In typical Kenyan style, a vicious political war is currently going on behind the scenes that is fascinating but also worrying because most analysts doubt if it will end well. The battle is between Agriculture minister William Ruto and Prime Minister Raila Odinga.
What is even more fascinating about this mostly silent war are the tactics being used some of which are fairly new and yet are proving to be pretty effective.
But let us start at the beginning.

The first big mistake Raila Odinga made with William Ruto was to concede to pressure and adjust the ODM constitution to make room for two deputy leaders. At the time Musalia Mudavadi was already second in command but the extra slot was created specifically for Willliam Ruto. As leader of a large political party like ODM this was a very amateurish mistake to make. Too amateurish. It confirmed what many already suspected. That Ruto had ODM by the balls and without Ruto there would be no ODM.
What Raila should have done would have been to put his foot down early on. As it is he not only postponed a problem but revealed his vulnerability to the immensely ambitious, ruthless and calculating Ruto. As recently as 1990 William Ruto used to hang around at the seats outside Hilton Hilton with other jobless Kenyans hungry and broke. The man did not rise form the jobless corner to such a powerful politician by accident. Anybody who underestimates him does so at their own peril.
Ruto got his start from the massive amounts of cash that Moi printed in 2002 and which was mainly distributed by the notorious YK92 (Youth for Kanu 92) of which Ruto was an official. To his credit he followed this up with other bigger deals like getting land allocations from Kanu for free and re-selling the land at exorbitant prices, mostly to government agencies. In a few short months it became difficult to link Ruto to the man with blood-shot eyes yawning from pangs of hunger at the Hilton jobless corner.
Admittedly one of the reasons why Ruto had ODM and Raila by the balls was because Ruto played a crucial role in getting Raila to where he is today. Never forget that the troubles that forced Mwai Kibaki and PNU to the negotiating table were not the ones in Kibera and Kisumu but the mayhem and bloodbath in the vast Rift Valley. This is the reason why the Kalenjin community strongly felt that they were shortchanged in the coalition government that was formed after Kofi Anan’s peace deal. Logically-speaking such a government should have had over 50% of its’ members hailing from the Rift Valley.
Thus Ruto’s fallout from ODM was only a matter of time and indeed the local press started speculations of the inevitable pretty early.
The following are highlights of the ongoing Ruto/Raila war.
- The high point was when the Prime Minister suspended Ruto (along with Sam Ongeri) pending investigations into scandals in their respective ministries. The usually slow-to-act Mwai Kibaki moved at such lighting speed (that I am still dazed several weeks later) to re-instate Ruto and Ongeri and make it crystal clear that the toothless Prime Minister did not even have power to “suspend” his own DM ministers, let alone sack them.
- Next Raila and his allies dropped Ruto as an ODM representative in the powerful house business committee. This was long overdue because it has been known for a long time now that Ruto is a frequent visitor to Mwai Kibaki’s State House and it did not need Ruto ally, Cherangany MP Joshua Kuttuny to spill the beans to the rest of the world (which he did last month.
- Ruto hit back in what he saw as a smart political move but which more serious analysts see as mere Kindergarten power games mainly designed to rub egos. He visited Kisumu but not before organizing a rousing welcome in advance and ensuring that the press would be there to capture it. Hi PNU supporters also ensured that they gave ODM trouble in their bid to get thgeir changed list passed in parliament.
- The PM planned a “revenge visit” in Ruto’s constituency that should have taken place last week but was cancelled at the eleventh hour, mainly because of the President’s visit in the area when he opened the Eldoret show last week. The highlight of that function was Ruto riding in the presidential ceremonial Landrover standing on his right side and waving to the crowds.
- Allegations have been made that Ruto is receiving financial and political support from PNU to destabilize ODM from within by ensuring that his Kalenjin community is out of ODM. There is plenty to suggest that this is true the most obvious is how PNU has handled Ruto over the last year or so. Then it is also pretty obvious that Ruto has done an excellent job in dismantling ODM from the once dreaded behemoth that forced through the nomination of Kenneth Marende as the new speaker to the crumbling walking skeleton it is today.
- The PM’s allies have been working very hard behind the scenes to prop up opponents of the current seating Rift Valley MPs. The idea is to have these individual’s stand in the 2012 elections on an ODM ticket and hopefully unseat the incumbents and thus duplicate the power and popularity the party had in the Rift Valley in 2007. There is a lot of money that is being spent on the ground and it makes many people wonder where all the ODM cash is coming from. To be fare PNU are also spending a lot of cash and the same mystery lingers. About the ODM master plan for the Rift Valley for 2012; it all looks very neat on paper but as any experienced political operative will tell you neat theoretical political plans hardly ever work out when implemented in the real world (ask President Mwai Kibaki).
And the war continues. The recently “leaked” reports that have helped kick up storms over certain allegedly corrupt cabinet ministers from the ODM side of government are the latest PNU move to completely dismantle ODM and ensure that Raila Odinga comes nowhere near the presidency in 2012.
The most worrying thing about the current Raila/Ruto war is that there are signs that both sides are getting more and more desperate by the day. Desperate people do desperate things and therein lies the grave danger in Kenya’s already tricky political landscape.
Previous Kumekucha article on Ruto
Another recent post by Chris: Letter to Esther Arunga
ReplyDeleteDon't worry about desperate actions from the Raila wing of ODM. The most that wing can do is throw stones in Kibera or Kondele slums of Kisumu. Matched against the Kalenjin worriors, the stone throwers are just a bunch of grown-up boys.
Ruto is not called General Ruto for nothing. With his pliers around Raila's political balls, the climatic outcome of the struggle between the two will depend on Ruto's sense of mercy.
Unfortunatley, one way or the other, Raila, like his father, will die crying to be allowed to sleep in State House just for a day. Raila can call the Kikuyus, athoniwa, all he wants, but it will not help his cause.
This is what London Financial Times (FT) had to say about Mr. Ruto last week.
ReplyDeleteBy Barney Jopson in Nairobi
Published: March 9 2010 19:55
William Ruto greets his visitors with a customary Kenyan “welcome”, but he is not always pleased to see them. “Why do you want to interview me?” he asks the Financial Times.
Because you are a central player in Kenyan politics, he is told. “That’s not true,” replies the senior
Others disagree. Kenya’s coalition government is riven by infighting and corruption and, wherever there has been conflict, Mr Ruto, the agriculture minister, has not seemed far away.
“I stopped talking to foreign journalists because they waste a lot of my time,” he says. “I don’t want to be Kofi Annan or somebody, to want to look for international profile. I know that looks myopic, but I think I’d better spend most of my time trying to deliver on this job.”
Whether he likes it or not, however, an international profile is what Mr Ruto has got. Kenya matters to the outside world. It is the economic hub of east Africa, a base for the United Nations and numerous aid agencies, and a pillar of relative stability in a volatile region that includes neighbouring Somalia. As an aspiring presidential candidate, Mr Ruto has a big influence over whether Kenya will achieve lasting political stability or suffer more ethnic unrest.
Renowned as hard working and ambitious, Mr Ruto helped negotiate the birth of the coalition government that ended the bloodshed triggered by an election in December 2007 that his party, the Orange Democratic Movement, said had been stolen.
But Mr Ruto’s critics have labelled him the most destructive force within that coalition. He has fallen out with Raila Odinga, the prime minister and an erstwhile ODM ally. He has been indirectly implicated in a corruption scandal that almost got him sacked and he is dogged by speculation over an International Criminal Court investigation into the post-election violence.
Mr Ruto, 43, denies any wrongdoing. He lists his achievements as agriculture minister: providing more services to farmers; improving the availability of seeds, fertiliser and credit; and expanding the area of irrigated land.
But Mr Ruto concedes: “We have not managed the grand coalition well. There’s been a lot of discordant voices and it has not helped matters.”
Once, the discord was between the coalition’s two parties, Mr Odinga’s ODM and the Party of National Unity led by Mwai Kibaki, the president. In the past year, however, the confrontation between Mr Ruto and Mr Odinga has come to the fore. Commentators link this to Mr Ruto’s presidential ambitions, which he will not discuss.
Analysts say he is calculating which alliances would give him the best shot at the presidency at the next election in 2012 – and he would have no qualms about ditching Mr Odinga. Relations between the two men reached a nadir last month when Mr Odinga sacked Mr Ruto, only to be overruled by President Kibaki. The cause of the furore: corruption.
Mr Ruto’s name had appeared in a report by PwC, the accountancy firm, into a subsidy scheme for maize that became a KSh2bn ($26m, €19m, £17m) corruption racket.
ReplyDeleteMr Ruto says there were no direct allegations against him and he cannot be expected to “answer for” the actions of civil servants who were accused. He also points out that the scheme was overseen by a committee from several ministries.
“It is therefore the height of dishonesty to try and pin the whole maize saga on me when the prime minister himself was the chair of the ad hoc committee.”
Commentators say another issue is making Mr Ruto defensive: the ICC. Its prosecutor is waiting for judges’ approval to open a formal investigation into the senior figures allegedly behind Kenya’s post-election violence.
Mr Ruto says: “That doesn’t worry me one bit because my conscience is clear. . . Every activity that is alleged to have been done in terms of planning of violence or financing of violence or whatever it is, those are issues that I never participated in in any way . . . A fair process will prove the facts.”
He described a report from a Kenyan human rights commission that linked him to the violence as a “heap of lies”. Accusations that he used language that fans tribalism were “bullshit”.
As he shepherds his guests out, Mr Ruto adds reflectively: “I always get in trouble for speaking my mind, but that is a price I’m willing to pay.”
I was talking with one of the numerous ODM strategists and I was shocked at their naivety. He said (and I am not kidding) that Raila's rapprochement with the Kikuyus (as witnessed with a visit to Murang'a) is intended to make the Kalenjin feel jealous and return to the ODM fold before the the Kikuyus join ODM. I nearly crashed my car laughing. Such is the desperation in Raila's camp.
ReplyDeleteI was talking with one of the numerous ODM strategists and I was shocked at their naivety. He said (and I am not kidding) that Raila's rapprochement with the Kikuyus (as witnessed with a visit to Murang'a) is intended to make the Kalenjin feel jealous and return to the ODM fold before the the Kikuyus join ODM. I nearly crashed my car laughing. Such is the desperation in Raila's camp
Don't worry about desperate actions from the Raila wing of ODM. The most that wing can do is throw stones in Kibera or Kondele slums of Kisumu. Matched against the Kalenjin worriors, the stone throwers are just a bunch of grown-up boys.
ReplyDeleteRuto is not called General Ruto for nothing. With his pliers around Raila's political balls, the climatic outcome of the struggle between the two will depend on Ruto's sense of mercy.
Unfortunatley, one way or the other, Raila, like his father, will die crying to be allowed to sleep in State House just for a day. Raila can call the Kikuyus, athoniwa, all he wants, but it will not help his cause.
Why obsessed with Raila as president when he himself is not..You tribalist good for nothing...
The problem with ODM is that whenever they have something important to announce, it is always a Luo who does it (either Raila, or Nyong'o, or Orengo, or Midiwo). It ends up looking like a Luo party with no breathig space for other communities. If this perception doesn't change by 2012, then ODM will be a distant second.
ReplyDeleteWhat did you expect? Kalenjins to continue to play second fiddle to Luos in Odinga's Dictatorial Movement (ODM)?
The fall-out was bound to happen because their unity was based on their hatred for Kikuyus and not ideology.
ReplyDeleteIn 1991, William Ruto was a minnow swimming among the shoal of BARRACUDAS that determined Daniel Arap Moi's reign. He learnt the divide and rule doctrine, learnt from the Ezekiel Komens Hosea Kiplagat, the Professor himself, Simeon Nyachae and why not? Picked some tactics from Raila and Kibaki in the long run.
ReplyDeleteGo back to early 2008 when the first fireflies of discomfort were seen in the dalliance between Uhuru Kenyatta and William Ruto. Phil, the know-it-all of ODM dismissed me and said that Raila depends on other people in the Rift, far away from Ruto.
The best they could have done, was to dismantle that, and the only way, which could not happen was to reshuffle the entire ODM bit of the cabinet. To me, Kajwang should have been given an assistant minister post, Oburu Odinga should not have been given his post and so was Dalmas. Joe Nyaga, the same. And why was John Harun given a post?
However, they allowed kabila adui to move closer and beat them in their own game.
Sad it may, but the situation has allowed for some nasty and what seem crass situations. Like the lies about Zakayo Cheruyiot, Isaac Ruto, the Mombasa Rally and the suspensions.
But then, give thanx to the new team at Harambee House. And who co-ordinates them? A luo boy.
Ujanja wa ODM huishia Kibera, au Kisumu.
Sorry for the man who talked to the 'strategist'. Those guys look at Raila differently. Have you heard of any word since that rally in Kigumo? Where was Peter Kenneth or he missed a plane like the Mombasa rally?
ReplyDeleteTo all here, IDPs will remain in the camps until 2012. That is one political tool that reminds kabila adui of their course against Raila. The K word has not even come out yet and the media is pulling away.
The 'strategist' should have known that since Raila Odinga realised he was just a minister with another title, things changed.
The short and narrow is he will not be president. All strategies have flopped. Constitution, parliamentary, NARA, MAU, Mungiki, have all flopped. Try joining PNU then.
That is not what someone here has perfected in insulting me. Ukweli wa mambo!
ReplyDeleteAs the house of ODM aka ODmorons continue to collaspe, it about people who cheered the murder, rape and toture of innocent people REPENT!! God of vengeance is coming with wrath and none of these ODMorons will be spared. Let those who have ears hear!
ReplyDeleteCome one grow up and stop being a YOUTHWINGER. You attack Phil while vomiting trivia from both lips. Look you already have 25% of the comments all complete with your political naivity. Your object of hate will never make you a shinning armour. You are such an eloquent political idiot. Bring it on.
Reptilians tears never cease to amaze!
ReplyDeleteBTW, one wonders whether the same 'eye' remembered to shed three tears for the victims of PEV, especially the innocent children who lost their lives in the burning fires.
"Calculating"? Yes he is like many tribal hyenas out there in the political jungles of Kenya.
LOL! Who knows, what a heap of evidence awaits him at the ICC when and if he gets there.
Will PNU have no qualms about ditching Ruto turned opportunist aka traitor? An will the PNU people ever forget the PEV?
Hear ye hear ye!
William Ruto comes to a fork in the 2012 political road and doesn't which allies to trust in order to achieve his political ambitions.
There are two alliance leaders, Mwai Kibaki and Raila Odinga, at the fork of Kenya's messy political road, one whom always tells the truth while the other always tells lies.
Ruto being the blind political climber that he has become since the days of Daniel arap Moi, fails to remember or figur out which is which, though.
He may ask one of the alliance masters only one question in order to find his political path to the State House.
Which alliance master does he ask, and what is the question? And does he shed a tear or two while asking the ambitious question?
The answer to Ruto's personal, political and ethnic quagmires?
Well, CLICK HERE in March of 2012 and find out what happened to the hyena when it reaced the fork in road.
Turn around the TITANIC. In this gladiatorial game, the loser is the one who stands last. So, one community pulling away can silence ODMers. Maisha
ReplyDeleteTHINK AGAIN deroo
William Ruto (call him Honourable or Horrible or Horror-able if you will) is an ambitious political hyena Kenyans have come to know, however, Raila Odinga and his henchmen are not saints but worse than Ruto's calculating ways.
ReplyDeleteRaila Odinga has been and continues to be part and parcel of Kenya's main political, ethnic and economic problems for far too long. He is a man who still deludes himself, all of his henchmen and ethnic community into believing that Kenya's presidency is his birthright and it must be attained by any means necessary at the expense of real development in Nyanza.
Kenya's presidency should never ever be viewed as a reserve for any ethnic community in the same way it has been mistaken over the last several decades as an entitled reserve for Agikuyu. Such an erroneous assumption must be corrrected through fundamental civic education if there is to be a lasting peace in Kenya.
There is no doubt whatsoever that PNU is an ethnic outfit with scavenging foot soldiers from the other three smaller ethnic communities.
Likewise, ODM is also an ethnic outfit that is beefed up with blind foot soldiers and canon fodder (warriors) from the cowardly neighbouring communities.
So, if William Ruto or any other presidential aspirant can arm himself with a multi-ethnic outfit and succeed where the one time Miraculous Kalonzo (now turned dead hope of the nation)failed in degrading centers of political powers of ethnicty in Kenya, so be it and more power to him.
we will never get a president like Raila ..he's got ma vote mpende msipende
ReplyDeleteAs it is, we are looking at the face value of what is going on. When the parliament opened, Ruto was welcome as a murderer by fellow law makers. Indeed with all these corruption deals surrounding Ruto, who will want to have him by side for long? PNU/PDM have a very good strategy to meet with Ruto....and I see Ruto going the same way over again....Am sure he is aware of this and must have put down is contingency plan and thats where the problem lies.
ReplyDeleteI think this Gen Ruto chap is being ultimate dumb and foolish by flirting with Merciless and heartless Mwai Kibaki. Kibaki has a heart of stone and I would challenge anyone to state when they saw him shed a single tear drop even in the most painful of tragedies. He only seems to care about himself, his family and tarmacking the roads, period! Kibaki is known to use and dump his political 'spanner boys' once his mission is accomplished. Just ask Stanley Murage, Matere Keriri, Kalembe Ndile, Murungaru, Mutahi Kagwe, Artur brothers, Martha Karua, etc, etc. That's the same fate awaiting naive William Samoei Arap Ruto. OK, his corruption cases at high court may be withdrawn and he may ride with Kibaki on the presidential Land Rover, but the ultimate sucker punch awaits him later on. He will be chewed like a sugarcane and when there's no more sweetness left in him, PNU will spit him out and find another foolish victim. Hahaha, Ruto probably thinks Kibaki will not hand over to The Hague when the time for reckoning arrives! He must brace himself for the ultimate blackmail, threats and back stabbing in Kenya's dirty game of politics. Just when I thought the agriculture minister couldn't possibly be more dumb, I realize he's even dumber!
ReplyDeleteThe war is not between RAO and WSR.
It is actually the status quoist who have infiltrated ODM and have made it their business to ensure that whatever it is, RAO must never see the inside of State House come the next general election (notice I avoid 2012).
Fortunately for ODM, Ruto has succumbed. It is him who is being held by the balls. If you look at the ODM Pentagon, Ruto is the ODD MAN OUT. He has criminal court cases, he has serious financial issues, he has serious matrimonial problems, he has serious health problems, he has political problems (not just with ODM but also with Moi's KANU). Worst of all, and along with KANU's Uhuru Kenyatta, his fate with ICC is a matter of time.
Deep down, do you honestly believe Kibaki and his PNU "love" William Ruto?
ODM has been his cover and protection all along. If it were not for ODM, I doubt if WSR would be walking free along the streets of Nairobi, dining with beautiful college girls or even looting the huge budget that is that Ministry of Agriculture (the largest portfolio ODM got in the power sharing deal).
Ruto's presidential ambitions are actually an insurance policy. He uses money sourced from PNU to distabilize ODM from within. He finances Rookie MPs like Kutuny, Kones, etc because they are his barking dogs, if and only if they are lucky to get back to parliament. If they are as popular as they claim, why cant they pass a vote of no confidence on the PM? Or better still, why cant they defect and run on a different part ticket? BTW, what happened to MAU?
I have two last questions for you. If ex-President Moi can form an alliance with Mungiki, and Ruto can form an alliance with PNU; what makes you think ODM cannot form an alliance with other independent political forces all over Kenya?
Ruto has been quick to jump into PNU's bed, but I urge you to do your research. Go to any bus station or Market Eldoret, Turbo, Endebes, Kipkaren, Kapsabet, Nandi Hills or even Kericho, and talk to the guy on the ground. Try and establish if they followed Ruto when he jumped into bed with those they opposed in the last election?
And something else to research on CHRIS:
ReplyDeleteRuto and selected PNU ministers are now frequent visitors to Kampala and also to Museveni's rural home.
Ruto "opted" to spend Christmas in Uganda with his family. He drove himself in the same Range Rover 4.6HSE that Yognesh Devani gave him up to Malaba border. But what happened after he crossed over to Uganda? Do you know who met him and who hosted him and for what reason?
How many more private trips has Ruto made to Entebbe and Kampala after this?
What about Eugene Wamalwa. Do you know his connection with Kampala? Do you know the genesis of his presidential campaign? What are his real chances in becoming Kenya's head of state? Why did Jimmy Kibaki grow cold feet when push came to shove in their Simama imaginations?
Which regional Head of State has been openly anti-ODM? Why has this regional head of State openly sabotaged the proposed EAC federation?
Chris, the next elections in Kenya have far reaching ramifications, going beyond Kenya's borders. If you can use your investigative skills to answer these questions, then you will understand what is going on in the local political front and the frequency of Kampala trips by some of our ministers.
I think we are looking at a huge implosion in Eastern Africa soon. Or at the very least, an elimination of a high profile individual, John Garang style.
I hope those of you here who use vocabulary and unusual grammar have read that article by Financial Times from UK.
ReplyDeleteTaabu, I hope you have taken note of how English people write their English.
Writing in vocabulary anywhere in UK is a sign someone has not fully evolved since big words were only used during Medieval Britain.
Have you seen how many times Brits have paraphased the Bible since it was first written in 1300?
In Kenya big words is a sign of intellegient.
Oh Kenyans you have a long way to go as far as evolution is concerned!
ReplyDeleteClever tactic to deflect the truth (and heat!).
Museveni is a very convenient scapegoat for everything that goes wrong with ODM. Not only does Museveni hate the ODM 'god' but he participated in PEV round I in Kisumu and will participate in PEV round II. But then again didnt he say the water at Migingo is Uganda's while the land is Kenya's.
The time of reckoning for the party of 'kabila adui' is now!
Leta ingine!
ReplyDeleteTake your upumbavu back to Jukwaa and join the other Luo worshippers there. You think only Raila can travel to foreign countries and meet heads of states.
By the way, you forgot to tell us why the begging "Luo Elders" visited Gadaffi as well as Juba in Southern Sudan. Have you heard about the Nyani na kundule yake?
ReplyDeletebetter stick to jukwaa where fellow odmorons wank with pro-raila news.
ruto is more popular that ever and Kalenjins are branding Raila as a TRAITOR...ARAP MIBEI MAFI!!!!!!!!
stop confusink kale land with kibera or kisumu!!!
Now some Luo-ish ODMites have realized that Ruto is a thief and a murderer? In 2008, were they not singing "NO RUTO, NO CABINET!"
ReplyDeleteNo wonder their first instinct is to throw a stone or to uproot the railway.
ReplyDeleteYou don't have to throw insults at a friend of my friend, WSR.
Nonetheless you are right on one thing, I did what you want anybody to do. I asked men on the ground and they are clear that it is over with Raila, and that they will not support Kikuyus, that they will support Ruto and that Ruto is still young for presidency.
If you read above you will realise that there is a confusion. They are supporting Ruto but they still say he's still young. Further that they will not support a Kikuyu above Ruto. I wonder which will be the best solution for them.
I don't want to conclude early but in politics things change. In 2002 who knew that Luos will support Kibaki through Raila. It can happen, Kalenjins may support whoever Ruto is going to direct them to support.
There are several reasons that makes me believe Ruto will not run for presidency but he'll opt for supporting someone else. The same way Raila knew by standing by himself in 2002 he wasn't going to win, and that there was no way Kibaki was going to support him so that he had only one option, to say "Kibaki tosha" is the same way I don't think Uhuru or Kalonzo can support Ruto for presidency, at the same time I don't think Ruto can win if he stands by himself.
Ruto's presidential ambition is all about getting a bargaining power in the next election and not about running for presidency, I wish to be proven wrong. It's similar to that of Kalonzo in 2007. So it's possible that he can gain like Kalonzo, and maybe become the next VP and Kalonzo as president. But can it happen?"History repeats itself" is a meer phrase that doesn't hold water to me. There are several factors that can prevent this from happening, one being that Kenyans are getting wiser.
All in all these are politics to me. What we all need to ask ourselves is, "are we gaining from these politics?". All of our politicians are getting richer while majority of us who passionately supports them are getting poorer.
So I'll be the first in this post to say that, we are loosing.
Predictably, Ruto's propaganda surrogates are now cyber stalking reform forces all over the web.
ReplyDeleteAs dumb as they are, they cannot provide answers for the questions we ask. Neither can they publish the vision of their paymasters Ruto and Uhuru.
The questions we raise still remain valid. If Chris is man enough, let him pick the gauntlet and investigate the Uganda connection. May be visit Karen Shopping Centre where Ruto's wife frequently hangs out and find out exactly what goes on behind that well trimmed hedge they call home.Who is the Kalenjin Gospel musician who is Ruto's latest catch - and the nights they spend cuddling in Fairview.
Even those of you who masquerade as PA to so and so outside Continental House while in real sense they are freelance park attendants have now invaded the blogs to 'sell' Ruto and his brother in crime Uhuru Kenyatta.No need to name names, but we know you guys from your IP numbers. After posting rubbish here, they go back to be paid 500/- as facilitation fees!
You can hurl insults for the whole world to see your stupidity, but the fact remains that your bosses are non-starters as far as siasa in concerned.
Do Luo leaders honestly believe that they can decide who Kalenjins will have as their leader? How damn do they think Kalenjins are? This is the kind of megalomania that other communities hate from Luo leaders. If they serious want one of their own to win the presidency, they must tone down this cultural put-off.
ReplyDeleteMara it is PNU undermining ODM, mara it is Museveni. This cry-babiness from ODMorons is becoming too much.
ReplyDeleteCan you show me where I insulted Ruto? Please face these anonymou-asses and tell them off.
Is it not true he drove up to Malaba border and was met on the Uganda side with Museveni's presidential escort, who took him all the way to Kampala?
Is it not true Ruto pretends to be suffering from Diabetes when it is obvious he is covering up a more serious terminal disease?
Is not true Ruto and Uhuru have filed cases in court asking their names to be removed from a certain list of masterminders of the PEV?
These are not rumours. Phillip
Ask ruto to tell us Mudavadi alikula nini yake. I have been to the ground in Rift Valley. I know majority of councillors are aligned to ODM.
Thats is why UDM, PDP, KANU and all the rest have been rejected in all by-elections. That is why Isaac Ruto or Joshua Kutuny or even William Ruto himself cannot dare resign their ODM given parliamentary seats. They stand NO CHANCE of being re-elected on any other party ticket.
The election BALLOT BOX is not won through elbowing a fellow cabinet minister so as to be seen riding on a presidential landrover! Kuti was also on that ride, have we heard any chest thumping from him? Even Kibaki himself had to steal his way to that landrover and we know what the consequenses were. This is an non issue!
Please, please, Phil, take your low-life Kibera gossip out of here. Please, don't tell us you have been hidding under Ruto's bed to count how many times he makes love to his wife. If ODM politics has come down to this, take it back to Jukwaa where the scum of politics congregate.
ReplyDeleteSo what if Ruto enjoys a ride with Kibaki? What crime is that? Get back to your social work in Kibera and save a life or two. That is what is important, and not who rode with who in what landrover, or who slept with who.
Where is Sam Okello when we need him?
ReplyDeleteWuoohi!!!kumekucha leo kumechacha.
ReplyDeleteYou seem to know Ruto's life pretty well.
But I ask, what relevance does whoever Ruto shags have on national politics? You seem to want us to believe that if Ruto sleeps with some musician in Fairview, we are poorer politically. Now that's dumb
You look down on others, calling them parking attendants rushing to blogs to post defences. While I like the analogy, I think you are one of those Kenyans still stuck with notion that you must work in an office to live well. Face it men, the parking attendants can also blog
Phil is telling you facts!
ReplyDeleteRuto has declared his interest in the presidency. That is the most important public seat in Kenya. Whoever wishes to ocuppy that seat must be morally, physically and emotionally correct!
Let voters know who they are voting for.
Will they be voting for a healthy president? See what is happening in Nigeria as we speak!
Will Kenya's voters be voting for anti or pro corruption president? Ruto's record speaks for itself.
Who will be Kenya's first lady? Do we honestly need another Mama Roocy or a Michelle Obama? How many other Wambuis wa Othaya will resurface with children born out of wedlock after ruto is sworn in?
Will Museveni rule our country by proxy? What is his personal interest in our succession politics and constitutional reform?
Do we want sex scandals emanating from State House during the reign of the next president?
There are plenty of hangers-on around Continental House and I agree with Phil that they need to come and post the visions and manifestos of the leaders and political parties they support.
ReplyDeleteYou mislead people. Never forget history and never never ignore historical pillars that come to count.
I will start by saying something very simple. It is only yesterday we were discussing about a type of people who, when agitating for something or for a situation to change, push vehemently and complain in the background. When it comes to confronting issues directly, they stand in the back and let the more bold ones be on the front line.
It is no wonder that when you look at all the Union leaders and .... who shout the loudest, they are from more confrontational cultures but behind them are the real agitators.
Have you ever wondered why Sammy Nyamweya seems to be the only one who boldly shouts on behalf of that group. % ration representation tells falls at 1:20, that is Sammy Nyamweya:Them.
Now to apply this to the Ruto scenario. The approach Ruto is taking to dismantle Raila is two-pronged.
1. Ruto, like we have indicated above, is the more confrontational one fighting on behalf of that people group through (read: Mwai Kibaki). According to that people group, Ruto is their weapon where they have failed or where they are pushing him to the front to fight their war.
2. Ruto himself is ambitious. Himself he also wants a formidable team to follow him. Kibaki has, Kalonzo has, Raila has and Ruto feels he's got to have too. Good for him in political growth.
Therefore as far as Ruto is concerned, he can kill two birds with one stone. Fight for Kibs and his people group, and at the same time, have a formidable team behind him for future political bargain.
Now then, my advice to Ruto is that he has to succeed in completely dismantling Raila. WHY?
Remember, Kibaki and that people group's main objective is to destroy Raila. To them, Raila is thorn in the flesh that has refused to go away. Therefore, where Ruto has reached, and with all the amount of money he has received, if he does not succeed in dismantling Raila completely and I repeat completely, Kibs will throw him at the side as not attaining the intended objective.
If that happens, it might weaken Ruto's number 2 approach, albeit not completely but we will still end up with Ruto and a formidable team for bargaining.
Therefore, Kibaki stands to gain only when Ruto succeeds but Ruto stands to gain both ways. Whether he succeeds or not, he will have a team. But Kibs should worry. If Ruto succeeds, it will not be that he was a stooge, remember Ruto has a reason as indicated in number 2. So he might also be a thorn in the flesh for Kibaki or these people group. Why, unlike Kalonzo who has a team who are docile and who can be swayed sideways. Kalenjins cannot be easily swayed sideways.
This is my advice to Ruto however. Be very cautious when trying to dismantle Raila. Remember is his years of dismantling (KANU, NDP, etc) he was never anyone's stooge. He never ran to anyone for protection and he did not seek solace in any one. He did it alone.
So Ruto, get out of Kibaki's pocket inner wear and do it alone. It will make a big difference. Remember, Kibaki too never ran to anyone for protection, Kibaki was never used by anyone, as much as he never dismantled anything, he stood alone. He did not hang on anyone's court.
ReplyDeleteYou mislead people. Never forget history and never never ignore historical pillars that come to count.
I will start by saying something very simple. It is only yesterday we were discussing about a type of people who, when agitating for something or for a situation to change, push vehemently and complain in the background. When it comes to confronting issues directly, they stand in the back and let the more bold ones be on the front line.
It is no wonder that when you look at all the Union leaders and .... who shout the loudest, they are from more confrontational cultures but behind them are the real agitators.
Have you ever wondered why Sammy Nyamweya seems to be the only one who boldly shouts on behalf of that group. % ration representation tells falls at 1:20, that is Sammy Nyamweya:Them.
Now to apply this to the Ruto scenario. The approach Ruto is taking to dismantle Raila is two-pronged.
1. Ruto, like we have indicated above, is the more confrontational one fighting on behalf of that people group through (read: Mwai Kibaki). According to that people group, Ruto is their weapon where they have failed or where they are pushing him to the front to fight their war.
2. Ruto himself is ambitious. Himself he also wants a formidable team to follow him. Kibaki has, Kalonzo has, Raila has and Ruto feels he's got to have too. Good for him in political growth.
Therefore as far as Ruto is concerned, he can kill two birds with one stone. Fight for Kibs and his people group, and at the same time, have a formidable team behind him for future political bargain.
Now then, my advice to Ruto is that he has to succeed in completely dismantling Raila. WHY?
Remember, Kibaki and that people group's main objective is to destroy Raila. To them, Raila is thorn in the flesh that has refused to go away. Therefore, where Ruto has reached, and with all the amount of money he has received, if he does not succeed in dismantling Raila completely and I repeat completely, Kibs will throw him at the side as not attaining the intended objective.
If that happens, it might weaken Ruto's number 2 approach, albeit not completely but we will still end up with Ruto and a formidable team for bargaining.
Therefore, Kibaki stands to gain only when Ruto succeeds but Ruto stands to gain both ways. Whether he succeeds or not, he will have a team. But Kibs should worry. If Ruto succeeds, it will not be that he was a stooge, remember Ruto has a reason as indicated in number 2. So he might also be a thorn in the flesh for Kibaki or these people group. Why, unlike Kalonzo who has a team who are docile and who can be swayed sideways. Kalenjins cannot be easily swayed sideways.
This is my advice to Ruto however. Be very cautious when trying to dismantle Raila. Remember is his years of dismantling (KANU, NDP, etc) he was never anyone's stooge. He never ran to anyone for protection and he did not seek solace in any one. He did it alone.
So Ruto, get out of Kibaki's pocket inner wear and do it alone. It will make a big difference. Remember, Kibaki too never ran to anyone for protection, Kibaki was never used by anyone, as much as he never dismantled anything, he stood alone. He did not hang on anyone's court.
ReplyDeleteWhen will you ever get it-- ODM party is FINISHED! Either you join PDM or placenta or move on with your life you stupid boy!
ReplyDelete"matrimonial problems" ...... "dining with beautiful college girls"......
"pretends to be suffering from Diabetes when it is obvious he is covering up a more serious terminal disease"
I see it as an insult though I haven't verified any of them to be true, and I don't think I'll verify since I've got more serious issue with the guy than these ones.
Financial problems - I haven't verified this but what we have all been knowing is that Ruto is getting richer and richer that we are also wondering where is getting all the funds, at the moment he's building a hotel (I had earlier thought it was a shopping mall) next to Wilson Airport, and what we believe will be the biggest hotel in Eldoret. The pace at which works are moving shows clearly that the man has money or has better means of accessing credit facilities.
Concerning politics - I wonder who will win Ruto's support between Kalonzo and Uhuru. I know clearly that Kalonzo and Uhuru will run against each other.
Councillors - it's true that Raila's strategist are using them and jumping Mps to pull Kalenjins to ODM. I don't think it can work unless something miraculous happens, Kalenjins now hate Raila more than they did in January this year.
If tribalism persist then Raila should forget Kalenjins, and hope that Ruto will stand for presidency with Kalonzo and Uhuru at his side, so that he can see how to pull Kikuyu votes coz I don't think Kikuyus can support Ruto for presidency. This assumes that there will be no strong presidential aspirant who will pull Kikuyu votes.
Correction, the term "Kalenjin" in above means, Nandi, Keiyo (Elgeiyo) and Marakwet. I need to find out how the Tugens, Sabout and Kipsigis think.
ReplyDeleteMr Mwai "pumbavu" Kibaki is known to use and dump his political "spanner boys and girls" once his "pumbavu missions" are accomplished. That is a fact that has been proven over and over again.
If in doubt, ask people like Kenneth Matiba, Charles Rubia, Stanley Murage, Matere Keriri, Kalembe Ndile, Chris Murungaru, Martha Karua .... and many others who have shouted OUCH!! after big time betrayal by Mr Pumbavu.
This is the VERY SAME FATE awaiting William Ruto. His corruption cases at the high court may be withdrawn, courtesy of Mr pumbavu's influence, his "deportation" to the ICC to answer for his role in the PEV may be thwarted by Mr Pumavu and he may continue riding with the same Mr "pumbavu" Kibaki on the presidential Land Rover but, however, the ultimate sucker punch awaits him later on. It is almost a given. It is bound to happen. GUARANTEED.
Like someone commented above, He will be chewed like sugarcane and when there's no more "sweetness" left in him, he'll be SPAT out!!! And cry many shouts of pain - OUCH!! being on of them.
Trust and Mr Mwai "pumbavu" Kibaki do not go together. Betrayal and Mr Mwai "pumbavu" Kibaki do go togther like Hyenas and greed.
ReplyDeleteYou need to verify these issues. A presidential candidate is a complete package that comes with solid credentials. Am talking about the Raila Odingas, Morgan Tsavingirais and Barrack Obamas of this world. Can you tell me if Ruto is a complete package with solid credentials?
The fact is that the plot where Ruto is building his Weston Hotel was irregularly acquired from Kenya Airports Authority. It was airport reserve land. The structure remains a serious aviation hazard so long as Wilson Airport operates. Read this link:
Do you not see the reason for frequent visits to state house? He needs that secured because the Lands Ministry has already moved to revoke that KANU era allocation: Thanks to pressure from parliament, the two-acre property is at the centre of an ownership row between KCAA and William Ruto t/a Weston Hotel.
Ruto’s finances are discussed in that blog post. As it is, Museveni and Kibaki are both financing Ruto. His shock was evident when the PM suspended him from the Agriculture Ministry which is his cash cow. So wonder no more about the speed of construction.
You forget that during the ODM nominations, everything was being controlled from Orange House. You forget the events which led to Raila being declared a Nandi, Kipsigis and Tugen Elder. Not even Arap Moi himself managed some of these issues. Ruto has attemped to create a parallel panel of elders because the genuine panel is deemed to be anti Ruto. Those councillors are the same people who have categorically prevented rebel Rift Valley MPs from defecting from the party or voting to retain Ringera or attempting a no confidence vote on the Prime Minister.
These grassroot leaders and elders hold a lot of influence not just in Rift Valley but throughout much of Kenya’s rural areas. They are the engine that drove the 2007 ODM campaigns. They hold a lot of sway over women and youth vote. Ruto may have bought one or two MPs, but can he buy and pocket the entire ODM grassroot? Unfortunately, people like Ruto and Uhuru are fronting for the class societies of the Central and Rift Valley. These are classes that essentially lost favour from among the common man. The youth are not seeing things the way old school politicians want. The see no tribes. This is the constituency that Raila Odinga commands. He nominated youth in civic bodies, parliament and ODM had the highest number of tribeless youth leaders running as candidates in 2012. See people like KJ and Mudomo Baggy. Or Joho in Mombasa.
Therefore, you will be shocked about how the youth vote will change the politics of this country come the next election.
As far as I can see, this Ruto controls Rift Valley is the biggest fallacy of our times. Rift Valley is not Sugoi Farm or Eldoret North.
Raila himself got it wrong from the very beginning. It would have been prudent to make ruto DPM instead of musalia cos Kale votes are more than lunje votes, and more compact and dependable.
ReplyDeleteHe should not have started the mau evictions unprovoked, and kept quite on the debate as to the cause of post election violence. He made it too easy for Ruto to be rebellious, hoping to reap kikuyu votes. He also misread the Kalenjin political syke, and thought that since they are nilotes like luos, they would follow him euphorically since they had voted for him.
He should have remained faithful to his core constituency that is Luos and Kalenjins (luhya votes are always a battle ground) and the presidency would have been his for the taking.
I dont symphathise with his stupidity.
Phil is one of those Raila academicians that have never been to Kale lands to verify... continue paying the polsters and see if they vote
ReplyDeleteBlogger Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteRaila himself got it wrong from the very beginning. It would have been prudent to make ruto DPM instead of musalia cos Kale votes are more than lunje votes, and more compact and dependable.
Anonynous, you are the one who needs our deepest sympathies. You ignorance of democracy is so embarrasiing.
Mudavadi was runner-up to Raila during the ODM primaries in Kasarani in 2007. Mudavadi earned his position as ODM Deputy Party Leader during that election.
Ruto on the other hand and in keeping with KANU madness was given the post when ODM delegates decided to hand him the post during the grassroot elections at Bomas. Our interest then was party unity. You realise that the ODM constitution only had ONE deputy party leader's post until power got into Ruto's head.
You do realise also ODM holds the record as the only party which has conducted presidential primaries in Kenya.
The same delegates will soon show you who the boss is when they take away that same posting.
Watch this space.
ReplyDeleteAre u going to join Placenta party (another Jaruo political party) or not?
Jaruos stand a better chance with Placenta than ODM.
Take my advice, my friend.
ReplyDeleteI came across some info implying that Kenyatta descended from the Kipsigis. Can you shed some light on this?
ReplyDeleteIf you say Kenyatta descended from Massai then that believable than Kispgis. His maternal grand mother was a Masaai from Narok.
I have said it again and again but today I am ready to swallow my words all over.
Let me explain.
As a life long ODM Supporter, I thought Raila was the man. I often told people in this blog about the way Raila cries so that we do not have to cry, I confessed my undying love for Raila. I saw Raila as the savior of the 3rd liberation.
Now I see him as a Tribal king. He is a poor tribal king. Our Elders Council had to go to Libya to beg for a tractor. What a shame!
As for this Ruto Fellow...I SMELL A RAT.
I smell a rat because RUTO, in heart, is a KANU whack job
I smell a rat because RUTO, indeed, is a calculating man. He is a Raila clone, only more courageous and wealthy at a young age.
I bemoan my country Kenya. I bemoan sorrowfully. I bemoan our collective danger.
For Love of Country,
Sam Okello
Yes anon 5.13 . Kenyatta's great great grandmother was used as a bait to tame the formidable Luanda Magere into revealing the secrets of his war tactics. Luanda had a daughter with this unfortunate Kipsigis lady but since their culture was against illegitimate children especially their main rivals in land wars, she had to be raised up in a far place. Kenyatta lineage should be half Luo half Kipsigis. That was around 1600 dc. Can somebody pick it from there.
ReplyDeleteJaluo are stupid people!
ReplyDeleteMwai Kibaki the old wise toad has the golden opportunity to get rid of his two political pains (Raila and Ruto) from his murky waters by hitting them with one slingshot.
ReplyDeleteFurthermore, PNU's political engineers, their 'pyschological wing' and comrades at large will continue having a field day for as long as they continue to fan the heavy flames of mistrust, constant distractions, divisions and the destruction of ODM's leadership in the on going egotistical skirmishes between Raila's and Ruto's camps.
LOL! When two fat brothers fight each other at the most crucial time in their lives, it's the hated distant paternal cousin who always ends up benefiting when the silly fight is over and the wounded brothers are busy nursing their self-inflicted deep wounds.
Let the skirmishes continues beyond 2012.
Sam Okello said...
ReplyDeleteI have said it again and again but today I am ready to swallow my words all over.
I bemoan my country Kenya. I bemoan sorrowfully. I bemoan our collective danger.
When you see the whole world breaking down and falling apart, then, it is time to look at the way THE WHOLE WORLD HAS BEEN ORGANISED because, that is where the problem lies.
Instead of us realising this, whether in the USA, UK or Kenya, we foolishly blame individual leaders and individual ideologies for a UNIVERSAL PROBLEM.
It is true that, some leaders and ideologies are better than others.
However, (and u can take this one to the bank) at present time in human history, NO SINGLE LEADER or IDEOLOGY on this planet can effectively address the universal crisis we face.
Why so?
Because, they are all (inclusing us unknowingly) committed to the EXISTING world view.
Unfortunately, from deep and wide research, this world view is DISEASEd and DYING. In this process, it is CONTAMINATING everything it gave birth to.
We need, not only in Kenya, but all over the globe a fundamental rethinking of our philosophical, economic and social models. The question is, will humanity do this before it is too late?
Let us be a bit bold, for this is what the doctor has ordered. The Greek historian Hesiod writing 8th Century before Christ, described history in 5 phases: Age of gold, silver, brass, Heroic and Iron.
As concerns the age of iron, he said in part:
At this age, "the righteous man or the good man or he keeps his oath shall not find favour, but they shall honour rather the doer of wrong and the proud man insolent. Right shall rest in might of hand and truth shall be no more."
If you search much deeper, u will find that, Plato, Aristotle etc, they opposed the concept of continued change and GROWTH.
Mark the word GROWTH. They did so because, this was not a mark of greater value and order, but, the exact opposite.
This concept of life received a death brow in the hands of Turgot, Francis Bacon, Descartes, Isaac Newton and Adam Smith to mention a few.
Thats why Descartes could argue, "give me extension and motion and I will construct the universe." Thats why Locke could argue, the negation of nature is the way to happiness.
In a nutshell, these eminent thinkers constructed a world view over 400 years ago, which is still dominant.
However, that Age of Reason, or, the mechanical world paradigm is rapidly closing. However, since we are not collectively aware of it, we continue to cling to it, and when nothing seems to work, we blame our leaders. It will not work.
Let us analyse the construction of the world, and stop wasting time blaming this leader or that leader. Many will find this utopian, but, thats the bitter truth.
ReplyDeleteGIVE Kumekucha CREDIT whenever you COPY AND PASTE any of its contents on SIX other Kenyan sites out there, and never present them as your own. at your service 24/7.
Calling Korubo
ReplyDeletewhere TINGA ploughs ng´wache sprouts, meanwhile Kenya is rolling ahead shedding its myopic tribal past - the die hard remnants will not go away easily matusi combined with Korubo political “anal-isis” right on que
- Since we fantasize in tribal terms the winner is.....jijazie jameni ama ni PDM
we are a tribal country...and the tribal man i am says, kalenjins are playing pawn games and winning. everyone knows that to achieve peace, appease the kalenjins.... even kibaks knows this...kaleidoscopic have too much history and will always be at the negotiating table... only problem is, all this will happen at the expense of justice and democracy for truth be told, there's nothing that binds kalenjins with kyuks other than corruption, murder and injustice between them, they have ruled Kenya for 50 years, by 2012.
ReplyDeleteOne thing though, however absurd, kalenjins are not about to ship out from ODM. they'll not agree with raila, but if 2007 is anything to go by, Kalenjins own the party's struggle to be in government today.Even kibaks had to try Museveni's soldiers on them.Oh, yes, i'm Kiprono, I know
we are a tribal country...and the tribal man i am says, kalenjins are playing pawn games and winning. everyone knows that to achieve peace, appease the kalenjins.... even kibaks knows this..KALENJINS have too much history and will always be at the negotiating table... only problem is, all this will happen at the expense of justice and democracy for truth be told, there's nothing that binds kalenjins with kyuks other than corruption, murder and injustice between them, they have ruled Kenya for 50 years, by 2012.
ReplyDeleteOne thing though, however absurd, kalenjins are not about to ship out from ODM. they'll not agree with raila, but if 2007 is anything to go by, Kalenjins own the party's struggle to be in government today.Even kibaks had to try Museveni's soldiers on them.Oh, yes, i'm Kiprono, I know
3/16/10 8:01 AM
Luos should do another 50 years in opposition!
ReplyDeleteI wish our politicians would stop thinking about themselves and THINK ABOUT WHAT IS BEST FOR KENYA NOW AND IN THE FUTURE.
ReplyDeleteDo Luo leaders honestly believe that they can decide who Kalenjins will have as their leader? How damn do they think Kalenjins are? This is the kind of megalomania that other communities hate from Luo leaders. If they serious want one of their own to win the presidency, they must tone down this cultural put-off.
ReplyDelete3/16/10 1:59 AM
Damn is not even debatable. Wasn't this self evident for 24 years that we had the goat herders at the helm? Destroyed anything and everything in their course due to their, pardon me, herd mentality?
@8:03 AM
ReplyDeleteLOL! They have a history? A history! A history that has always cost them a transition into modern day reality.
They lost when the Arabs first crossed through Rift Valley on their way to establish contact and business relations with the mighty kingdom of Kabaka in Uganda during the 1600s.
They lost their land when the European settlers walked into the Rift Valley with their mighty guns, well trained fighetrs and determined large scale farmers.
They lost when the railaway line crossed through the sleeping giant Rift Valley.
They lost when the European settlers sold their developed large scale farms and left Kenya between 1957-1964.
They lost when one of their own son Daniel arap Moi became president of Kenya for two decades.
A time when many failed to take advantage of the golden era (opportunity) in order to turn the whole Rift Valley region into a sustainable bread/maize/wheat fruit/vegetable/dairy/meat baskets for East Africa, North Africa, Southern Africa, Middle East, Asia, Europe and North America. [South Africa is tsill exporting the same to the rest of the world]
They lost when funds from the national treasury were looted to construct Moi University. Majority of them still prefer the ways of "warriorism" rather than educated one in every ten children in the region.
They lost during the PEV, their true nature were exposed and witnessed in real time by the rest of the developed world.
LOL! Where were they "at the negotiating table in 1978" the generous attorney general Charles Njonjo hand picked Daniel arap Moi and vigorously defended him as an alternative choice for Kenya's next president?
If our farmers in the Rift Valley were as creative, seasoned, savvy, open minded and determined as the kibbutz farmers, then Eldoret International Airport would be handling over 50 to 100 cargo flights a day instead of the abysmal three flights.
Corruption scandals follow this RUTO guy wherever he this mere coincidence or a pattern? Go figure. The latest one is the fertilizer scam , next is seedlings na kadhalika..
ReplyDeleteCan somebody tell me why this man RUTO is always connected to underhand deals of defrauding the state and the kenyan tax payer. What a hypocrite always wearing national clours to claim loyalty yet he is the biggest thief of them all