Saturday, October 15, 2011

The Bitter Option Indeed!

Read another recent post by Chris: Is this what the government is doing with US dollars?

Safaricom strategy at the expense of Kenyans: Sustain big fat profits at all costs!!

It is now cheaper to call a Safaricom subscriber from rival Yu or Zain lines! Yep cheaper by a whole shilling than it is to call the same Safaricom subscriber from a Safaricom line. This is all in the latest effort by one of the most profitable enterprises in the history of East And Central Africa to further jack up their stinkingly huge profits. It matters little to them that Kenyans are going through the hardest of times hit by a free falling Kenyan shilling and inflation that is stubbornly pointing north.

You would think that such a creative company would find other more creative ways of sustaining their obscene revenues and profits. It may not be easy for most Kenyans to picture just how much money Safaricom is already making from Kenyans. And so let us take their revenue in the last financial year. If it was to be distributed to all Kenyans we would all get slightly over Kshs 2,000 each!!! Including your small two month toddler!!

But the really fascinating thing about Kenyans is that they have opted to stick with the bitter option and in effect frustrate the initiative towards lower calling tariffs. You would have thought that Kenyans would actively support low tariff networks like Yu, but it seems that it has all become an image game and everybody wants to show that they do not have any cash problems by sticking to Safaricom, no matter how bitter the experience is in reality.


  1. Once again, we have pointed countless times on this blog that, you CANNOT PRIVATIZE MONOPOLIES.

    When you do so, effectively, you have set up PRIVATE TAXATION SYSTEM.

    Yes, and this can be won in the Court of JUSTICE (NOT A COURT OF LAW) if our lawyers knew what they are doing. Simply, when the GOK "privatized" Telkom etc, it went BEYOND any MANDATE given by Kenyans.

    In other words, there was no time when Kenyans gave any "leader" of Kenya to set up a PRIVATE TAXATION SYSTEM.

    As such, all "privatizations" are NULL and VOID. It is this serious. However, in an era when lawyers only know case law, what do you expect?

    More so, we have noted this. "PRIVATIZING" Telkom, Kenya Railways etc, is a means of ECONOMIC WARFARE against Kenyans/Africans.

    As such, instead of saying Safaricom is doing this and that, we ought to nullify the whole "privatization" nonsense.

    It MUST BE SO, because, whenever a man is given MONOPOLY, he/she MUST ABUSE it. To expect otherwise, is to engage in ILLUSIONS, DELUSIONS and CHILDISH FANTASIES.

    NB: Instead of complaining about poisonous FRUITS, uproot the TREE from the ROOTS.

    Anyway, we are off to enjoy:

    Lets Play On:

    When SURVIVAL is the game,

  2. Chris,

    Wee wacha wivu. Getter better or stay BITTER.

    On a serious note though you recall ex-Safaricon CEO MJ mocking us about our peculiar calling habits. Well, there was more truth in his jibe. You know we are doomed when living a lie becomes our national forte.

    We are a funny lot bent on creating false impression TO BELONG. A real Kenyan has to stick to the BITTER OPTION to belong otherwise you may be treated as a low life.

    Ever wondered why so many try to create the false impression of belonging to so-called middle class at the expense of reality?

    You see we are our own worst enemies. Na bado.

  3. I am stunned Chris has not addressed or apologized to KK readers about attack on this site in the last week.

    Business as usual?

    Why was I informed "someone want to steal information from my PC" when i tried to log on to my beloved Kumekucha?

  4. Chris:

    My better half tried to migrate from safCon to Airtel but the experience was more painful than a midnight toothache that she had no option but to limp back to SafCon and continue being exploited.

    That was in the latest migration initiative where one can still maintain their existing Tel number. Many people got tried but failed to migrate even to YU which has free calls. I pity the guy who invested billions in this migration service, he must be facing financial ruin.

    Back to my better half, she was shoved from pillar to post by these giant companies like a football for three good months that at one time her line went dead and another time she could only make calls but not receive. Airtel blamed SafCon and vice versa, she lost business worth thousands since her clients could not reach her. She even temporarily bought a new line just to keep her sanity.

    I suggested we sue SafCon for frustrating her efforts to migrate but realized that option would have hugely dented our savings thanks to our expensive, tedious and corrupt legal system packed with greedy lawyers who think they are above the law.

    In my view, the reason Kenyans have been locked in and milked dry by Safcon is simply due to one small service with has a name similar to mine.

    How can you survive without the giant M-Pesa service? Airtel money is not as widespread and that's the area where SafCon has won. No wonder I'm always stuck with humble dual sim Samsung! Kick SafCon in their balls and get yourself the cheaper Dual Sim card phones from Nokia or Samsung and use the alternative line.

  5. God Will Cause Your Gift To Prosper You

    Proverbs 17:8
    "A present is a precious stone in the eyes of its possessor; wherever he turns, he prospers".

    When we see something moldy, we throw it away. But when Alexander Fleming saw his culture dishes contaminated with mold, he discovered penicillin. You see, he had a gift which prospered him.

    Joseph, a Hebrew slave in Egypt, had nothing except his gift of interpreting dreams. But look at what that gift did for him. It prospered him. He interpreted Pharaoh's dream and became the most powerful man in Egypt after Pharaoh. (Genesis 41)

    Friends, don't let anyone tell you that you don't have any gift. God has given each person a gift which can open doors of opportunities and bring in great blessings.

    Maybe you are just not aware of that gift you have inside you, or perhaps it has profited you nothing thus far as you have not found out how best to use it. You need to take your gift and ask God for wisdom to cultivate it until it becomes such a powerful tool or "precious stone" that wherever you turn, you prosper.

    Now, please don't go and quit your job after reading this. What you should do is ask God for wisdom regarding your gift. For when the wisdom of God is added to your gift, that gift becomes "a precious stone in the eyes of its possessor; wherever he turns, he prospers".

  6. I a getting very angry. How can we kick Safaricom in the balls VERY HARD. Am offering a big reward for any Kenyan who can crack this one.

  7. This Safcom idiots block your line when you want to move to Airtel and then they want to charge you a fortune for calls. That is robbery with violence in my book. Wake up Kenyans!!! This foreigners want to mil us dry while pretending that Kenyans owe shares in the company. What rubbish!!!

  8. Fellow Kenyans,
    Just like our voting habits every 5 years leave alot to be desired so to our economic woes are not problems that can be easily solved overnight whether by online economists or the technocrats seated at Central Bank of Kenya

    First of all owning a mobile phone should not be allowed for everyone. For example If you have 5 children and a wife and cannot feed them or yourself because you live on less than Ksh 200/= a day i am sorry but you have no need of owning a mobile phone unless its one phone which you share among the 7 of you in the family.

    Secondly exactly what "price war" is Airtel waging when the quality of their calls is so poor whether on or off network? Don't even think of international calls because the experience is a nightmare. so called "price wars" must not be waged without giving customers extra value for their money or is the point to hoodwink Kenyans into thinking their fortunes have changed yet they are robbing Paul to pay Peter?

    And finally Safaricom are the most realistic company in all this because they know that raising their tariff charges by one measly shilling (1 BOB) will help keep their over 2000 strong workforce in employment. Ask yourself this question Mr.Chris what good is it to give every Kenyan Ksh 2000/= to put in their pockets? That tiny amount of money will evaporate in less than 24 hours under this current economic circumstances!

    If all the 2000 employees of Safaricom can keep their jobs because their company is profitable then it is the responsibility of those 2000 employees to in turn create their own small businesses which in turn employs other Kenyans and pays them the Ksh300 they need to live on a day and in which case they can now buy a mobile phone for the family of 7 and all of them can join Airtel which is currently the cheapest network in Kenya. In turn these poor families will be less hungry and refuse to vote for the usual Career politicians who want to keep them poor in the first place by devaluing the local currency

    In this way we have an economy that is functioning at all levels from top to bottom and not just for those of us commenting here who clearly own more than one cell phone and have eaten a good 3 square meal today. No bitter option for you indeed

  9. If all the 2000 employees of Safaricom can keep their jobs because their company is profitable then it is the responsibility of those 2000 employees to in turn create their own small businesses which in turn employs other Kenyans and pays them the Ksh300 they need to live on a day and in which case they can now buy a mobile phone for the family of 7 and all of them can join Airtel which is currently the cheapest network in Kenya.


    Bwa ha ha he he hi hi hi

    This is TRICKLE DOWN ECONOMICS of jackals, hyenas and wolves.

    Yaani, some people still believe porches will trickle downwards. What insanity!

    Even worse, trickle down economics is just like URINE trickling down your trousers, bwa he he we we we wi wiwi.

    Anyway, we are off to enjoy:


  10. Taabu,

    Any comment on this?

    NB: Those interested in UNDERSTANDING, may read our article:

    The Coming Two Tier GLOBAL ECONOMY @

    Meanwhile as we wait for Taabu's comments, on how he shall AVOID his WINTER ENERGY BILLS in the UK where WISE people live, let us continue enjoying:

    Work on Natty:

    People go to work in the burning sun,
    When we get our pay,
    we just cant take home none

  11. Has the one time beloved Safaricom become a lesser evil or is it now a necessary evil?

    A necessary evil as in keeping up with the Kantais (Joneses), what has become a major crisis for some segments of our so called affluent Kenyan society.

    I have a so called 'good old friend' who is both a devout client of Safaricom and Zain.

    Safaricom, you may know, is pretty anti-subscribers looking for fair deals (low tariffs), let alone being creative company [that] would find other more creative ways of sustaining their obsecene revenues and profits.

    Anyway, back to my so called good friend, I asked him how he handled it and felt about it, knowing the options and the differences between the Safaricom, Zain and Yu.

    He said to me, "One wouldn't expect a geometer to be trinagle"- by which, I take it, he meant that someone who can think profoundly about moral questions need not be very good at putting theory into practice.

    In otherwords, being a seasoned lawyer, he has no problem whatsoever, passing on his huge Safaricom costs (bitter pill) on to his unsuspecting clients, as is the common practice with most businesses and professionals in Nairobi and around the country.

    While using Zain for his own personal consumption, and letting Safaricom boost his professional as well as social image.

    The question on most people's mind is that, will Yu have a better track record of making successful business decisions than its other two rivals with regard to creating an image that will entice many prospective clients and keep them hooked, while at the same time remain a low tariff network, without running the risk of being considered as an option for those who're 'financially challenged' as my good old friend would say.

  12. @Taabu, pardon the interruption with a side bar issue for a moment.

    I have always been among those who assume that once we know what we should do, we would automatically act as we should.

    So, what went wrong or what was unbecoming of some of the comments issued under the late Wangari Maathai post?

    Just wondering how comes deleting galore ended up becoming the order of the post in question?

    Should some of us consider the action, heavy duty deleting, as lesson learned, commentator beware, or BIS (browse in silence)?

  13. Just wondering how comes deleting galore ended up becoming the order of the post in question?

    Should some of us consider the action, heavy duty deleting, as lesson learned, commentator beware, or BIS (browse in silence)?

    10/16/11 4:28 AM


    Bwa ha ha he hi hi

    Very sadly, Taabu believes in INQUISITION and CENSORSHIP.

    However, history of humanity demonstrates that, the WORST ENEMIES of both Divine and mankind have been the people who arrogate themselves satanic powers of CENSORSHIP and INQUISITION in defense of silly and childish Dogmas.

    Sample this:

    Sometimes back, a guy appeared in front of the House of Lords (Thugs) and asked for permission to set a railway system that could travel up to 12km/hr. The IMBECILES in their foolish wisdom, at the House of Thugs would hear none of that. Well, we now know who was right.

    Sometimes back, the Roman Church with its RETARDS who believed they had the Divine's Safaricom numbers, sentenced Galileo for:

    - "vehemently suspect of heresy."

    In other words, guilty of having held the opinions that the Sun lies motionless at the centre of the universe, that the Earth is not at its centre and moves, and that one may hold and defend an opinion as probable after it has been declared contrary to Holy Scripture. He was required to "abjure, curse and detest" those opinions.

    So much can be said, but, the deleting of ALL comments was a FATWA issued by Taabu.

    Anyway, we leave to enjoy:

  14. No need for sideshows guys. Chris' post reads


    Let us not criticize politicians for creating smokescreens while we are all neck deep in the same vice.

    Are we there yet?


Any posts breaking the house rules of COMMON DECENCY will be promptly deleted, i.e. NO TRIBALISTIC, racist, sexist, homophobic, sexually explicit, abusive, swearing, DIVERSIONS, impersonation and spam AMONG OTHERS. No exceptions WHATSOEVER.