One of the things I said about 2010 is that it will be the year of the sucker punch. Now here is a possible sucker punch that beats them all. The truth is that I have been listening to some far-fetched claims about president Kibaki seeking re-election in 2012 with plenty of skepticism. But never forget that the most unexpected things happen in politics pretty often. Maybe too often for comfort.

A few things have made me sit up and change my mind about the Kibaki re-election stories. Most of it I cannot share here because I often receive information that I am NOT allowed to use for various reasons. But let me summarize the information I am talking about by saying that the behaviour of Kibaki handlers, more so in recent weeks does not suggest that they may be packing their bags preparing to leave the corridors of power in 2012. In fact their actions point in the opposite direction. Suggesting that they are in power to stay. Instead of starting to remove personal pictures on the walls folks are ordering new expensive furniture so to speak. Just a figure of speech.
Now as I was working on this post, a tweet by government spokesman Alfred Mutua made my hand freeze on the keyboard. Let me reproduce the Tweet here;
Government is contracting TPain, Young Jeezy and 50Bob to remix Tawala Kenya Tawala to "Tawala Kibaki Tawala" Government spokesperson Alfred Mutua has tweeted this information.
Now I appreciate and respect the fact that when the song Tawala Kenya first assaulted the ears of long suffering Kenyans, most of our loudest-mouthed commentators here in this blog were at best still in diapers and at worst were not yet even a sperm determinedly swimming towards fertilizing some unfortunate ovary. I was a very young lad then. But young enough to be aware of what was going on. It was a good tune but I sensed lots of unease and even annoyance in Kenyans about the song. Years later I was to discover that the song was designed to help boost confidence in the then shaky Daniel arap Moi trying to step into the huge shoes of Jomo Kenyatta with the long bloody shadows of the Kiambu Mafia hanging over him.
Now the government (that really means Mutua and the president’s closest handlers) has decided to release a new version of the song in praise of Kibaki and his leadership. Now why would anybody want to do that in the twilight of their administration? Unless…
…Of course!!! Unless they knew something that the rest of us Kenyans did not know. As I write this the draft constitution is in parliament and Kenyans would do well to remember what President Bill Clinton said in his biography about how law making is pretty much like manufacturing sausages.
For those who don’t get the picture let me help. Picture this guy who has not trimmed his nails for a while handling and stuffing bits of minced meat to make sausages. Then there is this guy who has just returned to his work station from a call of nature in some toilet that smells so bad that the smell in itself has succeeded in chasing away flies. And this toilet has no toilet paper. And since we all know that there is no water in Nairobi the man dives straight back and clasps a large chunk of the stuff that makes your favourite sausages. None of this will cross your mind when you grab the beautifully packaged sausages at the super market. Or chew that nice brown fried sausage, lick you lips and grab more from the dish. And so Clinton’s point and my point here is that Kenyans who are all expecting a constitution close to perfection should relax and forget it and remember that deals and counter deals are going to be made in the final chiseling going on just now. Yes making laws is pretty dirty business anywhere in the world, now imagine a whole constitution and there are so many interests to be protected and sins to be covered up.
In other words it is not a far-fetched dream that the new constitution will allow Kibaki to stand for a third and even fourth term. Need I remind you that when the limited reforms of 2002 were passed limiting the term of a president to two terms Moi was able to run for another two terms? Most opposition MPs hurriedly agreed because nobody believed that Moi (who had never stood in a seriously competitive election in his entire life before then) would win re-election (by whatever means) back to State House in 2002. And that could be the exact feeling that many have about Emilio Mwai Kibaki. After all, Moi who never saw the inside of a university ruled Kenya for 24 years. How can a former university don rule for only 10 short years?
Tawala Kenya tawala, rais Kibaki tawala Kenya tawala… Unongoza vyema rais Kibaki unongoza vyema
Rough translation: Rule Kenya president Kibaki, you are ruling very well, continue to rule Kenya.
Oh boy!!! Will the last man leaving Kenya remember to switch off the lights… that is if the switch is still there.
P.S. Bethuel Kiplagat impunity post to follow
Thank you for just adding some evidence to my predictions
ReplyDeleteThank you!!!!
The Status Quo need someone reliable to rule further than 2012 so as to keep the issues as they are; and at the moment neither
Uhuru,Ruto,Kalonzo are in a position to so
leaving just one option
His Excellency MK
It is easier for him to run under a new Constitution than have some half baked / half trusted wannabe!!!
The next president of Kenya is
HON. Mwai emilio Kibaki.
New Constitution 2011.
Snap elections and Rigging 2011.
PDM= Confusion = ODM = Votes for PDM
Manipulation of;
-Census results in favor of Status quo
-Voter registar
-Manipulation of Election boundaries
Repeat of PEV but this time the security forces will deal a blow to it's effects
all to benefit of the status quo.
Believe me this will happen!
I challenge any Kumekuchan to prove me wrong.
This is what
A wise Orkoiyot is saying
Let Kibaki seek a third term as long as he is ready and willing to keep Mamadou Tandja company.
ReplyDeleteAll it takes is a few good young men, luck, stealth and a disgruntled segment of the urban population, and the rest becomes African political history at its worst.
Kibaki has two options, he can decide to join Hassan Mwinyi, Mukapa, Mbeki, Arap Moi et al type of retirement plan or end up on the inevitable Mamadou Tandja's exit strategy.
The choice is his and let him roll the dice for all it's worth.
ReplyDeletePower is so sweet that our "supreme leader" concocts these democratic defective structures to protect their CORRUPTION HAUL. Supreme leader and the graft cartel are trying to emulate Kenyatta and die in power through tribal numbers games.
There was no way a supreme leader would let stand the public dismissals of Ongeri and Ruto as that would have interfered with the POST PRESIDENCY PROTECTION RACKET [ PPR ] also know as the failed KKK that is the synonym for PDM. Just like the last election was stolen to protect the cartel. The main modus operandi to steal this one is to manipulate events with the aim of bringing together the “blood brothers” with the numbers they carry. Their arithmetic has to be in the bag come election day
Supreme leader is extremely happy to facilitate this reunion - barring this, is a one way ticket to HELL. The question WHO is Anglo Leasing will be conclusively and finally answered. Ongeri`s stealing of children’s funds will be POOR CHILDS PLAY compared to the sagas that will unravel. Wanainchi will start to have a glimpse of the dark secrets that have led to the wholesale betrayal of THE NATION and its deadly and catastrophic consequences.
People who have bred doves when young understand that “madush” always come back for crumbs and finally call the place you made home. The fascinating thing about doves is that they fly away and are free like any other birds, they actually pass as free birds - but at the end of the day they are under your control. Kalonzo is now a domesticated “dush” of this clique. He is the “dush flying around” balloon testing outfits – from ODM-K to KKK to PDM, the question is not when but which acronym is next? As per the “CONTRACT” for facilitating PPR he is receiving access and maintenance.
The truly sad thing is that this outfit is failing and he will be paraded again in a different outfit without blinking an eyelid. As sure as the sun rises in the east when the final list of the members of the supreme council is rolled out it will be exposing members of “The Directorate of theft and mismanagement” Our Nation cannot be entrusted to such wishy washy characters without any TRACK RECORD. Lets not be dammed the forth time.
My current project…. The Electronic frontier - from 10 billion “computer error” to “computer fire” destruction of records to “computer election victory” - be warned!
ReplyDeletePower is so sweet that our "supreme leader" concocts these democratic defective structures to protect their CORRUPTION HAUL. Supreme leader and the graft cartel are trying to emulate Kenyatta and die in power through tribal numbers games.
There was no way a supreme leader would let stand the public dismissals of Ongeri and Ruto as that would have interfered with the POST PRESIDENCY PROTECTION RACKET [ PPR ] also know as the failed KKK that is the synonym for PDM. Just like the last election was stolen to protect the cartel. The main modus operandi to steal this one is to manipulate events with the aim of bringing together the “blood brothers” with the numbers they carry. Their arithmetic has to be in the bag come election day
Supreme leader is extremely happy to facilitate this reunion - barring this, is a one way ticket to HELL. The question WHO is Anglo Leasing will be conclusively and finally answered. Ongeri`s stealing of children’s funds will be POOR CHILDS PLAY compared to the sagas that will unravel. Wanainchi will start to have a glimpse of the dark secrets that have led to the wholesale betrayal of THE NATION and its deadly and catastrophic consequences.
People who have bred doves when young understand that “madush” always come back for crumbs and finally call the place you made home. The fascinating thing about doves is that they fly away and are free like any other birds, they actually pass as free birds - but at the end of the day they are under your control. Kalonzo is now a domesticated “dush” of this clique. He is the “dush flying around” balloon testing outfits – from ODM-K to KKK to PDM, the question is not when but which acronym is next? As per the “CONTRACT” for facilitating PPR he is receiving access and maintenance.
The truly sad thing is that this outfit is failing and he will be paraded again in a different outfit without blinking an eyelid. As sure as the sun rises in the east when the final list of the members of the supreme council is rolled out it will be exposing members of “The Directorate of theft and mismanagement” Our Nation cannot be entrusted to such wishy washy characters without any TRACK RECORD. Lets not be dammed the forth time.
My current project…. The Electronic frontier - from 10 billion “computer error” to “computer fire” destruction of records to “computer election victory” - be warned!
Read the signs guys
ReplyDelete1. MK, Moi and Ruto teaming up.
2. Formation of PDM with Kibaki as the Supremo!!!!
3. The President ordering all Ministers/ ass. Ministers to remain so that the Constitution can be passed sooner rather than later
- The earlier a new constitution is passed the / Snap election ;
the easier it is to sell the idea of a Kibaki Re-Run
4. Moi- Maina Njenga Rallies
5.Michuki and the testing of the waters
Soon you will be hearing alot of KIBAKI TENA Chants from all over
and I bet
MK will be sold to us as the only UNIFIER amongst our Politicians and the use of PEV 2007/08 for this purpose!
These are the words of your
Wise Orkoiyot
Ohh and I forgot to add...
ReplyDeleteMany people laughed loudly when it was suggested that Kibaki was going to rig elections in 2007.
I hear loud laughs again at the suggestion that he will seek a third term.
UPDATE the photo to its current status. The posted photo is from August 1999, years before mini stroke signs and symptoms became evident.
ReplyDeleteGood luck with your predictions ad nauseam.
Kenya President suspends 13 over graft - Agwambo leads others follow & well done Mudavadi for forcing Muthaura and duly elected to act. At long last Gakuo should be behind bars were he belongs.
ReplyDeleteI've personally come to one conclusion that I really won't care any more who becomes the president of this great country be it Kibaki again, Mwakwere, Raila, hata Esther Arunga. This is on condition that the country gets a new constitution with very, very strong checks and balances to contain a rogue or an imperial president. I really hope Kibaki is the last imperial king of this long suffering nation. Never again shall Kenya have a CEO who wakes up one morning and orders a raid on a media house or just creates some district without proper legal and transparent procedures. Never again shall ministers steal school fees and get away scot free without even resigning and being locked up at Kamiti (I prefer execution by a firing squad!). And if the president becomes incompetent, we the people should be able to send him or her packing through our representatives who will swiftly pass a motion of no confidence. I also pray that when we have a new CEO, he or she shall pursue the untouchables who are currently looting without a care in the world. I really thought this country was one big joke until I read the story of the Ailing Nigerian president Yar'Adua and how no one has a clue whether he's dead or alive, in Nigeria or still in hospital abroad and how some clashes two days ago between Xtians and Muslims have left nearly 1,000 innocent people dead and barely made international headlines. I hope a time will come when Kenyans won't even care who is the leader as long as the job get done and the guilty are swiftly punished regardless of class or political affiliations.
The self-absorbed, vain and arrogant Dr Alfred Mutua can parrot all he likes coz he thinks he's more important than he really is. What do you expect from the Govt's chief parrot who dons an 80's 'box' haircut and envies some foul mouthed rappers who call women b*tches and whores? The exact mentality one would expect from this clown's tweets. Get a life Alfred, no wonder the media sends those young rookie journalists to your much boring press spins. I will definitely challege him to a fist fight fight next time I see him at Nakumatt Junction. Let's treat him with the contempt he deserves, I really don't even know why I'm bothered....bure kabisa!
It wont work if the draft stays the way it is. Some people in PNU want the president to take the plunge for a third terms. Others in PNU do not want it. Whichever way it goes, ODM is more than ready to meat any of these characters currently parading themselves as presidential wannabes.
ReplyDeleteThe loophole for a possible third terms for Moi or Kibaki was there in the initial harmonized draft, but the final draft which was delivered to parliament recently eliminated possibility of a previous president seeking a third term as president.
"A person who before the effective date has held office for more than one term as president is not eligible from the effective date to stand for election as president."
ReplyDeletethanks to you i will NEVER look at sausages the same way
This is an urgent call to action-we need to improve our food safety and hygiene standards Beth Mugo are you listening?
As a country-what good is it to boast that we EAT Farmer's choice brand flagship product NYAMABITE if the people handling the food are not clean themselves? we might as well be better off eating Ofal and Trite or even the Mende insects that fly whenever it rains
please kenyans lets stop eating and start thinking
From Stealing from Poor children to stealing in the name of the dead.
ReplyDelete" Top among them include Local Government Permanent Secretary Sammy Kirui, Director of Budget at the Treasury Paul Ngugi and former Town Clerk John Gakuo who is currently the Nairobi River Project Coordinator.. "
TREASURY SHOULD BE AUDITED AS PASSED IN PARLIAMENT. Thats were corruption is co-ordinated from.
WAR ON CORRUPTION ... well done Mudavadi. Muthaura could not duck this one and more are coming ... LOL, these hard working civil servants are a big joke. It will be intrusive to see how the sums were allocated to see the pecking order.
In the mean time Daily Nation has not published this BROKEN NEWS as they are still crafting how to spin this one
Chris please..... now your going overboard....and by the way, the Alfred Mutua on twitter you suppose is the real Govt Spokesman is just some wannabe who tweets obnoxious but interesting tweets about what the real Mutua would be thinking of saying...... This is not the real Alfred Mutua.....
ReplyDeleteWhat does the law say regarding theft of public funds cum abuse of office .... how many years should we expect them to be behind bars ?
ReplyDeleteWho can take your predictions seriously? You are the one who told us once Kibaki is seriously ill on his deathbed. That was like last year.
kweli wewe Mukamba ni mganga kamili!
ReplyDeleteBill Gates Talks About Vaccines to Reduce World Population
Microsoft founder and one of the world’s wealthiest men, Bill Gates, projects an image of a benign philanthropist using his billions via his (tax exempt) Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, to tackle diseases, solve food shortages in Africa and alleviate poverty. In a recent conference in California, Gates reveals a less public agenda of his philanthropy—population reduction, otherwise known as eugenics.
Gates made his remarks to the invitation-only Long Beach, California TED2010 Conference, in a speech titled, “Innovating to Zero!.” Along with the scientifically absurd proposition of reducing manmade CO2 emissions worldwide to zero by 2050, approximately four and a half minutes into the talk, Gates declares, "First we got population. The world today has 6.8 billion people. That's headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent." (author’s emphasis).
In plain English, one of the most powerful men in the world states clearly that he expects vaccines to be used to reduce population growth. When Bill Gates speaks about vaccines, he speaks with authority. In January 2010 at the elite Davos World Economic Forum, Gates announced his foundation would give $10 billion (circa €7.5 billion) over the next decade to develop and deliver new vaccines to children in the developing world.
The primary focus of his multi-billion dollar Gates Foundation is vaccinations, especially in Africa and other underdeveloped countries. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is a founding member of the GAVI Alliance (Global Alliance for Vaccinations and Immunization) in partnership with the World Bank, WHO and the vaccine industry. The goal of GAVI is to vaccinate every newborn child in the developing world.
Now that sounds like noble philanthropic work. The problem is that the vaccine industry has been repeatedly caught dumping dangerous—meaning unsafe because untested or proven harmful—vaccines onto unwitting Third World populations when they cannot get rid of the vaccines in the West. Some organizations have suggested that the true aim of the vaccinations is to make people sicker and even more susceptible to disease and premature death.
It really does not matter who is the president these days.
ReplyDeleteOne of the most popular quotes is that:
"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely," by Lord Acton.
However, there is another less known and less quoted saying by same man, which goes like this:
"The issue which has swept down the centuries and which will have to be fought sooner or later is the people versus the banks."
Today this prophecy is being fulfilled before your eyes. You are lucky to live in such a wonderful time.
Therefore, if you think your battle is with Kibaki, Obama, Kagame, Zuma, Brown, you are sleeping during a revolution.
All these presidents and Prime Ministers are serving one master, so, it does not matter whoever is in power. And, the stakes are high.
Unfortunately, due to Africans cowardice and timidity, they will bear the greatest burden of this showdown.
As concerns huge corporations like these of Bill Gates, one can only say it is very unfortunate cos lawyers who should know these stuff are kept by law schools in darkness.
At the time of the American revolution, people like Madison, Jefferson etc, expressly said that, corporations should be charted only if they SERVE PUBLIC INTEREST and for A LIMITED TIME and SUBJECT to the will of the people.
Therefore, they did not want perpetual big corporations as we have today for they knew that, corporations are a way of concentrating power and wealth in very few hands.
As a matter of fact, Madison said that, when corporations will be allowed to become TOO BIG, they will kill democracy. This prophecy is with us today.
More specifically, these charity corporations by people like Bill Gates are another means of cheating the people.
Philantropic organisations started mushrooming in America in 1913. Why 1913? Because, it was at this year the USA enacted income tax.
Therefore, these philantropic organisation were organised to help the rich evade tax and thereby, make the workers bear the whole burden of taxation. Pity the workers of this world.
Furthermore, using the money which should have gone to tax, they use it to:
- fortify wealth in select families by using these corporations to own shares in major sectors of the economy, i.e. control. After all, the earnings accrue to a charity in terms of tax law. What a nice way of earning tax free?
- use the same money to fund think tanks to brainwash the masses so that, they never see the truth. What comes from these think tanks is what masses are fed with.
- fund universities and research institutes to conduct research along the desired lines by the elite. This ensures that, school only teach what these elites want to be taught, i.e. brainwash masses by capturing schools.
Thus, seen from this perspective, Bill Gates and his friends are the enemies of humanity.
But, since the media, schools, governments are funded (pocketed) by these corporations, who can tell the people the truth???
Woe unto the vanguished workers and the poor.
Such predictable hogwash. When the bumpkin messiah fails the acid test of corruption (he is now percieved to be as filthy as his opponents) and continually loses in the political game (just look at how Ruto effortlessly orchestrated the crumbling of ODM), his worshippers are changing tactic. Eti Kibaki will seek re-election. As usual, the failing vision of the messiah bumpkin has transfused to his retarded worshippers, who instead of focusing on where the real power challenge lies are now wasting their time with a useless soft target, the moribund Emilio. Oh well, I guess much fewer attended the mass surgery (of 08) than expected--that can influence thinking, you know.
ReplyDeleteIt is 2010 and some fool is still obsessed with the piece of flesh t dangling in between his legs. Please seek ye higher wisdom for God made you in his perfect image. But alas the village mind thinks genital mutilation is acting mini god by correcting him. What a shameless airhead. Go on, rant OAF.
ReplyDeleteCurrent law against third term. Any changes to draft takes us back to 2005 since ODM will reject it.checkmate.What a crises?
ReplyDeleteChris, first of all, have you ever understood why one of the most influencial men in human history predicted that the world (as earthlings knew it) would end earlier than 2060?
ReplyDeleteI hope your prediction is not among one of those "rash conjectures of fanciful men" that Isaac Newton set out to put to an end to them.
Daniel arap Moi was a politician of circumstances that were fueled by the "Outside Hand" and 'Cold War Era Military Diplomacy.' That's what helped him survive in office for a longer duration than was expected or hoped for at the time.
Otherwise, he would never have survived the mid 1980s. The Conglomerates in their infinite wisdom made sure that he was and remained their "point-man" and "fixer" in the region for as long as they wanted their various interests protected at all costs.
Kibaki is very unfortunated because he finds himself living in a totally different era where the Russians and Americans are no longer trying to seduce African leaders in the name of WARSAW or NATO alliances.
Worst of all, he will remain infamous for a political record that has been sullied by the PEV, unbridled corruption and resurgency of ethnic tension/division in a country that was trying so hard to coagulate in a political sense.
Kibaki (the "Toad King") will not cut it in 2012, and I hope Raila fails as well due to obvious reasons known to any citizen with an open mind, and for the sake of the nation.
anon 5:31,
ReplyDeletewho in your opinion is the best amongst the worst? we have to work with what we have and not start hoping for an obama to fall from heaven. right now there's so much rot, impunity barons will fight whoever becomes prezo and we need a guy with nerves of steel capable of facing the thieves head on and making sure that our institutions function well. mmmmh..I wonder who that brave warrior is.
typical ODMORON response wen ODm ministers like right now Mudavadi are caught with corruption within their ministries(still waiting for his suspension...eehh)sasa is this a diversionery post ama it's ur usual way of waking up and trying to look for an excuse to "ngo'a reli. U fools wake up en get back to work and STOP political wanking?
ReplyDeleteRaila appears to have tried to join "big money" but I get this feeling "big money" will never accept him. But big money can work with anyone. After all moi came to power claiming money was nothing and we should just trust in jesus. He soon thereafter became an important priest in the temple of big money.
ReplyDeleteMwarengethe, no one can beat the corporations/banks. The population responds to silly things like "yes, we can" and the corporations are willing to adopt whoever is currently popular because they know in the final analysis nothing will really change.
orwa Msa
ReplyDeletei am very comfortable with a Kibaki third term. these other guys are mad for power!They are liars and greedy people. good luck Mzee na Kazi iendelee. congratulations on the road networks all over the country.
to get garbage from the computer you have to feed it with garbage. On the other hand, Chris is the only "editor" capable of producing garbage without provocation. Ati Tawala Kenya Tawala. And you got this from Mutua himself. Hehehe.
ReplyDeletehogwash and scare tactics. Even Kikuyu's wont accept a third term from Kibaki. why do you think his poll ratings are so low. Kyuks have moved on...
ReplyDeleteKibaki will make a come back. He has all the reasons.
ReplyDelete1- He wants to protect himself
2- He wants to protect Moi
3- He wants to avoid ending up in prison, because of his rigged re-election.
He must therefore rig again. There are preparations. The APs are going to be used to rig.
Moi and Njenga will apply Mungiki to kill opposition and scare voters country-wide.
Kibaki will go for a 3rd and 4th term, yes.
I think the disease that afflicts one Mutahi Ngunyi has caught up with Chris and his ilk. These are wild predictions.Kibaki can vie for a 3rd term but he will loose with a landslide. First, count Maina Njengas followers out. And then the old man's performance isn't anything to write home about. I even doubt his health will allow.