Friday, March 15, 2024

Server Showdown: Brace Yourself for Ruto's Bombshell to Raila

Server Showdown: Brace Yourself for Ruto's Bombshell to Raila

Allow me to tell you a brief story.

In the Heat of the 2022 presidential campaigns this source came to me with information that I immediately rubbished. They told me that contrary to what I was saying on the Kumekucha Chris channel, the presidential candidate William Ruto would win the then upcoming general election by a slim margin of about 200,000.

Why did I rubbish them immediately? Because I had the data. I was following the elections very closely I have the experience of following elections. I started monitoring and following elections closely in the year 1992. And so I looked at the data in front of me and I even talked to a few sources to confirm. Hilariously, one of my sources quipped; "Chris what are you smoking? Raila is winning this thing by a landslide." 

And then a little while later the very same source came back to me and they told me that after the elections they'll be a dispute and it will go to the Supreme Court where presidential candidate William Ruto would win that case. His victory would be upheld by the highest court in the land. 

Now I started to get very suspicious. Because it is one thing predicting an election result and it is quite another to predict the verdict of a court case before even the case arrives at that court. 

Well, you know how this story ended. It ended with egg on the face of Kumekucha Chris. This source I dismissed, ended up being 1000% correct and it happened exactly how they said it would happen. 

And right here is a major piece of evidence to tell you that something must have been stage managed, well in advance. That is precisely what happened because we did not have an election in 2022. At least we didn't have a presidential election, instead what we had was a stage managed selection.

Now very recently the same source came back to me and you can be sure this time round I was paying keen attention; wouldn't you? 

And guess what this source told me? They told me the server is going to be opened. I responded; Okay, that's not breaking news. We're all expecting the servers to be opened as per the NADCO report agreement. That was one of the issues agreed on by both sides, that there would be an audit of the 2022 presidential elections. 

And then they added something else. They said that what will be found in the server is that William Samoei Ruto actually won the elections. That Chebukati did not make a mistake in announcing him the winner. That actually he had more votes (that's what will be found in the server) than Raila. 

That was a bombshell to me. But while I was still trying to figure it all out and properly digest this information, an old friend suddenly emerged on our Weekly Intelligence Briefings forum and started a conversation. 

And the way he started this conversation is by repeating the information that I had already been given earlier. This old friend of mine made a prediction. He said that when the servers are opened it will be found that Ruto won "fair and square." 

Now, over the years I've tried very hard to stick to the rule that when the information is controversial I wait to have at least two independent sources on that piece of information, saying the same thing (actually I have 3). 

And sources that are either credible or at least have a track record of giving me information that usually pans out and turns out to be correct. And so in this instance I had my two sources and so here I am to tell you that there's a high possibility that when the servers are opened what will be found is not what Kenyans expect.

It will NOT show a Raila win. We know what the real results look like because we were there. We voted and we asked our friends how they voted. We know how Kenyans voted. Well, that is not what is going to be found in the servers. What is going to be found on the servers will be a Ruto win.

Well, I just need to ask and answer a very simple question. And that is, what impact will this have if any? How will Kenyans react when and if, this unfolds? 

You know on this Kumekucha channel I keep on talking about human nature and many people completely ignore that. Many of us choose to analyze politics based on our feelings and based on the side of the political divide we are supporting. We do not allow our thinking to go beyond that. And of course that is a mistake there is no way you can separate human nature and political analysis because at the end of the day the reaction of the people is very important. It is so important that even if you're powerful you have no option but to pay attention. 

Let me give you a quick example. In ancient times, those who assassinated Julius Caesar went to his funeral and were very nervous about allowing a very close friend of the late Caesar, a man called Mark Anthony, to address the mourners. But somehow Mark Anthony convinced them that he was not going to say anything against them. 

And he started by saying; I have come to bury Caesar and not to praise him. The evil that men do live long after they are gone but the good they do is too quickly forgotten. Because it is often interred with their bones. It ends when you bury them and people forget the good the person did. But the evil they did often lives for a very long time. That's how he started his speech. Very innocently. 

But just like the typical politician, Mark Anthony did not keep the promise of what he said as he opened his speech. Because he went on to read Caesar's will which gifted the people. He also went on to show the people Caesar's body with the multiple stab wounds. And human nature kicked in so that the people were very angry and tables were turned instantly. 

The people who had come to that funeral very powerful and in control had to flee. The powerful ran for their lives. 

Has human nature changed since the days of Julius Caesar? Of course not. And what I'm about to say most of us will strongly disagree. Which is okay because you are very allowed to have your own opinion. 

Still, I firmly believe (based on human nature) that what I'm about to say is a very high likelihood. 

You see finding different results in the server can only mean one thing. That they have been changed. They' have been altered. 

Many computer geeks and experts will tell you that it is impossible to alter anything on a serve. Others will tell you even if you make changes it'll be possible to trace those changes. 

But you will also need to agree with me that in this day and age we live in, there are so many cutting edge technologies that are not in the public domain. And if you believe me and then add the information in my very latest highly sensitive Special Report titled Unimaginable server secretsyou will understand totally how it may be possible that these results in the server are are not what Kenyans expect.

This is what I have to say that I know many will not agree with. 

It would have been much better for the real results to have been left intact on that server. Why? Because people would have had those results and psychologically they would have relaxed. And of course when people relax it is easy to manipulate them. It is also easy to sell them the narrative that whatever has been found on the server cannot be implemented until after the 2027 general elections.

But when the people sense that they've been fooled and that something has gone wrong. That somebody has adjusted and altered things, they will react with anger. Very emotional anger. The same emotional anger that Mark Anthony's speech at Caesar's funeral caused. 

Altering the results in the server could have the exact opposite reaction those who have done it are expecting. Because I think what they're expecting is for people to say okay, we were wrong.  Ruto actually won the elections and Raila lost. Which means that Azimio has been lying to us and the whistle blower was also telling lies. These people are right. The government of William Ruto is legitimate after all. 

That is the reaction they are expecting, but even as I say it doesn't it sound ridiculous? It just doesn't sound right, does it? 

In the intelligence Community there's something called plausible deniability. What it means is that you carry out a covert operation and you do something and people suspect it is you because you're the one with the motive. But then you deny very strongly and by denying what you're saying is plausible. People suspect you but they have zero evidence and therefore they're forced by circumstances to do nothing because they can prove nothing. 

Throughout history this has been used in assassinating key political figures. The people know that it must have been the government that carried out this hit but they have no evidence. The idea is not to prove your innocence BUT the idea is to prove that it is possible that you're innocent. 

Super fascinating and maybe somebody has applied this to this altering of the real election results in the serveand maybe that's how they're thinking. But I'm afraid the circumstances in this particular case are a little different. 

I don't think I need to remind you of the emotional pain Kenyans felt after the 2022 presidential election results were announced by Wafula Chebukati. Kenyans kept off mainstream media and it caused a major crisis with the big media houses because media houses need an audience so that the advertisers who pay them a lot of money can reach that audience. But when a media house is not reaching an audience or is reaching an audience that is close to zero, the advertisers vanish overnight and that media house is suddenly in deep financial problems. To date there are some people who have never gone back to mainstream media.

Those are very raw emotions and now you throw in your lies of plausible deniability and you throw in your theories of if you fix the server results to reflect what you want, all will be well. Really?!! 

Are you sure it will work out the way you want or the way you expect? In my very humble opinion, I don't think think so.

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