Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Why Kenya is in VERY Serious Trouble

I got rather amused the other day reading what very many worried Kenyans had to say about our youth joining the ranks of Al Shabab. They all had the same simple solution; create jobs for the youth.

This illustrates very clearly the growing divide we have in our beloved country between what I call the have-something and the have-nothing-with-little-or-no-hope-for-tomorrow. This is an extremely dangerous divide and it grows wider (and rather rapidly at that) by the day. Those have-something comfortable readers of Kumekucha seated in some office in a high rise building in Nairobi belching and farting some heavy lunch and pretending to be very informed about Kenya versus that vast majority of Kenyans seated in some single room somewhere trying to figure out where their next meal is going to come from… and how to avoid meeting anybody from the long list of people they owe money. The interesting thing is that a vast majority of these folks do indeed have a job.

I find it quite a challenge explaining what these guys feel when they go into a supermarket to buy 2 kilos of Sugar that they are going to share out with 3 other families (who all contributed) and find themselves right next to a fellow Kenyan at Tuskys who has just casually spent Kshs 15,000. These less fortunate Kenyans can only stare in envy because they have the kind of wallets that would pass out in shock if they contained even half that kind of money at any one time, no kidding.

That’s why I laugh when our professional and extremely well-educated class suggest that we create jobs to save our youth from Al Shabab. I laugh and cry at the same time because history tells us that shortly before the French revolution somebody wondered why the starving masses didn’t go for cake if they could find no bread.

But there is more than that on my mind this morning. We have the most careless and reckless president in the history of our country leading us into a war with Al Shabab. Most of the local press seems to have missed a major point here. Wars cost money… a lot of money. Why isn’t anybody talking about that. How are we financing this war? And this comes at a time when we are facing perhaps the most serious economic crisis the country has ever seen since it was birthed in 1963.

Now don’t get me wrong. I have lots of patriotic blood running through my veins and I am well aware that we had little choice in the matter at hand. But considering the fact that some Al Shabab heavies are so cosy with some characters in government (a story so sensitive that it can only be published in my raw notes), couldn’t we have found another solution to this problem? Something more appropriate to the times and the situation? After all America went to war against the Al Qaeda in Afghanistan and years later what is the result?

This is the reason why I am preparing a set of posts to help Kenyans survive the coming hard times and even see the massive opportunities amid all the serious problems and catastrophes that we face and will sink deeper into in the weeks and months to come.

Post on Prime Minister to follow soon.


  1. This is the reason why I am preparing a set of posts to help Kenyans survive the coming hard times and even see the massive opportunities amid all the serious problems and catastrophes that we face and will sink deeper into in the weeks and months to come


    Are you joining the African teacher, a.k.a. as VIRTUAL ECONOMISTS in doom and gloom?

    So, have you given up your NEW wonderful CON - stitution and OPIUM SESSIONS? Hope not. Bwa ha ha ha he he he.

    Take this home brother. The role of a good teacher, i.e. an African Teacher, is to educate his/her people on the TIME OF THE DAY.

    By this we mean, what time is it of our present CIVILIZATION. Is it near MID NIGHT?

    When looked from this perspective, the African Teacher will tell you this.

    You are PART of a DYING CIVILIZATION. Unfortunately, due to the nonsense taught in our schools and media, many are yet to grasp this.

    In other words, NO EYE WILL BE LEFT DRY.

    Let us ask:

    - what happens when and if Greece leaves Euro?

    Did you notice the TO BRASS of the ARMED FORCES of Greece were changed just yesterday?

    - what happens when Italians bring back their LIRE and ditch Euro?

    Just hint. Should Italy leave Euro, they will DEVALUE. After that, every nation will do the same and we shall be back to BEGGAR THY NEIGHBOR of 1930'S. We all know how that policy ended. This one shall not end differently.

    We pray and hope that sanity will prevail before we, reach here for BILLIONS will have to die. It will be the GREATEST catastrophe to hit humanity since the Great Deluge.

    The only question we ask Africans is this. Are you willing to go down with the Western foolishness?

    Have you seen your TYRANT, a ka professor Njuguna has decided to put rates at 16%?

    That means to get a loan for any business, you must fork over 25% interest. Good luck with that.

    Anyway, much can be said. However, for now, we leave to enjoy:

    African Teacher

  2. Chris,
    Kibaki amekula mbuzi ya nani?

  3. Chris is a boring old man just like his mentors Kibaki and Raila.

    Nothing new or excting in this forum.

  4. Just visited Jukwaa a few minutes ago and there's riot there. The moderator Bwana Oloo is kicking out anyone who disagrees with him from the forum on slightest provocation. It reminds me of Soviet era dictatorship where despots reigned supreme with an Iron Fist just like Oloo is doing. Phil bwana talk to your boy. That's the problem with Jaruos when they get small Madaraka.

  5. This post reminds me about one that Chris did about 4 months ago warning about politics of starvation and a weakening shilling. That was four months ago, sasa jameni look where the shilling is and how people are starving when billions are wasted on a useless war on behalf of Unlce Sam. I can smell class war coming around the corner.. we have talked about that a million times here in KK.

  6. Chris I like your blog, at least you mulika some issues for the general public. lakini si you harakisha na hizi blogs, sometimes you take days before you can give us something to floss, you must write often, because you have the gift in such.

  7. Just to put matters in to BROADER perspective lest we forget our WAR with Somalis is just PART of the BIGGER GAME:

    "Festering anger, Nazi war crimes and the £60bn the Greeks believe the Germans owe them."

    Hitler’s men even raided the Greeks’ central bank, forcing them to give Germany a massive ‘war loan’ — one that has never been paid back, more of which later.

    Economists estimate that if it were repaid today, it could cost the German government £60billion. The memory of that travesty has been reignited this week by Greeks angry at the austerity measures being imposed on them — primarily by Germany as it seeks to stop the euro crisis spinning out of control."



    Since OPIUM SESSIONS do not matter, in RESPONSE, Germans say to the Greeks:

    "Germany warns Greece over rescue."

    The eurozone plan to save Greece from bankruptcy is not up for renegotiation, Germany has warned, ahead of emergency talks with Greece and France.

    "[What] we just agreed last week cannot be placed back on the table," Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle said.




    "Israel Considers Pre-Emptive Attack On Iran."

    "Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is trying to rally support in his cabinet for an attack on Iran, according to government sources."


    Competition is PEACEFUL when bread abounds. However, it is always VIOLENT when MOUTHS outrun the BREAD.

    And, WAR, is the way NATIONS eat and therefore, the HEALTH of the State.

    With that, we leave to enjoy:

    Real Situation

  8. During the past nine years, anger, simmering ethnic tensions, a very weak economy, an avaricious and notorious appetite for nationwide corruption, divisive political rhetoric and petty jostling for first place (once Mzee Kibaki leaves) seem to have overhsadowed what should have been a serious national discussion about the future of our nation, the real implementation plan for the new Constitution, above all the revival of fledgling economy, and overall security national security.

    One would have hoped that the passing of the new Constitution presented us, the people, with an opportunity for real and meaningful political, economical, social, regional and personal change.

    I would add the caveat that change must be meaningful to be productive.

    Very little have changed so far, and that's why Kenya seems to be sinking deeper into very serious trouble(s) since we, the people, seem not be interested in any "meaningful" change and that would be productive to the whole nation.

    Back to the issue of Creating (more) jobs to save our gullible, alienated, frustrated, blinded and confused youth from joining Al Shabab, mungiki, Sungusungu, Taliban, Iraqi ("landi-mawe") warriors, Republican Guard (Mwabao), et al.

    The question is, where were we in the first place, or rather decades ago when many of our Kenyan youth were being recruited to fight in the follwoing; Ogaden War, in the civil war to overthrow of Mengistu Haile Mariam, Liberation War of South Sudan, Luwero War, Comoros Civil Disturbances, Somali Civil War, Ethiopian-Eritrean War, Rwandan civil War, Dem. Rep, of Congo, Chad, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen etc?

    Where were we to oppose the war initiative that was being done in public with the government's knowldge and at times full support?

    Most of our youth are opting to join some of the religious groups like Al Shabab for the very same reasons hundreds and hundreds of young Kenyan men and women continue to join Catholic seminaries and hundreds of European missionary religious communities (organisations) that are based on Kenyan soil.

    The only difference is that the Catholic and other Christians groups do not train their young Kenyan recruits to fight with weapons and destroy human life and property.

    Although they are definitely trained and prepared (programmed) to fight spiritual wars against the forces of evil that are led by the Prince of Darkness instead of their governments and people.

    Creating more jobs within companies that are only interested in making money from money without meaningful investments in the country's economy over the long haul will not generate viable solutions in any way, shape of form, nor will it stop or deter young Kenyans from pursuing their religious calling, be they Christian or Muslim or Hindu etc

  9. Anon 10:15am,
    were you going to say "unless there is an Arab uprising in Africa"?

    well dreams can come true! but until such a time as they do we will keep on doing what we do best which is surviving. Let Chris show us his tips on how to survive the harsh upcoming times, we are waiting with baited breath

  10. Where does [Africa] stand as one part of the world rises and another falls?

    First of all, I don't mean to rain on your obervatory wagon nor insult your intelligence in any way whatsover, however it's a known fact that Africa is a continent and a not country as many of us have been made to believe on the centuries.

    Hence, one of the many reasons why great minds from the continent, like Ali Mazrui among others have "criticised the idea that you could lump together so much diversity".

    The question or rather the issue should be, where does Kenya stand in the world of ever shifting geopolitics of power and technological advancement?

    And another issue is, Why Kenya is in VERY Serious trouble. Any timely observations in that regard?

    FYI, there were other known superpowers that dominated the political and economic spheres for centuries before the fallen or rather bygone Dutch came along to willed their might at one point and time.

  11. Mmmmmmmmmmmm! An Arab type of "spring" in various African countries? Let's wait for Zimbabweans to spring up into action the moment the 'King of Kings' ends up in some sort of severe health complications, or gets his lifespan revoked in due time by Mother Nature.

  12. While Kenyattas &co continue shameless poisoning of the future generation for pesa!

    The chairman of the Agriculture Committee John Mututho said the two millers had also been summoned to appear before Parliament next week.

    “It’s a matter of life and death. How do they feed Kenyans this way? We’re not dogs. It is a stab on the back, because this was not even government money. It was money donated by poor Kenyans to feed their fellow citizens,” Mr Mututho told the Nation shortly after his committee meeting in Parliament buildings.

    Turkana Central MP Ekwee Ethuro termed the distribution of tainted food to hungry children as the “height of irresponsibility for the government”.

    “We all used to hear in the past about the government mortgaging the future generations of the republic through misappropriation of loans; now we have a situation where we’re not mortgaging our future, but killing that future,” added the Deputy Speaker before he instructed Deputy Prime Minister Uhuru Kenyatta to make sure that Ms Mugo made it to the House in the afternoon to issue the statement.

    “There’s nothing more urgent that our children consuming unimix that has high content of aflatoxin,” the Deputy Speaker said noting that he won’t give in to any excuses for a delay in addressing the controversy

    Dr Boni Khalwale (Ikolomani) said of Ms Mugo : “ She’s been here, she’s deliberately walked out. Today, to the minister, a few Kenyan children dying is good riddance. There’s nothing personal that I am prosecuting here. To offload foodstuff that were stuck in their stores (in the name of humanitarian aid is wrong).”

  13. While Kenyattas &co continue shameless poisoning of the future generation for pesa!

    The chairman of the Agriculture Committee John Mututho said the two millers had also been summoned to appear before Parliament next week.

    “It’s a matter of life and death. How do they feed Kenyans this way? We’re not dogs. It is a stab on the back, because this was not even government money. It was money donated by poor Kenyans to feed their fellow citizens,” Mr Mututho told the Nation shortly after his committee meeting in Parliament buildings.

    Turkana Central MP Ekwee Ethuro termed the distribution of tainted food to hungry children as the “height of irresponsibility for the government”.

    “We all used to hear in the past about the government mortgaging the future generations of the republic through misappropriation of loans; now we have a situation where we’re not mortgaging our future, but killing that future,” added the Deputy Speaker before he instructed Deputy Prime Minister Uhuru Kenyatta to make sure that Ms Mugo made it to the House in the afternoon to issue the statement.

    “There’s nothing more urgent that our children consuming unimix that has high content of aflatoxin,” the Deputy Speaker said noting that he won’t give in to any excuses for a delay in addressing the controversy

    Dr Boni Khalwale (Ikolomani) said of Ms Mugo : “ She’s been here, she’s deliberately walked out. Today, to the minister, a few Kenyan children dying is good riddance. There’s nothing personal that I am prosecuting here. To offload foodstuff that were stuck in their stores (in the name of humanitarian aid is wrong).”

  14. A Mr Charles Nyachae and Mr Eddy Njoroge, are some of the influential people that the Yatta MP linked to the influence-peddling.

    As the order on Ms Mugo came, MPs sensationally revealed that there were big names with connections in government keen to hush-up the scandal.

    Yatta MP Charles Kilonzo said that the top shareholders and board members of Proctor & Allan were behind the intimidation campaign. A Mr Charles Nyachae and Mr Eddy Njoroge, are some of the influential people that the Yatta MP linked to the influence-peddling.

    Ms Mugo was scheduled to issue a statement in Parliament, but left the debating chamber just when MPs sought the statement.

    The bitter legislators asked the Deputy Speaker to direct that should she fail to issue the statement, she should be sanctioned.

    The lawmakers said journalists had also been threatened not to publish the story. 362 metric tonnes of Unimix, by Proctor & Allan and Sai Millers as famine relief, had been recalled because it was contaminated with aflatoxin.

    The Kenya Bureau of Standards was also on the crosshairs of the MPs as they sought to know the circumstances under which the maize was allowed into the country. The Parliamentary Committee on Health and that on Agriculture have already begun the investigations into the matter and have summoned the national standards’ body.

  15. Chris, our so called professionals and extremely well-educated class in all things European do not have the slightest clue that Kenya is very uncompetitive when it comes to manufacturing and services.

    Tourism economy never trickles down to the ordinary Kenyans because much of the 75% of the economic fat and quality marrow derived from the industry is retained by foreign commercial entities, while the rest goes into the usual deep pockets of private operators and individuals with several well established offshore accounts, and to corrupt mid-level as well as senior government officials.

    Talking of loaning money to younger relatives, it's been four years since I last ran into my very own ... who still happens to owe me $1000.00 that used to procure an air ticket to one of those western nations.

  16. Fellow Kenyans,
    Whereas verbal tongue bashing of the middle class Kenyans and the Kenyans in diaspora provides a short term comical amusement which eases our growing stress levels the answer to our troubles surely does not lie in ostracizing of one section of Kenyans while magnifying and the pains and misery of the other half of Kenyans as if they wear suffering like some badge of moral honor

    Never forget that there are some middle class and rich Kenyans who made their fortunes honestly and are earning a decent living off the hard work and sweat of their back while still maintaining fairness and decency to their labor force.

    They too are suffering from the serious trouble we are facing economically and deserve as much if not more consideration as the "have-nothing-with-little-or-no-hope-of-tomorrow" regardless of how much belching and farting they do from lunch

    The truth is what we are all seeking for in Kenya is a win-win situation where everyone does their part to help the economy and the economy in turn gives us back the goodies. Economics is not my forte so i will leave that to the online learned fellows whom we have so many of here

    But the challenge we face heading into 2012 is in creating a win-win situation mostly in changing the old thoughts and ways of doing things from mundane issues like population growth through to governance through to families

    You can imagine that next year we will be in a political crisis on top of the economic crises we are already riding. may cool heads prevail if we are going to find our way out of the mess we are in and if you must laugh at anyone please laugh at yourself first for always having all the answers to Kenya's problems yet never solving anything other than your own ideas in your head

  17. A win-win-situation only occurs for the departed, who are no longer part of the vicious class society nor have any financial burdens looming over their shoulders, but are dead and gone forever.

  18. One only wonders why CHRIS IS AFRAID TO WRITE ABOUT RAILA'S CORRUPTION. This idea of promising, dissapearing for 2 weeks, coming with another story with a promise to write about the damaging news and dissapearing for eons is a GAME ONLY CHRIS PLAYS TOO WELL.
    It was amusing to see NAMWAMBA and other mp's whose names START WITH O coming to the defence of a subdued PM whose HANDS WERE CAUGHT IN THE PUBLIC PURSE so soon after his office was INVOLVED IN THE MAIZE SCANDAL.
    While Chris is still counting his toes waiting for KK leaders to forget about the expose on Raila that he promised like 2 weeks ago, other raila sycophant blogs like those owned by fellows with names abbreviated OO are busy muzzling the voices by deleting accounts of those who question their septuagenarian hair dyeing messiah.

    Chris, stop abusing the INTELLIGENCE OF YOUR READERS.

    The Oracle has Spoken

  19. seem to have overhsadowed what should have been a serious national discussion about the future of our nation, the real implementation plan for the new Constitution, above all the revival of fledgling economy, and overall security national security.


    Real implementation plan for the new constitution? Are you new here?

    Assuming you are, we remind thee of some old BITTER BRICKS OF truths that were thrown here long time ago.

    The whole new constitution nonsense was an exhibition of ILLUSIONS, DELUSIONS and CHILDISH FANTASIES.

    So, how do you implement ILLUSIONS, DELUSIONS and CHILDISH FANTASIES?


    Revival of fledgling economy?

    We ask, how do you revive a dead horse?


    National security?

    What the hell is that animal?

    National security is a MYTH perpetuated to rob you of your taxes.


    Creating more jobs within companies that are only interested in making money from money without meaningful investments in the country's economy over the long haul will not generate viable solutions in any way,


    It is called RENTIER ECONOMY. As such, what you are just signs of a dying economy/civilization.

    The sad thing is that, just TYRANTS, EMPIRES cling to power until the last day.

    As a result, they shed too much INNOCENT HUMAN blood on their way to DEATH.

    Anyway, we are off to enjoy:

    Babylon System is a VAMPIRE

  20. Mwara,

    Because you appear to be serially laughing at everything please take heed: if you must laugh at anyone please laugh at yourself first for always having all the answers to Kenya's problems yet never solving anything other than your own ideas in your HEAD.

  21. There are people, like the Julius Malema versions of Kumekucha, who really need a Kumekucha's equivalent of Lindwe Mazubuko to put them in their rightful place for the reminder of 2011 and the whole of 2012 if possible.

    Talking of the arrogant, pitbull twin-sibling of you know who, Julius Malema, none other than the wannabe holder of Kenya's mantle of the fiery vanquisher.

    I think it's high time South Africans stood up and said "we actually are not going to entertain you anymore.

    You don't have the courage of your convictions to go up and debate your political opponent.

    Your political mantle is made up of juvenile insulting epitaphs to people you have never met, and you never even have the decorum to enage with.

    Ahh, and you don't even represent anybody, you are not a cabinet minister, a member of parliament, a councilor, a mayor, nothing.

    Yet everybody is deferential and make an effort to give you a platform.

    I think the time has come for South Africa to say that 'unless you are willing, you know, to be held accountable for your views and who are you, we are not going to take you seriously anymore.

    I think as more and more young people of calibre and intelligence and thinking young people who really want to discuss the issues that face this country, get into the political arena ... South Africa is going to have little space for someone who is really just a sensation.
    - Lindwe Mazubuko.

  22. Resident professor, last year while exploring deep in the economic jungle of Kumekucha, you made an astounding discovery that shocked the world. What did you find and how will it impact the world?

  23. After the PM's statement in parliament jana, Chris, care to re-visit your post on Raila's alleged corruption??

    Or you have been silence like Eugene Wamalwa and Bonny Khalwale?

    Chris, I dare you to publish facts. I dare you to answer Raila's evidence.

    Wachana na hizi uvumi za PNU na KKK newstand.

  24. Anon 2:26PM
    Just one example of the Win-Win economic situation i was referring to:Innovative Building For Slum Dwellers

  25. Phil said...

    After the PM's statement in parliament jana, Chris, care to re-visit your post on Raila's alleged corruption??


    As we wait for other stuff to come from others, our is very simple Phil.

    NB: We do not take all other stuff seriously, for they are usual jokes in the scheme of things.

    Ok, in the Standard, Raila is quoted saying this in Parliament:

    "KKV appears to be a viable method of completing stalled projects or rehabilitating existing ones which require only small inputs of construction materials and labor."

    May be, some of us are stupid.

    Assuming Raila has more wisdom in matters of economics and money, we ask this:

    Do we need USELESS DOLLARS to buy:

    (a) construction materials from the Mhindi shop at Kirinyaga road? so as to pay,

    (b) LOCAL labour which is paid in Kenyan Shilling?

    (c) can the jobs these vijana are doing generate DOLLARS to repay these loans? If not, how shall we pay then?


    As we wait for enlightening answers to such perplexing issues of the 21st Century, we retreat to enjoy:

    Mind Who You Beg For Help

    Don't even like to see you stretch your neck across the fences, begging a little salt

    And when Babylon day my friend

    All your disgraces are all gone out on the street

    so Mind who you run to brother fe go beg for help

    It's medicine talk I say

    It's DANGEROUS now


    Resident professor, last year while exploring deep in the economic jungle of Kumekucha, you made an astounding discovery that shocked the world. What did you find and how will it impact the world?


    Bwa ha ha ha ha hi hi hi wi wi ti ti

    We have discovered many things, but, one principle is worthy remembering. It is this:

    Although, it is usually said power corrupts, it ought to be said that:

    - FOLLY is the child of POWER.

    That is why Count Axel Oxenstierna, the Chancellor of Sweden during the 30 Year's War said this as he was dying:

    "Know, MY SON, with how LITTLE WISDOM the world is governed."

    In fact, we would add, even that little wisdom he saw Centuries ago, has disappeared now.


    Because you appear to be serially laughing at everything please take heed: if you must laugh at anyone please laugh at yourself first for always having all the answers to Kenya's problems yet never solving anything other than your own ideas in your HEAD.


    We do not possess Phd's in DEBT SLAVERY ECONOMICS. So, our job is not to solve anything.

    That, job, we leave to able minds from the IVY LEAGUE of FOOLS of PSEUDO ECONOMICS.

    As such, our is just to tell you that, the Emperor is NAKED.

    Just hear what Emperor Nero Hoover O, is now rumbling:

    "Obama: God backs jobs plan."

    "President Barack Obama Wednesday said even God wants to put Americans back to work, invoking divine blessing for his joust with Republicans over measures designed to slice into high unemployment."


    As he rumbles, more Americans are receiving FOOD AID like Somalis and Kenyans than ever before:

    "One in 15 Americans now officially living in poverty."

    The ranks of the poor applying for food stamps increased by a worrying 8.1 per cent over the past year to make a total of 45.8 million.


    Anyway, since we know nothing, we leave to enjoy:


    Stiff Necked Fools, You think you're cool,

    To deny me for simplicity

    But I don't wanna rule ya
    I don't wanna fool ya,

    I don't wanna SCHOOL ya
    Things you, you MIGHT NEVER KNOW ABOUT

  26. Anon 2:26PM
    Just one example of the Win-Win economic situation i was referring to:Innovative Building For Slum Dwellers

    11/3/11 1:30 PM


    Just another JOKE which Africans take seriously.

    We ask:

    (a) where will they be PRODUCTIVE so as to pay the loans of about KES 160 advanced by the credit agency Akiba Mashinani Trust?

    NB: Have you heard of SUB PRIME MORTGAGE debacle in the USA?

    NB: Above, we mentioned DEBT SLAVERY ECONOMICS, this is it.

    (b) when these so called upgraded structures come alive, one thing for sure will happen. The land prices will go up. This will force rents up.

    Since there are those who will not afford these higher rents, would they not be forced to START ANOTHER SLUM somewhere?

    So, what will you do with the new slum? Start another upgrading project?

    Have you ever heard of sisyphean task?

    Oh, Lord! Your people have been deceived!

    Anyway, since this all rubbish, we leave to enjoy:

    Jah set I&I as a watchman, around Babylon walls,

    I&I should NEVER hold I peace while wrong is going on - day or night

    Man! Bust down Babylon gates - preparing the way - preparing the way for Jah People

  27. Poor gullible Phil of Kibera, its a pity actually even sad to see how these raila worshiping fellows run to swallow any lies that their paper king utters.
    Just for argument sake, raila said that 107 million KShs fall into the category of cash with integrity issues, in other words was corrupted away by his office under his watch. Did raila offer solutions of how he was to refund the money, or how he was to suspend those involved, or how he was to prosecute the thieves or how he was to step down to allow ivestigations?? HELL NO, but you will not hear phil or any of his friends in that OO owned blog ask these questions..the taxpayers will have to repay what the thieves stole and that in raila's and his worshipers books is ok.
    Do you see why phil you need prayers? You cannot see beyong your nose as far as raila's crimes are involvd coz you are fanatically loyal to him.
    Well, now we wait until the next scandal at the PM's office where there will be he sam script playing again.
    Imagine if raila becomes a president? Thieves will run amok with no worry as long as their names start with O and they support raila..what a joke has Kenyans become.

  28. Anon 4.36pm

    You need to know odingaism is a religion, much like christianity amd islam. jesus cursed a fig tree for not having fruits out of season. To a modern man this is outrightly irrational but to a christian the act makes a lot sense and contains a good lesson. We are told mohammad married a six year old girl and consumated the marriage when the girl was nine. To a modern man this is insane but to a muslim the whole thing can be rationalised and defended as OK. It is the same with odingaism. To the followers, the cult leader cannot do any wrong. You need to understand this before you begin any debate with these people.

  29. I noticed Chris is deleting ALL anti-Raila comments. You mean this man and his sychopaths has instilled so much fear in you - you dare publish anything that do not glorify his name.

    I thought you are a man enough to stand on what you believe.

    Bure Kabisa!

  30. Pardon the interruption for a moment. Chris, here is the title of the book in question for your general information and reading during whatever free time(s) that will be available to you over the end year holidays.

    'Counter Strike: The Untold Story of America's Secret Campaign Against Al Qaeda'.

    - Eric Schmitt and Thom Shanker (Authors).

    And get yourself or borrow a copy of 'Africa: Altered States, Ordinary Miracles'. - Richard Dowden (Author). Just in case you have not read it.

    BTW, are we, the people and country in any more serious trouble than we have ever been in the last four decades?

    So far it seems as though most of our national as well as regional problems have always been self-inflicted rather than influenced by global whims and fades.

    Don't you think that our village type of political culture and parochial mentality are to blame for most of our national economic, social and ethnic problems and humongous misfortunes that continued to bedevil the country since the mid-late '60s?

  31. Anon 7:08 AM

    I am not Chris nor am I Kumekucha's spokesperson, however what part of Any posts breaking the house rules of COMMON DECENCY will be promptly deleted, i.e. NO ... AMONG OTHERS. No exceptions WHATSOEVER, don't you understand?.

    Are you really "man-enough" or rather 'old enough' to observe and adhere to simple house rules?

  32. mmmmhhhhhhhh!anti-Raila hate mongrels are back on this post baying for the blood of PM from the dark corners of their hole they crawled out of!

    You will only be disappointed that the man remains as clean as a whistle dipped in antiseptic but go ahead and bark loudly we know who your trained owners are keeping you on a short leash before their indictment at the ICC

  33. Statements are just statements that are made to either try and divert attention, avert impending political doom, sink oneself into further denial, paint a rosy picture of one's claims of innocence, or worse, white washed one's imagined political righteousness.

    Using personal political statements in parliament to try and clean up the mess made by personal, political and other business dealings doesn't seem to be a well calculated political maneuverability test for a prospectus presidential candidate.

    Was his utterance of the heart a substantive statement of fact or one of those crafted and polished political statements that end failing to stand up against any substantive test that is usually desired in the first place.

    By the way, what percentage of the well informed and really concerned Kenyans are willing to endure another wasted five to ten years of progress under the following political characters such as:

    a) Raila Odinga, current first and last prime minister, the leder of ODM, professor of "Nusu Mkate- Nusu Mkeka" type of politics of personal interest, former one time detainee of Daniel arap Moi's government, the son of a former vice-president and founder of defunct KPU.

    b) Uhuru Kenyatta, vice something (president or prime minister) the destroyer of his father's political party (KANU), a protege of Daniel arap Moi's politics of succession management, ICC's person of interest, member of parliament, son of a former president and founder the dying KANU.

    c) Kalonzo Musyoka, winner of consolation vice presidency, "Mr. Nyambu" (chameleon), Kigeugeu, Kipepeo, qualified seasonal user of katikati (pa_ya) roots, former Daniel arap Moi's errand boy, soon to be former vice president, and coattail rider of Kibaki's '07political windfall, and wannabe
    "roaring Lion of all Ukambani."

    d) William Ruto, the same old same old "samoa warrior" from the other plains of the country, a national political disaster in waiting (if elected president), an avid hater of the current Constitution, an ICC's person of interest, a former loyal political field hand of Daniel arap Moi's Nyayo machinery and KANU's shadowy youth movement.

    e) George Saitoti, former vice president, wannabe political heavy weight, bread crumbs professor, a soon to be among more than 85 irrelevant senior political mules in the current parliament that will be forced into oblivion after 2012.

    f) and the list of dead woods, old political mules and donkeys with broken limbs and backs goes on and on ....

    The question is, MUST Raila Odinga son of the late Ramongi Oginga Odinga and tribal leader from the Nyanza region, be Kenya's next president, even if a much better suitable candidate ends up being favoured by the majority of Kenya's electorate in 2012?

  34. LOL! "Clean as a whistle"? Mmmmmm! Are you aware that a whistle is one of the deadliest carries of mycrobacterial diseases?

  35. Fulani @8:29 AM
    Wamekupaka wanja, nawe wawapaka pilipili.

  36. Anon 12:00pm said
    The question is, MUST Raila Odinga son of the late Ramongi Oginga Odinga and tribal leader from the Nyanza region, be Kenya's next president, even if a much better suitable candidate ends up being favoured by the majority of Kenya's electorate in 2012?

    It pains the Raila antagonists brigade that the PM is the favoured and leading candidate wanted and accepted by the majority of Kenya's electorate, who according to even the ever biased and partial opinion polls conducted by the equally prejudicial survey pollsters have today found that indeed if elections would be held tomorrow the whole of Kenya would vote ODM

  37. Don't you think that our village type of political culture and parochial mentality are to blame for most of our national economic, social and ethnic problems and humongous misfortunes that continued to bedevil the country since the mid-late '60s?

    11/4/11 7:28 AM


    Does this now apply to Italians who have been declared a COLONY/PROTECTORATE of the IMF and the EU?

    Yours is just another USELESS, IVY LEAGUE of FOOLS explanation which is nothing, but, RACIST and CONVENIENT THEORY to mislead the SHEEPLE.

    Hear this now:

    "IMF's Lagarde says Italian reforms lack credibility."

    The author of this headline assumes that the IMF has any credibility.

    "The head [SNAKE] of the International Monetary Fund, Christine Lagarde, has said that Italy's planned budgetary reforms "lack credibility.

    Ms Lagarde said the IMF would carefully monitor the implementation of reforms, after Italy INVITED it to do so."

    NB: To say Italy invited the IMF is like saying the murder victim invited the murderer.

    "European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso also said that the commission would also step up its monitoring of Italy."

    There you are. Italy is now under the LEAGUE OF NATIONS MANDATE like that of colonial era after 1WW.

    Anyway, since we have BRAINWASH EDUCATION, and this makes no sense at all, we leave to enjoy:

    And whosoever diggeth a PIT
    Shall fall in it, uh, bury in it

    And whosoever diggeth a PIT
    Shall bury in it, uh (... bury in it)

    It is so because, Jah would never give the power to a BALDHEAD
    Run come CRUCIFY the DREAD as in 1935, the Dread warned them:

    "I say to you without bitterness, the WEST, shall PERISH," as you see and hear on this vid:

    And, now to some music:


  38. Thank God for Kikuyus! \\otherwise Kenya would be like Congo or Somalia.

  39. Yours is just another USELESS, IVY LEAGUE of FOOLS explanation which is nothing, but, RACIST and CONVENIENT THEORY to mislead the SHEEPLE.

    11/4/11 2:09 PM

    ###### - xxxxxx + ????? = 00000

    What became of commenting on "Why Kenya is in Very Serious Trouble"?

    You know what would be fun? To have a set of twins, name them Dumbo and Goofy and then just sit back and see how their personalities develop. I'll bet they'd really enjoy going to school of Envy League of Fools every day as long as irrelevant historical quotes and a constant barrage of old Jamaican songs spiced with Reggae lyrics are taught by one teacher of economics with unsurpassed knowledge and experience of the secretive inner workings of the IMF.

  40. Anon 3:12 PM
    How so and which gOD are fond of thanking every so often? Is that one of the reasons why Kenya is still in very serious trouble since it gain independence from the British monarch?

  41. Chris, are you really going to publish the DIRT ON RAILA or are you waiting hoping another story will make us forget about your promise??

    You are always blaming the politicians and here you cannot even keep your word at all. Its so dissapointing.

  42. Jaluos and stone throwing are at it again! Well, this time it is their very own R Tuju who is at the recieving end!
    Some people in Kenya are just retards, primitives, who have yet to evolve properly.
    Evolution is at dead-slow pace or non-existence in Luo Nyanza...SAVAGES!!

    God help Kenya if we gonna have to put up with these people!

  43. Apology in advance for the digression with a sidebar issue regarding fallen tyrants, dictators aka presidents for life, as well as some of the world's most wanted terrorists, merchants of deaths (arms dealers), drug dealers, and villains.

    What a year 2012 has been and continues to be as another one bites the dust, case in point, one "Alfonso Cano" (Guillermo León Sáenz), a long time property owner on Chale Island off the coast of East Africa.

    Where he had owned a villa for the last two decades, used an alias under a Portuguese name and claimed to have been born in Mazambique and his whole family was forced into exile at the start of the 'Carnation Revolution' in Portugal.

    Chale Island has been a safe haven for some wealthy and well connected individuals on the run in search of recuperation from being hunted by powerful entities.

    The latest news makes one wonder whether that's one of the many reasons why a former assistant minister was so much worried to the point where he had a Korean tourist detained, searched and question as to why he (Asian tourist) was "taking pictures of a second floor building from a distance".

    Did the worried individual know something in advance that the rest of the public didn't at the time the innocent tourist was detained, searched and questioned in Nairobi?

  44. Anon 6:45AM
    Don't worry about God helping Kenya mate! didn't you read what Anon 3:12PM said? at the risk of repeating what has already been said, "Thank God for Kikuyus! \\otherwise Kenya would be like Congo or Somalia."
    Everything gonna be alright in Kenya

  45. Kumekucha, some columnists have no ounce of shame in their so called crafty business of churning out a column every week for their respective employers.

    There is totally not an ounce of shame in their thought process, penmanship, keyboards or delivery methods they use to meet their daily or weekly deadlines.

    Some of them "have perfected the art" of browsing through Kumekucha and other Kenyan sites for the express purpose of plundering and plagiarizing comments, posts, phrases and what have you, then preserve or freeze them for some five, four, three, or two years, only to pass them off as their original ideas, hard work, in depth analysis or educated opinions.

    Selective amnesia or transient general amnesia must be having a profound effect on some of them in this day and age when all things print media have gone digital.

  46. As a matter of fact Kenya is in very serious trouble when hired hooligans and political goons decide to harass and throw loads of stones at Raphael Tuju's "meet the people" campaign motorcade. Let's hope that it's not the sign of worse things to come in 2012.

  47. Chris, don't forget our Cameroonian sisters and brothers who are now stuck with Livondo Mvondo of Mvomeka'a for another seven or more years after he was sworn as the "elected president" of the republic. Will they be in very serious trouble to the point where Mvondo will be forced to swallow the overdue special treatment that was granted to Gbagbo of Ivory Coast?

  48. One lighter note helped take some of our minds away from the real thought and constant fear of "Why Kenya is in Very Serious Trouble".

    It's the good and not so good news coming from New york, NY, (USA) which did just that during the early-mid hours according to local stardand American time that's better known as 'Eastern Time' by those who reside in eastern region of North America.

    Anyway, Kenya is one of those nations that keeps producing international champions in certain fields.

    And Kenya just lost one of it's best Marathon runners in a freak domestic accident a while ago, only to have several other runners feel the vacuum in matter of weeks.

    Now who would have thought in their wildest dreams that two runners named Mutai would end up dueling it to the finish in the New York Marathon as they set their eyes to the $500,000 bonus prize?

    Unfortunately, our beloved Keit - Mary Keitany, could not manage to generate the last minute resources and capture the golden opportunity of maintaining her momentum and impacting the final results in the women's race.

    It was our two neighbours from the far north who managed to take away what could have a hefty payday for Keit, Mary Keitany, a future olympian that others will have to contend with in the next two Olympics with regard to Marathon races.

    Congratulations are hereby extended to Mutai and Mutai, and all the best wishes to Keit in her feature endeavors, especially in the next year's London Olympics.

  49. @9:01 PM,

    i thought you meant our Cameroonian brothers and sisters from Central Province?

  50. Chris,
    What a weekend for the FORA (Forum of Raila Antagonists)! one which they wished would never have happened in their lifetime and they live to regret ever being born in a country known as Kenya!

    First of all the Prime Minister and his party rendered the Eugene Wamalwa led ragtag execution squad "mabubu" in Parliament "mabubu" over allegations concerning Kazi Kwa Vijana programme SCORE 1 for PM FORA 0

    Secondly and to make matters worse Opinion polls show the PM as the most likely presidential candidate to be voted into power should elections be held tonight local stardand East African time. FORA cannot imagine waking up to a Kenya under ODM but maybe now with the resumption of issuing passports and IDs FORA can take refuge in the neighboring East African countries

    Finally the nail in the coffin is the coming explusion of rebels from ODM in light of William Samoei Ruto's open acknowledgement of his links to the Rift Valley based party UDM which goes against the political parties agreement barring him from being in two parties at the same time. The coming week is sure to sink a hole in the FORA boat and with it no doubt Kumekucha will be flooded with more barbs and jibes from the wounded FORA!

    what a week in politics!

  51. Just to digress a bit for I am still shocked after watching a startling story in KTN last night. Folks, it has been revealed that the speeding and siren-activated ambulances you see on our roads are not necessarily carrying sick people. In a story uncovered by one brave journalist called Mohammed Ali (a series dubbed ‘inside story’ aka ‘jicho pevu’, using ambulances to haul cocaine and other banned drugs is a common practice. Some of the vehicles belong to the Government, and worse still, police are hired to keep watch.

    The story was not to be completed without mentioning the massive 2005 cocaine discovery in coast. All the necessary evidence was given to show that police officers who were genuinely interested in investigating it were felled one by one; not by hired hit men but mostly by their fellow comrades in uniform. One of the executions was even plotted in a provincial security meeting! Besides elimination of the 'good" police officers a few big guns were also caught in the unfolding drama (made from hell). The then director of persecution Philip Murgor who was axed to clear the way is a perfect example.

    The moral of the story? The drug barons are untouchable and very much part of the government. Play with them at your own risk.

  52. this blog is just dead..its like a cow dip where chris comes to shake off his ticks once in two weeks...

    soma hiyo pensioner..ti hi hi hiii

  53. Kumekucha, bado nipo kwenye kaburi la maisha ni lipo hifadhiwa hapo awali.

    Niko pekeyangu tena hivi leo Jumatatu baada ya pumziko hapo jana Jumapili, nikiwa na hovya Jumatatu ijayo kwa uzuni mkuu, mimi maskaini ninaye tengemea posti mpya mpya na kabambe zijibandika na kulipuliwa hapa ubaoni wa Kumekucha.

    Kris, halo, halo! Kwani uko wapi hivi leo? Umekosa kuonekana tangu juzi mpaka leo asubuhi, adhuhuri na hadi nyakati za alasiri saa za Afrika Mashariki.

    Jamani, umekumbwa na maradhi ya mfunjiko wa kalamu, mawazo na utenzi au teleo la leo na wiki hii limefunikwa na kilichomo kimestiriki?

    Mbona waendelea kutinda, kuwadhihaki na kuwasuza wanakumekucha kwa muda wwa wiki nzima?

    Kumbuka kwamba mimi ni mmoja wapo wa wale ambao hawatafuga ndwele na waganga tele.

  54. Chris, Kenya has always been in very serious trouble for as long as so many Kenyans can remember.

    The question is "Where do we go from here?"

    As in from very serious trouble to not so serious trouble.

    Of course there are those who will ask "Who says we're here?" in reply to "Where do we go from here?"

    The other day, one of my cruel cousins twice removed, reminded me of the fact that there are so many Kenyans who will not live to see the end of 2011 or even the start of 2012.

    As true as he may have been with his predictions, I couldn't help but wonder why I've never seen anyone in our village with a bottle of real tequila in a very long time?

    Yet my cruel cousin twice removed always drinks a lot of some type of alcoholic beverage sold in used tequila bottles that find their way into Kenya from South Africa.

    One of the many reasons why the health and future of my cruel cousin and thousands of other Kenyan drinkers of unknown imported beverages are in very serious trouble.

    Alocoholism is a serious national security risk of some sorts.

  55. Ngai! Chris what happened to this blog? DEAD and BURIED!!

    We might as well get Raila's stone-throwing squad to revive this blog!

  56. Just to digress abit,
    The football club a man supports determines his attitude towards relationships,e.g.
    Marriage is all he wants,no cinema, no shoprite, he wants a wife material @no extra cost.
    He luvs young n cheap gals,he freaks out as a gal's taste gets higher. he's afraid of expenses. CHELSEA:
    He has no real emotions or luv though he buys the best things 4 ya n takes u 2 gud places.
    He's d richest yahoo guy in town. hope u may date him, though hez younger he gat da cash.
    He has no swag, he only has a record of dating pretty gals in the past n thats wat he keeps telling u.
    A short guy wit swag, can do anything 4 ya especially if ur a tall lady.
    He has no money 4 now, he's hardworkng if only u may endure.

    This is why Kenya is in VERY serious trouble, so choose well ladies!

  57. Watching KTN`s jicho i shed a tear for the innocent families that have been orphaned and widowed. The men in the affected families stood up to be counted among the few heroes because they refused to be comprised in order to safeguard their country but were betrayed by their fellow colleagues and bosses.
    As Kenyans we need to resolve to assist their families as we did for Kenya for Kenyans,involve activists to organize a revolution that will return Kenya back to Kenyans.KK members pls suggest forums that can take us there

  58. Breaking News! Breaking News!

    A MPR (Missing Person's Report) has been filed with the Kumekucha's Department of Lost and Found, after Chris wa Kumekucha went missing several days ago.

    Chris has been MIA (Missing In Action) and gone AWOL since the afternoon of November 3rd, 2011, for no known apparent reasons.

    There is no reason or cause as to why Chris who is known to be a very courageous, determined and ingenious person could have been forced to go underground by a segement of the zealous supporters of the PM, VP, Uhuru Kenyatta, William Ruto, Iteere's plain clothes boys, or worse, the loyal guardians of Kabongo wa Kabongo's, Mbuvi Sonko's and Harun Mwai's impeccable reputations.

    Anyone with information about his whereabouts or what happened to him, is asked to report back to Kumekucha's Department of Lost & Found, or to the nearest friends, browsers, and associates of Kumekucha.

    We pray and hope that all is well and fine with Crhis wa Kumekucha wherever he may be at this point and time.

    A huge reward awaits anyone with information leading to the whereabouts and safe return of Chris wa Kumekucha, who is still MIA as of 3:45 PM, East African Standard Time.

  59. Drug barons in government of Kenya

  60. Dead blog?


  61. by the way the other day i saw a chris kyalo reporting for citizen tv. could it have been our chris?

  62. My tribe is being targeted.

    One of the 250 political, economic, social, and ethnic reasons Why Kenya is in VERY Serious Troubl" is when an MPig without any restrain nor sense of lerdership jumps up in parliament and screams ~

    Point of order! Point of order! Point of order!

    My Tribe is being targeted and they can't be here to defend themselves.

    My tribe is being targeted! My tribe is being targeted and they can't be here to defend themselves!

    Points of order! Point of order.

    That's just one of the many reasons why Kenya is heading into more seroius after decades of having been dominated by one major political ethnic community, only to end up under the dominance of another more arrogant, vicious and very intolerant large political enthnic community.

    Very seroius trouble awaits Kenyans in 2013.

    Sounds so cliche but it's the soon to be ugly reality for the public once they jump from PNU's political frying pans only to end up into the dreaded ODM's flaming fires.

    My tribe is being targeted!

    Yet they have not even had the golden opportunity to assess the capacity for their time to eat after 2012 general elections.

  63. Drug barons in government of Kenya

    11/9/11 8:38 AM


    Oh, Lord, Africans STILL DO NOT GET IT.

    The motto is of the CURRENT CIVILIZATION is this:

    Win if you can,

    Lose if you must,


    This is the REAL world and not the world of ILLUSIONS, DELUSIONS and CHILDISH FANTASIES they teach you in your COLUMBUS SCHOOL of LIES and STUPIDITY and as reinforced by MAINSTREAM PRESITUTE like the KTN:

    Like it or not, drug trade is number two after that bloody oil.

    As such, drug trade is the 2nd ANCHOR of the Western led "GLOBAL APARTHEID ECONOMY."

    So, how do you destroy the FOUNDATION of your own house?

    Drug war as led by our friends has two OBJECTIVES:

    (a) keep prices HIGH and therefore, MORE PROFIT for the owners of the trade,

    (b) use the ban as a means of enforcing control, i.e. taking out those who do not tow the line or become BIG HEADED which also, helps in fueling DELUSIONS among the SHEEPLE,

    (c) we add another function. MIND CONTROL and MONEY SUCTION TUBE of targeted communities.

    For that, study Chinese OPIUM trade with Hong Kong as the BASE as financed by your local world bank, otherwise known as .... If you are wise, fill the gaps.

    Anyway, since this makes no sense in the world of BRAINWASHED who think themselves educated, we leave to enjoy:

    Jah Alone a Christian

    There is something wrong you know,
    Which not even parson can see,
    Which Jah alone can understand.

    If you think them a Christian,
    Wait until them see a thousand DOLLARS,
    Them say no hair no grow in my palm.

  64. Kumekucha,
    Is this blog dead or dying? unless You Missed This morphs & changes with the times it may no longer remain the once powerful medium that really struck a chord with so many people of our time,

    You are now competing in the age of Twitter, facebook & the like who each have their own niche avenues so your work is twice as hard but nevertheless there are still many people that look to your blog as a platform that is brimming with information not found in the mainstream Kenya media and not as casual/social as the likes of facebook and twitter

    This Blog is still young avoid its untimely and premature death by continuing to keep people informed even if you have to recycle what is out there in the daily newspapers or local magazines, etc. Kumekucha was and can still be a great source of inspiration and encouragement if the right approach and attitude is taken to the good work you and your coterie of bloggers do here

    I should warn you though that survival rates of blogs is at an all time low as it has become a very saturated field and it is not as simple or "easy" as it once was to keep the machine going. But this can also be a good thing because now is the time when the cream of the crop will rise to the top - meaning, you have to work hard and know what you are doing AND be VERY good at it not only to survive and remain relevant but maybe even to make money if this was your goal

    Rest assured that Kumekucha will continue to be read for the love of the unique, diverse and stylish writing of the bloggers here (Chris, Taabu, Phil, Mwarang'ethe etc) and as an outlet for expressing opinion. However, don't loose the joy of doing it, get your "motivation" back.

  65. Kumekucha, wake up. What's all this business with winter hibernation in the tropics as if you were in the vast barren white desert of Alaska? Why don't you just flip the page and stop letting people walk in through the backdoor?


Any posts breaking the house rules of COMMON DECENCY will be promptly deleted, i.e. NO TRIBALISTIC, racist, sexist, homophobic, sexually explicit, abusive, swearing, DIVERSIONS, impersonation and spam AMONG OTHERS. No exceptions WHATSOEVER.