The truth is that impunity is still alive and well and putting up a hell of a fight. And that fight could still go either way. However having said that, it is also true that this previous champion who would go through fights untouched is now receiving significant body blows.
The thing which stood out the most for me from the events of Tuesday was that journalists and eye witnesses concur that Henry Kosgey looked pretty shaken when he emerged from his session with KACA investigators before being whisked off to court where he was charged later in the afternoon. There is no denying the fact that this extremely rich man who financed a major chunk of the ODM campaign in the last elections has been very badly shaken.
Cabinet ministers have good reason to be very frightened just now. Especially when they take the time to carefully analyze the strategy used to nail Henry Kosgey. It is reminiscent of how the American government finally nailed organized crime king pin Al Capone in 1931. The notorious criminal was caught completely unawares when he was charged with tax evasion (and tax on illegally acquired income at that). Capone who was famously known for battering a colleague to death with a baseball bat—whom he accused of betrayal but never produced the evidence—during a meeting was a vicious and extremely powerful criminal who had put virtually all major officials in Chicago in his payroll of bribes. Read his amazing tale HERE
Kosgey is probably one of the most corrupt cabinet ministers ever and is credited with single-handedly bringing the once prosperous government-owned Kenya National Assurance to it’s knees stripping it of not only cash but prized assets, leaving in his wake a mere shell of a company that quickly folded. Thousands of Kenyans lost a livelihood in the process and Kosegy got away with it. Not to mention the fourth All Africa games where the same man is said to have pocketed huge sums given in sponsorship for the event and left the government holding all the bills. If Kosgey is found guilty of the charges of abuse of office then it will be like a serial killer found guilty of stealing a chicken.
Although the Kibaki government has been notoriously corrupt, under former president Moi excessive corruption that led to the collapse of public institutions was rampant. Read my book Dark Secrets of the Kenyan Presidency to little known incidents that were happening behind the scenes as his henchmen raped and plundered the Kenyan economy like there was no tomorrow. You can get the book free HERE.
It seems that the new KACA boss PLO Lumumba may be a fan of Al Capone movies or so it seems because he has borrowed heavily from this American strategy of the 1930s. Capone and impunity in cabinet and high office in Kenya have many similarities including the fact that it is extremely difficult to obtain any evidence that can stand up in a court of law against the evil that has been committed for decades. And yet it is widely known that many cabinet ministers are to this day way too corrupt (according to the Wikileaks cables American intelligence is convinced that virtually ALL in cabinet are corrupt, a view shared by this blogger).
Lumumba’s new legal strategy is very different from that of his predecessor and coupled with the intense international pressure for KACA to graduate from prosecuting traffic policemen caught taking Kshs 50 to the really big fish, it seems that we will be seeing a number of other political heavy weights in court in the months to come.
But what is going to be even more interesting to watch are the political repercussions of this heightened fight against impunity. A friend from the Rift Valley told me yesterday that the PM is finished in the Rift Valley after Kosgey’s appearance in court on Tuesday. And the same friend repeated something that I have heard for a long time now. That a certain ODM cabinet Minister is swiftly amassing a war chest at a sensitive ministry of government that touches on Internal security. This individual could well be the next person who is photographed next to a policeman making an appearance in court. Or perhaps what he knows is a threat to the security of the state. Well, Kumekucha is doing a little more digging and you can expect an explosive post here in the next few days.
Impunity: word of the moment
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ReplyDeleteHope you know what CAPONE means in hospitality industry (i.e. castrated chicken). Well whatever happens, it is not business as usual anymore. Seeing those ODM MPs complaining that PLO/KACC is targeting them is noise from a stuck record, ama?. Forget poor effrost at e-sanitization of rot here, theft is theft is theft, PERIOD.
After Kosgey will be Ngilu/Kajwang and yes THAT ONE (mother of all) and they noise will be defeaning.
PLO has done well to graduate from cops taking 50 bob to waziris. His true test is when he STEPS ON LIVE WIRE aka GB/AL/GR. Either his waxed wings will come off having foolishly flown too close to the sun or he will slay the REAL dragon. Only time will tell.
Meanwhile nobody is safe, not even the poisonous smile from Wako will save him once out and KACC comes calling. The beneficiary remains the Kenyan people.
That gut feeling PLO can only go so far will either be busted or reinforced with time.
ReplyDeleteAmazing that you say nothing in analyzing Kosgey's alleged crime which led to his court appearance. You also deftly fail to interogate PLOs charge sheet thus defeating the purpose of the post in the first place. Was this purely about Al Capone ??
Not surprisingly your pretence at pointing at RAO's so called political loss while not saying anything about PNU's gain is simply as incredible as Kenya's commercialized mainstream media. Has it occured to you PLO could be a political hireling or you would rather trust him as you once trusted Ringera!?
Chris wrote:
ReplyDeleteLumumba’s new legal strategy is very different from that of his predecessor and coupled with the intense international pressure for KACA to graduate from prosecuting traffic policemen caught taking Kshs 50 ...
Ati Lumumba's new legal strategy? Gani hiyo? Lumumba is an idler who is producing NOTHING.
Verily verily, we say unto thee, "fighting corruption," "war on corruption" is another OPIUM Africans are swallowing.
Verily, verily, we say unto thee, man shall not live on OPIUM alone, but, the TRUTH that comes understanding the real situation.
Sample this:
Alcatel - Lucent of France, yes, that nation so supportive of DEMOCRACY in Ivory Coast, has been found of bribing government officials in so called 3rd world to get deals.
Having bribed the officials, as part of its CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY, just like all other CORPORATIONS donate to TRANSPARENCY INTERNATIONAL.
Having donated to the TI, these MTNs and the West, pick Githongo, Kituyi as fighters of corruption in 3rd world governments.
In other words, HEROES are created for desperate and ignorant masses.
Obviously, to the masses, since they have gallant corrupt fighters like Githongo, Kituyi na wale wengine, they have a CHOICE in the coming OPIUM session. In that OPIUM session, they duly elect the clean fighters of corruption like Kituyi, Kiraitu etc etc.
When the clean guys get into power, for the SAME REASONS the others were bribed, they are also bribed by Alcatel - Lucent of France.
Within no time, the masses realise these gallant fighters were fake. However, before they ask, whaaa, there are new corruption fighters in the TI and associated bodies. We need not say that, they are also funded by Alcatel - Lucent of France which is also bribing the new guys in charge.
Now, instead of seeing the game for what it is, the MASSES start swearing, "in the next OPIUM session of 1997, 2002, 2007, 2012, 2017, 2022, we will throw all corrupt guys and elect clean ones like that running the TI."
The problem is that, as soon as they elect the new gallant fighters in about 4 OPIUM sessions, i.e. 20 years are gone and those who voted at 18 years are now Wazee.
Without saying much these new Wazees (who TASTED OPIUM first in 1992) are now being pushed by the new generation with "new ideas" since they failed in their times.
After one two such OPIUM sessions, those who TOOK OPIUM when were 18 in 1992, are now in their 50's and 60's and they have given up. But, the new blood is vowing how to clean the mess. And, the MERRY GO ROUND goes on and on.
Summarised. If you control the OPPOSITIES, the DOMINATED the nature of the OUTCOME:
(a) thesis,
(b) anthesis, and
(c) synthesis
Jaidi Kisero has captured this issues here:
For us, we watch this MATCH OF FOLLY, we continue listening to "Africa" by Manu Dibango:
ReplyDeletenow look what you've done? leaping straight from the frying pan to the fire without observing CONVENTIONAL 2 month breather between posts is simply bad net-e-quettee
No wonder 3 comments and counting are all raging from previously stoked E-fires, and I can only pray your CyberCafe screen is projectile proof and INSURED for Ksh Goldenberg...
Please assure me of your safety and HIDDEN location bro before proceeding further.
Your good intentions though noble may go unrewarded owing to friendly fires emanating from opposing KK allied camps. Only the TRULY HORSELESS know the relief it brings
Oddly enough - or not, "The Untouchables" of Kenya have always chosen to forget the fact that nothing is permanent except change.
ReplyDeleteWapende wasipende, life resembles a great kaleidoscope before which Time is ever shifting, changing and rearranging both the stage setting and the players.
I wonder whether 2011 will be the session when "The Untouchables" are brought to justice?
Many observers were - and are still surprised by the dejected look on Kosgey's face and his whole demeanor while in court, it said it all and served as warning to current and future generations of "The Untouchables."
The man did not dare put on brave face unless he has some legal defense ace up his sleeve or knows something the rest of us don't.
Now who is next in line for the KACC?
And what effect will such court cases have with regrad to shifting, changing and rearranging both the stage setting and the known and unknown players for 2012?
Does your friend from Rift Valley condone or condemn the actions of the "Lords of Impunity" and "The Untouchables"?
Now is the time when people from all walks of life should allow Henry Kosgey to carry his own burden, unless they are listed beneficiaries of his trust as the fact.
ODM is the party we were promised it will be a change to Kenya..Huh?
ReplyDeleteODM was about change to the kenyan masses, anti kibaki vote and not Raila vote.
ReplyDeleteIt was highjack by Omena mafia the the cousce was lost
leave ODM bigwigs alone. they did show their true colours at a time when the rest of the country was still seeking for real change. they have failed the people, they have failed the country and they are no different from PNU bigwigs.
ReplyDeleteThe Irio n Muratina mafia have hijacked the war on corruption, chewing miraa in our faces while at it and slapping ODM with Raw fish and mursik sermons, and going by the trend, it seems muthokoi is next on the plate. The liver jugglers must be very happy.
ReplyDeleteWarriors and Isikhuti players have already stepped aside.
ati RAO has lost rift valley(hapo ni wapi) after kosgey was arraigned in court. Kwani were there any votes left after Ruto's ICC woes. you are the same ones who have been harping for the past 3 years how kalenjin votes kwisha. Make up your minds. more importantly when are kina ruto, uhuru,mututho kutuny and company unveiling this new KK vehicle. Elections are next year and we can't wait to see RAO 'beaten to a pulp"
ReplyDeleteThe Al Kosgey caption is great, and this what I would have put underneath it to go with the caption.
ReplyDeleteHey, you! Yeah, you. I see you standing over there with the hungry look in your eye. Something bothering you? Something gnawing at your gut? Huh?
Unataka ni kucharaze? Unataka ni kupondeponde uso? Wacha udaku? Huh? Toka hapa mara moja! Kwenda kabisa!
I will kokokokokokoongaa you if I find you messing my nyasi again. Toka hapa mara moja!
ReplyDeleteYour are right of course. But remember jack nicholson's words in the movie "afew good men": "you cant handle the truth". Gavas have to give the people these "noble lies" because the people cannot handle the truth.
Chris that's a novel way of loooking at the relatively minor charges against Kosgey. Question is will they stick? I also wonder whether those who lost their jobs at Kenya National Assurance, or clients who lost savings & unpaid claims will really feel justice has been served.
ReplyDeleteTaking down the bigshots on minor technicalities, although welcome, is an empty victory. What will they arrest Biwott for? Breaking city ordinances in the Yaya Centre build? It would ring hollow when the cruel & evil he has gotten away with is an open secret.
ReplyDeleteKenya National Assurance had over 60,000 clients with pending unsettled claims, the good news is over 40,000 have already had their claims settled, the company even put up a paid ad last year for the rest to collect their settlement cheques, as it is set to wind up this year, but all is not lost, the uncollected claims will revert to the public trustee.
Can the same be said about Direct Line & Blue Shield that are associated with Michuki's son & the Kenyatta family respectively, yet we know that they have very poor balance sheets and yet Sammy Makove is a toothless bulldog and cant do jack.
As for Biwott, if my memory serves me right HZ Construction which he owns, lost the court case and Yaya reverted back to the government, unless some under hand deals were pulled, but you can confirm.
The Oracle has Spoken
@ Oracle. Hats off to you. Clearly you emulate your namesake in The Matrix...& are quite successful at it. Nothing seems to get past your gaze.
ReplyDeleteNow that PLO has set aside his mic as master of ceremonies during Wetangula's daughter's recent wedding (& we expect him to bust her daddy?), let's see what other big fish his net will catch. I propose he goes for Moi with a charge of handling contraband in the form of ivory. That white nyayo fimbo looks suspiciously like banned substance.
Chris Taabu, et al
ReplyDeleteYou are so gullible to have fallen for PLO's false moves.
Am sure glad the sharp and alert minds like Mwarangethe, Bobby6killer and the Oracle are here reading and commenting at Kumekucha. And I surely hope you guys are digesting the truth they are telling you.
The charade that is PLO Lumumba's fight against grand corruption will soon disappoint may people including his highness Chris Kumekucha.
The simple fact is that PLO is a PNU hireling who is presently working on sacrificing a PNU minister (most probably KANU's Ongeri) so as to please donors and balance out his all-out political war against ODM.
The other simple fact is that PLO has presidential ambitions and he rightly sees ODM as a major huddle to him realising his dreams. PLO is also acting as a buffer to Moi, Biwott, and many others for he is there to ensure that Raila Odinga does not see the inside walls of State House. His mission is to protect the ill gotten wealth of status quoist.
All his life, PLO has worked with the grand master of corruption himself one Daniel Arap Moi. His previous job as an employee of Mois family in Kabarak University notwithstanding, his days as a Moi mole in SONU, his days as lawyer to Hezekiah Oyugi, and of course his still running business partnership with Wetangula Advocates, incidentally also where he recently acted as MC at Wetangulas wedding are there for all Kenyans to see. Is this the man we pay 2.5million shillings each month? Only for him to arrest a minister for doing his job?
The other questions Kenyans ought to ask themselves are; how does the mans history, past and present associations, future aspirations; impact on his sensitive and lucrative job as Director of KACC? We all know Moi can pay him triple what he earns monthly for the rest of his life and Moi wont even feel it. Perhaps it is already happening and the man is building a handsome war chest for 2012....
To those of you who still hope PLO will slay the grand corruption dragon, keep waiting. Keep hoping and of course wake me up when he does. NKT!
It was fun watching this dirty, tribalist, corrupt and Ocampo's genocide suspect being humiliated in front page pics of daily papers. A deep look in his eyes showed a cornered thug, like a deer caught in headlights. It was sweet he was handcuffed from behind like a common Mungiki crook. That humiliation beats a jail sentence in my view. Is there anything Kosgey has ever touched and never screwed? I wonder what his kids think about all the thieving their daddy is implicated in since the dark Nyayo era days. Wifey will definitely have doubts about the guy snoring next to him. Kosgey thought he would get away with it by bending the rules to allow vehicle dealers import cars tax free. Too bad KRA got wind of it and pounced into action. Al-Yusra Auto dealers are not returning residents or are they? Remember we are talking about Bwana Chairman here. Eti Chairman wa ODM! This man has always been deeply implicated in corrupt deals and tribal warfare for the last 25 years. What the hell was Raila thinking when this dirty thug was allowed to lead a "reformist" party? This calls into question Raila's sense of judgement (not to mention appointing kin and kith into various diplomatic posts). Sheria ni msumeno, hukata mbele na nyuma. One down, about 50 more to go! In this duel of high and mighty versus justice, there's only one winner, Wanjiku! The show is not over until the fat lady sings! We must support PLO for all his efforts in trying to keep them honest. He's simply filling in the void created by Kibaki and Raila's failed and catastrophic leadership. Go get them Bwana PLO!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteKibarua ODM spin doctors have been wheeled out to do some damage limitations as usual for token ugali. Wasn't PLO's appointment clean and legal backed by all and sundry? So when he's proved he's not a dud, people get scared and hurling start matusis. That means PLO must be doing something right then and that's why we must all back his effort in cleaning the shiet out of the pig sty that is Govt.
ReplyDeleteGuys! Wake up. We are being ripped off. Do you really think Henry Kosgey would voluntarily "step aside" and then head straight to be charged in court? This is a ploy to hepa going to the Hague. Do the math. He wont be let out of the country being a flight risk with a single court case and with 12 counts it will take 120 years (kenyan justice time) before our courts could sambaza him to Ocampo. Now who/which office has the brains to scheme out this brilliance? Probably not Kibaki/PNU. This grouping's think tank,s high tech goes as far as a crow bar can get since Kibaki took over power. In fact the only time Kibaki/PNU has ever done anything progressive is when they had a ceasefire with ODM (just study recent history). Could have Kosgey thought this out on his own? I highly doubt it. The guy is a Kanu era icon who could as well have served in Ceaser's cabinet. His Kalenjin community coming to his aid does not even arise here. First, he isn't really their favorable son at the moment, but that is not the point. If Kituny and the likes saw this brilliance before they would have applied it to Ruto's situation and prayed that his countless local cases drag on for eternity. Instead they opted to cry wolf(read Raila) to early. So where was this master plan hatched. I see the PM's office behind all this. First on the list is that dude called Miguna. Get Kosgey to step down and subject himself to the local courts(which is easier to manipulate), but suspend his Hague flight indefinitely.
ReplyDeleteWe can agree with mwarengethe that no corruption is being fought. But for you we know your concern is only regional balance of your party. BTW did your party not know all those things you and miguna have been talking about before plo was approved by parliament. You approve him in parliament then you come here and tell us he should never have been appointed!
ReplyDelete@ Rogger. Lol! Caesar's cabinet. I totally agree with you that behind the scenes ODM are pleased with delaying Kosgey's date of destiny in the Hague with our local maleable courts. All the noise is just a smokescreen...
ReplyDeleteBut remember jack nicholson's words in the movie "afew good men": "you cant handle the truth". Gavas have to give the people these "noble lies" because the people cannot handle the truth.
It is written this:
“Because they received not the LOVE of the TRUTH . . . God shall send them STRONG DELUSION, that they should believe a LIE.” (II Thess. 2:10,11 KJV).
We submit that, when people deliberately reject truth, God will allow them to believe utter lies, which always leads
them to ultimate destruction. I submit that is exactly where we are
Very unfortunate, it takes an honest man/woman to DESIRE TRUTH, as it often it reveals his/her own character flaws.
It also requires courage to appreciate truth when it is uttered because it also requires one to change his opinion or conduct.
Truth demands the virtue of honesty, because honesty requires that information be objectively analyzed and studied.
Honesty requires that personal prejudices and proclivities be set aside; it requires that humility replace pride, which allows one’s opinions and conduct to change in the face of truth.
NB: Just read how MPesa is happy to have seen Kosgey in chains.
In that empty happiness, he is totally unable to see that, there were at least 3 policemen escorting Kosgey.
And, since Kosgey is/was not a fugitive, what was the purpose of having at least 3 policemen paid by the SUFFERING WANJIKU?
More so, what kind of justice system is this that gets thrills by putting chains in men who have already submitted?
If a man is willing to submit to the Courts, we see no sense at all in putting him in custody, putting chains on him or having policemen escort him to Court.
Alas! such a simple requirement of common decency and humanity has never been understood in this Kenya of ours where we have a brand new constitution which we are told respects so called HR.
It is also written in Jeremiah 4:10this:
Then I said, "Ah, Sovereign LORD, how completely you have deceived this people and Jerusalem by saying, 'You will have PEACE,' when the SWORD is at our throats."
Anyway, wapi mursik we sip as we watch these POLITRICKS.
Kosgey....and counting.
ReplyDeleteAll the King's horses and all the King's men cannot put "the party of *change*" together again.
Poor, poor ODM. The sun is setting. Off to the museum of politics and history!
Tik-tok. Tik-tik-tok.
Gee golly gee, it must be silly season on your planet.
His appointment was HAILED! With deafening decibels of Alas! A real corruption-slayer. A man who Kibaki had previously stopped on his tracks from heading the Kenya National Commission on Human Rights, we wonder what changed the mind of the C-I-C this time, was is it the Vetting done by NSIS that turned PLO into a "saint" that can help to distribute Mwara"N"gethes OPIUM to the masses.
ReplyDeleteWhen he took office he put the "big sharks & whales" on notice and warned that the days of the corrupt were "numbered like pages of a book", aptly following on the mantra of his book titled "A Call for Hygiene in Kenyan Politics"
His "broom" is quickly sweeping away"political dust" & "economic taka - taka". Taking into account the turn of recent events, his ACTIONS! are beggining to speak louder than his WORDS! So the OPIUM is now taking effect.
A person who is so PASSIONATE about slaying the corruption - hydra, that he is known to have shed tears talking about it in a seminar - can you imagine.
But is he living up to expectations,When He took office, he stated that:
1) He is not keen on arresting INDIVIDUALS, but wants to recover stolen assets and prevent corruption.
2)People who stole but were willing to return assets will be offered Amnesty ( Watu wa Goldenberg and Anglo leasing ama?)
3) He was NOT interested in Past corruption, but present and future ( To safe guard his "masters").
But we "applaud" him for: recovering the "MASSIVE" Ksh 50Million out of the "small" Ksh 130Bn that still lies stashed abroad, and in the process using 20M to recover the same. Reminding RAO that it is pay-back time for Thwarting his political ambitions - we can see the Zeal that the PM's leutenants are being pursued.
Meanwhile, The report from the Controller and Auditor generals office highlighting that Ksh 16 Billion from 10 Ministries - 7 PNU and 3 ODM, can't be accounted for is gathering dust in PLO's desk, and the ghosts of Triton, Anglo etc are "safe" just for now.
In a country where we have to be reminded through bold signs in Ministries that read "This is a corruption free zone", walls and pathways "Usikojoe hapa", restaurants and various eateries "Lipa mbele ya Kula", parking lots " Vehicles parked at owners risk" , land " This Plot is not for sale, and in lawns " do not step on the grass".
We must be doing "very well for ourselves" as we continue getting "excited" with PLOs OPIUM "Gift".
A book by Ernst Kantorowicz's titled "The King's Two Bodies" can help us understand the subversion of the public good by private interest.
The Oracle has Spoken
Despite the rather cosmetic fight against corruption, one cant help but notice the Fitina Democratic Movement scream and howl over how much Lumumba is biased against them!
ReplyDelete@Phil-spare us your manure please!Was Lumumba not mutually agreed upon by urs masters and the PNU scum?
That aside-how is it that the man Kosgey himself became the party chairman despite his stinking criminal past???
Your hypocrisy is sickening.
The only way Kenya can free herself is by Raila Odinga dying.
ReplyDelete*Yes!The death of Raila Odinga will bring out NEW Kenya and proper CHANGE*
Odingaism is the real problem and threat to Kenya's progress!
Raila like all Luos suffer from self-importance but lacks creativity.
The sooner the country frees itself from this hysteria of Odingasim the better!
Ah, the great political enigma went to ivory coast. But flipping about like a wet fish advances him not. First, military action. Then, peaceful resolution. Then??? (ODM chairman in court!)
ReplyDeleteWoe unto those that wag their forked tongues!
Anon 4:07 AM,
ReplyDeleteWatch out. You may be celebrating a bit too soon. You are dancing even before the music has started.
Should those involved in the Anglo leasing, Grand Regency and Triton oil theft cases (plus others) be arrested, as is supposed to happen if P.L.O Lumumba is going to do a professional job... then you will start crying tears of blood and sweating beads of salt.
Laugh at others, as you are doing, but be aware that in your "house" lie other much bigger dragons of corruption and theft.
Which "house"???
ReplyDeleteRelax. Havent started laughing. Yet. Just amused by 'safi kama pamba' and 'nusu mkate' coming together in (joyous) union. What an experiment!
Leave Phil out of this PNU nyanis, still busy swinging in the corruption forest and busy throwing stones from the tree tops.
ReplyDeletePlease, wait when the lumbar jack comes armed with a power saw to fell trees in your backyard, we all know that PNU are the masterminds with the help of PORK
It's COMICAL to see how e-hydras are trying to cut-down Phil to size, while forgeting that the real corruption hdyra actually lies in the PNU backyard.
ReplyDeleteCan this OMINOUS troop of KK monkeys back the PNU horse? Wapi e-cop
GEMA mafia and there murky political shenanigans, can PLO also review past contracts involving KK politician of the year a.k.a Martha Karua while she was stationed at the Water and Irrigation docket, we see how clean she is.
ReplyDeleteTriton Kiraitu is still smiling from the side of his mouth, Amos Kimunya is busy supervising his multi billion shilling hotel, AL -Noor Kassam is enjoying hid CBK loot in Canada, Dr. Murungaru is busy artificially inseminating his cows, Mwiraria is busy plotting his comeback, Muthauras daughter is hogging all corporate law contracts, jamani PNU thugs are unstoppable.
Guys! Wake up. We are being ripped off. Do you really think Henry Kosgey would voluntarily "step aside" and then head straight to be charged in court? This is a ploy to hepa going to the Hague. Do the math. He wont be let out of the country being a flight risk with a single court case and with 12 counts it will take 120 years (kenyan justice time) before our courts could sambaza him to Ocampo. Now who/which office has the brains to scheme out this brilliance? Probably not Kibaki/PNU. This grouping's think tank,s high tech goes as far as a crow bar can get since Kibaki took over power. In fact the only time Kibaki/PNU has ever done anything progressive is when they had a ceasefire with ODM (just study recent history). Could have Kosgey thought this out on his own? I highly doubt it. The guy is a Kanu era icon who could as well have served in Ceaser's cabinet. His Kalenjin community coming to his aid does not even arise here. First, he isn't really their favorable son at the moment, but that is not the point. If Kituny and the likes saw this brilliance before they would have applied it to Ruto's situation and prayed that his countless local cases drag on for eternity. Instead they opted to cry wolf(read Raila) to early. So where was this master plan hatched. I see the PM's office behind all this. First on the list is that dude called Miguna. Get Kosgey to step down and subject himself to the local courts(which is easier to manipulate), but suspend his Hague flight indefinitely.
ReplyDeleteKumbe you were not a good friend of Ruto an Kosgey and even Lumumba when you showered all of them with platitudes.
Lumumba has more problems that Ocampo Six combined. He wants to investigate GB which includes a deputy prime minister, six cabinet ministers and 100 civil servants dead and alive, not counting the other beneficiaries.
Then he moves on to Anglo-Leasing, five ODM MPs (three of them ministers). Then he ropes in Kaloki Ngilu and her family and thereafter, he investigates a graveyard before summing it up with work permits.
There is trouble. And Mau is still quiet, and the maize scandal and triton touching a 'big' family is still pending.
Oh no! The boy is done. Literally. It will be nuclear when he faces Sally Kosgey and the Railway quarters before venturing into airports. Dead meat Lumumba.
Phil, you said that PNU was corrupt in 2007. What happened then and not now.
ReplyDeleteTwo years to go and you have capitulated.
FYI, Kibaki will not endorse Raila and he will not even endorse his own son. He is that MEAN. Meanwhile, do the MATH as Americans say. MATH
I had no clue that the man of many letters had sense of bible thumping humour.
ReplyDeleteWhat's truth? What's honesty? And by whose standards or scales should truth and honesty be weighed?
@8:49 AM
What's truth? Face the truth. Truth Can Be Handled. Truth Is Lived. An Unenlightened Mind Can't Handle The Truth. The Truth Is Within You. - Kòng Qiù.
These quotations from the works of Kòng Qiù used to seem ridiculous to me, yet how true they are when reduced to their concrete meaning.
What's truth? Can you handle the truth once you have faced it?
Which one is true to you? And which one among them is true given your childhood exposure and lived experience?
Ethiopian Calendar.
Coptic Calendar.
Alexandrian Calendar.
Chinese Calendar.
Hindu Calendar.
Jewish Calendar.
Lunar Calendar.
Celtic Calendar.
Julian Calendar.
Gregorian Calendar.
"'Can you handle the truth' once you have been confronted by the same truth?" - Kòng Qiù.
LOL! Charles Ketter can't handle the truth that's been rounds in his own political backyard of Belgut. Yet his rival's camp is gaining momentum leading to 2012.
ReplyDeleteThis might be of interest to some of the readers. The DRUG DOSSIER:
Bw. Chris you are SLEEPING on the job, are your ears on the ground or patched between the sheets. Can you look for moles haraka upesi who attended Uhuru's meeting at his father's farm over the weekend.
ReplyDeleteIs bw. Uhuru planning to teach bw. Ruto a lesson after using him to tame RAO, seems like the house of mumbi have not forgiven the warriors for massacre's committed on their own.
If i'm bw. Ruto, I would be very afraid. Chris dig man dig, this ought to make e-headlines for being broken first on KK, or there e-moles who can tell us what transpired at the Agikuyu farm?
ODMoron 'agents of change' are as filthy as slum ditch water. Sigh.
ReplyDeleteAs the know it all Mwarangethe loves to remind us, the fight against corruption is little more than an opium smoking session.
ReplyDeleteI forsee this and the next year being a tragicomic year.Its sad indeed that any self respecting Kenyan would have the guts to defend/nay elect those who steal their own livelihoods from them.
So have a good time hurling all sorts of manure and epithets at each other wont you?While your so called leaders rob u blind.The sad sad effects of opium smoke....
Well in the meantime Il b sippin yoghurt n pizza :P
The erstwhile members of PaNUa party are the type of sleazy corruption sluts our nation has ever seen, hiding under the umbrella of Kazi - iendelee. Corruption is all about fisi mla watu and mtu mla watu harambee.
ReplyDeleteIf Kenyans believe that the corporate-controlled western government are going to get rid of corruption and impunity in Kenya, they will die waiting!
ReplyDeleteThis orator, PLO Lumumba, is merely a hatchet man created to get rid of threat posed by ODM. Corruption in Kenya did not start with ODM!
The western corporate-war lords have never favor any government popularly elected by the majority of its citizens because this is the kind of government they cannot control. It is, therefore, laughable that the very corporations responsible for bribing public officials in Kenya with impunity will be interested in ending corruption in the country whose economic resources they 100% control!
All one needs is to look at what has happened in Central America, South America and Caribbean Islands and understand the naked truth.
Kenya is a cash cow for these western corporations and they will not tolerate anyone trying to interfere with the flow of milk from this cow that keeps on giving! Almost every Kenya’s resource is held as surety by some corporation who has ever paid some bribe to some Kenyan ruling elite for some piece of economic action! This type of activity has been going on since 1963. There is no valid reason why any credible corruption and impunity investigation cannot start from 1963/64!
If there is anyone in Kenya interested in dealing fatal blows to corruption and impunity, he/she must start by taking an inventory of who owns what in Kenya and the sources for those acquisitions. Additionally, every tax paying Kenyan must have the desire to know what the tax money is funding instead of letting the foreign NGOs bamboozle them with slick talks while promoting tribalism and draining the milk!
Promotion of tribalism is how Kenyans are controlled. Until Kenyans realize that fellow "black-faced" Africans are not the problem, were are doomed!
The battle of Armageddon is coming! This battle will mark the return of our Lord Jesus to save this world.
ReplyDeleteSadly, Kenya can only be saved by the return of our Lord who will rule this world for 1000 years!
Can you imagine Jesus the Prince of Peace ruling this world together with His saints? That will be awesome!!!
WTF! the jealousy that Rao ellicits is amazing, to the extent that UK is meeting his tribal minded cocoon knit pals and a whole meeting is conducted in gikuyu Wow! The most tribal of all the tribes
ReplyDelete@10:12 AM
ReplyDeleteWhat's new in 2011 besides usual mid-week preaching to the Kumekucha Commentary Choir?
Do you have any solutions or shall we continue to shout "Corporate wolves are coming! Corporate wolves are in our midst! Comporate wolves are here to stay!?
BTW, what became of the imaginative faculty of the great Kenyan minds?
Anom @3:31 PM;
ReplyDeleteCorporate wolves never left when Kenya supposedly became "independent" in 1963. They merely (a)transfered law enforcement duties to the ruling elites (b) embarked on promoting intertribal fights to draw the attention away from who the real enemies are! Kenyans are now killing Kenyans to survive!
While Kenyan tribes are busy fighting or killing one another, the land Kenyans fought and bled for are given away in shaddy leases that run from 45-99 years; this is done in a coutry with life expectancy of 57 years. Poverty is forcing many Kenyans into slum dwellings!
I am not preaching! I am merely asking why Kenyans have left their fates in the hands hatchet men like Kofi Annan and Moreno Ocampo. When he was responsible for UN peacekeeping forces and was the UN General Secretary, Annan failed to save 800,000 Rwandans in 1994 and 7 million deaths in Congo that followed! Why do those great Kenyan minds think that Annan, a man who failed Africa when he had the power to do something, has the power to solve Kenya's corruption and impunity problems?
The savation of Kenyans will never come from outside Kenya! So those great minds you talk about must start talking to each other and brainstorm for solutions instead of rumor mongering!