Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Monday, February 23, 2009

Kibaki and Raila: Political Conmen Leading Kenya To Hell

Also posted a few hours ago: Then.. it got really ugly


The Saturday Nation has a good story about the appointment letter Prime Minister Raila Odinga signed for his job. Only few men would be so willing to display their letters of appointment – and a good majority of the male flock lock them up in a safe custody where their wives have no access.

But in our beloved Kenya, anything that doesn’t include creating jobs for the youth, providing food for the hungry, offering visionary political leadership, creating and distributing wealth to all regions in Kenya, fulfilling campaign pledges, being corruption free, not stealing maize for hungry Kenyans etc is possible. For now, all Kenyans of goodwill have to stop looking for ways we can all uplift and develop our country and focus on the letter Raila signed with Kibaki. Fate has made us peg our precious lives on the two conmen.

The letter could have been leaked by either side (Kibaki’s or Raila’s) with intention of projecting themselves in better light and mud-slinging the other party. After reading the story, my opinion was the letter exposed both Kibaki and Raila in good and bad light on 50/50 basis.

The letter could have been leaked by Raila’s aides (with his blessings) to “prove” to his fast decreasing supporters that he is gagged and hence he can’t play the role he knows best – criticizing the Govt even the one he serves. If letter was leaked by Raila’s aides, intention could be to earn him some public mileage in his falling political star.

He recently revisited his pet lies that his life was in danger. This time threat did not come from “assassins” shooting seven bullets on ONE SPOT of windscreen of his car cruising from Garissa to Nairobi at over 100km/p, but from “terrorists” wanting to blow up PM’s plane. I have lost count number of times Raila has went public saying his life is in danger. Which stupid terrorist would want a third-rate PM from a humble country like ours? Terrorists are people with a clear big missions. And I highly doubt Raila fall under their mission. But the police dossier (which was in Raila’s favour) could have achieved what Raila, through his aides, wanted – military helicopters for the PM. A PM should not use those misfit aircrafts at Wilson while Kibaki uses military choppers. Aren’t they “equal” partners in the Grand Coalition Government? So, the law says.

On the other hand, if Kibaki’s aides unleashed the Raila appointment to Saturday Nation, they were trying to fix Raila by showing he has all the executive powers he needs and he should squarely be blamed for the Government’s poor performance. Furthermore his job is that of a very powerful PM and the law expects him to formulate and enforce the implementation of all Cabinet decisions. So, Kibaki can come out clean and say, I seceded a big chunk of executive powers to the PM and he should take blame for any mess.

Knowing Raila’s chameleon politics, Kibaki outsmarted his “equal” partner. Kibaki’s letter to Raila says: “Outside these close government circles, you must, at all times, support the policies of the government both in public and in private.” As long as Raila signed the document, he can’t jump from a burning ship and blame Kibaki. Both of them are in it.

If you read the Saturday Nation story and look at it from both Kibaki’s and Raila’s angles, you will see how both can use the document to throw mud at each other or score political mileage. However, Kibaki’s, not Raila, political career is not at stake on or before 2012. Kibaki is on his way out and he cares little about the problems he has blindly led us into. Unlike period between 2002 and 2007 when all sins both real and imaginary (including somebody fighting with wife) were squarely blamed on Kibaki, under the current arrangement, both Kibaki and Raila are in same cage. But Kibaki doesn’t care as he’ll go home 2012.

As long as Raila agreed to be duped by Kibaki to drop his quest for a “stolen” presidency and agreed to sign a conmanship PM deal, he has no business whining all the time. On paper, Kibaki and Raila are “equal” partners. But in reality, Kibaki calls the shots. If they are “equal” partners, why did Raila swear an oath to Kibaki and accept a letter of appointment written and signed by Kibaki? Why didn’t Kibaki swear to Raila? Kibaki’s letter says: “I have no doubt that you will do your best to discharge your duties diligently and wholeheartedly for the benefit of the people of Kenya.” Why not other way round where Kibaki’s letter being drafted and signed by Raila or both having their letters signed by a neutral authority?

Apart from RECOMMENDING ODM ministers to cabinet, how comes all ministers swore to Kibaki as President and no mention of Raila or his PM post? How comes all ministers received letters of appointment signed by Kibaki and not Raila and no mention of PM in their letters? Raila’s role is JUST WATCHING as ministers swear to the dinosaur that is Kibaki. If they are “equal” partners, how comes Raila is only one who RECOMMENDS to Kibaki and not other way round? Why is it only one partner (Kibaki) who can call, chair or dissolve the cabinet?

In his protocol tussle with the VP, how comes Raila waits alongside Kalonzo and other dignitaries for Kibaki to arrive at every public functions? Why not other way round Kibaki waiting for Raila to arrive in other functions or arriving same time?

Who between Kibaki and Raila holds key to real power? Can Raila dissolve Cabinet or even sack a minister? What if Raila RECOMMENDS sacking of his own ODM minister and Kibaki rejects it? What if Kibaki fires an ODM minister and use state machinery under his firm control to enforce his move? What can Raila do? Can Raila sack an ODM (leave alone PNU) minister. He can only recommend in respect to ODM only! Can Raila appoint a Chief Justice and judges?

Can Raila sign any law passed by Parliament? Wasn’t he humiliated by Kibaki the other day when he received a memorandum from media owners protesting about a new law that had been passed in Parliament? Raila was gleaning on TVs assuring them the “Government” would look into their grievances and that he would present their memo to Kibaki for consideration. In an open show of contempt, Kibaki signed the law three days later! It had not dawned on Raila that the law on signing of laws passed by parliament was not amended and the president did not need to consult the PM.

If Kibaki and Raila are “equal” partners, how comes Kibaki’s salary is clearly set out in the constitution and Raila cannot use his own executive powers to determine his own salary and all he can do is whine in secret leaks to the media and in public that he wants a salary at par with his “equal” partner? How comes we have not heard Kibaki demanding to be paid the PM’s “higher” salary?

How comes it is only one partner who has the key of the vehicle (Kenya as a country and overall executive powers) and the other “equal” partner cannot drive it and the only thing he can keep doing is to keep RECOMMENDING to the other, “please drive we go”? Kibaki’s letter says: “Neither are you at liberty to announce major policy decisions without having to put the matter in question before the Cabinet.” But Kibaki can make all manner of roadside declarations, like Moi perfected, including making a village a province, if he likes, without consulting PM, Cabinet or PM. Maybe, he can consult Lucy Kibaki to make Othaya Kenya’s ninth province.

How comes Raila depends on Kibaki to provide him with security and not vice versa? We all see it. Whenever Kibaki is in same function with Raila, Kibaki’s guards are fully in charge and Raila is reduced to level of other dignitaries. Why do the bodyguards of Raila coil their tails and fight for space with the crowd?

If Kibaki drops dead today, what does the constitution say? Does it even mention the PM in any role after death of President? It says the current VP takes over. Raila’s and Kalonzo’s public gimmicks to be next to Kibaki are a result of bloated ego and signs of inferiority complex. It’s only Raila (not his “equal” partner Kibaki) who struggles to be next to Kibaki. Why that if both “equal”? Shouldn’t we be seeing a drama of Kalonzo jostling with Kibaki to be next to Raila and to invite Raila to speak last?

If Kibaki dies today, Kalonzo would automatically take charge as a caretaker president for three months before fresh polls are held. Kibaki’s death would bring an automatic death to the Accord he signed with Raila. Hence, Raila needs Kibaki alive to keep his job! But VP who would be in office then would be the sole beneficiary of Kibaki’s death as he would assume power and there would be no deal with a PM. Raila would then find himself jobless and he would most likely stay in the cold for three months trying to endear himself to his disillusioned supporters (if at all he still has their grip today) before a General Election is called by the interim president.

Bearing in mind Kibaki would not be a candidate, the political landscape we saw in 2007 (which favoured Raila and I believe he deserved it) would shift and Raila would have an uphill task marshalling the frenzied support he got in 2007. In fact, a big majority who voted for Raila were doing so in protest against Kibaki but not their love for Raila. Raila was the only strong DUME capable of flooring Kibaki and that is why we saw all sorts of characters of divergent political (criminals included) and ethnic backgrounds gang up in ODM to defeat Kibaki and his PNU.

On the other way round, a big majority who voted for Kibaki did not do so because they loved him. They did so due to the Raila Odinga presidency fear phobia that Moi put in Kenyan minds. Raila is regarded by some Kenyans, GEMA in particular, as a big threat to their survival. We saw all sorts of thieves and tribal political chiefs gang up behind Kibaki to secure the unfinished culture of eating and guarantee their seats in Parliament (and possible plum cabinet posts).

Kibaki out of the way, even in 2012, Raila will have the biggest test of his political career. Unless Kibaki openly backs him in 2012. Can Kibaki for once shelve his selfishness? I doubt.

But if Raila dies today, Kibaki would hold a state funeral for him and shed crocodile tears of how he had lost a brother! Afterwards, he would appoint a new PM from Raila’s ODM and he remains in office till his term ends in 2012. None of the other ODM heavyweight as Raila’s political muscle and Kibaki would have even an easier ride. If mighty Raila failed to shake Kibaki (apart from “sharing power to save Kenya”, the Mudavadis, Rutos, Henry Kosgeys, Balalas of this world would dance to Kibaki’s tune while wiping Kibaki’s shoes with their tongues.

The “executive powers” Raila “shared” with Kibaki are just an illusion and Raila was so hungry for power to see the con trap Kibaki had placed on him. In fact, the PM should thank his stars Kibaki wants to have title of president and cares little about running Kenya. If Kibaki and Moi were to swap places in the current arrangement, Raila would find himself dancing to a different tune. Moi would frustrate him and make his work a nightmare. This thing works because Kibaki wants it to work. Raila is Kibaki’s hostage.

It is, therefore, too late and pointless for Raila and his aides to keep whining over spilt milk. Raila has two choices – move out of Govt to force it collapse and or stay inside, shut up and fly in the same smelly oil with his “equal” partner.

The article is not intended to ridicule Raila and please Kibaki’s henchmen but the bitter reality. I have never been in support of this Grand Coalition (42 ministers, a PM, a VP and President!) as it does not fulfill my interest and desires and that of the majority of Kenyans. It only serves the pockets and egos of Kibaki, Raila and their equally greedy friends. Since both camps claimed there was theft of presidential votes, the best thing would have been to conduct fresh polls or one takes one for 2.5 years and the rest finishes. You can’t have two husbands sharing one wife and expect all will be well.

The Kibaki-Raila Govt will be another wasted five years. Time for Kibaki and Raila and their foot soldiers to go to Hague and leave us to charge destiny of our beloved country is now.


  1. Corrected Version

    How can we make clear to Kenyans that tribal politics is dangerous? We approaching the fate of Somali or Rwanda.

    The only way to come out of this mess is to have a new constituition.

    The new constitution should state clear that:

    1) A minister will be a non-politician. He or She will be a professional in the field of his appointment. The appointment will be effected only after getting a green light from the parliament AND the civil groups.

    2) A minister will be assisted by 2permanent secretaries who will be hired and are non-civil servants. Ratification through Parliament and Civil groups.

    3) A minister will be hired for 5 years ONLY, second and final appointment ONLY on condition that NO corruption, nepotism, all other crimes have been done. Minister must leave office after vote of No confidence from parliament AND/OR civil groups has come up.

    4) an MP will have 2 terms ONLY. Parliament and civil groups can force the MP to resign by airing vote of no confidence. After that NO by-election. His party will elect the next candidate to replace him. (Thus no waste of funds, no beaurocracy, no waste of time).

    5)The salary of an MP shall not exceed ten times the salary of a P1teacher (with 5yrs experience).

    6)The salary of a minister shall not exceed fifteen times the salary of a P1 teacher (with 5yrs experience).

    7) No regional parties will be allowed to participate in general elections, even if they form prior alliances. ONLY parties with at least 25% from any 5 Provinces will be termed National Parties and therefore allowed to sit in a Kenyan Parliament. The constituencies will be represented by nominated members ONLY

    E.g. Members of Ford Kenya(Luhya), DP(Kikuyu), Narc-Kenya (Mt. Kenya), Ford-People(Kisii), ODM Kenya (Kamba),etc should NOT be allowed to sit in a National Parliament. Every party has to have a national outfit.

    8)The provinces should get provincial parliaments to take care of provincial development. Such parties named above can do alot to improve the living standard of the provinces.

    Kenya must get clean leaders free from tribal support. We have to move on as a united nation.

    The West is shaking, this is our turn to develop. Let's not waste time. We can make, Im confident.


  2. Your letter is too long.
    Raila if you didn't know is Kibaki flower girl and will be like that for the next 4 years.
    Pole sana if you are a Raila supporter. your leader only wanted a taste of power and gratefully got the motorcades and trips abroad. so he is not interested with these hungry beggars.

  3. Guest writer,
    Thank you for attempting to put things in perspective. But I think the piece serves only satisfy egos and my view is that you have picked what appears on the surface without looking deeper in other words the situation we have here is not as linear as you want to make it look like. If we have more people thinking in your way am sorry we shall be in our way back to violence we witnessed early 2008. The truth is that when the GcG was created there were no systems/structures to support two power centers and therefore a compromise had to be found. I know am not supposed to be telling you this, but for people who sets pace of political tempo have changed their eyes trained on bringing change while the mafia are busy gagging Raila, these folks are at an advanced level strengthening legislature as an institution you may want look what has happened in the last couple of weeks in parliament and see who is panicking.

  4. We jaluos the only hope we got is Raila. He promised us rent free houses and 100 shillings every month. He promised he will confiscate Kikuyu owned businesses and distribute them to us. If raila never becomes president we will never see this. Our only hope is Raila Amollo Odinga!

  5. come on Chris, none other than Nation themselves have clarified that Raila signed no such letter, so this article is too late even if it was meant to be a propaganda piece.

    You Raila haters are getting desperate now.

  6. Wow you have some serious bitterness, especially about issues that every national leader(e.g prime minister and president) must abide by.

    It goes back to Kenyans misconceptions and ignorance (Probably 98% of us have it). How on earth did you expect Raila to behave the same way he was doing before becoming PM?

    First of all he has much more influence than people should even be expecting, his post is not even in the constitution. Secondly, he is cut from the same cloth as Kibaki, this is the man who has been in alliance with Kanu, in NARC, ODM, and im sure by 2012 something else.

    Why did the public expect anything different from him? They are not conmen, because they do their business in full view of the public, insulting us to our faces with their blatant disregard for acting on their promises.

    If Kenyans want change it actually starts with them not the politicians, the politicians react to public sentiment, so getting them to shape up or shift is only possible if we refuse to vote them in.

  7. Guest writer,

    If Raila does not become president that means me and my Phil will remain in Kibera eating matumbo everyday?? This cannot happen, we have been waiting for a long time to leave Kibera.

    Phil's Mistress

  8. Spot on...

    For sometime I have been looking for a description that suits our leaders. I believe the word "con" is a little mild. It happens to be just one of the several traits our leaders have proffessed to be good at.

    Guys, Its time we took back our country, sent all these crooks to kamiti - regardless of the multitude of their sins - and throw away the keys for a thief is a thief.

    Its a shame that the few we voted in last time with hope in mind owing to their relatively young age simply picked a number and joined the que.

    I can run this country. Hell, a cobbler can run this country. How can we - 42years after independence - be begging food from a desert nation that grows its food wholy from waters from our land? How does it sit with our selfish leaders to be appointed to a useless ministry which we didn't need for starters and draw a fat tax free pay.

    I could sit here all day and tell you why we are doomed, but to cut it short, These guys cant fix our country. They better fix an election date... NOW!

  9. Chris,

    Umeotea sana. If this were a football pitch, you would have been offside by a whole 20 meters! None other than Nation themselves have clarified that Raila signed no such letter. This was all the usual mischief of the Panua mongrels and NSIS to try a paint Raila in bad light using it's mouthpiece - the Nation newspaper. I thought you could see through the deception...

    This post is based on a lie. It is premised on the "fact" that Raila signed such a letter which is not the case. Raila NEVER signed such a letter. Who in their right mind would sign such a letter? How can Raila accept such conditions from a piece of shit who STOLE the election from him in broad daylight. IMMPOSSIBLE!!

  10. To get the answer of the real political conmen leading Kenya to hell, you have to ask yourself this question:

    QUESTION: What was the real reason why Kenyans so murderously turned on each other in December, 2007?

    ANSWER: It was that the PNU side had decided, long before the election, not to relinquish power, no matter what - STEAL if neccessary. The security services, the police, the Electoral Commission and other State organs had already been primed to ensure that power did not pass to ODM at whatever cost.

    These, my fellow Kumekuchans, are the real conmen who are leading Kenya to hell.

  11. "Chriso"
    the guest writer of this post (aka "guesto") is a very disrespectful person who is not in touch with african culture and is disrespectful to his elders older than him who know better

    What does he mean "you can't have 2husbands sharing one wife and expect all to be well..." polygamy is alive and well in Africa and Kenya my friend! its not only practised by our cultures it is also shielded within our cultures ask the 10th parliament and Dr.Khalwhale as a good example
    polygamy is considered "lawful marriage" one husband 2 wives-the man is happy and the women don't mind-doesn't that mean all is well?

    Polygamous husbands know how to give their equal wives equal attention, and ensure that both partners are treated the same

    In the same way Kenya is served best by having 2 equal partners in Governance-both Kibaki and Raila are PhD holders and capable of great things for this country-both are equally paid according to their job titles and job description; both are supported equally by both halves of the country ask Steadman

    I think our problem is we've very greedy even in this blog. we want our cake and eat it also.Kenya can't go to hell if Dr.Kibaki and Dr.Raila are leading together-we have the best of both worlds and the resulting PEACE you can see with your eyes is proof we are unique in Africa


  13. Chris,

    Where is Sam Okello?

  14. Raila needs a bigger salary than Kalonzo because he has a fatter wife than Kalonzo. That is the reasoning of Raila. Don't look for a more serious reason.

  15. Where are Raila worshippers? Phil, Taabu, UXrlnc, sir alex... we want to hear your input on this post.

  16. It's a waaste of time commenting on a post such as this one. Hater, you have got it all out of your chest. I hope you feel better as you continue looking for another propaganda piece to spin.

  17. All Raila followers need deliverance. They are so delusional they believe Raila must be loved by everyone and by force.
    They like to use those tired lines "railaphobia", "raila hater".....
    Why can't you accept Raila is god to the primitive people only who can't tell what is right or wrong.
    Affluent intelligent people would never look up to a dangerous socialist like Odinga.

    Anna Kyalo

  18. An interesting article. However, a few comments are in order.

    Firstly, we think the correct english is, HOW COME and not how comes.

    The guest writer wrote that:

    "If Kibaki dies today, Kalonzo would automatically take charge as a caretaker president for three months before fresh polls are held. Kibaki’s death would bring an automatic death to the Accord he signed with Raila. Hence, Raila needs Kibaki alive to keep his job! But VP who would be in office then would be the sole beneficiary of Kibaki’s death as he would assume power and there would be no deal with a PM. Raila would then find himself jobless..."

    Our comment:

    To argue that the Accord will be dead if Kibaki dies is plainly wrong.

    Let us illustrate. Mr Faceless, who is the MD of a maize milling company signs a contract to supply Profit Oriented Supermarket with 2 tons of maize flour next month.

    Sadly, after signing the contract on behalf of this company, he dies in terrorist attack. Does that mean that the Maize milling company is not required to fulfill the contract? Plainly, NO. In the same way, Kibaki having signed the Accord on behalf of PNU, his demise does not mean the end of the Accord for he signed in his capacity, as the "head" of PNU.

    Kalonzo as the acting president:

    Chapter II, Part 1, Section 6, sub section 3 of the Kenyan Constitution provides that:

    Where the Vice-President or any other Minister is exercising the functions of the office of President by virtue of this section or of section 11, he shall not act, except in accordance with a resolution of the Cabinet, in the exercise of the powers relating to --

    the preservation of public security under section 85, or under Part III of the Preservation of Public Security Act:

    the prorogation and dissolution of Parliament under subsections (1) and (3) of section 59;

    the appointment and removal of Ministers and Assistant Ministers under sections 16 and 19;

    the assignment of responsibility to a Minister under section 18;
    the giving of consent to a Minister or Assistant Minister absenting himself from Kenya under section 20.

    Thus, Kalonzo would have no powers as the acting President to sack the PM or any other minister unless with a Cabinet resolution. It is doubtful whether he can get that kind of a resolution in the cabinet we have today.

    Even if he can, it is questionable whether such a resolution would be binding given that the govt. is a negotiated govt.

  19. Chris,

    Have you noticed how this blog has gone quiet? If you want more hits and comments here you don't post this kind of trash. We want to hear how Raila is going to win election come 2012. You should be campaigning for him not bashing the annoited one.

  20. Chris, your post has some good thoughts but glaring grammatical errors - spelling mistakes, poor tense work and incoherence makes it difficult to read. Please do some proper editing before publishing so that your readers are left only with the task of understanding what you are saying and not what you meant to say.
    Good analysis though. Keep up the great job.



    I don't know what is happening to journalistic standards at the Nation Group's Newspaper, or to columnists working for it. Like Macharia Gaitho before him, Mutahi Ngunyi repeated verbatim a story contained in the book "The 48 Laws of Power," without giving any credit to the book's authors Robert Greene and Joost Elffers.

    The weirdest part is that he literally lifts everything from Greene & Elffer's book, up to and including commas, quotation marks and fullstops. A scholar like Mutahi Ngunyi should have known better than to plagiarize somebody's piece without giving credit to the source.

    In blue within quotes, below, is the plagiarized piece:

    And with your indulgence, I would want to demonstrate this with yet another story.

    When Czar Nicolas I came to power in Russia, a rebellion known as the Decembrist Uprising broke out. With brute force, the czar crushed it and sentenced one of its leaders, Kondraty Ryleyev to hang.

    On the day of execution, however, the rope around his neck broke, dashing him to the ground.

    Those days, this was a sign from the gods; a man saved from execution this way had to be pardoned.

    As Ryleyev got to his feet believing his neck had been saved, he called out to the watching crowds, “You see, in Russia they don’t know how to do anything properly, not even how to make rope!”

    Failed hanging

    Soon after, a messenger was dispatched to the Winter Palace with news of the failed hanging. Vexed by this disappointing turnabout, Nicholas I, nevertheless signed his pardon letter.

    But before he sent it, he asked the messenger: “Did Ryleyev say anything after this miracle?” “Sir”, the messenger replied, “he said that in Russia they don’t even know how to make rope.”

    “In that case,” said the czar, “let us prove the contrary,” and he tore the pardon. The next day Ryleyev was hanged again. This time the rope did not break.

    « Last Edit: Feb 22, 2009, 3:45pm by okhunyanye » Link to Post - Back to Top IP: Logged
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    « Reply #17 on Feb 22, 2009, 10:22pm »

    John Githongo's "It's our turn to eat" offers a glimpse at the operations of the eating enterprise.

    It is well represented in the Daily Nation.

    The eating enterprise pays it's defense batalion in media quite well to defend the 'eating' and fend off any challenge.

    When you are a scribe for hire, you tend to lose all your conscience and professionalism.

    Githongo happens to know the donor fund thief called Mutahi Ngunyi (his former colleague)quite well.

    Githongo actually testified against Mutahi Ngunyi's in the latter's case where Ngunyi was charged & convicted of stealing donor funds in a court of law.

    The convicted thief Ngunyi has now come back purporting to lead society in condemning alleged crooks like Ruto. Of course he had to steal the words, as he so often does. And his medium of preaching that Gospel - the fiercely pro-Kibaki Daily Nation.

    These fellas have the audacity to underestimate the intelligence of Kenyans.

    I've previously read through the Nation, Ngunyi and Gaitho's not so subtle criticisms piled upon Githongo....of course Githongo has bravely and repeatedly called on those taking their 'turn to eat' very galantly.

    The guilty have come out of the woodworks exposing themselves from their political, media and 'professional' eating stations and convenient hideouts.

    Journalistic standards in Kenya have been taken hostage by the monsters of negative ethnicity, mediocrity, favouritism, petty & grand bribes, and the ideology of 'our turn to eat'.

    Purported reporters, editors and columnists have submitted their professional pens to narrow ethnic or selfish commercial interests.

    The silly thing is that such scribes still hope the entire nation doesn't sipher through and pick up their chronic, conspicuous and sometimes sorry spins, apologisms, distortions, misrepresentations, mischaracterizations, and platitudes (depending on their latest assignment).

    Which Kenyan has failed to notice partisan tribal hawks like Macharia Gaitho and his mediocre and boring colleague Mutuma Mathiu - the latter has an unprecedentedly bloated ego for such low quality pieces.

    The duo have been writing in the very spirit and doctrine that Kiraitu Murungi either calls 'going slow' or 'it's us'.

    The only time they pretend to address matters of national conscience is when they are conveniently berating perceived political enemies like Ruto or Namwamba.

    Who is not tired of this baiting and switching by biased fellas with the damn privilege of a scribes pen?

    Not even an attempt at a little sophistication. Very obvious partisan writing, not worthy of the good old Daily Nation. It's laughable.

    These are shameless and blind defenders of a narrow ethnic ideology. They will cease being relevant the moment their 'turn to eat' ends.

    When their paymasters finally whittle away from the current political realm they might just fizzle out naturally. What other talents and creativity do they possess? They'll be gone by the winds, just like Bush media defenders like Bob Frum have suddenly disappeared from U.S. oped pages.

    These (Gaithos and Ngunyis) are no professional journalists who can stand the test of time.

    They cannot consistently write their way sticking to high principles, through a spectrum of varied political regimes, the way real professionals like Hillary Ngweno, Sarah Elderkin, Phillip Ochieng, and the late Wahome Mutahi for instance did.

    I don't waste my time anymore reading their easily predictable apologisms, jests and calculated spins. Aren't they just taking their turn to eat after all.

    Theirs is about short-termism and immediate gratification for material gain. They're caught in the petty and biased intrigues of the moment. They have no time to see beyond their eating food chain.

    I guess the NSIS and 'our turn' politicians have succeeded in hooking them to the highly addictive pills of opulence. Let them eat, merry, and write all that garbage, afterall it's their turn. We shall observe their withdrawal phase keenly.

    Meanwhile, the Daily Nation has been reduced into a tabloid to sugarcoat the eating. Bure kabisa!



    I don't know what is happening to journalistic standards at the Nation Group's Newspaper, or to columnists working for it. Like Macharia Gaitho before him, Mutahi Ngunyi repeated verbatim a story contained in the book "The 48 Laws of Power," without giving any credit to the book's authors Robert Greene and Joost Elffers.

    The weirdest part is that he literally lifts everything from Greene & Elffer's book, up to and including commas, quotation marks and fullstops. A scholar like Mutahi Ngunyi should have known better than to plagiarize somebody's piece without giving credit to the source.

    In blue within quotes, below, is the plagiarized piece:

    And with your indulgence, I would want to demonstrate this with yet another story.

    When Czar Nicolas I came to power in Russia, a rebellion known as the Decembrist Uprising broke out. With brute force, the czar crushed it and sentenced one of its leaders, Kondraty Ryleyev to hang.

    On the day of execution, however, the rope around his neck broke, dashing him to the ground.

    Those days, this was a sign from the gods; a man saved from execution this way had to be pardoned.

    As Ryleyev got to his feet believing his neck had been saved, he called out to the watching crowds, “You see, in Russia they don’t know how to do anything properly, not even how to make rope!”

    Failed hanging

    Soon after, a messenger was dispatched to the Winter Palace with news of the failed hanging. Vexed by this disappointing turnabout, Nicholas I, nevertheless signed his pardon letter.

    But before he sent it, he asked the messenger: “Did Ryleyev say anything after this miracle?” “Sir”, the messenger replied, “he said that in Russia they don’t even know how to make rope.”

    “In that case,” said the czar, “let us prove the contrary,” and he tore the pardon. The next day Ryleyev was hanged again. This time the rope did not break.

    « Last Edit: Feb 22, 2009, 3:45pm by okhunyanye » Link to Post - Back to Top IP: Logged
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    « Reply #17 on Feb 22, 2009, 10:22pm »

    John Githongo's "It's our turn to eat" offers a glimpse at the operations of the eating enterprise.

    It is well represented in the Daily Nation.

    The eating enterprise pays it's defense batalion in media quite well to defend the 'eating' and fend off any challenge.

    When you are a scribe for hire, you tend to lose all your conscience and professionalism.

    Githongo happens to know the donor fund thief called Mutahi Ngunyi (his former colleague)quite well.

    Githongo actually testified against Mutahi Ngunyi's in the latter's case where Ngunyi was charged & convicted of stealing donor funds in a court of law.

    The convicted thief Ngunyi has now come back purporting to lead society in condemning alleged crooks like Ruto. Of course he had to steal the words, as he so often does. And his medium of preaching that Gospel - the fiercely pro-Kibaki Daily Nation.

    These fellas have the audacity to underestimate the intelligence of Kenyans.

    I've previously read through the Nation, Ngunyi and Gaitho's not so subtle criticisms piled upon Githongo....of course Githongo has bravely and repeatedly called on those taking their 'turn to eat' very galantly.

    The guilty have come out of the woodworks exposing themselves from their political, media and 'professional' eating stations and convenient hideouts.

    Journalistic standards in Kenya have been taken hostage by the monsters of negative ethnicity, mediocrity, favouritism, petty & grand bribes, and the ideology of 'our turn to eat'.

    Purported reporters, editors and columnists have submitted their professional pens to narrow ethnic or selfish commercial interests.

    The silly thing is that such scribes still hope the entire nation doesn't sipher through and pick up their chronic, conspicuous and sometimes sorry spins, apologisms, distortions, misrepresentations, mischaracterizations, and platitudes (depending on their latest assignment).

    Which Kenyan has failed to notice partisan tribal hawks like Macharia Gaitho and his mediocre and boring colleague Mutuma Mathiu - the latter has an unprecedentedly bloated ego for such low quality pieces.

    The duo have been writing in the very spirit and doctrine that Kiraitu Murungi either calls 'going slow' or 'it's us'.

    The only time they pretend to address matters of national conscience is when they are conveniently berating perceived political enemies like Ruto or Namwamba.

    Who is not tired of this baiting and switching by biased fellas with the damn privilege of a scribes pen?

    Not even an attempt at a little sophistication. Very obvious partisan writing, not worthy of the good old Daily Nation. It's laughable.

    These are shameless and blind defenders of a narrow ethnic ideology. They will cease being relevant the moment their 'turn to eat' ends.

    When their paymasters finally whittle away from the current political realm they might just fizzle out naturally. What other talents and creativity do they possess? They'll be gone by the winds, just like Bush media defenders like Bob Frum have suddenly disappeared from U.S. oped pages.

    These (Gaithos and Ngunyis) are no professional journalists who can stand the test of time.

    They cannot consistently write their way sticking to high principles, through a spectrum of varied political regimes, the way real professionals like Hillary Ngweno, Sarah Elderkin, Phillip Ochieng, and the late Wahome Mutahi for instance did.

    I don't waste my time anymore reading their easily predictable apologisms, jests and calculated spins. Aren't they just taking their turn to eat after all.

    Theirs is about short-termism and immediate gratification for material gain. They're caught in the petty and biased intrigues of the moment. They have no time to see beyond their eating food chain.

    I guess the NSIS and 'our turn' politicians have succeeded in hooking them to the highly addictive pills of opulence. Let them eat, merry, and write all that garbage, afterall it's their turn. We shall observe their withdrawal phase keenly.

    Meanwhile, the Daily Nation has been reduced into a tabloid to sugarcoat the eating. Bure kabisa!


    Some of these folks pointing one finger at Raila forget that four fingers are facing them.

    Nyani kweli haoni kundule..Kibaki's kin are still counting stars in the sky at night, languishing in showgrounds as IDPs... going to one and a half years after the elections, and someone is telling me about Raila's incompetence? Isn't it Kibaki and his entire coterie of PNU Ministers holding the portfolios of Special Programmes, Internal Security & Provincial Administration (Saitoti), Home Affairs (Kalonzo), Finance (Uhuru), Justice, Reconciliation and National Healing (Karua) chilling and cruising in opulence, Limousines and Choppers? Where is the compassion, let alone competence from this bunch who wield the REAL POWER. And they surely think Kenyans don't know where to put the blame?

    If i may ask them.

    Where is the competence, please show Kenyans the are being watched and heard lumping all blame on your beloved bogeyman...Raila this, Raila that...Raila is this..he is us the competence standard....

    Oooops...I almost forgot, the eye-popping Minister for Reconciliation and National Healing is currently engaged in a botched 'healing and reconciliation night meetings' with her Rift Valley counterpart Ruto.

    I will watch this circus..even they continue pinning all blame on the victim of Kibaki's electoral theft, i hope it will work and Kenyans will buy their gospel. I bet they won't be shocked when crunch time comes.

    Can anyone tell me what happened after Raila formed graft checking committees regarding the Grand Regency Hotel, and eventually executed the ouster of Kimunya from the cabinet?

    Didn't kibaki bring him back.

    Is that the reward for competence. Embarrassing shows and power plays...of the 'we'll now see who is more powerful variety'

    Kenyans are watching this circus.

    And from these cheerleaders of the 'he is incompetent' choir, who also say Raila is 'just a minister' you will not hear a single accusation of incompetence charged on;

    the non-performing, highly paid, anti-corruption boss Justice Aaron Ringera (KACC) - not a single file for prosecution of Anglo-Fleecers well detailed by Githongo...just ping-pong exchanges with the other incompetent goon AG Amos Wako

    the CID boss whatever the name of that MKM - for the endless extrajudicial killings

    police boss Ali - for increasing crime and police brutality

    the Chief Justice Evans Gicheru - for the virtual judicial meltdown and grid-lock, and getaways by all Goldenberg suspects from Saitoti, Kotut, Koinange, et al.

    Justice & Constitutional Minister - Martha Karua - for her zero record so far on reforms, terrible record on drafting bills, atrocious attempt to force upon Kenya a shody IIEC electoral team, nothing but 2012 campaigning

    Minister for Energy - Kiraitu Murungi - for the Triton oil scandal, unstable fuel prices and frequent shortages, frequent power blackouts,

    Vice-President - Kalonzo Musyoka - for the total mess in prisons, for the total neglect of his Ukambani backyard for two and a half decades in top government, inability to mobilize parliamentary support for an important bill like the STK, all because he is absent in Bunge because he is busy following the President's coat tail everywhere, all the time

    Finance Minister Uhuru Kenyatta - for the incompetent first show at the NSE which is a total mess, rather than appoint an assuring CMA boss to restore faith in stocks and the capital market, he dare appoints Moi's god-son Cheserem for purely political expediency...what kind of incompetence and recklessness is this? did anyone raise a voice about his pay-to-play appointment of nominated councillors, i'll not even delve at his role in PEV,

    Internal Security George Saitoti - you just need to look at the botched illegal and shoddy attempt to import arms for South Sudan that has resulted in the booting of Kenya's envoys in Khartoum, all it took was a bunch of Somali pirates and we saw how careless, reckless and stupid these fellas are, risking driving Kenya to war because of making illegal bucks in arms smuggling for a neighbouring country, ...then there's the matter of extrajudicial killings of unemployed Gikuyu youth, is Raila also responsible for this incompetence? what about misappropriation of relief food by administrators, and look at his handling of the Migingo Island mess...who is underestimating whose intelligence?

    Mwai Kibaki - the thief in chief and election robber himself, who has done nothing but continue stealing and giving away Kenyan resources, from Grand Regency, Tana Delta, Airport land and more while watching his fellow kin continue languishing in showgrounds as IDPs ( is he also waiting for Raila to resettle them?), ordering more payments to Anglo-Leasing thieves, ignoring Uganda's invasion of our sovereignity at Migingo Islands, and incompetently watching the strategic grain reserves under his office dwindle as the nation slides into hunger,

    Give people a freaking break and pin the incompetence where it is truly due. Kenyans ain't no fools - watch this space. Time will tell.


    Some of these folks pointing one finger at Raila forget that four fingers are facing them.

    Nyani kweli haoni kundule..Kibaki's kin are still counting stars in the sky at night, languishing in showgrounds as IDPs... going to one and a half years after the elections, and someone is telling me about Raila's incompetence? Isn't it Kibaki and his entire coterie of PNU Ministers holding the portfolios of Special Programmes, Internal Security & Provincial Administration (Saitoti), Home Affairs (Kalonzo), Finance (Uhuru), Justice, Reconciliation and National Healing (Karua) chilling and cruising in opulence, Limousines and Choppers? Where is the compassion, let alone competence from this bunch who wield the REAL POWER. And they surely think Kenyans don't know where to put the blame?

    If i may ask them.

    Where is the competence, please show Kenyans the are being watched and heard lumping all blame on your beloved bogeyman...Raila this, Raila that...Raila is this..he is us the competence standard....

    Oooops...I almost forgot, the eye-popping Minister for Reconciliation and National Healing is currently engaged in a botched 'healing and reconciliation night meetings' with her Rift Valley counterpart Ruto.

    I will watch this circus..even they continue pinning all blame on the victim of Kibaki's electoral theft, i hope it will work and Kenyans will buy their gospel. I bet they won't be shocked when crunch time comes.

    Can anyone tell me what happened after Raila formed graft checking committees regarding the Grand Regency Hotel, and eventually executed the ouster of Kimunya from the cabinet?

    Didn't kibaki bring him back.

    Is that the reward for competence. Embarrassing shows and power plays...of the 'we'll now see who is more powerful variety'

    Kenyans are watching this circus.

    And from these cheerleaders of the 'he is incompetent' choir, who also say Raila is 'just a minister' you will not hear a single accusation of incompetence charged on;

    the non-performing, highly paid, anti-corruption boss Justice Aaron Ringera (KACC) - not a single file for prosecution of Anglo-Fleecers well detailed by Githongo...just ping-pong exchanges with the other incompetent goon AG Amos Wako

    the CID boss whatever the name of that MKM - for the endless extrajudicial killings

    police boss Ali - for increasing crime and police brutality

    the Chief Justice Evans Gicheru - for the virtual judicial meltdown and grid-lock, and getaways by all Goldenberg suspects from Saitoti, Kotut, Koinange, et al.

    Justice & Constitutional Minister - Martha Karua - for her zero record so far on reforms, terrible record on drafting bills, atrocious attempt to force upon Kenya a shody IIEC electoral team, nothing but 2012 campaigning

    Minister for Energy - Kiraitu Murungi - for the Triton oil scandal, unstable fuel prices and frequent shortages, frequent power blackouts,

    Vice-President - Kalonzo Musyoka - for the total mess in prisons, for the total neglect of his Ukambani backyard for two and a half decades in top government, inability to mobilize parliamentary support for an important bill like the STK, all because he is absent in Bunge because he is busy following the President's coat tail everywhere, all the time

    Finance Minister Uhuru Kenyatta - for the incompetent first show at the NSE which is a total mess, rather than appoint an assuring CMA boss to restore faith in stocks and the capital market, he dare appoints Moi's god-son Cheserem for purely political expediency...what kind of incompetence and recklessness is this? did anyone raise a voice about his pay-to-play appointment of nominated councillors, i'll not even delve at his role in PEV,

    Internal Security George Saitoti - you just need to look at the botched illegal and shoddy attempt to import arms for South Sudan that has resulted in the booting of Kenya's envoys in Khartoum, all it took was a bunch of Somali pirates and we saw how careless, reckless and stupid these fellas are, risking driving Kenya to war because of making illegal bucks in arms smuggling for a neighbouring country, ...then there's the matter of extrajudicial killings of unemployed Gikuyu youth, is Raila also responsible for this incompetence? what about misappropriation of relief food by administrators, and look at his handling of the Migingo Island mess...who is underestimating whose intelligence?

    Mwai Kibaki - the thief in chief and election robber himself, who has done nothing but continue stealing and giving away Kenyan resources, from Grand Regency, Tana Delta, Airport land and more while watching his fellow kin continue languishing in showgrounds as IDPs ( is he also waiting for Raila to resettle them?), ordering more payments to Anglo-Leasing thieves, ignoring Uganda's invasion of our sovereignity at Migingo Islands, and incompetently watching the strategic grain reserves under his office dwindle as the nation slides into hunger,

    Give people a freaking break and pin the incompetence where it is truly due. Kenyans ain't no fools - watch this space. Time will tell.

  25. Anon 2:03
    good points and facts

    Kibaki's kin are still counting stars in the sky at night, languishing in showgrounds as IDPs... going to one and a half years after the elections, and someone is telling me about Raila's incompetence? Isn't it Kibaki and his entire coterie of PNU Ministers holding the portfolios of Special Programmes, Internal Security & Provincial Administration (Saitoti), Home Affairs (Kalonzo), Finance (Uhuru), Justice, Reconciliation and National Healing (Karua) chilling and cruising in opulence, Limousines and Choppers? Where is the compassion, let alone competence from this bunch who wield the REAL POWER. And they surely think Kenyans don't know where to put the blame

    All the above mentioned are the murderers and thieves and should be either removed by force or silenced without trail

  26. Being that the letter was released by non other than Linus Gitahi , i would like to presume the second option as the most likely to be true, you see kibaki has nothing to lose and he knows that the premiership is the one rope that will hang raila and as such he must use it effectively, a good warrior strikes at the opportune time and finishes his opponent.What kibaki is telling kenyans is that Railal has beeen given all the tools he needs but he is unable to deliver , whether the tools are given theoreticaly or practicaly remains to be seen.Raila is between a rock and a hard place he is like a big dog with no teeths so all it can do is bark but this particular dog has a very smart owner who went ahead and tied its mouth like they do racing dogs.

  27. Kibaki is not up for relection so all this kibaki raila are all crooks is nothing but thinly vailed attempt to finish Raila....
    Your wasting your time kenyans know the truth just keep fooling waht happens come 2012 or even sooner....don't even blink you might miss something.

    Sir Alex

  28. ave been reading this blog for a minute but would love to share another blog that i think needs to be hightlighted...i live in the states and follow the news in KE by reading this blog and now this one...please do check it out...

  29. Uncircumcised Raila is a fcking loser and deserves to die in hell alongside kibaki. The damn fools.


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