Monday, April 28, 2008

Dark Past Of The Man Expected To Handle Prison Warden’s Crisis

Can Kalonzo Handle Catastropic Prison Warden’s Strike As Gunshots Are Heard Inside Kamiti Maximum Security Prison?

It is very normal in Kenya for people not to ask too many questions about a politicians’ past. As long as they are bwana kubwa nothing else seems to matter. For instance while covering a confidential report for my subscribers on the subject; The Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka that Kenyans don’t know in this week’s raw notes, this blogger was reminded of the bizarre circumstances under which Kalonzo first entered parliament.

The facts are that the immediate former MP for Mwingi North was killed under very mysterious circumstances that have never been explained to this day.

It happened in the 1980s when the then area MP Peter Manandu was shot dead in a bar by a rogue administration policeman under some very strange and yet to be explained circumstances.

The now deceased, Mulu Mutisya is said to have traveled all the way to Mwingi and met Musyoka, then a young lawyer who was trying into make inroads into politics. Mutisya was impressed by the young man's demeanor and his patience even for someone illiterate as Mutisya who never saw the inside of a classroom.

It is said that prior to the by elections that followed, Mutisya informed Musyoka that one had to seek supernatural protection from witchdoctors so as to avoid being bewitched by rivals during political campaigns. Musyoka understood this only too well partly because of his father’s occupation (more details available in my raw notes this week).

This is now the same man who has to deal with perhaps the biggest crisis to hit Kenyan armed security personnel in the history of these shores. Kalonzo as Vice President has the home affairs docket which covers the prisons department. This is certainly not going to be as easy as jostling to be seen as the second most powerful man in the land.

Already a committee he appointed headed by former Vice President Moody Awori to probe into the warden’s complaints has been rejected by the striking wardens. The wardens are threatening to free criminals on Wednesday if their grievances will not have been addressed by then.

As you read this, the latest reports indicate that gun shot fire has been heard outside Kamiti Maximum Security prison earlier today and GSU personnel have been dispatched and took their positions surrounding the prison.

There are a number of factors that make this crisis extraordinarily dangerous and a threat to the very internal security of the nation.

Firstly armed security forces never go on strike. Just like you can never say that the Kenyan military has gone on strike. The correct word to be used here is “mutiny.” Fellow Kenyans what we have in our hands now is a mutiny within a section of our armed security personnel.

Secondly thanks mainly to modern technology and things like the cell phone the wardens have managed to organize a countrywide mutiny, meaning that virtually every prison in the land has been affected. The seriousness of this rebellion amongst our armed prison forces is not something that can be overstated.

News just in as I was completing this post is that the government has bowed to the demands of the wardens. In a statement issued by Musyoka himself from his Jogoo house office moments ago, the VP accepted virtually all the demands of the wardens. This includes a kshs 10,000 payment for their work during the elections, a kshs 5,000 risk allowance as well as a Kshs 5,000 medical allowance.

It will be interesting to see how this story develops because some senior prison wardens were arrested yesterday after being tricked into attending a crisis meeting in Nairobi, instead CID officers pounced and arrested them at venue of the meeting. In fact already 9 of the officers have appeared in court this morning and the rest are still being held at Muthaiga Police station. It is likely that the 9 officers will be charged with mutiny which is punishable by a jail term not exceeding 10 years.

It is widely expected that all the other prison wardens in solidarity with their arrested colleagues may not go back to work until their leaders are released and the charges dropped.

All in all this is a deadly situation that could easily plunge the entire country, still bleeding from a stolen election, into total chaos. Not to mention the fact that the government is a little cash-strapped just now.

I will keep you updated about developments as they unfold.

Did woman pay for scratch cards with sex?


  1. Is it likely that this mutiny is a short preview to the upcoming blockbuster movie: "Escape from Kamiti"..a story by Ndura Waruinge?

    Not so much that I want to see the undisputed head of the most violent, ruthless, bloodthirsty and to some extent, non-discriminating local terror organization, rendered inconsequential (i.e. life imprisonment, i.e not death)… should every peace-loving Kenyan.

    The fact of the matter is that the entertainment of violence breeds nothing but counter violence. My dear Kenyans, we have to fight back. At the end of the day, it does not matter what tribe, religion, political leaning or social standing one subscribes to provided that we, as a Kenyan people, recognize that this dear country of ours cannot be held hostage by those benefiting from the trickling human blood that floods our red muddy streets.

    We must accept that it is the culture of violence and bloodletting that occasioned the seemingly retaliatory violent episodes that will forever depict the 2007 national elections. When a government allows marauding proscribed sects to roam free, separating the heads of two year toddlers from their emaciated bodies while at the same time forming political parties and holding fundraising ceremonies hosted by influential politicians and businessmen; the message that government sends to those residing in mashinani is that the panga will provide deliverance. The political culture that ferries bows, arrows and simis in government vehicles enroute to Western Kenya must be denounced by all peace loving Kenyans. Let us not forget or give a free pass to some of the evils of the past five years. The pied pipers' intention was never to be followed by rats.

    Today we cry that we have been displaced and discarded to the wills of nature yet we are the same idiots who voted for the man who burnt our newspapers and allowed international fugitives to brandish guns at airports while whipping our very own police commissioner. Si haya ni maajabu?

    We must choose to redirect the energies of our misguided youth away from the consequences of the headless torso.

    That said, it's about time Kalonzo 'Supreme Prison Warder' Musyoka, keeps his big house in order.

  2. Chris, this time around i agree with you.

    Your article is an eye opener and i support the USA government for setting aside funds for the Prime Minister independent of the "KIMUNYA" The treasury.

    Kibaki, Kalonzo, Moi, Kenyatta are all blood stained and it will take another generation before Kenyans forget about all the criminal acts, against humanity that has taken place in our lovely Country. What is happening is covering up for the colonialists, the British who killed and maimed Kenyans for their selfish gains and Kenyatta entered into an agreement with them as "non prosequi crimes. that`s why Kibaki is not ashamed to call people "mavi ya Kuku and Pumbavu because he is part of these crimes and British support him.

    For how long will innocent Kenyans be taken for a ride?

    We have no Roads, No water in Every kenyan House, No Health care as Ngilu suggested and her ideas were flashed in Kibaki`s Toilet, yet Kenyans even the ones getting born today owe the world Bank, IMF and the masters UK billions in loans given to them as AID and grants.
    We are in the 21st Century and all i`m saying is Kenyans should think. kenya is a sovereign country.
    New generation of leaders in Kenya are the only ones who will save millions of innocent Kenyans and Raila has already set the ball rolling because he has children who will be in Kenya tomorrow when they pass.

  3. Poor Kalonzo! Now that he is the only potent threat to "The Messiah" Raila Amolo Odinga, he should be prepared for all sorts of hate journalism. The design is to diminish him so that by 2012 this so called "second in command" can have a free ride to Statehouse. You can call it a political strategy, I call it chasing a mirage.

  4. While I may not support their 'mutiny', I fully support their demand for their rights. Their rights have being trampled upon, and they are treated worse than prisoners in some cases. Sad.

  5. As an individual, I do not see any danger in warders releasing dangerous criminals.
    Our country is already headed by the most dangerous criminal/mass murderer/baby killer ugly dictator. It cannot be worse if the less dangerous of his type are let out. We are already screwed anyway

  6. to be honest what is kenya coming to? sasa how do prison warders threaten to free criminals? honestly, i havent heard. well yesterday i asked that question and someone called me daft and ignorant.

    i guess when we have hardcore criminals roaming the streets in addition to the mungiki already present it will be a good thing?...coz my daft ignorant mind just fears the calamities that will follow.

    i hope someone will do the right thing this time and bring this situation under control quickly....starting with freeing those arrested officers immediately!

  7. It's funny how ODMers used to praise Kalonzo, but once he went against Raila all of sudden he' such an evil person who has to be destroyed. Do you guys believe in human freedom? NEWSFLASH: not every Kenyan is a Raila psychophant!

  8. First SKM, is very much like MK in the dicey zone known as "decision making". Expect ZERO unless it will personally afflict them. They are expert at handling the hot potato, i.e pass it on. And if by chance there is someone else who can cool it down, wait till sufficiently cool, then run in with the salad and sauce and be in charge of distribution.

    First round of hot potate pass, to Awori, and Kim?? rejected by Warders, 2nd round, agreed to all warder conditions. lets see the implementation.

  9. Kalonzo will be the next president of the Republic of Kenya assisted by a Kikuyu as a VP. A Luya will be the PM deputized by a Meru and a person from Coast. Fortunately, Raila will go back to doing what he does best for his country - leading a vigorous opposition.

  10. me suspect the kaos, kuiks, merus will fnd themselves squarely n the opposition....most koas i know will not vote for kalonzo again...he has been a total dissapointment to kaos...

  11. Anon 11:08

    I love that part of the world you live in, I also foresee central being policed by Mungiki, and all business paying taxes first to Mungiki then the balance to the duly elected gava of SKM and a kikuyu probably joroge'shire the buffoon of kabete.

  12. to be honest as an odmer, never in my life have i ever praised kalonzo musyoka!! and that is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth....enlighten me, what is there to praise about that man?


  13. Kibonzo who??????

  14. Fave, You are absolutely right…….. that half of our political leadership is infested with Mungiki leaders (some deputy prime ministers) and those fighting change (of the Finance dept.). I understand your frustrations. You see, the fact that our erected leader (thanks Phil) has provided the best example of success via thievery, let no man lynch the common and very hungry village chicken thief. Ours is the prime laissez faire politics.

    Going forward, the man who not only steals but defiles a stolen chicken must be accorded the medal of honor i.e. order of the grand Moran or something of the sorts.

    There's no doubt that Kalonzo's dark past is enough to cause the eclipse of the sun as opposed to that of the moon. This man, going around baffled by the wavering flag of his motorcade, must be reminded that his following is dwindling even in Mwingi.

  15. Raila Amolo Odinga will NEVER be President of Kenya. He will never lead the Kenyan government simply because he is not sufficiently capable of heading a ministry leave alone a government. If you dont believe me, please watch his open flaws in the roughly two years he will be Prime Minister (Before the sack, and I mean the sack. You can interprete the accord, which some of you believe overrides the larger constitution the way you want, but the sack will come).

    A Jaluo President? Give me a break, dear.

    We have a pool of talent to choose the next President from, talentented and presentable persons: Kalonzo, Uhuru, Saitoti, Karua and even Musalia. Why the hell should we dream of having a communist President who currently feels protocol officers in government dont know as much as he does about who should welcome the President in public functions?

    Hiyo tumekataa . You can report that.

  16. Public funksons actually, Public funksons.

  17. CUT THIS RAILA CRAP!!! HE IS AS BLOODY AS ANYTHING...Moi ndiye dawa yake!!!

  18. Prison wardens have little faith in the team appointed by Judas Kalonzo for good reason. Moody Awori, the immediate former VP and the man in-charge of prisons at the time, spend his tenure distributing telly sets and, organizing booty calls and fashion shows for prisoners. The welfare of prison wardens was low in his lists of priorities.

  19. talented pool, presentable

    kalonzo, uhuru, saitoti, karua

    sorry guys, but give me Ndura any time

    surely lesotho must be the only viable solution

  20. Anon1:07 PM

    What do you mean??
    Raila Amollo Odinga is already the president of Kenya- by the vote of the people of kenya on 27th December 2007- so you can't remove that history whether you like it or not!! we have an impostor as a president called Emilio kibaki the THIEF and every body in kenya and the rest of the world nows that already!! so stop throwing a tantrum you sound foolish!!!



  21. Anon @1:16PM when did they let you out? Constitution reforms must include a serious review of the Mental Health Act.

  22. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    CUT THIS RAILA CRAP!!! HE IS AS BLOODY AS ANYTHING...Moi ndiye dawa yake!!!


  23. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    talented pool, presentable

    kalonzo, uhuru, saitoti, karua

    sorry guys, but give me Ndura any time

    surely lesotho must be the only viable solution

    1:17 PM

    yes and of course you forgot to mention that talent presentation is only in the looting and killing area right!! there you do not need an education!! all bush mungiki financier with blood on their hands!! lesotho is where they belong and ebu tell them to carry their IDP's with them now!!

  24. Raila's days are numbered and so are the days on everyman on earth!! We are all passing my friend!!!

  25. Anonymous 1.07. DO you realize that Raila actually won the elections? Your Kibaki and 'talented Kenyans' with Kalonzo actually lost the elections.
    We need a President with some Balls. Even Raila is going around defending Kibaki now, coz he realizes this man is in deep trouble. The man can't even control his own VP!!!

    Protocol my foot. Protocol being thrown around was before Kenya knew they would have an Executive PM.

    Do this Math dungu zangu:

    IF KIBAKI = RAILA (Read 50:50)
    And KALONZO < KIBAKI (Less than)

    That code in the program would have crashed the hard drive upon execution.

  26. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Anon @1:16PM when did they let you out? Constitution reforms must include a serious review of the Mental Health Act.

    Mental health is for Emilio kibaki for rigging, looting and executing mungiki without a day in court!! kamiti is waiting for him that senile fool!

  27. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Raila's days are numbered and so are the days on everyman on earth!! We are all passing my friend!!!

    seriously you mean KIBAKI the thieving -rigger looter and murderer(shot to kill innocent kenyans by ordering the police) are numbered- stop dreaming and look at the facts:)

  28. Yea and that sucker with eyes full of tears he better be in Kamiti for another blinding experience too

  29. Raila Amollo odinga Elected President of Kenya by more than 60% !!

    kibaki Kikuyu thieve took over the country by force using their mungiki foot soldier and now the same mungiki foot soldiers are against them for non- payment of the full amount agreed upon to commit GENOCIDE IN NAKURU AND NAIVASHA!!

    The thieving SENILE Kibaki the illegal Resident in statehouse(note i say resident not president) because he is not recognized as such except from the central province and their mungiki foot soldiers!!

  30. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Raila's days are numbered and so are the days on everyman on earth!! We are all passing my friend!!!

    seriously you mean KIBAKI the thieving -rigger looter and murderer(shot to kill innocent kenyans by ordering the police) are numbered- stop dreaming and look at the facts:)...


  31. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Yea and that sucker with eyes full of tears he better be in Kamiti for another blinding experience too

    let as not forget the peeing Kibaki whose habit of peeing in his pants after playing golf and getting drunk- at Muthiaga golf Club(habit of many years-

    I doubt whether he has stopped- maybe he has a diaper now) his minders were so fed up of cleaning his pee- go ask his former driver!! so if you want to throw insults here we also have prrof and facts of the peeing Kibaki!!! lets continue!!


    1:41 PM

    Really - then I guess by Kibaki killing his mungiki foot soldiers one by one he thinks he is covering all the secrets - nope the mungiki taped the meetings before and after 27th december Elections at his residence!!Emilio Kibaki peeing days are numbered and go tell him to take the IDP's to his stolen farms!!

  33. As I read this story

    was perplexed by this statement

    It was not possible to establish immediately whether the officers have been sacked but according to the Public Officer Ethics Act once one is charged in court they automatically stand interdicted.

    If that is the case, why hasn't someone charged Kivuitu and his band of court jesters in court so that they can also share the same fate. Where is the justice in Kenya, if conscientious public officers although extremely dissatisfied and living in pathetic conditions, did the right thing to avert a major catastrophe to demand their grievances heard

    yet they get punished and hauled to court.

    on the other hand, those (ECK) who already command high salaries and plush offices, dining in hotels and catered for in lofty seminars in hotels and resorts, who are probably the root cause of the deaths of close to 2000 Kenyans and displacement of 500,000, they are now being handled with kid gloves and expensive commissions led by eminent Africans and everyone of them is being pampered.

    What exactly is wrong with us in Kenya?

    One of the grievances is that for even the most basic and mandatory of requirements i.e uniform

    give me a break

  34. Chris

    Could you dig up more information on this safi-con (cleanest con of all) and enlighten us please?

    As usual kindly present the facts as you discover them then stand back and give us room to dissect and hack each other with all manner of weapons and tribal slurs instead of tackling the problem on hand.


  35. Anon @1.17 PM

    You want to immigrate to Lesotho?
    Good Luck.
    Safari njemsa rafiki yangu.

    Can i please let you guys know that we can fix Kenya today if we are serious with what is going on.

    Who elected this thugs? US. Who pays this crinals? US. Who listens to all their crap? US.

    AND it us Kenyans who will make a change and get ri of these sychpants "the said civil servants who are worst than The colonialists "British"
    Time is now and Kenya needs young people who were running up and down in the midst of tear gas to make a change.
    We know what we want.
    Kenya is our Country.

    These old dorks won`t be alive in another ten years.

  36. anon7:23 PM

    yeah yeah!! here is a PNU domo now talking and blaming the USA- go to Lesotho you goon!!who rigged elections?? Kibaki
    Who ordered the police to shoot innocent Kenyans- Kibaki
    who paid the Mungiki and met with them at his residence with his PNU cronies before and after elections Kibaki!!then sent them to commit genocide in Nakuru and Naivasha?? Kibaki!!and his PNU Cronies!!!

    Now look at the history of land issues!! Who was given funds by the British government to buy back the white settlers lands to hand it over to its previous owners??Kenyatta and what did he do? he took all the land for himself and his cronies- and chanced the Mau Mau veterans to Rift Valley- Who killed J.M Kariuki for standing up against land grabbing?? Kenyatta and his cronies!!

    so do not post your rubbish propaganda here blaming the USA and Britian and ati use colonization!! we are all educated here and can read and conclude who are to blame for what is happening in Kneya today!! the thugs and thieves from central province started the theft and marginalizing other tribes and now it is pay back time!! go back to central Lesotho and preach to the fools who can listen to your rubbish- do not post here propaganda like here on kumekucha bloggers are not educated and enlightened buzz off!!

  37. Your articles are getting more and more subjective. Very disappointing in these 'bashing' editorials... quite pathetic to be frank.

  38. anon9:07 PM

    You mean the truth hurts?? or some people can't take it?? the article are clear and to the point and if you find them pathetic then you have no business stopping by at kumekucha- i guess there are many blogs that you can go to that suits your type of false hype!!

  39. Anon 9.07 PM

    I think you are getting snarky.
    Sit back, relax and use your common sense that your mother once gave. If you lost it when you went abroad, time is now be real or just go back home and face the reality of issues.

    Kenya is a beautiful country and people have lived together for years. But when US came in to direct our politics, neigbours started killing neigbours. Buy the way do you follow Iraq news? How is US doing over there after starting a false WAR. Think first before posting naive comments here. They are unpleasant.

  40. sorry i meant anon @8.28 PM

    I beg your pardon.

  41. Kumekucha,

    What is your personal issue with Kalonzo?

    I have no time for him and i think he is a back stabbing double dealer and even before he fell out with Raila i knew he had the potential to pull a stunt like Kibaki did in 2002 and shortchange everyone in the original ODM-K.

    But i take issue with your articles which are getting more and more personal.Do you have a prior relationship with him and you are using your blog to hit back?

    Quite unprofessional the character assassination!!

    As for your blog,it has lost its plot totally!Do you wonder why the old regulars are no long here?

    It has became a rendezvous for Kikuyu bashing and raila worship which are both done to a nauseating level.

    I asked you some weeks back to take leadership and convert the traffic here to catalyze the much needed change in this country.

    As it is now its a blog captive to our current so-called leaders and we are all in agreement they are all crap!

    Kumekucha,stand for something or fall for everything!!!!!

  42. ANON 9:43 PM
    WAKE UP AND SMELL THE ROSES!!WHICH KENYANS ARE YOU SAYING WERE LIVING NEXT TO EACH OTHER HAPPILY??? MAYBE IN CENTRAL PROVINCE- LOOK AT KIBERA?? MATHARE?? KOROGOCHIO?? WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?? YOU DISGUST ME!! OPEN YOUR BLIND EYES!! and the land issues- do you really know kenya and this land issues that have been around since kenyatta's time?? who is a fool here??? and where abroad may I ask?? I'm right in kenya and I know what i see!!around me!! do you??shmae on you!!

  43. anon 11:38 PM

    nonsense- I'm an old regular and many of my friends are still contributing here- so stop talking for us! if you feel you do not enjoy the forum here please move on and stop telling kumekucha how to run his blog!!

  44. Panuers are just getting the jitters cause the US has shown open support to RAO. They thought they could do the rest of kenya in but bahati mbaya sana. Now Kaloozer has proved to be a better jinga than Kifucky as in he is more daring in his stupidity trying to usurps powers through 'protocal' that he could not win in a open contest. To have that kind of mentality where you can lay claim to something everyone knows you don't deserve is to be a perfect Panuer so it looks like one Emelio Kifucky should watch out he may be eliminated so that according to the constitution kalooser is automatically the pris-dent then kenya goes to the dogs. whatch this space, I think that's pnuers plan afterall sarcrificing human beings for political expediency is their stock in trade.

    Sir Alex

  45. anon9:43 PM
    kenyans are well educated and know the difference between Iraq war and the problems facing kenya since independence and I agree with anon 11:47- you seem to deal with fear mongering- we as kenyans already know what our problems are and that is why the constitution has to be changed- land issues have to be addressed and unfair distribution of wealth e.t.c
    so why may I ask are you blaming the Americans and the British?? didn't the British give your kenyatta funds to by back land from the white settlers like someone has mentioned on here?? and what did he do?? I'm sure by now you having read kenya land history you can answer that- lets fast forward? Anglo leasing?? Transcentury?? and now Grand Regency in between there is much more looting - so who took the money?? like Githongo has said blaming America and Britain the Kibaki government habit will not wash and who the hell are the Chinese?? human Rights Records nil and those are the people kibaki and his cronies understand?? right?? rule by oppression!!!! think again!!

  46. antonio said...

    Antonio if you are looking for PNU worship please go to the fake Kumekuchas you kikuyu's created when other tribes were still mourning while you were all happily clapping and jumping around trying to destroy everything in your paths even this Kumekucha blog

    I do not see anything personal in kumekucha articles regarding Kilonzo ^^^^Raila^^^ or kibaki^^^^ it is the exact follow up that we all read from different papers and watch on Media- so quite bringing your propaganda and kumekucha bashing here!! if you do not like what you see or read just move on!! I can't see Kumekucha forcing anyone to read or contribute o his blog!! as for PNU bashing everyone has their own opinion on here-

    actually go try Mashada- there you will find plenty of PNU supporters and all they do is abuse ODM and call the PM names day in and day out- I think that is the place to brighten your day...............

    As for kumekucha please continue with your good work.

  47. Anon 11.38 PM

    If i were you, i could start a new blog known as you anonymous. You have no idea wht you are contributing here. I guess hatred.

    Are you unhappy reading what people are discussing on Kumekucha blog? Open yours.
    I don`t think you ever see any on my talk/suggestion or contribution on there.

    We are talking issues here and matter how you present them, they are worth been out there.

    Anon 11.38 PM, have you been drinking or sniffing glue?

    Please contribute issues and give your ideas, critise or just piss off and open your own blog.

    OR by the way you can join the USA Military.

  48. We guys on Kumekucha have so much energy unlike our seeminly demented patners from you no where.Non of them can sit down and make an assesment of themselves and the sorrounding and come up with a decent blog where we then can post comments which are constructive unlike the tired ones they post here.I am very sure our comments on their blogs will be quite a comparison to the ones they leave here.

    Again i have discovered Panya Supporters behave like dogs.I have observed dogs over sometime now and discovered that if and when they are strolling in the village they go urinating on some spots as they move on.I am not sure why they create the hotspots but certainly they leave some nasty smell and thats what this Panyas have been doing on people's blogs, again someone help me.

    Back to the post,Kalonzo Musyoka will for sometime feature on this blog given his unimaginable conduct in the recent past either as VP or as the Dishonourable member of Mwingi North.He owes some 1500 families an apology and a couple of emoluments to close to half a million others Mt Elgon included given his counduct unbecoming.I would have wished that we move on to other stuff but seems like his name just wont move away.He was the KERNEL of hope that would have helped re-shape the trajectory of Kenyan Politics but he spoofed on our faces.

    The question begs as to how he will handle the prisons Fiasco given his sneer towards sensitive issues that do not appear imperative to the furtherance of his pseudo ambition which is never clear at any given time.The gifts he announced yesterday to me were cosmetic.A person of his calibre should have called all the provincial prison bosses and ask them what the problem is as opposed to hauling them to court.That is intimidation and its the worst thing to be done to disciplened forces if we have to get some output from them.Clearly the problems that they purport to have are not in anyway fabrications but the true picture of the life they lead.Its a no brainer that prison should be among the blue collars of the Disciplened forces given the task they have to ensure is well done.To rush on TV and declare mutiny is utter rubbish.I like the way the strike was conducted as it was a cool sit in and no personal property was destroyed all along.Again by rushing to call in the GSU to hold brief for the warders is an act of desperation and utter contempt of the work some of the warders have done over time.

    If we have to respect Kalonzo and if at all he deserves the respect,let him give the Prisons docket something close to a corporate image and not the Mungikish image they posess.Am done but again correct me if Am wrong!!!!!

  49. @Ivy + Knoppix + Fave
    Leo ni LEO and you guess right WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS. While Luka walks alone, FAVE is in good company of Chris being GOONERS. You haven't seen anything yet. 7 hoursand counting folks.

  50. I am appalled by the amount of hatred some people in this blog have show to Kalonzo Musyoka – merciless, brutal and heartless character assassination. You have reduced our VP into ‘a duck in the hail of bullet’. I have watched him been gobbled up here by people behaving like pack of hyenas. Give him a break.

    Tell me, how many of you would not have done what he did, we were in his position? The geezer was presented with a VP post; it was and is by all means an irresistible, finger licking good post for anyone with no realistic chance of winning anything. So, let him enjoy it!

    Please let us shun hatred in joining our hands together and support our VP.

    Yours Sincerely

  51. is the vp your father kwale? or are u the vp feeling bad about your character assasination here?

    the vp is a spineless, immoral, idiotic, piece shit! you go join hands with the rest of your chicken-hearted friends not here on kumekucha!

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. Taabu.......Am even contemplating not to watch the game coz when it began i was counting on goal diffrence to our advantage but since we dint score am pegging the Kernel of luck on Home advantage.

    Besides Rooney with his Hip injury,Vidic with his,i am kind of fidgeting,but atleast am not all that scared.Am very optimistic that fergie will give us the best of lineups to deliver,after all what should we expect of a Sir!

    Good luck Mates,plus Ivy am jealous of the advances somebody was making towards you to crossover to some low end team.I Quote "
    Ivy, tell me why despite being a very reasonable and pragmatic individual, you persist in being a ManU fan. You, should have more class than that!"Can you thwart those advances once and for all and make it know that they are very very unwelcome your end!Lool

  54. "...Raila Amollo Odinga is already the PRESIDENT of Kenya- by the vote of the people of kenya on 27th December 2007..."

    Gosh! it just boggles the mind how thick some Kenyans are! Macharia Gaitho aptly puts it in today's DN as thus........

    "We see the rich and powerful engaged in the mad scramble for more power, wealth and privilege, stepping on the backs of the IGNORANT masses who have been brainwashed into believing that they, somehow, benefit if their tribesman takes over at State House...."


    Need I say more?

  55. knoppix,
    I can remember everything I wrote! You are stealthy trying to stop her evolution into a better football fan. What do you mean some low end team? We are classy, cultured and attractive and that remains that!

  56. Chris, I can fully understand and empathize with the plight of our prison warders. Their grievances are legitimate. How can a grown up man with children live on 14,000 Ksh/ basic salary per month. They do one of the most difficult job many of us would not want to do, and in my standard they should earn 50,000 Ksh/ per month + Housing allowance and medical on the top.

    M-Pesa: I have said that word before, BRAINWASHED - right here in Kumekucha.


  57. M-Pesa + Kwale,
    Birds of a feather mate together. Just read BRAINWASHED in the reverse and you may end up having your WASHED BRAIN na nini?

  58. TO ALL those who posted obscene words above and used them to launch tribal attacks: Your I.Q. can be estimated to be.. maybe 40 - 50. A cro-magnon monkey was certainly sharper than you.

  59. FAVE, Sorry, I didn’t know you are into footie. In your writing you sound like an agony aunt. What on earth attracted you into such laddish sport? (I hate football) And Man U of all team? Urghhh... As much I football, I hate ManU with all my heart and every thing that is deep within my soul, even Sir Alex knows about it.


  60. M-pesa
    What your doing is trying to equate RAO to kifucky thats a tired old trick and balala spotted it way back in jan.Reminds us of solomon's wise decision over the two mothers claiming one baby the one who it was not her baby was ready to have it killed...... If there was nothing to gain the kikuyu would have been the first to abscond from voting altogether. The truth is most of kenyans were ready to start a new merit based way of recieving gava service... Enter the thief and he changed all that. key ministries to gema, KRA-gema, kcse top up gema, election theft to favour gema. lots of gema fellas started arriving from overseas to settle back in kenya, stock exchange gema, Judiciary gema, obviously gema cannot take up all the jobs, but one does not have to, to control the rest, thats why some key ministries where fought over. We need to settle this once and for all. It need not bee but a leader can under the current constitution, effectively benefit one tribe at the expense of the others and kibaki did it.Off course not to every single one but to a majority.
    People are not fools with nothing to do but support their politicians if there was nothing to gain from it. ROA in fighting to end this did not promise that then gava will become, luo,luya n kale but for all kenyans. The problem in kenya is not so much the tribe of occupants of gava offices but their motives the kuyos so far have proved that their motive is to dominate and we are just saying no to that. We do not expect free milk from RAO. so quit oversimplfying a complex issue we are more intelligent than that. Its a fight for justice and equality for the up teenth time RAO, Ruto et al are merely figure heads and mascots nobody is doing anything for them. we are sending a signal that we cannot be ignored. Period!

    Sir Alex

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. FAVE: I mean the way you agonise me with your hypnotising smooth talking ‘advice’ about how great RAO is and how you were once a PNU diehard... All that sends me to sleep to be honest.
    At least we have one more thing in common, I was a gooner before, way back in the days of Ian Wright (guess you were not born by then). Since then I have grown out of this laddish sport, old age maybe accumulated by many years of disappointed in hands supposedly Arsenic gunners (just couldn’t bear it anymore). So, I am now resigned to more glamorous sport like F1 (plenty of glitters and babes) and also the playboy image that goes with it.


  63. Kwale,
    I am not smooth talking, I am straight talking. If I remember last you said you never talked to from your heart of hearts. I think you my friend are the smooth talking one. You have changed on so many occasions on so many issues that as I told you yesterday I never know which Kwale got out of bed in the morning.
    I have never been a RAO worshiper. But, I have said he represents the democratic choice of Kenyans. If that were Kibaki, despite his aesthetic unpleasantness, as in 2002, I would be supporting him as I did before his murderous civilian/paramilitary coup. RAO has be in my cross hairs before especially on mungiki, his motorcade, and IDPs.
    We are at least in agreement about ManU. I remember Ian Wright and group. I like F1 but not for the playboy image and cute chicks but for the technological wizardry that makes those midgets driving those toys zoom around at such high speeds.

  64. Anon 5.57 PM

    Do you manufacture money or you live the western world where they collect/pick/find/sweep money on the streets.
    Be real.

    Kenya is a poor country that needs a lot of help..

    After Kenyatta, Moi, Kibaki Fucking it to death, we need a saviour.

    Prayers and forgiveness.

    Full stop NOT PERIODS....


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