Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Then… It Got Really Ugly

Also published in the last few hours: The Fallacy of Two Principals

Fresh from his sweet victory in defeating the censure motion against him, Agriculture minister William Ruto seems to be on the offensive.

Ruto spent the weekend saying that Kofi Anan should hand over the list of suspects to the Hague and the suspects should all be tried there. Ruto’s name is without doubt on that list. So why is Ruto suddenly such a big fan of the Hague option? What games is he playing?

Actually the truth is that the political class is getting real nervous about an idea for trying post election violence suspects that is rapidly gaining currency. This is the one of setting up a UN-run-court in a neighbouring country similar to what was done to try the Rwanda genocide suspects in Arusha, Tanzania. Such a move would mean that perpetrators of violence will face justice much quicker than earlier expected. Naturally this does not go down well with Ruto who has big ambitions for 2012 and is hoping that he can get elected president (or Prime Minister at the very least) before he stands trial. Hence his big campaign to ride on the public popularity for the idea of trying the suspects at the Hague.

Do you suspect your spouse is cheati9ng on you? Well, you can easily find out for sure by recovering deleted sms messages on their cell phones. Hehehehehehehe.

It is also clear that Ruto is getting increasingly irritated with Martha Karua breathing down his neck and making things rather difficult for him and he has decided that it is now time to hit back. Using his errand boy and a man whom he helped make a killing from the NCPB maize scandal, Cyrus Jirongo, Ruto has revealed a number of things about Karua to the public. Jirongo has come out to confirm what Ruto has been saying and Karua has been denying. Namely the fact that the two have met several times to discuss politics and specifically 2012. But what is the point of this current circus? It seems the idea is to paint Karua in poor light as a desperate political novice in the high stakes game of going for the presidency. And somebody who has got a personal grudge against Ruto. Secondly it is assumed that by keeping Martha busy putting out small fires, she will stay out of the way long enough for Ruto and company to execute their game plan for the next few months.

Actually what has now began is a bare-knuckles-no-holds-barred fight for the presidency of Kenya. This can be noted from the fact that unlike before when both protagonists were not referring to each other by name, now names are being mentioned and specific direct attacks being made.

William Ruto has never been more confident in his life, more so after his stunning parliamentary victory last week.

Let’s see what unfolds in the next few weeks, however I would like to remind you to keep your eyes on those 3 gentlemen I mentioned. Ruto, Uhuru Kenyatta and Bonny Khalwale. Anybody doing this will be able to read the politics of the day very accurately indeed.


  1. Jirongo confirmed that they had met but had not discussed 2012. My understanding was that Ruto lied about 2012 to deflect the focus from maize which was the issue being discussed.

  2. Kibaki has no problem with Raila. The people close to him engineered by Nick Wanjohi and Gichangi of NSIS are working to ensure that the landgrabber uhuru kenyatta becomes next president to ensure the continuity of the house of Mumbi. What I know is that even if God became president and that God is a kikuyu - there will be blood shed.
    By the way forget about the partisan religious leaders and their useless hollow comments. Who does not know which side they are supporting? Ask cardinal njue and archbishop okoth. Serving the same Pope but have different political parties!!

  3. If you have been following the news this week, no doubt you saw a woman being harassed on TV for protesting against the maize scandal outside parliament at great risk to herself.

    She has written down her experience at the link below. Her courage is inspirational and reminds us not to bury our head in the sand and to wake up and see the rot that is all around us. If we remain silent, it will bury us and we’ll be no better than those leaders who have turned out to be a millstone around our necks.


  4. Chris is a wife beater!

  5. CHRIS,

    why dont you get it?? we don't want to talk of empty domo domo siasa....we want solutions of issues like hunger and IDP' please desist from promoting your political heroes by giving them too much coverage..focus on people or politicians if you must who are doing something. otherwise you are beginning to sound rather empty and out of ideas...

    i bet next you quote Mutahi...and next raila and next Kibaki...kenya is bigger than these individuals silly!!!

  6. Remember the words of an Anglican Bishop: " What comes out when a thief runs after a thief?" Nothing!

    Then there is Kiraitu who maintains that a tribe has to protect its politicians against attacks from outsiders.

    Is a Kenyan who is fighting corruption an outsider, mr Kiraitu? Slow down! Your days are numbered.

    Young Kenyans must unite to fight all tribal thiefs who think they are bringing progress in to their tribes.

    Otherwise we have no reason to call ourselves Kenyans.

  7. Ruto is not an angel but to link him with the post-election violence is to miss a point by a wide margin. Can any blogger on this website stand in a court of law and testify against Ruto? If yes, can s/he give a blow by blow account of the ministers actions during that period? Did Ruto command any group? I was home when the election results were announced in favour of a loser: that's what sparked the reactions and I can't recall Ruto communicating to any of the aggrieved voters in the many villages from the north to south,to the east. What will he be charged for in the Hague or a local tribunal?

    Kwani when one reacts to the stealing of cattle, the raider turns against the aggrieved party, takes him to court then jail with state support? Worse still, find a scapegoat and harass him? This has never happened but bring this court thing on!

  8. How can we make clear to Kenyans that tribal politics is dangerous? We approaching the fate of Somali or Rwanda.

    The only way to come out of this mess is to have a new constituition.

    The new constitution should state clear that:

    1) A minister will be a non-politician. He or She will be a professional in the field of his appointment. The appointment will be effected only after getting a green light from the parliament AND the civil groups.

    2) A minister will be assisted by 2permanent secretaries who will be hired and are non-civil servants. Ratification through Parliament and Civil groups.

    3) A minister will be hired for 5 years ONLY, second and final appointment ONLY on condition that NO corruption, nepotism, all other crimes have been done. Minister must leave office after vote of No confidence from parliament AND/OR civil groups has come up.

    4) an MP will have 2 terms ONLY. Parliament and civil groups can force the MP to resign by airing vote of no confidence. After that NO by-election. His party will elect the next candidate to replace him. (Thus no waste of funds, no beaurocracy, no waste of time).

    5)The salary of an MP shall not exceed ten times the salary of a P1teacher (with 5yrs experience).

    4)The salary of an MP shall not exceed ten times the salary of a P1teacher (with 5yrs experience).
    The salary of a minister

    5) No regional parties will be allowed to participate in general elections, even if the form alliances. ONLY parties with at least 25% from any 5 Provinces will be termed National Parties and therefore allowed to sit in a Kenyan Parliament. E.g. Members of Ford Kenya(Luhya), DP(Kikuyu), Narc-Kenya (Mt. Kenya), Ford-People(Kisii), ODM Kenya (Kamba),etc should NOT be allowed to sit in a National Parliament. Every party has to have a national outfit.

    6)The provinces should get provincial parliaments to take care of provincial development. Such parties named above can do alot to improve the living standard of the provinces.

    Kenya must get clean leaders free from tribal support. We have to move on as a united nation.

  9. Corrected Version

    How can we make clear to Kenyans that tribal politics is dangerous? We approaching the fate of Somali or Rwanda.

    The only way to come out of this mess is to have a new constituition.

    The new constitution should state clear that:

    1) A minister will be a non-politician. He or She will be a professional in the field of his appointment. The appointment will be effected only after getting a green light from the parliament AND the civil groups.

    2) A minister will be assisted by 2permanent secretaries who will be hired and are non-civil servants. Ratification through Parliament and Civil groups.

    3) A minister will be hired for 5 years ONLY, second and final appointment ONLY on condition that NO corruption, nepotism, all other crimes have been done. Minister must leave office after vote of No confidence from parliament AND/OR civil groups has come up.

    4) an MP will have 2 terms ONLY. Parliament and civil groups can force the MP to resign by airing vote of no confidence. After that NO by-election. His party will elect the next candidate to replace him. (Thus no waste of funds, no beaurocracy, no waste of time).

    5)The salary of an MP shall not exceed ten times the salary of a P1teacher (with 5yrs experience).

    6)The salary of a minister shall not exceed fifteen times the salary of a P1 teacher (with 5yrs experience).

    7) No regional parties will be allowed to participate in general elections, even if they form prior alliances. ONLY parties with at least 25% from any 5 Provinces will be termed National Parties and therefore allowed to sit in a Kenyan Parliament. The constituencies will be represented by nominated members ONLY

    E.g. Members of Ford Kenya(Luhya), DP(Kikuyu), Narc-Kenya (Mt. Kenya), Ford-People(Kisii), ODM Kenya (Kamba),etc should NOT be allowed to sit in a National Parliament. Every party has to have a national outfit.

    8)The provinces should get provincial parliaments to take care of provincial development. Such parties named above can do alot to improve the living standard of the provinces.

    Kenya must get clean leaders free from tribal support. We have to move on as a united nation.

    The West is shaking, this is our turn to develop. Let's not waste time. We can make, Im confident.

    Mulaki Arum Tidi

  10. World-renowned geneticist concluded that Africans are intellectually inferior.
    Dr. Watson, said that he's "inherently gloomy about the prospect of Africa" because "all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours--whereas all the testing says not really." He went on, to say that "people who have to deal with black employees is not true", Africans are plain stupid!!

  11. Raila is Kibaki puppet, where is Phil?

  12. Kumekucha, you know how we rely on you for the hidden stories behind the pages... I've been waiting for your take on the Cecil Miller whose mainly quoted qualification is that of having served with the 77year-old retired SA judge Justice Kreigler. SA is not that perfect when it comes to electoral matters, those who don't know should just visit how they abuse with impunity the various electoral laws that they have eg. the arrogant ANC Youth League President whose mouth is allergic to anything and everything that is legal

    Back on Miller, Kenyans should reexamine how he (and his firm) handled the liquidation of Post Bank Credit. Worse was during the Goldenberg Inquiry and before that. Is that the type of people we expect to lead our electoral body?

    No local media, Nation, Standard you name them would like to carry any comments pointing on these failures. On the day he was announced as the head by the PSC, all comments posted on their websites bringing forth the issues of assault on his wife were rejected and every 'commentator' went ahead to pimp him as the 'Obama of Kenya' shame on the media...


  13. Kenya belongs to Kikuyus, Merus, Embus and Kambas only! Luos and Kalenjins can go to hell!

  14. Chris:

    The way Ruto is behaving regarding his "victory" in parliament will definitely lead him to choke on his political mucus. The funny bit is that it is the Kalenjins who will be cheering on him as he self-destructs.

    The game in Kenya is always worn by those who in the eyes of the majority appear harmless - the Moi and Kibaki types. The harmless type waiting in the wings is Kalonzo Musyoka. Watch that Mwana wa Kibeti very closely.

  15. As sure as the sun rises in the East, Raila will not be the next president of the Republic of Kenya. You can take that to the bank. The moment he called some communities "kabila adui yetu" his political fate was sealed. Also, his reluctance to help settle IDPs has been noted with deep resentment.

    As for Ruto, he making the right choices behind the scenes. The noises he is making about IDPs are the right sounds. If he plays that card well, many Kikuyus will forgive him. In fact, some opinion leaders in the GEMA are beginning to play down the role of Ruto in PEV in the RV - the talk is that he was really pushed/incited to do what he did by Raila. I wouldn't be surprised if when the Tribunal time comes, some of the witnesses coming to defense of Ruto will be Kikuyus. His attacking Karua is also going down very well with these leaders (Remember Karua is seen as planted by Raila). In fact Karua may be going out of Justice soon and a Kalonzo's choice replacing her - most likely Mutula Kilonzo. Don't say you heard from me.

  16. Ruto is one bad son of a gun, the only reason he suggests the Hague is because he knows by the time the case is admissible to the ICC he will be dead or in hiding.

    In other words, the case is inadmissible as it stands, looking at the countries with cases at the ICC, it tends to be countries who have had civil wars. Putting this case in can set a dangerous precedent, and so it will be difficult for the prosecutor too justify this case unless the precedent is favourable to the principles of international law

  17. That Ruto wants suspect of PEV tried at the Hague does NOT suprise me! Why? Because of the state of justice in Kenya or is it lack of it?!
    Saying that Ruto was involved in PEV is not my call. Because I have no evidence to ascertain this charge. But I have some evidence about what I am about to state.
    Asking the parliament to vote for a Local tribunal is a none brainer! How do you expect any iota of fairness to the suspects if Kenyan MPs and Ruto's accusers can't see even the simpler things like identifying ministers and their responsibilities? Was Ruto guilty one maize scandal? Or was this motion of censure meant to get him for his alleged participation/involvement in the PEV?
    That maize went AWOL is not the issue. The issue here is from where and who was/is responsible? Was the maize lost from NCPB or from Strategic Grain Reserve?
    Our MPs did not understand the difference bwtween the 2. I bet even most of readers here don't know that the 2 are different and fall under different Ministries. It is my understanding that maize was sold. And it was lost from SGR that falls under Ministry of Special Programmes under OP's jurisdiction! Suprised? NO.
    Then if SGR in under OP! Why in God's earth should Ruto carry the burden for Dr. Naomi Shaaban? And President?
    Why? If the loud mouth Dr. Khalwale had done just little due deligence and checked which ministry SGR falls under, then he would have charge Ruto with the correct allegation!
    Quote Kibaki... even rigging needs brains (1988 mlolongo). Khalwale would benefit from this mantra.
    If these people can't get this simple thing then how do you expect them to understand the PEV tribunal issues that are so intricated and complex! Let's talk about the Hague people. I rest my case.

  18. Sometimes it is difficult to understand kk. Ati jirongo is working for ruto. I guess some how that is why jirongo voted against ruto and has called him a liar.

  19. ave been reading this blog for a minute but would love to share another blog that i think needs to be hightlighted...i live in the states and follow the news in KE by reading this blog and now this one...please do check it out...

  20. Ruto is innocent, and man of the year. All teh way to prezo, yes! However blind kumekucha is to the real culprits and love to blame you, destiny just delivered you victory. Na endelea mbele, leave the un-cut rail in the dirt and get the throne.Do not hook up with kikuyus cos no one wants to be associated with them anymore, but themselves. We need smart unled pple like you there, period. Go ruto- and I am kikuyu.


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