The enigmatic Jimmy Wanjigi, a billionaire businessman and presidential hopeful, has long been involved in Kenya’s political scene, influencing major elections, and engaging in business dealings that have made him a household name. Recently, he appeared on a TV show, spilling critical revelations that shed light on some of the country's most significant issues.
Wanjigi delved into the controversial Standard Gauge Railway (SGR) project, revealing how it was used to fleece Kenyans and described in detail how the Eurobond scandal unfolded. His insights also included why the Kenyan president and his deputy have fallen out politically but why the president has, on several occasions, refrained from completely taking down his deputy despite having the power to do so. This has puzzled many, but Wanjigi suggests there may be a deeper political strategy at play.
For those who missed this eye-opening interview, it wasn’t just political drama; it was a session filled with revelations on Kenya’s leadership and governance. In addition to his political insights, Wanjigi also revealed why he, a businessman, has ventured into politics despite his vast success in business dealings.
While his wealth comes from major government contracts, Wanjigi’s rise has not been without controversy. His involvement in key election cycles—from financing the Jubilee campaign in 2013 to switching sides to support NASA in 2017—paints a picture of a businessman who isn’t just a political observer, but one whose business interests have been deeply intertwined with Kenya’s political landscape.
From his early days navigating Kenya’s political elite to his entry into the world of government contracts, Wanjigi’s career reveals a man capable of both strategic foresight and ruthless ambition. His business model involves facilitating major deals and securing massive commissions, which have often led to both success and conflict. As Kenya continues to fight corruption, Wanjigi's story raises significant questions about the future of political financing and whether such figures will continue to shape the country’s political landscape.
This article explores the rise of a man who, despite being less known in mainstream politics, has left a mark on Kenya’s elections and business world. Through his own words and a closer examination of his career, we begin to understand how power, politics, and business are often intricately connected in Kenya’s high-stakes game of governance.
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