Friday, December 28, 2007

Moi Shoots KANU in the Head

Former President Daniel arap Moi is either the political giraffe Jaramogi proclaimed him to be or a superlative selfish Kenyan who is determined to die with Kenya's independence party. Moi's unwarranted meddling into Kanu (and by extension Kenya's politics after retiring) has inadvertently sounded the party's death knell.

The angry Kenyan voters have beaten Moi twice. In 2002 they donated to him a piece of political embarrassment in a sounding defeat of his pet project Uhuru Kenyatta. And just when Moi erroneously thought he would recoup lost ground in his sunset days Kenyans in general and Kalenjins in particular have twisted the political knife by denying his son Gideon the Baringo Central seat.

So UK remains the chairman of a shell of a party with a rich history. Kalenjins made sure that any trace of Moi was wiped out of the political landscape. Very few people would have predicted the political demise on Total Man Biwott.

Moi's meddling eventually leaves Kenya politically the poor. With less than 10 MPs Kanu's epitaph is already engraved in golden letters. Add to this grim picture PNU's top guns kissing the political dust and you have Kenyan politics bereft of any meaningful parties save for the shaky ODMs.

Scoundrels never learn, or do they? Whatever they take voters for, the electors are surely miles ahead and will never shy from dishing out serial embarrassment. But behind all the motions lies the obtuse selfishness that our politicians are always very eager to rope us into while cleverly serving their own interests. Washindwe.


  1. I cannot hear the Kikuyu chauvinists any more. It seems they were caught up with bits of the male anatomy and forgot to campaign...

  2. Mwalimu, it seems voters refused to smoke opium this time round-indeed the electorate are miles ahead of their public servants

  3. Even before the presidential winner is announced, the exit of these dinosaurs is the best new year gift Kenyans ever gave themselves!!!

  4. I hope Kalonzo sees the light and merges ODM-K with ODM so that we dont get a situation where the entire Kambaland is in opposition.


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