi and retrenched Makau Niko. Mutuma’s list is long. Just to mention a few; Rhoda Orengo (Editor Saturday Magazine), the recently married Liz Gitonga (Editor Young Nation, in Mutuma’s SN), a host of female reporters and interns. Mutuma is married to Alice Kararu, who is a former girlfriend of Makau Niko, and a number of politicians and journalists. Those who were with Kararu at the Kenya Institute of Mass and Communication say she was so generous and anyone, including college watchmen, who required to relieve sexual appetite did not need to prod her before she jumped to bed.
    Mutuma had promised marry Liz Gitonga but he had en eye for sex only. The two had a nasty exchange when Liz discovered that Mutuma was also having an affair with Rhoda. At the time, Rhoda was Liz’s boss and she turned her fury on Liz by refusing to use her stories. To cool Liz, Mutuma sweet-talked his friend Wangethi and he gave her her current job of the Editor of Young Nation. Odindo sees Mutuma as a major threat for its rumoured that it was just a matter of time that Wangethi dumped Odindo and gave his job to the young and energetic Mutuma. Although Mutuma, just like Wangethi, slips into any available opening beneath the skirt without any discrimination, he initially rebuffed Adhiambo’s attempts to seduce him. To frustrate her, he declined to sign her forged and fictitious allowances claims. Using the power of the skirt, she presented them to Odindo who promptly signed. Odindo had to sweet-talk Mutuma into signing the claims when the accounts department queried why Adhiambo overlooked her immediate boss Mutuma and went to Odindo.
    Through the persistence of Adhiambo, Mutuma finally cracked when he laid her for the first time late last year. For now, Adhiambo’s worries for men to protect her are gone. Her current threat is the spotlight she has been given by the way we have exposed her. Her friends who spoke to our research team in confidence say she is nor worried and that is why she smiled so boldly on Feb1, during a staff meeting that saw Wangethi shedding crocodile tears as he narrated how his wife had confronted him over the sex scandal. They say she has threatened to spill the beans if NMG management dares touch her. She has separately met Odindo and Wangethi told them on the face that any attempt to fire her would sound the death of their prestigious careers.
    Zipporah’s recent return to
    Kenya after the completion of her studies has badly shaken Wangethi and Odindo. When we first wrote to Linus in November, the two men panicked and they feared that they had been exposed by Zipporah. We understand they frantically went looking for her when she returned and they have offered her a plum job – to silence her. You can’t imagine these two men are now begging her and the arrogance they displayed to her, forcing her to resign from her previous job. Adhiambo has been laid by at least six reporters and one watchman based at Nation Centre. However, we spare the reporters and the poor watchman the embarrassment. But if we will name them if asked to do so.
    The Editorial Dept started to decay when Odindo stepped in due to Wangethi’s aloofness and created his own parallel powerbase. Even Stephen Muiruri, who is now shouting loudest about the injustices of NMG managers, was a beneficiary of Odindo. Muiruri says it so clearly in the lengthy letters he wrote and circulated recently. Odindo filled key positions in the newsroom with his tribesmen and women and women he had slept with. He cleverly rewarded non-Kikuyus like Muiruri, Bernard Nderitu (Odindo doesn’t hide his dislike and contempt for this man), Njeri Rugene, Peter Wangai, just to cover up his tracks and please the Kikuyu mafia that run NMG.
    It was shocking to read Muiruri’s letters crying wolf yet he was the benefiaciary of Odindo’s plans to reward his fellow Luos. Lucy Oriang (who has a child with Odindo) and Rhoda Orengo (both girlfriends of Odindo) have been major beneficiaries. Just like Oriang, the names of David Aduda and Owino Opondo appear in every new list of promotions. Opondo’s post of Parliamentary Editor was crafted for him by Odindo and it’s just an empty shell which gives him an avenue to rake in a huge salary for doing nothing. Where is the wisdom of having the posts of Parliamentary Editor and Political Editor? Don’t they duplicate roles?
    Our pleas to Linus to do away with the multiple posts of editors which duplicate roles have fallen on deaf ears. The posts were purposely created to reward girlfriends, friends and sycophants of both Odindo and Wangethi. Odindo influenced the employment of his long-time girlfriend Mildred Ngesa, after she decamped from the Standard in a huff when she got wind of intentions to fire her for non-performance. Although she is on a high salary at Nation, compared to those of us she found here and who generate many stories, there is nothing to show for the duration she has been at Nation Centre. In some months, you’ll find she has only written one story and in her best months four stories. Or did she too have “special and unmatched skills” like Adhiambo, Joe?
    Is it then a wonder that Buzz only publishes sex stuff and corrupts the minds of our children? Is Adhiambo fit to be the role model of your children, Kenyans?
    Wangethi’s other affairs in NMGHis love affairs with Irene Karanja (his former secretary), Veronica Kinyanjui (former Features Editor), Linda Gacheru (a junior staff who rose through the ranks rapidly and ended up in a plum job the HR Dept), Wahu (formerly of Advertising Dept), Njeri Mwangi (formerly a reporter of Editorial Dept), and Claire Gatheru (a reporter who was axed in the recent retrenchment) are not any secret to staff who have worked with Wanagethi for a long time. Both Veronica and Wahu had sons with Wangethi. Wangethi panicked when Wahu died of Aids complications a few years ago.
    Through the instigation of Wangethi, feature writer Wambugu was shown the door by former Managing Editor of the Daily Nation, Mr Tom Mshindi, after he discovered that Wambugu and Veronica were having an affair. When Wangethi was the Group Managing Editor, his office was on thrird floor at the corner where Bernard Ndiritu has an office and it overlooked the features desk. He often left his office door open to have a glimpse of the goings on at the features desk. He became so uncomfortable when he saw Wambugu sitting close to Veronica. It was a known fact that Veronica had a soft spot for Wambugu. In fact, one day Wangethi went to visit Veronica at her house in Dagoretti and by bad luck, Wambugu was in bed with Veronica. When Wangethi knocked and Veronica drew the curtain and say who the visitor was, Wambugu had no alternative but to slip under the bed. Wambugu had to endure the agony of being under the bed for hours as Wangethi took over from where he had left. Wambugu only emerged from his hideout after Wangethi had finished his mission and left.
    It was a close shave for both Veronica and Wambugu, who were both juniors of Wangethi. The story has been told by Wambugu so many times that it’s like his national anthem. But he takes pride in that he led the way and his boss followed in the same hole! Veronica ended up being married to Wangethi’s buddy Mbatau Wangai. Wangethi’s love affairs with mothers and their daughtersThis is something that is bound to shock Wangethi’s wife and those who know the man.Wangethi had for a long time had an affair with seasoned journalist Esther Kamweru, who is currently the founding and Executive Director of the Media Council of Kenya. As the two continued seeing each other, Wangethi came to know Esther’s daughter (the girl’s identity is withheld), whom he seduced and took to bed.
    The mother was so furious when he discovered what Wangethi was doing behind her back and she terminated her own relationship with the man.The same things happened when he was having an affair with Irene Karanja, his secretary for many years. Wangethi turned to her only daughter and the affair (with daughter) went on until Irene retired from NMG. Wangethi was pushing so hard for the daughter to replace her mother at Nation. When that failed, Irene’s daughter brought their family friend, Angela Gacheru. She was not in Nation for long before Wangethi worked his sex magic and took her to bed. Angela later left Nation after she hooked up with a Briton and went to
    London. If the carpet and the walls of Wagethi’s office could speak, the story of Claire Gatheru would be one of the most fascinating one. In her own account, Claire narrated to her friends in the newsroom how Wangethi laid her on the carpet until she strained her back.
    Her story has some similarities to that of Adhiambo. Although she has impressive academic credentials (a KU degree, a diploma in journalism and a Masters degree), her stories were worse off than a composition for an average Standard Four pupil. However, she found her way to Nation through Kiboro, after he had been approached by his friend Erastus Mureithi, then the managing director of the Co-operative Bank. Mureithi and Kiboro are related by the marriage of their children. Interviews with former KU year-mates of Claire and lecturers revealed that she earned her degrees by lowering her pants. Any student at the campus could lay her without dropping a sweat in seducing her. She could hardly write a readable story and most sub-editors took the earliest flight to the toilet to avoid being allocated a story done by her. But she well understood her predicament and she resorted to seducing and sleeping with any editor who could influence the publication of her story.
    When she arrived in Nation Centre, Obino was the deputy chief sub and he opened the door for many of his colleagues. Their affair ensured that Obino cleaned her stories and gave her a by-line. Next was Wainaina Kiganya, who was sitting at the subs-desk. His affair with Claire saw the publication of her stories. Wangethi and Bernard Nderitu followed suit. In her own words (she has a loose mouth the same way her legs little provocation to part), she seduced Wangethi and Nderitu to ensure she was not sacked for her sloppy copy and poor performance.
    She started seducing Nderitu during a staff party for the staff two years ago. Nation had attracted very bad publicity when Claire was a court reporter. She slept with anyone who could part with a fat bribe; court clerks, lawyers, magistrates and judges fell victim to her sexual manourvers. Claire was also notorious for taking bribes in the courts to kill a story or influence the publication of a story she had interest in. That is why both Wangethi and Nderitu had to be trapped so that her stories would see the light of the day. Court reporters interviewed by our research team said there was a day serious allegations about graft were leveled against Claire. She had been given money by lawyers of one party over a matter that was before court so that she could kill the story. To the shock of the other court reporters, all of them were summoned to Wangethi’s office and quizzed about the bribe allegations. And it was so clear that the allegations had been leveled against Claire Gatheru and not a whole mob of court reporters.
    Rather than Wangethi face Claire in the face and demand an explanation from her, he made a general condemnation and kept skirting around Claire. He was afraid the woman could reveal the secrets she had kept in her legs. Wangethi and the other editors shared Claire with reporters. But let’s spare the reporters for now. Dennis AluangaThis man, who is the brainchild of the current retrenchment at NMG, is right at the centre of the mess bedeviling the Editorial Dept. Using his influential position as the CEO’s defacto deputy, Aluanga has continued to starve the Editorial Dept of the much-needed cash to allow it to operate independently. He personally influenced the slashing of the Editorial budget.
    He does not understand the pain we undergo or the pain of raising a family of your own. The man is 40 plus and still a bachelor. He preys on other people’s wives and young female staff who fear losing their jobs. Rahab’s (secretary to Atebe) case is a classic example of how Aluanga has ruined happy marriages. Rahab was ditched by her husband due to her affair with Aluanga. Her children have been denied the comfort of a father because of her own sins. Cleaners got a rude shock when they one day when they accidentally stumbled on Aluanga making love to Rahab on the carpet of his office. Those guys, though they were doing their official duties, luckily survived the sack. Aluanga’s other girlfriend is Frida, the girl who was recently promoted from the cash office on ground floor to the shares section on 4th floor. Aluanga played a key role in her promotion. There is a woman who resigned from the accounts section after she was raped by Aluanga in his office and she is so traumatized up to this day. We’ll not name her since we don’t want to add more trauma in her life. But the details of the sexual attack is well known on 5th floor.
    Ken Kaunda, the person who lasted in the post of Human Resources Director for the shortest period, was hurriedly shown the door by Kiboro when the CEO went to Kaunda’s office and accidentally bumped into him deeply engrossed in kissing with a secretary he had brought with him to Nation Centre. To save Kaunda from embarassment, Kiboro issued an urgent circular in all the notice boards announcing the “sudden departure” of Ken. And Joe Adongo, the first person to occupy the newly-created post of MD for Nation Newspapers found the door as first as he had come when a five-star hotel in the vicinity of Nation Centre swung a bill of more than Sh300,000 to NMG for room charges incurred by Joe while “entertaining” different girls.
    He had asked the hotel to send the bill as for entertainment! But the question on everyone’s lips in Nation Centre is why some managers are untouchable when faced with sex scandals. Why were Adongo and Ken hurriedly shown the door? Kiboro is himself no angel. His affairs with Wangui Muchiri, former NTV reporter and now CEO of NCBDA, and Fatuma Hirsi Mohamed, NMG’s Group Corporate Affairs Manager, are no secret. And what about Nuri, a driver who was promoted to a senior position and given an office job near Wangethi’s office? Her fellow drivers say Kiboro slept with her when she temporarily became his driver and he ordered the HR Dept to promote her. Never mind Nuri is married. At one time Fatuma, Wangui Muchiri and other woman who was working as Kiboro’s PA and was based on fifth floor almost fought, each of them being furious that their territory had been invaded.
    But the Kikuyu mafia in Nation Centre knows how to cover one of their own and only staff from other tribes are forced to resign when faced with sex scandals. Odindo survived being sacrificed because of the wide publicity this matter has been given.
    The most shocking things about Aluanga is that he displays a lot of contempt and hatred for his elderly parents. Being a bachelor, he lives in one roomed rented house and he says his parents would only be allowed into his office after they had been disinfected and de-wormed! This guy can make you sick. Why are NMG bosses so sex hungry?Wangethi and Odindo have created so many posts that duplicate roles and the occupiers of these offices have a lot of idle time. To pass time, they either sceme on the women to lay and sleep and snore in their offices. Have we spoken the truth Odindo? Don’t you sleep and snore loudly in your office disturbing our peace as we are trying to generate your hefty salary?
    Wangethi and Odindo are responsible for creating so many posts which duplicate roles to reward their friends and girlfriends. In our previous letters, we have listed the posts that need to be merged or scrapped but this has fallen on deaf ears. We have a whole battalion of people walking around the newsroom carrying titles of editors and they have nothing to show for it. A big chunk of the budget for the Editorial Dept goes to paying heft salaries for the idle editors. It’s immoral to pay one idle editor Sh400,000 each month and pay a reporter who toils like slave Sh60,000. All the top editors and managers earn salaries of between Sh500,000 and Sh1million plus each month.For instance, where is the wisdom of having the posts of Editorial Director and Group Managing Editor? And what about the numerous posts of Managing Editors? And yet still, the countless posts of editors? No wonder Wangethi has a lot of time to lift skirts, play golf during morning working hours and entertain his friends in beer sessions in his office in the afternoon. And Odindo is often falling asleep in his office in the afternoon due to boredom. And this happens when majority of hardworking journalists are toiling so hard to generate the hefty salaries and perks for the bored and idle editors.
    It was also shocking to hear you and the other managers making a mockery about our degrees. This is what added more fuel into our resolve to expose the rot in Nation. You, too, will not be spared. Where else doe we have Form Six editors in the newsroom apart from NMG? How can correspondents and reporters who are university graduates, some with first degrees and others with Masters degrees, continue reporting to Form Six drop outs who are incompetent?
    It’s the policy of NMG that reporters and correspondents should have a minimum qualification of a university degree. Why is the rule an exception to some of the editors? Linus, you have no option but to respect our academic qualifications. Form Six and Form Four editors must leave our newsroom if you want peace.Union
    It was ridiculous to hear managers on February 1 denying they had not played any role in killing the journalists union. There is no doubt that NMG leadership played a big role in the death of the union and this started when new journalists were denied a chance to join KUJ.
    This weakened the union since members who leave are not replaced. Salaries for our members have not been reviewed for the past three years. Yet, the management staff gets heft pay rise every January. We demand the immediate review of our salaries. Flimsy excuses wont wash. There are serious attempts going on currently as Linus and Helen desperately try to reach KUJ officials to bribe the so that they can stop the crusade of championing the rights of the hard-working journalists. This wont work.Correspondents
    About 75 percent of the content published in all NMG publications is the work of correspondents, casual workers who are paid peanuts for the sweat of their labour. Though NMG prides itself as the champion of human rights and publishes stories on how other companies oppress their employees, the opposite happens in NMG.
    Correspondents are today’s modern slaves. Although they toil so hard, they end up being paid peanuts and most of them live in abject poverty and die in misery. This lot is paid by the length of the stories they write. But the mode of calculation is top secret by the NMG leadership to ensure a huge chunk is taken away from the poor correspondents to take care of the hefty salaries of their bosses. That is one way the Editorial bosses manage to live within the department’s budget. We demand better pay. Most correspondents remain unemployed during their entire careers.It’s a miracle for the correspondents, especially those in the rural areas to earn Sh5,000 a month.Isn’t it immoral for editors and a group of well connected staff to go smiling all bank and the poor and voiceless correspondents can’t have a decent livingWe demand a complete overhaulof the entire Editorial Dept. Idle bosses and all those tainted with corruption must be sent packing. We need a transparent criteria of employment, promotions and sharing of training opportunities. There will never be any peace in Nation Centre until these demands are met. We are tired of selling our blood for peanuts.
    The spouses of all the people implicated in the sex scandal will soon be hearing from us. The red flag has been raised. Be on the look out. Coming soon: PART TWO of the sex scandal
    • The untold sex life of Linus Wang’ombe Gitahi
    • Why Irene Karanja’s husband committed suicide and the role Wangethi Mwangi played.
    • The famous story of Wangethi Mwangi and Linda Gatheru. Why did a frightened Wangethi jump out of her Buru Buru house at night as be zipped his trouser?
    • Wangethi Mwangi’s attempt to rape court reporter Njeri Mwangi and how the case poses a grave danger to his marriage and career.
    • The day Ken Oluoch saved Wangethi Mwangi’s skin from an angry bridegroom on the wedding day after the husband-to-be discovered the NMG boss was having an affair with the woman he was just about to vows in church.
    • Why Ken Oluoch saved Wangethi Mwangi and the similar tales of their office carpets.
    • The shocking sex life of the Bull of Nation, Cyrille Nabutola, Group Marketing Director. Why do most of the sales executives on 2nd floor have children (BOYS ONLY) who closely resemble each other? Why can’t NMG bosses take action against him even after being found making love to women in his office?
    • The shocking love affair between Mrs Helen Mbugua and the KBC MD David Waweru. Why has this woman gone so cold and taken cover of late? Find out why.
    Read these and more stories in the next issue. You can’t afford to miss it. It’ll be hot and explosive. In the PART THREE, we will table all the evidence that we have gathered. This will be the most painful part for the NMG sex maniacs. We are praying they will still be in office by then so that can enjoy the stuff with the rest of us. Mambo bado. Hii ni kiojo tu!

  40. hi. let me first explain what 'the small provider' is all about. im a
    guy who recently found out that my girlfriend of 3years had been
    cajouled for sexual favours during her internship. the anger and
    resentment i feel for such dispeakable upper tier management animals is limitless and it is through this that i formally apply to help your cause. it is time to bring these animals down. iv read your article and my anger reached its peak whilst reading how these animals assume that marriage is just a tittle that can be overlooked. what is even more sickening is the rape. i know you're wondering why you should
    even consider me, but i feel that i would love the chance to exact
    some long overdue revenge on any of these animals (killing one is just
    as good as killing any other) and it is through this that i humbly
    bring my web development skills to your table to use it as you wish. i
    can build you a proper website with as little as kshs.3,800 which will
    be used to register the domain name( for example,
    the site shall be hosted in a server in the United States and shallbe inaccessible to any of the high tier animals who try to bring it down. the site shall use upto 3 mirror servers through which even if the site is brought down on one server by hacking, the hacker
    (presumably funded employed by higher tier nmg managers) will have to do it another 2 times (1 server down + 2still active servers). it is guaranteed that by the time the hacker brings down the 1st server, the server administrator in the US and i shall have already made security provisions to counter any repeat attacks thus ensuring the site is online 24/7 telling your story until the time or day you instruct me to switch the site off. no one would be able to establish who set the site up and from where. even if they track the site to the states,they cannot do anything about it, not unless they hop onto a plane, fly to the states and proove to the hosting company that they are indeed 'the small provider'. they can only proove this by submitting any one of my choice complex passwords. by setting up the site and making the public aware of its existence, i believe we will be putting
    these animals on an open range where they cannot hide from what has been exposed. pictures of these animals would rattle their cages to
    the point they would have no option but to resign and succumb to the
    long arm of the law. it is this action that would make the public
    protect our girls and expose the girls who think they can use their
    bodies as bargaining chips for jobs.
    kindly consider my offer. i need not renumeration for this. revenge
    would be sufficiently enough. even if you decide that i am unworthy of
    your heroic cause to free our wives, daughters and sisters, pleasedrop me a note on this email telling me as such. i thank you for your time and for your consideration.
    the small provider.

  41. whatever is hidden is always exposed to the roof tops. Imagine the innocent wives/hussies n children? Kuddos

  42. " 1But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. 2People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— 5having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with them.

    6They are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control over weak-willed women, who are loaded down with sins and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires, 7always learning but never able to acknowledge the truth. 8Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so also these men oppose the truth—men of depraved minds, who, as far as the faith is concerned, are rejected. 9But they will not get very far because, as in the case of those men, their folly will be clear to everyone."

    - 2Timothy 3:1-9

  43. Kenya kuna mambo!

    Somewhere in the email, there is mention of a lady who died of AIDS, does this not concern the people mentioned? Hmmm ... Shortly the staff at NMG will be falling like flies.

    What is the point of further embarrassing the many women who have been taken advantage of in this manner? Perhaps the author should have considered exposing just the women with "The Plan" e.g A.O.

    I agree that this sounds like a woman scorned. But scorned or not, being that this was coming from a journalist, SHE should have done a better job with the flow of the narrative.

  44. AON MINET is another classic example. With "Golfing trips" to Eldoret, Nakuru and other towns of operation, managers sleep with tea girls, who are coerced to submission. I cannot refute the fact that some of these girls want to do what they do, but it still beats reason that a man so high in the corporate world can bend as low as sleeping with subordinates. Urghhh!!!. Some of them are murdered even in Kenya. Not just NMG.

  45. Wow! Amazing!

    I don't know what is more amazing! The fact that NMG sounds like a brothel in hedonist hell, seething with humanity of the lowest quality, or the fact that the men in and around NMG are made up of only 2 kinds: Caricaturist MTV-style P.I.M.P's on the one hand (the so called Upper Management) and on the other, Cowards and weaklings that let their wives and women be molested and taken advantage of with nary a word of protest until now. And the motivation for this revelation is suspect at best. Sheesh! Even the method of revelation is most cowardly.

    I am so confused. I don't even know who to be more disgusted by.

    And is it just me or is it ironic that writer of this article is almost as bad a writer as Adhiambo Odera. They are/were probably friends. I guess it is all self-referential in this piece; as the kettle calls the pot black.

    If I were to hazard a guess I'd say the writer is someone that went through this him/herself and is probably bitter that others came and played the rotten game better than them and they got left writing obituaries or something.

    Whatever the case this bespeaks a compromised media (as any one with half a brain had already inferred anyway). So much for journalistic integrity. Our Cerberus is a drooling blind mangy rabid and randy dog with its head stuck up its own pusillanimous arse.

    That we should be so lucky.

  46. I agree with Anonymous' view where the motives of this author are brought to doubt.
    When this story first broke out, I was elated since it has been an open secret for half decades.
    However, as it progresses, it looks more like a bruised ego trying to get back at their employers for perceived wrongs.
    I shudder at the thought of this author as an editor; the language does not flow; to many emotions in it.
    You lost me once you stopped being objective.
    My advice; focus on the real issues and the story will come out right.

  47. i would really love to believe this story but the lack of conclusive proof is making it kinda hard. perhaps it's out there somewhere and i haven't seen it. if it is i would really appreciate it if you could send it to me.
    and what's with the emotion-filled narrative? i thought such exposes should be presented in an unemotional, objective manner to allow the reader to draw his own conclusions? continue like this and you will soon be dismissed as one suffering from sour grapes over some real or imagined slight...

  48. i know this story is true like what happens in many other companies in Kenya

  49. How come the "whistle blowers" don't call for the resignation of Adhiambo and the other women involved in the alleged sex scandals as well?

    If they are all over 18, then the phrase "IT TAKES TWO TO TANGLE" applies to them just as it does the men!

  50. So when are you going to post the rest of the story for us to read?

  51. You can all go rot in hell you shameless men and women at the NMG,no wonder you can't employ serious kenyans who got qualifications.They all should go home and create space for the serious people.SHAME ON YOU ALL!!!!!!

  52. could it be that the author of this scandal wa arrested it i think i heard something like that am just waiting for the other episodes

  53. Am interested in knowing other Adhiambo Oderas lovers in the newsroom. Keep me posted at, email me soon

  54. The story goes on and on! Read here the new open letter from 21 June 2007 to His Highness the Aga Khan:

  55. amazing!!! this is one hell of a soap opera right at home if this is true which i think it is thealmost the entire population of nmg is infected with aids or sme std! have pple no shame? thos monsters will pay 4 this

  56. Guyz, How is it that you have such serious allegations. The only worrying bit is that the timing is bad and one may doubt the authenticity of your allegations.

    I am deeply disturbed by what I have just read. I surely don't understand how it can reach to such levels without being noticed or addressed. As it is now it is pathetic.

    Shame on you guyz you have deliberately killed the multi-million corporation. It never comes easy for a third world country.

    We need an intervention, all humanity, sex is killing us through the generations. No one has ever found a cure for this malady and we surely will continue to suffer. the funny part is that for as long as this habits continue the generations to come will inherit them and it will become a vicious cycle.

  57. This sex scandal only has one advantage. When the promiscous are wiped out by the HIV/AIDS the elite will take over the jobs. Just screw up but in the next three years as the NGO's are handling the orphans/widows, NMG will regain its lost Glory. SCREW HARDER we need those posts ASAP.

  58. Kenya is said to be 80% christian hence we expect to be ranked 80% in as far as morality is concerned. when all this abomination is happening right here with us, why then do we wonder why our society and indeed our beloved country has gone to the dogs? these people should be exposed and since all apart from maybe fatma hirsi are christians, then God's judgment should be upon them. they have turned our otherwise God fearing nation into another sodom and gomorrah. they should resign and repent. they should ask kenyans to forgive them otherwise i reiterate my prayer - may God's judgment be upon them.(exodus 37:7)

  59. woweeeeeeee! and i have a gal in NMG,--MSIKO ANDERE, or are they already scrolling her pussy?

  60. hey this person needs to get a good man coz shes not get some...was the laying done at work this grown ups and it happens all over the world ...go get screwd gppd

  61. Ooops! Is that true? how are we supposed to trust this media house? Anyway let me not comment until the truth is verified

  62. i think the Aids now is circulating in those offices. What i will just advise the affected is to start praying to their God to give them time in this world.REST IN PEACE.

  63. i am a victim too.. the Daily Nation rapes me..NTV rapes me..their silly FM stations also rape me...why do we bother with they give us anything.

  64. We are eagerly awaiting the new season for this high profile drama. dont keep us waiting like this

    Also though I know this story has a true origin, i doubt if all is authentic, especially those bitter sentiments are are so evident in the narration. Tone it down and it will be more believable.

    Why would a girl who sleeps with editors and managers want give to a lowly watchman? you are being unnecessarily vindictive my dear.

  65. Ngai! Then all is lost for Kenyans. Include the Fourth Estate to the already rotten three. God should put another set of People in Kenya. WE are not worth HIS Grace.

  66. Oh dear!

    He! He!He!The NMG should think of starting a new series based on these sex scandals and replace them with the crap that they bring on T.V these days.
    NMG, pull up your socks!!!Mko down mpake mko beneath!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  67. I totally agree , this things happen. I know also of this Mzungu the owner of East Africa Air charters that MUST KNOCK every innocent young girl that ask for a job in his company. Please expose this Monters. Where will our Sisters,wifes and friends work if employers are not after proffesionals but sex. Too bad.


  68. God help us!!!!!!

    This is so sad since i was looking forward to joining NMG.They should be ashamed since they are too old and its disgusting.

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