Wednesday, August 03, 2011

TJ monument finally goes up as Kumekucha releases new secrets from past assassinations

LinkMy late dad used to fondly refer to him as TJ and he could never stop talking about him. The man was assassinated when I was only 5 years old in 1969 and so I knew little about the man

I went out and did some serious research. It did not take me long to realize why the man had so mesmerized my dad. I was quickly converted.

And so when I launched this blog I hit the ground running campaigning very hard for the recognition of the man and for his killers to be brought to book. But to be honest with you, I never thought for a minute that in my lifetime I would see what I saw yesterday. Finally a monument in honour of a great son of Kenya has gone up in the CBD.

In case you still have no idea what I am talking about, I am of course referring to Thomas Joseph Odhiambo Mboya, or simply Tom Mboya. Sadly my dad did not live to see the country finally remember this man they were once determined to forget. Great pity. He would have loved it for sure.

The monument is stationed about 50 metres from the exact spot where TJ stopped two bullets from an assassin on that fateful lunch hour 5th July 1969 outside a chemist.

Interesting coincidence because I have just completed my latest book, Political assassinations in Kenya where I reveal some fascinating new information on the biggest political assassinations in Kenyan politics and those who were involved. Tom Mboya, Pio Gama Pinto, JM Kariuki and Masinde Muliro. Yes many Kenyans don’t even know that Muliro was assassinated. Very neat clinical job but it was an assassination and this becomes very clear when you study what happened after his death. Actually this is the only political assassination in Kenya that I know of that achieved its’ objectives.

The reason why I did this book and chose this particular topic was because there have been fears that masters of impunity in the country who are not happy with the reforms and new constitution will revert to political assassinations. I hope that this never happens and so I decided to do this book to reveal the full horror of assassinations so that Kenyans get very determined for us never to return anywhere near that bloody path of the past.

I have plenty of free information on the book. All you need to do is fill in your email address in the pop up box that appears after you click HERE.

Right now I am so excited about the new TJ monument.

If it is true that constitutions are written in blood then TJ’s blood is amongst the blood of other Kenyans that wrote our current brand new constitution.


Get a sneak preview of Kumekucha’s new book: "Political Assassinations in Kenya"


  1. It is very sad that these gallant Kenyans had to lose their lives. Thanx Kumekucha for highlighting these evils of the past.

    It must never happen again.

  2. Did Raila kill his housegirl?

  3. And this book can get you assassinated or make you money.

    Ati Ida says she lost a " friend " in the house girl who passed away. aaiii!!

  4. Chris

    Mboya aint exactly what you want the world to believe he was.

    There thousands of other Kenyans who deserve more accolades than what TJ undeservedly got.

    Why were Kenyans pursuing a new constitution for more than 30 years, if not because of TJ?

    Why is there for much unequality and skewed allocation of resources if not for the likes of TJ?

    If the extremely sly and self centred TJ was the biggest hero Kenya ever saw as you want us to believe, who can you say is his political son or daughter that he personally groomed in those days?

    And dont tell me about the infamous US uplifts of the 1960s because that aint what I am asking.

    Give us a break and lets start discussing how we can keep watermelons and statusquoists out of power. We STILL need implementation and even more reforms. Kumbuka devolution was on 50% of what we wanted.

  5. The bitter fact of the matter is TJ was (mis)used by Kenyatta to mistakenly fight Jaramogi who had called out Kenyatta the land grabber. Eventually when people close to kenyatta realised Mboya was in fact in frame to succeed to Kenyatta, the simply liquidated the fellow.

    Sadly, history seems to be repeating itself in the ODM rivalries currently playing out in the Kibaki succession. Ruto was used to the point of opposing the new constitution and went as far as convincing the people who needed devolution the most to oppose the katiba. He is being used to fight Raila Odinga for attempting to reclaim the Mau Forest. How sad and how unfortunate.

    Will he also be liquidated in similar circumstances as TJ then try to blame ODM rivalries in the same manner people tried to blame Jaramogi for TJ's assassination?

    Thankfully, ODM is not Raila and Raila is not ODM. Besides, the new constitution is already promulgated and with Ocampo breathing down the necks of warlords and kings of impunity, one can only hope this country wont have to waste another generation of Kenyans for 50 years so as to get a truly representative and popular government.

    Shindwe kabisa pepo mbaya.

  6. Phil of that useless kablog is trying to import raila worship into KK.
    Bure kabisa!!
    Talking of land grabbers, will phil of kibera tell the whole world why Raila is in court trying to desperately hold onto squatters land that he illegularly acquired?
    While at it, will this hypocrite also explain why mollases plant that belonged to Nyanza residents is now a private property of this same septuagenarian family after making shady deals with Moi??

    Kenyans are tired of putting up with likes of Phil who think that telling a lie million times transforms it into a truth.
    Phil, stick to that kablog of kina oo and his kind. Leave KK alone.
    Chris is telling it as it is and if you want to rewrite history well there is freedom of press, go ahead.

  7. I know I am playing a guitar for a goat but I would like to ask Phil a very simple question.

    Does it mean that you were with us here in Kumekucha only when we supported Raila and now that we no longer do, you hate us and hate Chris too?

    I remember in 2007 you never said anything evil about the late Tom Mboya.

    Just go on talking bad things about dead people utaona. Tena dead people who were greater than your molasses Raila will ever be.

    -Mistress wa Chris-

  8. Let sleeping dogs lie.

    Come 2012 the country will have moved on and Phil will still be jerking off using a Raila photo.


  9. I love this accurate and I am not suprised Phil has retreated back to the woodwork. I have edited a little.

    Phil of that useless kablog is trying to import raila worship into KK.
    Bure kabisa!!
    Talking of land grabbers, will phil of kibera tell the whole world why Raila is in court trying to desperately hold onto Malindi squatters land that he illegularly acquired?
    While at it, will this hypocrite also explain why mollases plant that belonged to Nyanza residents is now a private property of this same septuagenarian fellow after making shady deals with Moi??

    Kenyans are tired of putting up with likes of Phil who think that telling a lie million times transforms it into a truth.
    Phil, stick to that kablog of kina oo and his kind. Leave KK alone.
    Chris is telling it as it is and if you want to rewrite history well there is freedom of press, go ahead.

    I support 100%

  10. sep·tu·a·ge·nar·i·an (s p t - -j -nâr - n, -ty -, -ch -). n. A person who is 70 years old or between the ages of 70 and 80.

    Thanks anon 7:40 pm for making me pay Webster dictionary a visit and its so to the context hair dyeing or not. I love kumekucha :).

  11. Some silly arguments here really of who is greater btwn Raila and Tom Mboya. Reminds me of that pissing competition when were were kids arguing for hours who shot his piss the furthest.

    The statue was a very Well Deserved tribute to the late Tom Mboya. His spirit lives on!

    Hope we could honour more patriotic Kenyans and foreign heroes like Mandela and Kofi Annan who helped save this nation from going up in smoke after Kibaki was sworn in at night.

  12. Can Mwarang'ethe give us his Puiiiii! Prrrrrr! comments!!!!!!

  13. Breaking News: Phil's brother and key advisor to PM Miguna Miguna suspended for gross misconduct....harrasment and use of abusive language. Phil should be very afraid.

  14. Chris why not tell us the latest news happening around your beloved PM:
    Death of his housegirl and now suspension of his big mouthed aide Miguna gunia.

  15. poor mikuna bet phil and his clueless kin in that kauseless kablog are mourning the firing of their so called 'hon' mikuna...
    raila has finally realized hiring this fellow was a bad mistake..maybe phil and that kablog owner can give mikuna gunia a kajob of writing trash..

    ti hi hi hiiiiii

  16. First of all, thanks for being among committed Kenyans who have kept "TJ" Mboya's flame lit as well as his memory alive at a time when others have struggled so hard and done everything within their powers to erase all of his political contributions from the memory and archives of the nation's history.
    On the other hand, I would like to confess my ignorance - lack of common knowlegde - about Masinde Muliro's ("MM") assassination.

    I kind of heard some rumours here and there while I was busy discovering myself and at the same time trying to determine what my future held among the big hearted Scandinavians.
    BTW, were you aware of the fact that an earlier assassination attempt on T.J. Mboya's life had been botched (totally failed) eight months before his life was cut down by the black hand's bullet wielded by N.I. Njenga Njoroge'?
    An account from the horse's (an 82-yr-old eyewitness/former SSP) mouth: A police officer, chief inspector by rank, based in Murang'a [Fort Hall as it was still known by some at the time] got wind of a plot being hatched to eliminate T.J. Mboya through mysterious circumstances.

    So he called in a favour that was owed to him by an old friend from their tough days at Kiganjo.

    The friend was a cordial, patriotic, honest, outgoing, friendly, very enthusiastic and young Special Branch officer, named Matanga (he was from the coast and not to be confused with the late DCP H.N. Matalanga from western).

    He asked Matanga to caution T.J. Mboya's personal driver not to ever leave T.J. Mboya's official car unattended, otherwise it would be compromised or interfered with - "fixed" - by very unfriendly political forces.
    Later on a senior superintendent (SSP) of police, an officer by the name P.O. Ochieng, drove to T.J. Mboya's residence and asked his personal driver to switch vehicles in the last minute just before Mboya was scheduled to head out from Nairobi to Sotik for an official function.

    Consequently, T.J. Mboya's official vehicle was immediately taken for an urgent service at one of the police workshops instead of the regular workshop.

    And lo and behold, two black mambas, one of Africa's most dangerous and feared snakes, were found well placed inside the back seat right underneath the favourite spot where T.J. Mboya was known to sit.

    FYI, the officer who was once based in Murang'a at the time was none other than the very same individual who became infamous and synonymous with the torture chambers ("dungeons of horrors") beneath Nyayo House during the 1980s and 90s.

    Trivia question: Can you guess or figure out the name of this former officer?

    He's now old but still very well alive in 2011, he wore glasses, and was once married, or still is to a "native mulatto" (very light skinned local woman) and lives on his farm far away from modern day politics and anything to do with the Kenya police force.

  17. Typo: Mr. P.O. Ochieng, the then director of CID, first had a quick talk with T.J. Mboya at his residence, then went on to instruct T.J. Mboya's driver to switch vehicles without disclosing any reasons.

  18. Thank you anon@12:16 PM

    I am checking out ur info.

    Meanwhile maybe you can help me solve a mystery. Why was TJ not scared enough for his life to accept the extra security the Americans offered? Why was he so careless as to release his bodyguards and driver that fateful July 5th 1969 when he knew his life was in danger?

    Any ideas?

    Chris Kumekucha

  19. Chris wacha upuzi.
    Why are you scared on covering the hot news about the summary dismissal of miguna miguna by his boss Raila? Why are we still stuck in discussion stories that have been circulating for over 4 decades while more exciting things are going on??
    5 years ago, these kind of news would have been reported first by Kumekucha even before the local dailies.
    Seems now we are left to catch up on stale news 'pensioner taabu style'.
    Truly, Kumekucha has lost its position as the heartbeat of the nation.

  20. Yes, what's the inside scoop on Miguna Miguna? Dont care much for the guy but his 'suspension' seems unjust to me. It will come back to bite.

  21. At one point or another we will have to confront ourselves as a nation if we really want to get to the heart of the matter concerning past political assassinations in order to prevent more assassinations from reccuring.

  22. IMHO, the TJ monument has come a bit too little too late. A preferred suitable monument would have been one in form of the now completed hospital in Nairobi as gift to the Kenyan people by the People's Republic of China.

    With all due repsect to MLK, family and company, TJM Hospital instead of MLK Hospital, would have been a better preference in honour of the late national hero because MLK still has more opportunities and better days ahead to have her named attached or associated with many other institutions around the country.

  23. Why was he so careless as to release his bodyguards and driver that fateful July 5th 1969 when he knew his life was in danger?

    Chris, does mtwapa (mtu wa hapa hapa) a one time term for endearment ring a bell?

    If it does, then wamtaa, huyu(-ni-)wetu, mtu wa watu and mtu kati ya watu should ring a clear bell as well.

    That is the description that fits the kind of person T.J. Mboya really was, both in public life as well as private life.

    As we know by now, T.J. Mboya literally grew up (born, raised, educated and worked) in and around Nairobi, and the city area at large was his home, while he associated with people from all walks of life as if they were his immediate community and extended family so to speak.

    Those close to T.J. Mboya noted that he never wanted to destruct or isolate himself by being barricaded with a wall of tight security, nor disappear from public view out of justifiable fear of assassination in the wake of several botched attempts on his life in the past.

    Further, he lived what he preached in the labour movement in terms of workers' rights and fair working conditions.

    One of the reasons that he was known to let his bodyguards, driver, cook, house-help, and gardener take off (free) for the weekend at noon on Saturday unless it was very necessary for them to remain.

    T.J. Mboya loved to drive himself and family around town during weekends, even to church and other functions on Sundays without his usual entourage. That's the kind of person he was, mtu wa watu.

    Unfortunately, he so got used to it, despite constant concern and repeated warnings from family members, close friends, colleagues, security detail and fellow politicians from both sides of the aisle.

    Hence his Achilles heel that led to the fateful event which ended his life on July 5th 1969.

  24. Why was T.J. not scared enough for his life not to accept the extra security the Americans offered?

    As you're well aware of the fact that, there are those - people, politicians, (and clergy as well) in our amidst and around the world - who will not hesitate to destroy their rivals, formidable opponents, competition, nemesis, and any perceived enemies by using one of the favourite and deadliest weapon of choice, namely, conspiracy theory.

    T.J. Mboya had been constantly cautioned and advised against being seen as an upcoming African (Kenyan) politician getting too cozy with the American establishment during those days of post Africa's Awakening or The African Spring aka struggle for independence.

    Therefore getting deep into bed with the Americans would have had a malignant effect on T.J. Mboya's good standing in the eyes of The Crown, among the British political elite, British intelligence, corporations that were heavily invested in Kenya, and the old boys settlers club network.

    For fear of American encroachment in one of the prized former British colony - possession - that had signed a binding bilateral agreement to corporate in all ways deemed fit by The Crown and the British government.

    Contemporaries of T.J. Mboya, such as Charles Njonjo, Bruce Mckenzie, P.O. Ochieng, S.M. Otieno, James Nyamweya, among many personal friends from the Asian business community, left over British settler community, and many African leaders had strongly suggested and even warned him to distance himself from the American who were considerd to have an adverse political agenda on the African continent at the time.

    The American endorsed coup d'état in Democratic Republic of the Congo on 14th September, 1960, and the consequent brutal assassination of Patrice Lumumba -ref: In Search of Enemies: A CIA Story by John Stockwell [1978] - was still very much raw (fresh) on the minds of many Africans on the continent.

    T.J. Mboya, seems to have taken heed and walked a very fine line when dealing with Uncle Sam until the time of his death.

    Otherwise, conspiracy theorists and his diehard political opponents would have had a field day in taking pot shots as well as slinging mud at him in every which way possible.

  25. Kumekucha,
    We have always been reminded to let the departed, call them the dead if you will, to rest in peace or leave them alone all together.

    Anyway, here is some food for thought, why were so many people - from T.j. Mboya ancestral backyard - like C.M.G. Argwings-Kodhek very fearful, envious, angry and hateful of T.J. Mboya's rising star?


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