Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Monday, February 23, 2009

The Jirongo/Ruto Mystery: Hi-tech Politics?

Cyrus Jirongo: The MP for Lugari as well as Chairman and owner of the political party KADDU: Dark past with Ruto that Kenyans have forgotten

Also published in the last few hours: Succession: Kalonzo political turf war

On the surface it would appear that Cyrus Jirongo is at the moment on a collision course with agriculture minister William Ruto. But is that really what is happening?

According to the information this blogger has, Cyrus Jirongo was one of the key players in the maize scandal and was working closely with William Ruto.

In fact one just needs to look at the past of these two individuals to realize that there is something somewhere that does not makes sense.

Lets go back to the 1990s and to the year 1992 to be more specific. That was the year that the first multi-party elections were held in Kenya after many years. President Daniel arap Moi was struggling for survival against lots of opposition. Incidentally the then united opposition operating under the banner of FORD (forum for Restoration of Democracy) had haled a mammoth rally on the Kamukunji grounds which must have caused Kanu hawks to urinate on themselves. To the keen observer it looked like Moi was going to be swept aside by the opposition political current. After all, the aging president had never stood in a seriously competitive election all his political life.

Is your spouse cheating on you? Well, you can easily find out for sure. Just get their cell phone and then recover deleted sms messages

Little did Kenyans know that Moi had a number of very dirty cards up his sleeve which he was about to play that would cause great damage to Kenyans. One of them was the birth of an organization known as YK92 or Youth for Kanu 92. The main players in that organization was one Cyrus Jirongo and William Ruto. Operating from a building called Anniversary Towers, close to the University of Nairobi, the offices of this organization were used to distribute cash on an unprecedented scale. Several eyewitnesses have described how cash was stacked in cartons that were piled up to the high roof and filled a huge hall. Jirongo and Ruto would authorize how many cartons were to be given to who and where they were to be diostributed. At that time Ruto was an innocent nobody who was being taught politics by Cyrus Jirongo.

Since those heady days the two have remained close friends so much so that in the maize scandal Ruto must have felt that Jirongo was the only person he could really trust to ensure that the trail never led back to him.

So could it be that Jirongo has now turned against Ruto? And if this is what has happened what is the motive?

Actually a more plausible explanation is that the two are still friends and only pretending to have fallen out. The reason being that Cyrus Jirongo holds the key to linking Ruto directly to the maize saga. Naturally Ruto would want at all costs to ensure that nobody would try to follow that lead. Hence the fact that Jirongo voted against Ruto in the censure motion (what difference would one vote have made when both Ruto and Jirongo could see that he had the numbers in the house to defeat the motion?

You know there is something like being too damned clever for your own good and that would be an appropriate term to use to describe agriculture minister William Ruto.


  1. If there was any justice in this banana republic called Kenya, Ruto and Jirongo would be rotting in Kamiti Maximum Prison in solitary confinement for their brutal rape on a corpse called Kenya.

    But we all know that there's one law for the upper crust and one for us. In the meantime, Halfwits Kibaki and his twin brother Raila, he of 'kabila adui' fame, don't give a toss about the future of this country so long as their own bank accounts continue ballooning, courtesy of our hard earned taxes. The joke is clearly on the so called wananchi! Kazi iendelee.


  2. why is everybody afraid of Ruto!

  3. Ruto handlers have made it clear that he cannot afford to have any more reference to the maize scandal. Indeed martha (under where KACC falls) will still pursue the same because she knows that as a minister ruto could ride over a (the) tribunal but without portfolio it would be more difficult. Ruto wants to drop the maize scandal entirely on jirongo now that parliament has blessed him. He will leak (to KACC) that the whole thing was engineered by jirongo who made money off all the 'millers' by showing them how to dispose of the maize in Sudan through his contacts there (he has been contracted by the Southern Sudan Government to build the military training college in Jubba). Jirongo knowing this, pre empted ruto by talking about the secret meeting. In effect the meeting was to seeek alliance between martha and ruto (she wanted to do it before uhuru) but jirongo knowing that only the three were present chose to twist it slightly as a warning to ruto that they were sailing in the same boat and more could be forthcoming by saying the meeting was about ruto pleading for a case (corruption) to be withdrawn. No one would be the wiser.

  4. "Chriso" aka Chris,
    politics in Kenya never left the era of frenemies-friends who are enemies-Jirongo and Ruto are an example of two such politicians who are friends when they need to be and enemies when they need to be-if any hatchets exist they can be buried overnight and vice versa if any rivalries exist they can be revived overnight for the sake of expediency

    There is power in doing something to be seen especially when the cameras are rolling and that is what happened with Jirongo and the failed Ruto censure motion-for Kenyans who are easily fooled by appearance, even the appearance of money stacked in cartoons stacked in a pile high to the roof, scratching beyond the surface to find out "the truth" is an exercise in futility bound to earn you the wrath of blind loyal footsoldiers and the dubious distinction of having the title witch hunter and time waster. this is what rudderless political leadership does to a nation

    In other words show me the EVIDENCE there was ever a YK92 or even a Jirongo/Ruto mystery...let us stop being greedy Kenyans. Otherwise Ruto IS clever and nothing can stop him now

  5. Chris:
    It is true there is some an ease between the former comrades in fleecing Kenya, Ruto & Jirongo. And it has got to do with succession politics. In the last two months all politicians have realised that it is a matter of time before the public demand an end to this mseto mongrel. In doing so, the scalps of Kibaki and incresingly that of Raila will be hang in Uhuru Park by the public. Ruto has smelt an opening for his hitherto improbable presidential bid.

    In the short term, give it to Ruto. He has managed to peel off a sizable number of young Western Province MPs from Raila/Musavandi. He has also a sizable following of ODM MPs from Coast and NE Province. In GEMA land he tried the back door using people like Hon. Kiunjuri but it didn't go far. He is now trying the front door to reach Uhuru & Kiraitu; he is being assisted by the Wazees aroung Kibaki (wonders never cease in Kenya). The game with Mt Kenya people is complex and the dance is as nuanced as the Japanese kabuki dance.

    In the Western front, he has been using Ababu, but has realised that Ababu lacks the requisite financial muscle of Jirongo to shoulder the long term burden of being a Ruto viceroy in Western.

    So, Ruto went to Jirongo suggesting that Jirongo be his Western errand boy, and Jirongo hit the roof. As you correctly pointed out, he taught Ruto the ropes back in the days of YK92. Thus, Jirongo still thinks that in the cosmic order of things, Ruto should still be his junior in all respects - from age, to money, to number of homes in Nairobi, to number of wives, etc. (you should hear them recite these measuring yardsticks at Nairobi Club). Don't forget that among the many homes Ruto possesses in Nairobi, the one in Karen was bought with the help of Jirongo over a decade ago.

    Ruto maybe a rascal, but he is telling the truth when he says that they met in Jirongo's house with Karua to talk 2012 politics. He knew the agenga in advance and he surprised Jirongo and Karua by staking strong (and to some extent) impossible bargaining positions. According to Karua and Jirongo, Karua was to be the president, Ruto was to PM and Jirongo was to be VP. Ruto told them he had already a sure PM offer from Raila and needed them to top Raila's offer. How about him being the president, Karua being PM and Jirongo the VP plus his corruption cases being thrown out of court as an appetizer, he asked. But as you well know, Amos Wako is not going to throw a case out of court without Kibaki's nod; and Kibaki is not about to nod to help Karua's political ambitions. Ordinarily, when a person is made a minister, any pending criminal case is quietly withdrawn by the AG, but in the case of Ruto not even the intervetion of Raila could persuade Kibaki to do so when they were appointing the cabinet. That is one case Ruto is ready to pay tens of millions to make it go away. But nobody will help him because nobody trusts him and you can't write a binding MOU on such a matter. So, the frustration continues on both sides with its latest bout being played out in the public.

    It is also true that many political kingpins of all shades are busy trying to look for an opportunity to put some greese on the totem pole to halt Ruto's meteoric climb. And Ruto might help them by overreaching. Can you believe that he honestly believes that he can peel off some Luo support from Raila? If he is not careful, he will join others like Karua, who are already whistling their presidential ambitions in the graveyard.

  6. If I were Ruto I would be more worried of Raila than anybody else in Kenya. Raila is ready to stick it to Ruto if it were possible to do it from the shadows or to blame it on PNU. The immensely powerful conservative wing of PNU thinks Ruto is useful in the long run. So for the time being Ruto is safe.

  7. Kenya has no hope, even the church has lost all hope!

  8. Chris,
    Did you attend Kamba famine fundarising? If not then you have no business telling us about how this country should be ran!

  9. Chris,

    Moi and Kibaki govts have been greedy but at least they did not mess up with maize. It took a new breed of ODM mafia to cause an artificial famine by snatching ugali from the mouths of the poor.

    One more scandal is about to burst open. The money that was given by the World Health Organisation to advance Luo circumcision has disappeared without trace. These people have broken all rules including those that are sancrosact in hyaena communities. Even hyaenas don't eat their own.

  10. Moi and Kibaki govts have been greedy but at least they did not mess up with maize. It took a new breed of ODM mafia to cause an artificial famine by snatching ugali from the mouths of the poor.

    Simply not true. There was an artificial famine in the early 80s in which Moi, several RVP barons and Jeremiah Nyagah were all implicated.

  11. I thought chris told us there was a grassroots movement to take over from "the usual suspects". Now all we hear from him is who among "the usual suspects" will be the next prezo. Nothing will ever change.

  12. You guys you make Ruto look very big. I doubt if he gunner 30% of R//V for himself

  13. Phil what is your take on the latest steadman opinion polls.I understand pentagon house (is it still odm HQ?) is of the view that they were cooked by karua and khalwale.

  14. Anon 4:14 AM,

    These fund raising nonsense will not help Kamba land at all. There are better options: Water harvesting is one of them. Build dams, collect the water when it rains and use it for irrigation during the dry season.

    This one small step has the potential to change Kamba land forever, don't forget that Kamba land has very fertile soil; the problem has been the "lack" of water.

    Vikii, your object of worship and adoration - Kalonzo "Msaliti" Musyoka, does not seem to be able to expand his vision to put such a simple measure in practice. The most "advanced" his thinking and vision goes is boreholes...., and even on this he does not seem to have much enthusiasm. It seems he (Kalonzo "Msaliti" Musyoka) is comfortable and satisfied with the the level of "development" in Kamba land where famine, eating boiled raw mangoes and pawpaws to kill hunger pangs is the norm...

  15. Phil we know you are very active at jukwaa. is it that you prefer the incestuous relationship there. we miss you 'cause you normally give us the kibera angle on issues.

  16. Charles.NAIROBI.
    INTERESTING, Jirongo is crying out like an injured gazelle, CLEARLY the man has been short changed, he didn't get to share PART OF THE LOOT!
    Rats are stinking all over the deal, as the smoke billows we are yet to get the true story behind all this.Its deep.Ask Martha!

  17. Anon 5.42am

    The fund raising is to pay for those things you say are needed.

    From the "tone" of your post i would say you are a luo and am just wondering whether luos are now so rich that they consider themselves qualified to give other communities advice on how to get out of poverty.

    You people always say rao should not be blamed for kibera/nyanza poverty. you say it is the gava that should answer for this. But kalonzo msaliti musyoka should answer for poverty in ukambani! You are of course still stuck in the 07 election.

  18. Anon 5.42am,

    You couldn't resist going the pumbavu way: TRIBAL. Ati I am Luo. sorry you are barking up the wrong tree. Umeotea, you are OFFSIDE. I am not a Luo, I am a Kenyan - I will not tell you my tribe as you will go into tribally induced theatrics and histrionics which will be just a waste of time for both you and I.

    It seems the Kalonzo "Msaliti" Musyoka bit really got to you. Pole sana. This guy Kalonzo (rightly called "Msaliti") Musyoka is mediocrity, incompetence and hypocrisy epitomized. A real Judas, supposedly "Holy, saved and a man of God" on the outside while ndani yake yeye ni SHETANI IBILISI.

    Just in case you doubt me, he (Kalonzo "Msaliti" Musyoka) has always been and is still a great admirer of Kleptocrat Daniel arap Moi (another supposedly "Holy, saved man of God" on the outside while ndani yake yeye ni SHETANI IBILISI) who brought this country's economy to its knees via massive corruption, looting, outright theft and gross human rights abuses. These are not the behaviors of a "Holy, saved and man of God."

    No wonder Msaliti is with Kibaki and Moi is one of the biggest supporters and defenders of Kibaki. All three, (Moi, Kibaki and Msaliti) and cut from the same cloth of mediocrity, incompetence and hypocrisy.

  19. Anon 5:59 AM

    You realy know how to answer questions and cheap criticism. Brilliant

  20. Anonymous 6:33 A.M.

    Whom did the alleged Msaliti, one Kalonzo Musyoka, betray? Tell us

  21. Chris. Could you stop these idiots from insulting the President of Kenya? Anyone who insults our President is also insulting the Republic. It is a criminal act to insult the President and am wondering whether this blog is encouraging criminal activity. Ask any Lawyer, it is criminal to insult the President and one can get 12 months in Kamiti prison and 7 rashes of the cane! Kioko,BC canada.

  22. Anon 6:33 AM, wewe ni jaluo kamili! if u r not when did you had your cut?

    I know you like to lie it was 1973 "msema kweli", just tell us the truth.

  23. how can anyone in their right mind miss Phil matapiko? A useless piece of shit walking around in kenya!

  24. anon 6.41

    What is rashes?

  25. Anon 6:33 A.M,

    Wewe ni MBUZI. To answer you ni kama kuchezea Mbuzi Guitar - a very big waste of time. You will behave even worse than a the herbivorous Mbuzi, you will DELIBERATELY REFUSE to get it - it is most likely that you were one of the many clowns and goons who were fraudulently insisting and trying to pull of the big lie that Kibaki won the elections fair and square.

    At least the herbivorous Mbuzi will give me a puzzled look of ignorance or let loose a few puzzled bleats.

    You' the omnivorous MBUZI, will DELIBERATELY REFUSE to get it even when it is staring at you right in the face.

  26. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  27. Anon 6:54 AM,

    You asked what anon 6.41, a Mt Kenya mongrel, meant by "rashes."

    The pumbavu's mother tounge simply could not avoid getting in the way. He mixed (or was it STEALING) up his/her "L's" and "R's" and thats why he spelled lashes as RASHES.

    Bwa, bwa, bwa, ha, ha, ha... this is hilarious.

  28. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  29. Chris,

    I think we need some moderation...

  30. Sure Joe agreed.Chris,go a step further and shut down this miserable blog.It long lost its relevance.

  31. Anon 9:17 AM
    If chris shut this blog,taabu aka misery will find nothing to do.

  32. Please stop siasa ya makende.Am not a luo but proud of Luo citizens like Tom Mboya, Robert Ouko etc who made huge contributions and sacrifice for Kenya, though they were not circumcised ( being Luos)And yes, from what i hear on the street, Ruto is peeling away some Luo support from Raila.

  33. Anon 10.45am. so you are a kalee? worse.

  34. What contribution did Robert Ouko make to Kenya? when did sleeping with married women become a national contribution? What type of "doctor" was he? Many 8-4-4 products do not know that Ouko had an honorary doctorate and that he was an advocate and a defender of the one party dictatorship of President Daniel Arap Moi. Of course Kenyans were shocked by his brutal murder and that is all!!


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