Tuesday, March 24, 2009

What Is The Alternative To Not Having An Election ASAP?

Yesterday there was a lethal flare up somewhere near Globe Cinema on Kirinyaga Road (some old folks still use the old name of Grogan Road). Some Somali national bought a piece of land and proceeded to fence it off without caring what would happen to all the jua kali mechanic plying their trade on the grounds.

It was a clear illustration yet again at just how tense things are in the country at the moment. But it seems that very few people have taken note and even fewer care. One group that has woken up pronto is the NCCK which is pushing for early elections because Kenyans are just sick of this coalition nonsense.

However some Kenyans are of the view that we should all be a little patient and wait. But wait for what?

Wait for the current government to push forward a new constitution? Wow!! Maybe in your dreams. All the guys eyeing the presidency in 2012 want the powers of the office intact so that they can do their thing. So is it surprising that a year later there is no “whiff” of a new constitution?

Wait for minimal reforms? Are you serious? Can these jokers agree on anything? Can this government get anything done, other than stealing maize and other selfish and personal stuff?

A prominent coalition partner’s favourite way of putting things is that this government came into power under extra-ordinary circumstances and therefore Kenyans should be patient and give the government time to get things done. I am sick of hearing this line because it is a lie. The truth is that politicians want Kenyans to be patient so that they get a little more time to steal to replenish their 2007 campaign expenditure and then to prepare their 2012 war chest funds.

The mood in the country is deadly and the only thing that can save us all from chaos is an early general election as soon as possible.

Yes, I am aware that we do not have an electoral body to9 run elections just now. But my point is that once we all agree that we need an election right away, a way will be found.

Deputy Prime Minister Musalia Mudavadi posed a rhetorical question in an interview with the press a few weeks ago in answer to Kenyans being fed up with the coalition government. He asked; what is the alternative to the coalition government?

I ask my own question in reply; what is the alternative of not having an election ASAP? Answer: Trust me, you don’t want to know but it has something to do with lots of chaos.

Kumekucha was first to call for early elections in this post, months ago.


  1. Kweli Kumekucha is (NEARLY) DEAD.

    I was waiting for a fresh, hard hitting article for over 24hrs, only to be sooo disappointed by that gutter press like piece you have posted. Where's the Kumekucha we knew two years ago which used to set the agenda for the mainstream media?

    Sorry Chris but it's only you who can't see the the ground swelling around you. You can bury your head in the sand like Kibaki but you need to wake up and wake up and smell the coffee.

    Last time people complained about the dull Kumekucha logo, you listened and acted promptly. Now most of us are saying, spice up the blog and divert some of the so called raw notes around here. Wapi those articles by Sam Okello, Wanjiku from Mombasa, Phil...et all? Otherwise the blog will still be like a sleeping pill which it has become.

    "YES YOU CAN!"

  2. M-Pesa, you have become a very nauseating person in your bid to become accepted by these ODMorons. What happened to M-Pesa we all knew two years ago?
    Like Wamalwa Kijana used to say, "Be yourself"!

  3. Chris:
    Kenya has gone to dogs since ODM joined the govt.....hunger, poverty, disease, unemployment, insecurity.....even setting mau forest on fire. It's a cursed country!

  4. Anon at 5.08 AM

    I'm not looking to be accepted by anyone mate, I'm just being me. I've said we should get rid of Kibaki, Raila and Kalooser if we are to move an inch towards stability and progress. Just how many times have I blasted ODMers and called Raila a stupid Demagogue? Do the search before firing blanks my son.

    I'm just pissed of that I voted for Kibaki on that day at 4AM, only for him to turn a blind eye at those guys around him who happen to be thieves, liars, crooks and cheats. Executions of Oscar foundations officials happened a stone throw from State House yet don't hold your breath for any arrests soon. Kibaki has become an OBSTACLE to any sort of development and deep down your heart you know it mwanangu.

    How about rooting for PLO Lumumba in 2012?

    just a thought!

  5. Why not put pressure to ensure speedy constitutional reforms first?

    From where we stand, we do not see, or understand how another election under the old constitution can, or shall constitute a solution to the challenges we face. It seems to us that, we shall only be back to the same place.

    Sample this:

    (a) we have new elections as NCCK and Chris are demanding.

    Fortunately (if you believe in miracles) or unfortunately (if you do not believe in miracles ya kupenya katikati), there is a dispute as to the winner.

    According to Minister for Justice, most judges got their jobs due to “favouritism, cronyism and incompetence” and those few who deserve the positions landed these positions “incidentally rather than systematically.”

    Can you Chris and NCCK, educate us how then, we shall resolve such a dispute in the absence of a reformed judiciary that inspires confidence?

  6. If we were to have an election now how sure are we that we would not get the same crazed politicians who have no ideas for Kenyans but to enrich themselves. Looking at leaders from the West and the commitment and plans that they are working on to ensurwe that the economic crisis is resolved i just wonder why we get such shallow leaders.Did they attend different schools or they have a different sylabus from those ones.
    Kenyans we need to wake up and remember we are responsible for choosing those contraptions that we call leaders..We need to cry out in shame and vow never again.Kenya has become like an abused woman who still forgives the man and continues to stay with rot . When shall we say enough is enough..When our childrens children are in tatters!Agree to change the yardsticks of leadership!Should we elect Githongo as Our President?Will he also puke on Us?

  7. Hello Mwarang'ethe,

    Let me first take this opportunity to say that I have been following your comments and thoughts here for a long time and have always found them extremely thought-provoking. Thanx. It is an honour to have you here as a regular.

    It is no secret that Kenya is in a very difficult situation just now. We are damned if we do and we are damned if we don't. So do we push the current government to reform or do we try and get new faces who might be more open to reforms?

    Personally I have lost all faith in the current political class. I don't think thye are capable of pasting a postage stamp on an envelope. So like the NCCK I say we take our chances with new faces.


  8. majimbo is the way
    federal republic of kenya
    rotating prime minister like switzerland - 1 yr for central (kikuyu) 1 yr for Nyanza (luo) etc;
    president becomes ceremonial....it appears too late to backtrack from ethnic hatred for a long time ?

  9. There is something fundamentally wrong with our communities at all levels. I have worked in the area of community mobilization for a while now and whenever there are elections people are now voting the most idle people in the villages as a punishment. Those whose intellect clearly would help the community do not want to be tied up with commitees and meetings. The ethic of public service has completely escaped our communities. The reasoning I theorise is to keep them busy.

    If we extrapolate the scenario on a national scale, the same seems to happen in parliament. Why else would we elect people we know are corrupt, command killer militias and are serving interests of foreigners not Kenyans.

    I support Mwarangethe assertion that we should reform the institutions first. While there are brilliant Kenyans doing wonderful jobs for their communities, there is a creeping feeling that their talents and contributions are not recognised. At the risk of being called names, I think we should go the madagascar route at this pointin Kenya. A 35-40 year old kenyan supported by the church and the military to route out the rot. many will say the military is as rotten but I have served with very patriotic officers and even if we are not trained to overthrow governments extraordinary situations call for extraordinary measures.

    Do you guys know anyone willing to go the Madagascar route?

  10. There is something fundamentally wrong with our communities at all levels. I have worked in the area of community mobilization for a while now and whenever there are elections people are now voting the most idle people in the villages as a punishment. Those whose intellect clearly would help the community do not want to be tied up with commitees and meetings. The ethic of public service has completely escaped our communities. The reasoning I theorise is to keep them busy.

    If we extrapolate the scenario on a national scale, the same seems to happen in parliament. Why else would we elect people we know are corrupt, command killer militias and are serving interests of foreigners not Kenyans.

    I support Mwarangethe assertion that we should reform the institutions first. While there are brilliant Kenyans doing wonderful jobs for their communities, there is a creeping feeling that their talents and contributions are not recognised. At the risk of being called names, I think we should go the madagascar route at this pointin Kenya. A 35-40 year old kenyan supported by the church and the military to route out the rot. many will say the military is as rotten but I have served with very patriotic officers and even if we are not trained to overthrow governments extraordinary situations call for extraordinary measures.

    Do you guys know anyone willing to go the Madagascar route?

  11. Kumekucha said:

    Personally I have lost all faith in the current political class. I don't think thye are capable of pasting a postage stamp on an envelope. So like the NCCK I say we take our chances with new faces.

    Our views:

    Firstly, it is not that we have much faith in the current leaders (in government, churches, NGO's etc). In fact, we have nothing but contempt for most of these so- called leaders.

    Having said that, we must go further and explore the cause, for what we see is just the effect.

    Superficially, what we need first, is a new constitutional dispensation. With a new constitutional dispensation, we might, have an opportunity to create better institutions to serve Kenyans.

    Once we have that, we can go for another election. Otherwise, from where we stand, we are of the view that, it would be foolish despite the problems we face, to go for another election under the current constitution.

    However, ultimately, Kenyans have to produce leaders who are schooled in the Art of Creation, and not in competition.

    If we do not do this, even a new constitution will not save Kenya. Since our education system is not up to this task, some of us, will have to build institutions dedicated to this objective.

  12. There is an alternative, you sort out the current mess, you do not leave it to fester and infect future elections!

    First of all, in 2008 when things were bad, many suggested an election in 3 years, people refused. Now people want a fresh election, appointing a government is not like changing your hairstyle, you have to let it run its course unless it is actually grossly violating rights (It is but not grossly).

    I for one was for early elections, but now no, things are worse than before 2007.

    Secondly, who will we vote in? The same guys we are firing? Kenyans should start with their MP's, go and demand better services from them. Until you sort out your backyard, you cannot expect the village to be cleaned up. You stop the bribe, you refuse to pay the bribe, you demand more service from your MP, and you will then prob see results.

    Nairobi is full of neighbourhood associations from Karen to Kibera, who work to improve their areas. Thats where we need to start.

  13. Propping PLO is inviting too much of the same. A history of this guy will tell anyone that he is not the "untouchable, fire-spitting, reformist" that he may tout himself to be.

    Githongo is the idea still hoovering around my head. Can we compromise and choose him.....he can bring reforms in the government, is a Kikuyu so will eat a chunk of Central votes and can easily be elected by other tribes? Plus he is anti-the elite class.

    Any views?

  14. Kk, you are a big joke. what new faces are you talking about? Have to agree with mwarangethe on this one.

  15. Anon 6:06 AM,

    You said (My comments are in italics):

    * I just wonder why we get such shallow leaders.

    Well, leaders are an exact reflection of the values and norms of the people they lead. If the peoples values and norms are rotten, it follows that their leaders will be also ROTTEN

    * We are responsible for choosing those contraptions that we call leaders..We need to cry out in shame and vow never again.Kenya has become like an abused woman who still forgives the man and continues to stay with rot . When shall we say enough is enough.

    I agree with you that we need change, but this change will only come once we change our rotten values and norms that have spoilt every area of our society - the church included.

    Should we elect Githongo as Our President?

    Yes, A person like Githongo would be excellent but unfortunately our values and norms as Kenyans are so rotten that we can not appreciate a quality individual like him. Remember that his Kikuyu community regards him to be a traitor! PHEW!! If we can not appreciate guys like Githongo, then this just confirms that there is something seriously wrong with us as Kenyans. Something very seriously wrong

  16. Githongo is a technocrat, I am not sure he can be a politician too. He likes to be the watchdog, not the watched.

    I say someone like Tuju.

  17. Wangaari Maathai is the person Kenya needs at this hour.




  19. anon6:52 AM

    YES YES YES YES ! that is the way to go and here on the ground things are starting to move in that direction

    wait and see just to let you know kenyans are not asleep. surprise surprise

    but we have to be careful we don't want to be slaughtered we hear both Kibaki and Raila want to keep the statuesque and are comfortable with the way things are (insider information)

    don't be fooled with the good cop bad cop stand the two have taken Kibaki and Raila are playing the same level field to keep Kenya as is.

  20. Where is the govt Coordinator and Supervisor to coordinate and supervise the constitutional reforms. The bugger is running helter skelter all over the Rift Valley with his balls in Ruto's pliers. Someone should tell him to work and stop politicking.

  21. I would vote for githongo anytime.

    On the constitution, my understanding is that parliament will first approve the draft(s) to be presented for referundum and wonder what will happen at the parliament stage going by the MPs worrying behaviours.
    Timeframe is another one i.e.
    2010-the team to have completed collecting views.
    Same year present views to parliament probably haggling takes up the rest of the year.
    early 2011 referundum will such a tight table work in Kenya? what will happen if doesn't.

    Similar concerns with the temporary ECK it has 2.5 years to review boundaries, fresh electorate registrations will such tight timelines be achieved in Kenya. Me say never, and this is where the population anxieties will reach its maximum as going by

    Kenyan's way of doing things pple will seek extension of time others will oppose

  22. anon7:43 AM

    Wangari Mathai what? she sat back when the mungiki were slaughtering kenyans in NAIVAHSA AND NAKURU? no way
    do watch this video to refresh your mind..


  23. We do not need a new constitution as yet. We cant rush it, constitutions should last 500 years at least, with ammendments to it.

    We should do a constitutional amendment process, that would change some of the rules we have now. Then we can start a process that is fair and transparent.

    I dont think taking some rep who is being paid 2000 to bomas is the way to deal with this. If you want the public to be engaged in the process, you start from scratch, that will def take more than 3 years but can be done within 5 years.

    Kenyans have too much impatience. If you want quality and equity, sit down and do the constitution creation methodically. We have to push in good leaders, so we can get a decent constitution, not expect bad leaders to give you a good constitution.

  24. Who is Chris and vikii i love all contributors to this blog. More spicy things needed.

  25. Have you noticed that it is only Raila, ODMers and their respective clerics who are asking us to be patient with the coalition govt. It is because their snouts are deep in the honey pot.


    KALONZO IS OUR CHOICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  26. Anon8:28 AM,

    She (wangari mathaai) also sat down when Luo 'Taliban' were slaughtering Kikuyus in Mathare and Kibera but that does not make her evil. Blame it on Raila who fanned the violence!

  27. Let us erase from our systems as kenyans old and overused ways of doing things and decide that we need renewal.Anyone who has been in our cabinet and is over 45 years old should never again see the light of cabinet. We need reformers! our children went to school. People who are kenyan first and tribe ;;;second!where are they?Has it entered your good heads that in the next post election violence ther will be no tribe but insteAD THE POOR WILL bE INVADING THE mIDDLE CLASS and rich to ask them for their portion of Kenya. Before things get that bad let us get leaders with dignity otherwise bitterness will forever crowd the judgement of Kenyans.Nobody will be safe from this Armaggedon unless we do something now.
    I agree with the need for accountability of MPS but lets go further.
    Who do we have in this bracket of new leadership?
    Jaoko,lumumba,and many nameless kenyans who have not stolen but are men and women of integrity.

  28. I think folks should be patient and wait for this GNu to complete it's mandate. Kenyans just like to be on campaign mode twenty four seven. For once Musalia said something thought provoking; what is the alternative?

    For those who are unaware, Kenya is broke. Treasury is going to be short of funds this financial year due to the PEV. We have huge problems yet unsolved.

    The characters that some of you have faith in; Maathai, Githongo, Tuju, Kalonzo...how the hell do you expect one man to do all these things by themselves? Governments are a team effort. You've got to have a group of individuals who are reading from the same page and focused on the same goals.

    Unless we start by reforming our neighbourhoods then and only then will we get leaders who are trully ready to serve the wananchi's needs. Otherwise, short of a military intervention, the alternative is the same same folks we have now.

  29. People are suggesting githongo and those others to lead, yes definetly we need a team in government, but are you suggesting that we should have 500 names written down?

    I do agree though that we need to be patient, I think Kenyans are the most impatient people in Africa. That is why we are called mzunguz

  30. 8:40 AM STUPID FOOL!!!!!!!!

  31. Chris aka Chriso,
    i'm one of those who thinks there's more than 100% certainty we're not going to have an election asap......infact me thinks this transitional coalition will last till 2012 not just because they need to commit more grand corruption(which they will do) but because we have to ensure they never again make us suffer a repeat performance of the rigged elections in 07

    Chris not having an election now means politicians have a chance to get on with the job we are paying them tax free salaries to do-i'm not saying the alternative will not be chaos, in fact i agree with what you say-if this coalition fails to get things done then i think stone throwing and burning property will benefit everyone especially if we stone and burn the properties of politicians-that i am in full support of!

    As for that prominent coalition partner and his favourite way of putting things, lets just say Dr.Raila is trying to excuse his ineffective performance so far whereas what he should be doing is agreeing with us that the government is doing terrible and finding out from us in what ways things should be turned around-it is deadly for this government to continue not to listen to us

  32. I find it myopic when Muslims, akina Raila, Catholics etc ask NCCK how elections can be done without an ECK. Did the Madagascans have an ECM to get that 35-year old man to be crowned president? What matters is what the people want. Institutions are only as strong as the faith people have in them. The international community is rebuking the lad and saying he did wrong to remove a dictator!! It was not him, it was the Madagascans. It is their country, their shoe. they know where it pinches most. that is why NCCK is looking for 2 million signatures. this will be a proof that the people of Kenya want to reclaim their country- and a chart a new future that suits them. ECKs and new laws can be brought in when the right people are at the top. How on earth does anybody expect the current MPs to sit down together and put up laws that will please Kenyans? They can't even pay tax! They can't eject openly corrupt colleagues. They want their salaries increased so that they can go to more funerals!!
    The Malagasy option looks OK to me.

  33. The madagascar way is a way forward. A government by the people for the people...How about our own DJS..The problem with some of them is that they are cut from the same clothe as the leaders!DJ CK(Chris)..We need real people who can account for their pennies and who we can hold to account. I am not saying we have elections today but the way we are eating makes me wonder if we are not better just having an election and get it over with.PANU Eats,ODM eats so who is the watchdog . The grand opposition was compromised by maize money.
    What do we tell our children? That we live in a different society? We are not going anywhere..We either fight for our rights or perish at the hands of the merciless thugs called politicians.Did you know that while GK is broke those ODM want to travel for longer days to meeting to earn money. They are to be seen in Western capitals purchasing John Weston shoes that in the West are won by multimillionaires and not politicians.
    LETS hit the road and regain our country!

  34. What happened in Madagascar is unconstitutional, they will still have to hold an election and elect the exDJ.

    What happened in Madagascar may have been necessary, but it is still dangerous. You are building a culture where rules and regulations can be thrown out anytime. You are making institutions that are supposed to remain impartial such as the Army, biased.

    Those institutions are supposed to above all protect civilians, not engage in coups.

    Why is it ok to elect someone without a constitution, and you complain when Kibaki goes into power by force? Its the same thing.

  35. .....those singing eti lets change constitution first,just tell us how.politicians are comfortable with status quo and u wil go on talkin here without results.change wil hav to come from people.

  36. It is said that when you chase a lizard, it runs, but when it realises that you have caught up with it, it suddenly turns and faces you, not because it knows it can fight you, but just to frighten you. And many times it works. These politicians have shown us that we are nothing and that they can fix us as they please. Let us just turn and face them. They will run. Please Kenyans, let us join Omtata in saying that the next president must not be a member of the current (or any other) parliament. Let's not discourage those who are suggesting names like Githongo, PLO etc. Let us discuss them and see who among them is the fairest of them all. The next president need not be a politician. He just needs to be someone we all like. He will listen to us. We need to depoliticize our lives. Politics is the source of tribalism. How is it that we do everything together without caring of tribes, but when we go into politics then we remember which tribe we come from? When we politicize anything, we also tribalize it automatically. Look at the Mau forest thing. When we think of it as an ecological asset, we all agree that it should be preserved, but when we think of the votes we will lose by relocating the people then we remember that it is the Kales who voted for Raila who are being targetted!!!! Aaaaaargh

  37. The alternative to not having an election ASAP is that the politicians will continue bickering and dithering as Kenya goes to the dogs. They will continue in their corrupt ways as the poverty index gets worse. They will cheat us with false hopes as they continue to dig in for 2012. They will not agree on anything and Kenya will be worse in 2012 than it was in 2007. They will form tribal alliances without any ideologies or manifestos. The poor Kenyans will become poorer and their anger will show in more murders, thefts, rapes, forgeries, violence, broken marriages, chokoras, school drop-outs. The standard of life will go high and less land will be put to good use. Rural-Urban migration will increase with devastating consequences. Kenyans will become hopeless and with this more restless. The politicians will exploit the increased poverty among Kenyans and promote tribalism.
    The alternative to not having an election ASAP is that possibilities of coups, riots, civil disobedience and growth in numbers and sizes of militia groups will increase. Very gloomy indeed.

  38. In the present circumstances, I do not see any constitutional change coming our way anytime soon. Constitutions are basically ceasefire documents and as long as our politicians are focussed on their battle against us we will never achieve nay new constitution soon.

    In January 2003, Mwai Kibaki and his friends failed in one cardinal rule and that is why we are stuck with the KANU thieves up to today. He had the overwhelming opportunity to crush corruption, cronyism and impunity. He clearly never heard of Robert Greene's 15th law of power:

    All great leaders since Moses have known that a feared enemy must be crushed completely. (Sometimes they have learned this the hard way.) If one ember is left alight, no matter how dimly it smolders, a fire will eventually break out. More is lost through stopping halfway than through total annihilation: The enemy will recover, and will seek revenge. Crush him, not only in body but in spirit.

    The KANU rot is back with us and this time it worse because we do no have Moi's kiboko to keep people on line.

    The moment you start hearing soldiers becoming agitated by all the noise then we are living in dangerous times. We might assume they are apolitical but that would be suicidal because they suffer the rot like the rest of us. Madagascar might not be very far of the radar I am afraid. If democratically elected governments dont deliver we cannot wait for eternity to show them the road.

    Even the so called western democracies have their own coups. Margaret Thatcher was clearly overthrown in the tory party and there are many more unorthodox means to achieve a better way.

    I am seriously tired of all the politicain bullshit and its time we got someone other than KIbaki, Raila, Kalonzo and their thieving accomplices.

  39. Why don't we just go bacfk to the forest and start another revolution like our friends in France(1789-1801), Russia (188?-1924), China (1927?-1949), Cuba (1954-1959). You know completely empty the shelf of this current expired and malignant political class and start again from scratch. Not all the above worked out well but clearly none of the above countries was ever the same again and quite frankly Kenya cannot afford to continue drifting in the direction it is headed.

  40. Chris is a wife beater.

  41. The somalis must be stopped, for they are operating undercover to ovrthrow the govt at its weakest, and are doing things to lead to that moment. They are taking advantage of govt ineptitude and confusion right now to by properties and fence off certain areas as their own- pirate money- so that none of you will be allowed in. You have seen the increasing middle eastern presence in kenya, and it is no secret taht they are helping the somalis with all these plans. When you inspect eastleigh, they say its racism- yet they are black like you- just so they can continue to operate undercover. If security in kenya was more serious in taking care of these things, they would constantly nspect them, like every other person in the country since they are blakc. They do not like to be called that, and think they are arabs, actually, and that their religion puts them above us. This is not a rumour, it is a fact. The recently docile kenyan intellgience should go to eastleigh and find this out. The people that want to kill raila or kibaki are in eastleigh, not somalia- which are the same thing anyway. Do not say i did not warn you. The military base in eastleigh is also going to be a problem and will be their starting point in control. They, somalis, are worldwide vermin that will stop nothing and want to declare our country as theirs and declare jihad- sth they've wanted to do for a long time, esp. with kenya-us cooperation, as your dumb black arses look on with bleeding hearts at theie supposed "current woeful plight".
    They are able to do it, and will do it. Send your intelligence there (if i can gather such information so can they. And anyway, it is everywhere, since somalis have become very confident and arrogant in the wake of the govt's ineptitude, inaction and weakness right now and will say these things openly calling us 'abid' or slaves). Take care of the muslim "brotherhood" or fraternity... and watch this space.



    ati be ruled like Uganda ? by a leader like museveni??? that is what central mafia is offering Kenyans?? what bull shiate is this?? are this people for real??

    well then they will get a dictator and it won't be from central province ... wait and see - don't ask for what you can't control..

    Leaders’ apathy sparks calls for a progressive dictatorship
    By daily nation



  43. ANON1:50 PM

    Yes and that is why you kikuyu thieving goons will remain murderers thieves and thugs like your Alzheimer filled leader Kibaki right??

    You are so full of hate for other tribes that you can't see straight
    let me remind you the Raila that you are abusing is the one who put Kibaki in Power after the defeat of Moi and you then praised him and called him your brother when he traveled to central with Kibaki after then elections of 2002 right .. people in central were standing on the roadside to shout his name.. Kibaki was still in a wheel chair- wewe shenzi sana

    What happened?? have you forgotten or is it that you are so clueless and greedy for power that you helped your leader Kibaki to rig election and in the same breath ordering the police who were under his command slaughtering beheading and murdering innocent kenyans in the name of stealing statehouse and sending out Kibaki, Uhuru kenyatta, Martha Karua, Saitoti and Michuki's foot soldiers called mungiki to murder more innocent kenyans in Nakuru and Naivasha
    and then the same Mungiki who are despicable are executed by the same kibaki goons like flies..

    You are the most ruthless, tribe in kenya who kill their own children and families for power and money and now you dare abuse Luo's for murder?? show us proof who did they kill?? I have proof that kibaki ordered police to shoot and kill kenyans and mungiki where paid to go burn behead and slaughter kenyans in Naivasha and Nakuru and explain where all the other farm workers on tea and coffee plantations in central province were buried -?? to date they are not accounted for by their families just like the mungiki youths who were executed.

    if you want to post nonsense here don't bother ...I hate tribalism

  44. Anon 3.52pm, you are turning the discussion ugly with the rest of those guys you are responding to. Why do you constantly have to bash each other? We have had that Raila-Kibaki debate since I dont know when. Tumechoka sana, speak something constructive!

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. If I was given the option of millitary rule over Kibaki, I wouldn't even think twice! That is the alternative to not having elections ASAP.... Mr. Chris.

    Now where do I sign those NCCK petitions? The catholic bishop as usual is against anything anti-kibaki.

    I am honestly waiting to see members of the 10th parliament deliver that constitution they speak about. I am just laughing thinking of them actually working for the good of this country...that will never happen!

  47. Aon 3:52 well spoken. reality bites.

  48. violence begets violence and things end up worse

    peaceful forceful challenges to a system brings peaceful change. There was no Kenya Human Rigts Commission in the 70-80's.....

  49. how about the mlongo system for choosing the president - it would be easy to see who is the winner


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