Friday, March 13, 2015

Ababu Namwamba: Identity Of The Person Who Wants To Kill Him, Name Starts With "S"

If you have ever been inside a newsroom as the next day's newspaper is being put to bed then you will know that newspapermen hate press releases and public relations stuff. It is a necessary evil that they have to live with and helps fill up space but they still loathe it all the same.

Now imagine what kind of reaction you would get if you suggested that the editors fill their beloved paper ONLY with press releases and PR stuff. They would probably throw up on you.

Actually our beloved nation of Kenya is a newspaper filled only with PR. The republic of spin doctors if you like where the truth remains hidden while distractions and side shows are used to divert everybody's attention from where it should really be.

Take the recent case where somebody decided to rewrite history by re-spinning the Kibaki presidency. What better way to do this than to write a press release stating that Kibaki was just pipped to the winner's podium by this year's winner of the Mo Ibrahim African leadership award. The smart spin doctors knew that even if there was a denial the next day (and there was) the message would have gotten through and many would miss the rebuttal anyway (may you did). I bet you my entire salary that a few years from now you will hear people say that President Kibaki almost won an international award for leadership. They are pretty smart this PR guys.
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The truth (if you care to hear it) is that the panel for the said award said that not only was Kibaki NOT on the short list but he did NOT even qualify.

Now we have the Ababu Namwamba (pictured above) saga hitting the headlines. Ask anybody on the streets what the hell it is about and some of the answers you will get are;

"Raila is fighting Ababu"
"The Raila tape"
"Ababu secretly recorded Agwambo"

And if you want us to add the very latest;

"Somebody wants to kill Ababu."

Make no mistake about it, these spin doctors and crisis managers who work for these politicians are good. Very very good. Even I have to remind myself constantly, like now what the Ababu saga is all about.


But who cares? Better to watch the high wire drama unfold and wait to cheer the winner or is it the survivor and marvel at their ability to get out of tight corners just like our hero in our favourite movie. What about corruption? Nope, that is soooooo boring.

If you are visiting do enjoy your time in the republic of spin doctors will you. Meanwhile you can gawk at the latest very effective distraction where we have now moved to the over-used distraction called "My life is in danger." The top suspects' long name starts with "S" for Spin doctor doing his job bwana.

See also: Ababu Versus Raila, who will prevail?

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