Monday, October 17, 2011

Vision 2099: Occupy State House and Bunge

Having learnt first hand from our in-house resident KK economist it is clear that the writing is on the wall: - time has come for Kenyans en masse to become part of the spreading global revolution. You have to hand it to the Arab world and their spring movement for inspiring a worldwide rebellion against economic injustice. True to form the North Americans never fail to miss a beat when it comes to organizing vocal protest groups to vent their frustrations against the imperialist son of Kogelo seated in the WhiteHouse.

Make no mistake: the present worldwide economic meltdown is SOLELY to blame for the economic hardships besotting Kenyans. No single individual in Kenya is wealthy enough to hoard dollars in any commercial bank that can cause an entire economy to devalue its currency. Whining Kenyans have no reason to complain about forfeiting luxury items like sugar and bread. But it is another matter all together when the cost of living touches on the most basic survival staple food UNGA. Matters are only made worse when the teachers and doctors the foundation of any society are forced to take matters into their own hands in the name of seeking commensurate remuneration

Yes the squeeze is undeniably evident amongst wanaNICHI as all sectors of life and economy experience prices shooting through the roof but only self-denial can make anybody divorce Kenyans current predicament from bad governance and LACK OF LEADERSHIP by example and from in front.The economists do not lack necessary credentials it takes to see the economy grow from outside your window but they never fail to miss an opportunity to address issues critical to Kenyans. But before you judge the ruling elite harshly remember they are only playing to the gallery by keeping the country in a permanent election mood with hardly a year left to the next polls.

The voting public must now be ready to hold peaceful elections this very minute and occupy state house for the sake of reigning in economic SHEEPLE. Any other attempts to discuss politics in the face of a financial crisis is mere window dressing as the ruling class have perfected their skills at stealing, misallocating resources all the while snarling at international Kangaroo courts of justice attempts to encroach on our very Kenyan turf. Well sorry we have a mind of our own as Kenyans and will not easily be taken in by western propaganda. NA BADO


  1. Yes the squeeze is undeniably evident amongst wanaNICHI as all sectors of life and economy experience prices shooting through the roof but only self-denial can make anybody divorce Kenyans current predicament from bad governance and LACK OF LEADERSHIP by example and from in front.The economists do not lack necessary credentials it takes to see the economy grow from outside your window but they never fail to miss an opportunity to address issues critical to Kenyans.


    Which economists? Akina Professor Njuguna and Kibaki? uuuui uuui uuui!

    Just have this in mind. We live in the age of so called Neo classical economics and you may describe it this way:

    Neoclassical economics is the idiom of most economic discourse today at IVY LEAGUE of FOOLS.

    To paraphrase:

    This economic discourse is the economic paradigm which bends like twigs the minds of the young.

    For the OLD ones like Kibaki, Kinyua and Prof. Njuguna, it confines the florescence of older ones, like chicken-wire shaping a topiary.


    YES, Occupy State House or whatever, but, WHERE ARE THE DEMANDS?

    You cannot just shout around. The OLIGARCHY is well organised. You must also be very organised and knowledgeable.

    Should you be interested in real action, have these demands with you:

    (a) The CLOSURE of the WB and IMF banks in Kenya and withdrawal of Kenya from these SATANIC bodies.

    (b)Withdrawal of Kenya from the WTO.

    (c) Withdrawal from the UN and its associated agencies. It is sick joke and a NEO COLONIAL tool.

    (d) And end to PUNISHMENT for wealth creation and wealth consumption. By this we mean:

    (a) an end to income tax, and
    (b) VAT nonsense.

    As an illustration. When you tax a Swiss 30% of his income, you tax his LUXURIES. As such, he can do without going to bask like a crocodile in the Spain beaches.

    However, when you tax a Kenyan teacher, doctor, nurse 30% from his very low salary, you tax his BASICS.

    Even worse, by taxing Kenyans wages, you stifle COMPLETELY and PERMANENTLY the ability to form CAPITAL.

    As a result, we remain perpetual beggars of other people's capital. Simply, the taxation structure we inherited is suicidal.

    (e) Scrap the CBK. Instead of a MONOPOLY, re - establish the CBK as a CURRENCY BOARD.

    As such, its job will be REGULATORY. With this in place, those who wish to produce their own currency can do so.

    We give thee a hint. During the American Civil War, the Southern part used their COTTON to back their currency. It only refused to work when the Northern captured the port thru which the cotton was to leave for Europe.

    Africa has ALL THE RESOURCES to back its currencies. Using such backed currencies, Africans can buy whatever they need without BEGGING IDIOTS at the WB and the IMF who think they are gods.

    (f) Last, but, not least. We need to end PERMANENT ARMIES. As such, demand for CITIZEN'S army and not MERCENARIES. In other words, end the so called monopoly of violence.

    (g) if we add another one. An end to State monopoly education, i.e. brainwash.

    Anyway, we sign off to enjoy: Plantation by Carlos:

  2. Luke,
    Please stop your alien OCCUPY strategy, it is not African. FYI you can occupy State House because the occupant is busy leading the war against Al Shaabab (forget the foreign link). You see the C-I-C leads from the front and by example. Leave empty words and cowardice to the spineless.

    Next, ole wako. You dared provoke the resident and TRUE economist (Nobel 2099) who has given you a mouthful. UTADO?

    You must learn to UNEDUCATE your mind from all these WESTERN nonsense from fools of occupation. Be original and African at what you do. Occupy State House kitu gani? Try and you wil loose you only neck. Iko na wenyewe. Bure kabisa.

    It is called disposable income and BTW Kenyans/Africans cannot afford the foreign concept of tourism basking in the sun. You see in our shores that is punishment and we don't go bird sighting instead we see them as food. The same with snakes, we kill them at the first opportunity.

    You are right and next time right in Mbeere and not that IMPERIALIST tongue. And while at it don't use internet as discovered by FOOLS instead run nude across the Mediterenean from EU to Mbeere. On the way use GOLD to exchange food.

    Last Mwarang'ethe please sell me your cosmetics biz, will you? I have REAL GOLD as currency.

  3. An appetite is never lost on tasting an exotic dish of "Vision 2099, marinated in a light sauce of Occupy State House Now", with a dash of salt, once it has been served on an imported American platter full of pan seared medium well tongues in cheek.

    One of the reasons why it has always struck some of us that when the so-called demonstrators and seasonal agitators in North America sneeze, the rest of the world including Jamuhuri residents begin coughing louder than thunder, while forgetting the fact that their so-called counterparts in North America have a lot time on their hands, security cushions to fall back on, their backs covered at all times, enjoy basic human rights, tremendous personal rights, and lest we forget, the fridges and freezers located in their respective homes and residencies are always overloaded with all kinds of foodstuffs.

    Why waste time on imitating and aping whatever demonstrations that happen to take place in North America and Europe under the pretext of the so-called 'globle revolution'?

    Why waste so much time on transient issues through elaborate Nairobi based demonstrations that are usually geared and played for the media, and above all do not really change Kenya for the better, let alone the world around us in any significant manner?

    And why waste time constructing elaborate sham elections every five years, among other take over schemes of the State House that will always remain in the hands of a few power brokers?

    If the imitators of the so-called European and North American demonstrations want their collective voices to be heard loud and clear, then they should make hest and occupy the parliament buildings while majority of the MPigs are still inside, then confine them therein for weeks or even months until the MPigs resolve to really do what they elected to do for the respective constituents and nation at large in the first place.

    If I may ask, how comes we never demonstrate or agitator for basic hospital facilities, good schools, clean water, electricity, functional rural access roads, local and national markets, steady economy for all citizens (ang not just for the usual 15% since the mid 60s), adequate security and better leadership?

    Anyways, 'Vision 2099', says it all and I hope majority of Kenyans who will be alive by then, get to experience a better deal under a concerned political leadership when the time comes, unlike was the case in 1899 or worse in 1999.

  4. There is a mad man in kk busy defeacating all over comments. I have just the right cleu who it is..see his use of UTADO and the use of CAPS. Even at 60, tabia ni zile zile tu za ujinga wa enzi za baba moi.
    Anyway, back to the post.

    I think there is something amiss in the whole al shabaab saga.
    Did you notice how all of a sudden the shilling has started gaining against the dollar after our forces rolled into Somalia? A coincidence? Never.
    You see, Kibaki doesnt give a hoot about many things. However, his family and the economy are sacred to him. To make Kibaki agree to go to war, they had to show the old man that we can make your ecenomic legacy go to the dogs. Kibaki must have thought it was a joke until they pushed the shilling to 110, a historical low.
    Well, CIC gave in and the fellows I will not name for security reasons just made a phone call and everything is now going back to normal.
    The kidnapped tourists are just a convenient excuse that the sheeple have been fed by the equally gullible media o justify going to war. Unfortunately, in the long run, we are going to suffer since those pushing us to war will not be with us forever.
    Why for crying out loud did we not just establish camps along the porous border? why the surge into another country? For a country like Kenya that cannot even finance its annual budget, we have people dying of starvation and PEV are still homeless, how do we affort such a war??
    Something is going on folks..

  5. MwaraNg'ete
    It is called disposable income and BTW Kenyans/Africans cannot afford the foreign concept of tourism basking in the sun. You see in our shores that is punishment and we don't go bird sighting instead we see them as food. The same with snakes, we kill them at the first opportunity.


    What have you added? Why would people who have sun 365 days waste time basking?

    Ati sight seeing? We see birds everyday, so, we need not create a fuss about such.

    Ati we kill snakes? Then, how come we still have a lot of them after all these thousands of years?

    NB: Some of these concepts are irrelevant to the African people. Oh, we know where you are coming from.


    In any case, if you create Al Shabab and sell them weapons you will have disposable income.

    You even get more disposable income if you sell more weapons to Kenyans, Ethiopians, Ugandans etc to fight Al Shabab which you created.

    Anyway, since we know you and your goals, we leave to enjoy: Harvest Time:

  6. Mwarang'ethe,

    Congrats man, you are doing great with 20% (2/5) posts and we expect more blubbering - bring them on. But while at it would you please put your historical drolls in perspective. You often pollute (they must be gems in your head) the marvelous ideas with your bravado and serial condescending tone.

    Please (and do not take offense, I don't need lessons) learn to put your point across without the bitterness at unknown enemies. You loose the plot when all you see are shadows lurking somewhere to exterminate Africa.

    True we have the brains so please preach harnessing the same instead of intellectually crying wolf albeit disguised as discourse. I hope you take this wholesomely and do not subject it to your trademark cherry picking a sentence to advance your tirade as the so-called ivy league of fools.

  7. I hope you take this wholesomely and do not subject it to your trademark cherry picking a sentence to advance your tirade as the so-called ivy league of fools.

    10/18/11 9:35 AM


    You mean like these OVER PAID EMPTY SUITS?

    We are off to enjoy: Herb Pirates

  8. True we have the brains so please preach harnessing the same instead of intellectually crying wolf albeit disguised as discourse.


    Forget about WOLVES like you and your friends.

    You have to read this and have the LAUGH of the day for the CHICKEN just lost its head:

    Bwa ha ha he he hi hiuuuui uuuuui

  9. You loose the plot when all you see are shadows lurking somewhere to exterminate Africa.



    Oh, yes. Unless you are educated in stupidity and foolishness, you should know this as a FACT:


  10. The man sleeping on his job is awake when Kenyans are hurry. Afew foerighners have ve been kidnapped and he thinks this is the right time to fight a shadow call ahaaabab.

    When Migingo was attacked he thought that was in Kano plains that the Ruos were fighting against themselves.

    Now he is awake fighting the shadow ahabbaaab.

    Fantastic. Send Mungiki there they will do fine job.

  11. Wow 5/10 posts and counting? Great job professor (wa Ujinga).

  12. Wow 5/10 posts and counting? Great job professor (wa Ujinga).

    10/18/11 12:09 PM


    Bwa ha ha he hi hi hi

    This is proving too much fun and difficult not to share at THESE times.

    As NERO HOOVER Obama, is busy looking for his TELEPROMPTER which he cannot find even though he can find Kony in the African jungles, we hear the other shoe is dropping.

    Hear this:

    "Bank of America Corp. (BAC), hit by a credit downgrade last month, has moved DERIVATIVES from its Merrill Lynch unit to a subsidiary flush with INSURED deposits [BY SHEEPLE], according to people with direct knowledge of the situation."

    Here is where it gets hilarious CHILDREN:

    (a) Total deposits of this SHIT bank are like $ 1 trillion.

    (b) The DERIVATIVES of just ONE this BANK(GAMBLING SHIT) are worthy $ 53 TRILLION.

    (c) American SUBMERGING economy is like $ 13 TRILLION.

    (d) Global SUBMERGING economy is around $ 60 TRILLION.


    Now, this is ECONOMICS you can believe in, brought to you by IVY LEAGUE of FOOLS PROFESSORS.

    Hear one of them speak:

    Professor Burton G. Malkiel, then Chemical Bank Chairman's Professor of Economics at PRINCETON
    University,in his book:

    A Random Walk Down Wall Street published in 1996,

    wrote that:

    "Hysteria seems especially out of place when people proclaim that the large losses triggered by derivatives could threaten the stability of the world financial system.

    While enormous leverage and extraordinary potential losses from
    derivatives will continue to receive banner headlines, a number of international study groups have
    concluded that a spreading world financial crisis caused by derivatives is highly unlikely.

    Speculators who take large risks will continue to risk ruin, and some financial institutions.. even
    large ones ... will continue to fail.

    BUT a systematic undermining of world financial stability caused
    by derivatives trading does not deserve to be on the top of anyone's worry list."

    Good luck humanity with such UTTER FOOLS teaching, i.e. BRAINWASHING you!

    And, by the way, what is the BALANCE SHEET (SHIT) of the Kenyan banks?

    Anyone with massaged figures so that we can see HOW BIG THEY ARE NOT TO FAIL?

    Anyway, since all this is ujinga and writing too much, we leave to enjoy:

    Dem tek all away what I cultivate.

    Disappointment is my only friend, him never leave me.

    Me plant sensemillia they come and take that too.

  13. What a paradox that Prof's references are all western. Imagine without imperialistic internet he would have no means to yap. What a beautiful life lived inside one's own head?

  14. What a paradox that Prof's references are all western. Imagine without imperialistic internet he would have no means to yap. What a beautiful life lived inside one's own head?

    10/18/11 7:35 PM


    No worries, we have quotes from an African ELEPHANT.

    As Lobengula left his LAND (Zimbambwe) for COLONIAL EXILE, he defiantly warned his people this:

    "You have said that it is me who is killing you.

    Now here are your NEW MASTERS the WHITE MEN coming.

    You will have to PULL and SHOVE WAGONS which under me you never had to do. Remember I never I wanted to fight with them and tried always to prevent it."

    The moral of the quote?

    Just to inform thee that, there is a CON WOMAN on the WAY to CON YOU as the BRITISH AGENTS of Her Majesty conned Lobengula.

    This CON WOMAN carrying WAGONS and the from IVY LEAGUE OF FOOLS and the SATANIC IMF is called Lagarde:

    "IMF Africa boss (ROBBER) to launch economic outlook."

    "The head [SNAKE] of the [SATANIC] International Monetary Fund (IMF) for Africa is expected in the country on Wednesday as the government seeks to borrow additional dollars to shore up the depreciating shilling."

    Luke, if you guys are serious, OCCUPY THE AIRPORT and tell that WAGON carrying woman/VICEROY not to land and forget about SH.

    Let her go and fix France first which is about to be downgraded.


    Anyway, we are off to enjoy:

    They use MONEY to penalize the poor,


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