By Kumekucha reader
These are not the days of one party rule for which the old geezers now trying to surround Uhuru thrived in. There are a few things which bind Uhuruto for now:
1. ICC where they either hang together or be hanged separately
2. The new constitution - without Ruto, Uhuru is nothing unless he (Uhuru) changes the constitution.
3. Parliament - Uhuru is weaker than Ruto and therefore Uhuru will fail in any attempts to finish Ruto
4. Political Parties Act - URP and TNA are independent parties.If Uhuru advisers think they can con URP to campaign and vote for him and then runs away with the cake. He is wrong by a wide margin. Uhuru needs URP to pass government agenda in parliament.
5. The Supreme Court - Recent ruling by the SCOK indicates the direction future rulings will take and they dont seem to favor Uhuru.
6. Historical injustices do not favor Uhuru to mess again with the nation of Kenya like his father and Moi did. Kibaki tried and almost burnt the nation and we are not out of the woods yet.
7. There are county governments with their own ideas which do not favor Uhuru's central government.
8. Finally, I believe the promises Mama Ngina gave Ruto cannot be broken easily by Uhuru. He will have to keep them for the sake of his mother.
Yaani you to stay that Mama Mgina's hasty promises made to Ruto wil continue to bind Uhuru's hands like a vice until his days at the State House (his father's old house) are over by way of a general election or term limits? Gives new meaning to a situation where by a son finds himself in a pickle due to motherly bind with no room to wiggle out of it for as long as he remains an aoocupant of the house on the cursed hill.
ReplyDeleteTalk of unintended consequences of motherly promises to a former adversary of a current adversary who will never agree to takee a ride again on the one time Harambee bandwagon that was once programmed to make headway into specific direction and places in the country while carrying and distributing double-matunda ya Uhuru to the lucky few.
ReplyDeleteKumekucha Reader has stated it as it is without mincing words and Kenyan political history as we know it will prove the eight (8) points as having been 100% on the mark.
ReplyDeleteCarry your own Gross
ReplyDeleteKimeumana san:
ReplyDeleteBensouda wants Ruto barred from ICC talks
BILLY MUTAI| NATION MPs pray with Deputy President William Ruto and his co-accused, Mr Joshua arap Sang, outside ICC on October 2. Prosecutor Ms Fatou Bensouda has asked the judges to compel Mr Ruto to attend today’s session despite an earlier excusal.
In Summary
The trial chamber had in the first phase of the proceedings cautioned Mr Ruto from discussing the case against him outside the courtroom. The judges gave the warning after Mr Ruto granted a media interview while in The Hague.
By Walter Menya
More by this Author
ICC prosecutor Fatou Bensouda has filed an urgent application asking the court to lift the excusal it gave Deputy President William Ruto to skip Thursday’s hearing.
Ms Bensouda said that the excusal had been granted on the grounds that he would be in Kenya when President Uhuru Kenyatta travelled to Kuwait for the third Africa-Arab Summit.
The ICC allowed the cases against Mr Kenyatta and Mr Ruto to alternate after their lawyers said the Constitution does not permit their absence from the country at the same time.
However, according to Ms Bensouda, Mr Ruto may have misled the trial chamber since he is expected to lead the Kenyan delegation to the Assembly of State Parties to The Hague Thursday.
Kenya is pushing for an amendment to the Rome Statute to stop the court from indicting sitting heads of state and government.
Ms Bensouda also submitted that Mr Ruto’s absence from Kenya could be a demonstration that his and Mr Kenyatta’s absence from the country at the same time was not anchored in the Constitution.
“The Prosecution requests Trial Chamber V(A) to reconsider and vacate its decision to grant the excusal of the accused, Mr William Samoei Ruto from attending his trial on 21 November 2013,” she said in her application.
“The Prosecution has been informed that Ruto is set to lead the Kenyan delegation to the Assembly of States Parties’ (ASP) 12th session, which commences on 20 November 2013 in The Hague.
“The prosecution notes that Ruto’s excusal request was premised on the fact that he would be constitutionally required to be present in Kenya until 21 November, due to the absence of Kenya’s President, Mr Uhuru Kenyatta during that time.”
She said that considering Mr Ruto’s scheduled presence at the talks, his rationale for an excusal was no longer valid.
“Either Kenyatta will return to Kenya before 20 November 2013, making Ruto available to appear at trial on 21 November, or alternatively Ruto’s presence in Kenya is not in fact indispensable, notwithstanding Kenyatta’s absence,” she said.
AU is a dead horse relying on cash from EU. AU is promoting impunity. AU is enslaving Africans the way the tribal chiefs sold our people to Europe, Middle East and America.
ReplyDeleteAU should let suspects (small fish and big fish alike) be charged in neutral international courts.
AU should look for ways to solve problems like AIDS, joblessness, Migration to Europe, Sell out to China and bad governship.
AU dont ashame Africans
The fact of the matter is that Kenyatta's left hand is not only tied and legs are not only tied onto a huge tree floating in a freezing river - ICC - but his partner of temporary political convenience, Ruto, has been and remains an albatross around Kenyatta's neck, and may end up taking him down and whatever is left of his family's legacy down the dumps of history. Kenyatta must find a way to free himself from Ruto's hand and political shadows, otherwise the current partnership as it is will become Kenyatta's Waterloo when the opportune moment presents itself sooner than later.
ReplyDeleteHaa! Haa! Haa! Haa! Haa! Haa! Haa! Haa! Haa! Ati The world cannot do without us?
ReplyDeleteSays who? Who are the real we - us? And what part of the free world cannot afford to do without a bunch of deluded politicians who are busy leading their nation down the drainage of impunity and ruin for decades to come?
The other part of the world that is not free will only help us ruin ourselves and nation in many ways known to men with sick minds and sickening political intentions.
whatever other factors you factor in, ony one the only one matters
ReplyDeleteKenyatta's family wealth is stached in the west!
This is what has made things elephant.
Benfunda has access to this and it is scary.
ofourse there is that small question of " who was the commander in chief (CIC) in all this?" Mwai is not as safe as we may think.His goose is notyet cooked,but Uhuru K will do it. That's what is in the Rome statutes.THe CIC
RIP G Thuo and others who were caught up in this maze.Lee F Home has serious business in the days ahead. It is called "unintended cross fire"
They can make all the noise in the world,but this scares them most
First of all, the writing is the wall, so let the old time Kenyan deadwood politicians and ranks of post-Moi generation of delusional senior MPigs should beware of what they are wishing for as they spoil for a winless fight against the Brits who have known Kenyans in more ways than they have ever known themselves December 12, 1963.
ReplyDeleteSecondly, why is Kenyatta the son of Kenyatta allowing his henchmen, political bandwagon riders, fair-weather advisors, and legions of sycophants, hyenas and vultures, to lead him down the path of self-destruction and consequent waste of the so-called family business interests and especially the wealth that the Kenyatta family and family friends have stashed away in various financial institutions based in the UK and parts of Canada?
The ongoing chest-thumping, ground stomping and uncontrollable lashing out at the UK will only end up opening up a real can of worms or a Pandora's box for wealthy Kenyan politicians, businessmen and families that have amassed ill-gotten wealth for decades.
The rest of the public should not be surprised to start seeing the release or disclosure of names and foreign secret accounts and properties owned by MPigs, hyena-businessmen, vulture civil servants, and many well connected bottom-feeders - families - that hand free rein for years.
Observers can't wait to find out where the chips will have fallen in the aftermath of the ICC trials.
ReplyDeleteWhy is one of your hands still tied behind your back since last week given all that has been going around and beyond the country's borders?
For instance, the MPigs have remained stubborn and continue to resist taking a simple step of looking into the mirror in order to find out whose bloated salary packages that must be cut back - reduced - by sixty-percent, or 60%, or else the government will soon be bankrupted.
The trademarked MPigs are so worried that there will not be enough gravy-troughs for them if other government employees and political appointees continue to draw - eat-together - huge salaries with golden perks that are being dished out by their respective payroll-masters - doubled-mouthed mastiffs - in the nation's capital and throughout the counties.
The MPigs shot themselves in their split hooves when they blindly agreed to stoke the very same old political agendas and pass bills that are now solely responsible for hemorrhaging the nation's treasury and all the resources that could have been put to better use in terms of developing the non existing infrastructure nationwide.
Billions and billions of shillings continue to be wasted down the drains of corruption and sewages of impunity and personal greed on a monthly basis without any checks and balances, yet the powers that be expect business as usual as their only way forward until the next general election.
For how long will the financial hemorrhaging last before the MPigs and their glorified clerks begin to realize how far things have fallen apart and into the dumps of dysfunctional modus operandi by the government?
Kenyatta's hands willcontinue to be tied and bound every which way because Kenya remains a country where the lives of regular police officers and administration police officers are not valued in any way, shape or form.
ReplyDeleteSeveral moons ago a combined force of police officers was ordered into action or security operation without adequate preparations and necessary vital support, to the point where over forty-three police officers lost their lives due poor leadership and method of operation.
A senior officer like Commander Daniel Musili Mulyungi was among the dead whose remains were never retrieved after he was mowed down by the cattle rustlers and left to rot in the harsh wilderness Suguta Valley for a over a year.
Not a single government officer regardless of rank or department should ever be allowed to die in the wild or remote areas of the country as a result of mediocrity, ineptitude, corruption and very poor leadership by the top brass.
In memory of Cmdr Daniel Musili Mulyungi and forty-three fallen police officers who perished in Suguta Valley.
May they all RIP.