Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Stand Off In Kenya Parliament

Kaparo makes a dash to be sworn in as speaker.

The election of the Speaker to the National Assembly in the 10th parliament seems to have degenerated into a heated exchange. The SNO's office is constitutionally "the third most powerful in Kenya."

Government friendly MPs were in the house as early as 9am after word went round that ODM intended to occupy government benches. ODM's Raila Odinga is presently occupying the Official Opposition Leader's seat followed in line by the rest of the pentagon members.

The Clerk of the National Assembly is having a difficult time controlling PNU MPs who are raising points of order because ODM MPs have been showing their colleagues in opposition benches how they have voted and the government MPs are opposing this.

So far, as at 3.30pm, the Clerk of the National Assembly has not been able to make a ruling but he has proposed an adjournment so as "to consult". Although VP Kalonzo has accepted they have no objection to an adjournment, this proposal has been strongly resisted by ODM/NARC MPs who say the business of the house must be conducted in accordance to the law. PNU friendly MPs have obviously been caught with their pants down by ODM MPs' move to vote publicly so as identify any traitors amongst them who may have hoped to quietly vote for Kaparo in an secret ballot.

There is tight security in and around parliament and KTN are surprisingly broadcasting events in parliament through live transmission. No MP has been sworn-in so far, and this will only be done when the SNO is elected.

Updates to follow.


  1. Ha Ha, now look who is advocating mlolongo-ODM! We are back to Moi days, but do I say! Ati you have to show how you voted.Bana, what if I want a cabinet post???

  2. PKW, After reading you post jana, I was beginning to have second thoughts, but this comment shows you have a vey narrow and short-sighted agenda.

    What ODM is doing in parliament is called (in layman terms) transparency and accountability. So long as it does not infringe parliamentary and national laws - it is the best thing that could have happened to this country this year, involving politicians!

    Let us see who those traitors are. No one is voting for them, we just want to know who the traitor is. After all why should YOU and an MP elect be embarrassed about how you vote?

  3. It seems teh following events have taken place:

    Attorney General Amos Wako speaks on the voting method. "Election of the Speakers in the House of Commons: There is no expressed position on how to vote for the Speaker of the House in the standing order. However, according to the House of Commons, from the Power and Privileges Act, that secret ballot should be used.

    Orengo offers a solution, " We are not afraid losing the election. We shall vote as the clerk says. Let's go ahead and vote."

    Clerk, "We will continue voting on secret ballot. We shall start all over again."

    The previous ballots are destroyed as members of parliament look on.

  4. Phil you are still in denial, a role you will play so long as Kibaki is president. Why dont you separate yourself from Raila-ism, and you will be free brother? I have known you to be very pro-democracy, but now am convinced that it is only democracy if it is from ODM or ODM's captain. Ati you see the traitors? Kwani ODM is a mob-psychology thing, where you dont even respect or even accomodate sb who thinks Kaparo is a far better speaker than that fellow called Marende? So its not about the Speaker as a person, it is about who is a traitor in ODM? ODM and its apologists, tokomeeni Kabisa. You are not fit to lead this country. yawaa.

  5. Voting is underway; Secret ballot

  6. Anon@4.57

    What has politics done for Kenya in the last month? A: Death and Destruction.

    Who was the cause? A: Kibaki and Kivuitu.

    I am very much pro-democracy. Thats why I support open secret balloting. Like someone pointed out here the other day, even unborn children know Kibaki stole the elections.

  7. They need to change the secret ballot rule. After all, as a constituent who elected an MP to represent my interests in parliament, I would be very interested to know how my MP voted...for anything, be it the speaker or some piece of legislation. That way, come next election, I can be in a better position to assess whether the incumbent MP speaks for me or I vote him out. Thank you.

  8. anon 4:57

    You seem to be hitting at others but unable to judge your intellectual penury. Secondly, who told you Kaparo is better than Marende? Did you see , meet, judge, and evaluate Marende? Wasn't Uhuru who said in 2005: "The National Assembly Speaker [Kaparo] has shown that he has no regard for the rule of law?" This was after Kibaki the fossil stole KANU MPs against the constitution and Kaparo refused to comment on it. But today Uhuru will tell you that Kaparo is the best, but don't bring your silly mentality as to why we should we believe in Uhuru when he says that. How is Kaparo the best? For what? About what? On what? And why can't you divorce yourself from "Thiefism" and "Kibakism" which teaches Stone Age tribal pussyfooting, greed, and that stealing is an act of geniusness?

  9. DOM Mp-elects have been intimidated by Ruto who will make sure they get killed and/or hanged. As of this morning they had taken away their phones so as to not be convinced by PNU/Govt. to vote Kapalo.

  10. Lucas Sang,

    You can try another name. Secondly, we were told about Kaparo, so you must be aware of a new one called Kapalo. Third, Kibaki the thief intimidated the whole of Kenya. ODM MPs therefore are not easy charlatans that can be bough with Anglo-fleecing money and ODM has prepare itself for this. The chief thief is shocked as to how they cam up with this strategy. Finally, you can look for anoter name/handle other than "Sang", or be an anon. That's easier for you boy.

  11. All the despicable dictators in the world had some intellectuals backing them up. Much like behind every thief and graft there are an accountant and a lawyer. Question is: would you, ten years down the line, look at your support of Kibaki and his theft of victory and pat yourself on the back with 'this was a brilliant choice I made'. Or would you sulk and commit suicide, ashamed of what you are doing now. History has a way of catching up with people, and for some it comes too soon.

  12. Phil what is "open secret balloting" ? Tafadhali fafanua vizuri.

  13. Kibaki won and now it's time to move on. Aggrived parties should seek legal redress.

    Waende kortini just like they did to halt Safaricom IPO. Guys are sick and tired of all the circus and ruining of our economy!

    With time, reality will hit some hard skulls that Raila's golden opportunity is gone. He will never rule Kenya as long as hardliners like Michuki exist.

    Disruptions, riots, looting and murders won't do. Violence will never and must never be rewarded!

    Throwing stones won't solve anything but only harden the Govt's resolve.

    Where in the world did hurling stones at police bring any revolution? Oh dear, how sad, never mind!

    But those doing it are misguided and exploited by their billionaire bosses who will never allow their sons and daughters anywhere near that low life.

    Kalonzo for 2012. Way to go baby!

  14. 17h00 Counting for 1st round voting underway. Total of 5 candidates want speakers seat.

    anon at 6.09, quotes missing from my earlier comments; should be "open" secret balloting. Hope you get the meaning

  15. Phil democrazy is many things to many people depending on which HORSE you ride. By the way what is so SECRET about balloting for a PUBLIC office? Just a thought and please spare PKW your jabs, she needs PEACE, won't you?

  16. different lights and Lucas Sang...take your FOOLISH nonsense to Kisumu, thats where it dwelss. Jaluos have burnt kisum dala to the earth, so at the end of the day they have lost.remember those people stealing tv? now they have to watch it bila stima!.

  17. KAZI IENDELE.....YOU HAD MICHUKI! ...ODM'ers take your grieviences somewhere as normal for the reat of us. Have a walking day tommorow. Be early to catch some good bargains in the city if you are lucky enough. That's what people with no agenda like ODM'ers do.

  18. First Round done:

    Ndile- 2 votes
    Ole Kaparo- 99 votes
    Njoki Ndungu- 0 votes
    Kihoro Wanyiri- 0 votes
    Marende- 104 votes
    Spoilt votes- 2 votes

    Total Votes- 207

    Now Round Two..

  19. ODM'ers think they are the only priveledged people to wion and election and that a loss is unacceptable. au siyo? there is no justice without and ODM win. Watameza wembe. Now kisumu is in a brink of collapse, who is really suffering? Raila should grow up!

  20. I guess so Taabu.


    Kaparo - 99
    Marende - 104
    Ndile - 2
    Njoki - 0
    Wanyiri - 0
    Spoilt - 2

    Second Round voting underway, on Kaparo and Marende. 2nd round requires two-thirds majority, so it seems Marende may be your new speaker in 3rd round.

    What do YOU guys think?

  21. sppg is the coalition between ODM AND PNU. Its good to see this guys working together.

  22. Confirmation that 1. Kibaki actually lost the presidency and 2. PNU money can be eaten and they will still be damped. Now, they will realise that buying the support of the 35 members of the amorphous SPPG will be too costly. They need their shaky cash-for-votes support to realise their agenda. A minority government indeed. Marende IS THE Speaker.

  23. spoilt votes? Even MPs don't know how to cast simple ballots? Amazing.

  24. kula wembe annon @ 6.36. Its business as usual.

  25. Grow annon@6.36, there is no place for grown up babies in politics these days. Kibaki is the president, Final!

  26. Anon: Votes can be declared spoilt for many reasons, one of which you allude to; ignorance.

    My take is that, as one of those who had thought PNU had this thing all figured out, history is in the making. We cannot be so sure that those two votes will go to Kaparo. Considering there was no adjournment between the 1st and 2nd round, seargant-at-arms has ensured no underhand deals are done on floor of the house by PNU. These underhand deals are what GNU survived with in the 9th parliament and now they even dread "open" secret balloting.

    This could be the end of Kibaki's short-lived fraudulent regime.

  27. it is clear that some people don't want ODM AND PNU to co-oparate together. the formation of SPPG is a clear indication that kenyans are beyond primitive behaviour being incited by Raila and that we can actually work together for a common cause. Good work SPPG NA KAZI IENDELE.

  28. Phil, get over it man! there is no KIBAKI REGIME just kenyans getting along with business.

  29. Phil, could be that somebody who ate PNU's cash decided to spoil it deliberately rather than abet a second theft of the Speaker's seat. I was in a meeting where Khalwale told his electorate in the local dialect 'Give me mine and give the one you know the other one'. Then he swiftly changed to English and said that what he had asked his people was approval so that 'when you constitute your gov, let me take care of the Health Ministry'. People laughed. Am I alluding to anything, but do I say

  30. Is ODM or PNU wining ? Can someone tell me. I dont have a TV around me?

  31. the whole idea of the SPPG is accept MARENDE or KAPARO. PNU are happy to have KAPARO AND ODM will be happy to have marende and vice versa. This is to show very well that the MP's are willing to to work together for the good of the country. We all win at the end of the day.

  32. the fact is, the formation of the SPPG, is a signifacant step towards credible democracy and a distace from immatuare primitive politics.

  33. I don't mind Domos taking the Speaker's jobbo as long as they leave the BIG house on the hill to us in PNU. He he he..

    If Marende wins, he won't risk his 28 years of reputation in the legal field for some power hungry barons in ODM.

    Marende, your cerdibility is on the line. You have this beautiful nation on your hands. Up to you and how you want to be rembered!

    Either as a great Statesman or another of Raila's puppet like akina Balala and Mudavadi who towing on line without a whimper!

    Take your pick Mr. Speaker Sir!

  34. SPPG is an armophous group. It's not constitutionally recognized.

  35. One thing for sure, only narrow minded individuals see this as ODM vs PNU. Chris, its business as usual.

  36. Moneywise, the greatest beneficiaries of the 10th parliament will be members of the SPPG who'll be induced with money each time the bandit gov needs their support. Shame Kenya had to get to this level. Is Moi Kubaki still in the house?

  37. Anon 6: 25,

    You seem to be cursed and that's why you are talking like an untethered mad man. I can't blame you though. It was Chinua Achebe who wrote that "Shame is felt by the kith and the kin of a mad man." Unfortunately, Michuki and Karua of Wamugunda are the ones who would have been ashamed of you but they are already nuts. It is a tragedy.

  38. rhyymemaster>>it does not have to be contitutionally recognized. its fundamentals go beyond that, its a baseline for ODM AND PNU coming to work together to form a general understanding and to endorse the elected speaker. thats the way forward. Its good to see them setting an example.

  39. Wanyama wa porini @6.25; I thot so, I thot you would care and talk about the poor albeit foolish people of Kisumo who looted Ukwala and burnt Ojinga Ojinga street to the hell. This is something very unbecoming.
    Michuki said this; Roads in Kisumo will take a long time to be rebiult since they have burnt machines and cars used to biult these roads.
    Wajaluo are in for a long bumpy ride while Raila uses choppers to fly around and gets money from specter and molasses plants he owns...wajathe jo.

  40. kibwana, point well taken, How low can Raila be? Taking people on a tourist walk in the streets of NAIROBI won't earn him any respect let alone the presidency. Those are the politics of them days. primitive as they come. Raila Bwana, fuata mwelekeo ya SPPG. Brothers working for the goodwill of the country.

  41. @Kibwana, is it difficult for you to be a Kenyan in your language? Do I tell you something, if PNU relied on thunderheads like you to steal certainly that is why there was such a blunder. You need brains with your mouth, at the moment all you seem to have is the ability to hit at the keyboard.

    It is sickening to have to stereotypically look down at other people merely because of their tribe. Shame on your brown, rotting teeth and the stench spewing therefrom.

  42. kibwana i think you touched a soft spot there, but its true, kisumu is on a brink of collapse ad Raila is to blame with all his political greediness.

  43. Well done anon 7:12!!!

  44. This silly head called Kibaki is answering himself. He seems to be a neglected child. Spare him more agony.

  45. wpeople, lets thrive away from tribal tensions for a minute.....the big thing here is that we have bi-partison agreement throught the formation of the SPPG. this is a crucial step forwad. Kibwana and annon@ 7.12 be at peace my brothers.

  46. This is the problems with kenyans, whethere MARENDE OR KAPARO, its is good to know that the all memebers will endorse the parliament of the day.
    Take a sit MR SPEAKER!

  47. Rucy, we ko. Thaa ishi ndi nthega. Ne kuthooku muno. Tarehe mahe ma kunywa. Tony eh, we ku?

  48. Toa hio lugha ya ushetani hapa. Shindwe!


    It says.......

    "...Eldoret, the scene of the horrific church massacre earlier this month, is famous as a flashpoint. This is the region where Kikuyu, the biggest ethnic group who have done the best since independence, acquired land in the 60s dispossessing the Kalenjin - a grievance that has festered unresolved ever since.

    What you end up with in Kenyan politics is a combination of the local and the global - Odinga was already planning to copy Ukrainian-style mass demonstrations in the case of electoral defeat back in November. But calling his supporters (and his gangs) on to the streets unleashes its own momentum of frustration and anger, some of which goes back to generations-old land disputes, while some is much more recent, provoked by the Kikuyu middle class who have done so well under Kibaki..."

  50. Kaparo: 102
    Wanyiri: 1
    Marende: 104

  51. Hey Kibwana and Co., peace, we are all Wakenya. Tuacheni Ma-stereotype.
    But again, people of Kisumu need to style up. How do they burn the same businesses that bring them services? Why choma Ukwala yet it will help you compare prices? Why burn Equity, which is a Listening, Caring, Financial Partner for you?
    Why burn Government utilities for building your roads? Ata saa ile we were striking in Campus, we used to stone personal vehicles at the University way/Uhuru highway round-about, but we could not touch any University property. Simply coz we knew we needed the same Uni property after the strike. The kind of riots witnessed in Kisumu compare to those of yet-to-grow up high-sch kids.

  52. Marende will carry the DAY. Because he has 104 against 103. (207). But the one who voted for Wanyiri will vote for Marende since Wanyiri supports Raila. Even if he were to vote for Kaparo, still Marende will carry the Day. Then he will refuse to swear the house.

  53. Mr. Speaker Sir,
    Take the seat.
    Discipline those crooked MPs when opportunity avails itself.
    But please, peace for all Kenyans so that tuendelee na kazi zetu.

  54. If he refuses to swear the house, I wish the ALREADY SWORN IN POWERFUL PRESIDENT will do sth close to calling fresh voting for the speaker.

  55. What grounds can an elected speaker use to refuse to swear in the house ?

  56. May be PNU can inflate the tally after the 3rd round and announce over 120% for Kaparo. Has anyone seen form 16A?

  57. Too funny 8:17....Kivuitu is at KBC announcing the winner of the speaker seat..... "under presssure"

  58. have you noticed how the "pro Kibaki" Jamaa's have nyamaza'd... Kwani?

  59. Anon@8.21; as a matter of fact it is the DOM Mp-erect have nyamzad. They were with so much muoto at the beginning now they are quite.
    Raila is very very quiete because he is thinking about Kisumo and what his foolish antics have done for them.

  60. Kofi Annan collapses, trip to Kenya delayed! - AlJazeera breaking news

  61. Anon@8.18 said:
    Too funny 8:17....Kivuitu is at KBC announcing the winner of the speaker seat..... " under presssure


  62. Andu aya matiramenya uria andu mabangite..ndiue kana kwi mudu uranyita ruthiomi ruru ndiratumira, nitwariei tukehuthera ruthyomi ruru nginya marakare biu.

  63. Peace is all that Kenyans ask for!

  64. 102pnu 105 odm

  65. marende 105
    kaparo 101
    kenneth marende is the new speaker of the national assembly.

  66. Now the Battale Royale starts. Hehehehe. Ya Mungi ni mengi.

  67. Now bring on the Deputy Speaker, wembe ni ule ule! For the first time since the elections Kenyans have something to celebrate

  68. Something is definitely out of the box. Regardless of support for Kibaki or Odinga, this will not stand. Kibaki has seen the beginning of the end. Now is the time for reason to prevail and a re-election carried out. It's not too late for Kibaki to get a legacy.


  69. And the battle starts.....

    Keep the faith!!! PNU will never succeed in Killing democracy.

    Congrats to Marende and to all ODM MPs

  70. A presidential one that is...


  71. I am extremely proud of what ODM has achieved today. They have shown what a unified people can do. Congratulations Kenya!

  72. We shall overcome!

  73. And you know what, ODM will get one more seat since Kenneth Marende's seat becomes vacant and there will be a by-election his Emuhaya. hehehehehehe. Raila scored here. He has convincingly won the remaining Luhyas having given them the post. And one more seat oo. I hear he also wants to make Nairobi mayor a Luhya. ODM has 65% of Nairobi city council seats. Hehehe

  74. Marende juu.....bado mapambano.

  75. Im actually smiling for the first time since Kivuitu announced results

  76. Nairobians are honking their horns all around the city! What a contrast with 30th Dec last year! Kibaki and your PNU friends I hope you are watching!

  77. ODM had 104 votes prior to the last round, who switched sides to up their votes to 105? Allafu is marende eligible to vote for the deputy speaker?

  78. We finally have something to celebrate as Kenyans. The light at the end of the tunnel is close but yet within full sight. Justice will prevail. Those who are anti- ODM that is your right but it is mind boggling that you continue to put all blame on Raila as if he is the one responsible for violence that has taken place in our country, I suppose Kibaki and co are just innocent right? You all have to deal with your own souls. Raila might be many things (the genuinely elected President for one) but he is no coward, like PNU and ODM-K. A friend of mine suggested that the two sides fight physically within in Parliament on papy-per view as a way to raise funds for relief and food aid to the innocent victims. I for one am for peace but I would love to see that! Kalonzo on his knees for something other than oral sex! Kibaki getting some sense knocked into him!! What an event that would be!!

  79. Congratulations to ODM. I'm impressed by their unity and I hope they remain united in fighting the illegal president and working hard to let ordinary Kenyans' voices be heard.

  80. Joseph 9: 16 AM

    Yes, Marende will break a tie should there be a deadlock. So if Farah Maalim ties with Imanyara, Marende will vote and you know whom he will vote for. But I'm confident that Farah Maalim will not need Marende's vote since he will win like Marende, I'm proud of ODM's unity and descipline. For the 1st time, I feel I'm a Kenyan.

  81. Congratulations to mzee Makende!. As Makende has just shown, erections are very hard!

  82. Many will never know the true meaning of Marende's win.

    Kenyans will now have a release. All the pent-up anger following the stolen presidential elections will now ebb. Lives have just been saved by this vote. A house will stand, a shop has been spared the fires of anger.

    God has smiled on Kenya.

    Bravo to the voices of change in the August House!

    Now Let the gentlemen's (and honorable Ladies') battle of honor begin! LET'S RECLAIM BACK OUR DEMOCRACY, LET'S GET BACK OUR COUNTRY


  83. It's not over until Kibaki is gone. On to the protests tomorrow.

  84. Would be a good idea for the mayor of Nairobi to be a compromise candidate - ODM must show leadership that is kenyan and not pseudo national unity (PNU).


  85. Bando mapabano Bando mapabano Bando mapabano.

    As long as the President is NOT Raila;
    As long as the Speaker is NOT Raila;
    As long as the Vice-President is NOT Raila;
    As long as Prime Minister is NOT Raila;
    We are at Peace:
    Kenya has been spared. We are at peace, we are happy, Raila is no where; could Raila be the real ADUI of kenya?

  86. We hope ODM will not relax for the Deputy Speaker seat...that is also essential.

  87. Sam Okello is back!!! Our Hero is Back!.
    He prophesied that Kibaki govt. will not last for 7 days only. He was right. It did not last for 7 days only, it only prospered for 7 years, the year of fulfiment!

  88. If Marende has won, congratulations to him. He probably deserved it. I take back my words that Kaparo will be speaker. If he is a 'brilliant' lawyer, he has to show it on the floor of the house. He needs to enforce all the standing orders and preside over house businesss in a non-partisan manner.

    Phil, did you say "open" secret ballot (very close to acclamation or makelele) is more democratic than secret ballot. Ok, now I know exactly where you are coming from. I now understand the type of democracy you subscribe to.

    Do you know anything called intimidation? These MPs are coming from retreats. Now let us say either the government side or the opposition bribed or may be promised these MPs a reward if their side wins. Now there is this MP who believes his party's candidate is not the right man for the job but he fears victimization, do you honestly feel he should show all and sundry how he voted? If that is what you understand democracy to mean, then I am now more convinced than ever that there will never be any convergence of ideas, mine and yours,never.

  89. Anon 9:33,

    Great moments bring out great minds. I repeat, Kibaki's government won't last seven days. Go figure!

  90. Just out of curiosity, what now for Kaparo ?

  91. Kibaki has Statehouse BUT Marende vowed to 'take parliament to the people'. He said 'democracy can work in Africa', from the villages to Nairobi. This victory vindicates ODM. Even after pouring money to compromise the SPPG, PNU's efforts came a cropper and Karua had to Shriek like a wild cat.

    Kazi ianze sasa.

  92. Let us not forget the inevitable fallout that is coming from the bribes and promises that PNU offered the small parties to vote for Kaparo.

    40 days and counting Mwizi Kibaki, 40 days!

  93. And why are people saying the government dished out money to the SPPG? For heavens sake SPPG is a bunch of parties who were supportive of Kibaki during the campaigns. THese are PNU affiliates. Safina, Narc Kenya, DP, Ford People etc are to PNU what NARC and UDM are to ODM. For once, let us drop this cheap double standards. This is plain dishonesty. Should we also assume the ODM offered money to NARc and UDM? You guys appear to believe everybody who is opposed to ODM is compromised. Well, that is a very interesting kind of reasoning.

  94. Vikii @9.36, we really don't want to know. Your squirmy attempts at wriggling out of your previous comments on Marende are as pathetic as they are amusing. I don't have to tell you where you can stick them :).

  95. Thanks wanyama. What does it take to remove/replace the speaker, both constitutionally and unconstitutionally??

  96. Vikii why don't you go to hell or get back to your knees and tend to Kalonzo!!

  97. Anon @9.54 surely, Vikii said that our new speaker is a gentile man called Makende...not that there is anything wrong with that!. And this has shown one thing...that Erections are hard.
    Prophet Sam Okello has given another prophecy with a go figure(what is a go-figure mr. prophet? is it like figure 8?). Kibaki govt. will have a go-figure like 8 for 7 more days. Lets wait and see.
    7 days to go.

  98. Vikii, be prepared for kichinjo in bunge.

  99. Anon@10.00, let Vikii be. Let her alone...alaa. tend to Kalonzo saa ngapi? Remember
    Bando mapabano Bando mapabano Bando mapabano.

    As long as the President is NOT Raila;
    As long as the Speaker is NOT Raila;
    As long as the Vice-President is NOT Raila;
    As long as Prime Minister is NOT Raila;
    We are at Peace:
    Kenya has been spared. We are at peace, we are happy, Raila is no where; could Raila be the real ADUI of kenya

  100. Whoever is calling himself Lucas sang, may his spirit call you to the world beyond so that you can tell him who killed him in Eldoret. May you read this fullstop as your last item. Die NOW and perish instead of defiling a revered name.

  101. this is a WIN FOR PNU, A WIN FOR KENYA, A WIN FOR ODM....ODM'ers on this site. the election of marende has nothing to do with Kibaki vs Raila nor does it have anything to do with Raila getting the presidency.
    I am sorry to say that those who celeberate this as win foor ODM IN THE SO-CALLED justice as defined by ODM WATAMEZA WEMBE.
    The new speaker is a speaker for the people and a speaker that has been elected as a result of the formation of the ODM-PNU alliance; otherwise known as SPPG.
    the formation of the SPPG,shows that kenyans can indeed work together for a common cause and a sense of understanding.
    Infact, the speaker elect MR MARENDE is an honorable member of the KENYA LAW SOCIETY and like most primitive minds like phil, sam okelo, and the like in this blog, he is there to serve the interests of kenyans as whole.

  102. Annonymous, You did not disappoint me at all. Expecting anything else from you is expecting too much.

    Joseph, as you know a candidate for speaker does not have to be MP. All he needs is to have all the qualifications for an MP. If he loses, he just goes home and looks for something else to do.

    About removing him, well, the first one is voluntary resignation. Two, parliament may pass a vote of no confidence in him if he doesnt measure up to the job. There are other reasons like incapacitation or conviction in a court of law of a felony leading to imprisonment exceeding six moths. The usual stuff.

  103. give me a chance to rephrase that annon @ 10.06
    Infact, the speaker elect MR MARENDE is an honorable member of the KENYA LAW SOCIETY and like most primitive minds like phil, sam okelo, and the UNLIKE in this blog, he is there to serve the interests of kenyans as whole.

  104. anon 10:06.... Is it so hard for you to say congratulations or are you so full of yourself. Ohhh by the way ODM won that vote plain and simple!!!!

    Did you see how piss'd Kibaki and his jamaa's

  105. Anon @ 10.06, I bet you are solely behind PNU. No PNU voted for Marende so as much as Marende will execute his mandate to the satisfaction of Kenyans he known who placed him where he is. Isn't Kalonso supposed to serve Kenyans and not his master Kibaki? Also, there is no PNU-ODM alliance?? The alliance was SPPG(-UDM)-PNU full stop and they could not even defeat ODM/NARC/UDM

  106. annon, 10.10 can you read English? or yeenglis? I fully endorse MR MARENDE and this is a win for kenya. that's the problem with you ODM'ers you are always seeing everything upside down and being negative the whole time. MR MARENDE was shortlisted with KAPARO BY SPPG. PNU mp's have nothing to be worried about as they were part of this excercise. this is to show that that that that

    KAZI IENDELE.....its not about raila and his defination of justice

  107. If ODM won the presidency and the speaker, so let it be. If Kibaki did not win so be it. However the bottom-line is, who ever is fueling these ethnic cleansing will soon or later realize that, they can run but cannot hide. Learn from the former president of Yugoslavia, Slobodan Milosevic. The current wave of hatred toward Kikuyu community shows how barbaric and shallow tribal politics are. It is unacceptable, and has no place in modern society.

    Let it be known to the politicians who are fueling hate campaigns that the pool where they draw their campaign funds is growing shallow. It is a crime for a Kenyan politician to visit world capitals raising money only to use it to catalyze the butchering of innocent citizens. All those who are guilty of this Genocide, be it known to you that the blood of 500+ fallen Kenyans will haunt you up to the fourth generation!

    Kenya needs to a realization that lives have been lost in the name who should, or should have not won the presidency. My heart pains to see innocent babies in the morgue, and helpless women camping in the cold, and you want to think business will go as usual? That calm will be restored and we move on? Kenya needs to repent for the innocent blood crying for revenge on the ground. I am not a prophet but unless we repent, famines, earthquakes, and other calamities will befall Kenya, because each of the 500+ lives lost, that have a maker who rules the heavens and the earth!

  108. Lucas Sang why don't you show Vikii how to suck a dick, because she is not doing a good job!!

  109. 4.31pm – Opposition members make hissing sounds as Kangema MP-elect John Michuki casts his ballot, apparently in reference to Mr Michuki‘s remark two years ago that he who rattles a snake should be ready for to be bitten when police raided the Standard Newspaper Group offices.

  110. Anon, at 10:16, you are completely oblivious of what is going on. Keep updated with the goings on in Kenya before you show your ignorance. Let me hammer this home, PNU and some members of SPPG were supporting Kaparo. ODM/NARC/UDM were for Marende. Period

  111. Anon, at 10:16, you are completely oblivious of what is going on. Keep updated with the goings on in Kenya before you show your ignorance. Let me hammer this home, PNU and some members of SPPG were supporting Kaparo. ODM/NARC/UDM were for Marende. Period

  112. ODM's Farah: 110
    PNU's Imanyara: 94

    Imanyara withdraws and ODM has the house Speaker and deputy!

    Good morning Lucy, please don't slap Emillio.

  113. My God!!! did PNU show up today>?

  114. RYMMESTER...correct me for mis0spelling your name. You are not with the urgument. period!

  115. faraah 110
    imanyara 94
    due to wide margin, imanyara concedes defeat after the first round

  116. I didn't realise that Imanyara was with PNU. What a disappointment.

  117. Now, there is *some* hope for Kenya.

  118. Another win for ODM:

    Farah Maalim Deputy Speaker !!!

    NABADO !!!!

  119. Imanyara was with PNU, guys you need to keep reading Kenyan dailies. They are free online.

    With Farah Maalim win, PNU should try to go implement their narrow partisan interests in Uganda parliament....Ha ha

  120. What's happened in Parliament today is the first step in helping the PNU and affiliates re-learn how democracy works. In seven days they'll learn that the people's voices must be respected, too.

    We shall overcome!

  121. Okello, mark my words! first and foremost, your ambition to be president by 2012 is something to laugh upon.
    two, inseven days the PNU/ODM coaltion will be stronger than ever.

  122. Actually the two gentlemen were in the fight for the second liberation and went on to found Ford-K. Farah later broke off to Chair Safina. Very good friends of mine. I like Gitobu, one of the few who have not allowed power to get into their heads. It tells a lot that he is one of the few who were elected on a fringe party (CCU).

    There is hope, at least although some like Kiraitu, Kamau Kuria and Martha Karua are today's stumbling blocks to progressive politics (apart from masterminding and abetting theft of victory for Kibaki), Imanyara remains humble and level-headed.

    May Kenya begin the healing process in order to recover its lost glory.

  123. Anon@10:30,

    With Ken and Farah in control, now Kazi inaweza endelea. Kazi starts tomorrow with withering protests across the nation.

    We shall overcome!

  124. justice and democracy in ODM'ers terminology is only when ODM win the elections. the whole idea of the SPPG is accept MARENDE or KAPARO. PNU are happy to have KAPARO AND ODM will be happy to have marende and vice versa. This is to show very well that the MP's are willing to to work together for the good of the country. We all win at the end of the day.

    ODM'ers think they are the only priveledged people to wion and election and that a loss is unacceptable. au siyo? there is no justice without and ODM win. Watameza wembe. Now kisumu is in a brink of collapse, who is really suffering? Raila should grow up!

    and Let the good work go on.

  125. 10:35, thanks for the background on Imanyara and Farah. I had always had a great deal of regard for Imanyara. He did the right thing conceding.

    On another note, we still need Annan to come in and talk some sense into Michuki, Saitoti, Mutua and Karua.

  126. Okello, i hope you have a good day tommorow. it's a perfect day to catch a walk and simply catch some good bargains. is that what you did in kisumu? now its dry and who is suffering? for the benefit of whom? in the name of what?
    Taking a walk in the sunshine won't assure you any victory but i hope it does shed some new light on how primitive ODM'ers can get.

  127. Kisumu has taken hits in the past and will come back stronger.

  128. Kisumu will be back. With our sweat and our treasure we'll make her roar back like a beautiful princess. Oh, beautiful Kisumu!

    We shall overcome!

  129. hahhaha, what a laugh @ annon 10.43. Kisumu ha been raped by its own people. its like raping your flesh and blood. Kisumu is like the motherland to the people of the lake and they have been misled to the extent of hurting themselves in the process.
    ODM'ers never anticipated losing these elections and when PNU finally won it, what does Raila and Ruto advocate? DEATTH, CHAOS AND DESTRUCTION. You will continue to suffer as a result of your own actions!

  130. ODM'ers don't go ahead of yourselves. it is not good for you. We are all kenyans, pace yourself and we will all benefit.

  131. Kibaki has to live with a hostile Parliament and a hostile Nairobi City and contend with the over 1020 ODM councillors countrywide. This victory confirms to any doubting Thomases that PNU will panuka kabisa until the hand of those who stole our votes through 'top-up' will wither.

    Watch people whose hands will begin thinning unevenly. God will inflict on the enemies of Kenya a publicly visible spectacle to reveal the shadowy figures who have brought shame on our country.

    Will Kibaki sleep tonight or he will get all those slaps with 'Urifanya nini Raira akakuchida?".

  132. My dear anon 10:48 - finally, some real representation for Western and Nyanza. But, unlike the reign of the demi-gods, I believe resources will be better allocated. It is in everyone's interest. A rising tide raises ALL boats - even Nairobi and Central. No need to feel insecure. Be open to change. Be National in your outlook. Kenya is for ALL Kenyans including the Kyuks and Kamba. You are after all a BROTHER (or SISTER).

  133. annon 10.51 and the like on this blog. mark my words, Raila will never hold any public office let alone the presidency. the PNU/ODM coaltion will emerge as strong as ever infact could you kindly practice the new national anthem in case Raila makes

    Apenji! Ero Kamano, ithi the honours please

  134. 10:50 - very good advice even though I am an ODMer. Point taken.

  135. Orengo is back - Kibaki will be calling them to negotiate tomorrow!

  136. This election of speaker and deputy speaker has lifted the spirits of Kenyans.

    It gives hope that the country can be redeemed one step at a time

  137. ODM'ers stay on tune, tutawafundisha not to be primitive....this is not kisumu!

  138. If ODM won the presidency and the speaker, so let it be. If Kibaki did not win so be it. However the bottom-line is, who ever is fueling these ethnic cleansing will soon or later realize that, they can run but cannot hide. Learn from the former president of Yugoslavia, Slobodan Milosevic. The current wave of hatred toward Kikuyu community shows how barbaric and shallow tribal politics are. It is unacceptable, and has no place in modern society.

    Let it be known to the politicians who are fueling hate campaigns that the pool where they draw their campaign funds is growing shallow. It is a crime for a Kenyan politician to visit world capitals raising money only to use it to catalyze the butchering of innocent citizens. All those who are guilty of this Genocide, be it known to you that the blood of 500+ fallen Kenyans will haunt you up to the fourth generation!

    Kenya needs to a realization that lives have been lost in the name who should, or should have not won the presidency. My heart pains to see innocent babies in the morgue, and helpless women camping in the cold, and you want to think business will go as usual? That calm will be restored and we move on? Kenya needs to repent for the innocent blood crying for revenge on the ground. I am not a prophet but unless we repent, famines, earthquakes, and other calamities will befall Kenya, because each of the 500+ lives lost, that have a maker who rules the heavens and the earth!

  139. Next battle-line: Nairobi City Mayor!

  140. From an ODMer - Sam Okello - chill, dude. Let's not be parochial like some of our brothers from you know where. This is about fair representation, not about special treatment.

  141. So is it true, will we see the prophet Sam Okello lead the march tomorrow? Or is his promise to spend his sweat and treasure just a hollow promise made by somebody enjoying life in the diaspora instead of joining all the others who are willing to fight and may even risk to get injured or killed?
    I will start believing his true intentions when he provides us with deeds in leaving the US and return to Kenya and not only with empty words. Give a much needed example of what also a Kenyan having lived abroad for so many years is capable of.

  142. The way I see it, in light of the PNU defeat, Kibaki should be preparing for a vote of no confidence. Even though the vote will not sail through parliament, it surely has the capabilities of exciting a heart attack (politically speaking)… which of course will be a win for Kenya.

    Let us all relentlessly persist in ensuring that Kibaki continues to have sleepless nights. Oh yes; and please let us all 'hiss' whenever we spot Michuki. When we spot Kibaki, obviously in hot pursuit, let us shout, "huyo, huyo, huyo!!' as we chase him down the streets….until he relinquishes the stolen handbag full of our votes.

  143. annon 11.11@ keep on waiting for the vote of confidence... as for huyo huyo huyo...don't forget to lock your front door while chasing Kibaki on the streets. isn't that what primitive ODM'ers do? UHURU 2012 is already in with the portfolio.

  144. looking into the future, Kalonzo and Uhuru are the big guns.

  145. anon @ 11:16, Kalonzo is at the moment a simple court jester. I hear that every time his name is mentioned in Kibakis' kitchen cabinet meetings, kina Michuki and Karume laugh until they collapse. This is not a man to be related to such things as big guns.

    Remember, this jamaa was overwhelmingly (if not unanimously) rejected in eight out of eight provinces. As for Uhuru, his better days are gone…. sasa yeye ni kama Kibaki…. arrogant, drunk and complete with itchy fingers.

  146. ohuru and kalonso f***ing nonesence.

  147. meza wembe annon@ 11.25, i understanf if you are still trying to come to terms with losing and election and that Raila will never hold public office in his life. Inciting violence and murder against your own people is just not right!

  148. annon 11.33. speak english not yeeglis.

  149. Watch James Orengo telling 'president' Kibaki the TRUTH in parliament, LOL

  150. Have the mp's been sworn in yet? If marende refuses to swear in the mp's then what happens?

  151. Anon 11:34 - please get real.

  152. Anon @ 11.34, what murder and violence are you talking about?? All I'm saying is that Kalonzo is a total reject…. footsteps away from the presidency. Mutula would have been a better choice. At least I know he's got balls, small, but balls nonetheless.

  153. Anonymous 11:34AM you are clear a some stupid ass, who like the rest of the enemies of democracy, think Kibaki won the election. What you fail to realize is that weak minded cowards have to bend the rules to get ahead, i guess considering the fact that you probably had to prostitute yourself to get ahead you see nothing wrong with this, but that is why you will never be able to hold your head up high with sincerity. Keep lying to yourself my poor simple minded fellow, keep lying to yourself.

  154. Why do these ODM guys like derailing things and engaging in talk that we all know will not bring any progress. Fuck Orengo, fuck Ababu, fuck Nyongo. We have no time for that kind of shenanigans

  155. Anon @ 11.46, I understand your frustrations but please let us be civil. Refrain, from using words such as prostitutes when describing thieves like Kibaki and his friends. You know, the good thing about prostitutes is that they rarely steal….unlike some PNU stalwarts.

  156. Prostitution is a high caliber profession….unlike what PNU and Kibaki have exhibited. Please do not soil the reputation of prostitutes by relating their skills to Kibaki and his folks.

    OK. Lunch break is over. See ya.

  157. Live with it wherever you are.Its a waste of time no matter how many point of orders you raise. That asshole Ababu thought he was smart, ha ha ha, he came to realise he needs his seat. All these fuckers will make endless and unproductive noise, guess who is losing, it is clear. Again live with it wherever you are, Kibaki is the president.

  158. Look at what you guys are discussing, hos???? Some of you contributors should be silenced, I bet some of you are hos?

  159. Anon @12:04, Kibaki is the president of Kibakistan (Central and Eastern provinces) NOT Kenya.

  160. Pitia Nyeri Uone, Mt Kenya mafia will teach you Al Qaeda style

  161. Good one...Kibakistan!!

  162. kibaki got at least 25% in 7 provinces and 17% in nyanza. raila got at least 25% in only 6 provinces and less than 5% in two. now who has a national outlook (as per kenyan constitution)? talking of kibakistan is balkanizing and hence not useful for kenya's devt. get it?

  163. Jambs you dumb shit, Raila also won the popular vote, so winning overwhelmingly in 6 out of 8 privinces give a more national outlook, just look at kibaki's cabinet of cronies, cock-suckers and Kalonzo's odm-k oh wait they're also cock suckers!!

  164. Yeah Kibaki got 25% with lots of assistance from the ECK via the "top up to deliver the desired result" mechanism, Ok! Spare us the nonsense about how he has a "national outlook". Where do most PNU MPs come from, don't add ODM-K and smaller parties, strictly PNU??? There you have it!

  165. Please do not use expletives. Please be civil whatever your stand.

  166. To you so called Lucas Sang. The reason I know you are not a Kale is the way you spelled Kaparos name -Kapalo. You are Just a kiuk tring to be what you are not a how you normally pronunce translated in your writing.

  167. @Abby, I am Lucas Sang, and I am cumming for you!

  168. Lucas sang,

    This primitive Stone Age tribal pussyfooter one time takes a Muslim name, another times puts on Kale name, another time hides his ugly-Kibaki type face. It shows the pain bastards go through as they identify themselves. I hope Kumekuchans will have mercy on him. That's the painful life of bastard children born by the pothole and raised in AIDS orphanages due to negligence. There has never been a forthright bastard who can be proud of his roots, so I hope Kales will not be offended when Stone Age Kibakistan pussyfooters try to grab their names and titles. After all, a log doesn't come a crocodile however long it stays in the water. You can't turn Gachie village bastards into Kalenjin simply because they have put on Kalenjin face. Cheers to Kalenjins.

  169. This discussion has degenerated as usual. A lot of hate. Is Kenya a failed state?

    Despite the wins today, the prognosis is not good (as captured in this article in The Monitor).

    Only civil society groups like the one that met at the Cellar can save the day.

    "Raila Odinga, on the other hand, has been preparing for this moment all his life to the extent of going to solitary confinement in prison under ex-president Daniel Arap Moi, for eight and a half long years. His father, Jaramogi Oginga Odinga, was offered the privilege of leading Kenya to Independence by a colonial power that was terrified of Jomo Kenyatta.

    He declined the offer, insisting that Kenyatta be released from jail to lead the country. Jomo Kenyatta reciprocated the favour first by making him his Vice-President, but later by putting him in prison and banning his newly formed Kenya People's Union. In like manner Raila Odinga could have held out for the presidency in 2002 - and got it.

    But instead he chose to donate the job to Mwai Kibaki on the understanding that he (Raila) would not only become executive Prime Minister, but also president-in-waiting. Neither of that happened. He played it cool, formed a new party, and by all accounts, trounced the man he had helped make king."

  170. Lets all be more mature please.

    Respect each other and avoid getting personal.

    Also, avoid calling yourself's "other people's names". Please.

    Back to business. I am glad ODM won the speaker and deputy speaker positions, but was disappointed that Marende went ahead to swear them. May be Kibaki needs some pressure like having the house in limbo for him to step down. Wasn't that a peaceful way of doing things?

  171. Ladies and Gentlemen, we are educated.

    We have the vote and the voice of the people.

    Violence will result to more bloodshed like Somalia and Sudan and ,Can i tell you guys, "Who is Fooling Who"

    ODM Aspirant

  172. Are you trying to say that we keep kibaki in that seat for the sake of peace? Or may be I dont understand what you are trying to sell(from PNU) to kenyans. He must go whichever the way, blood, water, cold, hot, pangas, stones, fire etc. If it were not for the salary of PNU U a getting, you would say the truth. No justice without truth.

  173. $13,300 a month for MP`s a month in Kenya.

    $6`300 in Canada for MP a Month in Canada

    Are you kidding me.

  174. That money is too sweet for Kibaki to leave power



  176. Anon @9:19 - there's no proof. Just because it's on the net does not make it true - or are you living in your own world? Fling your rumours eslewhere.

  177. Kumekucha is now allowing comments about sucking dicks? Someone asked Lucas Sang to show Vikii how to suck a dick. And the comment was allowed on the forum! I know that the blogger can choose not to publish distasteful material. Reminds me of some sleazy chat rooms. I thought the post was about election of the speaker anyway.

  178. PNU Wamekanyagwa kama kuku. Now that we have the brilliant likes of Orengo and Namwamba in parliament, it will not take too long to silence the foul pungent breath of Karua.

    Mutula ought to know this, I don't know at what point he lost his path.

    How much did the idiot MP's get for sitting allowance last night, not to mention overtime?

    I hate Karua.

  179. We in PNU accepted that Marende won and sent our heartfelt congrats. ODM can learn alot from that.

    Did you see Gitobu withdrawing and accepting defeat sparing the house more rounds of agony? What a democrat!

    It's a win for Kenya especially that the new Speaker showed impartiality. He's a hard nut to crack and won't be pocketed by Raila unlike the Pentagon Puppets who lick Raila's boots with relish! God Bless Kenya!

    And what was that foolisg Grin on Ababu Namwamba? The cocky kid thinks the Parliament in Florida Mad House!

  180. One of the most memorable moments from yesterday.

  181. Anon 12:04 PNU democracy...My foot!!! You can't compare Gitobu with PUNU fellows please dont try. Gitobu is a gentleman and this we have known since early 90's and by withdrawing he also knew it was going to get worse even if he continues so he stoped at that.
    Dont lie to yourself that act in parliament had been well rehearsed they knew that words of the oath could not be changed and they wanted to work out the PUNU fellows and imagine they just managed to do that..and as usual the PNU guys were firefighting just like in the campaigns.
    My guy just imagine it is almost midnight parliament chambers are well air conditioned and did you see the way Michuki was sweating..For a moment i thought Murungaru has come back to parliament... The scene in parliament was a message being passed across to Kibaki that it will not be business as usual!!!
    Did you see the way Kibaki's fingers were fidgeting and for once i felt really sorry for him...I guess he was just imagining Orengo at the Nyayo house torture chambers............By the way how come Lucy missed that!!!I hope the rumours going round are not true that she is under lock and key...You know it feels good to read in the papers that you rigged elections but being told in your face..Ouch that is awful!!!!
    The only person who can contain Orengo and Ababu in the 10th parliament is Paul Muite...Maybe he will be nominated lets wait...Kiraitu i hear used to skyve constitutional classes to go watch how raping a woman who is already too willing!!!!!And by the way where did Danson Mungatana get his law degree from? I am just curious...coz he was too quite or he is still scared of the threat that Kivuitu gave him at KICC

  182. Ati we in PNU accepted marende what a fuck. ngoja mutaona na bado
    I think dawa yenu inazidi kuongezeka
    4.Twfiq etc.
    mukisikia those names munasikia kuhara.Even that mama yenu matha kararua will not withstard the heat from them. You thought this was KICC ati you are waiting for votes from nithi,meru,tigania & molo.

  183. There was this yesterday nite: rais, rahisi, laisi, lahisi, uraisi....So who is who? The only difference between Raila/Kibaki is that Kibaki swore himself as president at sunset....By the way looking at todays advert...Who made Mungatana the assistant minister for justice, and Josephine my foot...Who is that she just manged a paltry 200 votes in Westlands? She is speaking on behalf of who...The mistake the PUNU made was to pick loosers and make them campaign coordinators....
    Phil i was just thinking that guys from central are so tribal that they thought that if they front for Kaparo...Then he might just get some votes from his tribesmen...Ole wao little did they know that some people have principles and if not principles...They would just be lynched by their own kinsmen....I thought that Derro said that 20 ODm guys had broke ranks with the secretariat...Taabu pls tell him to dream on....Where i stay hell broke loose that for a moment i thought that Raila had been declared the president coz all that nostalgia came back and men and women went on the road singing and dancing ODM, Marende...It was like being set free from bondage....Anon 1:13 waambie na bado

  184. anon 1:22 the name is Martha karua aka Wamugunda...I wonder where Njoka is and what is his reaction now?

  185. Hahaha! Sam Okello @ 10.46 Ati kisumu will roar back to can it roar back when they will still burn it down again! as we speak they are now burning whatever shell is left of it!!

  186. Kitumoja,

    I feel the same way about Martha Karua. Her facial expressions, and body language yesterday, were pure entertainment for me.

  187. tamtam am sure ur facial expressions also entertain others!

  188. anon @12:04AM: So anyone who supports Raila is a foolish boot licker but those who support Kibaki are the enlightened? Come on, elevate your comments past the 1st grade level, if you can!

  189. i am gald i came across this blog, i feel bad that guys have to laugh at how kisumu is after the violence erupted when some guys decided they had to stick to power through stealing our votes. You know what? God is not asleep, when he decides to give us the answer, the likes of Kibaki will come stambling down. I did come to accept the phrase 'once a thief always a thief', i had kyuk friends, but i will never trust them again now that their national figure is a big thief.


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