Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Begging With Huge, Exotic, Gold-Plated Bowl

We are not a failed state. We are sovereign and we have told every patronizing neo-colonialist just as much. We need no lectures from foreigners. But hey, here we come gold-plated bowl in hand begging for food lest we go extinct from hunger.

The international community must help us save souls otherwise we will have NOBODY to count come census day on August 24. And they must do so with no strings attached because soon we will be on our own feet once we DISCOVER alternative and safe sources of energy that can provide power and water to our homes and industries.

The 40 plus Cabinet Ministers are working overtime to help us manage these crises. They need unwavering support from all patriotic Kenyans. Let us help save Kenya from herself please.


  1. Taabu is hoping to rejuvinate his popularity which has been on a free fall by drawing in the crowd that one Sam Okello brought trooping back to kumekucha with his tribal post yesterday.
    go on Taabu, boring usual rhetoric does not sell unfortunately. try sam okellos kikuyu hatred and tell mwarangethe to keep off

  2. this blog is dead. you might try the tribal gymnastics all you want but once people figure you out, you are toast. fact is majority of Kenyans do not hate their neighbors just because they come from a different tribe, and guess what, KK cannot incite them to.

  3. Raila's recently hired family members
    1) Fat wife who after the public gimmick of turning down a salary later wrote to Mr. Muthaura and received backdated pay. She has been drawing a salary since then.
    2) Sister who was recently hired as USA Counsel leaving civil servants who are career diplomats still waiting for that chance.
    3) Brother Oburu who was given a ministerial appointment in the powerful finance ministry.
    4) Six paternal 'kasins' recently hired in the PM office while they do not have relevant qualification.

    the list is endless. and the ODMorons are still waiting for this buffon to give them 'Haki Yetu'. Te he heeeee

  4. Mimi kenya si rudi

  5. In the photo posted with this article, the 5 shameless men asking for donations earn a combined salary of around Ksh 10Million per month. They all belong to the infamous Nyayo era. All of them are tarnished by various scandals. They enjoy a total of about 200 personal employees that is guards, chefs, gardeners etc. They are all billionaires while Kibaki already owns 20% of all the buildings in Nairobi. They all belong to the same tribe, the Wabenzi tribe or the BBC, Billionaire Boys Club. We shamelessly elected them. They are all completely out of touch with the common mwananchi. All of them are ageing wazees, who care less about the common man. And you dare ask what is wrong with this country?

  6. M-Pesa wrote that:

    M-Pesa said...
    In the photo posted with this article, the 5 shameless men asking for donations earn a combined salary of around Ksh 10Million per month. They all belong to the infamous Nyayo era. All of them are tarnished by various scandals. They enjoy a total of about 200 personal employees that is guards, chefs, gardeners etc. They are all billionaires while Kibaki already owns 20% of all the buildings in Nairobi.

    Our views:

    There is nothing wrong with these five men. It is only that they enjoy two types of democracies.

    Firstly, they enjoy political democracy. Thats why you see them voting with Wanjiku every five years to deceive her.

    However, they also enjoy another exclusive democracy, i.e. economic democracy. In fact, if you have the economic vote, you do not need political vote. Thats why rich people don't waste time in rallies and voting booths. Voting booths ni debe tuu. Some say it needs to be transparent and such jazz. It will be in vain.

    And, if you want to study the issue properly, take the example of South Africa. In 1992, they went to the ballot and cast their political vote. In addition, they sung, God bless Africa. God is yet to hear that prayer.

    Lets forward to 2009. Since the Africans are the majority, they can control the politics. As a matter of fact, the few whites need not vote for it makes no difference. The question is, have the majority of Africans in South Africa who confronted the apartheid regime benefitted economically? No.

    As of 2009, the few whites control over 80% of the South African wealth. All the blacks have been reduced to do is blame Mbeki for being elitist and killing other Africans for "taking their jobs."

    Now that they have put Zuma, i.e. the 100 Zulu boy, will their economic situation change. No. No.

    As a matter of fact, before this "recession" is over, the whites would have increased their economic power over the blacks. The Africans will cast their political vote, strike, dance in the streets in vain.

    I this sense, South African case offers the best example of two types of democracy, and it clearly shows which one wins in an open contest.

  7. Mwarang'ethe rightly points out,

    "..In fact, if you have the economic vote, you do not need political vote. Thats why rich people don't waste time in rallies and voting booths.."

    I couldn't agree more. You never see rallies being held in Kileleshwa, Runda, Westlands, Buruburu and other economically liberated zones. It's always Kibera, Kamukunji and Kawangware where people are treated like animals and never given any chance to ask questions to those fat bellied politicians. Africa needs town hall meetings Obama style and decent Kenyans given time to ask hard maswali like who killed Oscar Foundation officials and why.

  8. Ave reasoned in this blog previously that it pays politically for Raila to keep his kibera constituents poor and in slums.That way he's always assured of their vote for it is in him that they have hope that he will one day improve their living.If he were to empower them financially,their miserable lives would improve and they would not be living in hope anymore and would not have any more reason to keep voting him.And thats just one example,it applies to almost all the politicians.

  9. Anonymous said...
    Ave reasoned in this blog previously that it pays politically for Raila to keep his kibera constituents poor and in slums.

    Our response:

    The easy part is blaming Raila and other politicians. However, no matter how well meaning, no politician will solve the crisis we are facing. Simply, the thinking that brought us to this point, cannot be part of the solution. This thinking must be discarded.

    If u happen to hold a British pound for £ 10, u will see words like these:

    Bank of England
    "I promise to pay the bearer on demand the sum of 10 POUNDS."

    Now, for heavens sake, whats going on here? Here you are, holding a £10 note, and u are told, if come with it to the Bank of England, we will give another note of £10. What for?

    It amounts to this. U buy a KQ plane ticket. However, instead of promising a flight to New York, it promises that, when u come to the airport, we will give another ticket just like this. Absolute rubbish. But, here we are, believing rubbish with all our modern education.

    There is great michief hidden behind this kind of money. And, there lies the CAUSE of social, economic and political miseries of today.

    And, if u wanna do a simple research and start appreciating the matrix, go to the CBK of Kenya, and ask for the:

    (a) The TOTAL amount of circulating medium of purchasing in the Kenyan economy.

    Then, ask for breakdown in this manner:

    (i) The total number of coins.
    (ii) The total number of notes.
    (iii) The total amount of bank credit.

    The figures u will get will make you start appreciating a few stuff clearly.


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