Monday, March 09, 2009

Happy Monday

You folks should stop making me laugh. If Ruto and UK were to form an alliance for the next general elections, it would mean that Ruto will actually have to pretend to run for the presidency….if only to remove the benefit of the Kalenjin vote from the ODM axis. The two, Ruto and UK, will never be on the same ticket….too much blood and animosity after the PEV. The leaders may forge unity but the masses will not…..especially if they are still in IDP camps. In fact, the plan is and will always be to have Kalonzo run as president and Uhuru as PM. Ruto will be awarded VP and it will be touted as a peaceful attempt to bring Kenyans together. Everybody in Kenyan knows that UK, after Kibaki, cannot entertain dreams of a presidency via the next general election. The anti-kikuyu sentiments still exist and will definitely become more prominent as the elections near. That’s the sad reality of our tribal politics. It follows therefore that Ruto must be convinced to either run himself or back somebody outside of the Raila/ODM axis. That is the only way Kalonzo stands a chance.

Now, the way things are going, it is seemingly unclear whether Raila will run. We must however not forget that this man is a genius in euphoric politics. He has two choices if he expects to run successfully. One is to make sure Ruto does not wonder too far from ODM. The other is to burst Ruto’s bubble and propagate an alternative Kalenjin chief. The fact is that Raila goes nowhere without the Kalenjin vote and he knows it. He’s safe in the other regions. All he has to do is get into the campaign mode. Some are already saying he’s getting into that mode albeit very cautiously. He has already started distancing himself from Kibaki and the coalition government.

You see, even today, when people complain that the coalition is failing, they are really talking about Kibaki. The constant mention and blame of the ‘two principals’ is loosing flavor. It is essentially just diplomatic speech. The real animosity is still towards Kibaki, a man many perceive as having brought us to this failed state. His defunct leadership is clear to all Kenyans, be they Kikuyu, Luo or Taita. It will be very easy for Raila to de-link himself from Kibaki and indeed the failures of the coalition. That is why it does not help UK and Kalonzo when folk like Michuki go around proclaiming that Kibaki is the paramount chief…even if he really is.

Between now and the next election, Raila must persist in highlighting his difficulties within the coalition in regards to failed expectations. Kenyans are bright but not that bright. Already you’ve seen newspaper articles blaming the diminishing of Raila’s star to the ‘unfair’ arrangement of the coalition. Some have gone as far as calling him a toothless bulldog. What they are in fact saying is that Raila holds the interest of the masses in his heart but is being frustrated by Muthaura and others in PNU. This is a freebie for ODM and they will never let you forget it. They will continue complaining about the unfair balance of power while knowing too well that PNU will never budge. The idea is not and will never be getting more positions. Rather, it is to keep that ‘unfairness factor’ in the public domain for as long as humanly possible. People like to vote for those they ‘agree’ with especially if they think they are being treated unfairly.

For those of you wondering why it has taken over a year for ODM to start the talk of unfairness, well, the 2007 campaign bills must be paid and there’s only one way to do so in Kenya. This applies to both PNU and ODM. Believe me folks; none of these fellows are queuing at Equity Bank for loans to pay for 2007 campaign posters and billboards.

So there you have it. Of course these prophecies are bound to change should one of the sitting ducks be taken out of commission before reaching the pond.


  1. You forget to add that Kalonzo is trying to remain as uncontroversial as possible. He will not utter even one word that seems to lean on one side of the political divide. Many now see him as inconsequential but really it is his game plan. He must never be seen as a dividing factor.

    Uhuru on the other hand will remain a hero to the Kikuyu/GEMA in lieu of lining up the Mungiki defense during the PEV. He will be rewarded with GEMA votes.

    The other part of the plan is to divide the Luhya and Kisii vote. Don’t be surprised to see Jirongo/Musalia for president.

  2. This is precisely the problem with Kenyans. Ukabila tu. Elections are nowhere in the horizon and we are already dividing ourselves by tribe.

    Nobody cares to focus on the delivery of service between now and election time. Instead, we want to know who will take the mantle next time. We don’t even care what those we think will take the mantle will provide for Kenyans.

    Why cant we focus on absolutely new leadership? Out of 40 million Kenyans there must be somebody with new ideas.

  3. Aii, can't imagine kalonzo as president. When he chickens out of making decisions for fear of being perceived to be siding with anyone, then we are indeed asking for trouble. What ith the MKM pulling him this way, and btukufu moi pulling him the other way.

  4. The fall-out between Ruto and Raila is now more than certain. However it’s still too early to predict the possible alliances. Remember at one time Kalooser was leading in the opinion polls and looked like the original ODM’s choice but when alliances shifted within ODM he slid down and on the crucial day he only had 8%. In the new UK project if he decides to stand he might fall out with either Kalonzo or Ruto. If offers the top post to one of them he will have the other one leave with his bloc of voters and loose some his his bloc to Karua or Saitoti. Then there is the possible Western Alliance. It is too early.
    However, I wish one young, fresh, incorruptible Kenyan with great ideas could be identified by us right-thinking Kenyans (regardless of tribe) and supported through grassroots mobilization and legal fund raising to save us from the whole bunch of crooks claiming to own Kenya. We need fresh blood and the time to start acting is now. Otherwise we are doomed.

  5. Kalamari, just a brief one before I reply your post, you should now be confirming some details I made here and I dont know if you are one of the guys who TOLD ME OFF!

    If you are not, remember what I said, that we shall remain in a system of politically engineered tribal cocoons for a tuime being. TRIBE, I said. Hakuna democrasia baba!

    Well, your post not only has the core of current political tittle-tattle, but it only shows what will happen.

    Lets assume what me and you hear are rumours. Lets assume the Kalenjin bloc decide that they hack their 'own horse'. I know they might do it for horse-trading at supper's table, what will remain of the Luhya community if Raila as a Luo uses their backing, flops and they refuse to accept his team?

    What if as it has been said in a reply post that Musalia or Jirongo galvanises the Luhya block, and stand away from Raila's shadows.

    What if Balala decides, as it is being said (to back a youthful leader!).

    You know, I know, and Vikii knows that Martha Wangari Karua cannot stop Muigai Kenyatta in Kikuyu land. It will be a country mile difference if they decide to run for the province's backing.

    I will get back to you in a few minutes.


  6. Folks kenya is a gone case. The time to redeem kenya was 2002. The whole country was united as never seen before.Only comparable with the uhuru 60s.
    However kibaki and his mafia bungled that goodwill. Since then we have been rolling downhill and the velocity almost reached its peak in dec'2007. Its busy catching up and we haven't seen nothing yet. When we eventually land deep into the valley the crush will be so violent we will be ashamed to call ourselves kenyans. Time ticks!!

  7. Kalamari,

    A rather balanced commentary devoid of the usual veiled ethnic insinuations.

    In politics like in war, individuals tend to be more pragmatic than we normally give them credit for. Think JJ Kamotho, he was the quintessential Kenyan political survivor and most of the time he swam against the current.

    The realgiments that will happen remind me of Sun Tzu Art of War where he says:
    " Asked if an army can be made to imitate the shuai-jan, I should answer, Yes. For the men of Wu (read Ruto) and the men of Yueh (read UMK) are enemies; yet if they are crossing a river in the same boat and are caught by a storm, they will come to each other's assistance just as the left hand helps the right"

    Anything is possible. This "pragmatism" with our politicians is what we should be angry with. However, arent politicians a reflection of the society that breeds them?

  8. To ODMERS,

    Between a rock and a hard place. When one tells you that you made a mistake, accept it. I told you on the day of the signing of the ACCORD that Raila lost the plot. He lost it BIG TIME.

    That was the worst political mistake someone ever does.

    HUNGER and THIRST of power corrputs. Now, he is neither in the government, or out of it. He is criticising the same government he SWORE to defend.

    I think (ME) it was better off with an opposition than a COALITION. It is painful that the man behaves like a political novice. Who told him to abandon the opposition if he felt he still needed to criticise the government?

    I hope this is the last GRAND COALITION we are going to see. I now accept that POWER CORRUPTS!

  9. Your analysis is intelligent, quite well informed and reflects the reality on the ground.
    I was in Taita hills last weekend and i was very surprised when an ODM councillor of all people actually told me, without any solicitation or prompting, that they are waiting for the Kalonzo/Uhuru/Ruto alliance to take shape and they will jump in.
    The only issue you got wrong is on the reliability of the Luhya vote as even in 2007, while the Luo and Kalenjin gave Raila 98% and 90% of their votes respectively, Luhyas could only manage 65%, while 35% went to Kibaki, and this at a time when Western province was supposed to be overwhelming ODM. What is the reliability of the same vote when Raila will be the underdog?

  10. We need to come up with a bullet-proof plan.

    The plan is to identify a group of people (new, untainted and willing to sign an MOU with Kenyans and assure us on service delivery, taxation of MPs, end to corruption, reforms, end to money laundering, tribalism etc).

    The way to go is to have a grassroots mobilization in each division in Kenya with at least 20 members (with a careful mix of youthfulness and gender) People must sign-up selflessly. Right from mashinani people must get involved. The plan must be a bottoms-up approach. Get the civil society, university students, women's groups all onboard. Get the workers union on board, these will have each a representative in parliament when power shifts. The thing is under the current constitution we can use the nominating numbers to cater for these. You see all these pressure groups can all be co-opted into leadership. A careful mix of gender and age (youthfulness) is required.

    The bottoms up approach is to have these people develop the agenda at the local level. Hold barazas and fora to discus solutions to problems and national politics. Its also a venue to educate the masses on how the ruling class has used them for a very long time.

    Simultaneously, we need to rally the middle class and the diaspora community in this direction. Their role is to offer resources (contributions Obama style) and be opinion leaders. They need to use their influence to rally their people towards a common purpose (which is ridding Kenya of the politicians they have).

    The next problem will be in identifying the people to spearhead this campaign. Firstly it must to an individual decision. Even Obama decided he will do this thing on his own and then consulted his close allies. The person with aspiration to lead Kenya whether he comes from Kenya or the diaspora must be prepared to go through one of the greatest tests of his or her time. You see the political establishment once rattled will join hands to scuttle this effort. We are talking about individuals who can kill to preserve the status quo. So, as a precondition the person who seeks to liberate Kenya must be prepared for the worse including even his own life and that of his family. But approached differently, we can again outsmart those old evil folks back there. The way to do this is firstly, select a group of people (a mix of Kenyans in Kenya and in the diaspora), we can shoot for 42 (with women representation and youths) people to represent each and every community in Kenya. The process of scouting for these individuals should be identified and a criterion chosen on how to back one for the presidency and his/her running mate. Then use the power of blogging, media, foreign missions to let word spread out. Next is having security for these people. They need to be put on a 24-7 alert.

    So, with a network of diaspora Kenyans, middle class Kenyans and grassroots movement, I think we can overun the evil establishment.

    Again my two cents. Obviously this is just a sketch plan but if thought out well it could work.

    Since the

  11. Searest, these voteless diasoporian you keep talking about, does it mean we cannot breathe without you - we have to consult you first like Kenya depends on you?!

  12. Searest, I support the idea. As you say it is just a draft. So please bloggers give suggestions for improvement.

  13. Wakoli Bifwoli WILL be the next president of Kenya!!! You can take that to the bank!

    If Wakoli don't win, I will kill myself.

  14. What if Martha Karua completed an all around about turn? You wake up tomorrow and she’s supporting Uhuru. Now what? I think the beneficiary will be Kalonzo because that is a guaranteed 100% GEMA vote knowing that UK has no choice but to back him. Ruto’s job will remain ambushing or splitting the Kalenjin vote as Kalonzo takes the flag to Machakos. Mchezo kwisha.
    It is in the best interest of ODM to make sure UK and Kalonzo become enemies kabisa sana.

  15. Martha Karua may join Raila. Its a possiblity.

  16. Deroo-
    Even Karua herself knows she’s going nowhere. Her current theatrics are only meant to position herself closer to the head table in waiting for the cake cutting ceremony in 2012. Plus she wants the title of ‘former presidential candidate’ and what it has done for Ngilu.
    It is no secret that the accord was the sunset for Raila. The man is now too tired, physically that is. He may be coming to the honest realization that Kenya must move on without him. If you look closely, you will notice he’s pulling some strings for his son to take over in his grassroots. I think he’s reached his height in politics and now sees hope in the younger generation. The man has done his time and he deserves respect.

    Marisela –
    If the Wu and the Yueh help each other from drowning, then Kenya will have reached some sort of maturity.

  17. The mayor of London and other 93 UK politicians want people who having been living in UK illegally for more than 5 years granted amnesty.
    This will benefit kenyans living UK illegally greatly.




  19. anon 1:51 PM

    Ruto and Uhuru are murderers period...
    one controls the mungiki the other controls the kale warriors.. who carried out murders in 2007 and Jan 2008.

    kenyans can never accept to be ruled by murderers! Ruto and Uhuru can have their Union in their graves the same ones that the send the innocent kenyans they murdered.

  20. "These voteless diasporans" will one day liberate that country. Its not a question of you breathing without us, its a question of how Kenya will be liberated. And BTW one day we will not be voteless!

  21. anon1:51 PM

    Hey most Kenyans already are aware that Uhuru Kenyatta and Ruto are murderers- just because they didn't use their hands to SLAUGHTER kenyans but we all know they paid the murderers to kill innocent kenyans.




  23. Also, the reason I keep insisting on diasporans is because I know the passion with which some of us have for a thriving Kenya. By saying that I don't mean we don't have passionate Kenyans in Kenya, I want an approach that is all inclusive. Believe me, done solely in Kenya this movement will hit a snag.

  24. anon1:58 PM

    Just because Kenyatta never was questioned for killing Tom Mboya doesn't mean Uhuru Kenyatta will get away from his Mungiki murderers that he keeps using when he want's

    I understand the Oscar guy has some tapes of meetings Uhuru had with the Mungiki captains when he handed them money to go and kill innocent Kenyans in Nakuru and Naivasha... Kibaki's name was mentioned when the money was being exchanged that he would give the mungiki thugs police escort.

    Now the truth is coming out slowly. Uhuru and Ruto are both thugs they ordered the deaths of innocent Kenyans they must face Hague or the law of the jungle- be hanged like Saddam Husein

  25. anon2:03 PM

    You are sure behind news. the silent movement with the help of diaspora and kenyans on ground is growing strong as we speak .. 800,000 already recruited kenyans between 19-40 this started last year in April.. where have you been...
    a leader will be named shortly.. who even Raila or Uhuru, Ruto and Karua will not be able to compete with.we are still recruiting and fund raising and this time we have to be very strong all around kenya and make sure nobody is killed


    only the serious kenyans and who want change are aware what is really in the works. the rest just domo or post abuses while seating in the safe heaven of their homes abroad or in upper muthiaga or is it Karen?? let it be known a change will come and soon.

  26. anon2:00 PM

    I support your sentiments as a Kenyans I can't see Kenyans allowing Ruto or Uhuru in Statehouse.

    That will be the day Kenya will Burn to the ashes -

    No ordinary Kenyan will sit back and allow murderers of innocent kenyans UHURU KENYATTA AND RUTO take office***** never never ever *** it will not happen over most kenyans dead bodies******

  27. Uhuru and Ruto will form an alliance , while Martha Would probably join Raila since she wont have any chance running alone! We Kenyans should reject all of them,and never again should allow coalition governance, Narc failed, ODM and PNU are even worse since in each ministry we have Minister who is ODM and asistant who is of PNU and vice versa. So instead of focusing on the development of kenya,they will compete with eachother and fight eachother in the same Government,as we are seeing!

  28. Anon2:05 PM you said:

    I understand the Oscar guy has some tapes of meetings Uhuru had with the Mungiki captains when he handed them money to go and kill innocent Kenyans in Nakuru and Naivasha

    My reaction:
    You seem to UNDERSTAND alot about many things. What you probably dont understand is how typical a romour monger you are. If such tapes existed, Hassan Omar Hassan of KHRC would have released them like he did the Kiirinya tape.

    This post started very positively and there are positive contributions being passed here but this rumour mongers need to stop. While I cannot defend Uhuru or Ruto or Kibaki or Raila, I say lets rise one more level in our humanity and discuss issues without dragging each other down. In case you didnt notice it's a happy monday.
    Better even when during the weekend Kenya whipped Fiji. Thats a small mercy in a world full of siasa mbaya.

  29. Moi will make sure Kalonzo/Uhuru/Ruto alliance come to effect.

  30. Moi will make sure Kalonzo/Uhuru/Ruto alliance come to effect.

  31. Kalamari,

    This post is an undisguised and a shameless attempt at applying for a job in PM Molasses Raila's office through Kumekucha. It is a letdown coming from you. You have always appeared to be an enlightened Luo who stands above the stone throwing wretched mobs. But wapi, today you remove your pretenses and Raila worshipping worms come crawling out of your mouth.

    I understand Raila only employs relatives and mistresses but stil I don't see why you can't try your and apply directly. You might want a tip: Be sure to indicate your Luoness (Raila worship) in the application.

  32. Bwana Kalamari, you say Raila is safe in other regions outside RV. I hope you are not counting Coast where Raila has stolen their squatters land. And in North Eastern, something is happening there too; they seem to have moved on from the make-belief salvation of ODM. Just a reminder - most of the Kenyans have moved on from the Raila anti-Kukuyu lunancy. So, don't count on it to mobilise the votes outside of Luoland.

  33. Kuni akijuu aone mwenzake motoni, anujua kwamba yeye ndiyo anafuata. Lo! Ruto said..."Raila is unelectable..." that was during the shambolic, family run ODM nominations. Now, he wants to run himself, lakini...SCANDALS, MURDER ET AL...

    ODM DOMO...Oscar had which tapes. This is why Raila does not win presidential campaigns and will never rule Kenya. Now, he is jumping to the murder stories to milk SYMPATHY (as usual) from someone's ill-fortune. By the way, how does he order the Police Commish to work with the FBI and he is not the appointing authority? Supervisor usurping powers!

    Tell him to sort out the mess in ODM (Kalenjin) a place that gave him votes and he has never visited to thank before rushing to a death scene to castigate the government.

    As usual, he wants people to see that he is not part of an unpopular government, yet he does not want to resign. Let him go and stay where he belongs - OPPOSITION. As for Kajwang and there supporters here, 4.5 million Kenyans who voted for Kibaki cannot be wrong and are never wrong at all.

    See you kesho...Kazi iendelee...tena


  34. Searest,
    You could say that again. Declaring yourself Diaspora in this site provokes extreme hatred and jealous.
    You are OK as long as you don't mention you live abroad.
    Just ask Sam Okello or Kwale, they have faced constant harrasment and extreme hatred because they happen to live abroad. Notably from Taabu, Phil and UXrlnc who were probably denied visa. UXrlnc particulary is EVIL!
    I too live in diaspora and would never dream of returning to Kenya. I live very comfortably in a peaceful country.
    In Kenya you can dream but your dream ends there. Abroad you can become whatever you wish.

  35. anon2:45 PM
    (the Uhuru mouth piece on here, shame on you and i pity you.

    I'm glad you are running scared.. you wish they are rumors regarding the tapes.. sorry pal facts are facts
    go tell Uhuru Kenyatta and goons his days are numbered all the innocent kenyans that he ordered murdered are not resting. I'm glad that some kenyans while at these meetings had the brains to tape Uhuru. I guess they were making sure they had something to protect them later(even then they were still wrong to carry out Uhuru Kenyatta's orders..

    My friend remember Hassan Omar Hassan of KHRC didn't released the tapes even when Kenya was burning and until recently and look what happened to the activists who had carried and hidden the tapes for this long?? murdered in broad daylight by the PNU government which has everything to hide (Big mistake original tapes are already at the UN head office:):)time is ticking for people like Uhuru who are very desperate now..

    go tell your friend Uhuru he is wasting his time. he can continue ordering murderers but he will be answering to his crimes against innocent kenyans soon.. even his fathers stolen millions won't help him:)

  36. 3/9/09 3:34 PM

    Your uhuru and kibaki murderers and cronies are running scared?? where is Kibaki?? how come we haven't heard him condemning the murder of the activists??? opps... he ordered them killed right??

    Shenzi sana . Kibaki and his cronies will soon die like dogs. mark my words Kenyans will teach them a lesson even Saddam Husein was lucky he got a chance to be hanged this kibaki and cronies will be fed to the wild dogs who a running around the country hungry..


  37. what is new?

    Kenyans know who murdered the activists and Kenyan know who ordered the deaths of innocent kenyans in December 2007 and January2008.

    Police were ordered to shoot and kill kenyans by Kibaki

    Mungiki were paid to Kill other tribes by Uhuru Kenyatta, Martha Karua, Saitoti, Michuki, Karume, kabodo wa kabodo, Njenga and cronies!!

    Lets get facts straight kenyans haven't forgotten.

  38. anon 2:45 PM

    Listen if you support Uhuru Kenyatta and Ruto both Murderers then say so and keep supporting them - but don't try and swipe the truth under the carpet it will not wash

    The tapes are real, I'm happy someone was clever enough to tape meetings where people were being paid to go out and kill others.

    my question to you is tell Uhuru to dispute this and lets see what he says when the tapes are aired and his voice booms out? I hear even one tape has him live taking that is the beauty of cell phones and transferring the images to a tape or youtube-Maybe that is what the people with the tapes should do post it all on youtube and let Kenyans see it or hear the murderers voice.

  39. Kalamari, you could not have been more spot on!

    and just ODM kenyans dont accuse me of bias, wacha tuweke gazeti yao

  40. Marisela said:
    The realgiments that will happen remind me of Sun Tzu Art of War where he says:
    " Asked if an army can be made to imitate the shuai-jan, I should answer, Yes. For the men of Wu (read Ruto) and the men of Yueh (read UMK) are enemies; yet if they are crossing a river in the same boat and are caught by a storm, they will come to each other's assistance just as the left hand helps the right"

    A union of foxes is about to be formed

  41. anon3:39 PM

    You are one misplaced fool maybe why you are comfortable is all the stolen loot by your PNU cronies from kenyans tax payers.. nothing to show off about or write home..

    or you must be wiping white asses..
    true kenyans are proud to be Kenyans and would like to remove from power the thieving thug Kibaki and his murderous cronies.

    yes the Kenya we loved has been taken over by thieves, murderers called the PNU former Narc thugs who executed more than 2000 mungiki youths then and during elections more than 3000 innocent citizen- and what do they say?? who is counting.

    or maybe you have bleached yourself trying to pass as white..
    I live abroad too and no matter what Kenyan is my home-if only the thugs and murderers are removed most kenyans I know would return home

  42. anon4:13 PM

    you guys are such fools
    like kenyans don't know why the story of Uhuru and Ruto was run??

    let me remind you why!


    Sorry kenyans ain't stupid and i didn't expect danda heads on kumekucha to take up the rubbish when we all know they newspapers which are controlled by Daily nation(Mt kenya mafia) and Standard by the Rift valley Mafia

    I'm so happy that even my cousins in the village called me and told me that most kenyans know what the government and murderers are trying to hide or remove from the main news


  43. daily NATION AND standard newspaper controlled by the Kenya elite
    trying to cover up the murders of Activists last week??


    Because they know who did it.



  44. anon4:26 PM

    Hey come to think of it you just might be right, seems like both papers have gone blank after first reporting of the activists murderers?

    why is that??

    then they print a shady story of Ruto and Uhuru alliances?
    to me it doesn't make sense

    there is fear or hidden agenda to protect the government after the murders

  45. Why should Uhuru or Ruto have a duo of clerks killed. Ruto and Uhuru play in a different league. They can mass whole provinces, like Ruto did for Raila Odinga in 2007. Please, stop running scared. AFOOL AND HIS LOOT ARE SOON PARTING....

  46. Anon you say:
    Sorry kenyans ain't stupid and i didn't expect danda heads on kumekucha to take up the rubbish when we all know they newspapers which are controlled by Daily nation(Mt kenya mafia) and Standard by the Rift valley Mafia

    I ask?
    When will you stop this victimhood nonesense. Kila saa tunaoonewa! So which media does Nyanza and Kibera mafia conrol?

  47. Kenyans read!! read!!! read!!! the truth and facts!!!who murdered innocent kenyans after Decembers 2007 elections.

    Here is the Police whistle blowers statement on who ordered the police to murderer kenyans- remember the tape is with the International courts(UN) so Kibaki and Cronies have no let to stand on they are Murderers.

  48. anon4:31 PM

    Yes my friend the league of Murderers and thieves. we as kenyans know that . hey tell it to this policeman who they used to kill innocent kenyans wewe blind sana I guess that is why Kibaki calls some of you mpumbavu mavi ya kikuyu- if that is the mentality and the brians you have, pole(by supporting him and his cronies blindly even when he executes your mungiki youths.

    ask this cop - opps he is dead too killed by your cronies in the government,

    4:31 PM

  49. anon4:34 PM

    did you go to college?? can you read?? or just copy and past??

    take time read this facts.
    when you support murderers you are definitely the same birds of the same fathers.

    The question is, who wanted these guys dead? Someone in high places was pulling the strings and Michuki cannot get away from this one the buck stops with Emilio Kibaki the murderer. Period!
    I advise you to inform him his days are numbered.

  50. Kalamari,

    If Luos want ever to ascend to the presidency they should present any other Luo but Raila. He called the Kikuyus "kabila adui," and promised tears to the Merus if he become president. Those are not the words of a statesman but of a thug. Not even Dictator Moi, during the darkest days, could be that hateful as to categorize a whole community as an enemy tribe.

    It is time he retired with the little public honour he has or else his butts are destined to the opposition benches come 2012. Hopefully, the Luos will not follow this delusional man to the opposition. The Luos have suffered enough for the Odinga family as if other Luo women do not produce leaders who can take them to the promised land.

  51. The Kalenjin leaders have a point. Raila took the juicy part of the half-loaf to the Luos. He cheated the communities who voted for him. The Luos got the PM, the Health, the Lands, the Manpower Development, and the Immigration. And then all the other parastal openings have gone to Raila's relatives and girlfriends. Then as if that was not enough, in ODM the three key positions belong to the Luos - The all powerful party leader, the Secretary General and the majority whip in parliament. The Kalenjins and other communities are saying enough is enough.

  52. Kalamari, do you not know, in your thick head, that nothing is permanent in politics? Just a shigfting of alliances. Thus, there is no 'permanent' 'hate/love etc' between ruto and uhuru- it sure wasn't in kibaki/raila's cases. It is pol-i-ticks; a usual conflict of interests,not friendships. Understand that.

  53. The kiuks have said they will back uk and the kalenjins have said they will back ruto. We know none of them has any real chance so of course this is an attempt to consolidate the tribal constituency. Actually rao is the originator of this kind of politics in post kanu kenya so I guess he will not be complaining. And i think kenya will be ruled this way for a very long time to come. Diasporans: we dont hate you. We just think after moving to europe and north america you have completely forgoten how kenya works. You cannot engage in presidential politics in kenya without a strong tribal constituency.period.

  54. Diasporans jst continue dreaming! We shal jst shape our own destiny papa hapa! N even if u donate 2 us obama I promise we shal not vote 4 him!!

  55. Kalamari,

    This is what you said in regard to how Raila should manage Ruto in readiness for 2012, "One is to make sure Ruto does not wonder too far from ODM. The other is to burst Ruto’s bubble and propagate an alternative Kalenjin chief." How is Raila going to accomplish either of the two goals you have set out for him? The problem with all Luo worshippers of Raila is that they forget that other Kenyan communities are not Raila's automatons.

    With respect to the first goal of stopping Ruto from wandering far, what rope is he going to use to tether him and to which pole? He gave him a plum ministry of Agriculture and it didn't work. He then acquesced to creating a deputy party leader position for him and it didn't work either. So, tell me, what else is left to offer unless he decides to share Ida with him and that is also not a sure bet?

    Secondly, you say he should propagate an alternative Kalenjin chief. How? Kalenjins are not Luos to be told to drop their trousers and drop them. In Luoland, Raila could lock out Orengo and Ny'ongo until they knelt and licked his bottom. In the whole of Kenya, that type of messsianic hold on a people by a fellow human being is only found and practised in Luo Nyanza. So, stop applying Luo political theories and practices to other communities.

    To be honest with you, Ruto has his pliers tightened on Raila's political balls. It is up to Ruto to yunk those balls or to leave them in peace; Raila can only plead for mercy or retire in humiliation.

  56. It is time Luos took their threat seriously and quit the govt. If they feel they have been mistreated and denied "their conjugal rights," they should just do what real men do without involving Kofi Annan in their perennial cries of victimhood.

    If they are men enough, let them quit. The lest of Kenya will straighten them out just as they did back in 1966 when Oginga Odinga led them out out of govt. Even Moi ruled for 10 years without a Luo minister and the sun rose in the East and set in the West.

    The so called great legal mind of Orengo negotiated for NARA and their messiah Raila signed and now they are saying they were cheated. What kind of men are these? They can quit and join their Acholi brothers under Joseph Kony in the jungles of Congo, and Kenya will function without them just as Uganda functions without the Acholi.

    There comes a time when a nation says enough is enough of this DOMO DOMO victimhood cries from supposedly grown-up men!!!!!!

  57. I still insist diaporans are academic dwarfs who got an opporunity to go and flip burgers during the day and clean muzungu butts at night. The only thing you know is how to use computers. Any blond pereson from the village would learn how to use a comp and surf the net in a week max!!!!!! and of course flip burgers. You have nothing to offer Kenya, traitors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  58. From many comments here I can see why it can be hard to bring the change we want in Kenya.

    It seems most of the bloggers are putting most of their efforts in political arguements that really are not of any help, and that's why they will rub off statements similar to that of sureast.

    I would wish that we stop arguing on such politics but we start looking forward to build Kenya. I don't see why someone, at this time, should abuse another for not supporting Raila while the other is abusing that someone for not supporting Ruto or Uhuru. We are all aware that we lack leadership in the current politicians and that's why we should ignore all our political elites and look ahead to build Kenya we want, initiated by common Wananchi like us.

    It's time we should start talking about what we need in order to build our future devoid of hatred caused by our soft spots towards some current politicians.

    I'll not stand in politics but I'm ready to sacrifice my own resources to assist any Kenyan, but not the current politicians, of high integrity etc who through his/her past and policy, we will be able to see someone with passion to bring the change we want for the sake of improving political, economic and social welfare of the people of Kenya.

    Philip the visitor.

  59. and by the way, why should some people bring arguements full of hatred and hide behind "anonymous". Is this cowardice?

    I believe these are people that need to be taught how we can all come together and improve Kenya. We all have power within us and if we come together we will all be surprise with our collective potential to improve Kenya beyond even our expectation.

    Philip the visitor.

  60. as much as the two thugs UK & Maize Thug Ruto have signed a pact or alliance and it holds upto the next general election, then that means the two communities will united and no bloodshed will occur...

  61. The uk/ruto talk appears to be everywhere in kenyan blogosphere. in jukwaa the commenters there seem to believe that rao can prevail in kaleoland without ruto. we know rao did well in the last election mainly because he managed to convince other tribes that kiuks were eating alone. now kaleos have stated it and it is everywhere for whoever cares to listen: the half a loaf that odm got only went to luos. so how are luos different from kiuks?! the tribes that were mobilised to stop kiuk eating have calmed down and are saying maybe luo eating would even surpass kiuk eating.

    And am not even saying rao is doing anything wrong. this is the reality of african politics: you have to rule with your people otherwise as moi discovered in late 70s early 80s: utanyoroswa. The only problem is that rao managed to convince the rest of us (other tribes) that things could be different. He is being judged on the standard he set for himself.

  62. Anon 12:17 AM, I would rather wash Mzungu butts and flip burgers than work in an office in Nairobi or even become an MP. Life is too cheap in Kenya.

  63. Anon @ 03/10/09; 12:47AM

    Thank God, if UK and Ruto were to unite there would be no bloodshed because Lunatic Molasses Raila would not have a chance of telling the Kalenjins to kill "kabila adui yetu" Kikuyus. Also, we would have proper majimbo instead of the one (ya ukabila) designed by Raila and his worshippers. I tell you, if we we were to de-commission Raila politically, then Kenya would never witness a repeat of the bloodshed of August 1982 and that of Jan-Feb 2008. So let us hope the proposed unity among Kalonzo, UK and Ruto comes to pass.

  64. Anon 03/10/09, 12:55AM

    Even a Luo architect told Raila to his face the other day that most of the positions Raila had for Nyanza have gone to Raila's relatives.

    This is a man who has not just cheated the communities who voted for him but has also short-changed his own tribesmen. If he has managed to betray so many in just a year, what if he was made a president for 5 years. Now I understand why the Merus panicked when he promised them tears if he worn the presidency.

  65. And while betraying others and causing chaos in the country, Raila has found time to steal squatters' land in Malindi. You ask for an insatiable thug, and I will show you one clothed as our PM.

  66. Yes the uk/ruto proposed pact could mean we will not have to dread dec 2012/jan 2013. what a farce: the guys we wanted to send to hague will guranteee us peace!

  67. I have no comment except to confess my love for politics.

    Oh sorry, and to say a big wassup to my very dear and objective friends; Chris, taabu and Phil. you guys have been missing in action, haven't you? I am sure it is coz of some very unavoidable circumstances, no?

  68. ....and there goes the "anonymous"es with hatred politics/arguements instead of thinking of how we can build Kenya for ourselves and the future generation.

    Ask yourself, "if I abuse Ruto/Uhuru/Raila/Kibaki/Karua/Kalonzo.." in the comfortable confines of my home, through this blog, of what benefit will it be to the people of Kenya and myself?

    I propose that Kumekucha should occassionally, maybe weekly or fortnightly, bring a topic where we can contrubute how we can build Kenya through we Kenyans, and not only politicians, proposing ideas and the means of their implementation, that will improve our beloved country.

    Kiptoo: Yes, I killed Kikuyus thinking through this my life will improve.

    Kamau: Yes, I went ahead to kill Luos thinking through this my life will change for better.

    Otieno: Yes, I destroyed propoerties thinking through this my life will become better.

    Kiptoo: ... and now we have started arguing the way we did before 2007 election.

    Kamau: Yes, we have started arguing again.

    Otieno: ...and abusing each other like before.

    Kiptoo: Then we will start killing each other once again...

    Kamau: ... and at the end of the day we will lost our properties and loved ones...

    Otieno: ... I lost a loved one myself...

    Kiptoo: ... in other words we will be worse than we were before we started fighting.

    Kamau: So why are we wasting time arguing about the same politics. Should we join hands together?

    Kiptoo: We should Kamau. We should Otieno.

    Otieno: Yes, lets forget them and make a new and better way for us and by us.

    Philip the visitor.

  69. Phil has made a long post in jukwaa on this. He seems to have retreated home where everyone has the same opinion.

  70. Philip said...
    and by the way, why should some people bring arguements full of hatred and hide behind "anonymous". Is this cowardice?

    Our Comment:

    As to why many prefer to hide behind "anonymous" it is rather simple. It is because they are not MEN and WOMEN enough. They are pigmies in the words of Diogenes who cried aloud,

    "Hear me, men ; " and, when a crowd collected around him, he
    said scornfully : " I called for men, not pygmies."

    Secondly, Kenya at this moment, requires MEN and WOMEN who can DARE. And, what it means to dare, can be illustrated by the story of Horatius. It is said that:

    When the consul shouted that the bridge was tottering,Lartius and Herminius sought safety in flight.

    But Horatius strode still nearer the foe, the single champion of his country and liberty, and dared the ninety thousand to come on.

    Dead stillness fell upon the Tuscans, so astonished were they at the audacity of the Roman.

    He first broke the awful silence, so deep that his clear,strong voice could be heard by thousands in both armies, between which rolled the Tiber, as he denounced
    the baseness and perfidy of the invaders.

    Not until his words were drowned by the loud crash of fiercely
    disrupturing timbers, and the sullen splash of the dark
    river, did his enemies hurl their showers of arrows and

    Then, dexterously warding off the missiles with his shield, he plunged into the Tiber. Although
    stabbed in the hip by a Tuscan spear which lamed him for life, he swam in safety to Rome.

  71. UK is not necessarily the first person GEMAs would choose. Bear in mind how he used to be represented on redykulass. That satire reminds you that he is seen as not serious by alot of GEMAs.

    Anyway this shouldnt be about tribe, I do not think there will be another Kyuk president for sometime which will be a good thing if anti0kyuk sentiments are stopped. Besides for 24 years we had a kalenjin so its not like GEMA people arent used to it. The candidate fielded should be someone who is a statesman, not a tribalist, this ukabila nonsense is getting boring, deal with it we are from different tribes but the one uniting factor is that we are Kenyan.

    I def agree that ODM is playing the unfairness factor and milking it for all its worth, because Kenyans are completely ignorant.

    How is the underperformance of Raila because of 'frustrations from PNU'? Arent they both frustrating each other first of all?

    ODM are cowards, hiding behind even more lies that at election time, and Kenyans are foolish to think that anything good will come out of a government that is lining individuals pockets.

  72. mwarangethe, there is a very thin line between daringness and stupidity.

  73. Mwarang'ethe & Philip,

    Please, focus on the points being raised by the anonymous(es) and not on the monikers, otherwise you are being petty like any other throwers of e-stones.

    Regarding that Roman mythology you are telling us, you might want to remember that there is a difference between being daring and being a dare-devil; between being brave and being foolhardy. Even Horatius had to escape to the safety of Rome when the spear stab brought him back to his senses.

  74. If it wasn't that many innocent lives are being wasted, opportunities lost and a generation bastardised this whole kenyan politicking would actually be very funny.
    The Uhuru Ruto alliance has nothing to do with a better kenya for you and me. Most of the people comfortable with the two are tribal meatheads probaly having some relative finacial stability and not seriously affected by the pain majority of kenyans are going thru. Kenya is a failed state thats spiralling headfirst into an abyss, but some people are still getting erections because their tribesmen are about to ascend to the highest office. Listening to people castigate RAO about his political ambitions one would get the impression the accusers themselves have no interest in the post but alas the main reason RAO is hated so is that he has dared to challege them and he stands a very good chance against their prefered goons. If he was the obviously fool/crook they try to make him out to be then they would ignore him. the fact that so much vitrol is directed towards him proves the point. He had the guts to point out a gema conspiracy to take over kenya. Where other cowards like Kalooser were only happy to ignore if only they personaly got a slice of the pie. The whole gema scheme was premised on a fasle belief that kenyans would never goto war and that brutal force would allow a few to eat while others watched and a few who noticed will be given a run around at the courts which they made sure they 'purged.' wanjiku constitution summarily edited to actually give the president more was a major plot but it obviously underestimated the kenya people. that was done at a time when there was still some semblance of trust now kenya is on a war footing and still there is evidence that mischief is still the being mooted...I fear for kenya.

    Sir Alex

  75. Blogger Vikii said...

    I have no comment except to confess my love for politics.

    Oh sorry, and to say a big wassup to my very dear and objective friends; Chris, taabu and Phil. you guys have been missing in action, haven't you? I am sure it is coz of some very unavoidable circumstances, no?

    Which unavoidable circumstances?

    Mimi niko salama salmin.

    Wembe ni ule ule ulio wanyoa kwa kura iliopita.

    Soon, very soon, you will see the situation more clearly. Right now, it is pointless to react to funeral hecklers. Your love for politics I hope has also make you a keen observer. Usifuate upepo.

    PS. I didnt you realise you missed me that much. Tuko pamoja.

  76. Sir Alex,

    We would happily ignore "RAO" if he wasn't a thug and a thief of squatters' land in Malindi.

  77. @ Sir Alex,

    Please go ahead to tell everyone, even those who know, since I see that majority of us still don't understand that we are taking ourselves back to where we left the act, scene 30/12/2007 and 29/1/2008.

    I don't want to play the role of an educated inciter. I'll prefer that this scene is kept in National Archive to collect dusts, while we come together to choose a leader based on his qualities etc.

    Whoever will support Raila/Ruto/Uhuru/Kalonzo/Karua/Jirongo/Saitoti please stand up, and tell us why you support him/her. If you are not supporting any then why abuse one and leave the other, should you abuse all of them? I chose to ignore all of them and to think of how we can support a new leader who is....... you all know.

  78. Kalamari must be smiling to see 79 comments on this post. He rarely gets even 20 comments.

  79. Anonymous said:

    Regarding that Roman mythology you are telling us, you might want to remember that there is a difference between being daring and being a dare-devil; between being brave and being foolhardy. Even Horatius had to escape to the safety of Rome when the spear stab brought him back to his senses.

    Our response:

    All we are saying is this. It is only those who DARE, can change the world. We can cite some more examples:

    Example 1.

    Look at that simple shepherd-lad, David, fresh from his flocks, marching unattended and unarmed, save with his shepherd's staff and sling, to confront the colossal
    Goliath with his massive armor. Simply, this is the sublimest audacity the world has ever seen.

    Any Kenyan like that?

    Example 2

    John Fitch.

    He wanted to build a steam boat. No one believed that was possible. He would say: " You and I will not live to see the day,but the time will come when the steamboat will be preferred to all other modes of conveyance, when steamboats
    will ascend the Western rivers from New Orleans to Wheeling, and when steamboats will cross the ocean. Johnny Fitch will be forgotten, but other men will
    carry out his ideas and grow rich and great upon them."

    With everyone thinking he was a mad man, at noon, August 4, 1807, a crowd of curious people gathered at the wharves of the Hudson river. They had gathered to witness what they considered a ridiculous failure of a crank who promised to sail people on his steam boat up the Hudson river.

    To the crowds, it was impossible for a vessel sail against the current without sails. Some said, this thing will bust, others said, it will burn, others, people will drown.

    Nobody present, in all probability, ever heard of a boat going by steam. It was the opinion of everybody that the man who had fooled away his money and his time on the Clermont was little better
    than an idiot, and ought to be in an insane asylum.

    But the passengers get on board, the plank is pulled in, and the steam is turned on. The walking beam moves slowly up and down, and the Clermont floats out into
    the river.

    " It can never go up stream," the spectators said. But it did go up stream, and the boy, who in his
    youth said there is nothing impossible, had scored a great triumph, and had given to the world the first steamboat that had any practical value.

    So, anyone who still doubts the need to DARE in Kenya at the moment?

  80. My problem phil is that whilst i would wish look the truth in th eye and face it eve if it proves that RAO is a thug, I find blanket dismisal suspicious. The way we argue is worrying. at one point in time during the PEV the mungiki were the heros for standing up for the kikuyu now the same kikuyus want them dead, it is a self serving illusion to imagime that mungiki will support Uhuru when he has not stood by them when they are being killed....someone will just have to remind them that and he is tost....he only finaced them to kill kales and protect himself...this culture of use and discard is what is hurting kenya and creating a culture of grabbing, nobody is perfect, this guy we are all looking for needs to answer a few basic questions, like where has she/he been? RAO has proved himself if we so readily dismiss the likes of RAO on properganda who will get the courage to fight for us, we must at some point show all strted with ignoring the mau mau we sold our soul and it is becoming a kenya identity to use and discard no wonder when the politicians get to power they grab and run. We as kenyans need political maturity there is so much RAO bashing its shamefull yet he holds this whole thing together. even Ruto would insinuate that RAO sponsored a motion to censure him, if that is true then it shows the guy is working. kenya is no place to come out with guns blazzing if your to sort it out. There has to be some compromise some supping with the devil...the rot is too deep any rude methods ends up throwing the baby and the bath water. Let as challenge our leaders instead of hounding them, they are in office and are not leaving soon, lets not force them into corners that only makes them dangerous. Honestly RAO has tried and has made sarcrifices what is emerging is that it will take more than one man and that means u and I should identify the few good guys and support them..

    Sir Alex

  81. Sir Alex at 4:01AM, I agree with your comment. You said:

    "At one point in time during the PEV the mungiki were the "heroes" for "standing up for the kikuyu" - whatever that means - by murdering Kalenjins, Luos and Luhyas at Naivasha and Nakuru. Now the very same kikuyus want them dead"

    "Raila Amolo Odinga, the object of their hatred, has proved himself so many times. If we so readily dismiss the likes of RAO on PROPAGANDA, DISTORTIONS, HALF TRUTHS and OUTRIGHT LIES who will get the courage to fight for us? We must at some point show gratitude....

    This use and dump and lack of appreciation all started with BETRAYAL of the mau mau by the Kikuyu "elite" and homeguards e.g John "the rattlesnake" Michuki at independence in 1963.

    We sold our souls and it is becoming a kenyan identity to use and discard. No wonder when the politicians get to power they grab and run and discard us.

    We as kenyans need political maturity there is so much RAO bashing its shameful yet he holds this whole thing together. Kenya is no place to come out with guns blazing if you are to sort it out.

    There has to be some compromise some supping with the devil...the rot is too deep any rude methods ends up throwing the baby and the bath water.

    Let us challenge our leaders instead of hounding them, they are in office and are not leaving soon, lets not force them into corners that only makes them dangerous. Honestly, RAO has tried more than most and has made many personal sacrifices for the sake of Kenya." Kenyans being the dimwits that they are and blinded by irrational hatred, ridiculous tribalism, malice and self hatred will instead hurl all manner of insults at him as they blindly support and cheer their REAL ENEMIES. Right now George "Goldenberg" Saitoti is the leader of PNU and a potential presidential candidate... How ridiculous can things be? How low have we sank? Too low!!

    Sir Alex, I sometimes think that we Kenyans really hate ourselves so much to do the things that we do to ourselves - I am talking about SELF HATRED here.

    Because I Know they are coming, welcome all you Railaphobics and your vitriol. Puke as much as you can.

  82. If you Raila worshippers think that Kenyans will reward Raila's thuggery with presidency, you are all lost. That is is the day there will be a real civil. He is a genocidal character. He promised the Meru people tears if he became president. We are not going to wait for him to visit tears upon us. No. We are wiser after PEV violence which he instigated.

    Raila needs to retire peacefully and let men of peace and morally upright like Kalonzo to take us to the next level.

  83. You diaspora haters. Why don't you just let us live our "miserable" lives. You loath us and think you are better than us yet you spew so much garbage on this blog.

    We as diaporans have a role to play and we surely will.

  84. sereast

    there is no need to engage on some of the trivia posted by some anons

    your 11:41 comment is good you will find many like minded working in that direction for some of the issues you mention

  85. Searest, careful with UrXlnc. He is a pretender and hypocrite. He is a diasporan hater who feel inferior and jealous about other people especially those in diaspora.

  86. UrXlnc,
    You pissed a lot of people in this site by your hatred towards Kwale for no other reason than jealous caused by inferiority complex. We saw you choke in your hatred because Kwale happened to live in Diaspora. Don't think we don't take notes of what people write here. You saw kwale as a threat to you but let me tell you, I have known kwale for more than 10 years while living in London and you cannot match his intelligence or affluence. How many Kenyans including RAO can afford to attend at least 3 Formula One Grand Prix in a year? Currently he is working in Kuwait as EU expatriate and I cannot wait for his home leave in summer.

    Its not our fault we ended up in Diaspora but count it as a blessing we have Diasporians or else we all be competing for the little jobs we have in Kenya.

  87. I am writing this post to prod people's conscience on this forum. I have read here how people wanted to see Ruto dead, ot taken to Hague. I read Patrick and Kofia mbaya say that they are ready contribute money to have him "done" for "his" part in the PEV.

    Yet, Ruto seems to have cleansed himself from these the sins of PEV by the alleged alliance building with UK? So was his sins the PEV or was it supporting Raira? From the silence from his critics in dchief on this forum, the later is true!

    To Kikuyus, if you support us, you are a saint, but if you are against us you are a villian till you die. Ain't the height of hypocracy? When Ruto was against the Kikuyu interests he was a devel till his death! Today because he is talking to Uhuru, no one wants to call him names! People of Kenya have long to go!

    Kikuyus please just look back at yourselves and tell us what has changed in Ruto that you now consider him a saint! Do you people have any conscience? Aren't you all hypocites? Not even serowa who keeps quoting the bible and Dr. Mile Munroe! Where are your conscience people of Kenya?

  88. 2:09 PM

    my friend you are asking the wrong people to look at their conscience - hey their own youths were executed by Kibaki and cronies?? did you hear them scream murder?? see the activists murder last week? did you hear any central province protests??

    Kikuyu's only worship money.. death to them is nothing this are the same tribe that commit incest full force...

    The only thing remaining is for the rest of kenya to keep them in Central Lesotho and stop them killing innocent kenyans and looting the government dry..

    na mambo bado

  89. who are the greatest murderers in Kenya since independence ?? Kikuyu's

    Kenyatta and Kibaki carry the gold cup for murderers of innocent kenyans and we thought Moi was bad??? naaaaah. Kenyatta and Kibak. Kenyatta is dead Kibaki and Uhuru should be hanged.. period!@!

  90. You are sure behind news. the silent movement with the help of diaspora and kenyans on ground is growing strong as we speak .. 800,000 already recruited kenyans between 19-40 this started last year in April.. where have you been...
    a leader will be named shortly.. who even Raila or Uhuru, Ruto and Karua will not be able to compete with.we are still recruiting and fund raising and this time we have to be very strong all around kenya and make sure nobody is killed


    only the serious kenyans and who want change are aware what is really in the works. the rest just domo or post abuses while seating in the safe heaven of their homes abroad or in upper muthiaga or is it Karen?? let it be known a change will come and soon.

  91. UK ameuzia Ruto shamba ya babake ya Gicheha ..Deal sealed ndoa ya Raila na Ruto imevunjika na Kanu inaendelea kuongoza kenya

  92. Mwarengethe,

    what the hell are you talking about? Surely if you are educated you would know that the david-goliath story is a legend. Basically it never happened, just like similar stories about samson and lwanda magere. Since this a military story, tell me in which military book/academy it is taught to be emulated. Do you have a straight anwswer apart from your usual circular rubbish?

  93. Of course that raila herd is scared of an uhuru, Ruto, kalonzo alliance. It is not impossible as the word impossible is unknown in kenyan politics. I would vote for any alliance that keeps that molasses thief away from state house.

  94. Go help me! Everytime I see the name "UrXlnc" I feel murder!
    I really hate this black matako! He like fooling people around he is 'nice' but this is a dirty most like uncirmucised LUO hypocrite.
    Stinking asshole!

    Wangui wa Kabete.

  95. Why all the fuss if Ruto Uhuru alliance is no threat? truth is let the ballot decide why didnt you complain when waweru ngethe presented his papers to vie in 2007 general elections?

  96. African political analysis is v. intelligent. Why aren't the leaders the same? Get your act together!!!

  97. Wakenya kudharau diasporans ni kama kudharau mama anaojisacrifice aliko ili kuleta chakula na mali nyumbani, your biggest forex earner right now kama hukujua. Kuwadharau ni the trademark knee-jerk kenyan reaction of seeking ways to divide yourselves further instead of working with each other, working with disaporans who may very well end up saving you once you have landed yourselves in the wars-of-no-return. Usiume mkono unaonkusaidia wajinga ninyi! Stupid!


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