Sunday, February 15, 2009

Mutahi Ngunyi Recycles Kumekucha As Raila Says Coalition Government Is Not That Corrupt

Mutahi Ngunyi is a well know political analyst and a fascinating character for those who know him better (but that is not a story for today). An interesting aside here that comes to mind is that Ngunyi was being interviewed on live TV as Kenyans anxiously waiting for the results of the presidential elections in December 2007. His careful analysis of the results trickling in showed that Raila had won and he said on the programme that Kibaki should concede defeat and hand over power. In effect if there was any court case or investigation to try and find out who really won the 2007 presidential elections, then Ngunyi has to be a key witness in the proceedings.

But I digress. Towards the end of last week he was interviewed on K24 and he repeated a lot of the predictions that I made here in a controversial post that was not too well received. He repeated the same sentiments in his weekly column in the Sunday Nation yesterday. Ngunyi says that it is not a question of if Kenya will explode but when. You can read the full article now.

It seems that most people do not understand why the country will explode or why it seems inevitable that we cannot escape another round of violence and blood letting, as much as we want to. This just illustrates how wide the gap is between ordinary down and out folk now paying a record Kshs 120 per 2 kilograme packet of maize flour through no fault of their own and the lucky few Kenyans who decide what they want to eat today and where they will eat it.

People also don’t have a clue why the coalition government is finished, including senior politicians in it. So let me give you a small illustration to help us all understand.

Imagine this school where some of the school prefects have rebelled and defied the school administration. The rest of the students are very excited about this naturally. So as headmaster what would you do? Would you just relax and pretend that everything was okay? Of course not. The thing to do would be to sack the prefects who defied you immediately and restore order and authority right away. Indeed in any management situation you don’t stomach rebellion, you cannot afford to.

Jomo Kenyatta understood this well and so did Daniel arap Moi. But Mwai Kibaki does not seem to have the slightest clue. While there is more democratic space, thios does not change human nature and the fundamentals of politics and governance.

This is one of the reasons why the coalition is doomed. It is really just a matter of time.

Kumekucha titbits: Did you know that corporate team building programmes have been known to turn around previously loss-making companies the world over?

There are those who say that corruption is the glue holding the coalition government together and for this reason it will survive until 2012. While it is true that corruption is a strong glue, there is yet another motivating factor (and much stronger factor) that will help break the GCG much quicker than most people think. It is prize much more valuable than the corruption currently going on. It is the presidency of the republic of Kenya which means billions and billions of shillings. Politicians are ambitious and very greedy. That combination is deadly. Many in the 10th parliament are already scheming and planning how they will come out tops in the next general elections. That is what caused the embarrassing defeat of the government in the house over the Waki bill and that is what will roast William Ruto if the censure motion against him comes up for discussion in the house this week (as is widely expected). Don’t forget that I talked about the power of those TV cameras and radio micropones in the house that are causing MPs to play to the gallery and to echo the feelings and sentiments of their constituents unlike the situation before.

* * * *

These days every time Prime Minister Raila Odinga opens his mouth to speak it ends up being a political disaster and the support he once had continues to be eroded by the day.

The latest is that Raila has disagreed with most Kenyans and said that the Grand Coalition government is NOT that corrupt. In fact he told off the church for criticizing the government. Read the whole story here.

Wow!!! That is all I can say about that.


  1. And all I can add is another WOW!

    Looking at the article in which you purport Raila said the coalition government is NOT corrupt Chris, why do you always make up stories?

    Can you republish that story and show us where Raila is quoted as having said the GCG is NOT corrupt?

    Ama ni kawaida sasa. Raila this, Raila that?

  2. Wooh. What's this posting all about? I miss the point.

    But may I ask: Kwani Chris has a monopoly of certain ideas and other people are not supposed to think along his lines? Cheap article you have posted today!

  3. A few days, the dreamer of dreams, i.e. Balaka Muluka said:

    "For his part, Raila Odinga is a slow punctured tube that has known better political times. As the reigning dreamer of dreams and an aspiring Junior Laibon, I told you two weeks ago that it is just a matter of days before the son of the bull can chasten himself with the words, ‘how are the mighty fallen!’

    The age of the new leadership is at hand. We may not know how it comes, for sure, or when. But it is coming. Raila and Kibaki are on the wrong side of history. Those who hang on their coat tails will go with them.

    I watched them in Parliament on Thursday. Make no mistake; President Kibaki and Premier Odinga have had their time. They are a spent force. And Prometheus is sinking with the gods in the sea of political opprobrium. Such is the curse of those who do not listen to the oracles."


  4. Do u think Mutahi recycled your post...are u sure u are the only person who thinks in that angle?Go to mtaa and hear the voices of the unheard...they have ideas ...people have read and widely...they know whenever there is a crisis..there needs to be change.Anyone who have read alot of history will tell you exactly the same thing.

  5. Do u think Mutahi recucled your post...are u sure u are the only person who thinks in that angle?Go to mtaa and hear the voices of the unheard...they have ideas ...people have read and widely...they know whenever there is a crisis..there needs to be change.Anyone who have read alot of history will tell you exactly the same thing.

  6. Bwana Phil:

    Lets face the truth. Raila is clearly not getting it. Actually, he is talking rubbish now.

    Sample this:

    In the Standard, under the headlines: "Raila tells off cleric for criticising Government," the PM in response to Dr Kodia's sermon on corruption, said that:

    "You should not attack from the pulpit because the accused may not have the right of reply,"

    In the DN, under the headline: "Sack ministers over scandals, leaders told," it is reported that THREE CABINET MINISTERS asked PM and the President to sack those implicated in corruption.

    Now, if the Govt. is unable to reply to the sermons (for the moment ignore that this is nonsense), is it also that it cannot respond to Cabinet Ministers?

  7. Phil said:

    Can you republish that story and show us where Raila is quoted as having said the GCG is NOT corrupt?

    Our comment:

    Haiya, kwani Phil umekuwa wapi?

    The DN reports this:

    "Elsewhere, Prime Minister Raila Odinga on Sunday defended the government against corruption accusations. He said the grand coalition government was not as badly hit by scams as past regimes.

    The PM challenged those accusing the government to cite any scandal comparable to Anglo Leasing and Goldenberg scams.

    He distanced the government from the oil scandal, saying it involved officials of the Kenya Pipeline Company (KPC) and Triton.

    Mr Odinga said KPC employees colluded with Triton officials to release oil before payment was made to the bank."

    What do you understand from the above? It seems that he does not even know that KPC is a parastatal.

  8. Chris you are amusing. Ati M. Ngunyi would be a major witness if there was a petition against kibs election. What would he say? that he was on tv and he saw rigging.

    On another note you are breaking phil's heart. Please rejoin him in you know what.

  9. Raila has lost it!
    He is defending the national skunk, the GCG. Can you believe that Raila Amoro Odinga was quoted as saying that those who are saying the GCG is corrupt are inciting Kenyans against the govt? He has become a worse mouthpiece than Alfred Mutua.

  10. You guys want Raila to investigate himself or what? His own company, his sister, nephew (Oburu's son) and Fidel (his son) were beneficiaries of the Triton oil. And to top it, Fidel sent our maize to Southern Sudan. Then you want an African Big Man to investigate himself and his family? You must all be crazy!

    It is not Raila who has lost it - no, it is you all who are actng as if you did not know him. Didn't you remember he sold NDP to KANU (and did he share the proceeds with the party's membership)? Didn't you remember his family buildings on road reserve in Kisumu? Didn't you remember the energy contracts in the Energy Ministry under him in Moi's govt. Even if you forgot all that, surely didn't you remember how Moi assisted Raila to get the Kisumu Molasses Factory for a song?

    Honestly, did you believe he was going to clean house simply because he said so? Plus, so what if Raila eats? Didn't the Kikuyus eat under Kenyatta; and Kalenjins under Moi? He hasn't eaten as much as those who ate Goldenberg or Anglo Leasing - get that in your thick heads before you point a finger at Agwambo.

    Silly idiots, stop inciting other Kenyans against our executive PM.

  11. "In fact he told off the church for criticizing the government"

    you mean the church deals with the big corruptions in life?? no cure for murder!
    man with the white rag

  12. Your posts are sometimes quite daft and amusing. What evidence would Ngunyi give if his sentiments were just being expressed as TV commentary? Secondly, after the Kriegler report, are you saying that there will be yet another post election audit of the outcome thereof?

  13. Kenya shall explode because of the following.

    1. People like Chris and Mutahi Ngunyi who incite others to violence.

    2. Rich Kenyans like Cholmondeley and Uhuru who own huge tracts of fertile idle land.

    3. Poor Kenyans who breed like rats therefore exacerbating the land shortage.

    4. Poor Kenyans who loot borehole and irrigation equipment in shags (all shags) that have been sambazwad roho safi by constituents who know rich foreigners.

    5. Rich Kenyans like our MPs who will never vote for a land value tax of 3% p.a. that's necessary to free up idle land.

    Kenyan dude

  14. Phil:

    As usual your defense on Raila is immaculately contrived! You can tell the whole world Raila is changing things but takes time. Let's face the facts, he has changed "shit", and he and his cronies are dragging the Kenyan nation into "Abyss'. We know the Kibaki cronies already destroyed whatever we had a s nation, but this GCG is a joke.

    Let's not even go where Githongo went about "Raila hand are tied". As a leader we choose our destiny, with or without hands being tied, and Raila has chosen a path that has surely out this nation at a cross roads. The nation may have voted for him in the last elections, but they have seen what this man is all about - he sure can talk, but he cant deliver "shit"...

    I did vote for him, but I surely will never vote for this man and ODM again, because the kind of leadership we have within GCG, its a bunch of "thus" and "misfits" who have no moral inkling left in them to see a better Kenya! What a Shame!!!

  15. Mutahi Ngunyi is he a kiuk

  16. Yes and a stupid one at that. he is "a political scientist" just like nyongo. Who has ever come across a smart political scientist. How can "political" even be put in the same sentence with "scientist". moi once said he was smarter than nyongo, and he was right.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Phil my brother,

    Hata reading skills zimedidimia?

    Raila said the GCG is not THAT corrupt. The word "That" where I have put it, (in both the headline and within the post) does it mean "not corrupt at all?" You tell me please?

    @Anon @12:27 am; The Recycling headline is not meant in a negative way. I meant that both Mutahi and I seem to agree on what is about to unfold in Kenya. Incidentally a few other analysts also agree in varying degrees.


  19. Kenya dude,
    I will agree with your points 1, 4 and 5. If we can fix these, we can have a nation where we can start organizing for workshops called "Our Kenya". separately, I would like to express my disagreement with Mutahi Ngunyi's skewed and outdated opinions on political landscape. What kind of science is Ngungi putting forward in all his arguments. Anyone who has been keen in synthesizing the analysis you realize they are full of the ancient regimes tactics laced with a few words borrowed from those books written for academics which may not work in today's world. Kenya or the world in general have continued facing constant challenges that requires real time prescriptions keeping in mind this is 21st century. Partly this explains why the past kenyan regimes have failed say from Kenyatta's time came it Moi and said fuata nyayo, exit nyayo and the mafia recycles moi's tactics at the moment this CG remains amorphous and we are yet to see what it stands for.

    If Mutahi and (now Chris) would like to accurately to give us accurate prediction or political opinions it is high time they invested in the right and upt0 date prediction systems and stop telling peolple what they think!

    All people have their own thoughts.

    One anon said here earlier if you go out there you will be amazed to the convergence of minds and therefore Chris should stop shouting whenever they seem to agree with MN.

  20. I have my ear on the ground and I can tell you for free that the time is soon coming when Raila will keep as far away from Kibera as other politicians do and only venture there under armed administration police escort.Ha ha,how things change!

  21. moi is smarter than all the mutahis and nyongos put together. Ati political scientists. This must be a course for the idiots of the world.

  22. Chris you always say we are doomed, I think everyone knows the violence will arise again by now, the question shouldnt be just when, but when it does happen, how will it be handled? It doesnt have to become that bloodbath we had post elections.

    At the end of the day, kenyans made the decision to put those guys in power, they assigned them with the right to represent them in government. Until the mwananchi can grasp what they should demand from their leaders, those same people will come back come 2012,and will be an even worse version than last time.

    It is not helpful to be a predictor, a prophet of doom, at least give some constructive advice. That is the biggest problem in Kenya now, all complaints no action.

  23. Whoever is insulting political scientists, do not underestimate political science. As any science, there are different theories, doesnt mean it undermines the discipline.

    And whoever it was that had to mention Mutahi is a kiuk, and so? what does that have to do with formulating an opinion?

    There are enough people who are not Kikuyu and agree with him and enough people who are kikuyu and do not agree with him, start looking at the individual.

  24. anon 5.26am How dare you call political scientists idiots of the world? It is so typical, how can you judge the entire proffesion by the opinion of one? Do you say doctors are stupid because one says that mobile phones cause cancer and the other one doesnt?

    Be serious, honestly as a political scientist, I think you have got your wires crossed. Mutahi has his own views, and thats what they remain, his views.

    Why should people be lumped together because of coming from a common background? his thoughts are very different from other political scientists in Kenya trust me. I suggest you watch what you say

  25. CHRIS




    the coalition is either very corrupt both ODM and PNU...

    because I sincerely don't understand why they haven't frog marched the devani oil thief and all the members of government MP's, Ministers and private individuals involved in this scandal which is bigger than the maize scandal..


    Chris I dare you to follow this oil scandal - trust me I work for the department concerned... this scandal puts goldernberg to shame- if you do your home worked and link the kenyans involved.. i will help by posting some signed facts and transfers of money to some Ministers, MP's and civil service who all got very rich on this deal, I will also post here homes, plots and land this individuals bought.. trips abroad spending sprees e.t.c...

    how come my buddies and i have all this?? it was because of goldernberg that we were able to see the corruption immediately when it started...

    and we feel the coalition has failed and it is about time to name and shame the thief.

    Chris, Taabu and the lot we as civil servants dare you.. do your part for kenyans and we promise to do ours.... by using the blogs and internet to post the facts.

  26. Chris, my friend, I say LOL!

    I am surprised it has taken you such a long time to realise that Raila Odinga, the so called supervisor of Mwai Kibaki’s cabinet, the Grand Corruption Government is a fraud. His is an almighty FRAUD from the word go.

    Many things have happened and for sure, the Mutahi Ngunyi piece in the run-up to the declaration of Kibaki’s win was as good as it went, and even as the troubles escalated on that fateful day that Kenya was plunged into bedlam, he was right in his own OPINION. However, his assertion that Raila won the elections was hypothetical as it was imagined. He was not the ECK chairman and was only serving a pedestrian commentator role.

    Turning to the government, I believe that the day PNU invited ODM to their government, the whole meaning of governance was reduced to a barmy set of pretence that not only consumed the wisdom that could have steered the country to heights, but also negated and diluted the basic foundations that the two sets of teams procured for the country.

    We have seen on tens of occasions the different lanes that the so called principals have been running and you don’t need science to realise that their dreams are not achievable. The painful bit of it is that it will take another year to harmonise the manifestos (are they three or two?).

    Chris, it is also a wonder that cracks that have been part of the coalition agenda since it was formed has consumed a better part of the period they have been together. When one is not asking for youths in jails to be released, he is campaigning for a by-election or fighting his own MPs in imaginary wars. It has been the order of the day and the confusion rolls on and on and on. That is why they lost a BILL that Moi could have rubberstamped (I can bet the cost of the next pint I will drink tonight)

    On the Daniel Moi and Kamau wa Ngengi bit, I think they two people just visited violence, dictatorship and daily threats on the MPs and ministers serving under them, something that Kibaki cannot do with the openly critical media and enlightened society that is in the country at the moment. Right now, there is a sense of rebellion that can be mounted and the level of criticism at the moment is different from about a decade ago. It was during the reigns of the two despots that Pio Gama Pinto died, Kungu Karumba disappeared, Tom Mboya died, JM Kariuki died, Robert Ouko and a whole cast of witnesses, investigators and corroborators died, Kipsang Muge was crashed by a lorry ferrying school milk during holidays amid the biggest corruption practices and human rights abuse of our time.

    While on the flipside of it, the rebels at the moment are stomach oriented of hunger-drive, the latter were formed of ideologically sound men and women with thoughts of Kenyans at the front. The climate for open dissidence found during the Kibaki era is very different from the Bildad Kagia and Tom Mboya time, and so is the Kenneth Matiba and Charles Rubia time when being detained was simple matter of thought.

    That Kibaki and Raila have lost the plot in their administration, is demonstrated by a fact that cabinet members run up and down the country discussing deliberations reached in their private meetings and the level of backstabbing and knife twisting in colleagues’ backs show the grand failure that we are headed for.

    My own thinking, very personal, is that corrupt MPs should not ahev been allowd into cabinet and we should adopt an American style of vetting bfore one is allowed to serve the country in certain positions of power and decision making.

    Should we allow Raila Odinga’s son (hypothetical) to do business in the energy sector yet their family is a direct dependant of decisions made by the ministry of energy? Should we allow Najib Balala to serve in the tourism ministry while his family run a tour and travel firm in Mombasa? Should we allow people of known connections to run ministries that they are bound to have self-centred interests?

    The answer is, we have simply failed as a nation, while William Ruto (how true it is, I don’t know. It has not been proved) is allowed to give Jackson KIbor a note to purchase maize and later sell it at exorbitant rates is a fallacy and one that we should be ashamed of it as right thinking people.

    Finally and I have said it since 2007, Raila Odinga is a user, (he used the Luo (NDP in 2001) to climb to the KANU SG post, used LDP to climb to the NARC position, and USED ODM to be PREMIER. USED Kalenjin youths to bargain for the post, others across the country to visit violence on their friendly neighbours and he is now using James Orengo (he has re-defined sycophancy) to fight his war with Kibaki.

    The bottom-line? Unga at Sh120, Fidel, Jimmy, Mudavadis, Michukis, Nyagas, Kalonzos, Ngilus, Balalas, Rutos, Kenyattas, Muites, Orengos, don’t pays taxes and can afford to willow in wealth as the poor Kenyans are taxed while buying the same product, sold by the same clique to Kibor at a song.


    NB Chris, I support your sentiments that these people are UNITED IN CORRUPTION, serving their own interests. WASHING DOWN A MEAL OF MAIZE WITH OIL! YUCK!

  27. anon@ 10:50,

    You dont work in that department. THose who work there could have printed the same and made them public. We have grown up in the system of government 'spin' throug the years.

    Like the latest spin aka sympathy calls by the Odingas. Always being targetted, alsways being followed, always being threatened. Wapi???

    Hakuna. We have heard it before. Simply deliver!


  28. The joke is not on Raila but on us who voted for him. The guy has a right to do whatever he wants with our misplaced trust. I mean, why is he slow on Ruto while he pulled a fast one on Kimunya? He gave a ministerial committee 24 hours to report back on Kimunya.

    When it comes to Ruto what does he do? He calls in a international firm to come and audit maize transactions, and an ODM team to investigate a fellow ODMer. What a cruel joke!

    First, how was the international firm choosen? It was single sourced from his oversees friends! To come and do what? Tell us that we do not have maize in our stores to feed people in Kibera. My friends, the joke and the international bill is on us.

    Second, Raila calls in ODM to audit Ruto and the same maize transactions. And who is in that team? Some of the same fellows who were allocated the maize. Just imagine if PNU had set a committee to investigate Kimunya? We, ODMers would have hit the roof, and Kimunya would still be calling us fishmongers from the Treasury. If it would have been wrong with PNU doing it, why are we silent when it comes to Raila and ODM? And when we complain Phil says we are scoring our own goal!

    As voters, Raila has trashed our MOU with him. Since we owe him nothing, it is upon us to decide whether we can continue to bear his cruel jokes and international price tags he is placing on us.

    P/s. On a personal note, why is Raila allowing his sons to do what they are doing to us? From smashing govt Mercedes, to Triton oil, to maize scandals - all that in three months' period. I mean, how much do they want to abuse us?

  29. anon11:07 AM

    deroo!!!!!!!!( you must be asleep)

    we unlike some are well educated kenyans working us civil servants who are aware of facts not gossip to be the key to bring down corrupt individuals.. even if it took us time to follow the money with the documents in the ministry and the pay out to individuals.. following individuals wealth is what has helped us get more documents and facts from other quarters connected to Tricon-Devani and Oil corruption..and ofcourse who was paid what.. ministers, Mp's civil servants, some before the coalition government (2004-2007) and after 2008... Deroo you my friend will be surprised of the kenyans greed....

    Deroo you are the same pathetic kenyans now showing fear while

    WE still want Chris, Taabu or who ever owns Kumekucha to take up head strong this Oil scandal - like we indicated it is bigger than Goldenberg... we have directed the same suggetion to other kenyan bloggers and will post out facts - that means documents - which anyone can authenticate by using specialitst.. place property ownership paid by monies (bribes) paid by Devani.. Bank accounts ... balances by some of the crooks

    Deroo this time we wanted all the proof and facts right( unlike Goldernberg and Anglo leasing- still pending) so that if this case is taken to international courts it will stick since now Devani is lounging in India and the coalition government seems not to be bothered..
    we as kenyans are going to file the case in the international courts as Kenyans tax payers against Devani(tricon) individuals in the government for stealing from kenyans tax payers..

    we have solid backing... but we also want to educate kenyan tax payers on how much money was stollen (oil Scandal- worse than Goldernberg) and who stole it by helping Devani and Tricon....

    Watch and wait...

    Chris/ the Oil scandals is what will bring the coalition down.. trust us on this.. we know what we are talking about.. your duty just like ours is to educate the Kenyan taxi payers on how bad this Oil scandal is........

  30. anon11:07 AM

    deroo!!!!!!!!( you must be asleep)

    we unlike some are well educated kenyans working us civil servants who are aware of facts not gossip to be the key to bring down corrupt individuals.. even if it took us time to follow the money with the documents in the ministry and the pay out to individuals.. following individuals wealth is what has helped us get more documents and facts from other quarters connected to Tricon-Devani and Oil corruption..and ofcourse who was paid what.. ministers, Mp's civil servants, some before the coalition government (2004-2007) and after 2008... Deroo you my friend will be surprised of the kenyans greed....

    Deroo you are the same pathetic kenyans now showing fear while

    WE still want Chris, Taabu or who ever owns Kumekucha to take up head strong this Oil scandal - like we indicated it is bigger than Goldenberg... we have directed the same suggetion to other kenyan bloggers and will post out facts - that means documents - which anyone can authenticate by using specialitst.. place property ownership paid by monies (bribes) paid by Devani.. Bank accounts ... balances by some of the crooks

    Deroo this time we wanted all the proof and facts right( unlike Goldernberg and Anglo leasing- still pending) so that if this case is taken to international courts it will stick since now Devani is lounging in India and the coalition government seems not to be bothered..
    we as kenyans are going to file the case in the international courts as Kenyans tax payers against Devani(tricon) individuals in the government for stealing from kenyans tax payers..

    we have solid backing... but we also want to educate kenyan tax payers on how much money was stollen (oil Scandal- worse than Goldernberg) and who stole it by helping Devani and Tricon....

    Watch and wait...

    Chris/ the Oil scandals is what will bring the coalition down.. trust us on this.. we know what we are talking about.. your duty just like ours is to educate the Kenyan taxi payers on how bad this Oil scandal is........

  31. deroo and all those doubting Kenyans..

    We the concerned Civil servants will proof to you all that there are some of us who care about our country and if the government doesn't care! or some corrupt individuals are running the government then it is time we the civil servants took action

    our voices are growing- you will soon see what we mean.. the government can't sack us all.. that will mean the country will come to a stand still.

    and if that is what it will take to stop corruption and burnish those who are involved in the Oil, Maize, Anglo leasing and at last Goldernberg. then so be it.. and if that means the coalition will will fall since on our oil corruption list we have Former Narc MP's and Ministers involved and now they are IN PNU -plus some ODM MP's involved then too bad.
    We must save our country and take care of our tax payers by stopping this impunity and corruption repeated again and again and again...



  32. deroo and all those doubting Kenyans..

    We the concerned Civil servants will proof to you all that there are some of us who care about our country and if the government doesn't care! or some corrupt individuals are running the government then it is time we the civil servants took action

    our voices are growing- you will soon see what we mean.. the government can't sack us all.. that will mean the country will come to a stand still.

    and if that is what it will take to stop corruption and burnish those who are involved in the Oil, Maize, Anglo leasing and at last Goldernberg. then so be it.. and if that means the coalition will will fall since on our oil corruption list we have Former Narc MP's and Ministers involved and now they are IN PNU -plus some ODM MP's involved then too bad.
    We must save our country and take care of our tax payers by stopping this impunity and corruption repeated again and again and again...



  33. Derek,

    Now that you have spewed your usual hatred and told us about ODM thieves, why not tell us about the PNU thieves..while at it, don't forget the main thief snoozing at SH.

  34. ANON11:23 AM

    funny that the last time I looked at the Oil scandal this Devani- Tricon like someone mentioned here,

    it screams
    Minister of Energy of course)2004-2007)
    1.Kibaki's sons
    2. Martha Karua
    4. Uhuru
    and more greedy corrupt Ministers and MP's

    What I haven't made out is the ODM or Raila connection to Tricon and Devani?- The connection must have happened in 2008 ?? why would they be so stupid to be pulled in a scandal just like Anglo leasing??

    Greed, Greed Greed.

    and I believe the coalition has run out its course it is time to dismantle the coalition(Interim management of the country should be put in place) Kenyans are not scared of that, better an interim government than the crooks we have in parliament now.

  35. Si useme wacha kutushtua ati u kno much! Jst hot air! Bring it on.maji moto haichomi nyumba!!

  36. @1.05

    Wachana na huyo. DOMO, DOMO, DOMO...ODM, ODM, ODM. The champions of hot air. There is nothing he will say that you have not read. What are they conivig to write that they have not unleashed now to counter the maize scam. Then, they should also be privy to info that Raila met Devani in India.
    If you may wonder, honestly, why should a whole Prime Minister visit Mahatma Gandhi's grave with a full contingent of government manadrins at a time when a double-headed corruption storm has picked up.
    What benefit does Raila visiting Gandhi's grave offer Kenya at a time when 20 Turkanas are dying per day. Then, the so-called PMPS flashes him looking at Gandhi's shoes and a rag of clothe as if it will add a load of bread on to someone's table, or even lower the price of Unga. He should have gone to Malawi where they are importing maize from. Good for nothing!

    -Derek- (yes that on. I have logged off)
    Tumeerevuka. Just wonder, tunaelekea wapi

  37. Kenya needs new leaders.

    Its funny watching these ministers accusing each other. The same people shoved kibaki down our throats(who cares that we almost lost our country) are now asking others to resign. Just what moral authority do they have to ask anyone to step down.

    And if anyone knows Martha Karua, tell her she is danger of provoking some of us into voting for Ruto in 2012. We haven't forgotten her role. Let her do some constructive work for a change. Let her tell us about a new constitution, anti-tribalism laws etc

  38. Anon 11.50am. The coordinator and supervisor of ministries has absolved MOE from any wrong doing. He said this was the work of KPC employees and triton. Gok (ie MOE)had no role, according to PM.

    FYI unless the Government eventually agrees to pay the financiers who were swindled by triton, the tax payer has so far lost zero in the so called oil scam. Remember that in the KPC records the fuel belonged to triton. They sold it to another oil company but failed to repay their financiers. Triton did not use tax payer money to purchase the fuel from the middle east. It used money from both local and internatioanl financiers. Fom the way you are talking you do not no crap about the triton issue.

  39. Strange how NOBODY has noticed how our current MPs, a bunch of arrogant, lazy, untrustworthy, unaccountable and incompetent nincompoops suffering from bloated egos and overindulgence(A roomful of them must really pong considering how often they fart), are now demanding that they should be allowed to scrutinise and give input on the budget and consequently APPROVE it, yet it is a Budget THEY HAVE NOT CONTRIBUTED TO BY PAYING APPROPRIATE TAXES!!
    If Kibaki signs that bill allowing them to do so, he should then just resign.
    Just as we should not accept Executive dictatorship, neither should we accept Parliamentary dictatorship. Where are the busybody civil society types now?

  40. Mwariama says,....I am surprised that some Kenyans listens to the likes of Mutahi Ngunyi, an empty headed idiot! I stopped reading the sunday nation because of his half baked and silly articles. Do you need Mutahi Ngunyi to understand Kenyan politics? If yes, you must be an 8-4-4 product!!
    Would you need to read Phil's articles to know that a Raila Odinga cult exists?

  41. the other day m. ngunyi referred to the 10 plagues in exodus. It was clear he had not read the story but was recalling it from sunday school. Like most christards he didnt know why pharaoh was not releasing the israelites (rebel egyptians). It was because yahweh had hardened pharaoh's heart. so really yahweh was fighting with himself. Paul says in romans yahweh did this to show his power!

    Also for those who dont know (most of those who are here) the plagues story was borrowed from the egyptians.In the egyptian version pharoah was fighting with a certain priest who had stolen his wife. In both versions the plagues are basically the same. Actually most of the stories in OT are borrowed from the surrounding cultures ie egyptian, babylonian, mesopotamian etc. These were infact super powers those days. I hope M. ngunyi reads kk so he can receive this education.

  42. "In effect if there was any court case or investigation to try and find out who really won the 2007 presidential elections, then Ngunyi has to be a key witness in the proceedings."

    ROFLMFAO. Did he have a network od spies at every constituency? Just cause the jamaa supported your guy doesnt make him an authority oon matters electoral.


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