Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Day of Reckoning is Here, Hague Express Docks

The die is cast and the kings of impunity have their backs firmly against a mighty reinforced wall. They were so sure they shouted that The Hague process will take 90 years to start. On the contrary the ICC engine started, gathered steam and is today docking at the station to claim her six scalps. The suspects have no more places to hide. No amount of bravado or tribal obstacles will stop Moreno's juggernaut from shipping its cargo to where they belong. Time truly flies and 2090 must have arrived way too fast. Let the trials begin and let Ocampo met justice on behalf of the dead and IDPs.

Supping with the devil is not a crime and politicians are doing just what they are known best for, protecting their turf at all costs. Forget the voters who perished for them, Kibaki succession is a priority any other politics and activity is secondary.

Early this year they all chanted, DON'T BE VAGUE, LET US GO TO THE HAGUE. The bravado was amplified even a notch higher deriding ICC process to begin in 2090. Well, Ocampo has called their bluff and the masterminds are running short of holes to run to. The last few weeks has seen suspects firing from all cylinders principally to sabotage the ICC process. Will they succeed?

You do not need to be a neurologist to imagine what the charade would have if we were to have local trials. The so-called constitutional reference would keep the cases in their infancy forever. Even the tribal demonstrations planned for tomorrow will not deter ICC from slaying the kings of impunity.

There are no more places to hide. Even if a section of the government tries all the rules in the book to halt ICC. No leader wants to rule a pariah state even if it means visiting China only. The stakes are high and damn the IDPs, the two ministers and their Hague-bound colleagues are too important to be left at the mercy of Ocampo's jaws.

Hague 2090 is here and now, tic toc counting to the smouldering hellhole.


  1. Can the CIA arm chair Operative a.k.a Mwarang'ethe, whose "investigations" ( I meant copy and paste analogies) are all www. Tell us who is in the secret list of Ocampo.

    Can the KK Vampire display his blood sucking skills and tell us who flies to the Hague after tommorows announcement. Over to you Mwara, I feel too lazy to surf today, illuminate us, without Popcorn economics.

  2. Can the CIA arm chair Operative a.k.a Mwarang'ethe, whose "investigations" ( I meant copy and paste analogies) are all www. Tell us who is in the secret list of Ocampo.


  3. I have watched the copy and paste link, my question has gone un-answered, if you can READ!!! I asked,Who is in Ocampos list ??? Mwarang'ethe. I guess it will be posted in the world wide web tommorow, so watch the space bwana CIA arm chair operative.

    You can use the posted list tommorow and use it for your future references. Good luck!

  4. Taabu,
    ati 1-0 dream iko wapi?

    5 hour meeting at state house is no joke uta weza kweli?This is because PORK and PNU sensed Ocampo is not immune from ethnic polarisation and they are right

    Kenyans want justice but not with one sided investigations targeting certain communities and testimonies based on coached witnesses.

    Besides Hague is vague will they actually start prosecution before 2090?In the meantime the suspects will be free to roam the African continent at large under the auspices of the AU, gracing promulgations El Bashir style

    We now have a new constitution that can deal with lack of trust in our local judicial system.

    Regardless of what happens tomorrow let the government constitute a local independent and credible tribunal

    We can get help from experienced neighbours Rwanda and Tanzania. at the discretion of PORK under a 3 judge bench, with new AG and CJ with the power to pardon offenders for the supposed roles they played in 2008.

  5. I have watched the copy and paste link, my question has gone un-answered, if you can READ!!! I asked,Who is in Ocampos list ??? Mwarang'ethe. I guess it will be posted in the world wide web tommorow, so watch the space bwana CIA arm chair operative


  6. You do not need to be a neurologist to imagine what the charade would have if we were to have local trials. The so-called constitutional reference would keep the cases in their infancy forever. Even the tribal demonstrations planned for tomorrow will not deter ICC from slaying the kings of impunity.


    Luke 11: 46 we find the Master telling us that:

    "Woe to you lawyers as well! For you weigh men down with burdens hard to bear, while you yourselves will not even touch the burdens with one of your fingers."


    In the Middle Ages, we find people saying in disbelief:

    Sanctus Ivo erat Brito,

    Advocatus et non latro,

    Res miranda


    In the 18th Century, we find Adam Smith telling us this:

    "It has been the custom in modern Europe to regulate, on most occassions, the payment of ATTORNEYS ... according to the NUMBER OF PAGES which ... had to write...

    Hear this:

    "To INCREASE their payment, the ATTORNEYS ... have contrived to MULTIPLY WORDS beyond all necessity, to the CORRUPTION of the LAW LANGUGE of, I believe, every court of justice in Europe.."


    in the 20th century, we meet a reknown legal scholar telling us this:

    "(a)In tribal times, there were MEDICINE MEN,

    (b) in the Middle Ages, there were PRIESTS.

    (c) today, they are the LAWYERS

    For every age, a group of bright boys, learned in their trade and jealous of their learning, who blend technical competence with PLAIN and FANCY HOCUS - POCUS to make themselves MASTERS of their fellow men. For every AGE, a PSEUDO - INTELLECTUAL AUTOCRACY, guarding the tricks of its trade ... and running, after its own pattern, the civilization of its day."

    Another reknown legal scholar, Jerold Auerbach tells us that:

    "Law is our national RELIGION; LAWYERS constitute our PRIESTHOOD; the court room our CATHEDRAL, where contemporary passion plays are enacted...

    Five hundred years from now, when historians shift through twentieth century artifacts, they doubtless will have a little comprehension of the legal piety as we now display toward medieval religious zeal.


    The Dodo has already laid its last egg. Kenya cannot be salvaged under the current "intellectual discourse." Not, even by these modern priests.

    Anyway, let us continue enjoying shiling yaua tena ni maua as we watch these priests with their abracadabra.

  7. Sumarians are condemned to swim in thier own vomit. Look Mwara"N"gethe hogs 50% (3/6) of the comments already. And still no original take apart from CUT-AND-PASTE expanding his ego as a pseudo intellectual. Well, go on KK vampire, smell and spill more blood.

  8. Sumarians are condemned to swim in thier own vomit. Look Mwara"N"gethe hogs 50% (3/6) of the comments already. And still no original take apart from CUT-AND-PASTE expanding his ego as a pseudo intellectual. Well, go on KK vampire, smell and spill more blood.

    12/14/10 3:29 AM


    Wy not join us in enjoying Kilio cha samaki?

  9. Just passing by my favourite blog KK and once I see posts by mwarang'ethe trying to sound illuminated, it just makes me turn off my computer with god speed and back to enjoy my holidays. But I won't insist on original works, because he has none.

    Happy holidays to all KK readers, I wouldn't want my comments to be attacked by one mwarang'ethe as that will be like an interview with a vampire. Swimming in his own vomit yuck!!!!!

  10. And the Sumerian high priest is on a rampage! Sorry dude 500 years from now, no one will even remember your name. Quoting the Bible out of context won't cut it bro.

    Pssssst! Mwara could you be having the secret Ocampo list, come on man you are an underground CIA operative, with the right to bear arms ( duuush nyao, thats the sound of a gun) with 007 kind of gadgets to get all the info ( meant laptop and mouse).

    Now that you are Fraudula ( I meant Dracula) and a Bullfrog with the powers to swim in your own vomit, reaching the other side ( yaani Ocampos crib) and get us the info won't be a biggie. Do us that favour.

  11. He hee heeeee! woishe mwara, why can't people cut you some slack, you try so hard to make us see only what you can see. Please inform us oh great seer what your crystal ball tells you on Ocampos list. I mean if you can see 500 years from now, peeping through your crystal ball to show us what tommorow awaits will be a piece of cake. By the way am I on the list?

  12. And the Sumerian high priest is on a rampage! Sorry dude 500 years from now, no one will even remember your name. Quoting the Bible out of context won't cut it bro.


    He hee heeeee! woishe mwara, why can't people cut you some slack, you try so hard to make us see only what you can see. Please inform us oh great seer what your crystal ball tells you on Ocampos list.

  13. LOL! Asking Mwara"N"gethe to comment without COPY and PASTE analogies is akin to asking PORK to talk off-the-cuff and we all know what that sounds like BURE KABISA!

  14. %$¤#* Mwara why did you only highlight the first part of my paragraph and leave out the FRAUDULA bit?

  15. @Mwara"N"gethe
    Tell them what an e-high priest on a mission to expand his ego is made of. Don't answer any of their questions lest you are left with eggs all over your face. But come tomorrow after Ocampo has named the murderers, you can wax lyrical trashing everything with Sumarian references. And that is don Mwara, aka KK vampire lurking in the dark for abbreviated weblinks.

  16. @Mwara"N"gethe
    Tell them what an e-high priest on a mission to expand his ego is made of. Don't answer any of their questions lest you are left with eggs all over your face. But come tomorrow after Ocampo has named the murderers, you can wax lyrical trashing everything with Sumarian references. And that is don Mwara, aka KK vampire lurking in the dark for abbreviated weblinks.

    12/14/10 6:37 AM


  17. Mwarangethe,

    You are turning into a DEMENTED COMEDIAN. Can you, if possible, tread the path of wisdom?

  18. deroo said...

    You are turning into a DEMENTED COMEDIAN. Can you, if possible, tread the path of wisdom?

    12/14/10 7:31 AM



  19. I am currently in Eldoret town & a "mini-army" has literaly pitched camp here. The hague & Ocampos name can only be discussed in hushed tones, as we try to overcome fears on the inherent announcement now that 2090 has arrived sooner than we thought, perhaps I should abandon Mursik in favour of Popcorn, to have a clearer vision.

    Now that cultural arrogance and ethnic pride is expected from this part of the country after the announcement, the question is, what if no names are named? . I can only wish that I had the powers to peer 500 years into the future like some of us.

    Mmmmh! I can see quotes from the book of common prayer, but I will not expect the high priest to make any atonement, as CTRL+C & CTRL+V will continue to be used as smoke screens.

    LOL! Now that their is a "vampire" in our midst makes it even more interesting, as they have an unpleasant connotation of being blood sucking creatures.

    But where are my manners ( for dare mentioning the name VAMPIRE) lest I be whipped & taken to the school of Anthrology of manners.

    For touching on the "holy sermons" The high priest might enter his shadow form & reveal himself in demon form. I can only hope that I have enough "Holy water" when he comes after me.

    The Oracle has Spoken

  20. Mmmmh! I can see quotes from the book of common prayer, but I will not expect the high priest to make any atonement, as CTRL+C & CTRL+V will continue to be used as smoke screens.


    We expect a Oracle to see 2000 years ahead!

    "I looked, and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death, and Hades was following close behind him. They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, famine and plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth.

    Revelation 6:8

    Good day in Eld. and have a wisdom filled day.

  21. @ DEMENTED COMEDIAN a.k.a Mwara a.k.a vampire a.k.a CIA a.k.a Popcorn. More links please, I have run out of MBs for surfing. Bob Collymore is yet to run a new promotion after MJs departure. But am sure you have unlimited internet and ALL the time since you will be spending christmas ALONE! Researching on the END of DAYS

  22. The bastards now want to opt out of the Rome Statute. GoK is fast running out of options.

  23. Huyu beste Ocampo anatupandisa sana. Leo hii, kesho ile. Mazee! Ananipandisa videadly.

    Today, he has come up with a new one. Hata kucheka nashindwa.


  24. ..... the waiting is the hardest part.......... Ocampo has called our bluff and the chest thumping is now replaced with nervous whispers, gossip and sleepless nights...... It is said that the anticipation of death is worse than death itself.

    ....this ICC matter was meant to be a joke. A fun toy that we can switch off when we tire. So how come talk is abound that some names are being made public..... Hey guys, we are Kenyans. Nothing happens in our Courts. Let us set up a local tribunal and start the circus from the beginning...It is not that serious, catch me if you can....

  25. Yap! FRAUDULAS Fangs are surely on my neck. So Mwara"N"gethe in Rev 6:8 you are ..... "Beasts of the earth..?" when it comes to you, you know very well that I don't pretend to swallow your "sermons" ever since you emerged as FRAUD of the YEAR!

    Your sermons to me are unpalatable, but I won't stroke your EGO, lest I join your league & become a DEMENTED COMEDIAN, So I can't start an e-war with you lest the KK Gatekeepers shut me out, furthermore, its x-mas, move away from the web & enjoy your holidays.

  26. Is the ICC actively investigating other perpetrators and their co-perpetrators?

    Under whose command were the police and paramilitary personnel in the Nyanza region? And who issued the shoot-to-kill orders (STKO)?

    As for William Ruto's alleged involvement in PEV, has the ICC prosecutors proved that;

    a) Ruto was one of the masterminds behind the PEV?

    b) Those who committed the crimes were Ruto's subordinates, henchmen and hired guns - local goons?

    c) Ruto had knowledge of the crimes, and he constantly failed to act or stop - punish - those reponsible for the crimes?

    d) Was there a chain of command linking the people who committed PEV and Ruto and that through that chain of command he was able the militia and warriors?

    e) Will the case against Ruto be easy or tough to prove?

    f) What are the legal challenges and battles that lay ahead for the ICC?

    h) Is the ICC communicating with the local people - Kenyans - so as to avoid any shadow of misconceptions and misunderstandings on all sides - the ICC's, the Kenyan public's, Ruto's and the victims'.

    We all know that Kenyans from all walks of life are waiting for the trial of the six major perpetrators of PEV.

    Because this trial will prove that even the powerful and the most feared politicians, wealthy individuals and ethnic chieftains will be broght to justice.

    Who is incharge of the victims'safety? What formal, if any, will they play in the trial?

    Victims from all affected areas of the country will want heir voices heard, stories told and retold, and their alleged criminal masterminds and attackers brought to justice.

    Last but not least, there are some Kenyans in the diaspora who were complicit iin the PEV and helped fuel the crisis by playing major roles in one way or another.

    Will the ICC bring charges against them as well?

    There are documented cases where huge sums of funds were funneled to specific politicians, masterminds and ring leaders at the time when Keny was on the brink.

    Will all sides of the political and ethnic divide take responsibility for their actions during the PEV?

    In terms of what they did, should have done and didn't do?

  27. We the TRIBAL MAJORITY say that we are going to scuttle the ICC process so that RAO does not become PORK.
    The alliance between Uhuru and Ruto shall proceed, Kaloozer leech tendency is inconsequential.

  28. Get it from the pundits.

  29. @Mwara"N"gethe

    Thats me as Anon 10.00 AM

    The Oracle has Spoken

  30. ICC very serious

    Even before releasing names of the famous six, ICC issued strict "bond" conditions.
    Yesterday,s cabinet "resolutions", are irrelevant. Six out of 1300 killed? six out of 40 million Kenyans?
    We want ICC!

    Washindwe the grand corruption coalition.

  31. Is Kibaki a "gentleman" as we have always read?-NO going by wikileaks.He is the father of Kenren, the photocopy of Angloleasing!
    Is Raila clean-NO. he is there supporting the Grand corruption coalition.
    solution?-lets deal with Ocampo's list first. The two could be there,I pray. and then Kenyans take their country back

  32. Press Release: 14.12.2010

    Statement by ICC Prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo on Kenya

    As you know, tomorrow I will file two applications for summonses to appear for six individuals we believe are the most responsible for the post-election violence.

    I believe summonses are sufficient to ensure the appearance of all six suspects. But as ICC Prosecutor, I am requesting that clear conditions be imposed on them, namely:

    To frequently update the Court on all their personal contact details and whereabouts;
    Not to make any personal contact with any of the other suspects, unless through their legal counsel to prepare their defence;
    Not to approach any perceived victims or witnesses of crimes;
    Not to attempt to influence or interfere with witness testimony;
    Not to tamper with evidence or hinder the investigation;
    Not to commit new crimes.
    In addition, they must respond to all requests by ICC judges; they must attend all hearings when required, and post bond if the judges so instruct them.

    These conditions are strict. They are in accordance with the Rome Statute and ICC rules.

    Let me be clear.

    If the suspects do not comply with the conditions set by the Chamber, I will request arrest warrants.

    If there is any indication of bribes, intimidation or threats, I will request arrest warrants.

    I expect the suspects to indicate to the Chamber shortly their intention to surrender voluntarily.

    Source: Office of the Prosecutor

  33. What were Kenyans thinking when they fought, injured, raped, maimed and killed their long term neighbours over what was termed as "stolen elections" of 2007?

    So far Raila Odinga has turned out not to be any different from Mwai Kibaki. The two men have overloaded the top government positions and civil service with their henchmen, and individuals who have close connections to either the president's men or the prime minister's inner circle of influence.

    The list of 'Who is Who' and 'Who is Where' reeks of nepotism, cronyism, blatant clanism and tribalism.

    Kenyans from all walks of life became the biggest losers after the post election violence.

    While the winners are those who are now basking in the warmth political power and helping themselves to the little that still remains in the government coffers.

    Kenyans must wisen up and avoid repeating the same old 'Animal Farm' mistakes in 2012. Nor allow themselves to be used and dumped by certain politicians and the seasonal election parties.

    Much will be appreciated when and if the ICC dismantles the current political aspirations held by some individuals with sordid lives and tainted political track records.

  34. THE HAGUE 6:
    William Ruto, Uhuru Kenyatta, Francis Muthaura, Rtd General Hussein Ali, Henry Kosgey, Joshua Arap Sang(radio journalist)

  35. The Hague Dream Team! Wooohooo is out, free meals, free plane ticket, free accomodation and conjugal rights. Happy stay to the GUILTY TEAM!

  36. Mwara"N"gethe

    The list is out now! The names are now in public, including the web. Do not forget to bookmark. Please, now come out from the shadows and wax lyrical and trash everything. The floor is yours KK Vampire


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