Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Kibaki and His Wives: Blame Lies Squarely with Himself and Not Muite or Media

By Guest writer

Dear Kenyans. Forgive me for being in this foul mood. I can’t hold back when our president and his wife are crying at a Press conference. A responsible child should show concern when his parents are crying loudly in public. Am in this foul mood because this article is not meant for Kibaki’s loyal diehards and those whose reasoning faculty equates to Lucy’s or is even worse.

It is a big shame to the First Family and Kenya as a nation when President Kibaki repeatedly appears on national TVs to “clarify” he had only one wife and four kids. So what? Who cares how many wives he has?

Kenyans are not fools. Kibaki’s antics, edged on by Lucy’s crocodile tears and loose temper and slapping public officials in public, will not wash away the truth or fool anyone. Instead, they will aggravate the already volatile situation.

Majority of Kenyans are today faced with serious problems and are spending sleepless nights cracking their heads on how to put a meal on the table and pay school fees and meet the rising cost of living. They care less about their president’s domestic woes and how many wives he has.

Be careful because if your hard drive crashes you reduce the chances of successful data recovery by trying to revive the hard drive on your own. It is always a better idea to call in the experts right away.

Former Kabate MP Paul Muite was just re-stating what the then minister for Internal Security, John Muchiki, had told the parliamentary committee investigating the Standard raid and the Artur bothers’ saga. Mr Muite was chairing the committee and he on Monday disclosed what Michuki gave as the motive to dispatch a police squad to raid the Standard. The Standard was raided by state agents when Kibaki was in power. Kibaki should have used his Press conference with his burly wife to explain who ordered the raid, why and what was achieved instead of whining and shedding crocodile tears while TV cameras rolled.

Rather than Kibaki try to fools Kenyans who already know the truth, he should have been kind enough to shed more light on who is Mary Wambui and who is the father of her daughter, Winnie Mwai, why the two enjoyed Presidential security, and why Kibaki remained silent as the two brought to Kenya the Artur brothers and housed the criminals as they went around defecating and defiling our motherland with impunity. And they returned to their country scot-free! Kibaki did not appear on TV or utter a word, yet he was president of the Republic of Kenya and he had sworn to protect our country!

Every married man will tell you he has domestic crisis in his home. But the wise ones solve their domez under the confines of their bedroom or within their home boundaries and not in public. They wouldn’t even want neighbours to know there was a fall out. Kenya currently or during the Kibaki rule has had many pressing needs which Kibaki has turned a deaf ear to. His domestic woes are not a matter of public or national concern. And the best he could do is to quietly seek help from elders from Othaya to resolve his marital status.

It is in bad faith for Kibaki to misuse public resources and officials to help him clean up his domestic filth. He appeared at Tuesday’s Press conference in the company of head of Civil Service, Francis Muthaura, and Commissioner of Police, Maj Gen Mohammed Hussein Ali. Why misuse such senior public officials? Maj Gen Ali should be explaining why he is so blood-thirsty going to the extent of executing youths at will under the guise of fighting crime and Mungiki. Kenyans pay the Commissioner of Police a salary to make their country safer and not sort out their president’s domestic woes. Next time I suffer a domestic problem, I’ll summon Maj Gen Ali to my house and the media to re-state my position.

In fact, Maj Gen Ali should have been sacked on the spot on Tuesday because he watched and did nothing as Lucy committed a crime by threatening to raid the Standard. She even owned up raiding the Nation. Maj Gen Ali should have arrested her and locked her up pending court appearance today morning.

Kibaki, like any other married man, should put his house in order and not wail and look for scapegoats while he was solely responsible for his domestic mess. By engaging in endless public dramas, Kibaki and his wife only end up looking more foolish and open themselves to public ridicule. Kibaki must stand up like a real man and not act stupidly and foolishly under pressure from his “dear wife”.

Picture the following and Kibaki remained silent:

Ø The Grand Coalition Government he heads is dogged by serious political problems which he has turned a blind eye to.

Ø Prof Alston released a report exposing grisly police executions and the existence of police death squads in Kenya which had executed thousands of youths under the guise of fighting Mungiki/crime. The UN investigators called for sacking of Maj Gen Ali and AG Amos Wako. Kibaki thinks Prof Alston’s report was about another country no Kenya.

Kumekucha titbits: Avoid sitting for hours in a traffic jam on your way to the city centre from the airport. Simply book into a nice brand new budget hotel in the outskirts of Nairobi 5 minutes from the airport.


Ø On the other hand, Mungiki and other criminal gangs have been killing Kenyans at will. Instead of reforming the Kenya Police to make it responsive to the needs of Kenyans, Kibaki allows Maj Gen Ali to round up anyone he wishes and executes them in the name of fighting Mungiki. For every one Mungiki executed by police, they (police) end up killing at least five innocent Kenyans. Surely, this is not the way modern police fight crime.

Ø Poor Kenyans have been going hungry, party due to theft of maize, but largely due weak Government food policies. Some Kenyans have since died and Kibaki cares less.

Ø The oil scandal in the Ministry of Energy and other corruption scandals. Kibaki had promised his regime would make Kenya a corruption-free nation. That remains a pipe dream.

Ø The Anglo Leasing scandal, masterminded by Kibaki’s close aides, went on unabated despite Kibaki being made aware of it. Despite the huge sums of public money involved, the matter was swept under the carpet and trashed into history without any action.

Ø Kibaki spent huge public resources in the Goldenberg inquiry only to end up with a report being tossed in Government shelves to gather dust.

Ø The Artur brothers’ saga went on right in Kibaki’s eyes. We ended up in another fake commission of inquiry.

Ø Kibaki traded the Grand Regency Hotel with Libyan President Gadhafi for campaign funds in 2007 and purported it was sold last year. If the hotel was sold where did the money go? Another fake commission was formed.

Ø Kibaki promised us a constitution within 100 days after re rose to power in Dec 2002. The matter was forgotten when he attained what he wanted.

Ø Does Kibaki know there was a State House-sponsored raid on the offices of the Standard Group in March 2006 because we have never heard his voice?

It’s a pity that Kibaki remains silent where Kenyans are faced with serious challenges and only appear on TV to growl about his dear wife! Kibaki, please do better than this. You are a man. A man does not go crying and whining in public because his wife has put him under pressure to denounce a parallel affair.

I wish Kibaki and Lucy make good their threat to take Hon Muite to court. What a juicy drama will that be? Under pressure from his wife, MP Mwangi Kiunjuri took the media to court when it was reported he had been seized in a police swoop on prostitutes on Koinange Street. He thought it was a mere walk over and he paraded witnesses in court to prove he was nowhere near Koinange Street on the dreaded night. The media dug in deep into his past and unearthed past filthy affairs and the MP lost the case miserably. I wonder how he faces his wife in the bedroom today.

See other recent posts:

Alfred Mutua looked so ashamed and the ADC was crying in shame behind Kibaki (see photo)

Taabu on how Kibaki outsmarted the Kenyan media


  1. Kibaki has exposed his soft belly. Why cant somebody slice it.

  2. anon 11:14

    as always the intention was always good governance of kenya, not going after fallen wannabes.

    keep the end price as a bright (guaranteed security, prosperity, research. excellence etc) future for all kenyans

    lets not get sidetracked by failures

  3. I applaud President Kibaki for his bold move.
    How many men in kenya are facing similar situation and are living under a cloud of suspicion and accusations of infidelitly in Kenya?
    Time is now for ALL men in kenya to follow the suit and declare how many wives/mistress they got.
    Kenya will be a better place if we sort out our morals first.

    Phil's Mistress

  4. Oh my God, all these acres of space just to discuss your president's family on such a popular blog???

    and now i believe Kenyans are truly stupid...i wonder how Obama escaped this triviality DNA..

    James Owen

  5. Charles.Nairobi.
    A Nigerian soap opera doesnt come close to this one.This one came complete with tears to go!
    We respect Kibaki HIGHLY, his age and all but there are MORE PRESSING ISSUES Ordinary kenyans want to be told if their lives will improve,this is embarassing for the highest office VERY.

  6. Chris:

    If you do a scientific poll in Kenya, you would be surprised to see how many people think what Kibaki did and said was wonderful - standing by your woman. You see how the lady bloggers of KK are quiet? Eh? Do you know why? They know it takes a real man to publicly confess his love for one woman. Ladies like a man who at least pretends to stop encroachment of his core family from mistresses and what not.

    One of the greatest tragedies facing african families today is the psychological torture a wife undergoes when she knows that all manner of mistresses (and matumbo wives) lurk in the shadows. And yet she cannot ask the husband about it because the answer comes in the form of a punch and an upper-cut. If you doubt, ask Oburu Odinga's daughter who was turned recently into a punching bag by her husband and lay commatose in a hospital for a week.

    Ugly as it may have looked, by forcing the president to confront publicly his private shinanigans, Lucy may have struck a powerful blow for women. Going forward, it will no longer be enough to silence your wife with threats or blows while you continue bringing AIDS home.

    On a first look, the press conference was an ugly spectacle. But on a second look, there may be some silver linings. Hopefully, now that they have pledged their loyalty again, they can go and attend to other matters of the nation. For Kenya is greater than their cojugal/love relationship.

  7. Kibaki: I don’t know why people are spreading lies about me because I am a genuine person who doesn’t tell lies.

    Kibaki, you claim that you do not tell lies and yet you STOLE the elections of December '07. Idiot! what makes you genuine now? Wewe ni ghasia. Wewe ni pumbavu. You piece of SHIT, go rot in hell.

  8. Kibaki seems to have borrowed rantings and wailings from Taabu. Both have become abnormally miserable.

  9. Anon 1:06 AM,

    This thing cuts both ways. Married women should also come forward and confess if all the children in the family were actually sired by the husband, and if not, by who. This is one area where married women have been playing HAVOC with their husbands for far too long.

    Married women, step forward.

  10. Rather than Kibaki trying to fool Kenyans, who already know the truth.

    Kibaki should have been kind enough to shed more light on who is Mary Wambui and who is the father of her daughter, Winnie wa Mwai, why the two enjoyed Presidential security and why Kibaki remained silent as the two women brought to Kenya the Artur brothers and housed the criminals as they went around defecating and defiling our motherland with impunity.

    When these Artur thugs were spirited out of this country (scot free!!!) Kibaki did not appear on TV or even utter a single word, yet he was president of the Republic of Kenya and he had sworn to protect our country!

    It is in bad faith for Kibaki to misuse public resources and officials to help him clean up his domestic filth. He appeared at Tuesday’s Press conference in the company of head of Civil Service, Francis Muthaura, and Commissioner of Police, Maj Gen Mohammed Hussein Ali. Why misuse such senior public officials?

    Kenya currently has had many pressing needs which Kibaki has turned a deaf ear to. His domestic woes are not a matter of public or national concern. And the best he could do is to quietly seek help from elders from Othaya to resolve his marital status.

    This Kibaki fellow is a big piece of shit.

  11. Yesterday, Muite, a senior State Counsel, stood his ground, saying: "I cannot apologise for speaking the truth. Why is the First Family overreacting?"


    Maj Gen Ali should have been sacked on the spot on Tuesday because he watched and did nothing as Lucy committed a crime by threatening to raid the Standard. She even owned up raiding the Nation. Maj Gen Ali should have arrested her and locked her up pending court appearance today morning.

  13. Guest writer aka Guesto,
    how many wives did you say you didn't have?

  14. Paul Muite was just merely repeating what John "the rattlesnake" Michuki had told him.

    Why get annoyed with the messanger? Kibaki and Lucy should be directing their anger towards John "the rattlesnake' Michuki.

  15. By engaging in endless public dramas, Kibaki and his wife only end up looking more foolish and open themselves to public ridicule.

    Kibaki must stand up like a real man and not act stupidly and foolishly under pressure from his “dear wife” Lucy.

  16. Anon 2:02 AM,
    It's time we (men) all declare our love for our one and only wives like kibaki did.
    If we all do, our country will begin to change.

  17. Bill Clinton had been subjected to various allegations of sexual misconduct throughout his political career though only his extramarital sexual relationships with Lewinsky and Flowers have been admitted by him.

    He held a press conference with those infamous words "I did not have sex with that woman" meaning Monica Lewinsky only later to retract those words saying "I did have sex with her"

    All men are bastards!

  18. Anon 2:08 AM,

    You are one of the panua mongrels who a desperately, fraudulently and deceptively trying to divert our attention from this embarrassing Kibaki comedy.

  19. BTW jst 4 records kiunjuri won his case! Jst do ur hmwork kijana!!

  20. I dont see anything wrong with the first family coming clear on Muite's claims, I am actually surprised at some people who are always against everything, Put yourself in the same situation - on a national TV lies about you - you do the honours - clarify n tell ur side of the story, However, first stop threats, when fellow kenyans are hurt they follow due process of the law

  21. can someone post for me some PORN sites here at KK? am kinda bored and need to whack lol!!!!

  22. The way this "little" circus looked like is that Kibaki was arm twisted to this conference and the pose of the Lucy looks like "say anything different to what I told you to, and you'll understand who the one who wears the makende in this family is."

    Poor fellow, Lucy was ready to slap him in public. Are you people sure that she does not SLAP Kibaki around at State House?

  23. This is a great lesson for all men to learn from; Never try to live a double life because the day things will backfire, it will becomes really embarrassing.

  24. Mr Muite has stated that the information, about the alleged reason for the Standard raid was given by Mr John "the rattlesnake" Michuki, who was Security minister when he appeared before the Parliamentary Committee on Administration and Legal Affairs which he chaired.

    Lucy and Kibaki should direct their anger at John "the rattleshake" Michuki. Getting annoyed with Muite is like getting annoyed with the messenger - a pumbavu exercise in futility

  25. Kibaki is an idiot,of all the problems facing Kenyans hunger,IDP's,fuel shortages,police killings,mungiki,official corruption and so on,he feels that his petty domestic squable is the mos urgent of problems that warrants the presence of Muthaura and Gen Ali.KENYANS!We need to do something drastic urgently.Who is ready to join me to evict this coward from SH?

  26. Muite is going nowhere with this kind of naughty games. His political career is over.

    Muite must also remember he still has a criminal fraud case pending in the courts.

  27. Lucy Kibaki: Last night I nearly came to your offices (KTN) to attack you the same way I did to Nation.

  28. Anon 4:35 AM,

    Your diversionary tactics will not help. We realize that this is a very embarrassing and painful time for you and other panua mongrels but these pieces of nonsense are more of what you'll see when you honestly look at yourself in the mirror.

    WEZI nyinyi!! These are just some of the SELF INFLICTED paybacks in terms of embarrassment and pain that you are reaping from your FRAUDULENT, DECEPTIVE and THIEVING nature. Grieve, panua mongrels, grieve you have more that earned this pain and embarrassment - you sowed it yourselves. Once again, shed those tears of pain and embarrassment...

    Anon 3:11 AM is asking for someone to post some porn site urls over here to divert from what must be NOT a very pleasant topic for him ("Kibaki and His Wives: Blame Lies Squarely with Himself and Not Muite or Media")

  29. Read about Men Faking Organisms at Mashada.com and why Kenyan Women though the Most Beautiful are shunned.

  30. All the regular Kibaki asslickers and Kibaki shit gogglers have gone into hiding. No surprise there.

    The few who are here today are very busy trying to divert our attention by throwing in their fraudulent and deceptive panua matope. Mshindwe!! Election thieves!

  31. embarrasing! he should start thinking of stepping down! but, he did give a constitution technically, which Kenyans refused. So its not fair to make that comment

  32. Raila should also come-out of the closet and declare his love for Ida.
    He has been screwing Kikuyu beauties for along time now.

  33. I knew the Kibaki ass lickers and Kibaki shit gobblers would make a fraudulent and deceptive comment, usually Raila this, Raila that... Yaaaaaawwwwnnn.......

    Anon 5:49 AM, is one such Kibaki ass licker and Kibaki shit gobbler. After eating Kibaki's shit he/she comes here and starts burping Raira, Raira, Raira....

  34. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ubTujC3yLk&feature=channel_page

  35. Anon 5:49 AM,

    This post is about Kibaki and His Wives: Blame Lies Squarely with Himself and Not Muite or Media.

    Take your Raila hatred, squeeze it into the smallest ball you can manage and then very quickly stuff it up your ass hole, the further inside the better. Mwizi wewe!

  36. Chris,

    Who posted this as a GUEST. If you know him, tell his to trawl through his post and find that only 20% is true.


  37. Chris,

    You have been complaining that Kibaki rarely make any public speech, yesterday he proved you wrong, he even invited you journalists to ask him any questions!

  38. Who is Njoki Ndungu?

  39. Mavi ya Kuku @ 6:17 AM,

    Mwai "pumbavu" Kibaki should be making more speeches and statements on many more serious issues that face this country that warrant his attention and not his domestic tragic comedies. He can have 1,000,000 wives and that is non of our business. We are not interested.

    Majority of Kenyans today are faced with serious problems and are spending sleepless nights cracking their heads on how to put a meal on the table and pay school fees and meet the rising cost of living. They care less about Kibaki's domestic woes and how many wives he has.

    This election THIEF is nothing but a piece of shit.

  40. Don't look any farther behind Muite is Raila getting at Kibaki, ashindwe.

    On a different note can Kibaki make a single full sentence in English and if not is it symptomatic of his mental state?

    Just a thought, don't eat me please.

  41. At the press conference, did you guys see the way Lucy was looking at Kibaki?

    It was as if to say that if you, Kibaki, do not say WHAT I HAVE TOLD YOU TO SAY utakiona. Many many SLAPS will land on your unpadded cheeks....

    Bwa, bwa, bwa, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha,

    This Kibaki is just a big joke.

  42. Everyone knows that Kibaki has TWO wives: Lucy and Wambui (The PNU activist). Four children with Lucy and Winnie wa Mwai with Wambui (The PNU activist)

    This thing of him telling us outright lies on national television reminds me of the time after he had STOLEN the elections of Dec '07 and then claimed to be the "duly" elected president of Kenya... Phew!! Election thief yeye. Let him stew in pain, torment and embarrassment of his own making.

  43. ODM wants power sharing renegotiated so thatthey can get more positions to steal. This party is just a collection of rapists, arsonists, and murderers.

  44. Where is the first lady of ODM, Madame Passaris?

  45. What you saw yesterday is typical of what goes on in Kyuk households, we know who wear the pants in those families.

  46. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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    Mary Wambui is a Kenyan businesswoman and alleged second wife of Kenyan President Mwai Kibaki. The Wambui family claim that Mwai married Mary in 1972 under Kikuyu customary law and have a daughter, Winnie Wangui Mwai.

    Kibaki, issued an official statement saying that his wife Lucy Kibaki and their children were his only "immediate family". Although officially denied status as a wife, Wambui is provided with all the trappings of a presidential spouse including armed bodyguards and limousines. [1].

    Winnie Wangui was linked to the now notorious 'Artur brothers' both through business & personally. In what is dubbed the Armenian saga, the 'brothers' (Artur Margaryan and Artur Sargasyan), who were also rumoured to be mercenaries, brandished guns at JKIA airport within a "security" zone and threatened to shoot the Customs officer who wanted to check the luggage of their guests. This security breach led to their arrest and culminated in their 'deportation' on June 9 2006. Winnie was suspended from her job as a minor functionary after this incident. [2].

    In an interview with the The Standard written on April 5, 2007, Winnie said that she and Margaryan intended to marry in the future. [3]

    In Kenyan media, Mary Wambui is often described as "NARC-activist". (National Rainbow Coalition), a Kenyan political party.

    At a recent interview with the media in Kenya, Wambui said that she had five children but was reluctant to disclose their names.

  47. Creme de la creme of PNU ..... two nuts side by side.

  48. Lol...@ Anon 11.14
    Sad, but true.

  49. Who??? effing cares!!!!!?
    This is soo stupid and not what a president should call a press conference for, male or female. Ujinga gani huu?? QUIT the DRAMA and BUILD the NATION!!! Iko IDP's etc,wacheni upuzi you SICK couple!! Or else relinquish power and let it be, ah! Ujinga sana cannot believe it, really, as sad as the situation is...everybody has issues- enda court or forget it- do not bring it to me via the media! You are a first family- people will write!! Na maybe, it it even looks like it is true!! Hii kenya haiishi drama na crazy peeps kila pahali? Eiiiishit!


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