I have said it here before that I love to study the way decisions are made in the corridors of power. Now this constant study has led me to stumble on an astounding discovery. Take a deep breadth now…
The patterns in decision-making in the Raila court is looking more and more like what has happened in the past in the Kibaki court of indecision. Raila Odinga’s decision-making skills have been tested in the high-pressure office of Prime Minister and leader of the most popular political party in the country and they have been found wanting.

Living collective national lie
When will we stop cheating ourselves and be trutful for once? Here we are all pretending we do not know the problem with the coalition. The accord was and is about POWER sharing. The fact that ODM was conned into being co-opted as a paper tiger is no reason to give reality leave. PNU's interpretaton of NARA accord is that ODM has no power while (thanks to its volubility) ODM shares all blame for inactivity. Meanwhile all Kenyans play along with the scoundrels demanding good governance from ODM while feigning ignorance and outrage when things don't fall in place. Well, I guess it is no understatement to brand all kenyans shameless hypocrites. And you know what, we deserve all the theft and RAPE.
But back to the subject of this post.
The reason why the latest decision by Odinga was a terrible mistake is because there are certain decisions once made, you don’t abort. You just can’t. It’s like a jumbo jet taxing down the runway for takeoff. There is point it reaches where take off cannot be aborted whatever happens (I think pilots call it the point of no return). Raila reached that point and then promptly aborted take-off. The result is tragic consequences for him and his passengers in the Jumbo jet. In this particular case tragic political consequences for him and ODM—the party that was.
You see the first thing about effective decision-making at the top is that you have be consistent and have clear objectives from the onset. That is exactly what Daniel “no university degree” arap Moi used to do. His politics aside, as a manager Moi was an effective manager. You see politics is fluid and if one is not careful you can quickly degenerate to a situation of running around in circles and getting absolutely nowhere.
When Raila took the decision to sign the national accord that formed the grand coalition government, what were his objectives? Have those objectives changed now? How so?
In my view Mr Odinga had a chance to make a quality decision that would have guaranteed his place as the fourth undisputed president of Kenya. Imagine what would have happened had he signed the agreement but nominated somebody from ODM to take his place and rule with Kibaki? Say Mudavadi or even better, Ruto? Remember what Jacob Zuma of South Africa did after successfully getting rid of Thambo Mbeki from the ANC? Zuma would have taken over right away as president on behalf of ANC. But he did not. He resisted the temptation.
Raila would have remained MP and a major decision-maker within ODM. Okay he would not have had a motorcade and all those people running after him. But I guarantee you he would have been a cult figure in the country by now.
Instead Raila Odinga’s initial decision was based on the fact that it is a curse of our Luo brothers that they always like to feel important. It has been said in Kenya for years that give a Luo man a big office and all the trappings of management-power and you can pay him peanuts. He won’t mind, you have a loyal manager for life. The poor chap will probably live off telling people in the bar about his “big office.”
Raila made the big mistake of being predictable to Kibaki and his chauvinistic Kikuyu court. A friend of mine and former supporter of Raila, put it very well when he told me; “The minute I saw that Raila motorcade I knew that Kibaki had outfoxed him.”
That first decision at the time of the signing of the national accord has led Raila to where he is now. Between a rock and a hard place. Amongst Raila’s objectives at the time was to concede a junior role in a coalition government for the sake of peace in the country while preparing himself for 2012. I am told that part of the deal was that he was assured PNU support in 2012. So in effect Raila had no business taking the decision he did on Valentine’s day. But since he did, he had absolutely no reason back-pedaling so soon. In effect he is now looking more and more like Mwai Kibaki in his first term. A decision-maker just putting out fires and running round in circles but with no clear direction.
Interestingly those surrounding the Prime Minister are displaying very similar characteristics. Take Miguna Miguna for instance. Is he a Canadian national or a Kenyan? Since Kenya does not allow dual citizenship (and he is still using his Canadian passport), this former Kenyan is technically a Canadian. Does he have a work permit? Or perhaps he wants to enjoy the benefits of his adopted home country, Canada and at the same time take away the very limited job opportunities his brothers have in Kenya. How fair is that? How patriotic is that?

Take another example; Salim Lone. The on-and-off-and-on-again spin doctor of the Prime Minister. The last we heard was that Mr Lone had resigned. Now I see him back at the PM’s side. It seems that he too cannot make up his mind whether to leave the PM or to stay. Or is it that the man enjoys being seen rubbing shoulders with the high and mighty (cracking a joke for Uhuru Kenyatta as seen in a recent TV clip, and all) that he cannot bear NOT to be at the PM’s side no matter what!!!

The good book says that a double-minded man gets nothing.
In any event we are the sum total of our decisions and the sums are totaling rather fast for one Raila Odinga, the right honoroable Prime Minister of the republic of Kenya.
Did you see...
Salim Lone denied this exclusive Kumekucha story about the time he fled Kenya.
Let's see how PNU and it's affiliates go about settling for one party. Will Moi let uhuru disolve the KANU party in favor of proposed party. Watch as drama unfolds in the PNU wing coz when all is said and done, the mount Kenya Mafia will still want to have a say to guard their ill-gotten wealth
ReplyDeleteThe real MAU MAU please stand up!
ReplyDelete“PNU, Kanu, ODM-Kenya, Safina, Ford Kenya, New Ford Kenya, Sisi kwa Sisi, Mazingira, Shirikisho, Ford People, DP, and Kadu Asili, among others - was to be registered as the PEOPLES DEMOCRATIC UNION now changed to PEOPLES PATRIOTIC UNION ” – Daily Nation
DEMOCRATIC UNION just did not cut it, had to be changed to PEOPLES PATRIOTIC UNION which naturally begs the question which patriots? and which people - surely not THE MAU MAU whose children and grandchildren are amongst the LANDLESS , unemployed and disposseed .
For a moment imagine what Dedan Kimathi would say as he see’s professor SAM ONGERI raising his hand in favour of PEOPLES PATRIOTIC UNION as opposed to PEOPLES DEMOCRATIC UNION while his great GRAND CHILDREN are still struggling to get a decent EDUCATION and what they are owed, not just by birth right but through their grandfathers REAL PATRIOTIC struggles.
GorKi rep –KMurungi sent personal invitations to Nanyuki courtesy of TRINITRON to endorse the name change.
Josphat Wanyasi a die hard FORD KENYA enthusiast was heard saying “ hawa tuwana siasa wana fikiria sisi ni mpira – majina wanageuza kama siluali bila kuuliza sisi, sisa sasa hatufuati vipofu tena “
Another acutely aware KALONZONITE was heard saying – “ Muruingi na Ongeri ni watu kweli kweli, watu wa nguvu hata Laila hawezani nao, hao ni TRUE PATRIOTS vitendo zao zina onyesha wazi kabisa “
You can cheat some people sometimes…………..
This guy Miguna Miguna is an arrogant stupid ass!
ReplyDeleteVery true if only wishes were horses we would be galloping down the slopes. But REALPOLIK is a different ballgame. At least in SA there are lwas and people obey them na hapa kwetu?
Make no mistake, politics is very fluid and WHAT IFS (counterfactuals) remains just that. What would have been in 2008 ay sound very imaginative but UNREALISTIC. Meamwhile kazi iendelee, no METTING mta do?
PEOPLES PATRIOTIC UNION - sounds like a clear declaration of "NOT YET UHURU" - the party that will finally liberate Kenya is here .
ReplyDeleteA new Government composed of the same people ...... irony! What a joke.
"Instead Raila Odinga’s initial decision was based on the fact that it is a curse of our Luo brothers that they always like to feel important."
ReplyDeleteOuch! Eti nini Chris? Kwenda huko! Kwani the ODM Captain has eaten your goat? Can't you see Man like Tinga is God sent to deliver Kenyans from the oppression and slavery in our Misri? Just look millions of Kenyans braved the heat in Kibera to cheer the liberator yesterday!
Shame on those who are saying ODM is finished and that the Kalenjin MPs have walked out on ODM. ODM is still a giant and a well oiled political machine that it has always been. Kalenjin MPs are still intact in ODM and loyal to their Captain. Just show me one who has resigned from the party to seek a by-election?
The grass-root support has never been more great for Kenya's biggest political machine. Look at the opinion polls, Raila is even leading Uhuru in Central and come rain or shine, ODM is here to stay. Just wait at the end of this month and see the Captain make a triumphant entry in Kigumo to inspect various devt projects.
Those who are calling soft spoken and mild mannered Miguna a Canadian national should hang their heads down in shame. They should proof how, where and when he renounced his Kenyan citizenship.
Actually Miguna is more Kenyan than Mt Kenya itself. He could me making millions of dollars back in Canada as an Attorney but has opted to be in poverty stricken Kenya, fighting in trenches for the sake of freedom and democracy. He's here to help midwife a new Kenya from the corrupt and bogus PNU.
...greatly underestimated the 'intelligence of the Kenyan press'...
ReplyDeleteThat's a new one for a change. I had no clue that there was some semblance of intelligence let alone common sense among the Kenyan press that has evolved into the tabloidization of news in Kenya?
The general track record of the Kenyan press has spoken volumes since 2002, and proof of their current lack of intelligence can be found in the pudding of their front pages, what they love to report and avoid by all means Kenyan style (out-of-paralyzing-fear).
All things considered, the Kenyan press, in general, doesn't have the gutts nor the b.a.lls nor the real intelligence to call a spade a spade.
BTW, poor nation's, call them "developing nations" if you will, can't handle democrcacy nor can they cultivate independent media houses that are beyond the stifling control of the village politicians and their counterparts, the pseudo elite.
IHTRY, Raila, Kibaki and their henchmen/women will never be a solution to Kenya's endemic problems. The current political system needs to be overhauled or surgically removed for the better.
ODM accuses NSIS for it's grief and masumbuko.
ReplyDeleteOrange Democratic Movement (ODM) party on Monday accused its coalition partner Party of National Unity (PNU) and the National Security Intelligence Service -NSIS- of blackmail and launching a smear campaign against its leaders.
hehehehe, the perfect DEFENSE of any bully is to play the... VICTIM!
Raila is losing it....but having said that, am impressed by the way he's always in the news. Call it loudership, rather than leadership, and when all is said and done, he's the one who grabs the headlines. As hellon puts it, in politics, no news is bad news. So there, 2012 will b campained on a platform of 'yes raila' or 'no raila'. No other issue.
ReplyDeleteEvery African head of state has his day and a choice of what type of legacy they want to leave for future generations.
ReplyDeleteThey do have many choices to embrace, such as, end their careers
- like africa's elder stateman, Nelson Mandela.
- die in obscurity like Mobutu Sese Seko (psycho).
- get kicked out twice like Milton Obote.
- bleed their their countries to death like Robert Mugabe.
- die in office like Laurent Kabila.
- die in action like abacha.
- waste twenty-four years of a nation like arap Moi.
- force their "subjects" to carry them out of "a high powered presidential meeting" in a potato sack like Mamadou Tandja.
Kibaki and Raila - have their days coming soon and very soon.
May the two of them MAKE A WISE CHOICE before political history delivers its verdict.
Now that 'tom cat' is back where are the mice that have been running helter skelter? some like chris who are only brave enough to criticize the captain in the safety of their homes behind a keyboard.
ReplyDeleteoh...no confidence motion..oh...let him step aside for three months....oh...he's a dictator...oh..he's lost the kalenjin vote...oh...odm is toast. BURE KABISA
By the way Chris, justice nyamu(he who has been more pnu that pnu itself)already made a historic decision regarding the issue of citizenship. Who are you to strip miguna of his birth right? that pnu propaganda is old...flopped as all pnu trash does and, is honestly very boring...NEXT.
A new umbrella.
ReplyDeletePNU is now morphing into PPU, PEOPLES PATRIOTIC UNION .... jamani! Kwani whats wrong with PNU? What happened to Simama Kenya? Will it be part of PPU? Maybe that was the major announcement.
Long Live PNU , Long Live PNU
As it is I have now absolved Raila from everything that is going wrong in the current government. The buck stops at Mwai Kibaki’s desk!!
How about the damage already inflicted by your vitriol and fake analysis prior to this new revelation, how will you reverse the hate already sown.
Maji yakishamwagika hayazoleki baba
Raila lost it a long time ago,he creates a 'non crisis',runs away and on coming back promptly goes to reassure himself he's still popular among the only people who in their grinding poverty can never see any of the bumbling thugs' many shortcomings.Kibaki is the only politician who time and again is able to effortlessly put a stop to Raila,s political manouveres and still some people keep harping on that Moi was the better politician.Well,the facts tell otherwise.
ReplyDeleteODM = Odinga's domo movement!
ReplyDeleteI agreed with your sentiments until you attacked the Nilotes and became tribalistic.
I thought the election of 44th President of the United States and Raila as the Prime Minister of Kenya by non-Nilotes ended this big stereotype paint brush.
Am I also hearing you are saying that: -Luhyas are not leaders but shamba boys, housewives and watchmen? That Kikuyus are murderes, thieves and prostitutes? Kambas are only good in bed? That coast people are dumb and opnly know how to drink 'kahawa thungu?' That Kelenjins are not leaders but cattle rustlers?
If your your point was that Raila blundered, and ended there, that would have been a fair criticism.
He did not do it because he is a Luo.
Joram Ragem
wuod Ndinya, wuod Onam, wuod Amolo, wuod Owuoth, wuod Oganyo, wuod Mumbe, wuod Odongo, wuod Olwande, wuod Adhaya, wuod Ojuodhi, wuod Ragem! (Are you my relative?)
ReplyDeletewhen a poor man and a rich man bleed, what color is the blood that comes out?
Anyway, you are forgiven for truly keeping it Kenyan i.e. stereotypes.Now if you'll excuse me there is a thief trying to steal my phone as i type this. He looks like a..........
Motorcades, phone thiefs, political rallies in Africa's largest slum, acute indecision, and a chatterbox of a politician....It all sounds as the same old story to me!.
ReplyDeleteIs Phil in a good state. Please find out. I checked at the crowd in Kibera yesterday and he was missing. Can you people check. Somebody rush to his house.
ReplyDeleteChris is right about Luos character traits!
ReplyDeleteIt's the same reason they want the presidency so bad---JUST TO FEEL IMPORTANT!
Prove me wrong
This is tired folks.Lets discuss how we can eradicate corruption in kenya, how we can be self reliant in food, How we can develop our social security system and many other important issues. What chris is proposing in this post is what has filled our newspapers and bar talks for years. "Cult politics".
ReplyDeleteIf only kenyans could stop talking day in day out about them politicians, then maybe they could realise they do not really matter and start tackling real issues that are important to mwanainchi.
Chris remember polititians remain just that, you can praise them or blast them but they remain just that.They will always see you as part of the total mass to manipulate.
These guys are so used to having things their way now they are trying to even muscle their way into the spiritual domain.
If only Kivuitu was managing St Peters gate
This guy Miguna Miguna is an arrogant stupid ass!
ReplyDeleteAnd what are you?
Chris is right about Luos character traits!
ReplyDeleteIt's the same reason they want the presidency so bad---JUST TO FEEL IMPORTANT!
Prove me wrong
If this is not tribalism what is?
Chris, its time you dropped the stereotypes.
ReplyDeleteThat said, Raila should resign as a matter of principle if he has any. If he really abhores corruption and Kibaki has his hands tied, then his only option will be to step down.
However, we all know Raila is just playing at the public gallery and his past and present corrupt deals doesnt make him better that Ruto. His son fidel has been mentioned adversely in maize and triton scandals...add that to Malindi squatters land and molasses plant and you have yourself a corruption czar himself.
Phil can continue to defend his corrupt hero as from his base in Kibera.
I beg to differ you will all miss RAO when he is gone, he has always been someone before his time..from the struggle when all of you COWS were singing 'tawala kenya' aqnd refusing to play with RAOs children because you were afraid you will be labled rebels...now there is freedom of speech you turn on the man who delivered it to you..ingrateful bastards!
Safaris, Tours and Holidays
Come in from the cold.
ReplyDeleteIssues, Issues and again I say Issues affecting wanainchi ....communal HATE comourflaged as [personality] politics is so yesterday.
Attacking the messenger is what has got us in a hole and we still keep digging.
” Mpemba hakimbii mvua ndogo ”
President Kibaki and PM Raila Odinga meeting currently underway at Harambee House, their first since PM's controversial suspension of Ministers Ruto and Ongeri..More Details Soon!
Safaris, Tours and Holidays
Cassandra, in Greek mythology, was the daughter of King Priam and Queen Hecuba of Troy, who was granted by the God Apollo the gift of prophecy.
ReplyDeleteShe prophesied and warned the Trojans of the Trojan Horse, the death of Agamemnon and the destruction of Troy. When she warned the Trojans, they simply cast her aside as “mad” and did not heed her warnings.
As we "discuss" dead issues, those of us who are "mad" are worried about the real and living issues.
Sample this:
-Significatntly, the Kenya Revenue Authority has been unable to meet its own revenue targets in the last few years.
- Gross public debt rose to Sh1,115 billion, or 43.8 per cent of GDP, by the end of December, from 1,038 billion at the end of June, last year. External debt comprises 47.2 per cent of that and the remainder is domestic debt.
- The internal debt stood at Sh588.97 billion by end of December, while external was Sh525.50 billion.
- Meanwhile, the CBK injected a total of Sh12.75 billion into the banking system last week using reverse repurchase agreement securities against maturities worth Sh18.52 billion.
Source: http://www.standardmedia.co.ke/business/InsidePage.php?id=2000003976&cid=14&story=Spending up as Treasury targets higher deficit
One can see a number of real issues:
- There are few Kenyans, less than 5% who are damn "rich" to loan us KES 589 billion. They must be very hardworking indeed.
- the continued inability of the govt. to raise enough tax will continue. This will mean more debts at an accelerating pace with our "rich" guys lending us even more.
- As tax rises to pay these accelerating debts to the damn "rich", most businesses and especially small businesses will collapse, leading to more unemployment. Mark u, it is the poor will pay heavily for all these debts to the damn "rich."
- As the unemployment will continue to rise, the government in the name of welfare state will continue to expand and as it expands and demands more taxes, more private businesses will go under.
- As the govt. expands, we can expect more corruption benefitting the damn "rich."
- Where is the REAL WEALTH to BACK the KES 12 billion the CBK has just pumped to these vampires calling themselves banks?
It seems that, Kenyans cannot see see this coming debt peonage.
How can they when they are "very busy" discussing dead issues like mad men?
Where did Sam Okello go?
ReplyDeleteLatin Corruptus. [Kenyan - Kitu Kidogo]
The abuse of public power, office, or resources by government officials or employees for personal gain, e.g. by extortion, soliciting or offering bribes.
Forms of corruption vary, but include bribery, extortion, cronyism, nepotism, patronage, graft, and embezzlement.
Political corruption is the use of legislated powers by government officials for illegitimate private gain.
Latin Corruptio
The act of corrupting or of impairing integrity, virtue, or moral principle; the state of being corrupted or debased; loss of purity or integrity; depravity; wickedness; impurity; bribery
Moral Principal - resignation or stepping to clear ones name.
Impairing integrity – not holding people to account
Loss of purity or integrity - last elections
Wickedness - night mungiki meeting at the seat of power
Impurity - skewed employment and resource allocation while singing patriotism
Bribery - Anglo leasing etc
”Mwenye macho haambiwi tazama”
Mwarangethe, I thought you know something called micro-economics and macro economic. You also know that there was a global slowdown of economy, that rattled the whole world, including hose said to have solid foundations.
ReplyDeleteAll countries, even those with the best economic brains, including US, UK, Germany are still reeling from the adverse effects of the economic crunch. Kenya is not an exception.
And why not, when ODM called thugs to mass demonstrations, wiping out years of gains in a two-month murderous spree that hit Nairobi and Rift Valley hard? Can you please be realistic and pro-active in your analysis, blames and accusations.
KRA does not walk into the streets to generate revenue. They do not sell products to generate the much-needed cash. KRA, like a dependant plant, requires the business community, traders and others to make it live and grow.
Local trade has been impeded by a treacherous environment that makes any kind of investment fearful. Think Mwarangethe. It is not TROJANS et al. It is the environment
But why not, if the PM carries 50 people for a two-day trip to Austria, only for the president to carry with him 100 people two days later to the same event. You wonder why, but it happens in Kenya. Half the trips made abroad by the so called members of the executive are not worth the paper they are drafted on. Money guzzlers and thus the struggle by the Customs office and income tax department.
Blogger Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteIs Phil in a good state. Please find out. I checked at the crowd in Kibera yesterday and he was missing. Can you people check. Somebody rush to his house.
2/22/10 10:50 AM
I am alive and kicking! Thanks for your concerns.;)
I normally would not respond to such outrageous and uninformed pieces from Chris. I have told him as much.
I am waiting for the day Chris find anything worthwhile on PNU or its so called leading lights. In other words, how true is it that the country is moving on for a whole year without PNU doing or saying anything newsworthy, apart from REACTING to what ODM does?
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteMwarangethe, I thought you know something called micro-economics and macro economic. You also know that there was a global slowdown of economy, that rattled the whole world, including hose said to have solid foundations.
ahahhaa, solid foundation? Which one are you talking about? For your information, today's global economy HAS NO FOUNDATION.
It is a giant PONZI scheme which is unravelling infront of our eyes. Thank God.
You need to read beyond propaganda from CNN, BBC and other people who call themselves presidents like Obama.
Let us take you to the ROOT CAUSE of the global meltdown. When Keynes came from Bretton Woods Conference of 1945, he declared in The Times this:
"Some of your correspondents press me to admit
(a) that forms pf commercial policy, permissible under the Bretton Woods currency proposals, may be nevertheless be VERY FOOLISH;
(b) that [ these] may be so destructive of international trade that, if they were adopted, Bretton Woods will have rather a waste of time. Both of these contentions are, in my opion correct."
Without going into much details, you can see the rotten foundations of the post war system were detected, but, USA refused to listen.
We find this in the views of the US delegate, Harry Hawkins, Chief of the Division of Commercial Treaties and Agreement when he said:
"Given the largely expanded productive capacity of the United States during the war, and the fact at some stage in the immediate post - war period we are likely to find ourselves in another acute depression...."
Ah! for USA to avoid depression, they forced humanity to have the current ponzi scheme. And, u dare tell us that they have solid foundation? Where?
The point we are making is this. It is time for Africans to think for themselves and stop following Western nonsense.
And, we can give an example of that original thinking which the BBC, CNN, education and religion establishment dare do not let humanity know as they keep talking rubbish to enslave ignorant people.
The Nazis came to power in Germany in 1933, at a time when its economy was in total collapse, with ruinous war-reparation obligations and zero prospects for foreign investment or credit.
Yet through an INDEPENDENT monetary policy of sovereign credit and a full-employment public-works program, the Third Reich was able to turn a bankrupt Germany, stripped of overseas colonies it could exploit, into the strongest economy in Europe within four years, even before armament spending began
The MAIN POINT is this:
Germany financed its entire government and war operation from 1935 to 1945 without gold and WITHOUT DEBT.
And having done this, it took the whole Capitalist and Communist world to destroy the German power over Europe and bring Europe back under the control of the people in charge of today's ponzi scheme.
Such history of money does not even appear in the textbooks of public (government) schools today.
NB: Do not start telling us about Hitler's genocide. We are interested in the Germany financial system that did not use debt, and yet, took the whole world in a few years.
If Germany was rebuilt without debts in the 1930's, can u tell us why today we are all in debts? And, in debts to who?
Think beyond school and BBC propaganda.
ReplyDeleteYou hate Luos sana sana mpaka God looks down at you and cries. You hate the jengs so much mpaka if you have children, may they rebel thoroughly and if it is a guy, gets married to a luo girl and if a girl, gets married to a Luo boy.
You hate Luos so much that may your ngods or the kamba version of igweeee denounce you with an amominable announcement that you sleep chanting munjaluo munjaluo.
ReplyDeleteYou hate Luos sana sana mpaka God looks down at you and cries. You hate the jengs so much mpaka if you have children, may they rebel thoroughly and if it is a guy, gets married to a luo girl and if a girl, gets married to a Luo boy.
You hate Luos so much that may your ngods or the kamba version of igweeee denounce you with an amominable announcement that you sleep chanting munjaluo munjaluo.
ReplyDeleteYou hate Luos sana sana mpaka God looks down at you and cries. You hate the jengs so much mpaka if you have children, may they rebel thoroughly and if it is a guy, gets married to a luo girl and if a girl, gets married to a Luo boy.
You hate Luos so much that may your ngods or the kamba version of igweeee denounce you with an amominable announcement that you sleep chanting munjaluo munjaluo.
ReplyDeleteYou hate Luos sana sana mpaka God looks down at you and cries. You hate the jengs so much mpaka if you have children, may they rebel thoroughly and if it is a guy, gets married to a luo girl and if a girl, gets married to a Luo boy.
You hate Luos so much that may your ngods or the kamba version of igweeee denounce you with an amominable announcement that you sleep chanting munjaluo munjaluo.
Chris, aka luo hater,
ReplyDeleteWe really pray to our Almighty God, the creator of the Universe to give us those who want debate, a reasonable non-partisan clear minded person full of integrity and of sound mind, to come and initiate practical debates.
This person has to have higher thinking levels with a lot of wisdom.
May the desires of our hearts be granted. May the good Lord bring back sanity into this blog.
ReplyDeletePresident Kibaki has with immediate effect reinstated Esther Arunga as KTN News Anchor.
In a statement sent to the news rooms by the PPS, the president reiterrated that he had not been consulted on the matter and reminded the nation that he was legally the only appointing authority.
Safaris, Tours and Holidays
@Mwarang'ethe, hmmm seems people are begining to the reality of creating money from debt! but watch out the conspiracy is bigger than than the whole world! African
ReplyDeleteSafaris, Tours and Holidays
i feel sorry for the bumpkin--he's crying to the japanese uligonga mwamba and now the japanese have given kenya 30 billion for infrastrcuture---corruption or no corruption. kweli bumpkin ameshindwa, maskini wa mungu.
ReplyDeleteChris you hit the nail on the head yet kabisa. I am an avid follower of your blog and never miss a post, but although i never make comments, for this particular post, i cannot resist the temptation to comment. Raila missed the perfect opportunity to change his destiny and that of Kenya when his greed took the better of him and went straight to bed with Kibaki without reading the fine print of that so called Power Sharing Accord. Zuma's example is a classic and i bet Zuma with all his philandering and spouse expansion policy will go down in the annuls of history a greater leader than Kibaki and Raila combined. When all is said and done, and however much we hate one Emilio with all his fence sitting postures, that man is truly an astute and shrewd politician in his own right and the faster Raila begins to realize this, the better for him. As for the people surrounding Raila, methinks Raila needs to sort out where he wants to go and what he wants to achieve first, before engaging the people to surround him. My guess is that Raila wants to go to Embakasi, but he's opting to jump onto a Ngong destined matatu! He'll get to Embakasi eventually but.......
ReplyDeletePNU has smart-ass heads however much we might disagree with this fact and it is these effective smart chaps that are scoring serious points for Kibaki. At least Kibaki's hands off ears off mouth off style of politics is getting him places that the 'but do i say i have a big motorcade' style of politics.......