Monday, August 14, 2006

How Nation Columnist Gitau Warigi Describes You

…"As anybody who surfs the Internet knows, Kenyans in the diaspora are a noisy and opinionated lot. But politically they are of no use to the presidential aspirants…"

That was the verdict that Sunday Nation columnist passed on you yesterday in his Sunday View column. I have my own opinion about journalists and Sunday Nation columnists in particular, but I was just wondering what you guys think of this verdict on you.

It is another way of saying that we are all wasting our time on the web (making noise actually) remember what we used to do as kids in the class in primary school when the teacher stepped out for a few minutes?

Over to you Kenyans in "the diaspora."
Mystery Solved: The People Who Killed Mboya and JM Kariuki

Do you want to get the Younger Generation in Kenya into power in 2007?


  1. Without voting rights i.e. overseas voting... who cares?

    UNLESS Kenyans come to Kenya to vote & influence others to vote in the "good" candidates... she is right!

  2. whatever else I think about that guy (and once in a while I do get violent thoughts about his opinions), this time I will agree with him. what we express are opinions based on what we see out here/there. Our way of thinking is informed by the life we are living and would like kenyans to live. But who actually thinks the opinions matter? we have not reached a stage in Kenya where the opinions of those in the Disapora matters. It would be good if we did get there, but we are not there yet. They/we dont/cant vote, not enough people who vote read anything that we write. And those who read believe we gave up our right to talk about events in kenya when we left.I do think I agree with him

  3. 1st...thanks for all the political info.

    2nd...why have you enabled comment moderation on this blog?
    Its more fun commenting once i know what other have said.

    3rd...I live in the US and i must add that Gitau Warigi is sooooooo RIGHT!

    Kenyans here think they know everything about Kenya & yet they have never been home in 5+ years

  4. Enabling comment moderation does not stop you viewing the other comments. And I publish all comments especially the critical ones, if you've noticed. The moderation is to avoid comment spam which if allowed could flood this blog so much that you'll hardly be able to read anything on it.

    High traffic blogs are sitting ducks for massive spam comments about irrelevant stuff. Even enemies of Kenya within can't be trusted. It pays to be careful where you can.

  5. Thanks for the reply BUT i disagree!

    Ati..."Enabling comment moderation does not stop you viewing the other comments"

    It does! If someone posts on this blog, i will only read their comment if you have enabled it i.e we have to wait for you to release people's comments.

    Example;When i was typing out my comment yesterday i did not see any comment under "7 Things That Will Happen To Kenya If Kibaki Is Re-elected"
    Today there are 5 comments!!!

    These people did not all comment at the same time. Hence if i commented i would have thought i was the 1st one.

    This can cause unnecessary repetition and its good to know what s'one else has said inorder to agree/disagree.

    The best way to avoid spam comments is through WORD VERIFICATION which you have already activated...and that should be enough.

    I have a blog so i know what i'm saying.

    All in all...nice blog!

  6. Okay have disabled comment moderation. Let's see what happens shall we? Hope that I'm proved wrong, it is a fun thing to reply to comments in real time.

  7. I don't think Gitau Warigi is right
    This is my own opinion-in my experience, 'something' happens to kenyans in the diaspora once they return home-their ability to freely express their opinion, make comments, and speak out (either critically or truthfully) is lost-or at least severely curtailed
    all of a sudden they begin to say "things here are not as bad as we thought out there" Could it be we become comfortable cloisterd in the cocoon of familiarity-our tribes, our languages, our country with same old 'kawa' problems-we even justify problems saying "ahh bana,this is what makes home home"

    Mr Warigi sir, kenyans in the diaspora simply amplify the voice of those back home that feel threatened to speak out-i wonder why they feel that way?(sic)
    we shall continue to be noisy and opinionated

  8. Kenyans abroad are looked up to by their siblings and extended families and hence play an important role in shaping opinions and setting trends , weather gitau likes it or not matter of fact ia that it is his kind who let kenya down , writing from their comfort zones in the middle class and yet not up to the task of getting their hands dirty.


Any posts breaking the house rules of COMMON DECENCY will be promptly deleted, i.e. NO TRIBALISTIC, racist, sexist, homophobic, sexually explicit, abusive, swearing, DIVERSIONS, impersonation and spam AMONG OTHERS. No exceptions WHATSOEVER.