Friday, August 11, 2006

Author of 'Young Kenyans Arise' Being Looked For

This blogger urgently seeks to get in touch with the genius who came up with the analysis below that has been widely distributed via email. (I would still advice readers of this blog to cut it now, paste it in their email and send it to all Kenyans they know).

The reason why I want this nice man or lady to get in touch with me is because their services are urgently required for the good of their motherland.

Young Kenyans Arise!

Are you below the age of 45 years? .Then you are young!

Do you love your country Kenya? Do you think you have a stake in the happenings in the country Kenya? Does the future of our beloved country mean anything to you?
Think for a moment: if you are 45 and below – to reach Mwai’s age you have at least 30 more years to live! Do you want the group that calls itself leaders in this country to chart your future for you? Or do you want to be part of the change that is necessary to build this country?

Let us sample a few : this is not about tribal chiefs and their kingdoms – for our progressive future requires that we grow up and shed the tribal and regional glasses and think as a nation and tap on our potential- while appreciating our diversity which must be celebrated as opposed to being use to divide us.

Kalonzo Musyoka: a member of Moi government as cabinet Minister for over 20 years! The Nyayo torture chambers were run - we all knew about them -while he was a senior member of the government that was torturing its own people. We never had his voice! What makes him a spokesman of the down trodden?? Under NARC he oversaw the plunder in funds misuse at the Ministries for 3 years- see local dailies for details. He quit the government in June 2002 since he knew there was no way KANU was going to win the election- a selfish move. He was a Part of the ODM last year – if he is Mr. clean where did he and his colleagues get the money for the NO campaign? Ono of the directors of Kalonzo foundation is Renzo Barnade who is a partner with Lee Nyachae at Kenya Bunduki- the Nyachae’s are known to work closely with Aura Pereira- the NARC regime Kamlesh Patni- Young Kenyan the conclusion is yours.

William Ruto: A senior member of the amorphous group called Youth for KANU 92. It is common knowledge the plunder this group of young thugs did to our Country Kenya during the early 90’s- being young does not mean the same thing as integrity! It made him an overnight millionaire!!! Could he say what honest job he did, where and when to amass the wealth he has? Do we want a leader who have grabbed properties to leads us to destruction? He was a member of the MOI repressive regime until the end. IF he is Mr. clean shouldn’t he answer three simple questions – who funded the YK92-where are the audited accounts, who funded the referendum campaign, what made him a savior after being part of regime that tortured Kenyans who spoke their minds?

Uhuru Kenyatta: Young Kenyan with a bright future . His family owns 250,000 acres of land in Kenya – this is equivalent to the area covered by Nyanza province. In free market economy this could be acceptable save for the fact that we all know that this was stolen from the Kenyan people by his father! In a country where 60% live below the poverty line a dollar a day – he should be ashamed when he stands before us and tells us about prosperity of our Nation and Our rights! 80% of Taveta residents are squatters in his family land = 40,000 acres. SHAME ON YOU UHURU FOR ATTEMPTING TO HOODWINK US AND GRAB more!

Otieno Kajwang: he has been struck from the role of Advocates in Kenya for stealing client’s money- how can he possibly talk to us about good governance and ethics while he is a thief himself? Case of log in your eye……………………..

Raila Odinga: 7 political parties in a period of less than 10 years means the man believes in nothing. It was all about what is in this for me- Kibaki Tosha call was an own stomach call since he knew the history of the man- he was in the government that detained him for 12 years. Before my Luo brothers lynch me I would like them to consider this issues seriously for the first time – what benefit does a man derive by following another blindly to a non defined destination? Would it not be more profitable, if we were all to take responsibility for our lives? The future is in our hands! Luo thrift, Kisumu Molasses Plant, Supply of Butimen to the GOK, highest spending Ministry on luxury Cars was his, did all Luo Nyanza MPs bribe their way to parliament?

Mwai Kibaki: a member of the government for 40 years – see no evil hear no evil let no evil enter into your mind! Until an opportunity occurs for you to ascend to the top seat for the sole purpose of sitting on that seat! Kenyans were fools to imagine that a man who had been in the system for 40 years could cause any change- he knows no difference.

Mwiraria/ Murungi: the arrogance of power and the ANGLO FLEECING SAGA whether real or imagined speaks for itself. A LAST Deal might have been done on Tuesday 31st February to supply Radio communication equipment by the famous Kamani Group- worth 2.6 billion!

Mukisa Kituyi: there is a rumour that the man owns a helicopter after only 3 years of being a minister. Period to the run up to the 2002 election, it is rumoured that he owned very little!

Ole Ntimama: the tribal chief- remember the “lie low like an envelope” remark that caused death of several Kenyans in what was called tribal clashes- turned spokesman of the people! HOW?

………………… THE LIST GOES ON AND ON ………………………
I do not need to go further in analyzing them. It points to a need to completely change our political clothing for this country to change the direction we are taking. There is nothing special about all this characters and we need to send them packing whenever the elections are called. Let us spread word that there is need for complete overhaul of the elected leaders.

LET US VOTE OUT ALL THE 220 MPs currently in the August house! Let us refuse the bribery during the campaign period – we are 73% of the population and must answer to our Children what we did to make their lives better!!


Mystery Solved: The People Who Killed Mboya and JM Kariuki
Do you want to get the Younger Generation in Kenya into power in 2007?

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  1. Outstanding! When you find out who wrote this please make it public... outstanding young Kenyan on point.

    That's the way to go. The best defense is an offence: Seeing as Kenyans vote personalities then let's meet them half way by breaking down what their "icons" have been up to all these years and how they've really been sucking Kenyan dr in the name of politics... Then next to that you can write down their non-exsistant manifestos/plans for this country...

  2. surely, why do we keep voting for people over 50years and yet all they do is be as corrupt as if the world is comming to an end, why do we keep voting for people just because they showed up for campaign with expensive cars and a big bag full of just amazes me that we all know who is corrupt and they still buy their way back to parliament yet we keep on complaining its time for young Kenyans to vote


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