There has been a lot of speculation and gossip circulating about what allegedly took place at State House Mombasa on the eve of Mashujaa Day. According to some reports, on the evening before the celebrations, Raila Odinga, Mombasa Governor Ali Hassan Joho, and Mombasa Senator Mohammed Ali attempted to meet with President Kenyatta, only to be denied entry. The official reason given was that the president was engaged in a meeting with military commanders. They were asked to return the following morning for breakfast when the president would be available.
The next day, the trio returned at 7:20 AM, and were ushered into the VIP guestroom. However, as they waited for the president to join them for breakfast, the hours passed, and by 9:30 AM, there was still no sign of the president. Later, it was revealed that Deputy President William Ruto had flown into Mombasa on a Kenya Airways flight and was holding a private meeting with the president. Ruto then attended a mosque function, followed closely by the president.
At the Mashujaa Day event, Raila Odinga was not on the list of speakers, but Governor Joho allegedly broke protocol to invite Raila to address the crowd. Afterward, Raila and Joho reportedly skipped the luncheon, opting instead to retreat to a private location, sulking.
The goal of this story, widely circulated on social media, was clear: to paint a picture of a political fallout between Raila Odinga and President Kenyatta, implying a major shift in their relationship. However, there are several reasons to doubt the authenticity of this narrative.
First, Raila Odinga is an experienced politician who knows how to navigate State House. He would never rely on gatekeepers to arrange a meeting with the president. Additionally, Raila has direct communication lines with the president and his aides, making it unlikely that he would be left waiting for hours, especially for something as routine as breakfast.
The story, though intriguing, is likely a fabrication. It serves as a sensational piece of gossip, appealing to the public's love
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