Thursday, January 18, 2007

If Kalonzo Leaves ODM-Kenya, What Are The Options For Charity Ngilu?

Prior to the 2002 elections, a popularity contest between Charity Kaluki Ngilu and Kalonzo Musyoka was unimaginable as it was obvious that the iron lady of Ukambani politics was miles ahead not to mention she had contested the presidency in 1997 and made history by being the first woman in the country to do so. She finished a respectable fourth, ahead of the late Kijana Wamalwa but trailing winner Moi, Kibaki and Raila in that order.

Plenty of water has flowed under the bridge since then and Kalonzo Musyoka has managed to bridge the gap after he quit Kanu and joined NARC ahead of the 2002 elections.

Now that he is going for the presidency, Kalonzo could be more popular as a result of his campaigns round the country but he has numerous shortcomings, which are proving fatal to his popularity.

Unlike Ngilu, Kalonzo does not assist his supporters uplift their living standards especially the unemployed ones by getting them jobs and he prefers to have them following him around and survive on the meager hand outs that he dishes out to them.

Ngilu is known to have secured jobs for hundreds of her supporters and their relatives in the short period that she has been in government and in Ukambani it would not be surprised if it emerged that she is more popular than Kalonzo in some constituencies. Ngilu's efforts to assist her kinsmen may not be in national interests and one needs just to take a look at appointments in the ministry of health since 2003. They read like a roll call at the popular Machakos Sports Club.

Kalonzo is also known to be aloof and arrogant and cannot mingle comfortably with the down-and-out and poor unlike Ngilu who is a darling to the poor and is known to spend lots of time listening to their problems and making every effort to solve them. On the positive side, this motherly instincts have been responsible for the tremendous job that has been done at the Ministry of Health over a very short span of time.

In fact if Ngilu can play her cards well in the forthcoming elections, she can be very instrumental in checking the influence of Kalonzo in Ukambani and even force a significant split in votes to deny him a block vote from his home area.

In spite of her limited education compared to Musyoka, Ngilu has the charisma to captivate a crowd better than Kalonzo and she is also miles ahead in platform politics compared to the soft spoken former foreign affairs minister who has little time nor patience for 'small people'.

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  1. I Can only laugh at u.

    Where the hell do u get yo 'facts;? First u should get yo history right about the 1997 election results. U've repeatedly written that Ngilu emerged a 'respectable fourth'. That shows what close relatives u and ignorance are. Ngilu was 5th with 400,000 plus votes. Michael wamalwa was 4th with more than 500,000 votes.
    U keep telling us that Kalonzo has never been concerned with uplifting the living standards of his people, How abot ur master raila? Luos have been perenially rated as the poorest people in Kenya (Poorer than even the mijikenda. Raila was minister for more than four years and all he did was to loot public property. U, ur mother,sister and brothers spend all yo time attending political rallies or creating campaign blogs at the expense of prodction. Kibera ,for yo information is the largest slum in the world. Who has been mp there for the last 15 years? Yo guess is as good as mine. Even the Kibaki we so much love to hate appointed him minister for housing hoping that he will help those luos in kibera. That never came to be n it confirms what we have always suspected,that unless u r cut u cannot think proper.
    Now u said that Ngilu can take a chunk of the kamba vote. I am sorry my friend this can only happen in yo imaginations andc dreams. The kambas like most other Kenyans are firmly behind Kalonzo.
    The only reason u guys hate him ids coz he unlike some other "presidential candidates" in odm has refused to be raila stooge. How do u become a stooge of ur political junior?
    U said in one of yo postings that kalonzo engages in witchcraft, how about the human sacrifices Ralph Tuju told us of.
    I would expect u to educate kenyans on the need to shun corrupt leaders (Raila and Ruto) and emrace the spotless Steve but coz u r a typical luo u choose to engage in mudslinging.
    Wake up from yo dreams guys, Raila can NEVER become prresident of Kenya. (Not in this world nor in the next) His political future is in Kalonzo's hands.
    Tell us more about the appointments in Afya house. These are all from Mbooni and it is nothing the kambas can be proud of.
    We are not ready for a KIHII yet

  2. Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment here.

    You are correct about Ngilu being 5th and not 4th as I have stated and I take this opportunity to apologise to our readers for this error.

    However you are incorrect on everything else you have said. To start with this blogger is NOT A Luo. If you took your time to read the rest of this blog with an open mind and not just articles about your beloved "Steve", you would quickly find out that fact for yourself.

    Although this blog does not support Raila for the presidency, I do not agree with your sentiments on Hon Raila. In fact your blanket judgement on the Luo community ignores certain pertinent historical facts where the Kenyatta administration for instance deliberately spread false propaganda and did everything in their power to frustrate the Luo whom they saw as a threat. You also do not seem to be aware of the fact that Charles Njonjo is on record as saying that he preferred to sit on a table to eat with dogs, rather than the Luo people. Obviously this kind of naked prejudiced hatred against Kenyans, irrespective of which corner of the republic they come from is not right. I wonder if your beloved Steve feels the same in private about some of these issues. Kindly educate us as you seem to know him very well.

    P.S. Could you also tell us why your beloved Steve called a press conference to tell lies saying that Kamba politicians were clean and did not practice any witchcraft, even after witchcraft paraphanelia (including a human skull) was recovevred from a car in which an MP and an alleged "medicine woman" had just died after drowning? Who was Steve protecting?

  3. Dear Annonymous,

    I just forgot to remind you,

    You just said that YOU meaning WE, I guess you meant Kenya. That you are not ready for a KIHHII. You sound like the Jews who believed that Christ came for them alone and not for the Gentiles. I imagine that you are talking about circumsision since I have heard some people talk about the same word.

    Just to let you know, because of the issues of aids, etc, I know about Luos who are these days circumsised and they even circumcise their children. Not because they are trying to respond to your primitive demands. So my question is because you may never know whose penis is trimed or not, will that still be your creteria for one to be President? We may never be sure what kind of a penis one has including President Kibaki! It only their wives or any other women who have had the privilege to see them naked to have the right to report about the nature of their penis. But if the nature of the penises were the right creterion for leadership in this country, why is it that all the ones belived to be having your kind of penis have performed so poorly, including Kenyatta. How would you react if one of your favourite politicians was stripped naked and found not to be having a penis at all? Would they still be the right kind of leadership?

    Ponder about this as you still think of how not Kenya should have a KIHHII as as President. By the way - AMERICA at one time thought that it was still not ready for a black President. Today, Obama is on his way to becoming the 1st black President in that great country. Fate sometimes in very just - Here at home Amolo Odinga will be the first President who is a KIHII - Two great Luos will have disapproved stereotypes and prejudices and proved that it not what people judge you to be but what is in you and what you believe in an can do that counts!



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