Thursday, April 09, 2009

The Cold Nairobi Nights

The nights in Nairobi can be really cold.

Many nights in this capital I go to sleep at around ten and crawl under my covers when the temperatures are still pretty sweet. In fact, I'm into this habit of staying outdoors to suck in the sensuous air with my rambunctious sons. They've fallen deeply in love with the land of their father.

What I always find shocking is the heat of the day. Look, I just came back from Indiana and shouldn't have to complain about the swinging temperatures in these equatorial lands, but I do, man. That said, I still love Kenya better. The weather here is fantastic, the food is awesome and the people are so sweet.

Today as I walked down Koinange Street and had to get into a store/shop to escape the heat, I thought of the erratic Kibaki leadership. We have been through a perpetual ride that takes us high then low. What has been noticeable through this man's cursed presidency is that the nation is only cool when others make it so. What would have have happened had Raila not taken a bullet in his chest for Kenya after the stolen elections? Indeed, what good have we seen in this nation where Kibaki acted alone?

All I'm saying tonight, as you take this Easter break, is that we are tired of the now-cold now-hot Kibaki presidency. Can't this man from Othaya ever make it cool for a prolonged period of time.

Make Kenya cool, man!


  1. Sam Okello, you really suck! You don't offer any solution to Kenya's problems, like Raila you like to whin about everything. It's seem your demi god only worry is toilet! If he really need to relieve himself Why can't he be like his fellow tribesmen and use the flying toilets. Half a million in his constituency use those flying toilets but he never bother to worry if they need a proper toilet! Shetani yeye!
    There are more important issue facing the country than toilet and torn carpet. Bure Kabisa!

    Sam, ati you walked down Koinange st? How many girls did you pick?

    Phil's Mistress

  2. Ati the PNU mandarins have cancelled their planned countrywide rallies. Ha ha ha! Seems like NSIS informed them that their rallies would only be confined to 2 provinces(LESOTHO principle.......but even central is in doubt now tha Mungiki have revolted). But how many MPs does Kibaki have anyway. I think this is a critical question. Nark-K are out, (new)Ford-k cant be relied upon and ofcourse ODM-k has its rebels. Do we have a president ruling with only 20 MPs! I hope Kibaki dies. I hope Kibaki dies and is buried alone somewhere in Othaya to be forgotten!! STUPID!

  3. This Phil's Mistress is a complete idiot Sam, please ignore that nyani.

    back to your post, Sam, do you sleep in a tent? Anyone who lives in Nairobi knows the weather has been hot and humid. It is equally warm at night and this is why I am wondering where you spend you nights.

    BTW Sam it is good that your first hand experiences on the ground has made you rejoin us. You understand our frustrations better than these voteless diasporans who do better at night time jobs than political analysis.

    I can offer a meal of fish and ugali at Ranalos when we meet there. Its much better than taking cover at a shop on koinange street........

  4. One Wife Man4/9/09, 9:41 AM

    Samo aka Samo,
    i am happy that you desire no longer to renew your visas to Indiana like a coward but instead you are enjoying the land of your children

    As for Dr.Kibaki please do not let yourself get angry.He's just a man.Kenya is bigger than him or all of us-continue to live your life and enjoy it to the full-happy easter

  5. Phil diasporans may be voteless but they contribute heavily on matters political in kenya. If your memory is short remember how many trips your master Agwambo made abroad during the campaigns. And how many diasporans he met while out there not to mention the results. If they were so useless he would have continued campaigning in kenya and ignored them.
    Next time you go to ranalo to have fish remember there are other kenyans out there who only wish the best for their country;

  6. Sam,well said my brother.Hope you are well and sound.Let the haters eat their sweat coz have you realized that tribalists are the ones still stuck to the Kibaki bandwagon?When Martha Karua resigned,the MPs from mount Kenya congregated and started plotting the next move to make Uhuru the next president.Am writing this in simple English and hope that this may be read by many people.
    I am NOT a tribalist and i grew up in Nairobi speaking Kikuyu,dholuo, Luhya,Kamba with all my neighbors.
    I wonder if these Kikuyu leaders are aware that Kenya has other tribes apart from Kikuyus. Still dreaming of making Uhuru the next president after The commander-in-thief Kibaki is far fetched. Let these Kikuyu leaders NOT use the innocent Kikuyu masses to uplift their status and wealth.When you attack their school of thought,they run to their community claiming that as an attack on the entire people.Has any of them spoken out against Muhoho(71yrs) being reappointed?No. What if Raila was to appoint a 71 year old Luo.If the leaders are not careful,they may risk pitting the entire nation against the Kikuyus save for Kalonzo Musyoka.

  7. why is it that Luos really want to lead us. why this burning desire? is it just the luo who are gifted and can lead? useless, there are are very many tribes in kenya and we dont see other tribes whining about toilets and nusu mikeka... bure kabisa Raila. recently he was there talking high of the coalition government... now he is changed his mind overnite and realized its bad? useless fellow... mark my words, Raila will never see inside of Parliament only if he is a visitor and thats the real picture come rain or shine! no military personel will be commanded by Raila, thats a pipe dream...

  8. Don't expect any better from the inept, lazy,tribalistic, clueless, planless, othayan sloth.

  9. This anonymous Othaya supporter is really burning when he hears the word Luo.The luo have no burning desire to lead.If they had,then Kibaki could not have been the president.Oh yea of short memories.Remember Kibaki tosha? Honestly,why can't the Kikuyu leadership and i mean Kikuyu leadership just treat fellow kenyans as equal citizens of our beloved country rather than think that Kenya belongs to them? If we had two radical thinkers like this anonymous guy in kenya today,Kenya could just be a failed state.Kibaki is fighting wars from all corners.His PNU coalition is falling apart.The Gov coalition is dead.Muite is itching.Scandals rocking the boat.Lucy is calling the shots and holding him by his balls to appear before the media and state categorically that she is the amn of the house.God help Kenya.

  10. this is what you get for voting for kibaki....

  11. "took a bullet for kenya"
    by fueling hatred for kabila adui, by sending out stone drunk imbeciles to go rape, maim and destroy property in the name of 'haki yetu'...
    and so on.
    i am trying very hard not to burst into laughter.

  12. all those close to raila should ask him to get out of the coalition--as did martha. very simple. this is one way of taking the bullet. then we'll have a very vibrant opposition--raila's speciality.

  13. Luos, how did you expect Kikuyus to vote for Raila? To repay back the votes of 2002?

    Nah, Kikuyus aren't that stupid to vote for such a useless thug like Raila!- a BIG cry baby whose job is to cry over everything but yet he cannot deliver! What has this man achieved in all his political life apart from call for mandatory 'cut' for ALL males from Luo Nyanza (young & old), something so many of his them have refused to do… if you don't believe me ask my phil.

    Phil's Mistress

  14. With that kind of primitive thinking,No wonder Mungiki(your own creation) is butchering you guys like chicken at karumaindo.

  15. Sam Okello,
    PLO Lumumba is our Obama! Get behind that man now!

  16. I smell a war between Sam Okello, Taabu and Chris. These days, Taabu and Sam are not commenting on any posts by Chris.

    Back to the post, i like the way ODM spokemen in KK like showing the failures of President Kibaki and going silent on the achievements/failures of ODM. You cannot harp every day on KK about the same old story like a broken record. Okey, Kibaki is a failure according to ODM, what has ODM done in its ministries and with a majority in parliament?
    What has the PM done about his corrupt ministers, case in point Maize, Passport...etc and recently Mau forest?
    Absolutely nothing. All you hear ODM leaders say is renegotiating for more powers, being undermined, PM salary and 1 billion office, toilets and torn carpets.

    With a majority in parliament and half the cabinet, this is way way below the "Haki Yetu" they made the gullible among us harp in 2007.
    About singing about the stolen elections, go on...actually make a ring tone melody...if that helps you sleep better. Matiba was rigged by Moi in 1992, i wonder why his supported did not kill, root, uproot railways etc in the name of Haki Yetu. They moved on to fight another day. And finally they won 10 years later through Kibaki. Raila on the other hand was busy sleeping with dictator moi and only smelt the coffee when Moi denied him Kanu's ticket. He had to join the alternative force, NAK.

    History is stark clear on some of these things if only we can stop being stupid. As for Sam Okello and his post, well, when a man tells us that the vision of Kenya can only be achieved by electing a 64 year old corrupt man surrounded by the scam of the earth. then i begin to doubt his level of intelligence.

  17. taabu's mistress, who told you sam okello have any intelligence? let me tell you, a 5 years old is capable of thinking soberly than Sam Okerro. This man thinks from his black ass.

  18. Mr. Okello, what exactly are you accusing President Mwai Kibaki of? Are you buying into Raila Odinga's moronity and delusion that lead him to imagine the President should provide him with toilets before flying out of the country? Come on people, we expect you to be smarter than this. For how long will a politician so openly fraught with a sickening bankruptcy of ideas continue to tell you what to think? You are better than that, Sam.

    On a friendly note now, have a wonderful easter. I will pay you a courtesy call at your office one of these days, you know, just to say jambo.

  19. Taabu's Mistress,

    Mzee taabu yuko wapi?

    hope you have not done a Lucy on him lol...

  20. AOff topic - the consensus (especially after Karua resigning) if that Kibaki is hindering movement by frustrating not only the PM but the reform process more generally. This is very troubling folks.

    Excerpt from IRIN article - it also mentions militias. (We don't want that word to be used again - NEVER!)


    “Kenya is at a crossroads,” Annan declared at a meeting convened in Geneva on 30 March to review progress since the signing of a National Accord in February 2008. “The time to act is now,” he added. Neither Kibaki nor Odinga travelled to Switzerland for the gathering.

    "There is no disagreement on what needs to be done. The parties have already agreed on a blueprint for building a more equitable, prosperous and just society. That blueprint is found in the reform package agreed in the National Dialogue," he added.

    This package includes constitutional, legal and institutional reform; tackling poverty and inequity and development imbalances; tackling unemployment, particularly among the youth; consolidating national cohesion and unity; undertaking land reform; and addressing transparency, accountability and impunity.

    Annan warned that Kenya’s situation had implications far beyond its borders.

    "The politicisation of ethnicity, non-adherence to the rule of law, corruption and the abuse of power, and inequitable development, exist in other parts of Africa and across the globe… I believe this is one reason why the world is paying such attention to the way Kenya grapples with these issues."

    According to Okumu of ISS, these issues “have slipped off the radar screen”.

    "Future democratisation, peace and justice will depend on how the Kenyan nation is forged on the values of mutual understanding, trust, and respect. There must be a national dialogue to openly discuss issues of historical grievances, ethnophobia, tribalism, and nationalism,” he said.

    "A new election must be held within a year to put in power a government with a popular mandate and legitimacy to undertake the task of nation-building," Okumu suggested.

    "At this critical juncture, when we are facing a global financial crisis, Kenya needs a government that is visionary, committed, disciplined, and dedicated to serving the people; not one that is driven by survival on the backs of the suffering population," he said.

  21. Kenya is a tribalistic state similar to Somali.

    This country will sink deeper than Somali if we dont recognise that equality among our people is vital.

    If we keep on following bad leaders like Mugumo-tree-man, or son of JM-killer or Miracle-opportunists or sons of Nyayo-tyranny or Youth92-looters then Kenya will be lost for ever.

    Let's invest in true Kenyans like Githongo. Dont give a damn what tribe he belongs to.

  22. Anon 12:49, I just don't get it. It would be one thing if the PEV had not occurred. But having gone right to the edge, how is it possible that the President can be seen to be thwarting reform? How can that be knowing how quickly the situation can escalate. Is there absolutely no goodwill on the side of the kitchen cabinet. One of their own has given up on them. Annan MUST use this to propel the reform process forward - or we will all be very sorry in 12 months.

  23. @12:49 am.
    True no need to waste time with such as you mentiom, including the like of hobo bumpkin and others. I'm tired of the domo domo.

    However, Githongo doesnt belong with the masses--he didnt take the bullet for kenya but instead ran sobbing and crying to his foreign masters. Worse, over the past few years, there's little he has done (save for writing an entertaining thriller) to persuade the outside world to take him seriously. With his supposed credentials, he shouldnt be wallowing at oxford as a fellow of sorts a beneficiary of pity and favoritism, sheltered under some obscure professor's wing. He should be out in the global scene, with some high-flying international organization.

    So, Githongo, I think is a waste of time, a self-serving opportunist, whose judgement I find severely wanting. There's a lot more I can say regarding strategy that I save for another day.

    I'd rather give PLO a chance--a BIG chance. He is, it seems, our very own Obama. God help Kenyans to see that, and soon!

  24. Phil's Mistress @ 11:10 AM,

    Let me open your eyes so that you can see yourself and your kind for what you really are:

    Kikuyu's = Thieves, Carjackers, Conmen, Conwomen, Swindlers, Fraudsters and Prostitutes. You "EXCEL" in these "professions." You are "CHAMPIONS" in these "professions."

    This is the unfortunate TRUTH about Kikuyu's.

    I was talking with a Kikuyu young man on Wednesday this week and he was expressing great outrage about John Githongo and Martha Karua. When I asked him Why, he danced vigorously around the question for quite some time but unfortunately for him, his tongue sliped and he blurted this out: WE KIKUYUS ARE THIEVES AND WE REGARD ANYONE WHO POINTS THAT OUT TO OTHERS IN PUBLIC TO BE A TRAITOR.......

    When I say that Kikuyu's = Theives, Carjackers, Conmen, Conwomen, Swindlers, Fraudsters and Prostitutes. You "EXCEL" in these "professions." You are "CHAMPIONS" in these "professions." I am simply calling a spade a spade and not a big spoon.

  25. Kyuks, ati hardworking, industrious and enterprising? No!! A big lie, a gigantic act of DECEPTION. These savages who chop of their own fellow kikuyus head off! Puleeeeez.

    This is the true picture -

    kyuks = Theives, Carjackers, Conmen, Conwomen, Swindlers, Fraudsters and Prostitutes.

  26. oops, the ODM moron is online, expect alot of trashing!!!

  27. LUOS:lazy idiots,dirty and uncircumcised,aids-ridden,free-loaders,uncouth,cannibalistic,animalistic,heathen
    ...the list is just endless!!

  28. freeloaders=luos

    1.Someone who sits around and doesn't work and mooches off their family and steals all their moms hard earned money to do nothing all day and contribute shit to society. Someone who is a waste of air and takes up valuable space on the planet earth.
    Freeloader - Noun. Someone who lives off other people's lives. They don't pay for anything and never pay you back.
    A freeloader is someone who exploits chances to get free stuff whenever possible.

    This is a good definition of luo's for you!!


    Kikuyu's = Thieves, Carjackers, Conmen, Conwomen, Swindlers, Fraudsters, Prostitutes and neck choppers of their own tribesmen.

    You add no economic value to Kenya. You take us backward all the time with your STEALING WAYS.

    When the south east asian tigers were behind us economy wise in the 1960's, Kenyatta was in power. When they started overtaking, around 1975 - 1977, Kenyatta was still in power.

    Nyinyi ni matope. You live in a deception filled fantasy world where you deceive yourselves that you are enterprising, industrious and hardworking. Pooh! You guys STINK. This is what you really are:

    Thieves, Carjackers, Conmen, Conwomen, Swindlers, Fraudsters, Prostitutes and neck choppers of your own tribsemen. Led by your primitive and jua kali fraudulent thief of a president who is regularly SLAPPED by Lucy

    By the way, Between Lucy and Kibaki, it is Lucy who wears the testicles and the trousers. Kibaki wears the fraudulent breasts and buttocks.

  30. It beats me what all this name-calling is expected to achieve, apart from some false sense of relief.

    The upshot though is that there is widespread dissatisfaction with current leadership of the grand colluders and the major problem is the uncertainty surrounding a robust alternative.

    Now, instead of this lousy name-calling, it might make more sense to invest energies in thinking through what a robust alternative to the current might be and what minimal governance reforms might get us there and ultimately how to start rolling out those minimal, necessary reforms.

    Kikuyus this, Luos that solves the problem not. Get that into your thick skulls. Sawa?

  31. Jaluo,jinga,jeuri,jeusi,jambazi,jikimwi!!

  32. SAM,
    PLO Lumumba yesterday said "many in the goverment are carry-overs from previous regime masquerading as reformers..." Don't you agree he was talking about Raila who like people to believe he is a reformer when indeed he is a BIG cry baby?

    I am astound to imagine someone like Sam Okello can only see no-one else apart from this useless good-for-nothing Raira Odinga. This is pathetic SAM! Let me relieve you from your miseries and MARK MY WORDS, Raila Odinga WILL NEVER set his foot in state house maybe for other reasons BUT NOT as the president of Republic of Kenya!

    We've enough talents that can lead this country in the right direction but Raila stupid WILL NOT!

    Phil's Mistress

  33. This is really SAD:

    Quacks move in to cash in on male cut

    Over 200 unlicensed clinics are offering male circumcision services in Nakuru, Eldoret and Migori in Nyanza Province mainly because the government cannot employ an estimated extra 100 health workers to ease the heavy work load.

    Now entering its sixth month, the male circumcision drive has seen more than 20,000 males turn up for the exercise posing a serious strain on the available resources........


  34. More discussions like 1:18 and 6:10. Hate is not going to get us anywhere. That includes insults as well as posts by
    Phil's Mistress' who although sounds educated is blinded by his hate for Raila.

    However, I do agree with this Mistress guy that Sam Okello does not offer any solutions. In fact he may be hurting ODMs agenda.

    Please agree to disagree like Vikkii.

    I am going to repost 6:10

    Anonymous said...

    It beats me what all this name-calling is expected to achieve, apart from some false sense of relief.

    The upshot though is that there is widespread dissatisfaction with current leadership of the grand colluders and the major problem is the uncertainty surrounding a robust alternative.

    Now, instead of this lousy name-calling, it might make more sense to invest energies in thinking through what a robust alternative to the current might be and what minimal governance reforms might get us there and ultimately how to start rolling out those minimal, necessary reforms.

    Kikuyus this, Luos that solves the problem not. Get that into your thick skulls. Sawa?

    4/10/09 6:10 AM

  35. For kenya to survive, Raila MUST GO! Raila is the problem.period! kibakis will come and go, put the problem will still stare on us. Every system has its cancer, for ours, raila malignancy has to be removed to heal.

    happy easter

  36. Anon 3:29 - how can you say that without any justification? The leadership that assassinated Kenya's brightest are not malignant; only Raila is. That kind of distorted thinking does not indicate a sound mind. You need to either justify what you are saying or agree that there are others who might justifiably and forcefully disagree. It's this kind of blind hate that led to the PEV.

    If Kibaki cannot show good will by rapidly pursuing healing and reform, I fear people such as yourself (on both sides) will win the day - God forbid.

  37. I hear people are leaving US in droves back to their motherland due to the economic crunch here. Sam, r u and your "rambunctious sons" return to motherland due to this? Enjoy Jamhur anywayi, just know you were one of us once and never despise us - the "voteless" diasporans for the kettle never called the pot black.

  38. freeloaders=luos

    1.Someone who sits around and doesn't work and mooches off their family and steals all their moms hard earned money to do nothing all day and contribute shit to society. Someone who is a waste of air and takes up valuable space on the planet earth.
    Freeloader - Noun. Someone who lives off other people's lives. They don't pay for anything and never pay you back.
    A freeloader is someone who exploits chances to get free stuff whenever possible.

    This is a good definition of luo's for you!!


  39. Anon 7:04 PM,

    sam okerro was deported from US for alledged breach of national security through his incitiment articles he normally post here.

  40. wache ukuje tumutairishe na panga!!

  41. "PLO Lumumba is our Obama! Get behind that man now!"

    LOL. Moses wears communist suits and constantly opines on all matters sundry.

  42. Amazing the hatred being spewed on this blog.

    I thought we were past the "kihii" days that almost landed Kenya into an abyss. What short memories we have!


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