Monday, August 14, 2006

Minimum Reforms Campaign Linked To Snap Polls Plan?

It seems that the campaign for minimum reforms before the elections has picked up with a vengeance.

What leading opposition politician Raila Odinga is saying now, in almost as many words is "No reforms no elections." This will sound disturbingly familiar to most Kenyans as these were the exact tactics used against former President Moi. Especially in the run up to the 1997 elections (we are now heading towards the 2007 elections. Another similarity is that both election years end with the number "7")

The government has responded swiftly saying there will be no reforms before the elecetions and that the issue should be taken to the people to decide. Strange how this talk of the people deciding has come in only when we are on the verge of the general elections. Why were the people not allowed to decide on other contentious isssues during the Narc reign?

But we know both sides are playing politics. The opposition is using the refoms platform to scuttle the chances of the president calling for snap polls. The government side wants snap polls to gurantee victory and catch the opposition unawares.
Mystery Solved: The People Who Killed Mboya and JM Kariuki

Do you want to get the Younger Generation in Kenya into power in 2007?

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